So, You Want To Build A Cloud Buster

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On the Problem of Growing Interest in Cloudbusting A Personal View by James DeMeo, Ph.D. Director Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory Greensprings Center PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA Tel/Fax: 541-552-0118 Email: Copyright (c) 1989 Revised Edition (c) 2002 All Rights Reserved by James DeMeo "Love, Work, and Knowledge are the Wellsprings of our Life. They Should Also Govern It" - Wilhelm Reich About the Author James DeMeo has been studying the works of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich since the early 1970s, to include the techniques and devices for cloudbusting. He undertook the first systematic research investigating the cloudbuster within a mainstream academic institution, the University of Kansas at Lawrence, producing a report with positive conclusions. He has led cloudbusting expeditions for drought abatement in various parts of the United States, with overseas desert-greening operations in Israel, Namibia and Eritrea, Africa, with over 25 published articles on the subject, indicating widespread beneficial rains as an outcome. DeMeo formerly was a professor of geography and atmosphericenvironmental science subjects at Illinois State University and the University of Miami. He currently is Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab in Ashland, Oregon, and is a senior working member of the USA Core Network, a group of scientists, physicians and naturalists engaged since the 1970s in socially-responsible applications of the cloudbusting technology against drought and atmospheric stagnation. Links to more info are provided at the end of this article. Introduction The following paper is a personal view about how the growing interest in the techniques of cloudbusting might best be channeled and developed for the long term benefit of life on Earth. The purpose of this paper is to stimulate discussion among those currently engaged in research

with the cloudbuster, as well as to sound a warning regarding those who are abusing this new discovery. I assume the reader is generally familiar with the works of Wilhelm Reich, to include both his sex-economic and orgone biophysical findings. If the reader is not, and is contemplating, or has already undertaken use of a cloudbuster-type instrument, then this discussion is particularly pertinent. Over the last decade or two, Reich's findings on the existence of a powerful atmospheric energy continuum, which underlies most weather phenomena, have been verified and strengthened. Reich's invention, the cloudbuster, has been used to break many droughts, and on occasion, to even bring rains to deserts. We know that the cloudbuster has a powerful influence. When properly used, it can trigger the genesis of large isolated storms, or even entire frontal systems, which can quench parched lands and change a stagnant atmosphere back to its more natural sparkling character. The technique has the general capability of affecting jet stream movements and steering large storms; even hurricanes may be diverted. Cloud cover can be increased to generate widespread rains, or reduced to dry up rains during times of flooding. Fogs can be lifted or created. In skilled hands, the instrument has a variety of effects which can benefit a region, primarily in restoring natural cycles of rainfall to areas of drought or desert. It may yet provide a means for reducing the acidity of rainfall. However, there is a dark side to all of this. There currently are two major methods by which Reich's works are being distorted today. One is exemplified by the more rigid, protective aspects of conservatism, which often casts a suspicious eye towards anything new. This approach kills new findings by repressing them, or simply stomping them to bits, using censorship or Police State tactics. The other method for tearing down a new, disturbing discovery is more devious and hidden, less direct and straightforward, and therefore much more difficult to deal with. This method pretends to be a friend of the new discovery, but is actually secretly at work to kill it. This is done by diluting the discovery until it is devoid of any power or strength, or by eliminating the more disturbing, and socially-unpopular aspects of the new discovery. Proponents of this latter method often pretend to be friendly towards Reich's works, even though they have ripped the guts out of it. Additionally, some of these pretenders engage in attacks against anyone who does not accept their watered-down or pirated version as the truth. They may actually spread wild exaggerations, half-truths, or blatant distortions, which are designed, consciously or otherwise, to provoke a negative reaction from more conservative elements in society. And this, of course, obstructs rational progress in manner that is almost as efficient as censorship. In extreme cases, there is even underhanded conniving and direct conspiracy with those in power who have long been trying to kill the new discovery. In this paper, I will explore some of these social trends as they relate to Reich's atmospheric research. Reich was, in the late 1950s, thrown into an American prison, and had all his books and research journals burned by court order. For decades, his research findings had been attacked, but rarely seriously considered or investigated, by a biomedical and scientific establishment blinded by arrogance and power. The attack against him, led by the Food and Drug Administration and the courts during a politically "conservative" period, was stimulated by a

series of slanderous articles that previously appeared in the "liberal" press. Had this not occurred, Reich would have continued with his research program, and engaged in a larger-scale training program for individuals interested in atmospheric stagnation and cloudbusting. Cloudbuster operators, trained under Reich's guidance, working within a larger community of scientists, would have been able to integrate and coordinate their work with weather forecasters, farmers and environmentalists, to assist with the sequestration of atmospheric pollutants, to rapidly end droughts, to lessen severe storms, and to roll back the borders of our presently expanding deserts. Reich instead died in prison, his coworkers stunned and disorganized for half a decade, until a small number of workers, primarily (but not exclusively) under the leadership of Dr. Elsworth Baker, reorganized, began publishing a scientific journal, and holding educational seminars. For the next several decades, work in orgonomy, the science of the orgone energy functions in living Nature, proceeded quietly, gathering new evidence and support from various quarters. A new generation of younger scientists, among whom I count myself, studied Reich's works and replicated his experiments. During this period of slow growth, there was no attempt by orgonomists (the name given to scientists and health-care practitioners applying Reich's discoveries) to make much contact with the larger scientific community, for understandable reasons. For many years Reich's works were read only by the most serious of researchers and naturalists, who could see the dead-endedness and deadly nature of our contemporary mysticalmechanistic science. Reich's findings were, and continue to be rejected without examination by the average scientist and physicians, who today spend little time observing nature, who are not well read on broader natural scientific issues, and are generally not even aware of the basic starting assumptions underlying their own favorite theories and world views. In other quarters, Reich became a cult figure, someone who was publicly admired, but secretly hated, and torn apart. Increasingly, various individuals pirated bits and pieces of his work, claiming them as their own "findings", without Reich's priority being acknowledged. Generally, these pirates cleave off parts of Reich's work, leaving behind the more important, but socially unpopular aspects, thereby gaining much applause and recognition for themselves. Almost all of the contemporary works on the emotional aspects of the cancer disease, on the phenomena of "body language", and on therapeutic "emotional release" or "body work", owe an intellectual debt to Reich that is rarely acknowledged. On the West Coast of the USA, for example, there are perhaps a hundred different types of such therapy, each of which is based upon one or another small part of Reich's work. A common aspect of these pirates is that they ignore the real guts of his work, namely his findings on genitality, the function of the orgasm, and also the role of social institutions, and the emotional plague, in re-creating the emotional damage and armoring in each new generation of young infants and children. Few, if any, of these dilutions of Reich make mention of the sick social fabric, which creates mental illness and psychopathology, or the kinds of things that must be done to make significant changes towards a more healthy, self-regulated world. Whereas Reich came to focus upon the damage done to infants, children, and adolescents by hospitals, parents, schools,

churches, and other major social institutions, the distorters and diluters mention little of this. In so doing, they render his findings into socially-acceptable pap, which is incapable of bringing about any effective or helpful change. Or, they wildly distort his findings, advocating a sexual "free-for-all" in a public manner, dragging Reich's name along as if he advocated such a position, when he clearly did not. Reich called these people freedom peddlers, and believed their real, hidden mission was to provoke a negative reaction from the more conservative majority (whom, by the way, Reich correctly identified as being generally more emotionally healthy than the pornographic freedom peddler). There are many very skilled health-care practitioners, laypersons and physicians both, who follow Reich's techniques very closely, and who address in a very straightforward way his findings on social phenomena. But some therapy practitioners, often in organizations bearing the words "neo-Reichian" this, or "beyond Reich" that, are themselves very highly armored individuals, who lack a serious and studied approach to what they do, and who may only add to the general social chaos and confusion. Fortunately, this is not always the case. There is a parallel between this modern-day abuse of Reich's behavioral findings, and the treatment of his atmospheric findings. There are today, for example, a growing number of people who take a similarly irresponsible, distorted approach to the very serious atmospheric work. This is so, even though some of them offer praise for Reich. But unlike the irrational therapist, whose damage or lack of beneficial help is limited to only a small number of therapy patients, the irrational cloudbuster operator has the potential to do terrible damage to entire regions, and kill a lot of people. Their actions place the entire field of orgone biophysics in jeopardy, and work to block the development of more rational efforts. The reader who is not familiar with sex-economy, orgone biophysics, and cloudbusting, or who does not know the history of Reich and orgonomy, may find these statements to be quite harsh, even unbelievable. However, I have slowly become aware of these issues after several decades of field work experience with the cloudbuster - starting in 1977 during my pioneering study on cloudbusting at the University of Kansas - and following an equal number of years making contacts with all sorts of people expressing an interest in, or barely-hidden hatred of Reich's work. I will summarize some of the evidence for this growing danger, and hopefully identify, isolate, and help put a stop to the dangerous activities of some people who undertake cloudbusting in such a cavalier manner. We cannot afford to see this new technology become divorced from the safeguards Reich developed, nor from sound ecological or scientific principles. Overview of the Global Atmospheric Problem First, it must be acknowledged that we are at a critical point in Earth's history. The science of orgonomy is unique in its perspective in that it identifies the overwhelming majority of humans as being armored, that is, walled off from their deeper feelings, as a consequence of being subjected to ritualized trauma, punishments, and repressions of basic biological impulses. One result of this biophysical and characterological armoring is that contemporary humankind has

