Road, Movie (Script)

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raoD maUvaI

(Road, Movie) (beneath the diamond sky) original screenplay by Dev Benegal Official Selection Festival de Cannes 2006 Atelier du Cannes

draft dated August 15, 2008 Independence Day

Property & Dev Benegal

2005 WGA# 132208

WHITE Revision - 8-14-08


AN OPEN FIELD, PRESENT DAY -- DAWN SILENCE. A barren field. Cracked dry earth.

A cloth stretches across, forming a gigantic cinema screenblowing in the wind. A movie image flickering on it. OPJ- 60's with thinning hair, stares at it transfixed. His eyes hollow with a sense of loss. The wind picks up- growing stronger and stronger. cloth billows and breaks free from it's moorings. image flickers in a world between. The The

OPJ chases the screen as it floats away across the open field. He gives up helplessly and watches it become a speck in the sky and turns to the green truck behind him. 2 EXT. ROOFTOP -- DAWN VISHNU, in his 20's dressed sharply- straight out of a magazine looks across the blue rooftops of ALWAR. Dawn in this small town in modern day Rajasthan, India is always spectacular. But it seems to have no effect on him. He spots the green truck pull into the parking lot of the decrepit cinema next door. He pulls himself together and trudges down to work. 3 INT. SMALL WORKSHOP, PRESENT DAY -- MORNING VISHNU stares blankly at his father's open palm. ATMA- 60's has thick hair slicked back. He pours thick green oil on his palm. VISHNU hears the glug, glug sound of oil pouring. It overwhelms everything else as we see VISHNU'S world come alive. ATMA sniffs the bouquet of oil like a fine wine and shoves it under VISHNU'S nose. ATMA Smell this, Vishnu. Get to know it. It's your future. VISHNU chokes. ATMA (CONT'D) Now what do we say? A full head of hair... go on... VISHNU (reluctantly) And everything else is an illusion. ATMA smiles and points to the empty cartons. 3 2

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CONTINUED: VISHNU'S eyes sweep across the small workshop. Rows of old style glass bottles marked HAIR OIL create a claustrophobic feel. Two old elderly MEN sit on the floor and grind suspicious looking flowers, leaves and herbs. Oil of different kinds is being prepared. VISHNU picks up up a bottle with his finger tips. Making minimum contact, BUT the oil flows onto his hands. He wipes his hands with a cloth. It's greasy. More oil on his hands. He curses under his breath. He takes a fresh cloth, holds each bottle carefully, avoiding all contact and fills the cartons.

EXT. STREETS OF ALWAR -- MORNING VISHNU drives their old Vespa. ATMA rides pillion.

VISHNU looks quite the dude; Ray Ban's, Red tab Levi's, Nike T-Shirt. He's got the labels right. But the bike is out of control. ATMA holds on for dear life. Trying to save his own life and the cartons of hair oil nestled between them. 5 INT. CONVENTION HALL IN A 2-STAR HOTEL -- CONTINUOUS VISHNU'S eyes take in middle aged men in all sizes and shapes, talking passionately about grooming productsshampoo, conditioners, gels, sprays, mousse, herbs... It's a convention of hair oil salesmen. VISHNU hears the sloshing sound of hair oil. It overwhelms him. He inches towards the exit, attempting to slip away. ATMA yanks him back. disgust. He stares at his tousled hair in 5

ATMA Oil your hair. Be a man. at me.


VISHNU'S eyes focus instead on the TV set in the corner. He tunes in to the news flash. NEWSREADER ON TV Drought conditions in Alwar continue. Law enforcement agencies are cracking down on the water mafia who have blocked supply to our city and raised the price of water. Later we'll be telling you what you can do to save water...

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CONTINUED: On stage the convention PRESIDENT, in a bright business suit trying to look sophisticated speaks in platitudes. PRESIDENT The future is staring at us. Let's embrace it. With new ideas, new products. Like the Chinese. (pause) Forget the past. It's another country. ATMA tries to catch the eyes of buyers. But they just ignore his display and walk past. The bottles lie unsold.

EXT. CONVENTION HALL IN A 2-STAR HOTEL -- LATER They silently pack their product and make their way out.

INT. SMALL WORKSHOP -- DAY OPJ sits across the table. His head in a baseball cap. He removes his cap to reveal thinning hair. OPJ Find a solution Atma. This new stuff just doesn't work for me. ATMA inspects his thinning scalp like a skin specialist. OPJ (CONT'D) I leave tomorrow. Found a buyer for my truck. Atam looks at him questioningly. A museum. Good money? OPJ (CONT'D) ATMA

OPJ shakes his head sideways- comme ci comme ca ATMA (CONT'D) Better than a dump yard, huh. (pause) And... you're driving? OPJ Sick of staring at the television all day long. ATMA nods in agreement. ATMA Give me a day. I'll come up with something special for you.

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ON THE FLOOR -- LATER There's an oil slick. VISHNU takes of his shoes and treads across carefully. But slips and falls. Oil covers his clothes and face. The old worker smirks.

INT. VISHNU'S BATHROOM -- CONTINUOUS VISHNU under the trickling shower, scrubs the oil out. His MOTHER screams from outside. MOTHER Don't waste the water! I still have to do the wash. There's a drought in case you don't know. VISHNU looks towards the sound. And then opens the faucet. FULL. There's a hollow gurgle. NO water. VISHNU panics. He coaxes a drop out. And suddenly water gushes out. He lets it run and run and run.


EXT. VISHNU'S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS VISHNU steps out wrapped in a towel. His SISTER is maniacally texting on her phone. He shoos her out. Alone, he scrubs himself dry. He looks in the mirror. He's looking good. He's feeling good. He reaches for a comb. His hand brushes a bottle. It falls. And that hideous, viscous green oil oozes out; rushing towards VISHNU. VISHNU recoils. And slowly steps back out of his room.



INT. ATMA'S HOME -- NIGHT It's a simple meal like their austere home. is clearly just making ends meet. ATMA Vishnu, I've got it. answer. Here's the The family


Suddenly the lights go out. There's a collective groan. There's a hubbub to get the candles. The MOTHER shoots out instructions- clearly the one in control of this home. The candles bring a warmth to the dinner table. ATMA (CONT'D) OK now listen carefully. Two for one. OK, three for one. Repackage it in red. Green. Sell it at colleges. To people who are young. It's cool. No, it cools your head. Gives virility. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: ATMA (CONT'D) (pause) To women, it's calming... No to the middle aged. Stops hair fall, it's medicinal, is an aphrodisiac... the possibilities are endless... VISHNU stares at his father. ever so stubborn. He's a pathetic sight but


ATMA leans back and stretches his arms. ATMA (CONT'D) Get to know your customer. That's the new way to do business. Eye to eye. Door to Door. VISHNU tries his best to nod. ATMA (CONT'D) That's what you'll do. Sell the oil, door to door. VISHNU chokes. His SISTER tries to suppress a smirk. But it's hard. The more she tries the more she fails. Finally she can't control herself and begins to laugh. ATMA glares at his daughter. The MOTHER stares at her daughter and then begins to laugh slowly.... and then uncontrollably. VISHNU squirms in his chair. 12 EXT. CINEMA THEATRE -- DAY VISHNU- gingerly holds a bottle between his fingertips and makes his way towards OPJ and his son UDAY. A large film billboard dangles at an angle from the roof. A new billboard rises to replace it. The sign reads: "Orange County. 7 Star Luxury Apartments. Maid Service & Housekeeping so you won't have to lift a finger. Non Stop Power, Swimming Pools, Health Club, Sauna. Your home is now a hotel. Pamper yourself all your life." A few nattily dressed real estate developers smile. The green truck stands by the side. It's old; a 1943 Chevy, rounded bonnet not in fashion and certainly not in present day ALWAR. VISHNU hands a bottle of oil to OPJ. He smells it and chokes. And then nods in approval. VISHNU ekes out a reluctant smile. UDAY can't suppress his smirk. VISHNU ignores him. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: DEVELOPER And the truck, shall I scrap that too? OPJ ignores him. The DEVELOPER holds up his cell phone.


DEVELOPER (CONT'D) It's all on this now. UDAY smiles in agreement. OPJ'S glare stops them in their tracks. He pats the flank of the truck fondly and steps up on the footboard. OPJ What would you know? It's a Chevy 1943. I fitted it with two German Bauer movie projectors and made it a cinema on wheels. The ultimate home theater. Gigantic screen, big sound, cool breeze, open air... (pause) It was cool, had style... The DEVELOPER realises he's over stepped. DEVELOPER Oh no sir. You'll always be a pioneer. Ahead of your times sir. The DEVELOPER hands out a cheque. DEVELOPER (CONT'D) Alwar will change. Trust me, this is the future. OPJ looks away. 13 UDAY intervenes and deftly accepts it. 13

EXT. BLUE STREETS OF CITY -- MORNING VISHNU jogs. Negotiating the bustling narrow blue streets.


EXT. CINEMA THEATER -- CONTINUOUS The film billboard has vanished. The "Orange County" billboard stands in solitary splendor. VISHNU spots OPJ with his bags- all set to leave. OPJ struggles to put the bags in but can't get a grip. VISHNU runs up to give him a hand. OPJ waves him away. VISHNU peers in. The drivers cab is cramped. steering and pedals are from another era. OPJ Uday was born in this. Now he hates it. Sees it as a sheet of metal. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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The iron

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CONTINUED: OPJ (CONT'D) (pause) Heartless lot, your generation. VISHNU gingerly runs his finger along the rusted body. OPJ (CONT'D) Maybe he's right. I should move on. Learn to accept the new way. Now OPJ is finding it hard to climb the steep steps of the truck. VISHNU helps him up. But OPJ is stubborn- he pushes VISHNU away. VISHNU Why don't you get a driver? OPJ I'm not that old. I can do it. And I miss the road. (pause) The cool breeze, the sweet tea, the purr of the engine... VISHNU looks at the truck and suddenly smells freedom. VISHNU I'll do the job for you. OPJ looks at him and then laughs unconvinced. I'll drive. VISHNU (CONT'D)


OPJ Give your father a hand. oil. He needs you.


VISHNU shakes his head- now adamant and stubborn. VISHNU (softly and with resolve) I don't want to sell oil, all my life. VISHNU takes OPJ'S bags and puts them back on the ground. OPJ is surprised. But VISHNU is determined. He puts his hands out for the keys. There's a longing in his eyes. OPJ recognizes that. He smiles- gradually, pats the truck affectionately and hands VISHNU the keys. OPJ Drive in a straight line. Steady at 40. Go easy on the clutch. There's enough fuel to last you 6 days. (pause) Don't forget to collect the money from the Museum Curator.

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EXT. VISHNU'S ROOM -- NIGHT A frenzy of packing. VISHNU throws his life into the empty suitcase. The Ray Bans, the music cell phone, the road map, hair gel, after shave gel, deodorant, perfume... His SISTER opens the map and stares at the thin blue line. Her finger traces his route until it ends at the seaside. She looks up at him in envy. SISTER The City by the Sea. You're lucky.... (and then worried) But it's over a thousand kilometers. And there are no roads. No maps. What if you get lost? VISHNU ignores her. SISTER (CONT'D) What are you running from V? (pause) Are you coming back?



EXT. HOUSE -- DAWN Its dark. VISHNU sneaks out of the house. Relief. Freedom.


BUT his MOTHER is at the door- formidable as ever. The look in her eyes says: you can run but you can never hide. MOTHER I think it's madness. you trying to prove? What are

And in the next breath she's gentle and understanding. MOTHER (CONT'D) Did you pack any food? You'll eat at a truckers stop? And then the general commandeering a military operation. MOTHER (CONT'D) (to the Maid) Boil the potatoes. I'll make him parathas. Fill up the bottles. Give him 6. No make it 12. He can't eat out everyday. And now god fearing- she smears red vermillion powder on VISHNU'S forehead and does a small prayer. VISHNU protests.

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CONTINUED: MOTHER (CONT'D) Don't make fun of tradition. It's as much yours as it's mine. You're going to be away for weeks. 6 days, Ma. SISTER That's ONE week.


