Assessment 2

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Due Date: Weighting: Type: Length: Submission: Hand in a printed copy of your assessment in class during week 6 35% Individual Report 2500 words maximum (not including references and appendices) Hand in a printed copy of your assessment in class during week 6. The printed copy MUST be formatted as per the specifications in the Business Assessment Guidelines Handbook or you will lose marks. You are to upload an electronic copy into Turnitin via AUTonline by 12pm Friday 6th April. The electronic copy is to be a single MS-Word file named with your family name and student ID number (e.g. Parker_012345). DO NOT include the honesty declaration, references or any appendices in the e-copy. Requirements: Assessment Topic: In your role as an HR Advisor, you have been asked by your HR Manager to assess the recruitment process of your selected company, with a view to identifying areas for improvement. Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the recruitment process, and make recommendations on how this could be made more effective. In your report, be sure to cite and reference sources that justify your ideas. Not Compulsory Be self-directed, reflective learners Be knowledgeable in their major field of study Be critical enquirers and problem solvers Be effective communicators (written and oral) Describe and apply the methods and principles of staffing and performance Paper Learning management. Outcomes:

Compulsory: Programme Learning Goals:

Please note: Use only publically available information (on web sites, etc) there is no need to talk with organisations directly. You may use a hypothetical company. If you choose to use a hypothetical company we will discuss this during class time.

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