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What does peace mean?

Why do people desire peace in the world? This is a question that people often put, but they haven`t yet discovered a right definition for it. Everyday normal people, politicians or philosophers talk about peace, but nobody thinks at a peace which offers advantages for everyone. So what are the real reasons of making peace? To begin with, every president`s speech include the peace conception, but it never speaks the truth. They always show only the things that could bring them benefits, like natural resources or territories as in the First and Second World War. What kind of peace is that when only one of the two parts have to win? An additional disadvantage is the loss of human lives. Why do we always have to obtain peace by war and not by diplomatic means? Why do we have to act like savages and not like educated people? Maybe because it is easier for us to be violent than to spend time and energy to find solutions. Even if people seem to forget the agony of the war by peace, as Herodotus says In peace sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature, and father bury sons, they will always remember the pain they felt when their loved ones, that fought for peace, never got to know it. And what about the advantages of peace? Do they really exist? For some people peace means an open door to a better life and a salve for their soul`s sore. For others, peace means a marriage with nature. People protect each other and toghether they protect themselves and the things that surrounds them. That means that peace is a way of life that brings prosperity and harmony. Peace has good and bad aspects parts, and it brings positive and negative aspects, but people should remember that there is no way to peace. Peace is the way. As Benjamin Franklin said There was never a good war or a bad peace.

Bratu Andreea Clipa Ramona Gheorghe Simona Ghita Andreea

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