MOTHER Load the truck. Don't question me. His SISTER and the MAID load the truck with food and water. MOTHER (CONT'D) Vishnu go easy on the water bottles. (pause) I've heard there's no water out there. His SISTER crawls beneath the front of the truck and ties a bunch of green chillies and lemon to the chassis. Hey, hey! VISHNU

SISTER Why do you knock every tradition. MOTHER It'll ward off the evil eye. There are bandits in that region. And then just as VISHNU is climbing into the truck a bleary eyed ATMA runs out. He and the old workers are carrying several boxes of hair oil. They load it in the back. VISHNU looks at him in shock. ATMA Vishnu, now if you can't sell hair oil out there... you won't be able to sell water in a desert. (pause) Remember, what we say...? VISHNU stares at him embarrassed. letting go even at this hour. ATMA waits. He's not

ATMA & VISHNU "A good head of hair and everything else is an illusion." He climbs into the cab. As his body is swallowed by the old truck the MOTHER clutches her heart theatrically. VISHNU is in the drivers cabin looking quite out of place.

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(2) Text me. SISTER


MOTHER Can't you speak to one another? Isn't it easier? What's this text- shext? The truck lurches off. Careful. ATMA The bottles will break.

The family waves out, rooted to the road. 17 EXT. STREETS OF ALWAR -- DAWN The billboard from OPJ'S cinema crosses the street. Held high by four MEN like pall bearers at a funeral procession. VISHNU slows the truck and gives way. 18 EXT. ROAD -- LATER A few turns and suddenly the town drops away. The road is an arrow piercing directly into the heartland. The truck is like an elephant. Lumbering slowly down the road; the only sign of life in this wilderness. The expanse is endless and breathtaking. 19 INSIDE THE DRIVER'S CAB -- CONTINUOUS In contrast the cab is a claustrophobic metal box. VISHNU shifts restlessly. The hard metal seat hurts. His elbow 19 18 17

He changes gear. The stick-shift is stubborn. rams into the wooden bunk behind his seat.

VISHNU looks out. It's rough and rocky; like bandit country. He turns to his cell phone for comfort. The signal is at max. He turns on the cell phone radio. In go the earphones. On comes the music; a thumping dance track on the Top 20's. He smiles as he shuts out the world. Bouncing up and down. But is it the road or the music? The earphones keep dropping out of his ears. And he's having trouble keeping them in. The road is way too bumpy. Finally in frustration he gives up. No music. Just the roar of the truck and the incessant chirping of cicadas. The signal on his cell phone drops- the first sign he is leaving civilization. He wipes the vermilion powder off his forehead.

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EXT. ROAD -- LATER A young BOY- 12, runs onto the road. Flagging the truck down. Directing it towards the truck stop. Cramped and tired VISHNU gives in and pulls over.



OUTSIDE He stretches his body in relief and looks around. A tin shed and two rope-weave cots make a truckers stop. The BOY cleans a plastic table with a dirty rag and points to the red plastic chair. BOY Hey driver, what do you want? (pause) Tea, biscuits, some lunch... VISHNU I'm not a driver. BOY Didn't you drive up in that truck? VISHNU ignores him. But the BOY just goes on.


BOY (CONT'D) Well, then you're the driver. What else do I call you? VISHNU (firmly) Tea and biscuits. Which ones do you have? Glucose? BOY Tiger. It's like Glucose. n' cheap. (pause) Driver! VISHNU It's MY truck. BOY Yeah, but you're still the driver. The BOY sets the tea and biscuits on the table gently with a theatrical flourish. He smiles having had the last word. VISHNU sips the tea. face. It's bitter and awful. He makes a Sweet

BOY (CONT'D) What do you expect? Starbucks?

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EXT. TRUCK STOP -- MOMENTS LATER A small tanker pulls up. Two burly MEN, faces swathed in cloth get off. VISHNU notices guns slung around their shoulders. He stiffens and notices the BOY does too. The taciturn OWNER yells from the counter to the BOY. VISHNU Your dad's calling you. BOY Not my dad, I just work here. The BOY scurries over reluctantly. He drags two empty vats and places them beneath a tap at the rear of the tanker. The OWNER peels a few notes. The burly gun MAN opens the tap. Water gushes out and fills the vat. The MEN take aim with their rifles randomly, adding to the tension in the air. A barrel points at VISHNU. He freezes to the spot and looks away. The MEN laugh. The barrel moves to the BOY. The burly MAN pokes the BOY with his gun. The second MAN joins in. The BOY is close to tears. The MEN laugh at their perverted prank. The vat fills up. The MEN shut the tap, get in the truck and drive off- laughing. The BOY drags the filled vats back, putting a brave face. VISHNU quietly pays at the counter and walks to his truck.



BY THE TRUCK -- CONTINUOUS He lights a cigarette and takes a deep drag. easing up in relief. His body


The BOY creeps up from behind. VISHNU is startled momentarily. He hides the cigarette in a reflex action and then seeing it's the BOY is annoyed. Piss off. VISHNU

BOY Don't stop because of me. VISHNU Don't tell me what to do. The BOY continues regardless. BOY (whispering) Hey, can you give me a ride? (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: BOY (CONT'D) (pause) Till the next town. VISHNU (emphatically) NO, I'm not going there. The BOY tries to make eye contact but VISHNU looks away. BOY Look I need a new job. VISHNU Didn't you hear me? (speaking slowly) I'm not going there. BOY I want to get away from here. (pleading) Pleeease. VISHNU stops. For a moment the BOY reminds him of himself.


VISHNU If you open your mouth I'll throw you out. (pause) From the moving truck. You'll die... BOY OK, OK. I get the point. say a word. VISHNU is unconvinced. BOY (CONT'D) (pinching his adam's apple) Promise VISHNU points to the seat with a tilt of his head. The BOY darts across and gets in. 24 INSIDE THE TRUCK Phew! OUT. BOY It stinks. VISHNU 24 Won't

BOY (apologetically) Sorry. Vishnu stares, but the Boy turns away to look out of the window. The clutch slips. The truck lurches forward. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: The BOY flies smack into the windshield. his bloody nose and bursts out laughing. VISHNU looks at


The BOY glares back, mouth firmly shut and raises a small fist at VISHNU in defiance. 25 INT. TRUCK -- CONTINUOUS The cabin is getting warm. VISHNU wipes the beads of perspiration off his face. But the BOY is quite composed. The heat doesn't affect him. The BOY looks around taking all the details in. The cell phone, the bunk at the back of the cab, the rolled mattresses, the jerry cans of diesel, the pictures of gods and goddesses and a small map with directions and some areas marked with a cross. And just as VISHNU is settling in the BOY screams. STOP, STOP! BOY 25

VISHNU hits the breaks without question. Before the truck can come to a stop the BOY has leapt out of the door. BOY (O.S.) (CONT'D) Wait, I'm coming.... one minute. VISHNU spots him standing behind a bush. he is peeing. VISHNU smiles. It looks like

Suddenly, the BOY darts off. VISHNU looses sight of him. 26 IN THE TRUCK- MOMENTS LATER VISHNU looks at his watch impatiently. There is no sign of the BOY. VISHNU BOY. BOY! (muttering) What's your damned name? (shouting) BOY, where the hell are you? Hey, He spots him in the distance. So far away he can barely make out. Scurrying between bushes. Chasing something. At the top of the hill the BOY waves out to VISHNU. saying something but VISHNU can't hear. Before VISHNU can react the BOY has vanished again. VISHNU mutters a curse and gets back in the truck. eases the clutch and drives on. He He's He looks out. 26

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INT. TRUCK -- CONTINUOUS The truck turns the bend when he spots the BOY racing towards him, yelling desperately. BOY Wait for me. Wait for me! are you going? Where


VISHNU doesn't stop. He drives on. But the truck is slow and the BOY keeps pace even though he's out of breath. 28 ON THE ROAD The BOY runs faster. VISHNU keeps driving. 28

There's no sign of his slowing down or even stopping. It's BOY vs. truck. The BOY runs faster. The truck moves faster- in stops and starts, looking more like Groucho Marx running. The BOY comes closer to the truck and in one smooth move leaps into the cab through the window of the moving truck. 29 IN THE TRUCK VISHNU doesn't look at him. just snaps. Eyes fixed on the road. He 29

VISHNU What was all that for? The BOY glares at him. Mouth firmly shut.

VISHNU (CONT'D) Aren't you going to say something? The BOY looks away. VISHNU (CONT'D) So you're not talking to me? (pause) YOU are annoyed with me. Jump off a moving truck... (pause) WELL? BOY You told me not to speak. VISHNU grits his teeth in frustration. BOY (CONT'D) This truck doesn't move it crawls. I can walk faster. Now if it were a Toyota...

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CONTINUED: VISHNU takes this personally. He shifts the gear and hits the gas. The truck leaps forward moving faster now. FASTER, FASTER, FASTER. The ride gets rockier. The truck unstable. away. The silent impasse continues. The BOY looks


And suddenly in the middle of nowhere there's a loud hissing sound and the engine dies. The BOY sniggers. VISHNU implicates him with a glare. The BOY shrugs his shoulders denying any responsibility. 30 ON THE ROAD VISHNU touches the bonnet of the truck. His hand gets singed. He recoils. And the BOY laughs. VISHNU lashes out at him. VISHNU This is your fault. I could strangle you. You've got one hell of an attitude. (pause) What were you running after? (pause) Curse the day I pulled over at your shop. BOY Curse the truck. hill. (pause) Not me. It's over the 30

VISHNU Oh yeah? And what are you going to do now? Fly? (raising his voice) Find someone to fix this. Or else it's back to working at that tea shop. The BOY'S defiance subdues. have hit home. VISHNU'S threat seems to

VISHNU pulls out his cell phone. The signal comes and goes. Giving him a sense of hope. He hops around like a ballet dancer trying to catch the signal. A solitary MAN ON A BICYCLE rides by. He stares at VISHNU jumping around, cell phone held high in the air. VISHNU stops him. VISHNU (CONT'D) How far is the nearest town? (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: MAN ON BICYCLE About an hour away. VISHNU nods. And then suddenly...


VISHNU On your bike or on this truck? The MAN ON THE BICYCLE looks at the weather-beaten truck, a dour expression on his face. MAN ON BICYCLE On my bike it'll take you an hour. (pause) On that truck, who knows? Nightfall, maybe tomorrow? His voice trails off as he rides away. And suddenly the BOY darts behind him. He stops him and after a brief exchange hops on the back to VISHNU'S amazement. VISHNU (yelling out) Running away again? They ride off leaving VISHNU stranded on the road. 31 NIGHT FALLS It's pitch black and the sky is a carpet of stars. VISHNU pulls out a bottle of water and his MOTHER'S carefully wrapped food. He looks around for a place to sit and eat. He settles in on the steps at the rear of the truck. He bites into his food in relief not noticing the streak of oil dripping from the side onto his Levi's. Moments later he jumps up feeling something damp. He stares in disgust at the oil stain on his jeans. He tries to wipe it off with some paper and drops his food on the road. He stares at it and then kicks it away in disgust. Angry and hungry he takes out more food. This time he moves away from the truck. But the only place is on the dusty ground. He lays out an old newspaper and sits gingerly on it afraid to make contact with the earth. He eats in silence. 32 IN THE TRUCK, LATER VISHNU stares weary eyed at the bunk. He pulls out a pair of boxers and a spotless white T-shirt. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: In the middle of the barren road he glances around to see if anyone is looking and then hurriedly changes. VISHNU crawls into the bunk and stretches out across the front seats. The stick shift hits him between his legs. He doubles up in pain. He gives up and crawls back into the bunk clutching the box of food and his cell phone for comfort. FADE OUT:



INT. TRUCK -- DAWN The BOY is shaking VISHNU. He is groggy and disoriented. The light is bright and strong even at this early hour. BOY I found him. Who? What? VISHNU


BOY A Mechanic. Someone to fix the truck. C'mon, wake up! VISHNU jumps out of the cab totally disheveled. He looks at his T-Shirt now dirty and dust laden. And is suddenly embarrassed. He grabs his clothes and rushes to the back to change. On come his jeans, his T-shirt and Ray Bans. He struts out fully dressed, ready to take on the world and stops dead in his tracks. In front of him stands OM, 60- wearing an odd ensemble of clothes, with an old army surplus jacket thrown over. His large frame is overbearing and intimidating. OM looks VISHNU up and down. every detail of the truck. VISHNU eyes him suspiciously. VISHNU Are you a mechanic? know about trucks? What do you His shifty eyes taking in

OM prods the closed bonnet with his stick. OM It's an old truck. VISHNU glares at OM in disbelief and eyeballs the BOY. BOY (mumbling) He said he could....

