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Aging of the Telomeres

By George Whiley Draft 1

Act 1 Inside the Body Multiple cells are floating around in the blood stream as the camera sweeps towards one of them. The cell spins slowly, bringing the text into view: The human body is made up of a 100 trillion cells, and within every cell is a nucleus The camera zooms into the cell to reveal the nucleus, which is buzzing around inside the cell. As the camera pans around the cell, the nucleus comes in front of the camera in slow motion: Within this nucleus are all the chromosomes which hold information that makes each human unique! The camera is then taken inside the nucleus: Act 2 Camera breaks through into the nucleus revealing a single chromosome, the DNA strands are intertwined and weaving; as the camera nears the chromosome it sweeps fluidly around the strands and bases and slows down to reveal the text: Each Chromosome contains one DNA molecule, containing around 100 million bases ARROW POINTING AT THE BASES ON THE DNA STRAND The camera then moves down the DNA strands to reach the TELOMERES at the bottom of the strands slowly panning around them whilst text subsequently appears: These are the TELOMERES and each has around 15,000 bases! When Conceived - 15,000 As a Baby - 10,000 Die of Old age - 5,000 Camera then pans up to the DNA strands above: Act 3 The camera moves into the DNA as the duplication of the Cells has begun. The DNA strands begin to unwrap and the information in the DNA is copied. The cells is now being duplicated causing the DNA to unwrap and subsequently the Telomeres are shortened

The bases begin to separate as the camera pans in towards them. The camera moves down towards the Telomeres to see that it has become shorter due to the duplication of the DNA. A cell replicates around 50 times before the Telomeres become too short Camera pans out to show the whole of the Chromosome: Once the telomeres are too short it is very likely that we will die of old age The camera then zooms out of the Nucleus and the cell into the blood stream. Credits

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