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William Bill P. Turnbull Jr.


in the dimension(s) of a substance due to change in temperature.

Higher change in temperature (T), greater expansion.

Kind of Material
Quantified by the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Higher Coefficient, greater expansion

Original Dimension
Greater original dimension (L, A,or V), greater expansion

Linear Expansion


A surveyor uses a steel measuring tape that is exactly 50.000 m long at a temperature of 200C. What is its length on a hot summer day when the temperature is 350C? Note: for steel is 1.2x10-5 /C0


50.009 m

A surveyor uses a steel measuring tape to measure a distance of 35.794 m at 350C. What is the actual distance if the measuring tape is calibrated at 200C? Note: for steel is 1.2x10-5 /C0


35.800 m

Volume expansion

V Vo

A copper cylinder with a volume of 23.00 cm3 is initially at 20oC. What if the final volume if the temperature is increased to 80oC?
Note: for copper is 1.7x10-5 /C0

23.07 cm3

A glass flask with volume of 200 cm3 is filled to the brim with mercury at 20.0oC. How much mercury overflows when the temperature of the system is raised to 100oC? the coefficient of linear expansion of the glass is 0.40x10-5/Co and 6.00x10-5/Co for mercury. Answer= 2.70 cm3

Brass=6.0x10-5/C0 iron=1.1x10-5/C0

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