Choices Shot Script 1

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OPENING CREDITS WIDE: - Credits - Possible Animation Graphics (SoundTrac ) Starring... Produced By...

WIDE: - Attempted Suicide: Establishing Shot Train Station Location - Members of Public - Train/Trac s ZOOM IN: - Character's Face - Brings in tension (Camera on another platform) VERY WIDE SHOT: - Opposite Platform loo ing at train approaching from afar - Foreboding danger WIDE: - Across Station - Character wal ing towards platform edge - Expectation - Anticipation - Slight Confusion - Tension CLOSE UP: - Feet slowly moving towards edge (White/Yellow Lines) of platform - Build Up - Continued Tension/Anticipation MONTAGE: - Experimentation of different shots as potential cuts (build up): Side-View of Character - Location - Shot from behind the character - Overhead Audience have understanding of surrounding location - Visually pleasing PAN: - Opposite side of platform - Camera follows train all the way until it is in line with the character (Audience doesn't now outcome) Conitnued: Suspense - Shoc CREDITS: - Credits will be rolling on top of video sequence during this scene - As final shot occurs the scene will fade to blac and reveal the title of film: 'Choices'. INTRO - AIDEN IN ROOM PAN: - Trac ing Shot - Revealing Protagonist in room MEDIUM CLOSE UP: - Perspective Shot - In front of Main character (Table Head Composition) Audience's identification CLOSE UP: - Cutaways - Items in the room to reveal character's personality (Stic y Notes - Event Tic ets [Typewriter/Laptop/Pad] - Cloc - Mug - Lamp) Traits OVER THE SHOULDER: - From behind Aiden - Typing/Writing Understanding of his intentions

POV: - In the writing process - shows what the character is actually producing MEDIUM: - Shot of Aiden in room pic ing up & loo ing at picture of group of friends Shows the main characters of the film CLOSE UP: - Picture in Aiden's hands before Extreme close up that transcends into next scene First instance of filming style GROUP OF FRIENDS IN BAR/RESTAURANT ZOOM IN: - Shot of picture in previous scene is zoomed in to show group of friends (4 Main characters) in their location together. They are discussing upcoming projects and their careers MONTAGE: - Cutaways - To create atmosphere of what is happening in location (Different people - items - setting - windows s y) MEDIUM: - Characters seated at table discussing... Peter as s Aiden how his plans are coming along PETER DAVIES "What about you Aiden, what have you got planned?" Audience observing the different characters (understanding) CLOSE UP: - Aiden starts to respond about how he has a big project lined up with a detailed plan, but has not got the money to fund it. (The Business is a Hardware store) AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I've got a big idea that I've been planning for a while, but I need the money to get it started" WIDE: - Group discussing options he can ta e towards ma ing the money and whether or not the project is viable PETER DAVIES "Have you loo ed at for investment?" LISA BRAMBLE "Have you really thought about this big plan of yours?" CLOSE UP:

- On Justin - Suggests that he has an idea that might help Aiden's pursuits, but will have to tal about it later in detail JUSTIN REID "There is one idea I've got, but I'd have to tell you about it later" Audience see a glimpse of Justin's personality WIDE: Peter gets up to offer that its his turn to get the round of drin s, Lisa offers to help him carry them bac and goes with him leaving Aiden & Justin at the table together PETER: "Its my turn to get the drin s, same again?" LISA: "I'll come along and help you" OVER THE SHOULDER: Justin & Aiden facing each other - Justin begins to mention how he is willing to invest in Aiden's project but stresses the importance of ma ing the money bac (assurance) JUSTIN REID "Alright lets tal business. I now you haven't got the money, I'm willing to provide it but I need to be sure you can ma e it bac " Audience see slyness in Justin's actions OVER THE SHOULDER: Aiden's responses - Showing his confidence in the project and how he believes it will be successful (There is a contrast between the 2 - Aiden's Enthusiasm & Justin's Insincerity) The pair glance to their side to see Peter & Lisa returning with the drin s AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I'm sure that this will wor , I've spent a lot of time planning this" MEDIUM: Group placing their drin s on table and settling down to resume their gathering (Camera begins to zoom out whilst shot is also fading out to blac ) *Audience feel intrigued about how the plans will go & have also got a clearer understanding of the different characters & how they will fit into the plot*