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CONTINUED: OM (to the Boy) Hey, is the deal still on? I'm leaving.



The BOY looks at VISHNU and OM and shrugs helplessly. Vishnu looks at them and the empty road. has no choice. He pulls out his wallet. VISHNU OK how much? Just fix this junk. I've lost half a day. Time's running out. OM ignores him and calls out to the BOY. OM Open the bonnet. OM looks inside, tugs a few cables, checks the sparks, checks the oil, wipes the carburetor with his dirty shirt. The engine is marked 1943. OM (CONT'D) 1943. I told you it's old. Don't build them like this anymore. What would you know? VISHNU glares at OM in disbelief. OM (CONT'D) Two wires. On the double. stop questioning me. And He realises he

VISHNU looks around not knowing where to begin. OM (CONT'D) (firmly) Beneath the seat. VISHNU looks beneath the drivers seat. tool box he finds two wires. OM (CONT'D) (mutters) Time's running out, my arse. What do you know about time? OM slides beneath the truck. SUDDENLY the engine stutters, the body shudders and the green truck comes to life. OM sticks his head out and smiles cockily. VISHNU looks unimpressed. OM slides out and waddles into the drivers cab. (CONTINUED)
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In a small battered

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(2) VISHNU Hey, hey, this isn't a bus service! OM Listen up. The Boy and I had a deal. I'll fix your truck, you'll drop me to the fair. (pause) And you can keep your filthy cash. VISHNU (still annoyed) What fair? I'm not driving to the fair.


OM tosses the notes back to VISHNU. 34 INSIDE THE TRUCK OM lays himself in the back and lets out a loud sigh of relief. VISHNU Hey, that's my bed! OM ignores him. OM (irritated) Hurry up, Driver. The BOY has the last laugh. Annoyed- VISHNU hurriedly slips the truck into gear. The engine stutters and stalls. OM yells. OM (CONT'D) Hit the clutch, HARD! Now hit the gas. ALL THE WAY! Beads of sweat appear on VISHNU'S forehead. The engine suddenly roars back to life. OM (CONT'D) Yesss! Keep it running. (pause) Now slowly ease off. SLOOOOW! OM smiles in triumph. VISHNU is relieved the engine is purring. They take off without a hitch. 35 INSIDE THE TRUCK OM surveys every inch of the truck. VISHNU looks at him from the corner of his eyes. He is uncomfortable. OM (laughs) I won't bite. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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I sleep here.


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CONTINUED: (pause) 1943. And then he laughs. VISHNU isn't listening. His eyes are on the road; so fixed and focused that he's not noticing anything else. Not the bronze landscape nor the azure sky. He's annoyed. His truck invaded by people he had never planned to have on board. VISHNU (muttering) Five more days and I'll be fine. What? OM OM (CONT'D)


VISHNU Never mind... 36 EXT. ROAD -- LATER The truck trundles on. 37 INT. TRUCK -- MOMENTS LATER A Police jeep raises it's siren. In the outback it's intensity startles VISHNU. He hits the breaks. The truck goes out of control. He swerves to a side road. The cops think VISHNU is escaping. Their jeep races ahead sirens blazing and veers sharply blocking the truck. SCREECH. The truck grinds to a halt inches away from the jeep. It's a narrow miss. 38 EXT. ROAD -- CONTINUOUS The CONSTABLE followed by the CHIEF of Police emerge with sub machine guns. They are armed, unshaven and look threatening as they approach the truck. A huge stash of marijuana grass and a peasant trussed like a turkey are in the open back. The CONSTABLE raps at the drivers window. Papers? CONSTABLE License? 38 37 36

VISHNU fumbles for his license and hands it over. The CHIEF takes one look at it, sneers and pockets it. CHIEF It's for a motorbike. the truck? Papers for (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: VISHNU (mumbles) Papers? But it's worthless... OM sighs impatiently. OM Chief... It's an old truck, it's broken... I've just fixed it. CHIEF Old man, I have to check every suspicious vehicle that goes through my jurisdiction. OM You call this suspicious? CHIEF We got word that Veeru the Waterlord was transporting large quantities of water illegally across the state. OM You've got to be joking. You think a Waterlord would use this truck? The CHIEF raps the butt of his gun to the large padlock on the side of the truck. CHIEF OPEN THE BACK. The CONSTABLE arms his submachine gun in VISHNU'S face. The sound is loud and shatters the calm of the surroundings. VISHNU fumbles with the keys and unlocks the large padlock. The CHIEF climbs inside to take a better look. CHIEF (CONT'D) What's this? (voice rising) Stolen equipment? OM rushes over. OM Does this Boy look like a thief? Can you leave us alone now? Haven't you had made your money for the day? CHIEF Old man, explain this.


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INSIDE THE TRUCK OM stands upright and looks around. His eyes slowly adjusting to the mess inside. He stands transfixed for a few moments. And then... begins to laugh.


OM is staring at two large projectors wrapped in cloth, like a Christo sculpture. A movie poster peeks out from behind, cans of films lie scattered all over, amplifiers, cables, metal horn style loudspeakers; everything a cinema on wheels might need. OM is bouncing up and down; excited like a child. OM You clever bastard! what you are up to. VISHNU is speechless. OM (CONT'D) Do you know what you have in here? VISHNU It's scrap. Been sitting in a junk yard for years... OM shakes his head in disgust. wide eyed. OM That's not scrap. cinema on wheels. The BOY is peering inside, So that's

It's a bloody

BOY (excited) Are you going to show movies? But the CHIEF isn't impressed. CHIEF Do you have a license to show movies? VISHNU has no answer. FOLLOW US. The CHIEF barks. CHIEF (CONT'D)

VISHNU snaps out of his state of fear. He runs after the CHIEF calling out in protest. VISHNU Sir, I've got to get this truck across the state... (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: VISHNU (CONT'D) (desperate) It's a piece of junk... it's a favour... for a friend. The CONSTABLE hits him in the gut with the butt of his rifle. VISHNU staggers back. The CHIEF turns and eyeballs him. CHIEF You don't have a license to drive this. No papers for the truck. You could be a thief on the run. You're transporting film, it's flammable. Do you know that? And this Boy? You trafficking children? I could go on?



ON THE ROAD The cops drive off, sirens blazing.



EXT. POLICE OUTPOST -- LATER A concrete bunker out nowhere makes the Police Outpost. A pole with no flag in front. No sign of life.



INT. POLICE OUTPOST -- CONTINUOUS VISHNU, OM and the BOY step in warily. The police station is sparse and decrepit; the kind that time has forgotten. Through the open door they see the cops hang the PEASANT by his feet upside down. His plea for mercy is ignored. The CHIEF takes out a long iron rod from the bookshelf. He strokes it lovingly and then spots VISHNU staring. The CHIEF prods him with the rod, pushing him away. CHIEF This... is just the trailer... you guys will be the main feature. The CHIEF goes into the room. The iron rod hits the PEASANT'S flesh. The PEASANT'S screams shatter the calm. He pleads forgiveness. But the CHIEF does not stop. VISHNU and the BOY are rooted to the spot, struck by terror.



INT. POLICE OUTPOST -- LATER The CHIEF emerges from the room. His clothes smattered in blood. He stares at the three through his glazed eyes. CHIEF Got any blue films? (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: OM (in a burst of desperation) Yes, yes. Plenty of them... err, in the back. The CHIEF undresses in front of them. Throwing the blood stained uniform towards the CONSTABLE. Burn them. CHIEF


He changes into a new uniform and steps out in the sun like a man on vacation. He puts on his Ray Bans and soaks in the view. The BOY nudges VISHNU- it's the same pair he is wearing. VISHNU takes off his Ray Bans discretely. Through his Ray Bans the CHIEF'S focus falls on the trucklooking forlorn in the waste land. CHIEF (CONT'D) CONSTABLE. Burn the drugs we found in that truck. (pause) Tell the villagers we're showing a film tonight. He pauses and looks at them with a smug smile. CHIEF (CONT'D) And if it's boring, lock them up. And sell the truck. It'll fetch a good price. 44 OUTSIDE THE TRUCK It's wide open for miles and yet the three are trapped. VISHNU looks around helplessly and suddenly leaps into the truck making a last ditch attempt to escape. In a flash OM yanks VISHNU out by his trouser leg. VISHNU falls to the ground writhing in pain. OM You crazy? You want us killed? Get on your feet. Don't be stupid. VISHNU gets up brushing himself, hurt and angry. VISHNU It's not going to work. OM Do you have a plan? 44

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CONTINUED: VISHNU I've lost a day. An entire day. OM Where are you going? VISHNU doesn't respond. OM (CONT'D) Fine. Spend your life here. It's your truck. We can walk away. You're stuck. (to the Boy) C'mon let's go. They start walking. VISHNU relents and yells out.


VISHNU Samudra-bad. OM Never heard of it. VISHNU The city by the sea. OM stops in his tracks and starts laughing. thrown by this response. VISHNU (CONT'D) Do you know the way? OM continues to laugh. Stop. The BOY cuts their game. VISHNU is

BOY Let's get this to work.

VISHNU stares at the truck thrown by OM'S remark and suddenly unsure of where he's going. 45 INSIDE THE TRUCK OM chokes with the dust and the musty air. OM The two of you, clean up this mess. The BOY lifts the covers off the old projectors. are old and monstrous but still have a shine. They 45

OM tries to make sense of the switches and panels. VISHNU stares at him skeptically. OM (CONT'D) You think I can't do it? He spots the engravings marking the path of the film. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: OM (CONT'D) Ah, got it. It goes from here... through this.... past that... and finally out here. (pause) Now I remember. It's coming back to me. VISHNU You've done this before? OM ignores him. His brow furrowed in worry.


VISHNU sighs in resignation and turns away. He marks 6 vertical lines |||||| on the map behind him. Crossing out one as a reminder of the days left. OM 5 days? Not on this road. (pause) What's with this city by the sea anyway? VISHNU points to the projector and gives him a "get on with your job" look. OM stands stubborn. OM (CONT'D) A film show? VISHNU I'm helping a friend. OM stops and looks VISHNU in the eye. Really? OM

VISHNU averts his gaze. OM (CONT'D) Turn the truck around. Face this end to the wall. Driver. 46 OUTSIDE VISHNU notices village folk trickle in. Elders on foot, younger ones on bicycles, women and children in groups. VISHNU turns the truck. The sun is setting. 47 INSIDE OM is flicking every switch trying to figure them out. VISHNU looks at his watch. STOP THAT. OM I'm trying to remember. (CONTINUED)
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They watch him.


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CONTINUED: And suddenly it strikes OM. He yells out.


OM (CONT'D) We need one more thing. What? BOY

OM (leaning out) Power. VISHNU slumps to the ground. And from the floorboard notices an overhead electric line. He points to it. Steal? BOY

OM (chuckling) We are in a police station. (pause) What do you think the cops do? Maintain law and order? Peace and justice? 48 INT. POLICE OUTPOST -- CONTINUOUS The CONSTABLE and a few men carry the bundles of dried marijuana grass outside. 49 EXT. HIGH TENSION ELECTRIC LINE -- CONTINUOUS The BOY stands beneath lassoing a cable to snare the live wires above. The local kids join him. ONE... TWO... THREE... Finally, they succeed. OM (from afar) Watch out. It's live. 49 48

440 volts!

The BOY unwinds the rest of the bundle to the plugs at the side of the truck. Om thrusts one of the live cables to VISHNU. He jumps back- scared. OM laughs and then hands him the safe side, showing him where to hold the live cable. OM winds a cable around the plug. VISHNU follows.

OM pulls the old rusted lever. There's a loud crack, the three step back alarmed at the sound. The needle is stuck. They stare in anticipation. And slowly, it flutters and rises hesitantly. OM smiles triumphantly. VISHNU furrowed brow eases up. He smiles for the first time.

