Barangay SWMP Template-LGU Presentation

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BARANGAY _______________ MUNICIPALITY OF _______________________

I. Executive Summary [This is the first part of the written plan and is the first to appear in the plan but the last to be written because it presents the gist or the highlights of your plan. What to be written in this part should only be a brief description of the barangay profile, solid waste profile, your most important strategies and funding requirements. An example is shown below. You can add some more but should not exceed 1 page short bond single space] This ten year ecological solid waste management plan for Barangay ____________ of the municipality/city of ____________ hopes to achieve an almost zero waste after 10 years of implementation of the plan. Our barangay covers an area of ____________hectares, with total population of ____________ and number of households of__________, ________Day Care and Elementary schools, __________ Commercial Establishments/Market,and ______ hospitals/clinics. With the existing barangay profile and solid waste generation , the Barangay officials and the constituents will work hand in hand to reduce at source, recycle, and process waste into compost product. All waste generators will be involved in managing the waste in the Barangay through a widespread education and public information. Organized groups in the Barangay like _________________, _______________________ will be tapped. Assistance of non-government organizations that are concerned with ecological management like ________________will also be sought. Bioman shall be assigned in every barangay to handle collection of segregated wastes and incentive programs like ______________ will be in place. The first year budget will require ____________________ a portion of which (initial operating expense) in the amount of __________ shall be allocated from the present funds and the remaining portion shall be sourced from other sources. Yearly requirements will be included in succeeding budget proposals. II. Rationale [This part of the plan tells the users and readers of the plan the reasons why there is a need for the plan. A short backgrounder for the pressing situation and for protected problems that go along the present situation should first be included. Legal mandates should also be presented. An example is presented below. You

can add or modify. Be sure that the salient reasons for planning should be clearly stated] Solid waste management has become a very serious concern for a lot of communities. Rapid population growth, economic expansion, and the growing throw away lifestyle of consumers, result in a continually increasing solid waste generation and putting pressure on the Local Government Units to expand their waste collection and disposal program. Section 10 of Republic Act 9003 emphasizes the vital role of the barangay in the successful implementation of the program on solid waste management, particularly in the segregation, collection, and recycling of waste at source. In view of this, the Barangay Solid Waste Management Committee, established through an ordinance by the Barangay Council is tasked to formulate a community solid waste management program consistent with that of the city/municipality. Likewise, the Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government through the DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2001-38 dated April 10, 2001, directed all Local Chief Executives (LCE) to conduct an information campaign on R.A. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, as well as provide the necessary incentives to the best LGU performer on solid waste management. The Barangay is the best government unit to reach the households in this information dissemination campaign and in empowering everybody to manage waste properly. Further, by virtue of EO 774, Section 2 (a), all local governments are enjoined to reduce solid waste generation by fifty percent (50%) within the next six months, June 2010. The above reasons, not to mention the necessity of really having a good plan to have proper directions and sustainability of development, this plan on solid waste management of Barangay ___________________ was prepared. III.Barangay Profile A. Particulars Table I. Land area, Number of Households, Schools, Commercial Establishments, etc. Land Area (Has) a. Urban Number of

b. Rural Number of Households a. Urban b. Rural Number of schools a. Day Care Number of Commercial Bank Insurance Companies Buy and sell livestock and Poultry Bakery Tailoring/dress shop General merchandise Barber/Beauty Shop Palay/Cereal Trading Gasoline Station Construction/Hardware Supply Pharmacy/Drugstore Groceries Hotels Others B. Population in the Barangay and population projection for a 10-year period Table 2 shows that our barangay based on NSO Census has an increase in population of __________from CY 2007-2010. Table 3 also shows that our Barangay based on NSO Census in CY 2007 has a total population of _________________ and is projected to increase to a total of ______________ within the ten year SWM planning period of our Barangay from CY 2011-2020. Table 2. Population History Total Population

Census Year 2007 2008 2009 2010

Table 3. Population Projection in the Barangay for a 10year period Year Projected Population

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


Barangay Map

[Attach your barangay map indicating the location of residential, commercial and industrial center, agricultural area as well as dumpsites and other solid waste facilities. Use the following color codes: red-residential, orange-commercial, green- agricultural, blue-dumpsites and gray-solid waste facilities.]