lost its capacity to make full and immediate contact with the outer world. This element of contactlessness thwarts the emotional aspects of life, and places people at odds with each other, and with the outer world of nature. Not only are most marriages, and relationships between parents and children badly affected, but likewise, people's perceptions of the outer world are tainted. In general, humans feel disconnected from nature, not a part of it, because deeper human emotion and feelings are, for the most part, submerged and camouflaged. The human who is not in touch with their deeper biological core, and who has contained within their character structure a significant quantity of repressed feeling, be it crying, terror, or rage, cannot be fully in touch with the outer world and cosmos. Those repressed feelings constantly get in the way, affecting behavior, attitudes, patterns of thought, and even one's body posture and physiology. People may retain an inkling of this deeper connection with nature and the cosmos, but the armoring leads to a mystification of perceptions, and the relegation of all cosmic creative forces into an intangible nether-world, rather than to the surrounding natural environment. All of this was documented in Reich's various books, and is the central point of discovery from which his findings on the cloudbuster and orgone (life) energy developed. After some 6000 years of global chaos and warfare, human populations are now too great for the capacity of various lands to support them. Population size and growth are today at historically unprecedented levels, and we are spoiling our nest in a very rapid, perhaps irreparable manner. In addition to belching forth huge quantities of pollutants into the Earth's water and atmosphere, we are stripping away most of the planetary vegetation layer, turning forests into grasslands, and grasslands into deserts. Indeed, desert formation appears to be the end result of human habitation, or at least, human habitation of the armored variety. Reich warned in the late 1950s that the world was becoming increasingly arid and hot, and slowly converting into desert. Today, with the New Millinneum, we unfortunately have ample evidence, from arid lands researchers and climatologists worldwide, to confirm this warning. Consider the following reports (gathered in the 1980s for the first edition of this article): 1) On a global basis, droughts and desert spreading have significantly increased over the last 100 years. New desert lands are today being created at an alarming pace, with around 60,000 to 70,000 square kilometers of additional new desert each year. This is an area approximately equal to the state of West Virginia. 2) Global deforestation is also proceeding at an alarming pace. At least 200,000 square kilometers of trees vanish each year, an area equal to the state of Pennsylvania. From this trend, and given the tiny amount of reforestation that occurs, it has been estimated that the world's rainforests will be gone within 70 years. Without protection, remaining stands of all kinds of unprotected forest may be completely wiped out by around 2100 AD. 3) In the USA, the period from 1986 to 1988 has seen massive droughts of historical magnitude in the Southeastern, Midwestern, and Great Plains States, plus massive drought and forest fires in the West, which continues (c.1988) to suffer from dry conditions.

4) A massive drought of historical proportions hit India in 1986, and would have prompted massive starvation had not grain been stockpiled from previous wet years. The subcontinent has been nearly stripped bare of its native tree cover, and portions are rapidly converting into desert. A major disaster cannot long be avoided. Already, excessive treecutting and erosion in the Ganges watershed has resulted in siltation, recurrent flooding, and epidemics in the densely populated downstream delta region of Bangladesh. 5) In China, massive drought and forest fires of historical magnitude hit the northern provinces in 1987, and massive areas were burned. Tropical Pacific rainforests have also been subject to unprecedented drought and forest fires. 6) The Sahel zone of East Africa has experienced a failure of seasonal rains every other year or so. The disaster in this area is no longer "newsworthy", and hence receives much less public attention. Widespread suffering, compounded by hundreds of years of tribal and civil war, continues in those areas. 7) The year 1987 was the hottest year ever recorded, giving rise to the speculation that the long-forecast "greenhouse effect" is now taking hold. The massive drought of 1988 raised this possibility to a higher level of awareness. Whatever, it is clear that droughts and heat waves are on the increase. These effects are shocking even many conservative climatologists who, a decade ago, entirely dismissed such a possibility. 8) Where rains do fall, they are increasingly poisoned. Acid Rains and Forest Death (a more appropriate term) is now global in scope, killing the life in many forests, inland lakes, and coastal waters. In the 1980s, over 50% of all trees in West German forests are considered to be dead or dying, up from only around 10% as recently as 1980. Forests in East Germany, Poland, and the USSR may be in even worse condition. 9) With increasing tropical deforestation, the atmosphere over the rainforests is beginning to stagnate, giving rise to nearly permanent reductions in rainfall quantity, and highly unusual episodes of drought, or disastrous delays in the onset of monsoon rains. Significant and highly unusual declines in rains over deforested parts of Brazil have already been measured. Massive wildfires have occasionally developed, as seen in Indonesia in the mid-1990s. 10) The quality of the sunlight itself is changing, as the energetics and chemistry of the atmosphere are disturbed. The sunlight is becoming harsher, more burning and killing in nature, particularly as stratospheric ozone is depleted. 11) A record number of icebergs have "calved", or broken away from the Antarctic coastal ice shelf in the last few years. Some of these icebergs are of an enormous, previously unseen size. One is the size of the state of Rhode Island, another the size of Connecticut. This may be the result of the greenhouse warming, and a precursor to an anticipated rise in sea level. Meanwhile, sea levels have measurably risen in some coastal areas.

12) Tropical Caribbean coral reefs are dying in record numbers, from causes unknown, as are many North Atlantic seals. Amazingly, many government leaders have lined up to disclaim responsibility, saying that the thousands of tons of garbage, toxic sludge, and radioactive waste we dump into the oceans each year "cannot be the cause". 13) Paralleling these changes are the widespread extinctions of various species, from all quarters of the globe, related to the continuing human population explosion, and widespread destructions of animal habitats. The above facts are sobering, indeed! We are witnessing an accelerating deterioration and destabilization of Earth's life support systems. Collectively, our species has been polluting both the air and water, destroying entire forests, and subjecting marginal lands to abusive agricultural and herding practices. As these changes have occurred, the energetics of entire ecosystems have been badly disturbed, and the atmosphere has increasingly become stagnant, toxic, and droughty. The bottom line of this whole distressing process is simply that our beautiful and unique, wet, blue planet is slowly being converted into a ball of dust. In 200 years, if present trends continue, Earth might look more like the planet Mars, a lifeless ball covered with sand dunes and barren wastelands. If a science fiction book were to be written about some hypothetical planet where these conditions were allowed to persist, we should have to conclude that its inhabitants were totally insane. And yet, every fact given above is well documented. It is clear that there is a pressing need for new approaches to these problems, and the works of Reich provide important solutions. His sex- economic work would, if more widely accepted, prompt a more rational approach to matters regarding childbirth and family planning, thereby slowing birth rates. However, this is not likely to happen quickly, given the antipathy and resistance the collective psyche has exhibited towards his findings, and all matters regarding a genuine, non-pornographic sexual freedom. For these reasons, environmental and social conditions within the hardest pressed areas of the globe, notably in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, are expected to continue deteriorating. As this happens, desertification, and general atmospheric stagnation will increase, prompting an increase in the frequency and intensity of drought. Famine, starvation, social unrest, and mass migrations can be anticipated to occur in these same regions, with an increasing frequency, over the next 100 years. Given the above hard facts, it is no mystery why Reich's findings on atmospheric functioning, and specifically the techniques of cloudbusting, have attracted a growing interest. In trained hands, the cloudbuster has the potential to neutralize the atmospheric stagnation underlying drought, and restore rainfall over entire regions. And there is no better remedy for the major economic loss, or the mass famine and starvation associated with drought than a return of plentiful rains. Cloudbusting is a technology which could, if developed properly, bring rains to the deserts and drought-affected lands of the world, to give hard-pressed peoples the time they will need to make social changes. The cloudbuster also offers a potential means to mitigate the