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INSIDE THE TRUCK The BOY sees the CONSTABLE selling bundles of marijuana and prodding the audience for money. BOY (mutters) Thieves. Show them the worst movie you've got. OM That's foolish. VISHNU and the BOY are surprised by OM'S comment. OM (CONT'D) Remember Shehrezade? Forget it. What would the two of you know. (pause) Tell the best story you can. That's the key to our freedom.



OUTSIDE The cops light a bonfire of the illicit grass. The CHIEF emerges wearing jeans and a T shirt- strikingly similar to VISHNU'S clothes. The crowds wait patiently for the movie to begin.



INSIDE OM throws the switch. The projector sparks and starts with a thunderous sound. But the film gets caught inside and chewed up. The three stare at the frayed pieces of film grinding in the gears of the projector. It's clearly not OM'S moment.



OUTSIDE The CHIEF'S getting restless.



INSIDE He looks at the frayed film and the GRINDING gears. Shaking his head, muttering, desperate to find a solution. The CRUNCH of the gears grows LOUDER. Finally... Oil? OM Anyone got any oil?


VISHNU feigns ignorance and shakes his head. The BOY is on all fours searching every nook of the truck. He spots the box at the back.

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CONTINUED: BOY What's this? VISHNU ignores the BOY. The BOY pulls out a bottle. It's broken from the bottom. He touches the dark green liquid and smells it. BOY (CONT'D) Yuck, awful. What is it? OM Hurry up.


The BOY hands him the bottle. OM looks at it and reads the label slowly and then bursts out laughing. Hair Oil... OM (CONT'D)

VISHNU That won't work. OM ignores him and pours it generously over the gears and sprockets. OM puts his hand out for another bottle. VISHNU (CONT'D) Hey... hey... it's... OM What? You want to spend the rest of your life with the cops? The second bottle of oil vanishes into the projector. VISHNU stares at it unsure if he should own up. OM presses the switch and the projector begins again. The reel moves. This time smoothly. He smiles in relief. 55 OUTSIDE Light falls on the wall and an image slowly appears. A hush falls amongst the people gathered. They squat on the earth in small circles; each group sharing a hash pipe- men and women alike, mesmerized by the images. ON SCREEN: Cops chase bandits from a popular western. That's it. 56 INSIDE THE TRUCK VISHNU has his back to the screen. trying to plot a shorter route. In the dim light he's CHIEF Burn those bastards. 56 55

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OUTSIDE OM joins the cops. They stoke the fire with more marijuana. OM pulls out his collection of hash pipes. The CHIEF inspects them with the enthusiasm of a connoisseur. The CHIEF takes a drag from OM'S hash pipe and barks. You there. CHIEF City Boy, COME HERE. He hurries over.


The ferocity startles VISHNU.

CHIEF (CONT'D) Here, try this. He hands him OM'S hash pipe. Smoke. VISHNU declines.

CHIEF (CONT'D) It's an order!

He is red eyed and stoned but hasn't lost his viciousness. VISHNU takes a tentative drag. He hands the pipe back but the CHIEF stops him with his rod. VISHNU takes another drag. Ok, enough. VISHNU refuses. OM The marijuana hits him.

And takes another and another and another.

CHIEF Hey boy, why don't you show a movie every night? Stay here for a week. Be my guests... VISHNU chokes. OM begins to giggle.

OM Chief, you burn more of this we'll show a movie every night. Deal? CHIEF We keep the cash you get your grass. (pause) Now that's a deal. (to Vishnu) Is that a deal? VISHNU nods his head maniacally- more out of fear. CHIEF laughs out loud enjoying his power. CHIEF (CONT'D) (to OM) How did you get it to work? (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: OM smiles, now out of relief. OM Told you I could. VISHNU (swaying by the campfire) It was hair oil... hair oil... What? CHIEF


The words of ATMA echo almost unconsciously through the haze of hash. VISHNU sinks to the ground. VISHNU Hair Oil... hair oil... it's cool. No it's cooling. Gives you virility. Aphrodisiac, aphrodisiac, it's an aphrodisiac... The CHIEF stares at VISHNU, mumbling in his incoherent stupor. His curiosity is piqued. VISHNU (CONT'D) Aphrodisiac... aphrodisiac... aphrodisiac... The CHIEF gets up and walks to the truck. 58 INSIDE THE TRUCK He rummages in the back desperately searching for oil. He finds the box and holds up a bottle in the light spilling from the projector. His smile widening like he's found gold. He sniffs the oil, rubs some in his hair, then takes a deep breath and pours a generous amount into his trousers. 59 BY THE FIRE OM and VISHNU lie stoned and silent by the fire. notices the BOY run into the Police Outpost. 60 OUTSIDE The CHIEF walks up to VISHNU. A strange look on his face. No one 60 59 58

CHIEF You're right. It works, it works! He grabs his crotch and runs around the fire yelling. CHIEF (CONT'D) Where are the women?

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CONTINUED: OM That's more dangerous than Veeru the Waterlord. CHIEF Where are the women? Where are the women? The CHIEF is on a rampage. He makes a desperate grab for the women- young or old, he doesn't care. Stoned and faltering he misses. There's fear and panic amongst the audience. Within moments they disappear in the darkness. The CHIEF is left standing alone, screaming. The reel runs out and the film keeps flapping. The light shines on the wall. No one notices. The audience has escaped. The cops are stoned. The CHIEF collapses to the ground, stoned and still clutching his crotch. The CONSTABLE besides him- snoring.



LATER BY THE FIRE The BOY deftly takes the money from the CONSTABLE'S pocket. The CONSTABLE stirs and raises his hand. The BOY holds it firmly and guides it back in place. The CONSTABLE smiles contentedly and turns over. VISHNU stares at this- a glazed look in his eyes. Thief. VISHNU


BOY (whispering) It's our money... (pause) Let's run. VISHNU stares at him blankly. The BOY shakes VISHNU'S face- no sign of life. He slaps him across the face. VISHNU wakes with a start. BOY (CONT'D) (whispering urgently) Wake up you junkie. Don't you want to leave? The BOY points to OM- lying on the ground. VISHNU I'm not touching him. BOY He saved you. (CONTINUED)
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The BOY ignores VISHNU. He struggles to lift OM'S body. VISHNU stares at him glass eyed- unmoved. The BOY is lost under OM'S huge body. truck and pushes him into the rear. 62 INSIDE VISHNU fumbles and starts the truck. The loud roar shatters the night calm. The stoned cops don't react. He gingerly slips into gear. The truck moves. The electric cable snaps and trails behind them. 63 EXT. ROAD -- LATER It's dark. eyes open. VISHNU can barely see the road or keep his 63 He drags OM to the 62

He pulls the truck over. Gets out and climbs into the bunk behind the drivers seat and falls asleep. FADE OUT: 64 EXT. ROADSIDE -- DAWN OM and the BOY are chowing through the boxes of food. It's a mess. Food crumbs, wrapping, bottles of water. But they are enjoying themselves. OM strokes his stomach and smiles contentedly. 65 INT. TRUCK -- DAWN VISHNU wakes with a start. His head is reeling. He slumps back against the truck. In the broken mirror he sees himself; disheveled, dirty and looking totally worn out. He holds his head in his hands, in regret. He looks at the marks on the headboard |||||| and scratches out the third one. It's DAY 3 66 OUTSIDE He steps out and forces a smile. the cops. Happy to be free from 66 65 64

BUT... The morning calm is shattered by a loud scream. VISHNU stares at the destruction wreaked by the two. OM burps loudly in contentment. VISHNU'S world has come apart. He sees OM stroking his stomach, the BOY looking in the bushes and the remains of food and water on the ground. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: He spots two remaining bottles of water and makes a grab for them. And then stands apart from them- clutching his bottles of water close to his chest. He slowly steps back from this world, gets in to the truck and drives off. The BOY chases the truck. But it's too late.



EXT. ROAD -- LATER A row of women carrying pitchers of water on their heads walk in a long single file cutting across the road. VISHNU slows his truck waiting for them to pass. The line is endless, going all the way to the horizon. He stares at them fascinated. The women cross, humming a song-like chant amongst themselves. It's simple and intense and fills the air. VISHNU strains to hear the words. His eye catches a striking YOUNG WOMAN in the line. For a moment they lock their gaze. She smiles at him. He responds. But soon loses her in the crowd. Absentmindedly he takes a swig of water from his bottle. And then feeling guilty hides it from view. The women disappear into the distance. in the air. The chant hangs



INSIDE THE TRUCK VISHNU releases the clutch. the engine dies. VISHNU curses. He tries coaxing it alive. But the engine is cold and dead. He looks around helplessly. There's no one in sight. The truck leaps forward and



ON THE ROAD He gets out of the truck, bangs the bonnet and kicks the tires in frustration. There's no signal on his cell phone either. He gives up and sits on the footboard of the truck. And then jumps up remembering the oil which was dripping.



INSIDE THE TRUCK VISHNU'S stomach rumbles. He rummages in the truck for some food. There's nothing. In desperation he drinks the entire bottle of water and tosses it away on the road.


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LATER He clutches his stomach and doubles up in a cramp. He rushes behind a clump of wild grass in the distance. He looks around and then drops his pants and squats on the earth in quiet contentment; a look of relief on his face.



LATER He hears footsteps in the distance and the murmur of conversation. He parts the tall grass to look through. It's OM and the BOY. Excited he yells out. remembers he has to wipe himself. And then


He looks around and in desperation grabs a large dry leaf. OM and the BOY walk past. VISHNU yells again. up his trousers and runs after them. Hey, hey. They ignore him. VISHNU walks alongside them. VISHNU (CONT'D) Old man, please. Just start this truck. OM ignores him. block his path. OK. VISHNU walks in front of him trying to OM walks past him. VISHNU Help me. He pulls

VISHNU (CONT'D) You win. Anything you want. (pause) Just start this truck. Anything? OM

VISHNU Yes. Food, water, money... anything. (pause) Deal? OM (smiling) You're learning quick. trust you. OK.

I don't

VISHNU I won't abandon you.


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CONTINUED: VISHNU (CONT'D) Both of you. Please. OM stops. He needs a free ride too. OM Here's the deal. You drop me to the fair. (pause) Not midway, not on-the-way, not near-by. Right at the door step.



ON THE ROAD OM points to a small cut in the road. open desert-like terrain. VISHNU But, there's no road. OM The fair... and the shortest way to your destination. VISHNU But it's not on the map. OM Stop arguing. Don't challenge everything. (pause) What's the point of those maps. They don't tell you anything about the real world. VISHNU looks at the two paths facing him; the road and the uncharted terrain. He turns to OM and the BOY. And realises once again he has only one choice. He turns the truck off the road. It leads to a vast



INT. TRUCK -- LATER The landscape takes a dramatic turn. The earth turns to a copper color. VISHNU sucks his breath in awe. He's never seen anything like this.



EXT. DIRTY TRACK -- LATER The truck drives along a row of men and women carrying pots walking in single file. It's never ending like what he's seen earlier. They are humming the same song. VISHNU slows down for a closer look.


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CONTINUED: OM Water. They're searching for water. They'll walk for days to find it and then days to get back.



EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER They drive on in silence.



INSIDE The three are covered in white dust and unrecognizable. VISHNU spits on his Ray Bans and wipes the dust off. Suddenly the BOY screams. WATCH OUT. Shattering the peace inside.



VISHNU'S hits the brakes in a reflex action. The BOY is out of the cab in a flash. VISHNU Little shit. Did this earlier as well. And the truck broke down. OM looks out and sees the BOY darting behind the scrubs looking for something. VISHNU is about to leave, when the BOY rushes back and hops on. A guilty expression writ all over his face. BOY Upset stomach... VISHNU That was the fastest upset stomach in the world. VISHNU stares at the BOY. Liar. Liar? He avoids his gaze.


VISHNU Liar. Yes Liar. (pause) And I don't trust you. From the time you came on my truck. OM Is this your truck? told me so? You never

VISHNU No, it isn't. But I told you... (MORE) (CONTINUED)

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CONTINUED: VISHNU (CONT'D) (pause) And anyway this has nothing to do with you. There's silence in the truck. But for a moment.


