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CoMplete Control

CoMplete Control
Character Design for the Uninhibited
Author: John Fraser Layout: Jeremy Smith Additional Layout: Andreas Rnnqvist Interior Illustrations: Rick Hershey, Shamans Stockart, V. Shane Cover Illustration: Shamans Stockart
This edition of Complete Control is produced under version 1.0a, 5.0, and/or draft versions of the Open Game License and the System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions of this product will incorporate later versions of the license and document. Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: Any and all Dreamscarred Press logos and identifying marks and trade dress, such as all Dreamscarred Press product and product line names including but not limited to Complete Control: Character Design for the Uninhibited, Untapped Classes: Society Mind, Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps, and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, or graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in final or draft versions of the d20 System Reference Document or as Open Game Content below and are already open by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content. Open Game Content: The entirety of this work with the exception of the above-mentioned Product Identity is designated as Open Game Content. Some portions of this book which are Open Game Content originate from the System Reference Document and are 1999, 2000, and 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of the Open Game Content portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Complete Control 2008 Dreamscarred Press This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction, re-transmission, or unauthorized use of the artwork or non-Open Game Content herein is prohibited without express written permission from this books authors, except for purposes of review or use of Open Game Content consistent with the Open Game License. The original purchaser may print or photocopy copies for his or her own personal use only. This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. Adapted from the Buy the Numbers system (see for more information) Some images contained within copyright V. Shane or Shamans Stockart and are used with permission.


Introduction to Terms and Definitions

Every character has to have certain statistics in a role-playing game. Depending on the system, the necessary statistics change. Complete Control: Character Design for the Uninhibited is designed for gaming systems that incorporate known quantities like Hit Dice, Base Attack Bonus, six Ability Scores, three Saving Throw modifiers, Skills, Feats, Magic, and even Psionics and Channeling. Of course, these are only a handful of things that make up a character to be role-played. Since this product has to begin somewhere, it might as well begin with the most easily definable quantities. Even still, before we can get to the basics there are three fundamental mindshattering principles that must be accepted. I suppose to be honest it is more like one principle and two additional corollaries.

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What Do You Mean My Character Has No Class? No, it isnt quite what you think. A character can have as much class or as little class as desired. Anyone can role-play class into or out of any character. But the principle that must be understood is that this system frees characters from the concept of having a class or a prestige class. A character can have class, but a character no longer has a class. Let that thought sink into the mind for a little bit. How much of current role-playing is centered on this concept of class? Many abilities that a character can attain are dependent on their class. The amount of damage a character can endure is based on class. The skills a character can have are based on class. The psionic powers, magic spells and incantations, or divine abilities are based on class. But what if this no longer had to be true? What if like in some top grade spoof that combined The Matrix with role-playing Morpheus was sitting before you holding out two pills? One of them was red and the other was blue. And you are told, Take the one pill, and life goes back the way it was. You go back to gaming, close this document, and make characters based on class like youre familiar with doing. But, if you take the other pill, your eyes will be opened and your mind will be freed. Character design will know only the boundaries of your Game Master and your imagination. The choice is yours. Think about it. What would it be like to play a wizard who actually can have d10s as their Hit Dice if they are willing to sacrifice someNow, the sky is the limit for your concepts. So shoot for thing in return? What would it be like to play a functional melee bard what you want, and dont be limited by classes.

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that gets Base Attack Bonus and Hit Dice like a fighter by selectively choosing to give up a few of the typical bard abilities that dont really fit the players concept of their character anyway? What would it be like to play a fighter who gets to keep their Hit Dice but gives up a few fighter feats in exchange for a few levels of psionic power progression and some actually functional skills maybe even a few sneak attack dice? The mind-shattering fundamental principle that absolutely cannot be overlooked is that role-playing done through spending earned experience is most free when it is classless. Yes, thats right without class altogether. In this system there are no such things as class skills or cross-class skills. There are no such things as class abilities. There are no such things as feats that you have to take because they are built into the class. There is no such thing as a predetermined save progression, Hit Dice progression, or even Base Attack Bonus progression. None of these things are predetermined by a choice of class! Not only does the concept of dead levels go away completely, but all of a sudden an increase to Base Attack Bonus, Saves, or spell casting mean something significant again. All of a sudden experience is collected, hoarded, and spent as its earned instead of all at once in the form of a new predetermined class level. That is the fundamental difference between playing in a standard role-playing game and playing in a game where class is eliminated from the system. Not that there is anything wrong with playing in either system. To be honest, a classed system is far easier for the Game Master to manage. But in a classless system, every part of a character is the way that the player wants it to be. It is as close to ultimate freedom in gaming as we can get without holographic technology! Corollary One: Character Level There are certain inherent problems that creep into game play when a system that was originally designed to have class as a part of it suddenly has class yanked out of it. For example, what if a player is trying to decide whether the effect of a spell can affect their character based on the number of Hit Dice they have? Since Hit Dice in this system will be bought as desired instead of gained every level (see Hit Dice section below), Hit Dice no longer becomes a legitimate means for determining the ability of a power or spell to effect a character. In this case, and cases like it, in place of determining a characters Hit Dice it is easiest to find their effective character level based on the amount of total experience that they have earned. Then, treat that result as the number of Hit Dice that a character would have when considering the effect of spells and power effects. In cases where total Hit Dice is the determining factor, this system will always use total character level instead. Additionally, certain class abilities talk about class level and character level. Later on, this document will get into more detail this subject; but for right now understand that these distinctions will be handled. Character level remains the same in all cases. Simply compare the experience earned with an experience table and you have the character level. However, class level is not so easy to overcome because class is no longer a word that has any meaning in this kind of game. For now, know that all abilities that are class level dependent will have individual ability levels. As will be discussed later, that too is an incredibly freeing proposition once the mind is allowed to absorb it. Corollary Two: Purchasing New Elements of a Character From a players perspective, this is almost always the first question that is asked once the new system is absorbed. When can experience be spent? How much can be spent at one time?

