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-heamatoxylin and eosin- heamatoxylin

-Eosin - - .
-PAS ) ( -
- . -PAS: musin
' Basement membrane. BB . .
. .
-masson's trichrome .
: . .
-alcian blue musin . :
E&H -van gieson van gieson, alcian blue .
-van gieson , ,
. - .
-reticulin stain reticulin- .
" hematoxylin " .neutral red
-Azan .
, basement membrane , musin , .
-giesma . .
-toluidine blue .
. = .metachromasia
- . end plate-
intercellular junctions . .
-chrome alum/ hematoxylin
-isamine blue/ eosin ' 1 .
-nissl and methylene blue methods RER
-sudan black and osmium
- .
. .
)( .
horseradish perxyidase .immunoperoxidaseEM-
) (immunogold

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