effects of acidic rains, a capability which, if proven, would help to preserve the remaining forests of the world until such time that widespread pollution controls are implemented. The Problem of Operator Character Structure Cloudbusting requires more of the people who engage in it than the mere "desire" to "get involved", or to "make rain", or the mere mechanical ability to assemble a few pipes and wave them about in the air. For safe and effective operations to occur, the operator must know exactly what they are doing, and why. They must have a good working knowledge of the cloudbusting techniques and methods which have been worked out over the last 35 years. They must be educated in basic climatology and atmospheric dynamics. Additionally, and most importantly, the cloudbuster operator must not possess any significant degree of biophysical, emotional armoring. They must be emotionally fluid, with a capacity for full bioenergetic contact with the natural environment. They must possess the capability of perceptively understanding the unspoken language of the living, which is energetically expressed in the atmosphere and landscape. It must always be kept in mind that the cloudbuster is a tool by which the atmosphere is restored to a state of self-regulated functioning. It is not a "weather modification" apparatus, like cloudseeding, where the atmosphere is forced to do this or that, or is "pushed about" to do something it normally would not do. Anyone wishing to work with a cloudbuster must therefore have an intuitive, gut-level grasp of the concept of atmospheric self-regulation. For this, they must be self-regulated people, free from emotional inhibition and secondary behavior. They must, as much as is possible, be what Reich called unarmored, genital characters, that is, individuals who have maintained, or regained through therapy, the capacity for making full contact with their deeper emotions, and who are orgastically potent, as defined by Reich. They must not be openly or secretly cruel, sadistic, or domineering towards the opposite sex, nor be timid or fearful. This question of how the individual relates to the opposite sex is, aside from other characterological considerations, a give-away as to their deeper emotional self, and a clear predictor of the attitude and behavior towards the natural environment. Reich's initial point of departure from conventional modes of thinking was, as he put it, the discovery of "the bioenergetic function of excitability and motility of living substance". Through this discovery, he eventually clarified the relationship between psyche and soma, which are underlain by the deeper common functioning principle of the biological orgone energy, or life energy. As this energy flows or pulses through the body, it gives rise to a spectrum of psychic, emotional, and somatic, organic phenomena. The first volume of Reich's monumental work Discovery of the Orgone was subtitled Function of the Orgasm, as the orgasm was identified to have an important discharge function, the capacity for which was always present in emotionally healthy, non-neurotic people, but always absent in people with neuroses, or any other form of mild or severe mental illness. Disturbances in orgastic functioning, and pathological attitudes toward the opposite sex, underlay every neurotic, self-destructive, or sadistic component in behavior. Indeed, Reich came to view the love life of his patients as a primary indicator of

emotional and mental health. He wrote extensively on the sexual psychopathology among power-hungry politicians and dictators, and among the masses of people who chased after them, doing their dirty work, casting off their social responsibilities for the comfortable yoke of despotism. Emotional health and sexual health were inseparable, and formed the basis of clear, unimpeded bioenergetic contact between the individual and the larger natural environment. Just as Reich found that the unimpeded flow of life energy in the body was essential to psychic and somatic health, he also discovered, some years later, that a similar unimpeded flow of life energy in the atmosphere was necessary for maintenance of atmospheric pulsation and rainfall. Indeed, the properties and movements of the mass-free orgone energy in the atmosphere gave rise to similar life-like behaviors in the animal world, where the same energy was trapped inside an organismic membrane. This life-like quality in the natural environment has actually been seen and felt by many of the more gentle, non-violent peoples of the world, and their religions were based upon such direct perceptions; among these non-violent peoples, the creative, spirit forces charged and animated the natural world, and were not "beyond the senses". But the capacity to feel, and make deeper contact with these forces, which Reich experimentally objectified as a specific life energy, named the orgone energy, has largely been lost among the authoritarian, sex-negative, war-making peoples of the "civilized" world. They simply cannot see it, or feel it, and therefore have greatly mystified perceptions of nature, to include the basic biological and sexual nature of their own selves and children. They may have an inkling or residue of feeling of this larger force at work within the cosmos. But because of a lack of direct perception, they project a human face upon it, claim that it is "non-physical" in nature, that it exists only in another dimension, in some far-removed "heaven" or "nirvana", and look to "spiritual experts" for assistance in restoring the lost contact. Or, they project their own inner demons into the outer world, claiming the beneficial life-force is filled with "evil entities", which are, in fact, only a misperception of their own bottled-up angry emotions. The majority of politicians, businessmen, scientists, and other high-caste individuals also have lost this perceptive connection with nature, and so are more ready, willing, and able to participate in the wholesale destruction of Earth's life and natural resources, and likewise to lead a compliant and fearful humanity from one social disaster to another. Even so, many contemporary people have retained a bioenergetic perception of their connectedness with the natural world, and are very uncomfortable with the destructive nature of industry, Church, and State. Unlike so many other scientific discoveries, which have been perverted into weapons to destroy or thwart life, Reich gives us a criteria for evaluating the character structure of those who wish to involve themselves in life-positive works. How can we best recognize the individual who is emotionally capable of restoring the flow of life energy in the atmosphere? The criteria are fairly simple, in principle at least. If a person can fully express their emotions, has a deep and full respiration and relaxed physical posture, does not possess tendencies of sadism and violent aggression, but is neither timid nor lacking in healthy, aggressive seeking-out for fulfillment of their needs, if they are gentle with children, capable of a warm and loving relationship with the opposite sex, and spontaneously respectful of nature and wild creatures, then that individual is a reasonable candidate for engaging in cloudbusting. For if their bioenergy can flow and pulse

freely, if they are emotionally fluid and contactful, they will possess the gut level feeling necessary to use the cloudbuster in a perceptive and effective manner. On the other hand, it is not possible for a person who has devoted their entire life to the sequestration of emotion, to the negation of sexuality, through either antisexual celibacy or emotion-killing pornography, to maintain the kind of feeling necessary for being a good cloudbuster operator. Persons addicted to drugs or alcohol, or who hold fast to extreme religious or political viewpoints are likewise not candidates for this work. It does not matter if the individual is "highly respected" in the community, or if they are a successful farmer, rancher, or businessman, or if they have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree, or if they are a member of the National Academy of Sciences, or whatever. Just as good vision and reflexes are necessary for being a good aircraft pilot, a mobile and emotionally fluid bioenergy system, as Reich defined it, is a necessary prerequisite for engaging in cloudbusting. Nothing given above should be taken as an invitation for an unskilled or unstudied approach to the question, nor are academic degrees or high social standing intrinsically a barrier to this work. By themselves, however, they are simply not enough. This emphasis upon maintaining a lively, self-regulated character structure, and a deeper emotional contactfulness, is a most important consideration. The cloudbuster operator must be capable of organically feeling the various bioenergetic phenomena at work in the atmosphere. They must be capable of discriminating between states of atmospheric expansion or contraction, high or low charge, and stagnation or agitation. They likewise must be able to see the phenomenon of atmospheric sparkle and lustre, and the pulsing orgone units. The expressive "language of the living" is manifested in cloud forms, sky, atmosphere, and landscape, and is vital to understanding the functions of weather. Most importantly, they must also be capable of recognizing any traces of emotional plague within themselves, any tendencies towards contactlessness or contraction or overcharge of their organism, and learn to withdraw from the work at those times their own structure gets in the way. Their motto, like the one hanging on Reich's laboratory wall at Orgonon, should be "WORK, NOT POLITICS". These emotional considerations are most important, for the cloudbuster operator works with a tool capable of affecting broad regions of the atmosphere, for better or worse. Also, the operator can receive an overcharge, or dor contamination in their body which can bring on great sickness, or exacerbate latent or chronic aspects of existing characterological armoring. While therapy certainly reduces these tendencies, it is not an absolute guarantee either. Cosmic orgone engineering with a cloudbuster places one in a highly charged environment which can stimulate energy-overcharge and emotional flare-ups. For these and other reasons, cloudbusting must be carried out in a perceptively clear and emotionally clean manner, with cooperative oversight by other skilled workers in a spirit of scientific open critique and cooperation. Rational Versus Irrational Use of a Cloudbuster Cloudbusting must never become a tool for "weather modification" per se, for manipulating or

