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Curriculum Vitae

Name Address Email Phone

: : : :

Dian Ardiany Ambarwaty

Jl.Merah delima no. 23 Malang E-mail : HP. 081252229797 / 0341.9955584

Personal Details Place / Date of Birth: Gender: Marital Status: Nationality: Formal Education 1987 1993 1993 1996 1996 1999 1999 2003 Course & Education 1995 2000 - 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003
- Computer course at DACCOM - English course at YPIA (Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia Amerika) - Mandarin course at STIE MALANGKUCECWARA MALANG - Seminar Akuntansi : Implemetasi PSAK 46 dalam penyusunan Laporan Keuangan - Seminar Pengembangan Potensi Diri Secara Profesional Melangkah ke Dunia kerja -Workshop : Introduction to Internet, Basic Web Design & Linux Opeerating System Elementary School at SDK SANTA MARIA III, MALANG Junior High School at SMPK SANTA MARIA II, MALANG Senior High School at SMUK SANTA MARIA MALANG Accounting major at STIE MALANGKUCECWARA MALANG Cumulative GPA: 3.59 Malang, March 20th 1981 Female Single Indonesian

Organization Experience
2002 - 2004 Finance part of Tirza magazine

Working Experience
July november 2004 November 2004 - now In food n bavarages service of Gajah Mada Graha Hotel As a receptionist of Gajah Mada Graha Hotel

Malang, April 24th 2012

Dian Ardiany Ambarwaty

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