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Below i have shown a list of all of the possible risks there could be when i film my video.

I looked at all of these closely and identified the ones that could occur during my filming due to locations I have chosen.
Hazard Number 1 5 Risks identified Controls to minimise risk Access to locations could be Plan alternative routes. blocked. Each location is public mean- Make sure I do not directly ing that people will be around get in any one elses way during filming. Some could whilst filming and Seek perrefuse to co-operate and be mission from anyone who included in the background. may be in close range to the camera. Bright lighting and strobe ef- Ensure that the people who I fects will be seen in scenes use in the shot do not suffer with gig venues. from epilepsy. Being in public, outdoors spa-Make sure I keep away from ces in busy areas means that any signs of smoke. smoking could occur. Filming fireworks - private display. Make sure a safe distance is kept from the fireworks so that nobody is put at risk.





May become tired after long Make sure frequent breaks duration of filming. are taken.

Completed by: Anna Daly (Producer, Director, Camera Work) I am satisfied that is this an adequate risk assessment for my music video shooting.

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