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VOR: provide bearing to the pilot relative to magnetic north. DME: provide distance to the pilot based on measuring the time between transmitting a question and received the response generated on land. TACAN: provide bearing and distance to the pilot. The system makes use of a radiation pattern, having a specific rotation speed, which generates an amplitudemodulated signal whose phase depends on the direction of the transponder, necessitating a phase reference, achieved by transmitting an omnidirectional signal. NOTE: The acronym VORTAC describes a facility in which a VOR and a TACAN station are collocated. Operating characteristics are the same as VOR/DME. Same as VOR plus DME information Differences from TACAN: 1. Frequency band TACAN: 1025-1150 MHz, UHF (252 channels, X and Y) VOR/DME: 108.0-117.95 MHz, VHF (channel designator for DME only) 2. Range data TACAN: DME a component of system VOR/DME: DME separate system providing range only 3. Identifier TACAN: Morse code only VOR/DME: Morse code and possibly voice

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