forcing the weather to do this or that. This concept of "modification" is as foreign to cloudbusting as "rape" is to a loving sexuality. The cloudbuster is simply a help to nature, an assist, only to be used at the right time and place, when the natural process of atmospheric pulsation is blocked, and stagnation sets in. It is only used to remove the "obstacle in the way" of natural functioning, to restore the natural, self-regulatory functions of atmospheric pulsation. The ultimate repository of the cloudbuster will be, perhaps a thousand years from now, in a display within some grand museum, after the crises of population, pollution, and atmospheric stagnation have been overcome, and world's deserts have been made green, or at least stabilized and pushed back to their present core regions. To accomplish this goal, rational cloudbusting efforts, and centers where orgonomic education takes place, must discriminate among candidates for cloudbusting, avoiding at all costs the pitfalls of political or dogmatic positions. It is important to recognize that at least part of the increased interest in cloudbusting is derived from a recognition of the growing environmental deterioration, and increasing drought and desertification. Many people are attracted to Reich and cloudbusting solely due to a rational, honest feeling and desire to do something helpful and constructive. Each individual I have had approach me for information regarding cloudbusting has presented a unique set of circumstances which could only be evaluated on an individual basis. These sources of interest can be either rational or irrational. Some examples of a rational interest in cloudbusting might include: * A health professional who notes the negative influences of certain weather conditions upon the health of patients, or upon the behavior of society at large. * A farmer or agricultural scientist who notes the devastation of drought upon the landscape. * A contactful individual who is personally distressed by recurring episodes of atmospheric stagnation and air pollution. * A researcher who wishes to better understand the dynamics of the atmospheric ocean. Obviously, not all of the above persons should go out and build or use a cloudbuster, but the sources of their interest are rational. They may simply be unaware of the potential effects and range of influence of the instrument, or be ignorant of the personal hazards involved. Hence, these individuals are encouraged to engage in as much preliminary work as is possible while another person with more experience and training undertakes to remedy the atmospheric problem in their area. Specific proposals for training of cloudbuster operators are given below. Now, let's talk a bit more about the irrational use of the cloudbuster. Examples of this are all too common today. In the United States, we have people who build cloudbusters, develop their own "theory" on how it functions, throw away Reich's scientifically-developed findings (but perhaps, keeping his name attached to their ideas, for "credibility") and in general make a nuisance of themselves. Most of these people are harmless, but others do damage by creating

drought, or even very severe storms. A few examples include: 1) Persons who, without ever doing any substantive preliminary reading, experimentation, or other work in orgone biophysics, build a cloudbuster and begin using it, in secret, avoiding contact with other researchers. This aspect of secretiveness and hiding is a dead give-away for irrational motives. 2) Persons with glaring characterological armoring who consistently refuse to undertake therapy, to include contactless, narcissistic and exhibitionistic characters, mystics wanting to "make contact with god", to "drive away evil demons", or impotent characters wanting to prove their potency, etc. 3) Persons who use, advocate, or imply the benefits of drugs: pill- heads, pot-heads, psychedelic users, and alcoholics. 4) Persons who wish to learn the technique solely for personal economic gain, to "make a million...". 5) Persons who wish to "save the world" through loud grandstanding techniques, calling great attention to themselves, emphasizing the "need" to loudly expose the "government conspiracy", the "dor-menace", "ufo menace", "chemtrail menace", or whatever menace, sometimes singlehandedly but also sometimes with larger groups of equally ignorant, frightened and/or aggressive-sadistic people, without much knowledge or capacity to receive even the slightest constructive criticism. 6) Persons who, without a shred of evidence, claim to have "advanced beyond Reich" in their understanding of how Nature and the cloudbuster works. This includes all those people who attempt, solely by empty declarations and wishful leaps, to merge Reich's findings into the mystical, unproven theories of Rudolph Steiner, or into the fascistic antisexual cult of "Saint Germaine", or who, without any evidence or factual discussion, proclaim the cloudbuster to be a "particle sink", "electromagnetic projector", a "chem-trail buster", or whatever. Anyone exhibiting the above characteristics is a poor candidate for training or working with the cloudbuster. There are, unfortunately, a number of cases where such individuals have built cloudbusters to the greater or lesser detriment of themselves and their surrounding communities. Some more specific examples are: 7) A young fellow in Canada built and erected a large cloudbuster. He later left town, leaving the apparatus operating, haphazardly pointing to the sky. Several months went by without rains. The cloudbuster was later discovered by accident, by other persons who knew about the dangers and dismantled it. Rains resumed shortly thereafter. 8) A man in California built a cloudbuster and went about making demonstrations,

claiming the powers of god. 9) Another man in California undertook operations with a modified cloudbuster, which he called a "chemical ether generator", to bring rains during the dry season. He rejected Reich's theory on the orgone energy, and the role of atmospheric stagnation and dor in blocking rains. Through improper operational techniques, he built up a large orgoneenergy potential in an area characterized by stagnant, desert conditions. This predictably triggered a strong electrical storm, and six people were struck by lightning. Nonetheless, he was still very pleased with the results of the operation. He did the same thing a few years later, bringing a major coastal storm to Southern California, which did a lot of damage and killed a few people. This same man earlier wrote a book largely focused upon the cloudbuster, in which he claimed that all the problems of the world were the doings of "evil beings" in other dimensions, and alluded to the use of LSD. 10) A young man in Ireland built a cloudbuster and operated it while in a "trance state". Major devastating coastal storm occurred; boats were sunk and people were killed. The man later circulated a "newsletter", in which he bragged about his role in it all, and urged people to build cloudbusters and point them at nuclear power plants. 11) A skeptical classical scientist, reading only one or two articles, constructed a cloudbuster in his backyard. He aimed the unit at the sky and left town for a week. Persisting, heavy rains developed thereafter, bringing a flood, for which he denied responsibility. He later "souped up" the cloudbuster by adding high frequency electricity to it, but still failed to note any instant miracles. He finally lost interest, proclaiming the cloudbuster to be ineffective. 12) A mystic who communicated with spirits erected a cloudbuster and claimed great benefit to his local area. Climate charts subsequently indicated the onset of drought conditions in his area. He later published an article in which Reich's theory was abandoned in favor of Steiner's "four ethers". 13) A man in the northeast USA concocted various schemes to make money or attract national attention through cloudbusting. Responsible workers refused to have anything to do with him. He became very impatient and angry, and burglarized two orgone research facilities, stealing documents and other items. After being caught and sentenced to jail, he reported several orgone therapists to the Food and Drug Administration, saying they used the orgone accumulator on their patients. FDA officials began visiting and harassing various orgone therapists in the Northeast. Later, he secretly helped a long-time enemy of Reich to write a horrible magazine article, which branded Reich a lunatic. 14) Another man meditated while using some kind of "cloudbuster", dutifully reporting his "feelings" and observations to government officials, who dismissed him and everyone else working with the cloudbuster as a crackpot.

15) Another mystic in the southeastern USA, skeptical about the cloudbuster, built one and generated a huge thunderstorm with a funnel cloud. In a panic, he destroyed the instrument. After his death, his wife began selling ineffective "cloudbusters" to desperate farmers, for thousands of dollars. 16) A man wrote a book with a chapter devoted to Reich and cloudbusting. In it, he claimed Reich was wrong about the orgone, that the cloudbuster really was a "particle sink", that it taps a "chemical ether", and works on the basis of one's "consciousness". His book stimulated a lot of people to go out and build cloudbusters, without any attempt to study the question seriously. His book also claimed, without any credible evidence or proof, that you could run a car off of orgone energy by attaching an orgone accumulator to the air intake of the carbeurator. Dozens of people tried this and, predictably, when it did not work, they began to question "Reich's work". 17) A farmer in Maryland, during a major drought affecting the entire Northeast USA, writes to me: "I am part of a group which has built 60 cloudbusters in the region. I have build four cloudbusters on my land, and I've left them running for several months, but so far the rain has not come. Can you please inform me what I might be doing wrong?" When informed to take them down, as he is overcharging the atmosphere and making the drought worse, his only reply is silence. This list on irrational activities can be closed with the following example: There are today some individuals who have made "cloudbusters" (sometimes called "chem-busters" - click for more info) which are of a slightly different design from those of Reich, solely for the claimed purpose of "eliminating chemtrails". They believe the US government is deliberately spraying toxic chemicals into populated areas, and this is the reason for people's ill health. While the issue of toxic chemicals from jet aircraft exhaust, possible cloudseeding experiments, and air pollution in general is certainly an important subject requiring critical analysis, the accusations made by some in these groups go well beyond such a simple interpretation, and border into blatently psychotic territory: Accusations are made that "shape-shifting reptilian aliens" from outer space, and "evil entities" from other-worldly dimensions, have "taken control" over highly-placed persons in the government and military, and that they are now working, in conspiracy with the United Nations, to poison the citizens of the USA. Some of the impuse in this direction comes from followers of the Saint Germaine cult, while others are rooted in the "patriot movement". One could ignore these people, except for the fact that its leadership has convinced them to construct these cloudbuster-chembuster type devices, for the claimed purpose of "repulsing evil entities", or "dissipating chem-trails" -- in the latter case, the aim is to dissipate the contrails of jet aircraft. Perhaps a hundred or more of the "chem-trail-busters" are already constructed, mostly in the USA and a few overseas locations, with a growing number of enthusiasts. According to Reich's findings, however, the presence of well-formed jet contrails is a general indicator of a healthy cloud-forming atmosphere. The advocates of the "chem-trail" theory, however, "know better" than poor old stupid Reich and his followers; they consider jet contrails to be "bad", or evidence of aliens and demons, or treasonous government and military people

