MINI-LINK Craft User Guide

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USER GUIDE 1/1553-CSH 109 32/1-V1 Uen X

MINI-LINK Craft User Guide MINI-LINK Craft 2.10, ETSI

Copyright Ericsson AB 20082010. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.

1 2 3 3.1 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Introduction Safety Information Preparations Additional Preparations Using The FTP Server Configuring The FTP Server Starting and Stopping the FTP Server Using MINI-LINK Craft User Interface Overview Menus Management Tree Notification List Text Editor Bug Reporting Tool Wizards Naming Principles MINI-LINK Craft Troubleshooting

Reference List

1 Introduction
This user guide provides information about the MINI-LINK Craft 2.9.

2 Safety Information

Make sure that the information in the following documents has been understood by the persons performing the procedures: Personal Health and Safety Information System Safety Information Supplementary Safety Information for MINI-LINK

3 Preparations
This section presents the preparations needed for a successful completion of the procedures in this instruction.

3.1 Additional Preparations

Consider the following additional preparations: Read through all applicable sections and make sure referenced documents are available. Make sure you have access to the NE using MINI-LINK Craft. For more information, see Accessing a Network Element.

4 Using The FTP Server

MINI-LINK Craft comes with a built-in FTP server that can be used for uploading and downloading configuration files and load modules.

4.1 Configuring The FTP Server

To configure the FTP server: 1. Start MINI-LINK Craft. 2. On the Tools menu, click FTP Server. 3. Under Configuration, select Automatic Start-Up if you want the FTP server to start every time MINI-LINK Craft is started. 4. In the FTP Port box, type the port number to use for FTP. Port 21 is the established standard for FTP. 5. In the FTP Home box, type the path to the directory on the PC used for uploading and downloading configuration files and load modules. The structure of this directory must follow the guidelines in SW Management Overview. 6. Specify the User Name and Password used to log in to the FTP server. These need to be the same as those specified for the FTP client on the LAN/Servers Configuration page, see MINI-LINK Craft User Interface Descriptions. As default, user name default with password default is possible to use. It is also possible to select Allow Anonymous Login and login with user name anonymous. In this case a password is not needed (the FTP server accepts any text). 7. In the Permissions list, select whether the FTP server should allow read-write operations or only read operations. To be able to upload files to the FTP server, this must be set to read-write.

4.2 Starting and Stopping the FTP Server

To start or stop the FTP server: 1. Start MINI-LINK Craft. 2. On the Tools menu, click FTP Server. 3. Under Starting and Stopping, do one of the following: Click Start to start the server. The server can also start automatically every time you start the PC by selecting Automatic Start-Up under Configuration. Click Stop to stop the server if it is already running. Click Restart to restart the server with a changed configuration.

5 Using MINI-LINK Craft

This section describes the basics of how to work with the MINI-LINK Craft.

5.1 User Interface Overview

Figure 1 shows the different parts of the MINI-LINK Craft user interface. The main frame displays information on different pages, further described in MINI-LINK Craft User Interface Descriptions. The other parts are described in the following sections.

Figure 1 MINI-LINK Craft Desktop Overview A B C D E F G H I J Menu bar Contains commands, see Section 5.2.1. Toolbar Contains buttons and commands for commonly used tasks. Navigation buttons Moves back and forward to previously viewed pages. Management Tree Shows the tree of managed objects, see Section 5.3. Browser Contains the main area for working with the NE. Notification List Displays alarm notifications, see Section 5.4. Total alarms Shows the total number of active alarms in the NE. Total events Shows the total number of active events in the NE. Error log Indicates if the error log contains messages. Connected Indicates if MINI-LINK Craft is connected to the NE.

5.2 Menus
This section describes the menus in MINI-LINK Craft. 5.2.1 Menus in MINI-LINK Craft

Figure 2 MINI-LINK Craft Menu Bar File menu

Figure 3 MINI-LINK Craft File Menu Save Saves and applies the current configuration. Reconnect Exits MINI-LINK Craft and shows the Login window. Exit Exits MINI-LINK Craft. Edit menu

Figure 4 MINI-LINK Craft Edit Menu Copy Copies the currently selected text to the Clipboard. Paste Pastes the text on the Clipboard at the insertion point. View menu

Figure 5 MINI-LINK Craft View Menu Toolbars Configures the toolbars in MINI-LINK Craft. o Desktop Shows or hides the Desktop toolbar.