AIDEN IN ROOM - 2ND FLASHBACK MEDIUM: Aiden in room recollecting what happened in previous flashbac

(Character Habits: Loo ing around room - Pulling his ear Biting pen) Beginning to write/type OVER THE SHOULDER: Aiden writing down his thoughts (Different camera pans and focus points) *Understand that he is going through a reflective process* CLOSE UP:

*Starting to imagine what might be going through Aiden's mind.* POV: Window (Day time) (Camera focused on what is outside) Shot transition into next flashbac ... AIDEN & LISA IN PARK CUTAWAY: A section in the par where camera will be placed which still includes both characters in shot. their discussion will still be heard. (Camera - Pans towards the 2) *Warm/Peaceful environment* AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "Since you now what happened last time, I felt the need to tal to you about what I'm planning" WIDE: Aiden and Lisa are on the swings in the par discussing Aiden's business plan. She as s him if he's sure about the big step he's about to ma e in his career. LISA BRAMBLE "This step you're about to ta e, are you sure that its going to wor out?" TWO-SHOT: Change in focus from character to character as Aiden begins to respond that he is confident about the business. Lisa sounds hesistant about the situation and as s for Aiden's reassurance: "If he is sure this is the way he wanted to do this" AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I am confident that this is the one" Lisa: "I hope that you're sure about this" (Shot is focused on Character's face and begins to fade down - Into next scene) AIDEN IN ROOM - 3RD FLASHBACK

Aiden gets up to pull curtain and loo

out of the window


Cloc on wall (tic ing at 01:59PM) as it hits 2PM.. *Sound of alarm going off* Sound Design important in sequence WIDE:

POV: Aiden loo ing at phone in his hand *Alarm stating 2PM* (Shot transition into next scene) AIDEN AT TRAIN STATION / JUSTIN PHONECALL OVER THE SHOULDER: Same composition as previous shot (Phone is Aiden's hand Time @ 2PM) *Incoming Call from Justin* MEDIUM: *Aiden answers phone - begins conversating with Justin* (Audience can hear Justin shouting about his money through the phone) Aiden: "Justin I now its been a while" Justin: "We had an agreement, I need my money" (Audience sympathise with Aiden because of Justin's aggression) AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "Justin I now its been a while" Justin: "We had an agreement, I need my money" (Audience sympathise with Aiden because of Justin's aggression) MONTAGE: Cutaways of very busy train station (Including Aiden in shots): Lots of people wal ing around Shots of Information-Board MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Aiden's facial reaction to Justin's remar s

*Phone Alarm going off* Aiden wal s over to table to pic up phone OVER THE SHOULDER:

Aiden standing at Window of room and stares at Cloc wall CLOSE UP:

on the

JUSTIN 'shouts': "Its ta en too long, I've had enough" & Hangs up phone. WIDE: Aiden loo s depressed as he wal s around the station. There will be a (WIDE TRACKING-SHOT) filmed from a side view, integrated into this scene. WIDE: Aiden settles down on a bench, at the train station, still loo ing depressed. (Fidgeting and moving around on the bench). (Timelapse) of time passing by, until night time. WIDE: Timelapse stops. He glances toward the yellow line ahead of him at the edge of the platform. (Audience see Aiden at his "Lowest point") CLOSE UP: Yellow line is shown in the shot. PAN: Aiden gets up form the seat and starts to wal toward the yellow line. (Shot of train platform - Pans to Aiden who is moving towards platform edge) *Audience begin to relate scene to opening of film* MEDIUM: The camera is focused on Aiden's bac . as he gradually wal s towards the edge of the platform. *Suspense & Anticipation* CLOSE UP: Side-Profile Shot: *Aiden wal ing towards edge* Tension being built up in facial expression (Emotional) EXTREME CLOSE UP: Over the shoulder / close up of Aiden and what he is loo ing at (Approaching train) *Change of Camera Focus* to signify. Very close to Platform edge / Train is close CLOSE UP: From Behind: Arm stretches out to grab Aiden bac wards, away from train *Relief*

*Promising he "intends to give the money bac more time"*

& needs

MEDIUM: Reveals that its is Peter who has saved Aiden from going over the edge.

