LAB 4: Pole Zero Plot: Zplane

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LAB 4: Pole Zero Plot

Theory A polezero plot is a graphical representation of a rational transfer function in the complex plane. The complex plane will be z-plane. It helps us to convey stability, causality, region of convergence(ROC) and minimum / non minimum phase information. The zplane() function plots poles and zeros of a linear system. Q1. You are given following fourth order system ( ) a. Plot the magnitude response of the system b. Find zeros and poles and plot it c. Find second order systems of the given transfer function and plot magnitude and phase response of each second order system

Solution: b=[0.0018 0.0073 0.011 0.007 0.008]; a=[1 -3.0544 3.8291 -2.2925 0.55072]; [h,w]=freqz(b,a,1000); %fvtool(b,a) subplot(3,2,1); plot(w/pi,20*log10(abs(h))) tilte(Magnitude Response) [z,p,k]=tf2zp(b,a); subplot(3,2,2); zplane(z,p); title('Poles & Zeros plot of system H(z)') [sos,g]=tf2sos(b,a); d=sos(1,1:3); e=sos(1,4:6); [i,q]=freqz(d,e); subplot(3,2,3); plot(q/pi,20*log10(abs(i))); title('Magnitude plot of 2nd order system H1(z)') f=sos(2,1:3); g=sos(2,4:6); [j,l]=freqz(f,g); subplot(3,2,4); plot(l/pi,20*log10(abs(j))); title('Magnitude plot of 2nd order system H2(z)') subplot(3,2,5);

plot(q/pi,unwrap(angle(i))); title('Phase plot 2nd order system H1(z)') %2 order 2st function phase plot subplot(3,2,6); plot(l/pi,unwrap(angle(j))); title('Phase plot 2nd order system H2(z)')

Q2. With the following second order systems ( ) ( ) ( ) a. Plot zeros and poles of individual systems b. Cascade all above systems and observe the zplane plot of the cascaded system . What is the change in pole and zero Solution Code: b1=[0.007378 .014756 .007378]; a1=[1 -1.2686 .7051]; [z,p,k]=tf2zp(b1,a1); subplot(4,1,1); zplane(z,p); title('Poles and Zeros plot of H1(z)'); b2=[1 2 1]; a2=[1 -1.0106 .35832]; [z,p,k]=tf2zp(b2,a2); subplot(4,1,2); zplane(z,p); title('Poles and Zeros plot of H2(z)'); b3=[1 2 1]; a3=[1 -.9044 .2155]; [z,p,k]=tf2zp(b3,a3); subplot(4,1,3); zplane(z,p); title('Poles and Zeros plot of H3(z)'); %cascading all H1(z),H2(z)and H3(z); sos=[ b1 a1; b2 a2; b3 a3]; [z,p,k]=sos2zp(sos); subplot(4,1,4); zplane(z,p); title('Poles and Zeros plot of cascaded system H(z)'); ( )

Output: The position of the poles has been reordered but the position of the zeros are the same as seen above in the figure.

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