LT of Rec

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public relations , advertising web design . event planning

Letter of Re comm endation

for Amanda Ulmer

August 4,2008 To Whom It May Concem,

on behalf of Amanda Ulmer, who held an internship in of Tiffanie Williams & Co., hrc. during the summer of 2008. As the Public Relations Department Amanda's direct supervisor I have had the pleasure of working closely with her on a day to day

I'm writing this letter of recommendation


Amanda's attention to detail and impressive work ethic led us to make her the point of contact for an entire suilrmer publicity campaign. She was responsible for the day to day operations of Dependable Cleaners' Tenth Annual Read to Ride summer reading program. Amanda was involved in all aspects of the campaign, including: notiffing and interviewing winners; writing and pitching releases to the local papers; compiling winners' packets and soliciting runner-up prizes. She was a wonderful addition to our team. Her impressive writing skills enabled me to assign her tasks beyond what would normally be given to interns. I have the utmost confidence in Amanda's work and know that when a task is assigned to her it will be completed in a timely and exceptional manner.

Any company will be very lucky to be able to add Amanda to their team. I am confident she will succeed in all that she takes on. We will miss her presence in our office. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to further discuss Amanda's qualifications.

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Jacquelyn Burbank

Account Executive

Tiffanie Williams & Co.


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