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Do I need training or do I just get better? These questions are honestly best left answered by each Game Master rather than by some author who doesnt know the individual game dynamics of every game across the world. In my games and with my players, I know that it is safe for me to let them spend their experience as they earn it although I do sometimes impose time periods of training. Those are usually meant to explain part of what the characters did during adventures as well as explain some down time between gaming sessions. But, for the most part I like the fluidity of a character improving on the spot as they are actually fighting, honing their skills, and overcoming challenges. To my mindset, that is dynamic that makes the game more fun and realistic. However, I also game with my laptop computer and have a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to do all my number crunching on the spot for all the characters in the game. That makes the game easier to adjust on the fly. Other Game Masters might consider that scenario a numerical nightmare. Keeping up with a large number of players changes as soon as they can make them might bog some groups down and make the game less enjoyable. In those cases, Game Masters are certainly within their right to limit experience point spending to between gaming sessions. There is nothing intrinsically wrong about that restriction. It is a decision best left in the hands of the one who is most often charged with making the game balanced and fun to play. Symbols Used Throughout This Work Some of the concepts used in this work come from the 3.5 SRD. However, some examples intentionally illustrate a few of the works from Dreamscarred Press. Classes and abilities that receive no special notation are from the 3.5 SRD. Those classes and abilities from Dreamscarred Press will be given one of the following symbols. These symbols are listed to give the readers the ability to reference the examples used in the actual document where the class, ability, or progression can be found. EM The Mind Unveiled: Enlightened Monk HK The Mind Unveiled: Halo Knight MO The Mind Unveiled: Morphean SK High Psionics: Soulknives TC Tome of Channeling UP Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics WM Untapped Classes: The Worldthought Medic

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The Basics: Fundamentals for Everyone

had earned an additional 1,750 XP. [1,750 XP Step One: How To Buy A Characters = 3,750-2,000] This value of 1,750 XP puts Initial Statistics With No Experience Tasha as a second level adventurer. Actually, this isnt quite as difficult as it Unspent initial character experience is not sounds. Of course, the initial question that lost after character creation; it merely creates is asked is how a player gets to buy their first a nest egg for the first in-game purchase. Lets numbers if their experience is at zero? How go more in depth with Tasha from above. If can a Fighter begin adventuring with that first Tashas player had spent 1,850 XP out of point of Base Attack Bonus if they have the 2,000 XP at character creation, she nothing with which to buy it? How can wouldnt lose the unspent 150 XP. a Society Mind begin to establish their Instead, that 150 XP would be available own network if they dont have the to spend later with any experience experience to buy the ability? gained once adventuring begins. The answer is actually very If Tasha went out and did some straightforward and puts a fair amount adventuring and earned the of control into the Game Masters previously mentioned 1,750 hands at the beginning of the game. XP, then she would have A Game Master establishes a set that total of 3,750 XP. limit of experience that all players However, assuming that can use to create their character Tashas player had not for free. This experience yet bought any addition is never counted in the character aspects she tabulation that determines would technically have the players character level. 1,900 XP to spend: 1,750 From the players perspective XP to spend from the the easiest way to keep track adventuring and 150 of a characters overall level is XP left over from the to simply note the current total character generation experience that has been given by process. the Game Master (initial amount plus Again, this is experience gained from adventuring) Want your psion to be a heavily armed why it is easiest and deduct away from it the beginning warrior, capable of wielding sword free total. The ending result is the and shield as well as the powers of the to keep track of three numbers: experience that has advanced the mind? Feel free! Total XP given character beyond the first level. by the Game Master, Total XP already spent, For example, Tasha is a character that has and the initial amount given at character currently has a total of 3,750 XP. The Game creation. The overall character level is found Master established a 2,000 XP spending limit for by subtracting the initial amount from the total initial characters. Thus, Tashas player created given by the Game Master and comparing this the character with the original XP allowance result to any experience table. The amount free and over the course of her adventures Tasha

