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Art Test- 7 Principles

Balance: the comfortable arrangement of the things in art Unity: means that all is in harmony. Variety adds interest Space: exists around us. We use illusions to make space in art. Variety (contrast): is the difference between elements in Art work Rhythm: is the repetition of shapes, lines, and forms Emphasis: is the creation of a focal are in a work of art Movement: is how we get around in a work of art

concerned with making things look equal 2 types: Symmetrical (formal) Asymmetrical (informal)

Symmetrical - In symmetrical Balance both halves of the pieces are exactly the same, like mirror images of each other e.g.

Asymmetrical - Asymmetrical Balance involves a balance unlike/different object e.g.

- Is a feeling which makes you feel everything fits together Example: Surface is similar (texture = feeling) One colour dominant in artwork - Repeating similar shapes

Positive : Area that a form occupies Negative : Area that a form surrounds Techniques: Linear perspective = Parallel lines and edges lead to vanishing point Size changes = Farther away means smaller Overlapping = Top layer appear closer Graduation (detail) = in distance means less detail Vertical location = higher appears further away Shading/Value = Light and Shadows create illusion of form and shape

Concerned with difference or contrast Achieved by adding something DIFFERENT (not boring) Basically combination would work (refer to logo)

Repeating of an element to create movement Makes work seem active. Eyes should move along edges and lines (by using shape, color, texture) Tends to lead us to a focal point

- used to focus attention in a composition Definitions: Center of Interest: The area of main interest, usually not in the center Converging lines: lines may be used to direct attention to the focal point Contrast: The center of interest is indicated by being lighter or darker Dominant: The major element of a composition Focal point: The first thing the eye sees when viewing an artwork Isolation: When one form is set apart from others Rule-of-thirds: An imaginary tic-tac-toe grid with the main subject placed at an intersection - Sgfd

leads viewer to sense action

can also be a path the viewers eye follows

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