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In this course, students will actively learn and practice job-related skills vital to becoming a successful manager in contemporary organizations. Class sessions will consist of diverse exercises, self-assessments, role plays, etc., which help students evaluate and develop their skills. It will help the students to perform well at an acceptable entry level in each skill area; and better interact with other students, faculty, alumni and industry professionals.

Non Credit Course

Course Contents
Module I: Introduction to Managerial Competencies Business Service Performance Management and Future Managers, managerial Competencies. Values for managerial effectiveness and competencies in career development. Individual career goals and action plan. Module II: Identification of Career Opportunities in Various Industries Industry scenario and identifying career opportunities. Key position competencies at entry level in different industries and growth prospects. Career Recruitment / selection processes in various industries and companies. Module III: Career Development Process Diagnostic instruments. Steps in career Development, Career Counseling. Seeking, giving and receiving face-toface feedback. Strategies for improving managerial competencies. Opportunities and tactics for developing managerial competencies. Module IV: Developing Skills for Career Prospects How to succeed in interviews, Mock interviews and GDs. Special focus areas. Career Clusters, Role of Mentor in career development. Importance of Entrepreneurial and leaderrship skills in career development. Module V: Enhancing Learning Through Experience Sharing Experience sharing of successful industry professionals, entrepreneurs, alumni and career specialists.

Examination Scheme
1. 2. 3. 4. Individual Growth and Team Performance Individual Diagnostic File (Pre & Post Semester) Group Discussion Personal Interview Skills 15 Marks 25 Marks 30 Marks 30 Marks

Kolb, Osland, & Rubin,(1995), Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall Harnold R.Wallace,(2004) ,Personal development for life and work, Thompson Learning Greenhaus ,(2004), Career Management , Thompson Learning

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