Navigation Shows or hides the Navigation toolbar.

o Labels Shows or hides text labels under the icons on toolbars. o Lock the Toolbars Locks the toolbars from changes. Statusbar Shows or hides the Status Bar. Management Tree Shows or hides the Management Tree. Notification List Shows or hides the Notification List. Last Alarm Shows or hides the Last Alarm bar. Back Shows the previously viewed page. Forward Shows the next page in a previously displayed sequence of pages. Up Shows the Alarms and Status page for the parent object. Stop Stops the loading of the page. Refresh Refreshes the page view. Error log Opens the Logviewer window. Tools menu

Figure 6 MINI-LINK Craft Tools Menu Text Editor Starts a simple text editor, see Section 5.5. FTP Server Opens the management page for the built-in FTP server. FTP Server in New Window Opens the management page for the built-in FTP server in a new web browser window. Wizards menu

Figure 7 MINI-LINK Craft Wizards Menu See Section 5.7 for more information. Layer 1 Connection Wizard Opens the Layer 1 Connection Wizard. Layer 2 Connection Wizard Opens the Layer 2 Connection Wizard. Help menu

Figure 8 MINI-LINK Craft Help Menu Help on Window Opens Help for the currently displayed page in a new web browser window. Help Contents Opens Help in a new web browser window. Bug Reporting Opens the Bug Reporting Tool, see Section 5.6. Ericsson Web Opens a web browser window with a link to Ericsson home page. About Credit and version information.

5.2.2 Menus in NPU Installation Mode The menu commands in NPU Installation mode are described below.

Figure 9 Menus in NPU Installation mode Configuration Displays a menu with configuration commands. o Restore NPU Configuration Opens the Restore NPU Configuration page, providing a guide to restore the NPU, see MINI-LINK Craft User Interface Descriptions. Tools Displays a menu with miscellaneous commands. Help Displays information on the functions available on a specific page. Available on all menus.

5.3 Management Tree

The Management Tree is used to locate entities of different types, that is the NE, plug-in units, interfaces and ports.

Figure 10 The Management Tree Each entity is displayed with an icon and name. Entities that contain sub-entities, for example a plug-in unit that contains interfaces, are displayed with a plus-sign in front of its icon. When the plus-sign or the icon is clicked the entity is expanded and the subentities are displayed. The NE is located at the top of the tree and the plug-in units are located below. A plug-in unit can contain interfaces and/or ports in different structures depending on the unit type and the current configuration of the unit. An interface can contain higher layer interfaces. In this case the interface icon has a plus-sign that displays the higher layer interfaces when selected.

5.4 Notification List

The notification list is a dynamic view. The list presents alarm notification records, and present alarms in an active state, not cleared. The dynamic list are updated every time a new notification is received, unless the notification is suppressed by any selection.

Figure 11 List A B C Filter Current Alarm List Latest alarm (not necessary active) D Status bar: number of alarms, Equipment and Traffic.

The Notification List presents the current alarm and status information. All history alarms are also presented. The dynamic lists are updated every time a new notification is received, unless the notification is suppressed by any selection.

5.5 Text Editor

The text editor is a simple editor which you can use to write down notes and lists during your work and save for later review. Note that you can only save in .txt format.

Figure 12 Text Editor Top menus: File - New, Open, Save, Save As, Recent and Close Edit - Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find, Find Next, Replace and Select All. View - Toolbars (Standard buttons, Labels, Lock the Toolbars), Status Bar, Word Wrap Help - Help Contents, Bug Reporting, ERICSSON Web, About

5.6 Bug Reporting Tool

MINI-LINK Craft has a built-in Bug Reporting Tool. The bug report is used for reporting problems with the MINI-LINK Craft software or the NE. A bug report should always be produced before contacting the Ericsson customer support. Efficient handling and better understanding is important to successfully solve problems with the software. Note: An external FTP server or firewall running on the PC running MINI-LINK Craft may block the transfer of the Network Element Files. It is recommended to turn off any firewalls and FTP servers before using the Bug Reporting Tool.

Figure 13 Bug Reporting Tool in MINI-LINK Craft The Bug Report Tool is accessed on the Help menu.

Use the Bug Report page to control what type of information MINI-LINK Craft will try to gather (all information may not be available). This information is useful for third line support. Description Try to give a detailed description of the problem. Preferably describe only one problem for each bug report. System The Bug Report Tool will automatically gather system information. The following information is collected Report Time, Release (Software release of latest installed MINI-LINK Craft), Operating System (the Operating System which the installed MINILINK Craft is running on), Java Version used, and Client uptime. Screenshot A screenshot of the current MINI-LINK Craft window is displayed automatically. Clicking and holding down will show the shot in full-screen view. Client Log MINI-LINK Craft client logs are added automatically from the error log window and can be found in the file ClientLog.xml. Network Element Information The alarm list, event list, configuration report, and inventory report from the NE are added automatically. The alarm list, event list, and licenses can be found in the file NodeInformation.xml. The reports can be found in NodeReport.html. For Compact Nodes, the reports can be found in NodeInformation.xml. Network Element Files The configuration file, error log files, and the local log files from the NE are added automatically. For Compact Nodes, only the error log files are added. Open Folder Click to open the folder where the bug report is saved. Save Click to save the bug report in a .zip file in the folder tn_ftp_home. Saving the file may take a few minutes if Network Element Information or Network Element Files is selected. Close Click to close the Bug Report Tool.