*Aiden begins to brea down telling how things are* *Emotive soundtrac * AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "Everything has gone wrong." MEDIUM: Peter & Aiden move bac and sit down (Aiden confused, saying how he "Is a failure and doesn't now what to do") TWO-SHOT: Peter faces Aiden & says that he can come stay with him for a short period of time (Camera Focus between the 2 - Shot begins to fade down into next scene) PETER DAVIES "I can see things are really hard right now. You come stay with me for a while"

AIDEN IN ROOM - 4TH FLASHBACK MEDIUM: Phone still in Aiden's hand *Alarm ringing - He switches it off & puts it in his poc et* (Sound design continued from previous flashbac ) PAN: Camera pans as he goes to sit down at des and begins to type on laptop (Audience have greater understanding of plot/narrative) MEDIUM CLOSE UP: GLIDE: from left to right - Transition of Aiden typing away into next scene. (Camera pans up to the centre of laptop before fading down)

AIDEN LEAVING PETER'S PLACE MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Transition from previous scene (Camera panning from the centre and fading up) Reveals Aiden in Living room typing on Laptop filling out a

Shouting: "What do you thin

you're doing?"

Job application. *Peter's House* WIDE: Transition from previous scene (Camera panning from the centre and fading up) Reveals Aiden in Living room typing on Laptop filling out a Job application. *Peter's House* OVER THE SHOULDER: POV: Peter loo ing at Aiden AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I'm still waiting for some responses" PETER DAVIES "What about the others..?" AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "No Luc ." MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Peter's reaction (Loo ing uneasy, impatient, tense) PETER DAVIES "It's been a few months now and there hasn't been much progress, I can't afford to eep you here any longer..." MEDIUM: Aiden interrrupting Peter saying: AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "Its o ay I understand, I'll leave." *Aiden Closes Laptop and starts getting things together*

AIDEN IN ROOM - FINAL FLASHBACK MEDIUM: Aiden typing away on laptop POV: Camera see what he is writing: *Tal ing about his recollected memories* Chapter Title: HOMELESS DAYS PAN: Camera pans to bag that is rested against the wall (Very tight shot that has the bag ta ing up most of the screen space) Shot fades down into next scene.


CLOSE UP: Shot is composed the same way as previous scene (Close on bag, begins to zoom out) Revealing that the bag is on Aiden's bac & he is wal ing down the street MONTAGE: Cutaways: Street (Street Lights - Shops - Busy - People Feet - Cars) PAN: GLIDE TRACK: Aiden wal ing down the road (Side view - Camera following) TWO-SHOT: Camera Static Facing Aiden Approaching Lisa wal s past camera into focus in time for the 2 to collide with each other (Lisa drops her bag, stuff & boo s) MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Stuff on the floor. Apologetic (Sincere) Aiden helps Lisa pic her stuff up

AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I'm really sorry, let me help you get that" MEDIUM: Lisa's realisation that it is Aiden who she has bumped into LISA BRAMBLE "Aiden, is that you, its been so long, where have you been?" AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "Just been trying to sort my life out" *The pair start tal ing about Aiden's situation, what happened with Justin & Peter* TWO-SHOT: Conversation continued: *Lisa as s Aiden if he still does writing" Lisa mentions that her: LISA BRAMBLE " My Firm are currently loo ing for a new editor to write some columns on their site it would suit you and I'm sure it will help you get your life bac off the ground". MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Aiden is overwhelmed by the opportunity and excited to join Lisa in the firm

*Gladly welcomes the suggestion and gives Lisa a Big Hug/Embrace* Shot Fades Out. AIDEN IN ROOM - CLOSE UP PAN: Aiden at the table - Shot pans up to reveal Label Mar er saying: "Aiden Smith - Chief Editor" (Camera Pans Up to showing AIDEN 'smiling') END: Shot Fades to Credits MASTER: CREDITS

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