VISHNU'S eye's falls on his cell phone. The signal shows up. VISHNU whoops in joy. He can't believe his eyes. He jumps out of the cab. The signal is gone. He moves closer to the cab and it appears again. Nursing his cell phone gingerly and moving it around like some sensor he locates a spot where the signal is stable. And he dials out. VISHNU (CONT'D) Sis, it's me! Can you hear me? VISHNU is yelling at the top of his voice. and he wouldn't need a phone. I'm fine. VISHNU (CONT'D) Food's perfect. Any louder

OFF SCREEN- there's a scuffle for the phone. VISHNU grins and bears. VISHNU (CONT'D) Hi, Ma! Yes. The road's fine. Yes. Constant speed. No, no. No problems. Works perfectly. (pause) I should get there in a few days. Yes. Short cut. (pause) Sold two bottles... no four. I can do it dad. (pause) Love you too, Ma. VISHNU hangs up, relieved. OM and the BOY stare at him. VISHNU smiles but they turn away. The phone call has set them worlds apart. The BOY has the last word. BOY (whispers) Liar. 78 EXT. OUTBACK -- DAY The red earth reflects a harsh light on their face. heat rises. VISHNU has his eyes peeled. (CONTINUED)
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78 The

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CONTINUED: VISHNU Where's the fair? OM If you keep looking like that you'll never find it. VISHNU We're going nowhere... OM I know it... when we get there I'll feel it. It's open... wide... we can show a movie... VISHNU Oh no. We aren't showing any more movies. Not after last night. OM Well, we won't get water or food... we'll die. (pause) Show the movie, we can make some money too. VISHNU looks at OM, helpless. OM starts laughing. trapped VISHNU and is enjoying every minute. OM (CONT'D) Now just drive on and stop arguing. He's



INSIDE THE TRUCK The three are hungry and parched. Their faces burnt red. The heat has sapped their energy. OM is hallucinating. He keeps talking in a daze.


OM I know the way... just keep driving. Straight. VISHNU Old man... we're lost. no idea... You have

OM Straight... straight... Don't veer off. Keep going straight. 80 EXT. TRUCK -- LATER The engine hisses. VISHNU gets off and opens the bonnet. It's a mass of burning metal. He takes the last bottle of water from beneath the seat. He holds the bottle above the radiator and pauses. 80

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BEHIND THE BONNET He crouches and steals a sip of water for himself. But the BOY is there in a trice. He catches his wrist and guides it back to the radiator. VISHNU looks at the BOY, OM and the truck. white they are all alike. He rations the water into the radiator. satiated by the few drops. He gives the BOY one sip. Covered in


The trucks hisses,

There's one left.

It's VISHNU or OM. He looks at him; expressionless and inanimate in the heat. And then holds it above his own mouth and tips all the water in. There's nothing left. Bastard. OM

He pushes VISHNU aside. Opens the radiator and sucks the water from it. Satiated he stands smug and wipes the water across his dried face. And then rubs some across the BOY'S face. VISHNU turns away in disgust. OM (CONT'D) (mutters) You're heartless... 82 LATER OM lights up a hash pipe and takes a deep drag. The BOY drums on the seat and begins to sing trying to ease the tension. He's off-key. OM hoots like an animal in pain. VISHNU laughs. The BOY shuts up, hurt. VISHNU drives slow and in this heat an object appears in the distance. The BOY sits up. OM pushes him back. OM It's the heat. things. You're seeing 82

And as they approach the dark object it disappears. 83 SUDDENLY VISHNU spots another figure in the distance. and indistinguishable. OM Your eyes... playing tricks... (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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83 It's hazy

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CONTINUED: OM (CONT'D) (pause) You're chasing shadows... straight... we'll miss the fair... BOY (licking his dry lips) Water... water... But VISHNU keeps staring and slowly turns the truck and begins driving towards the figure. It's a WOMAN with a leather water pouch strapped around her body. It's not swollen with water but flat lifeless and empty. BOY (CONT'D) (whispering) She's searching for water... The truck draws closer like a predator. The WOMAN picks up a nervous pace. VISHNU stops the truck and leans out. hoarse. VISHNU Do you have some water? The WOMAN ignores him and continues to walk briskly. There's a sense of fear in her gait. VISHNU revs up the truck and begins to follow her. VISHNU (CONT'D) Hey lady, we need some water. Where are you going? (pause) STOP. We're lost... The WOMAN slows down and turns to look at them. In her late 30's her face is covered with dust, her mouth parched and dry. But through all this her tall build and her lean figure are unmistakable. VISHNU is struck by the piercing gaze of her eyes. Some water? VISHNU (CONT'D) Please? His voice dry and


The WOMAN surveys the truck, sussing out the inside; two men and a BOY. Their faces covered in chalk, lips parched and eyes bloodshot red. Please... VISHNU (CONT'D)

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The WOMAN pulls out a small leather pouch hidden by her waist. VISHNU jumps out and peels a few notes. BUT the WOMAN sidesteps him and goes straight to OM and gives him two sips. He laughs. Smug at his little victory over VISHNU.

And then she pours a sip each into their open mouths. They look up begging for more. The WOMAN shakes her head.

VISHNU (CONT'D) (whispering hoarsely) Just one more sip. Please! The WOMAN ignores him. VISHNU (CONT'D) You gave the old man two. WOMAN (firmly) Learn to live with less. She ties the pouch shut. A few drops of water remain on the neck. She moistens her lips with them and wipes her eyes. The skin around her eyes glows. VISHNU can't stop staring at her. VISHNU Can you help us find some water? (pause) Is there a shop nearby? The WOMAN laughs. A well? OM smirks. VISHNU (CONT'D)

OM You're embarrassing. VISHNU Give me the rest. I'll pay... The WOMAN refuses his offer. VISHNU makes a desperate lunge for her leather pouch. yanks him back. OM Idiot. You'll lose whatever little we have. VISHNU slinks back embarrassed. He mumbles an apology. There's an awkward silence and then he makes small talk in reparation. (CONTINUED)
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(3) VISHNU Are you lost too? WOMAN I'm looking for water. VISHNU Which direction are you going in?


The WOMAN does not respond. OM (O.S.) (wryly) Wherever she can find water. Didn't you hear her? VISHNU scans the horizon. It's stark, flat and barren as far as the eye can see. There's no sign of water. VISHNU Get in the back. We'll drive you... VISHNU opens the rear. tugs at his shirt. The BOY sidles up to VISHNU and

BOY (whispering) How can you trust her? she steals something?

What if

VISHNU And what are we carrying? BOY (whispering) She's a gypsy... from some wandering tribe.


VISHNU Where would she escape here? BOY Why can't she sit in front. (pause) With us. OM (O.S.) Then he won't be able to keep his eyes on the road. BOY Don't trust strangers. VISHNU What about you? The BOY ignores him. He snatches the keys from VISHNU'S hands and locks the rear. VISHNU points to the front. The WOMAN gets in and sits on the bunk with the BOY. (CONTINUED)
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(4) OM (wryly) The last thing we wanted was a Woman. (turning to Vishnu) But I can see that you have a heart... and it's between your legs


He laughs at his lewd remark but in the heat is ignored. 84 EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER VISHNU drives slowly. Through the broken mirror he catches a glimpse of the WOMAN. Her eyes are peeled to the land looking for signs of water. VISHNU Where do you live? The WOMAN points to the right. How far? Her answers monosyllabic. 84


WOMAN Three days... VISHNU Three days? You've been walking for three days? The WOMAN nods. Water? She shakes her head. VISHNU (CONT'D) Her stoic silence says it all. Struck by the gravity

VISHNU shifts in his seat awkwardly. of her life. WOMAN Where are you going?

VISHNU I'm dropping them to the fair. Which fair? WOMAN

VISHNU looks at OM suspiciously. What? OM

WOMAN Where is the fair?

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CONTINUED: VISHNU Are we lost? OM No. We're going to the fair, people will come to see the movie... we'll get water... food. (pause) Simple. OM begins humming and singing off-key. VISHNU and the BOY exchange a glance, convinced that the heat has got to OM. VISHNU speaks in a measured voice. VISHNU We're lost. You said this would be a short cut. (to the Woman) The two of them ate all my food. He promised he'd show me a short cut so I can get back on the road. BOY You agreed to show a movie. I didn't. You did. VISHNU BOY Who agreed last night.


OM mimics VISHNU singing "aphrodisiac" but it falls flat. There's an awkward silence. It's clear the men are vying for the WOMAN'S attention. OM OK. City boy here is selling a truck which shows movies. (pause) And he knows nothing about it. Hey wait a minute, we don't know who are you? What's your story? WOMAN (interrupting) I've never seen a movie. NEVER? The WOMAN nods. BOY Suddenly all is silent.

VISHNU All your life? WOMAN (surprised)


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(2) VISHNU Wow. I don't think I've ever met... OM Ah my dear Girl, you don't know what you're missing. (pause) The romance, the adventure, the escape. The escape. When I was his age...


OM points to the BOY. OM (CONT'D) ...I used to wait for this truck to come. We could go in for free. Sit all day long... No tickets. And just forget about everything... WOMAN There are things I'd like to forget too. VISHNU Yes, me too. OM What do you want to forget? wrong with your life? What's

VISHNU ignores OM. His eyes are on the WOMAN and he's excited and animated all over again. VISHNU We've got to show you a movie. (turning to OM) What do you think? Let's show her a movie? OM (cutting him) Eyes on the road driver... unless you want us all killed. One movie! VISHNU Won't kill anyone.

OM NO. You drop me off, get your food and water and go deliver the truck. (pause) Isn't that what you want? OM'S sharp retort silences VISHNU. But he steps on the gas. The truck trundles ahead purposefully.

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EXT. OPEN FIELD -- EVENING The BOY lights a small fire. They huddle around it.


VISHNU (to OM) Where's your hash pipe? OM'S raises his eyebrows, and smiles at VISHNU, surprised at the turn of character. OM Nothing left. The BOY pulls out some dried grass from the floorboards of the truck and dangles it in front of OM teasing him. OM lunges out for it but the BOY darts away. OM gets up and puts up a weak chase and finally gives up breathless. OM (CONT'D) My knees. Few years earlier and I would have got you. (pause) Where did you get this? BOY (smiling) Emergency stock. To bribe you. In case you decided to leave VISHNU You little shit. You stole it. OM From the cops! The BOY mimics the CHIEF searching for the missing grass. VISHNU, OM and the BOY have the last laugh. OM prepares his hash pipe with care and precision. OM (CONT'D) But don't worry, I'm not leaving so easily. They smoke in silence. WOMAN Keep the fires low. Why? BOY

WOMAN Someone might see us? VISHNU Are you crazy? In this wilderness. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: WOMAN The Waterlord... his men. BOY Do you know where he lives? The WOMAN shakes her head. VISHNU looks around. Suddenly this world seems strange and unfamiliar. OM is quick to sense this. OM What? City boy never seen a bandit before. Have you? VISHNU


OM They're like the cops. a movie...

Show them

The WOMAN shakes her head and speaks in a hushed tone. WOMAN Not this one. (pause) He killed my husband. OM suddenly lowers his voice, his tone becoming sombre. OM I'm sorry... when? WOMAN Two years ago. They caught him breaking into a well. OM Any children? The WOMAN shakes her head. WOMAN His men travel by night searching for water. At night? VISHNU

WOMAN (nodding) It's too hot during the day. VISHNU stares at her like he's never heard this before. There's a moments silence. It's eerie and chilling.

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EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER VISHNU holds up a strip of film for the WOMAN. closer to him to see. But it's getting dark. She gets


VISHNU switches on the headlight. The filmstrip glows. The WOMAN stares wide eyed as VISHNU shows her the images. The BOY joins in not wanting to be left out. And from inside OM too. OM Shut the headlight stupid. battery will run down. The

VISHNU moves the strip up and down trying to "show" her a film. The BOY starts a rhythm on the bonnet. The WOMAN Her voice headlight her dance begins to sing and slowly moves to the beat. is hypnotizing. In the barren land, lit by the the three males are captivated as they watch to her song.