Figure 1. Map of Barangay _________

IV.Solid Waste Management Profile A. Existing Volume of Solid Waste Generations by Source Table 4. Consolidated Waste Generation Estimates (in kilograms) Households Mon Annual (tons) (tons 45 x 1.02= 540 45.9 x1.02 550.8 46.82 561.82 Schools Mon Annual Offices Mon Annual Commercial Annua Mon l Industrial Annua Mon l Livestock and Poultry Mon Annual

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Monthly WG Total Annual WG


Existing Methods of Collection and Transfer (define coverage) [Describe the existing methods of collection and transfer in your barangay]


Existing Waste Disposal [Describe the existing waste disposal facilities in your barangay]


Existing Equipment/Facilities Used in Garbage Collection and Disposal [List down the existing equipment/facilities used in garbage collection and disposal in your barangay]


Inventory of Junk Shops in the Locality [List down the existing junk shops in your barangay and junk shops in nearby barangays where you could sell factory recyclable wastes]


Inventory of Market for Compost [List down the market (if any). If none, describe possible or prospective markets for compost]


Existing Number of Personnel Involved in SWM


Existing Ordinances related to Garbage Collection


Garbage Fees Collected (if applicable)


Estimated Cost Management







Issues, Problems and Concerns Regarding Solid Waste Management in the Locality [List down the issues, problems and concerns regarding solid waste in the locality]


Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan A. Vision/Goals [The Dream, the Guiding Spirit/What the organization wants to be known for] In the next ten years, what do we want to see happening or put in place in our barangay and in the Municipality in the area of Ecological Solid Waste Management

B. Objectives [These are the specific things we want to do to achieve our vision. These should follow the desirable characteristics of a good objective with the acronym SMART-specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound] Examples: To activate environmental organization that would help in the conduct of ESWM activities within the first quarter of the implementation of the plan. To put up a materials recovery facility that would be a center for ESWM recycling, reuse and composting activities six months upon the implementation of the plan.







segregated collection by 50% this year, and 100% by next year; To saturate all barangays in the IEC drive to implement source reduction and segregation in order to achieve 100% waste diversion by next year. To augment revenues by 20% through SWM operations and other environmental projects to help sustain the implementation of environmental programs in my on barangay LGUs and to reduce Revenue dependence the Internal

Allotment (IRA). C. Targets [State in percentage the yearly diversion and disposal targets of the LGU and until we reach zero disposal and present in a tabular form] Diversion and Disposal targets of the 10-Year SWM YEARLY TARGETS IN PERCENT (%) 200 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 25% 50% 75% 100 100 100 100 100 (13 (27 % % % % % 5t) 5.4t ) 415 275. 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% t 4t

Table 5. Plan 540 Diversion Target Disposal Target V.

201 7 100 % 0%

201 8 100 % 0%

Solid Waste Management Plan Components A. Waste Characterization [Write down what you intend to do regarding periodic waste characterization in order to keep track of the condition of waste in the barangay. Mention strategies that you will do to make the work easier. This component specifically the residential source shall be conducted by the BSWMC to be assisted by the Technical Working Group of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Board. Result of which shall be analyzed and data shall be furnished to us to determine our target diversion goal of our Barangay.] B. Segregation at source and Source Reduction 9

[Describe what you intend to do regarding a more effective system of implementing segregation at source and what you intend to do to implement source reduction toreduce volume of municipal waste] For this year CY ________, segregation at source is targeted to be implemented by at least 50% in all sources and the remaining 50% by next year CY ___________. To achieve this, house to house campaign shall be conducted by our trained workers. Flyers will be distributed to them and orient every source of waste the use of 3 to 4 type segregation scheme. Each source is required to receive the flyer to be assured not to deny knowledge of the program. A coordinator will be identified for every 5 households, to assure proper segregation of wastes. Households will also be taught to practice household composting for their own backyard gardens as a scheme of source reduction. Community gardening will be initiated in our barangay using horizontal pit composting and or utilizing rubber tires as receptacles for our vegetable garden. C. Collection and Transfer [Describe what you intend to do regarding a more effective system of collection and transfer] The Barangay will be using a tribike in the collection of segregated waste on scheduled day and time of the week. A bioman could be assigned per barangay or per purok with an environmental organization to manage it. A tribike will be used to collect segregated waste and bring it to the ecology center or MRF for processing and further segregation of the recyclables prior to selling. Residual waste shall be collected once a week and be transferred at the MRF serving as collection point of the Municipal collector for landfilling and or processing into concrete products and or plastiwoods. It is targeted to implement 50% segregated collection in all purok for CY 2006 and the remaining 50% by next year. Segregated collection shall be implemented in all purok with at least 50% complying with segregation. Within the year, the NO SEGREGATION, NO COLLECTION POLICY shall be implemented and tne impositionof fine and penalty to violation to encourage compliance in all sources. C. Storage, Processing, and Recovery 10

[Describe what you intend to do on waste diversion, recycling and composting. The ecological center that you propose will help you out carry this part of your plan.] A Materials Recovery Facility that will serve as the storage of our recyclables to be collected shall be established. The collected biowaste shall be windrowed in a depressed horizontal pit composting for our community garden in the future. The site shall also serve as the collection point of the Municipality for the residual wastes and special wastes for treatment prior to landfilling


Special Waste [Describe what u intend to do with special waste] Special wastes shall likewise be collected with residual wastes for collection by the Municipal collector.


