Spanish Vocabulary

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Household Vocabulary To wash To clean To dust To iron To polish Floor Dishes Cloth (used for cleaning, etc.

) Javel water Cleanser Soap Vinegar Clothing Kitchen Stove Washing machine Microwave Refrigerator Sink Toilet Furniture Table Bedroom Living room Kitchen Can you clean...? There is rice in the fridge Pledge, Ajax Can you clean the tables.... Lavar Limpiar Quitar el polvo Planchar (Iron: Plancha) Pulir Piso Vajilla Trapo Cloro Desinfectante (to clean toilet, etc) Jabon (pronounced habon) Vinagre Ropa Cocina Estufa Lavaplatos Microondas Nevera, refri (short for refrigerator) Pila Bao (pronounced bagno) Muebles Mesa (de cocina, de sala, etc.) Cuarto Sala Cocina (pronounced cosina) Puede limpiar el bao Hay arroz en la nevera Pledge, Ajax (pronouced ayax) Puede limpiar las mesas con Pledge (or puede pulir las mesas con)

N.B.: Marie-Eve used water and vinegar to clean floor, because of her baby, but water and disinfectant is fine)

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