OM joins in and dances with her. Even at this old age he moves with a grace and charm. The WOMAN responds. VISHNU watches her. The WOMAN'S body glows in the headlight. In the parched land she is a sight; simple, sensuous and arousing. FADE OUT: 87 EXT. OUTBACK -- MORNING The white chalk-like earth reflects a harsh and bright light on their face. The heat rises. OM points to a spot in the open expanse. There are no signs of life. Here? VISHNU They get off. 87

BOY You're sure? VISHNU If this is a joke... WOMAN A fair here? I've never seen one. OM has second thoughts. OM Well, it was somewhere here... (CONTINUED)
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All of a sudden the BOY yells loudly. BOY ANYONE OUT THERE? And then looks around smiling foolishly. The WOMAN offers them some water. This time it's two for each one of them. As the last drop falls they stare at one another in silence. VISHNU Old man, there's nothing left. We'll die. OM Shut up. Let's set up the cinema. People will come. We'll make money. Get food and water. BOY And what if no one comes? VISHNU (grim) Just the marijuana? They stare at one another and then burst out laughing. 88 EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER VISHNU, OM, the BOY and the WOMAN build a cinema. They are an odd lot but slowly come together as the cinema takes life. The BOY empties the truck. He tosses out coils of thick rope, Petromax lanterns, Flame Torches, a can of kerosene, electric blue loudspeakers, bed sheets, large cutouts of film stars,... The WOMAN laughs. VISHNU smiles and moves closer to her. Her presence has brought a lightness to the group. OM plants the torches into four corners of the earth. The BOY hooks the posters and cutouts around the truck. VISHNU and the WOMAN stretch the bedsheet across the cracked earth. He makes every attempt to get closer to her. 88

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CONTINUED: VISHNU and the BOY climb up the two trees. counts to a three. They raise the sheet up. It rises slowly into sky and forms a huge screen. The four stare at it mesmerized by the sight. Slowly a traveling cinema comes alive. They gather around the torch as OM lights them. VISHNU sees the WOMAN'S face by the golden flames. can't take his eyes off her. He The WOMAN


OM catches the BOY looking at them, feeling left out. OM It'll happen to you as well. Someday. Not in my lifetime though. The flaming torches mark the four corners of this openair cinema. Its a surreal sight. A large screen fluttering, the four burning torches, the solitary truck with a projector and some oversized cutouts. Tired after the long days events the four collapse by the side of the truck. Parched, hungry and covered in dust. FADE OUT: 89 LATER VISHNU opens his eyes. sound in the distance. His ears pick up a faint creaking 89

His eyes scan the horizon. The creaking grows louder and louder and LOUDER. Vishnu shakes OM and the WOMAN. There's no one in sight.

And then, VISHNU spots an elderly MAN approach them. He's carrying a large bamboo pole across his shoulder. Balancing two large tins on either side. He steps up his pace. The creaking increases in rhythm.

The MAN drops his heavy load by the truck. VISHNU stares at the tins. They are filled with water. He is the WATERBEARER- in his 70's, his face wrinkled by time. WATERBEARER What took you so long?

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CONTINUED: The four attack the water, speechless. the ground satiated. The WATERBEARER looks inside the truck. WATERBEARER (CONT'D) Where's OPJ? Is he dead? Vishnu shakes his head. WATERBEARER (CONT'D) He owes me money. (pause) I knew him as a kid. The WATERBEARER fills a jerry can for them and then almost out of habit goes and sits in front of the screen. VISHNU stares at the lone man in this expanse, staring at the blank bed sheet. Faint strains of music in the distance catch VISHNU'S attention. He preens his eyes. In the horizon a small band of travelling musicians appear. The BOY tugs at VISHNU and points the other way. There's a slow trickle of people coming closer to them. Children in groups, senior citizens being carried on shoulders, Families of four and six on bicycles, people of all ages, clothes and styles which span several generations. A ferris wheel is being pieced together. Smaller rides and merry go rounds. Popcorn. Candy. Fast Food eateries. Camel Carts, Herds of Sheep, Goat, Cattle. From out of nowhere a mass of humanity slowly approaches the travelling cinema. VISHNU stares as the crowds swell to a few thousands. And collapse on



EXT. OUTBACK -- CONTINUOUS VISHNU spots OM hugging and embracing old friends; the flame thrower, the acrobat and his daughters, the toy seller, the PHOTOGRAPHER. He's pointing towards the truck and bragging about his achievements. The barren outback is throbbing with life. OM calls them to the PHOTOGRAPHER'S stall. VISHNU, OM, the BOY and the WOMAN pose in front of the Taj Mahal wearing dark glasses and looking like film stars.


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CONTINUED: VISHNU (to the photographer) When can I get it? PHOTOGRAPHER (smiling) Instant delivery. 3 weeks from now. At the next fair. BOY Don't you have a digital? Wait. VISHNU


He pulls out his cell phone gives it to the PHOTOGRAPHER. He gives it a look over. PHOTOGRAPHER (dismissively) Tiny image. Not sharp. BOY It's all on this now. Makes a gesture with his fingers - such a small size. But the three don't care. 91 EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER The crowd streams in sitting all around the screen. to it like a magnet. Waiting patiently. The WOMAN and the BOY frantically collect money. BOY I'll cover this side. You go to the other. (pause) Remember, it's 10 bucks for adults. Children go free. 92 INT. TRUCK -- LATER OM'S finger hovers above the huge switch. OM Where's my lucky charm? VISHNU crawls into the back and pulls out the green bottle of hair oil. OM kisses the bottle and pours it generously into the gears and sprockets of the projector. The huge power switch comes down with a loud clang. The old projector shudders and comes to life. OM kisses it on it's flank and then wipes the dust off his lips in disgust. He pauses. 92 Drawn They huddle around it. 91

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OUTSIDE The image falls on the screen. And even though it's blurred at first there's a hush amongst the crowds. The BOY wades his way through the crowd clutching his tshirt holding the coins and cash.



INSIDE THE TRUCK The roll of film runs out. There's a loud cry from the crowd. VISHNU looks at OM in anticipation. OM is at a loss. VISHNU is quick on his feet. He tosses a small bit of film to OM who catches it with a flourish and threads it. CLANG. The projector starts and VISHNU is throwing more bits to OM. They are like D.J's. Tossing bits of film into the projector. Playing a mash-up of films. OUTSIDE The audience is mesmerized. ON SCREEN It's not just one movie but samples from many movies. Murders, chases, gunfights, emotional showdowns. BY THE FOOD STALLS The BOY is beaming. He's filling a large sack with simple snack food, local cola, toys and household objects. INSIDE The WOMAN is staring at the images on the screen in a hypnotic trance. The film D.J.'s are busy at work. There's a race to thread the projectors and keep the movie going. The BOY counts the money. There's a lot of it.


OM (to Vishnu) Still want to sell the truck? But VISHNU doesn't respond. He can't take his eyes off the WOMAN. He's riveted by her stoic beauty. 95 DARKNESS FALLS And the mash-up keeps running. The stream of people continues, like an endless wave. 95

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LATER OM lights his hash pipe and hands it to the WOMAN. She takes a drag and passes it to Vishnu. He stares at her mesmerized by the glow on her face from the embers. The hash hitting him. The BOY is dividing the money in four bundles. The WOMAN notices the bottles of oil lying on the side. She picks one up and smells it. WOMAN Mmmm... Parijat leaves. VISHNU is taken aback. VISHNU Err... yes... shoe-flower and err... herbal I think. He looks around furtively feeling he's been exposed. She offers it to OM. OM shakes his head. They all look clueless. OM pats the projector. OM For the projector. WOMAN (to Vishnu) And you? VISHNU recoils. WOMAN (CONT'D) C'mon try some. It's nice. No. VISHNU Not my head. Lovely.


The WOMAN pours some onto her palm. VISHNU sees the oil drop and waits for the sound. He stares as she slowly rubs it into her hair. OM Go easy. The projectors need it more than your hair. She points to the other boxes in a corner. BOY There's plenty more. OM Strange truck. hair oil... Traveling cinema,

VISHNU An army deserter?

A terrorist? (CONTINUED)

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CONTINUED: OM averts his look. There's an awkward moment.


WOMAN A runaway Boy... The WOMAN looks at the BOY emptying his shopping bags. WOMAN (CONT'D) Is this stolen? Are you thieves? OM (laughing) Yes! It's time to tell the truth. VISHNU is too earnest. No, no. No? it. VISHNU

OM I was convinced you had stolen Were running away.

VISHNU I'm not a thief. It's my father's. OM This cinema? No. VISHNU

WOMAN Then it is stolen. VISHNU The hair oil. What? OM

VISHNU We... my father makes hair oil. OM starts laughing. OM We've been traveling with a hair oil salesman! WOMAN What's wrong with that? OM Ask him? (pause) Why did you hide it from us? VISHNU It's not my life! (CONTINUED)
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(2) OM (slowly- figuring out Vishnu) So that's why... VISHNU I'm just driving the truck. Driver? BOY


VISHNU looks at the BOY, nods and breaks into a wide smile. Driver. VISHNU

BOY (snapping his fingers in excitement) Let's sell it now. With the movie! You could make a lot of money. OM I told you, the projectors. (pause) So that's why you hate it! No. WOMAN You've got to try some. C'mon.

VISHNU backs off. But even in their haze of hash OM, the BOY and the WOMAN pin him down. The WOMAN pours the oil onto his head. VISHNU chokes and gags but in moments succumbs to her touch. It's a sensual moment and the sexual tension between them grows. He looks at himself in the cracked mirror. WOMAN (CONT'D) Now you're looking like a man. VISHNU That's what my father says. your hair. Be a man. Oil

VISHNU takes a drag of the hash pipe mumbling ATMA'S words again. OM smiles, retrieves his hash pipe and turns to the screen. The BOY shows him his purchases; a collar and a chain. OM What's that for? The BOY whispers in his ear. OM smiles.

A faded silver chain with a cross around OM'S neck swings out. The glitter catches the BOY'S attention. (CONTINUED)
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OM looks at him staring at it and in an impulsive gesture takes it off and puts it around the BOY'S neck. The BOY beams. BOY So when you die they bury you. (pause) You're different? OM smiles at the BOY. OM Well what's difference? Just two sides of the same story. BOY (thinking) I don't want to be burnt. 97 INSIDE THE TRUCK The BOY'S shopping lies neatly between the projectors. He's decorating the truck. The WOMAN and VISHNU join in. The three transform the place. It looks like home. They stand back to take a look- proud of their work. 98 EXT. SCREEN -- LATER Bleary eye VISHNU looks out at the screen. The image is a blur. The movie still plays. The audience is streaming in even as dawn in breaking. VISHNU marks off a staff |||. Three days left. FADE OUT: 99 EXT. TRUCK BOTTOM -- MORNING The four sleep beneath the truck. from the harsh sunlight. Shielding themselves 99 98 97

VISHNU wakes with a start. It's blinding bright and he can't see a thing. In fear he turns and sees the BOY in the WOMAN'S arms secure and safe. He stares at her breasts rise and fall. He leans across and smells her hair and it doesn't seem so revolting. 100 EXT. OUTBACK -- CONTINUOUS He slithers out from beneath the truck. The field is barren, silent and spotless. There's no trace of the events the night before. VISHNU rubs his eyes in disbelief. Everything has been consumed and recycled. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: He opens the cabin door. His plastic lunch bag flies out in the gust of breeze. He stares at it mesmerized by it's lurid color as it floats down the barren landscape. Feeling guilty he runs after it.



EXT. OUTBACK -- MORNING VISHNU walks back towards the truck the offensive plastic bag in hand. The BOY is washing the truck down like an elephant at a bath. He's also got a breakfast going. bread. The BOY pours a cup. Boiled eggs, tea and


VISHNU sips the tea hesitantly. The BOY looks in anticipation. Vishnu makes a gesture- "it's great." Starbucks? VISHNU OM sees the breakfast and clutches

The BOY smiles widely. his stomach.