Education and Public Information [Describe what you will do to have a massive information campaign regarding solid waste management] Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaign is the lifeblood of the program. Because our constituents will understand and learn their responsibility in every waste each may generate. And for the effective implementation of the program our Barangay will organize its own IEC Team and this will be trained to have common language in the dissemination of information on a house to house level. Sectoral meeting will also be conducted to solicit assistance and support in the program. Flyers will be developed and reproduced for distribution to household and all other sources of wastes. Billboards will likewise be installed at the entrance and exit of our Barangay for the people to know of what is being implemented in our Barangay. The DepEd shall be tapped for the proper implementation of the IEC programs in Solid Waste Management and for implementation within the school level requiring every student/pupil to bring the good practice at home.




A barangay Ordinance shall be Enacted implementation to give teeth to the program.


An enforcement team shall be organized to apprehend violators of the Barangay Ordinance. The team shall also be trained on the proper apprehension of violators and issuance of citation tickets. They will also be deputized and be given proper identification and paraphernalia needed in the apprehension. Incentive programs shall also be developed after the ESWM System has already been moving forward. G. Project Management The project shall be managed by the BSWM Committee headed by the Barangay Chairman.


Monitoring and Evaluation A team for monitoring the success of the implementation of the project shall be organized. The organization will be by purok headed by respective barangay kagawad. Every purok team shall maintain a record of every household and how waste is being managed in every household and other sources of wastes. The percentage compliance of the different sources in ESWM implementation shall then be determined using the record of every purok.



Programs/Projects/Activities Table 6. SWM programs/activities, strategies and implementation schedules for CY 2006-2015 PROGRAM/COMPONENTS IN ESWM IMPLEMENTATION A. WASTE SEGREGATION AT SOURCE (SS) AND SOURCE REDUCTION (SR) IMPLEMENTATION YEARS 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

STRATEGY OF IMPLEMENTATION Provision of waste receptacles in public places following international standard (green- biodegradable, red- recyclable, blackresidual and yellowspecial waste) implement 3-type or 4type segregation within collection & non collection areas

AND Households (HH), Institutions, commercial areas, bus terminals, transport groups, food chains, eateries, etc.


Conduct intensive IEC on SR & SS Meeting with all brgy councils Meeting/orientation with all sectors like heads of the ff: schools, offices, hospitals, commercial centers,transport groups,bus terminals, eateries, food chains, NGOs,etc Flyer distribution House to house campaign Implement no segregation, no collection Imposition of HH composting of biodegradable waste (if there is a space) for the Source Reduction (SR) aspect



Issuance of citation tickets to non complying HHs, institutions, commercial areas, transport owners,etc. Implement segregated collection at HHs & other sources agreed upon by the City/Mun Collect recyclables in all sources including biodegradable wastes where composting at source is not possible Purchase collection equipment (if necessary based on waste assessment result), like tribikes Establish collection points for residual wastes (MRF per brgy can also serve as collection points)



Establish collection days and time of the day for biowastes, recyclables, residues and special waste to coincide with the collection schedule of the municipal level Training/orientation of eco-aides/tribikers Implement no collection to non complying solid waste sources Implement horizontal pit composting of biowaste on any vacant lots in the community to complement the clean and green program & food security program of the brgy (if not possible on HH level and other sources) or depending on the agreement of the Mun and brgy level in terms of biodegradable waste



Identify site for Barangay Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Establish Barangay Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Make MRF operational Organize IEC Team/Speakers Bureau Conduct sectoral/Brgy meetings Conduct trainers training Development/producti on/reproduction of IEC materials like flyers,leaflets Install Billboards Enactment of Brgy ESWM Ordinance . Organize enforcement team to be under the office of SWM Conduct orientation of enforcers Deputize enforcers





Provide paraphernalia for enforcers like: Vests ID Citation Tickets Two-way Radio Batuta Whistle Camera Conduct monthly Oplan Linis Impose fines and penalties to violators Conduct Search of Model sitio /purok, Develop incentive/disincentive mechanisms -Designate SWM Focal Person -allocate SWM fund -network with junkshops -identify market of recyclable -organize/link with local junkshops



