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Define Financial Management Mention any three objectives of financial management. Write a note on scope of Financial management for a Corporate Organisation? Specify the functional areas of financial management & briefly explain any one of them. What is Financial Management & how it is different from accounting function? What is the role of financial system in any economy. What is financial planning? What is its importance. State any ways by which company can maximize its wealth. Explain the emerging role of financial managers in India What is Wealth Maximisation? In what ways WM objectives is superior to PM objective. Describe the major financial management decisions that business firm make. What are the key activities of financial manager? What is profit Maximisation? Financing decisions are derived from Investment decisions. Discuss this statement with reference to the nature of financial management. Discuss the salient features of traditional & Modern approaches to financial management. Financial management is concerned with solution of three major finance decisions a firm must make. Explain this statement, highlighting the interrelationship amongst these decisions.

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