OM I'm suddenly ravenous. The four wolf down their food like they've never eaten before. OM strokes his round stomach and pats it. He belches loudly, satisfied after the meal. The keys? What? The keys? OM (CONT'D) VISHNU OM

BOY You're not going to... OM I want to drive. VISHNU No way. I'm not letting you. You'll kill us... with all that shit inside you. OM It's shit when it comes from your shitty town. (pause) Out here the grass is pure. And it helps the pain. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: VISHNU You actually believe that rubbish. (pause) And anyway, you've probably never driven in decades. OM Watch your tongue. VISHNU (firmly) How many years? OM (giving in) OM is rooted



VISHNU refuses and climbs behind the wheel. to the ground. OM (CONT'D) Find your own road then. see where you get to. He ambles off. VISHNU tosses the keys back at OM. has his way. 102 INSIDE THE CAB OM settles into the drivers seat. excited like a six year old. Let's

Annoyed that he always 102 And suddenly he's

He starts the engine and slowly coaxes a roar out of it. He releases the clutch and the truck leaps ahead. VISHNU flies into the windshield. so does VISHNU. VISHNU Easy on the clutch... VISHNU clutches the handle bar. And now OM is sweating. The BOY laughs. And

VISHNU (CONT'D) Constant speed... The BOY is laughing at the reversal of roles. The trucks rocks and jerks, rocks and jerks. while settles into a steady rhythm. There's a palpable sigh of relief in the cab. OM starts to whistle. The atmosphere in the cabin eases up. The BOY sticks the cell phone out of the window trying to catch a signal. (CONTINUED)
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And after a

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CONTINUED: The WOMAN sits in the bunk behind VISHNU. Her arm brushes VISHNU'S shoulder. He moves closer. She lets it remain. And suddenly OM hits the breaks HARD. The truck stops. the back. There's a loud thud of cans falling in He seems to be chasing


OM jumps out and runs into shrubs. something. VISHNU stares at the BOY. 103 OUTSIDE

Something's escaping him. 103 Calling, beckoning...

OM bends down and starts to whistle. and suddenly it's clear as daylight. VISHNU (screaming) A DOG. BOY Stop yelling.

VISHNU You mean all that was for a dog? The WOMAN looks at the three, unaware of what's going on between them. Yes. BOY

VISHNU Why do you want a dog? Well... BOY

VISHNU Well, what? You have an instant answer for everything, what's the matter now? Because.... WHAT? BOY VISHNU

BOY A dog. I need a dog. needs a dog. VISHNU You're just a boy.

Every man

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CONTINUED: BOY I need a friend. I'm the only one who's alone here. You've all got someone to talk to. (pause) And you're no friend. You're just screaming all the time... (pause) And when you find your road, you'll leave us. There's a sudden silence. The BOY has brought home the reality of VISHNU'S task. They silently get back into the truck. OM tosses the keys to VISHNU in a petulant fit. OM Follow that path. You'll hit a riverbed. Turn right into it. Drive on the river bed for a 100 miles. By night fall you should find your road. WOMAN You can leave me here. back. I'll walk


BOY What if you don't find any water? VISHNU (sharply) We'll find her water and then drop her off. That was the deal. (pause) NOW GET BACK IN. VISHNU'S tone of authority and command takes OM and the BOY by surprise. 104 EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER The truck takes a turn. VISHNU spots a low mound on the flat earth. Surrounded by dark grass. Well! VISHNU Well! It's a well! She doesn't 104

The WOMAN is shaking her head in despair. share his enthusiasm.

As they come closer VISHNU sees a well covered with a wooden board. Huge padlocks and barbed wire surround it. He gets off the truck. Pulls a crowbar from the tool box and begins to pry the wood.

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CONTINUED: WOMAN STOP. Don't even try that. If they find this has been touched, they'll kill the first person they see. But VISHNU doesn't listen. Arms raised in the air poised to break the board, his hand falls. There's a loud CRACK of the wood. and slowly creep towards it. The four stare silently


Deep down below they can glimpse some water. But it's too far to reach. The WOMAN grabs VISHNU'S hand and pulls him away firmly. They quietly retreat into the truck. 105 EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER The mood inside is sombre. VISHNU has his eyes peeled for any signs of water. The WOMAN has fallen asleep along with the BOY. That's the only escape from the heat. OM is wide awake. OM Vishnu, you have to get this truck back on the road. Why are you getting involved in all this? VISHNU avoids OM'S gaze. OM (CONT'D) Well I know that feeling. But you're from different worlds. Where is it going to take you? The truck stutters to a stop. Steam hisses from the engine. VISHNU looks at OM expecting him to go check. Your truck. OM (CONT'D) You fix it. 105

VISHNU What about our deal? OM She wasn't part of our deal. 106 OUTSIDE VISHNU checks the water in the radiator. relentless. But OM is 106

OM Passion, passion, passion. Hasn't it destroyed all of us. (pause) Stop thinking about yourself. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: VISHNU stares at OM, hurt that he's been misunderstood.



EXT. OUTBACK -- LATER On the endless outback the truck continues. And slows down at another well with barbed wire and huge padlocks. VISHNU'S eyes brighten but the BOY is quick to realize. BOY It's the same one. WOMAN You've been going in circles. VISHNU stops the truck and sinks his head into the wheel. The WOMAN begins to laugh hysterically. VISHNU is irritated at first and then amused. The BOY and OM join in and what was a tense moment lightens up within seconds. WOMAN (CONT'D) That's what happens to novices. You should have listened to me. The WOMAN points in a direction completely opposite. VISHNU But we're going back. OM Listen to her Vishnu. Only she can get us out of this. VISHNU turns the truck right round. They drive past a large patch of earth which is burnt black. VISHNU notices the WOMAN look away. The BOY is mesmerized by this and keeps looking back as the black patch of earth vanishes in the distance. FADE OUT



INT. TRUCK -- DUSK VISHNU gropes in the dark. He switches on the light. fills the truck with a pale glow. The BOY is fast asleep. So are OM and the WOMAN. middle of nowhere VISHNU is all alone. It


In the

He turns to get a glimpse of the WOMAN. And suddenly the phone vibrates. He looks at it and then at the world around him. His gaze falls on the WOMAN. BRRRRR- The phone continues to call his attention. VISHNU disconnects. And then shuts the phone off and stuffs it deep inside the glove compartment.

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INSIDE THE TRUCK -- NIGHT VISHNU lays out a mattress between the projectors. He stares at the WOMAN. There's a moment of lingering sexual tension. And then he grabs her in a sudden burst of passion. She slows him down, guiding him as he fumbles and then gives into the heat of the moment. The lovemaking is passionate long and endless. And after that they still don't want it to end. She twists his body between her legs. Caressing his face, chin and neck with her toes and feet.



OUTSIDE In the solitude of the desert OM can hear every sound. His eyes are wide open and filled with remorse.



INSIDE WOMAN Why do you want to sell this? It's lovely. Like a home. VISHNU doesn't answer. WOMAN (CONT'D) What will you do when this is gone? VISHNU has no answer. He just stares at her.


WOMAN (CONT'D) Your family? VISHNU They're different. Like me? WOMAN

VISHNU (smiles) No. Really different. own worlds. Aren't you? WOMAN

In their

VISHNU They think I'm strange. But you know, the thing is, I don't want to be like them. I want to... And then he stops feeling silly and awkward. caresses the curves of her leg. She smiles. WOMAN Do you like traveling? (CONTINUED)
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And instead

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CONTINUED: VISHNU I haven't much. Just a few holidays. School. With family. That kind of thing. It was awful... (pause) You? WOMAN (pause) We're always wandering. home for me. (pause) But never on the road.



VISHNU traces his finger from her breasts all the way down past her stomach, between her legs. Careful! WOMAN (CONT'D) You'll get lost.

They laugh and intertwine their bodies. 112 EXT. OUTBACK -- DAWN The morning after the night's passion. tenderness in their gaze and touch. There's a 112

VISHNU sits up and stares at the boxes of oil. The WOMAN opens her eyes and then decides to leave him alone. 113 EXT. OUTBACK -- DAY VISHNU stops the truck. He leaps out of the cab and runs. The BOY follows him. OM comes shuffling behind. VISHNU chases a small pup around the shrubs. OM, the BOY and the WOMAN circle the terrified pup. VISHNU scoops it up and hands it to the BOY triumphantly. VISHNU He's cute isn't he? The BOY looks at the puppy unconvinced. No. What? BOY VISHNU 113

BOY Not this dog. VISHNU Then which dog?

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CONTINUED: BOY He's not the right one. VISHNU turns to OM for a second opinion. OM looks at the pup, scratches his head and thinks. After a measured pause he looks VISHNU in the eye. OM Not the right one. (pause) Let's go. VISHNU looks at the WOMAN. Hoping she'll say yes. looks at the pup and shakes her head. VISHNU is left speechless. who scampers away. She


He drops the pup on the ground

The drive continues in silence. VISHNU (muttering) Not the right one. (pause) A dog is a dog is a dog. OM Let him decide what he wants. It's his life isn't it? (pause) Isn't that how you want it too? 114 EXT. OUTBACK -- DAY The truck moves along the flat open land. A cloud of dust rises in the distance. A dozen men armed with guns their faces covered in cloth riding on motorbikes chase the truck. 115 INSIDE VISHNU and the three are unaware they are being chased. 116 OUTSIDE The motor bikes surround the truck. Gunshots ring in the air. VISHNU panics. He presses the accelerator. lurches forward. The motorbikes roar in anger and give chase. WOMAN Just pull over. VISHNU Are you crazy? They'll kill us. (CONTINUED)
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The truck

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CONTINUED: WOMAN No. You're crazy. Run away and they'll definitely kill us. Stand up and face them. VISHNU (panicking) What do they want? The WOMAN'S face falls. VISHNU notices.


VISHNU (CONT'D) I shouldn't have got into this. OM What did I tell you. VISHNU I mean even YOU. (pause) All of you. NO. The WOMAN points to the side. VISHNU swerves the truck. The BANDIT bangs the butt of his gun on the door. BANDIT GET OUT OF THE TRUCK. 117 OUTSIDE The bandits surround the truck. There's a hush. VISHNU, OM and the WOMAN look nervously. The bandits slowly part to form a corridor through which a short, puny man with tousled, matted hair approaches- this is VEERU the WATERLORD. He looks VISHNU and the WOMAN over. He points to his open jeep. His henchmen truss them to the rear. 118 INSIDE THE TRUCK OM moves to step out. A BANDIT cocks his gun and brings it to OM'S head. BANDIT Follow them. 119 EXT. OUTBACK -- CONTINUOUS The jeep lurches off. The convoy follows. It's been broken into. 120 He 119 118 117

The jeep approaches a well. 120 BY THE WELL

The WATERLORD drags VISHNU and the WOMAN to the well. thrusts their faces into the broken boards.

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CONTINUED: WATERLORD Look at this. All this is mine. I own it. Every single drop that falls from the sky, is mine. He waves his hand in a sweeping gesture across the well. The henchmen cover the well with new boards and new locks. They pour petrol around the well and set fire. The earth around erupts in flames. The WATERLORD fires his gun in the air. The shot echoes in the silence of the outback. The convoy takes off. The ring of fire recedes in the distance.



ON THE JEEP MOVING WATERLORD It's the best distribution system. And I run it, single handed. If I packed it in a bottle and gave it a fancy name, would you still call me a criminal? (pause) No. You'd call me a company. A corporation. Give me medals and awards... (pause) But I'm better than any bloody corporation. Everyone gets my water. From the richest to the poorest. Even her tribe... He places his gun next to the WOMAN'S head and fires. She screams in fright. WATERLORD (CONT'D) You don't steal. You PAY. Nothing in life is free. Go tell that to your tribe. The convoy pulls up by an old abandoned quarry.



EXT. QUARRY -- CONTINUOUS It appears unexpectedly in the barren expanse like a deep wound in the earth. The four stare shocked at what they see. Water tankers of all types, shapes and sizes cover the area; trucks, bullock carts, large drums, jerry cans, leather-skins, open vats. There's no shortage of water here.


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CONTINUED: WOMAN (whispers) He's stealing it. it back to us.


And then selling

The WATERLORD looks at her angrily. WATERLORD I heard that. And then with a lecherous look in his eye puts his arms around her and draws her away. WATERLORD (CONT'D) (laughing) I'm stealing you now. You're mine. And I get you for free. OM Oh no you don't. OM leaps towards the WATERLORD. He swings his gun. It hits OM in the face. He falls to the ground. Face covered in blood. VISHNU sees OM on the ground helpless, the WOMAN trapped in the WATERLORD'S arms, the BOY and the old truck; his world in front of his eyes. He slowly comes to his senses. VISHNU Who has given you the right to own this? The WATERLORD knocks VISHNU to the ground with his gun. VISHNU (CONT'D) It's not yours. It's free. it... belongs to everyone. It...