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to spend is found by subtracting the amount already spent from the total given by the Game Master. It sounds complicated, but it really is very easy. For right now, it has to be sufficient to simply dictate that most traditional characters can be built in their first level for 2,000 XP or less. Most Game Masters will therefore find that an initial purchase amount of between 1,500 XP and 2,000 XP should give their players a chance to buy a good start to the character they want. Challenging games might begin as low as 1,000 XP, but caution should be used by Game Masters who set the initial limit outside of the suggested range of 1,500 XP 2,000 XP. The example characters found at the end of this work are built on an initial starting value of 1,500 XP. For games beginning above first level, Game Masters can set the beginning experience total that the players can use as well as the initial free amount. This will allow players to create their characters as they see fit up to any level of play determined by the Game Master. For example, a Game Master might want to start a 10th level game with an initial free amount of 1,750 XP. [Remembering to include the initial free amount is important when creating characters above 1st level because it is often forgotten and puts the characters at a slight disadvantage.] Consulting a character table for the beginning experience total for 10th level and then adding the initial free amount will indicate a reasonable amount of experience each player has to create their character. Step Two: The First Purchase - Hit Dice If a classless system is possible, then Hit Dice is the perfect place to begin. Every character needs some Hit Dice. They measure how much life or vitality the character has at any given time. They are a measure of how much punishment a character can endure before needing to find aid, shelter, or a good horse to flee on. But a moment of honesty will bring a simple confession out of most role-players.

Hit Die being Purchased

d4 1 2 3 30 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1,020 1,080 1,140 d6 45 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1,080 1,170 1,260 1,350 1,440 1,530 1,620 1,710 d8 60 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1,080 1,200 1,320 1,440 1,560 1,680 1,800 1,920 2,040 2,160 2,280 d10 75 150 300 450 600 750 900 1,050 1,200 1,350 1,500 1,650 1,800 1,950 2,100 2,250 2,400 2,550 2,700 2,850 d12 90 180 360 540 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 3,420

Total Number of Hit Die Purchased

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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The Hit Dice given for a class or prestige class may not always be what the player is looking for. What if a character could have not only the size Hit Dice that is appropriate for the players character design but also an amount of Hit Dice that is independent of the current level of the character? Hit Dice does not need to be a function of level. If a player wants to play a Psion with a strong mind but a weak frame, is there anything wrong with skimping out on a few Hit Dice in order to boost their psionic abilities? Does a 6th level Society MindUP absolutely have to have six d6 Hit Dice? What if the player wants five d4 Hit Die or seven d8? Is that even possible? Of course it is! The player would need to be willing to make the appropriate sacrifice in the cases where the character is exceeding the expected values as the class was originally written. So lets get down to the nitty-gritty. What exactly does a character have to spend in order to purchase their Hit Dice? The formula is very easy and the results are listed in the Table on Hit Die. So, lets take an example. Herron is a Worldthought MedicWM, and his player doesnt particularly feel the need to spend a bunch of experience points on Hit Points in the beginning. He starts out buying an initial d4, thinking that Herron is going to spend most of his time in the back and healing people. This initial choice costs Herrons player a mere 30 XP. This thought process continues on for three more purchases, each d4 Hit Die. These cost Herrons player 60 XP when purchasing the second Hit Die, 120 XP for the third Hit Die, and 180 XP for the fourth Hit Die. However, Herrons associates continue to get into more and more difficult scrapes, causing Herron to have to play a more up front role at times. Suddenly, Herrons player sees a need to increase the size of the Hit Die purchased. The fifth, sixth, and seventh purchases the player makes for Herron are all d8 Hit Die. These cost Herrons player 480 XP for the first d8, 600 XP for the next d8 and 720 XP for the third d8. Please note that Herrons character level is never considered in this calculation. The only thing that is important is whether or not Herrons player has the unspent experience to spend on these choices when the player wants to buy them. Hit Points become a completely new variable for every character that is created. However, this does bring up the issue of Constitution bonuses to Hit Points and when they properly accrue. Since this system replaces Hit Die with character level whenever a total Hit Die is requested, the same is true here in the case of Constitution bonuses. To find any characters Constitution bonus (or penalty) to their total Hit Points the player simply multiplies their Constitution modifier by their current character level and adds the appropriate bonus or penalty. Lets use Herron from above as a continued example. At the end of the prior example, Herrons player has spent enough XP to purchase seven Hit Dice: four d4 and three d8. XP Cost
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 110 215 430 645 860 1,075 1,290 1,505 1,720 1,935 2,150 2,365 2,580 2,795 3,010 3,225 3,440 3,655 3,870 4,085

