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Justice Seed

Just a minute, how come you Say and do the things you do? How come you dont have the time To sit on the filthy grime And get the response you do But access mercy, anew? It is because theres a seed To be found beyond the need To be ordinary in The process to remove sin; Seated in The Masters Hands Made to suffer; breaking bands. Justice had a reason for Being with you all the more Because sacrifices took Out the time to read the book To the place it now prevails To be truth and not mens tales Justice came and mercy said Sleeping giants are in beds But they wake up in this trial

Justice came to be the key That gives life meaning to be Beyond the life that I free From flesh and carnality. The chamber of life that knew Existence without a clue That a soul was going to die In sins with no alibi For all the wrong that was done Hiding underneath the sun ------------------------------------------

It cant go another mile Justice had a reason for Sufferings that you endured It became gold that you Searched the rainbows end to view Now it is the seed to be Open for the world to see. It is ripe to harvest for Seeds to be Mine, evermore.

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