-organize monitoring & evaluation team -conduct actual monitoring & evaluation

Table 7. SWM programs/activities, strategies and implementation schedules for CY 2009 PROGRAM/COMPONENTS IN ESWM IMPLEMENTATION A. SOURCE (SR) AND WASTE SEGREGATION AT SOURCE (SS): Households (HH), Institutions, commercial areas, bus terminals, transport groups, food chains, eateries, etc. REDUCTION IMPLEMENTATION MONTH J F M A M J J A S O N D



Provision of waste Receptacles public receptacles in public at places following places international standard (green- biodegradable, red- recyclable, blackresidual and yellowspecial waste) implement 3-type or 4type segregation within collection & non collection areas Color Coded or labeled receptacles at public places


Conduct intensive IEC on SR & SS Meeting with all brgy officials Meeting/oientation with all sectors like heads of the ff: schools, offices, hospitals, commercial centers,transport groups,bus terminals, eateries, food chains, NGOs,etc Flyer distribution House to house campaign Implement no segregation, no collection

Meeting conducted Meeting conducted

Flyer distributed

Enabling ordinance, actual implementati on (documentati on)

Imposition of HH composting of biodegradable waste (if there is a space) for the Source Reduction (SR) aspect



Issuance of citation tickets to non complying HHs, institutions, commercial areas, transport owners,etc. Implement segregated collection at HHs & other sources agreed upon by the City/Mun Collect recyclables in all sources including biodegradable wastes where composting at source is not possible purchase collection equipment (if necessary based on waste assessment result), like tribikes Establish collection points for residual wastes (MRF per brgy can also serve as collection points)



Establish collection days and time of the day for biowastes, recyclables, residues and special waste to coincide with the collection schedule of the municipal level Training/orientation of eco-aides/tribikers Implement no collection to non complying solid waste sources Implement horizontal pit composting of biowaste on any vacant lots in the community to complement the clean and green program & food security program of the brgy (if not possible on HH level and other sources) or depending on the agreement of the Mun and brgy level in terms of biodegradable waste




Identify site for Barangay Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Establish Barangay Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Make MRF operational Organize IEC Team/Speakers Bureau Conduct sectoral/Brgy meetings Conduct trainers training Development/producti on/reproduction of IEC materials like flyers,leaflets Install Billboards Enactment of Brgy ESWM Ordinance . Organize enforcement team to be under the office of SWM Conduct orientation of enforcers Deputize enforcers





Provide paraphernalia for enforcers like: Vests ID Citation Tickets Two-way Radio Batuta Whistle Camera Conduct monthly Oplan Linis Impose fines and penalties to violators Conduct Search of Model sitio /purok, Develop incentive/disincentive mechanisms -Designate SWM Focal Person -allocate SWM fund -network with junkshops -identify market of recyclable -organize/link with local junkshops



-organize monitoring & & evaluation team -conduct actual monitoring & evaluation


Resource Requirements and Funding [Make a table for the financial requirements in Item VI plus other expenses to implement the plan. Mention in your discussion your equipment and capital outlay needed and the years that you need them. Describe how you will find your programs/projects/activities.]

Table 8. SWM programs/activities, strategies implementation schedules and financial requirements for CY 2006-2015 PROGRAM/COMPONENTS IN ESWM IMPLEMENTATION A. SOURCE (SR) AND WASTE SEGREGATION AT SOURCE (SS): Households (HH), Institutions, commercial areas, bus terminals, transport groups, food chains, eateries, etc. IMPLEMENTATION YEARS STRATEGY OF IMPLEMENTATION ITEMS NO. OF UNITS UNIT COST
200 9 2010 2 0 201 1 2 1 201 3 201 4 201 5 201 6 201 7 201 8


Provision of waste Recept receptacles in public places acles following international standard (greenbiodegradable, redrecyclable, black- residual and yellow- special waste) implement 3-type or 4-type segregation within collection & non collection areas


1200. 00


Conduct intensive IEC on SR & SS Meeting with all brgy officials Meeting/orientation with all sectors like heads of the ff: schools, offices, hospitals, commercial centers,transport groups,bus terminals, eateries, food chains, NGOs,etc Flyer distribution House to house campaign Implement no segregation, no collection Imposition of HH composting of biodegradable waste (if there is a space) for the Source Reduction (SR) aspect Issuance of citation tickets to non complying HHs, institutions, commercial areas, transport owners,etc. Implement segregated B. COLLECTION, collection at HHs & other TRANSFER AND sources agreed upon by the TRANSPORT City/Mun


