2 Eso Plan Futuro

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Say when you are going to do something.


Examples: Have you cleaned the car? (tomorrow) Not yet. I am going to clean it tomorrow. 1. Have you called Tom? (after lunch) Not yet. I 2. Have you had dinner? (in a little while) Not yet. 3. Have you painted your apartment? (soon) Not 4. Have you fixed my bicycle? (this afternoon) . . .

Put the verb into the correct form, using WILL or GOING TO. Examples: A: Why are you turning on the TV? B: I'm going to watch (watch) the news. A: Those clouds are very black, aren't they? B: I think it is going to rain (rain). 1. A: I've got a terrible headache. B: Do you? Wait here and I 2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I (wash) the car. (get) you some aspirin.


A: Oh, I just realized that I don't have any money. B: Don't worry, that's no problem. I'll lend (lend) you some.

3. A: I've decided to repaint this room. B: Oh, you have? What color (you/paint) it?

4. A: Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. It's on fire! B: Oh no! I (call) the fire department right away.

5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if it (fall) down.

6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping? B: Yes, I (buy) something for dinner.

7. A: I can't figure out how to use this camera. B: It's easy. I (show) you.

8. A: What would you like to have: coffee or tea? B: I (have) coffee, please.

9. A: Has George decided what to do when he finishes school? B: Oh yes. Everything is settled. He then he (take) a vacation for a few weeks, and

(start) a computer programming course.

1. Ellas van a coger el autobs? 2. Ella se va a lavar el pelo.

3. l le va a traer flores a su madre.

4. Jim no se va a beber una copa de vino. 5. Bill va a poner dinero en su hucha.

6. Ella va a desayunar ms tarde.

7. Ellas no van a abrir la puerta.

8. Ella va a escribir esa historia?

9. Jim va a llamar a alguien ms?

10. Mira, Ann va a besar a Tom?

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