5.7 Wizards
This section gives a general description of the available wizards in MINILINK Craft. There are two Ethernet wizards: one for Layer 1 Connections and one for Layer 2 Connections. Wizards are started using the Wizards menu. The wizards are used for basic configuration. For advanced configuration, use the Management Tree in MINI-LINK Craft (see Configuration Data for MINI-LINK TN in the Site Engineering folder of the MINI-LINK TN CPI library for parameters that can be set in MINI-LINK Craft). Note: The wizards only read configuration information from the NE when the wizard is started. If changes are made in MINI-LINK Craft while a wizard is running, the wizard will not be aware of the changes. It is necessary to exit the wizard and start it again to make it read the modified information.

5.7.1 Wizard User Interface Overview

Figure 14 shows the different parts of a wizard page.

Figure 14 MINI-LINK Craft Wizard Overview A B C D E F

Browser Contains the main area for working with the NE

Wizard Contents Displays the different steps involved i wizard. Information message Displays configuration hints.

Error message Displays information about configuration problems.

Connection Overview Displays an overview of the obje involved in the connection, see Section

Navigation buttons Click < Back to go back to the pre to review or change settings. Click Next > to go to the nex This button is unavailable until all required settings have be on a page. On Summary pages, click Finish when you wan commit changes to the NE. Click Cancel if you want to exit wizard.

For detailed descriptions of MINI-LINK Craft pages, see MINILINK Craft User Interface Descriptions Connection Overview and Connection Summary This section describes the Connection Overview, which is included on some of the wizard pages (on Summary pages it is called Connection Summary). This displays an overview of the objects involved in the connection and their current statuses.

Figure 15 Connection Overview For each Packet Link, the position of the MMU within the AMM is given in the Connection Overview. For other objects, the position is given on the format Subrack/Position/Port if these are known.

The status of the different objects are indicated as follows: Green The object is configured, validated, and committed to the N Gray Red White

The object is configured and validated, but not committed t

The object is configured and validated, but the commit oper failed. The object is not yet configured.

5.8 Naming Principles

This section describes the principles used to denote the NE, plug-in units, ports and interfaces. 5.8.1 Naming of the NE The NE name is specified in the Name box on the System Configuration page, see MINI-LINK Craft User Interface Descriptions. The name is used for example to denote the root in the Management Tree. 5.8.2 Naming of Physical Entities Physical entities in the AMM are named as: Name + Subrack/Position/Port. For example an NPU1 B in position 11 in an AMM 20p gives the following names:

NPU1 B 1/11 for the plug-in unit. User Input 1/11/1A for User Input port A on connector 1
on the plug-in unit.

E1 1/11/2A for E1 port A on connector 2 on the plug-in


An RAU is denoted in accordance with the MMU it is connected to. For example, RAU 1/6.1 is connected to MMU2 4-34 1/6. An RMM is denoted in accordance with the NPU where it is inserted. For example, RMM 1/11.1 is inserted in NPU1 B 1/11.

5.8.3 Naming of Interfaces Interfaces are named as: Name + Subrack/Position/Port + Hierarchy Number, where:

Subrack/Position/Port denotes the port to which the

interface is connected.

Hierarchy Number, comprising up to three digits, is used

when applicable according to the following principles: o It is not used when there is one-to-one mapping between the interface and the port: E1 1/11/2A denotes the E1 interface on the port with the same name. MS/RS, MSP and VC-4 are denoted identical to the STM-1 port on the LTU 155. For example MS/RS 1/4/1 on an LTU 155 1/4. RAU IF 1/6/1 denotes the radio interface on the MMU2 4-34 1/6. o It is used to denote contained interfaces as in the following examples: The radio interface RAU IF 1/6/1 contains anE3 1/6/1 1 and E1 1/6/1 2. E3 1/6/1 1 contains four E2 interfaces denoted E2 1/6/1 1.1, E2 1/6/1 1.2 and so on. E2 1/6/1 1.1 contains four E1 interfaces denoted E1 1/6/1 1.1.1, E1 1/6/1 1.1.2 and so on. o VC-12 are denoted using standard SDH KLM numbering. For example VC-4 1/2/1 contains VC12 1/2/1 a.b.c where 1 a 3, 1 b 7 and 1 c 3. o An s at the end of the hierarchy number indicates an E1 over a VC-12. For example E1 1/8/1 1.2.3s over VC-12 1/8/1 1.2.3.

