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Tutorial Week One and Two Brief

CRICOS No. 00213J
Queensland University of Technology

Tutorial ExerciseSimplified Maturity Model

Tutorial ExerciseModel with Halfway Increments

(3.5) (2.5) (1.5)

Overall Project Maturity

What is your organizations current or as is project management capability maturity level and why? What do you think the future or to be capability maturity level should be and why? How does the current maturity compare with that of your competitorshigher, lower or equal? How does that affect your organizations competitive advantage? What knowledge areas and/or process groups (using PMBoK) contribute to the gap (if any) between the current and future states and why? What actions would you suggest to eliminate the causes identified in the previous question? [Option question if time allows] Are the problems identified earlier systemic across the industry sector in which my organization operates? If so, are there any obvious reasons? [Option question if time allows] In your opinion, does your organizations current development and delivery approach deliver the best value (however your organization defines that)? If not, what changes would you suggest?

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