trying to poison the countryside. Consequently, the "chem-trail-busters" are set up and pointed into the atmosphere on a permanent basis, month after month, year after year. The advocates of this madness claim, with much enthusiasm on a special "cloudbuster" email group, how the clouds dissipate over their property, and sometimes how larger thunderstorm complexes were "deflected" or dissipated. Consequently, it appears the modified "chem-busters" do have some kind of atmospheric effects. Since few of them are farmers or foresters, whose primary consideration is the health of the natural landscape, one has no assurance that they would stop what they are doing if a drought began to develop. Indeed, many of the "chembuster" enthusiasts seem happy when the sky is clear and dry, but sad and worried when clouds appear. We currently have no clear certainty about what the long-term atmospheric effects will be from all of this, but assuredly it will not be a good thing, and will only add to broader atmospheric chaos. The "chem-trail-buster" network began in the Pacific Northwest USA in late 2000, for example, which is roughly correlated with the onset of a larger drought pattern across this same region, spreading eventually to the entire Western USA. Massive forest fires of historical magnitude subsequently appeared in Western States, as the normal rainfall cycles were disturbed. The atmospheric reaction to so many "chem-buster" devices seems to be primarily a massive expansion of nearby desert regions into wetter regions, with around two years of heatwaves, drought and forest-fires! After the two years (our current estimate), the atmosphere finally self-adusts and is no longer irritated by the chronic stimulus of the "chembusters". In 2003, the "chem-buster" fad spread to Europe, which similarly had massive heat-waves, drought and forest fires, with around 3000 people dying in France alone from the horrible heat. Similar conditions might be projected to develop in Europe once again in 2004, with a lowered Wintertime precipitation as well. The atmospheric reaction in Europe was worse than in the USA, as the "chembusters" actually were expanding and attracting the Sahara Desert northward. The leader of this cultish "chembuster" group -- who also sells "Holy Hand Grenades" and other devices to exorcize demons from inside the home -- was informed of the dangers on many occasions, but dismissed them with arrogant contempt. (Basically an attitude of "fuck off" to this writer, and tossing off his internet group anyone who dared to raise such questions.) Here, once again, we see the real-world effects of a deeply mystical self-proclaimed "expert" who has never studied Reich, never apprenticed with any konwledgable person so as to know what he was doing, who makes huge claims and assertions about "saving the world", and in the process helps to wreak horrible disaster around the planet. The "chembuster" groups are, in fact, the most dangerous of the mystical distorters of Reich's work today, given their great potentials to create massive droughts and heat-waves through deliberate mis-representation and mis-application of Reich's discoveries. As a general rule, enormous hatred is provoked from these individuals when responsible cloudbuster operators try to speak with them and get them to stop or change what they are doing. Experience shows, luckily, that these irrational individuals eventually run from the work and, assuming they do have the sustained energy to actually build and use a cloudbuster, will eventually make themselves sick, and run from the work. Any program of cooperative work and learning exchange is impossibly irritating to such individuals, and one usually spots them right

off. Their history is one of secrecy, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, public grandstanding and politicking, alliance with the enemies of orgonomy, and slander of rational work efforts. They accomplish nothing of value, but for the period when they are active, they can do great atmospheric damage, increasing the general level of atmospheric chaos, sometimes to the point where people are killed and great property damage is incurred. The Question of Operational Theory We can start this discussion, about theory, by acknowledging there are many things we do not know about Nature and the Universe, and about the orgone energy and cloudbusting as well. Consequently, there always is a rational interest to explore new theoretical approaches which might be more clarifying, and offer something new. However, this does not mean throwing overboard what is already well-known and established, nor does it give anyone license to claim, without evidence, that they instantly "know", without having done any serious work at all, so much more than what has already been established by the hard and patient work of others. Reich was clear, not only about the properties of the orgone energy itself, but also about the kinds of materials which interacted with orgone in a good way, and those which reacted in a toxic manner (ie., copper or aluminum are not healthy). His discussions on the life-energetic properties and behavior of the atmosphere, its relationship to cloud formations and weather, on the cloudbuster's operational mechanism, and on self-regulatory orgone energy functions, are carefully followed by everyone who has any kind of beneficial success with the apparatus. The more serious and dedicated persons surely have very large questions about the orgone energy itself, how it relates to the larger cosmic questions of life, love, and human feeling of unity with the cosmos. Reich also discussed these issues, and had many serious open questions. But they were specific questions on specific issues, and never stood as any kind of standing point for the aggressive dismissal of everything else that was known and established. A few individuals who have undertaken cloudbusting in an irrational, untrained, and ill-prepared manner, are most emphatic in their desire to substitute their own theory for Reich's regarding the cloudbuster's functioning. For years they may have been working with electromagnetic energy, radionics machinery, homeopathic medicine, or various other "subtle energy" phenomena, often without much success at demonstrating any kind of life-positive effect upon natural processes. Or they are students of oriental or metaphysical/religious philosophies which accept the existence of some form of "life energy", but not anything which governs our character structure and sexuality in the manner described by Reich (ie, they are often antisexual celibates, following the life-negative dictations of one or another guru, and consider life-energy to be something separate from, and subordinated to an other-worldly "spirituality".) Then they build an orgone accumulator, or a cloudbusting instrument, and observe some kind of powerful biological or atmospheric response, which is greater than anything they have previously experienced. But this causes much confusion, because it casts doubt upon their own relatively ineffectual theories and philosophies, to which they strongly adhere for emotional reasons. Consequently, in such cases, Reich's inventions may be captured into their religious

theology with a "reinterpretation" which discards the more socially-difficult aspects. Or, to preserve their dedicated interest in quantum mechanics or "twelve-dimensional reality" (Etc.) orgone energy is discarded in favor of abstract mathematics and invisible particles. In either case, Reich's ideas are confusedly picked at, diced up, and made into a casserole with other bits and pieces of every other kind of imaginable speculation! What indigestion! The question of theory is really more important than most people recognize. Consider the following analogy: One man designs and builds a large suspension bridge according to the experimentally tested strengths of steel and concrete. Another man designs and builds a suspension bridge using a design and materials suggested to him in a drug hallucination, or from numerological interpretations of a Bible passage. Now, if I gave you the keys to a 20 ton truck, which bridge would you want to drive over? Which bridge would you want a school bus carrying your children to drive over? There is no question that you would not want to take a risk with the bridge built through "divine revelation". This is what the science of engineering is all about, and we have necessary laws and regulations to make sure bridges are build according to experimentally determined Natural Law, and not according to one or another person's conjuredup speculations. Now, a person could speculate about a new bridge design which was truly revolutionary, but then we would want to see it tested first, before being put into use. The same is true with aircraft design. Nobody wants to fly in a jet that has not been properly tested. Even so, we still get bridges and jets with both design and construction flaws. But these can be recognized as such and, when uncovered, quickly corrected. Let's now take the example of cloudbusting. A lot of people are concerned about drought, particularly farmers. But many are distressed by Reich's writings on sexual matters, and on matters regarding character structure. Or they have been using radionics machines, or have been reading Steiner, and are used to speaking in very vague terms, about "vibration energy", the "ethers", and so on. To the unstudied person, Reich's "orgone" may appear likewise vague, but it is not really. It is a very specific term attached to a class of phenomena which have been empirically, or experimentally derived. It is a ubiquitous energy, filling all space, pulsatile (expanding and contracting), water-attracting, self-attracting, absorbed by non-metals, and reflected by metals. It is the medium though which electromagnetic excitations are transmitted, but is not the excitation itself. It can absorb electromagnetic energy, and attenuate it. These are very specific details, for which specific experimental proofs have been developed. Those who wish to be rid of Reich's theory usually first dismiss the energetic aspects of sexuality and character, followed by difficult, but necessary concepts such as oranur (over-excited, agitated orgone) and dor (stagnant, or dead orgone). The cloudbuster becomes a "particle sink" and the orgone, one of the "ethers". By doing this, a cloudbuster operator no longer needs to be a contactful and perceptive individual, capable of gut-level sensation of the atmospheric energy. Indeed, the atmospheric energy, by virtue of intellectual slight-of-hand, is made vague and intangible, beyond the senses. Oranur and dor therefore don't matter anymore, and Reich's findings about the energy streams in the upper atmosphere, well, who cares! So out into the fields they march, beating a drum, and waving cloudbuster tubes about in a phallic manner, making grand connection with the cosmos! And all