Collect recyclables in all sources including biodegradable wastes where composting at source is not possible purchase collection equipment (if necessary based on waste assessment result), like tribikes Establish collection points for residual wastes (MRF per brgy can also serve as collection points) Establish collection days and time of the day for biowastes, recyclables, residues and special waste to coincide with the collection schedule of the municipal level Training/orientation of ecoaides/tribikers Implement no collection to non complying solid waste sources





Implement horizontal pit composting of bio-waste on any vacant lots in the community to complement the clean and green program & food security program of the brgy (if not possible on HH level and other sources) or depending on the agreement of the Mun and brgy level in terms of biodegradable waste Identify site for Barangay Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Establish Barangay Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Make MRF operational Organize IEC Team/Speakers Bureau Prepare IEC plan (Sectoral/Brgys) Conduct trainers training Development/production/rep roduction of IEC materials like flyers,leaflets Install Billboards Enactment of Brgy ESWM Ordinance .



Organize enforcement team to be under the office of SWM Conduct orientation of enforcers Deputize enforcers Provide paraphernalia for enforcers like: Vests ID Citation Tickets Two-way Radio Batuta Whistle Camera Conduct monthly Oplan Linis Impose fines and penalties to violators Conduct Search of Model sitio /purok, Develop incentive/disincentive mechanisms -Designate SWM Focal Person -allocate SWM fund -network with junkshops -identify market of recyclable



-organize/link junkshops



-organize monitoring & evaluation team -conduct actual monitoring & evaluation


Summary of Financial Requirements

Table 9. Yearly Budgetary Requirements YEARLY BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS PROGRAMS/PROJECTS Segregation at Source & Source Reduction Collection and Transfer Transport& Storage Processing & Recovery 200 9 2010 5000.0 0 201 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1 TOTALCOSTS


IEC Enforcement Project Mgt Market Development Monitoring and Evaluation TOTAL COSTS



Implementing Mechanism The project shall be implemented by the BSWM Committee with the Brgy Chairman as the over-all incharge. This shall also be implemented in coordination with all sectors of the barangay including agencies involved.


Legal Framework [Describe the guidelines and mechanics of implementation of Ordinances, its enforcement including sanctions and penalties]


Monitoring and Evaluation System [Describe how the implementation of the plan will be monitored and evaluated. It answers the who, what, and when to monitor and evaluate.]



Gantt Chart of Implementation.

Table 10. Action plan for the preparation of the Ten Year Solid Waste Management Plan of Barangay _______________________
ACTIVITY 1. WASTE CHARACTERIZATION - Identification and Categorization of sources according to type and size with sample Determination and Mapping out of probable sample location and WC site - Notify the probable representative (sample) source - Meeting with the rep (sample) HH - Meeting and orientation of probable workers for the WC - Identification of site or the conduct of WC DURATION OF ACCOMPLISHMEN T TIMEFRAME OF IMPLEMENTATION EXPECTED OUTPUT RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ITEMS NEEDED - Data from the MPDC, Licensing, etc. - Food BUDGETAR Y COST REMARKS

- List/ record sample per waste source - Map of sample location

- Barangay SWM Committee & Mun Technical Working Group

- PhP 2,000.00

- Representation expenses

- Informed representative (sample) sources - oriented representative HH - distributed waste bags - oriented WC workers - identified WC

- Barangay SWM Committee & Mun Technical Working Group - Barangay SWM Committee & Mun Technical Working Group - Barangay

- Transpo expenses - Letters/ Notices - Info materials - Waste bags with identification - Food - Info. Materials - Food - Transpo expenses

- Gasoline

- simultaneous with the notification of probable representative sources


site start of the collection and characterization by kind of waste (compostable, recyclable, residual, special waste) from identified samples 1. Residential 2. Market 3. Institutional 4. Commercial 5. Industrial 6. Agricultural - Data encoding and analysis 2. DRAFTING OF 10Yr SWMP - Initial draft of the 10yr SWMP

SWM Committee & Mun Technical Working Group - Barangay SWM Committee & Mun Technical Working Group

- Barangay SWM Committee

- Data from WC - Maps, Literatures, Records, Municipal Profiles, - Office supplies - Food


- Reviewed draft of 10yr SWMP

- Barangay SWM Committee



- Approved 10Yr - SWMP

- Barangay Council - Barangay SWM Committee


This Ten Year Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan for Barangay ____________ is prepared by:

____________________________________ Barangay SWM Committee

Reviewed and Approved by: _________________________________________ Barangay Chairman


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