The following principles also apply: For a protected (1+1) Radio Terminal with SMU2, the interfaces below the two radio interfaces are denoted in accordance with the identity of the SMU2 . For example: o A terminal comprises MMU2 4-34 1/6, MMU2 434 1/7 and SMU2 1/8. The radio interfaces are denoted RAU IF 1/6/1 and RAU IF 1/7/1. The active RAU IF 1/6/1 holds the SWITCH 1/8/1 interface. A contained E3 interface is denoted E3 1/8/1 1 below both radio interfaces. RF indicates the RAU's interface with an antenna. For example RF 1/6.1/1 in an RAU 1/6.1 connected to an MMU2 4-34 1/6.

The name of the protected E1 interface in a 1+1 E1 SNCP protection ends with an asterisk (*). Furthermore, the protected E1 interface inherits the name of the first of the two unprotected E1s. For example: o The unprotected E1 1/3/4A and E1 1/3/3C interfaces are used to create the protected E1 1/3/4A* interface. MSP protection follows the same principle as 1+1 E1 SNCP protection. For example: o The MS/RS 1/4/1 and MS/RS 1/5/1 interfaces are used to create the protected MSP 1/4/1* interface. The asterisk is propagated to all contained interface names. A Point to Point Protocol (PPP) interface over an E1 gets the same name as the E1 . The two PPP interfaces in a Radio Terminal are named for example 1/4/1 SC1 and 1/4/1 SC2. The PPP interfaces over STM-1 are named for example 1/5/1 MS:D4-6, 1/5/1 MS:D7-9, 1/5/1 MS:D10-12 or 1/5/1 RS:D1-3. An ML-PPP interface is named <near end IP address> <far end IP address>. The HDLC interface is named according to the near end MAC address, for example 00:80:37:89:89:89 - IM. The IM interface gets the name according to its server E1, for example IM 1/2/1 1.1.

5.9 MINI-LINK Craft Troubleshooting

This section contains descriptions of potential MINI-LINK Craft related problems that could occur and instructions how to solve them. 5.9.1 Graphical Layout Problems in the Browser After a software upgrade, there is a possibility that the browser experiences some graphical layout problems, for example wrong background color for the menu, wrong tree icons or plug-in unit pictures. This behavior is caused by the caching mechanism of the browser, often Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6. To solve this problem you have to clear the cache file of the browser. To clear the cache file in Internet Explorer: 1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. 2. In the Internet Options dialog box, click Delete Files. 3. In the Delete Files dialog box, select the Delete all offline content check box and click OK. 5.9.2 MSM Launch Failure MSM 6.5 or later must be installed on the PC in order to completely manage a Radio Terminal with MMU2. During the installation an association is created making it possible to launch MSM from the MINI-LINK Craft. Should the launch of MSM fail displaying an error message similar to Error opening file C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ADMINISTRATOR\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\CONTENT.IE5\O5QNCPYN\TEST[1].mxm, you have to delete the temporary Internet files on your PC. Should the launch of MSM otherwise fail, reinstall MSM according to the instructions in Installing or Uninstalling MSM. 5.9.3 FTP Server If the FTP server does not start, the problem might be that the default port 21 is already used. In that case, the error message is FTP server status change failed. The probable reason for this is that another FTP server is using port 21. Do the following: 1. Shut down the interfering FTP server. 2. Try to start the built-in FTP server again. 5.9.4 USB-cable

If the USB cable have been moved to another node during operation, a manual restart must be performed on MINI-LINK Craft. Do the following: 1. On the File menu click Exit. Wait for MINI-LINK Craft to shut down. 2. Restart by selecting MINI-LINK Craft under Start>Programs. 3. In the Logon window enter the local IP-address 4. Enter control user and password and click Logon. The node will start and be updated with the latest alarms and status. 5.9.5 Pages Cannot Be Displayed after Printing to File

Figure 16 Print to File Problem Printing the Notification List to a file by specifying Microsoft Office Document Image Writer as printer will cause local file access to stop working. As a result, trying to access a page may result in an error message as shown in Figure 16. Refreshing the notification list may also stop working. To solve this problem, MINI-LINK Craft needs to be restarted.

Reference List
[1] Accessing a Network Element, 3/1543-CSH 109 32/1-V1. [2] Installing or Uninstalling MSM, 2/1531-CAU 119 2778. [3] MINI-LINK Craft User Interface Descriptions, 7/1551-CSH 109 32/1-V1. [4] Personal Health and Safety Information, 124 46-2885. [5] Supplementary Safety Information for MINI-LINK, 124 46HSD 101 16/1. [6] SW Management Overview, 6/1551-CSH 109 32/1-V1. [7] System Safety Information, 124 46-2886. [8] Technical Description, 12/221 02-CSH 109 32/1-V1.

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