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____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Project : Prep'd by: Date : Job No.: Item: Helical Stair Checked by: Sheet no.

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This spreadsheet illustrates the design check of helical stair at ... Reference : Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook - C.E.Reynolds and J.C.Steedman - 25.2 Stairs Materials Concrete fcu := 30MPa Reinforcement fy := 390MPa fyv := 235MPa d := h 40 + 16 +

Cross section

h := 200mm b := 2500mm Ri := 1000mm Ro := 3600mm

: depth of section : width of stair : internal radius : external radius

16 mm 2

d = 136 mm d1 := b 40 + 10 + 16 mm 2

d1 = 2442 mm

Load calculation Dead load Concrete slab Steps g := gslab + gstep Live load q := 4kPa ULC w := 1.4 g + 1.6 q for helical stair of 2.6m width W := 2.6m w W = 42.85 kN m w = 16.48 kPa gslab := gstep := h 24kPa m 100mm 24kPa m gslab = 4.8 kPa gstep = 2.4 kPa g = 7.2 kPa

Design moment, shear and torsion := 250deg := 20deg b = 12.5 h

Radius of centerline of loading 2 R1 := 3

R 3 R 3 i o R 2 R 2 i o

R1 = 2.54 m

Radius of centerline of steps R2 := 1 R + Ro 2 i

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R2 = 2.3 m
Rev A

Helical stair design check

____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Prep'd by: Date : Project : Job No.: R1 R2 Item: Helical Stair Checked by: Sheet no.: of

= 1.11

We choose the chart table 177 (Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook - C.E.Reynolds and J.C.Steedman) using strain-energy principles to get the moments and force via k1, k2, k3 parameters k1 := 0.17 k2 := 2.12 k3 := 0.42

Redundant moment acting tangentially at midspan M0 := k1 W R2 Horizontal redundant force at midspan H := k2 W R2 Vertical moment at supports Mvs := k3 W R2 At support := Lateral moment Mn := M0 sin ( ) sin ( ) H R2 tan ( ) cos ( ) sin ( ) H R2 sin ( ) cos ( ) ... + W R1 sin ( ) R1 sin ( ) R2
2 2

M0 = 38.53 kNm

H = 208.93 kN

Mvs = 95.2 kNm

= 125 deg

Mn = 415.22 kNm Torsional moment T := M0 sin ( ) H R2 cos ( ) tan ( ) + W R1 sin ( ) W R1 R2 cos ( ) ... + H R2 sin ( ) sin ( )

T = 10.07 kNm Vertical moment My := M0 cos ( ) + H R2 tan ( ) sin ( ) W R1 ( 1 cos ( ) ) My = 102.02 kNm Thrust N := H sin ( ) cos ( ) W R1 sin ( ) Lateral shearing force across stair Vn := W R1 cos ( ) H sin ( ) sin ( ) Radial horizontal shearing force Vh := H cos ( ) Vh = 119.84 kN Vn = 165.02 kN N = 0.001 kN

Helical stair design check

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Rev A

____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Project : Prep'd by: Date : Job No.: Item: Helical Stair Checked by: Sheet no.: of

Design of edge tension reinforcement Ultimate resistant moment Design moment Mu := 0.156fcu h d1 M := 500kNm CheckM := "OK" if Mu M "Redesign" otherwise K := M fcu h d1
2 2

Mu = 5581.71 kNm M = 500 kNm CheckM = "OK"

K = 0.01

zcal := d1 0.5 + zlim := 0.95d1 z :=

0.25 K 0.9

zcal = 2.4 10 mm zlim = 2319.9 mm z = 2.3 10 mm


zlim if zcal > zlim zcal otherwise

Area of reinforcement Provide Reinf ratio Check ratio

Areq :=

M 0.95 fy z

Areq = 581.7 mm Aprov = 942 mm Aratio = 0.19 %

Aprov := 3T20 Aratio := Aprov bh

Checkratio :=

"OK" if Aratio 0.13% Aratio 4% "Not OK" otherwise Checkratio = "OK"

) (

Design of tension reinforcement Ultimate resistant moment Design moment Mu := 0.156fcu b d M := 103kNm CheckM := "OK" if Mu M "Redesign" otherwise K := M fcu b d
2 2

Mu = 216.4 kNm M = 103 kNm CheckM = "OK"

K = 0.07

zcal := d 0.5 + zlim := 0.95d

Helical stair design check

0.25 K 0.9

zcal = 123.7 mm zlim = 129.2 mm

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____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Project : Prep'd by: Date : Job No.: Item: Helical Stair Checked by: Sheet no.: of

z :=

zlim if zcal > zlim zcal otherwise

z = 123.7 mm

Area of reinforcement Provide Reinf ratio Check ratio

Areq :=

M 0.95 fy z

Areq = 2248.1 mm Aprov = 2412 mm Aratio = 0.48 %

Aprov := 12T16 Aratio := Aprov bh

Checkratio :=

"OK" if Aratio 0.13% Aratio 4% "Not OK" otherwise Checkratio = "OK"

) (

Shear reinforcement Design shear Vf := 226kN Vd := 226kN Average shear stress f := d := Limitting shear Check shear Vf bd Vd bd :at the face of the support :at distance d from face of support f = 0.66 MPa d = 0.66 MPa

lim := max 5MPa , 0.8

fcu MPa MPa

lim = 5 MPa Check = "OK"

Check :=

"OK" if f lim "Not OK" otherwise

Concrete shear capacity

100Aprov , 3 bd 400mm k2 := max 1 , d

k1 := min

k1 = 0.71 k2 = 2.94
1 3

c :=

fcu 0.79 k1 k2 MPa 1.25 25MPa

c "Nominal link" if d 2 "Design for link" otherwise

1 3

1 4

c = 0.78 MPa Checklink = "Design for link"

Checklink :=

Helical stair design check

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Rev A

____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Prep'd by: Date : Project : Job No.: Calcualte shear capacity of section Item: Helical Stair Asv := 2 R10 sv := 150mm Vn := Check shear Checked by: :area of links at a section :link spacing Sheet no.: of

Asv sv

0.95 fyv + b c d

Vn = 298.5 kN Checkshear = "safe"

Checkshear :=

"safe" if Vd Vn "Redesign" otherwise

Torsional resistance Design Torsion Check torsion reinforcement Ttor := 12kNm hmin := min ( b , h) hmax := max ( b , h) Shear stress induced by torsion Limiting torsional shear stress vt := 2Ttor hmin hmin hmax 3

hmin = 200 mm hmax = 2500 mm vt = 0.25 MPa

vtmin := min 0.67

fcu , 0.4 MPa MPa

vtmin = 0.4 MPa

Checktorsion :=

"provide torsion reinf" if vt vtmin "torsional reinf not required" otherwise

Checktorsion = "torsional reinf not required" Distance to center of links Link dimensions Torsional resistance t := ( 40 + 10)mm x1 := b 2t Tr := 0.8 y1 := h 2t x1 y1 0.95fyv


Tr = 44.86 kNm

CheckT :=

"safe" if Ttor Tr "reduce spacing of links s.v" otherwise

CheckT = "safe" Check torsion combined with bending and shear stress Total shear v := vt + f Checkcombined := "re-design" if v min 0.8 v = 0.91 MPa

fcu , 5 MPa MPa Checkcombined = "safe"

"safe" otherwise

Helical stair design check

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Rev A

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