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By: Shaine

Chapter one
In the dark of the night, silence prevailed. Under the grace of a full moon, a mansion stood in its grandeur. Every crook and corner of the property was guarded with perfect security or so they thought. Unknown to its highly paid security and surveillance, a shadow crept into their midst. Silent and mocking, the shadow went to the object hidden within the mansion. Neither sound nor movement alerted any of the one hundred guards. The shadow was certain for it carefully watched their routines from an inconspicuous distance for a good length of time. The shadow was finally inside the mansion. Stealthily, it went to the mansions control room. Hey, did you see that? the man inside the room said. What? his partner asked, probably nothing. Eyes playin tricks on you. Im sure, I saw something move. The first man considered his thought further, Nevermind. Hey do you think that thiefs gonna show up, like boss said? With boss hiring a hundred blokes for security patrolling the area maybe the thief got scared witless. Who knows? Whats he called again? Something like those characters in X-Men. You mean, Shadowcat? Oh no, the last I heard, it was Black Cat. Sounds girly to me, if you ask me. But Folks said it was a boy. Imagine that? A boy outsmarted the police, you say? I say the bugger works for some kind of Mob you know the world of organized crime and all sort of crap like that. Well, boy or not, he stole a lot already. Righto! And from all those pompous arrogant millionaires. I wonder how much he gets, stealing stuff like that. About a million per item, A new voice intruded, Excuse me. Startled by the intruding voice, they tried to turn around to see who the intruder was. But they felt a sharp pain at the back of their necks, and before they knew it, they fell back unconscious. On the screen, an image was reflected. It was a mask painted with the likeness of a cat. Then everything went dark. ********

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