Title of The Project: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering

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Title of the Project

(Times new Roman 18)

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering In Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering

(Times new Roman 12 Italic bold)


Name of Candidate
(Times new Roman 16 bold)


Name of Guide
(Times new Roman 16 bold)

Department of Electronics Engineering / Electronics &

Communication Engineering Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi College of Engineering Nagpur 440 019
(Times new Roman 16)

Year 2012
(Times new Roman 16 bold)

(Times New Roman 16, Bold)









_________________________________________ is a bonafide work done by __________________________ & is submitted to RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering. The work is comprehensive, complete and fit for evaluation.
(Times new roman 12)


Head of the Department

(Times new Roman 12, bold)


Instructions for thesis writing Sequence of papers Part A 1 2 3 4 Cover page Inner first page Certificate Acknowledgement

Note - Cover page & Inner page will be same .

Part B 5 6 7 Part C 10 11 12 13 Index Chapters Annexure References Margin : Top 1, Bottom 1.25, Left 1.5, Right 0.8, Text Spacing 1.5, Times New Roman 16 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold 12 Bold 12 Upper case Title case Title case Numerals page no. starts Abstract List of Figures List of Tables - Roman page nos. (end) Roman page nos. (start)

Paper size A 4, Page Nos. Bottom centre,

Chapter & chapter title Section & section title Sub-section & Sub-section title Title of figures, tables Other written matter

Bound Volume Instructions: Binding Cover page black colour (Leather) with golden letters, 4 copies of thesis.

Guide Initials/ B.E/ (EN/EC)/Project Title

2012 PIGCE Back Main

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