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Day : Date : April 2012 Duration: 60 minutes Year : Theme : Learning Area : Learning Objective : Understand Learning Outcomes

: At the end of the lesson, pupils will able to i) demonstrate that magnets attract some materials but not others. Constructivisme

Teaching and Learning Approach : Method : Phase Orientation Content

Activities 1. .

Remarks 1. Example of lines that will be used. -

Eliciting of Ideas (5 minutes)

Testing pupils prior knowledge.

1. Teacher asks several questions to elicits and test pupils ideas.

1. Example of questions. -

Restructuring of Ideas (7 minutes)

Correct misconceptions among pupils if any. Pupils apply their new constructed ideas into new situation


Application of Ideas (12 minutes)


Reflection (3 minutes)

To make sure pupils have a

Teacher asks pupils to reflect what they have

meaningful learning experience.

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