the while, they bad-mouth those who at great personal sacrifice and risk, preserved and extended Reich's works over the last 50 years! I previously outlined a number of examples of the results of this kind of irrational approach. Like the bridge built upon questionable designs, the improperly performed cloudbusting operation yields either no result, or an atmospheric disaster! In many cases, these people state "my operations brought good rain here, when all around it was dry". Aside from the fact that they don't corroborate their observations with weather data, they are ignorant of the fact that an improperly used cloudbuster can stimulate widespread expansion and aridity, with a small localized center of slightly more humid conditions near, and only near, the working cloudbuster. In short, while they may have created the slight increase in moisture at the one place, they likely stimulated an intensification of more widespread drought conditions. This latter danger appears particularly acute where cloudbusters are used continually, for long periods without a break. Often, out of sheer frustration with a drought, and from lack of immediately apparent atmospheric reactions to the cloudbuster, the errant operator will continue working the instrument, day after day after day, without a break, attempting to squeeze a drop or two of moisture from what appears to be a stubborn, unrelenting atmosphere. In this case, the operator wants to "make" the overcharged atmosphere contract and rain, but the continual operations only add to the excitation and overcharge. There are techniques which can be successfully, and quickly used in such a situation, but what happens when you ask these people to try a different approach, to examine more closely what they are doing? From experience, I know. You get an outburst of self-righteous anger! "How dare you question our motives or techniques!" "We are saving this area from the drought", "Our work has driven away the chemtrails" they say, when the facts, derived from the weather maps and climatology of the region, speak otherwise. Another example of the danger of improper operational technique, derived from a contemptuous dismissal of Reich's orgone theory, shows itself when individuals attempt cloudbusting in droughty or desert regions, which are charged with dorish, immobile, stagnant energy. One fellow designed a "better" cloudbuster by eliminating certain essentials from Reich's design. Using only the known principle of atmospheric excitation, which he falsely claimed as his own discovery, he went about creating large energy potentials in the dry areas of Southern California. So, in the midst of all that stagnation, large storm potentials appeared, and, predictably, the storms behaved furiously, much in the manner of a wild elephant caught in a trap. The storms raged, and many people were hurt or killed. The man claimed to be working with a superior theory, but in reality was working with a patently wrong, mystical theory. His theory of atmospheric functioning, like the bridge built upon faulty principles, did not work properly. There is, in my view, no excuse for this kind of arrogant, dangerous behavior. As a society we do not allow untrained individuals to jump into the pilot seat of a 747 aircraft, nor hand over the controls of an oil tanker or aircraft carrier to just anybody who "wants" to do it. We require training, education, and specific physical characteristics necessary for safely doing the job. Today, there are places where one can go to obtain the necessary counseling, therapy, education, and training in cloudbusting. Everyone doing good, rational, and effective

work with the cloudbuster places great emphasis on emotional contact and training. Just as a pilot must have good eyesight, a good cloudbuster operator must be emotionally fluid, and this means, for most people, orgone therapy. So today we observe, without exception, that the decent, rational people interested in cloudbusting undertake this therapy, educate themselves, and apprentice in a careful, step-by-step manner, which requires commitment and years of dedicated work. If the real motivations for cloudbusting are clean and honest, with a desire to be genuinely helpful, the therapy will only reinforce those feelings, and make the individual feel more alive and perceptive. If not, the therapy will clarify one's limitations, or the lack of necessity for doing the weather work, or even unmask other hidden motivations. Unfortunately, the worst of the irresponsible cloudbuster operators run from therapy, and from contact with anyone who urges them to undertake it, as a means of hiding their sadism and hatred of nature, and to preserve their facade. Such individuals are a danger to themselves and to the larger community in which they live, and must firmly be referred to the therapist's couch as an absolute prerequisite for any transfer of information or knowledge to take place. And if they persist in "cloudbusting", and continue to bring severe damaging effects upon the surrounding communities, they must be isolated from all support and association with rational efforts, and be pointed out to the appropriate legal authorities. The challenge here is for rational efforts to develop a system of documentation and evaluation that will provide proof of the cloudbuster's influence, and of the biophysical character of the orgone energy, in a form that can be understood by any open-minded scientist. Orgonomy must break with the "tradition" of armored science, wherein so many potentially good discoveries are turned into weapons for the further destruction of life and nature. In this regard, the larger scientific community cannot be blamed, for they do not yet take Reich's energetic theories seriously. The major damage being done with the cloudbuster today is from the various contactless mystics and secret nature-haters, who, without a shred of evidence, claim great "benefits" from their atmospheric meddling. We presently do not know if this situation will diminish, or intensify when the larger community of classical scientists rediscover Reich's works. It is a major problem of human characterology, which can be overcome only by strongly resisting and countering any attempts to remove cloudbusting from the general body of orgonomic theory, out of which it developed. Indeed, every individual I have met who has done decent and helpful work with a cloudbuster has previously undertaken to clean up their own character structure as a necessary first-step. The men and women who will do this work, both now and in the future, must be an exceptional lot, responsible, contactful people, capable of deep emotional expression, love relationships, and also capable of grappling with important concepts and demanding work responsibilities. They must have a stick-to-it attitude based upon love, work, and knowledge, and do their very best to be well educated on important environmental and scientific issues. They must not shrink from either receiving, or giving rational constructive criticism. Negative Biophysical Effects on Cloudbuster Operators

There are other reasons to insist upon good training and therapy for cloudbuster operators. The biophysical effects of the cloudbuster upon the operator's own organism can potentially be mildly sickening (headaches, nausea, sinusitus, etc.) or even life-threatening. This real danger has often been dismissed by various armored persons who were incapable of feeling the movement of the life energy within their own body, and who could not feel or see it move in the atmosphere. As a result, many people have been made sick. However, accidents can also occur even when the cloudbuster operator is skilled, and precautions are taken. For the reasons given here, cloudbuster operators must learn about the mechanisms governing atmospheric charge, and also techniques for dissipating an overcharge within their own organism, and for protecting themselves. For example: 1) Several of Reich's assistants were immobilized and greatly sickened by the field effects surrounding his laboratory during the oranur experiment. Later on, similar reactions occurred in the surroundings of operating cloudbusters, particularly during desert and drought operations. 2) A man using a cloudbuster in a California desert touched the pipes with his bare hands. He was paralyzed on one side of his body, and never completely recovered. 3) A cloudbuster operator developed a walnut-sized tumor one day after handling a cloudbuster during a drought. The tumor was eventually eliminated through orgonomic first-aid, involving therapy, use of the accumulator, dor-buster, and detoxification techniques. 4) A medical doctor in Germany used a medical dor-buster on his patients for many years. The apparatus resembles a minature cloudbuster, and functions similarly. He developed a paralysis in the arm he used to work the apparatus, which later spread to his shoulder and the side of his face, after which he died. 5) A man who used a manually operated cloudbuster for many years in droughty situations became quite ill, in spite of many precautions. He eventually developed scleroderma and cancer, which killed him. 6) Other cloudbuster operators have been made very ill from standing too close to the instrument. The biological effects of overcharge, and of what Reich called dor-sickness, have included high fever, muscle cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Severe skin rashes, hives, and "flu" symptoms have also been observed. Reich noted, the effects of the toxic field around the cloudbuster tends to hit a person at their weakest spot, causing old health problems to flare-up. Recommended Cloudbuster Operator Education and Training The above facts speak for themselves. The responsibility for the rational development of cosmic orgone engineering now largely rests upon the shoulders of those who have continued to work

with and research the technique in an open way, publishing the results of their experimental research. Individuals involved in irrational efforts also bear the responsibility for their actions, which, because of narcissistic bragging and loose talk, eventually do come to the light of day. An informal procedure is presently in place whereby individuals harboring irrational motivations are strictly excluded from the work, irrespective of their academic degrees, political standing, or economic power. An informal procedure also is presently in place to assist those rational, responsible individuals whose character and work, and the environmental conditions in which they live, dictate a need to know more about cloudbusting. It is anticipated that these informal procedures will become more formalized in the future, in a work-democratic manner, when the needs of the work require it. Presently there are around a dozen or so well-trained, senior cloudbusting operators, and their apprentices, who work on these questions in an open, responsible, and cooperative manner. The following outline covers the kind of preliminary work which all candidates for cloudbusting should undertake. The ideas presented here are proposed for the younger student and would necessarily be tailored where a person's prior work and experience is firmly established. For more information on any of these points, or for specific information on courses and workshops, and the names of qualified orgone therapists, contact the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, at the address given below. I. Orgone Therapy: with a skilled and qualified therapist. This will bring the candidate into contact with any buried feelings or hidden characterological tendencies; the therapy will soften and eliminate biophysical, characterological armoring, deepen the respiration, and make the individual more alive and contactful. II. Formal Orgonomic Coursework: A. Lab Seminars and Workshops: on the bions, cancer biopathy, and general orgone biophysics. B. University Courses: on the "Life and Work of Wilhelm Reich",where offered. C. Tour of the Wilhelm Reich Museum: to get a feel for the man and his times. III. Traditional Education: Undergraduate and/or graduate-level studies in the traditional sciences, apart from any study of orgonomy. The major topic of study would be of the student's choosing, but should include coursework in Climatology, Meteorology, Earth Science, Physical Geography, Biology, Environmental Science, Ecology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Physics. Exceptional scholarship of an interdisciplinary nature is strongly encouraged. Knowledge of classical findings on atmospheric circulation, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, cloud dynamics, atmospheric electricity, and so forth would be absolutely essential. Courses on the methods and history of science are also encouraged. IV. Independent Study and Research in Orgonomy:

A. Readings in orgonomy. 1. Students should develop or gain access to a complete library of orgonomic literature, to include all current and back issues of: - International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research - The Orgone Energy Bulletin - Cosmic Orgone Engineering - Orgonomic Medicine - The Journal of Orgonomy - Annals, Institute for Orgonomic Science - Pulse of the Planet 2. Subscriptions should also be maintained for a variety of scientific, environmental, and weather-oriented periodicals, so that the student will keep abreast of new developments. 3. All published works by Wilhelm Reich should be obtained and eventually read, to include those focusing upon both sex-economy and orgone biophysics. 4. A recommended reading list should be developed, to include works on orgonomy by other authors, as well as pertinent works in other fields of research. B. Experimental Studies and Research. 1. Students should develop their own small laboratory, or gain access to one. Student should develop a working relationship or correspondence with other orgonomic researchers familiar with the experiments they are undertaking, for critical review, feedback, and response to questions. 2. Students would have to develop a familiarity with the following devices and areas of orgonomic research: - millivoltmeter. - bion observations. - naked eye and orgonoscope observations of atmospheric orgone energy. - the orgone energy field meter; high-frequency coils. - the orgone energy accumulator; start with small seed-chargers, and, environmental conditions permitting, progress to building larger multiple layer chargers, and human-sized units. Engage in all the biological and physical experimental proofs, to include the to-t test, the electroscopical tests, the water-evaporation suppression test, and so forth. - the electroscope. - observations of dor and oranur. - the medical dor-buster. V. Cosmic Orgone Engineering: A. Students would engage in a systematic study and review of all the literature on

cloudbusting, and the procedures used in all past cloudbusting operations, to understand the various situations which confronted operators in the past, and the solutions which were applied. B. Under supervision, students might engage in small, short term experiments with single lengths of pipe, or a small array of short hollow tubes in the local atmosphere, much in the manner of a dor-buster. C. Student Apprenticeship. 1. As assistant to a principal operator with greater experience. 2. As co-operator to other principal operators as the atmospheric need and occasion may arise. D. Operator candidates would later engage in independent cloudbusting work, either in conjunction with established principal operators in a given region, or more independently in new areas. E. Operator candidates would also evaluate the results of all operations, though use of National Weather Service weather data, satellite images, and field observations. Evaluations should also address the reasons for particular operational techniques employed, and, to the extent possible, the energetic basis of the original atmospheric problem. F. Operator candidates would develop ongoing communication with other cloudbuster operators in more distant regions, so that each person has a general idea of research under way in different areas. More specific notification would be given when major operations were undertaken. Every phase of the prior work outlined above would help to prepare the individual for skilled and effective use of the cloudbuster. For example, experiments with the bions, or orgone energy vesicles, yields evidence of energetic charge and movement at the micro-level, and bioenergetic phenomena that are correlated with the weather. Certain bionous forms, such as ameba and vorticella, often behave in a pulsatory, expansive-contractive, energetic manner, similar to what can be seen in a much slower form, with individual thunderstorms and larger weather systems. Likewise, cloudbusting candidates must also work with the orgone accumulator, to gain an organic feel for concentrated life energy, and an understanding of atmospheric pulsation, as seen in its thermal, electroscopical, and other properties. They must learn about what the concentrated energy in the accumulator can do to living creatures by running biological experiments, to see for themselves, and to obtain a gut level feeling for the energy as a real, physical phenomenon. The cloudbusting candidate must also learn about contamination of the life energy through secondary energies, such as friction, electromagnetism, and nuclear energy. Observations should be made of highly excited orgone, or oranur conditions, and stagnant dead orgone, or dor conditions, by taking short trips to the desert, or to regions close to nuclear power facilities. Oranur and dor conditions may occur in the immediate vicinity of an operating cloudbuster, and

these conditions are significant for both the safety and outcome of the operations, as well as for the operator's health. The cloudbusting candidate must also eventually work with the medical dor-buster, which is a small, laboratory-sized "cloudbuster", to develop a feel for this apparatus, and gain a working knowledge of its practical applications. This apparatus is also necessary for orgonomic first-aid, which may be needed during cloudbusting operations to keep one's own organism alive and moving, particularly in the face of stagnant, dorish conditions. The merely curious individual would likely be satisfied by the understandings gained from this preliminary work, and leave it at that, assuming any atmospheric problems in their area are relieved. However, the preliminary work may heighten their interest and accentuate the need to deal with an unresolved atmospheric problem, particularly when therapy melts the armor, and makes them more sensitive. If the preliminary work has been responsibly undertaken, if the individual gains an appreciation, functional grasp, and feeling for the atmospheric orgone energy, and if they have displayed the seriousness and responsibility of character vital to such work, then a move into the active learning and apprenticeship during actual cloudbusting operations might be justified. Such individuals must, of course, display a-priori a willingness to learn and work cooperatively with other researchers in the field of orgone biophysics, particularly those already working with a cloudbuster in a given region. For the younger individual, this preliminary work might be performed simultaneous to a traditional university education in the classical sciences. It is a worthwhile goal to possess the traditional degree certificates by which scientific work is generally evaluated in this era. Orgonomic education, however, should maintain an emphasis of self- regulated independent study. For the older individual, a program of independent study might substitute for formal university education. Indeed, many naturalists and artists have maintained a greater feeling for, and contact with life and nature than the typical university professor or graduate, and possession of this feeling for life is more important for successful cloudbusting operations than any university degree. There is also the problem inherent in obtaining a university education, in that -- depending upon the specific degree program and institution -- it may tend to emotionally dry one up, push one towards an increasingly intellectual approach to life and nature, and thereby increase one's degree of armoring. This is particularly so where the student must hide their functional interests in the life energy, due to hostile prejudice on the part of professors. For those who choose the university approach, the need for therapy may become all the more acute. We do not offer an educational program in "cloudbusting" per se, as we do not wish to attract persons who otherwise would not have been drawn to the work, eg., those incapable of proceeding in a committed, responsible, cooperative and self-regulated manner. Nor do we offer a program of "cloudbuster education" which is set apart from general orgonomic research. It is desired to attract the cooperative interest of workers whose work has prompted their interest in cloudbusting. A step-by-step approach is necessary, handled at each student's own pace, to gradually introduce them to the atmospheric work -- first as student, then assistant, and later as co-worker. It is expected that many students will not continue with the atmospheric work, but will become fascinated with the energetic basis of the emotions, with orgone therapy, with the

bions, cancer research, the accumulator, or the orgone motor, all the various fantastic discoveries of the genius, Wilhelm Reich. Hence, the educational program outlined here is one of general orgonomy, of which the atmospheric work is but a subset. Regarding evaluation of students, instead of written examinations, which are the hallmark of the armored academic institutions, independent study and apprenticeship are substituted. No one should ever be qualified or disqualified regarding cloudbusting on the basis of mechanical memorization and regurgitation upon exams! The livelier, more contactful students may be allergic to such approaches anyhow, and examination systems tend to encourage all the wrong kinds of behaviors. Heavens forbid that cloudbuster operators of the future would be certified by only answering questions on an exam! Orgonomic education must remain a pleasurable undertaking for both educators and students. Evaluations would occur on an informal, personal basis, from the student's contacts with established orgonomic educators, and by periodic reports written by the students covering various topics, and relating their progress in study and experiment. The go-at-your-own-pace structuring of A.S. Neill's Summerhill School is good design to copy. Mystical and mechanistic individuals, we expect, will be weeded out in any program emphasizing careful observation, experiment, emotional contactfulness, and sustained work. They will simply not be capable of functioning in such a lively atmosphere. And here is the most important guarantee for rational development of cloudbusting: the creation of a cooperative and responsible working atmosphere in which the emotional plague simply cannot function. If You Can't Do Cloudbusting Yourself, What Can You Do? The Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, in cooperation other responsible individuals and organizations, has developed a Drought Abatement Outreach Program, undertaken field expeditions in the USA and overseas, bringing trained and skilled cloudbuster operators and the necessary equipment, to areas suffering from drought. The Laboratory also has developed a Desert Greening Program, successfully demonstrating (in Israel, Namibia and East Africa) that harsh desert areas can also be greened, with a halt to their prior rates of degradation and spreading. If you require assistance with such an atmospheric problem, you can directly contact the Laboratory for details. There are financial costs involved, but on occasion, resources may already be available for dealing with your situation, and only help with logistics and information will be required. Alternatively, if you are just learning about orgonomy, and still have a fascination with the cloudbuster, then get on track with the recommendations given above. Learn who the responsible workers are in orgonomy, and make contact with them; obtain and follow their advice regarding your own individual situation. Get in touch with qualified therapists in your area or elsewhere, and attend the various workshops and seminars focused upon orgonomy at OBRL; most importantly, read the works of Reich on both social and biophysical issues. Aside from Reich's books, his articles on orgone-biophysical topics are found in three different journals: International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, Orgone Energy Bulletin,

and CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering). Since Reich's death, other journals have continued to publish more recent research. Pulse of the Planet, the research report of this Laboratory, carries many articles on orgone biophysics and cloudbusting. Likewise, back issues of the Journal of Orgonomy and Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science also carry pertinent research articles and new findings. Detailed bibliographies and other materials, including Reich's works, are available either through mail order, or from your local library. Aside from this, there are other things a person can do about the problems of atmospheric stagnation. These suggestions are long-term in nature, and do not require the presence of an actual drought before you can get started. Indeed, they require that you get involved beforehand. Remember, the atmosphere does not suffer from a chronic "lack of cloudbusting". It suffers from chronic abuse, from releases of toxic chemicals and pollutants, though contamination of streams and groundwater, through toxic dumping, deforestation, and from radioactive contamination. You can become involved by firstly making a change within your own sphere of influence, by working to help clean up the big mess we are in. Once you get started, you will be amazed at the number of interesting, lively people you will meet, who have similar long-term goals. The first assignment I always gave my university students was to get a big brick. The second assignment was to throw that brick through the front of their television set, and begin devoting the TV watching time to something constructive towards their own life-goals, or for their home and family, or in their community. Americans spend about 50 hours per week watching the tube. This is insane. It is the mental equivalent of eating a steady diet of hot dogs and twinkies. Imagine what would happen if even a small percentage of people instead invested that TV-time educating themselves, or working on a constructive project in their own community. (Note 2002: I have softened somewhat on this point. Since the coming of cable and satellite television networks, the amount of "junk TV" has certainly increased, but it also provides many specialized channels with educational documentaries and programs, and competing 24-hour news programs which -- while often slanted -- do provide a "window to the world" in a manner never before seen in human history. Many documentaries by smaller companies and non-profit groups are also available on videocasettes and DVDs, with content not to be found on the networks, and there is so much new and important information coming to us by video and television, one could now easily overdose from valid educational programs. The Internet likewise poses this problem, of a lot of junk and misinformation, but also some incredible new materials not available elsewhere. Of course, none of this concern applies to those whose primary TV attraction is soap-operas or hysterical sport arena-games. Likewise with the Internet, where perhaps a third to a half of all web sites and usage is pornography. These sad facts underscore the sexual misery of ordinary people, and the flight into mysticism and illusion-gratification.) "Apathy" must be recognized for what it is: a very active, and not a passive social disorder, requiring the active censoring of information that would challenge one's world view, and "faith" in the status-quo supporting authority figures and social institutions of the sick social structure. Apathy is also a means by which people actively avoid taking responsibility for their own situation. Indeed, the political pundits and corporate giants

thrive on the fact that so many people are stuck and immobile. They feel threatened whenever people become socially active in a meaningful way. Indeed, they promote the myth that a "good citizen" does hardly anything socially at all, except to give money to political parties, and throw switches in a voting booth every year or so! How naive! We must break out of these traps, and take responsibility for our situations, and for the consequences of our own, individual actions. Only by doing so can effective change be initiated. Here, for example, is a list of a things that need your direct support and participation. Add to or modify this list, according to your own interests: 1) Learn about methods for ecological farming. Stop using harsh pesticides and herbicides for both home and farming purposes. If you are a consumer, seek out and buy organic produce, or at least buy your goods from the farmer's market. Work with local and national environmental groups to halt irresponsible additives and nuclear irradiation of the food supply. 2) Learn energy conservation methods, and implement them in your own home. Build or buy a solar water heater. Investigate photovoltaic power for as many purposes as you can. Start buying rechargeable batteries for all your portable appliances. Buy only fuel-efficient cars, and support mass transit methods that will reduce dependence upon cars and imported oil. 3) Learn about alternative health care methods, and about holistic and preventative health care. Educate yourself about the emotional plague in Big Medicine, and about safe alternatives to it: home birth, midwifery, medicinal herbs, dietary treatments, vitamins and minerals, the orgone energy accumulator, and so forth. 4) Work with local environmental groups to secure clean air, and safe drinking water. Work to halt toxic dumping in your neighborhood, and to have existing anti-pollution laws enforced. Work to safeguard the next dozen generations against a legacy of radioactive waste, and halt the trend towards nuclear power. Work for rational restraint of nuclear weapons on Earth, and a ban on nuclear materials in space. 5) Recycle your newspapers, cardboard, cans and glass, where possible. Ask your local environmental groups about where to find these facilities. If a recycling center does not exist, establish one. 6) Promote all the above at your workplace, where possible, and urge your employer, or workers union champion these issues. If you have the energy to go into the political party system, push the grassroots workers and candidates to make these issues central to the party platforms. If they don't change parties. 7) Identify threatened wildlife habitats, and remnants of old-growth forest or native prairie in your local area, and work with others to protect them from development and exploitation. Make a personal commitment to plant at least a dozen trees each year, from

now on, and encourage your children to do likewise. Make it a family activity. Remember, trees are nature's own "cloudbusters", working to self-regulate the atmosphere. When they are substantially cut down, weather problems develop. 8) Help to establish an alternative, non-authoritarian school in your local community, or to eliminate corporal punishment in the schools. 9) Volunteer your time to work in, or to establish a shelter for battered wives, or runaway and thrown-away children. Work to have your local hospitals reveal their infant mortality statistics, and help local midwives to set up legally secure, out-of-hospital birthing clinics. 10) Emphasize love, work and knowledge over politics, but do not shrink from attempting to institute social change in the political arena. Start at the grassroots, and not from the top downward. Remember that individual change always precedes community change. 11) Be on your toes to spot the emotional plague characters who will secretly try to defeat you in these efforts. Specifically watch out for those who want to "help" your cause, but who are always creating dissention and discord, and who rarely if ever do a bit of work, or expend any sweat. Also beware of the plague characters in the government or corporate power structure. Cheating, and back-stabbing, along with smiling-in-your-face deceit, are characteristic traits. Learn to smell these characters, and read Reich's analysis of the plague to get a better understanding of its mechanisms, and how to deal with it. Obviously, no one individual could focus attention on but a small portion of the above list. However, there are already a lot of people working very hard on those very issues, and your first job would be to seek out like-minded people in your area, or to make contact with them in other areas via the mails. In order to accomplish the above goals, one must also find sources of information that cover topics beyond what comes over the TV and newspapers. The conventional information sources are highly controlled, with much pre-digested and even censored materials. They give a moment-by-moment discussion of global pathology, but rarely offer real solutions to problems. For example, the environment is today big in the "news", but this discovery by the popular media comes about 50 years late. And so too regarding the emphasis on "environment" by plague politicians, who raise the issue publicly in order to get votes, but work behind the scenes to give the exploiters and polluters whatever they want. You won't learn anything about such facts unless you join the various environmental groups, read their newsletters, and begin to network with like-minded people in your own community. You must seek out these alternative sources of information, in order to get the knowledge and tools you will need to make a meaningful change. Internet is now a big new source, but even here, there is much disinformation and confusion. Learning to "go to the source" where claims are made, to do independent fact-checking, becomes all the more important. Sometimes the conventional news media gets it right, sometimes the alternative media gets it right. Figuring out which one is the difficult part. These are small things people can do, but they are vitally necessary, and do require commitment

of time and resources. They are the only successful methods for promoting a vital and lively society, and a clean, natural environment. In short, take responsibility for your own situation, and start making your own contribution to the solution. If you start with your own circle of influence, the tasks won't appear so overwhelming. First yourself, next your immediate home environment and helps for your family and loved ones, next the neighborhood, and finally the "big picture". Think globally, but act locally. When possible, try to elect political leaders, at both the local and national level, who are aware of and support practical solutions that protect the life on the planet. Don't fall victim to plaguey reactionary or freedom-peddling talk. Pay more attention to what people do, and less to what they say. Work to save your own family, your friends, and your community from the mass insanity and deadly consequences of plague behavior, plague politics, and plague media. Do this and you will do more to initiate meaningful change than a thousand self-proclaimed "saviors". References and Information Click on the items below for: A bibliography on orgonomy, with a list of works by Wilhelm Reich To purchase books by Wilhelm Reich The full Natural Energy Works catalog Educational Seminars in Orgonomy Other articles on Orgone Biophysical Research A list of publications by James DeMeo A list of other organizations dedicated to Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy For further information, contact: Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory Greensprings Center PO Box 1148 Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA Tel/Fax: 541-552-0118 E-mail to: Internet Web Address:

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Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc. A Non-Profit Science Research and Educational Foundation, Since 1978 Greensprings Center, PO Box 1148 Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA Phone/Fax: (541) 552-0118 E-mail to:

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