The WATERLORD cocks his gun and holds the WOMAN tighter. WATERLORD I can take what I want. When I want. I have the power. VISHNU waits. The henchmen arm their guns and draw closer. VISHNU You can't privatize it, put it in a bottle and sell it back to us. WATERLORD You're teaching me how to run my business? VISHNU lies on the ground bleeding- he's not giving up now.

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(2) VISHNU You're no different. You're as bad as those companies. What can she do? Or the old man? You're taking on the weakest.


The WATERLORD turns his gun to VISHNU. WATERLORD You're just a little kid. And we have too many smart alecs telling us what to do. VISHNU And you're no man. You're... You're... worthless... junk... even my truck has more value. VISHNU struggles and looks around frantically. His eyes focus on the WATERLORD'S tousled, matted, dusty hair. In a state of panic the words of ATMA unconsciously tumble out of his mouth. VISHNU (CONT'D) I'll... I'll show you what you need. The WATERLORD hesitates for a moment taken aback by VISHNU'S chutzpah. It's just the moment VISHNU needs. He rushes to the back of the truck. 123 INSIDE THE TRUCK He rummages in the truck desperately searching for something. The henchmen surround him- guns armed. He pulls out a bottle of hair oil from the truck. 124 OUTSIDE Smell this. VISHNU 124 123

The WATERLORD chokes at the smell. He hands it to the HENCHMAN who smells the oil and nods in approval. VISHNU pours it on his head and slicks his hair back. He strikes a pose like the movie star on the poster stuck on the side of the truck. Go on. hair. VISHNU (CONT'D) Be a real man. Oil your The HENCHMAN pours

The WATERLORD points to his hair. some out and massages it in.

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CONTINUED: But VISHNU disapproves. for a comb. He holds his hand out and asks


He combs the WATERLORD'S hair back- in an Elvis puff. The WATERLORD walks over to a large vat of water and looks at his reflection. VISHNU stands next to him. He turns around and fires his gun in the air. The sound shatters the calm. He smiles in satisfaction. WATERLORD How many more do you have? Two boxes. HENCHMAN

WATERLORD Get them out. VISHNU raises his hand stopping him. He takes a deep breath and summing up all the courage, speaks VISHNU It's not free. Oil was never free. WATERLORD (surprised) What? VISHNU It's not free. OM, the WOMAN and the BOY stare at VISHNU. OM tries to interrupt but nothing's stopping VISHNU now. VISHNU (CONT'D) Everything has a price (pause) One liter of water for every bottle of oil. The WATERLORD looks at VISHNU. WATERLORD You're a tough negotiator. No one has got water free from me. VISHNU looks him straight in the eye. VISHNU I made you a man. The WATERLORD lowers his gun. He stares at himself in the windshield. In love with his new image. VISHNU pulls the WOMAN towards him.

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The HENCHMEN carry jerry cans of water to the truck. VISHNU hands them the bottles of hair oil. 125 IN THE TRUCK They speed down the dusty track finally free. OM and the BOY are mimicking VISHNU- "Be a man, Oil your hair." But VISHNU is shaking. VISHNU He could have killed me. crazy... It was He 126 They approach 125

The WOMAN puts her arms around VISHNU to comfort him. shudders as a chill goes up his spine. 126 EXT. TRIBE -- EVENING The truck draws in slowly towards the tribe. it with suspicion.

The WOMAN jumps out. They rush towards her protectively. And then turn to VISHNU, OM and the BOY. A smile on their face and a sense of relief all around. VISHNU is struck by their weather beaten faces, scarred by time. Their ragged clothes and the stark surroundings. 127 EXT. TRIBE -- LATER An ELDER rubs paste and herbs into OM'S wound. The bleeding stops. He lights up his hash pipe to ease the pain. A simple fare of dried bread and chillies is laid out in front of them. VISHNU, OM and the BOY eat in silence. The tribe unloads the water. VISHNU looks at OM and smiles with a sense of having accomplished something. OM Do you think a few cans of water will solve the problem? VISHNU You're so depressing. OM I'm real. Got my feet on the ground. (pause) What's going to happen tomorrow? This is all so temporary. It's fleeting. VISHNU It's real. It's... it's not like your cinema. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: VISHNU (CONT'D) (paused) That's temporary, that's fleeting. OM points to the sky above. OM That's real. The diamond sky. And so is this. He holds up his hash pipe. The two are locked in an argument again. interrupts them. ELDER What's in that truck? BOY It's a travelling cinema. ELDER So that's a cinema? The three nod. ELDER (CONT'D) Does it work? VISHNU When it wants to. Then he looks over towards OM VISHNU (CONT'D) When he wants it too. The ELDER nods and walks away to the group in the distance. They huddle around in a group deep in discussion. The ELDER then makes his way back. ELDER Can you run this for us? OM'S eyes widen. His expression lightens up. at VISHNU triumphantly. OM See what's real? And then he turns to the ELDER. OM (CONT'D) He has to get to Samudra-bad. By the morning. He's lost his way. The ELDER looks up at the night sky. He looks A tribe elder


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(2) ELDER Drive in that direction. You'll hit a dark patch. Turn right. Drive on the river bed. All the way till you meet the road. OM Where's the map?


VISHNU pulls out the paper from his pocket and lays it out. OM traces the route on the map. VISHNU stares at him and then at the ELDER wide eyed. VISHNU So the map was correct. OM You can't reject everything in life. (pause) At the right time everything has it's place. VISHNU looks around. A small puppy has distracted the BOY. The BOY tries to shoo it away but the puppy latches onto the BOY. VISHNU Just a quick one? OM looks at him and shakes his head. OM This isn't the time. here to show movies. your life. You're not Get on with

VISHNU You watch. It's my show. Forget about today, until tomorrow. VISHNU whistles to the BOY. 128 INSIDE THE TRUCK OM takes a bottle of oil from the box. He sniffs the oil. It's disgusting and yet he pours a generous amount into his hand and rubs it vigorously in his hair. 129 OUTSIDE OM steps out combing his hair. Preening himself, preparing for the next film show. His hair shines and he looks like a movie star. VISHNU emerges from the other side. They stare at one another and then laugh. And then in a sudden impulsive gesture OM hugs him. 129 OM smiles. 128

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INSIDE THE TRUCK The puppy clambers in. VISHNU I think you've found your friend. The BOY ignores him. BOY What should we show? VISHNU and the BOY rummage around the boxes and lay out a selection of bits of film. The WOMAN steps in. She's washed her face and is looking striking. VISHNU loses focus and throws the switch. The projector comes to life.



OUTSIDE The flickering image from the projector spills over the tents onto the mounds of earth and on the bodies of people. OM drags his small stool and sits in the center soaking in every moment of the film. VISHNU and the BOY are the D.J's tonight. tossing them bits and pieces of film. They make a good team. An old comedy reel from Chaplin and Buster Keaton plays. The rugged faces of the tribe lighten up as they smile. OM'S infectious laughter adds to the moment. The tribe laughs in response to OM. He can't contain himself either. He is in paroxysms of laughter. From the truck VISHNU and the BOY exchange glances. VISHNU Can't keep him away from the grass. (pause) But, he's a nice guy after all. The WOMAN looks out at the tribe. WOMAN I've never seen them laugh so much. VISHNU Om was right about the movies. (pause) He's always right isn't he? They look out of the small cutout in the truck. The WOMAN keeps


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OUTSIDE OM is clutching his stomach in laughter. His chair keels to one side and then he regains balance. Tears stream down his face. An ELDER hands him the hash pipe. pipe is passed around. OM takes a drag. The


OM'S chair straightens for a moment and then suddenly keels over. And all of a sudden he's not there. No one notices OM fallen on the ground. at the screen lost in laughter. 133 INSIDE It's the first time the three are laughing. They stare at one another, stop and then begin laughing again. Suddenly VISHNU notices the empty chair. He looks around frantically and spots a dark mass on the ground. VISHNU (to the Boy) Go see what's happened? control. 134 OUTSIDE The BOY runs out. The puppy follows. VISHNU looks at them through the small cut out. The BOY is shaking OM. He's not responding. A few people gather around OM. They shake him, check his pulse, put an ear close to his nose. The BOY calls out frantically to VISHNU. the projector. The movie continues. VISHNU abandons He They are staring 133

No self 134

He rushes up to the body lying inert on the ground. bends down and shakes OM hard. VISHNU It's that grass. He was perfectly fine. ELDER What are you saying? You don't die smoking this stuff. ELDER 2 He died laughing. ELDER (nodding wisely) Yes. Too much laughter... too much... Not good for life. VISHNU stares at OM. Even in death he is laughing. eyes wide open, joy and happiness on his face. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: VISHNU can't take his eyes off. The WOMAN and the BOY kneel by OM'S body. WOMAN Vishnu, leave him here. bury him. We'll He rushes


VISHNU stops to think and then shakes his head. to the truck and brings back the cloth screen. VISHNU Wrap him in this. BOY (whispering) But that's our screen. VISHNU It's his now.

The elders lift the body and carry it to the truck. The puppy barks at the BOY for attention. looks at it and scoops it in his arms. 135 EXT. RIVERBED -- DAY VISHNU, the BOY, the WOMAN dig a deep pit in the earth. They lower OM'S body into the riverbed and fill it with sand. Gunshots in the air add to the urgency. The three stand around in prayer for a few moments. VISHNU and the BOY are in tears. The WOMAN drags them back towards the truck. 136 BY THE TRUCK The mood amongst the three is sombre. VISHNU looks at the WOMAN, the BOY and the dog. senses something. She averts his gaze. The WOMAN 136 The BOY stops, 135

The engine idles and its sound for once creates an edge of tension. BOY We could show films... we could travel... WOMAN He's got to sell his oil. BOY We could do that too. (MORE) (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: BOY (CONT'D) (pause) Vishnu Talkies... Vishnu's hair oil... WOMAN We have our lives, our destinies, our fate. BOY We could be a family. WOMAN (to the Boy) There's a time for everything. Didn't he say a good head of hair... everything else is an illusion. The WOMAN takes the small water pouch and hands it to VISHNU. VISHNU is unable to contain himself. He suddenly holds the WOMAN'S face and kisses her, grinding his lips into hers. It's long and endless. He doesn't let her catch her breath. Tears stream down her face and when he does let go their faces are awash in her tears. VISHNU gets into the truck and slowly engages the gear. The two walk away on the road. In VISHNU'S rear view mirror they are a speck. is a blur as tears fill his eyes. His world



EXT. CITY BY THE SEA -- EVENING The truck floats through the city. into berth. Like a ship coming


For VISHNU it's the slow closing of a dream. He switches on his phone. The missed calls and messages beep reminding him of another world. 138 EXT. SEA -- EVENING VISHNU is struck by the wide expanse of water. He drives the truck into the water- like an animal being led for a bath. It's tires are half submerged. VISHNU strips his clothes off and jumps into the water. His head underwater all the sounds disappear. He opens his eyes. The sounds of the fair come back to him. An echo in reverse. (CONTINUED)
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CONTINUED: He stays underwater for an uncomfortably long time. And just as we are giving up- his head bounces out. loud gasp for breath comes as a shock. His


He splashes water on the truck and cleans the dust off. He spots a street vendor selling fresh lemon and chilies. He ties a bunch to the chassis of the truck. He stares at the truck- now glistening and pats it's flank affectionately. 139 EXT. MUSEUM -- EVENING The CURATOR holds his hand out for the keys. hesitates. The CURATOR waits indulgently. VISHNU I forgot one thing of mine. VISHNU rushes back to the truck and picks up the water pouch and straps it to his side. He looks back at the truck one last time. the CURATOR the keys to the truck. CURATOR (mumbling) Can't make sense of your generation. 140 EXT. BEACH -- LATER He flips open his cell phone. And stares at the photo from the fair- OM, the BOY, the WOMAN and VISHNU by a painted backdrop. And VISHNU smiles- finally. 141 EXT. ROAD -- DAWN An electric GREEN motor-bike. VISHNU'S riding FAST. steady as a rock. The hot rod kind. And this time he's Very fast. 141 140 And then hands VISHNU 139

The water pouch strapped to his side- slowly blowing in the wind. FADE OUT

(English Language Version)


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