New Base Attack Bonus

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For the sake of the example, suppose the player rolled a 3,1,3,4 on the d4 rolls and a 5,7,8 on the d8 rolls. That would give him 31 Hit Points from his purchased Hit Dice. But, suppose the player has actually earned a total of 30,000 XP on Herron. That would put him with the range of an 8th level character. If Herron has a Constitution score of 14, giving him a modifier of +2, Herron would actually receive 16 [8*2] Hit Points as a Constitution bonus. His total Hit Points would be 47 [31+16] as an 8th level character regardless of the fact that Herron only has purchased seven Hit Dice. Step Three: Offense If Hit Points were straight forward, then Base Attack Bonus should be even easier. Under this system, there are no fractional advancements or any other form of class restrictions. Points of Base Attack Bonus are purchased as the player desires it for their character and as the player has free experience to spend. The formula for the purchase is actually very easy. Base Attack Bonus is purchased at a rate listed in the table. It should be noted that characters must buy their attack bonuses one point at a time, although several points may be purchased one after another if the player has enough experience to spend at one time. Lets take two examples. The first is Shannara, a female MarksmanUP who has already paid the 9,785 XP over the course of Shannaras adventuring to get her to a Base Attack Bonus of +10/+5. Shannaras player has the experience to spend and wants to upgrade her to a Base Attack Bonus of +11/+6/+1. The player will end up spending 2,150 XP in order to upgrade to the new Base Attack Bonus. The second example is Jared, a brand new Fighter preparing for his first adventure. Jareds player decides that at the beginning of Jareds career an extra point of Base Attack Bonus is more important than one of the feats that he could otherwise spend the experience on. Jareds player could spend 110 XP to increase his Base Attack Bonus from +0 to +1 and then immediately spend an additional 215 XP to increase his Base Attack Bonus from +1 to +2. In total, Jareds player would have spent 325 XP out of the free pool of experience given to the player at character creation. A character is certainly not obligated to buy a point of Base attack bonus at any level. Many classes start off on their first level with a Base Attack Bonus of zero. By multi-classing several times, it is impossible to end up with a character that may be third or fourth level and still have a Base Attack Bonus of zero although this is not recommended! But, just as a character in a standard game could technically avoid earning their first point of Base Attack Bonus, there is no limit as to how low a characters Base Attack Bonus should be in this system as well. Step Four: Resistance Typically, once Hit Dice and Base Attack Bonus are determined in the process of character generation the next areas to work XP Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 45 60 70 350 630 910 1,190 1,470 1,750 2,030 2,310 2,590 2,870 3,150 3,430 3,710 3,990 4,270 4,550 4,830

New Saving Throw

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on are the saving throws: Fortitude (FORT), Reflex (REFL), and Will (WILL). The saving throws are just as straightforward as Base Attack Bonus. Since each additional point of saving throw bonus is purchased when the player desires, there is no need for strong and weak save tables. Instead, simply use the table listed. There are a couple of things that should be stated clearly with respect to this table. As with the formula for Base Attack Bonus, saving throws must be increased one point at a time although a player is certainly able to purchase more than one point of save at any interval assuming that they have the experience to spend. Also, each of the three saving throws is increased independently of the other two. As an example, suppose the player with Jared from the previous example is now working on saving throws. As a beginning character, Jared begins with all three saving throws set at zero. Because Jareds Ability Scores make him an agile fighter with a strong Constitution, Jareds player is really worried most about WILL saves. The player wants to begin play with Jared having a WILL save modifier of +2. Jareds player can do so by first expending 45 XP and then expending 60 XP. This would cost Jareds player 105 XP of the beginning experience allotted. If Jareds player were slightly concerned about Jareds REFL save, the player could purchase a +1 to the REFL for 45 XP. Even thought the player had already purchased increases to the WILL save, purchases made to the other saves are unaffected by the amount of experience already spent. Step Five: Selecting Feats Often, feats are one of the most sought after quantities. However, this is because a players feats are one of the few truly customizable aspects in a standard role-playing game. Under a system like the one presented here, it is not uncommon for feats to begin to take less of a prominent role in character design because players are satisfied by the customizability of every aspect of building a character. However, feats will always remain an important part of the game and the ability to not only pick feats when a player wants them but also to pick the feats that they want is a very rewarding combination. When using this table, bonus feats granted through racial selection should not be counted. Just as there is no experience cost for gaining special abilities or skill modifiers because of a selected race, there is no cost to gaining a free feat if that is the benefit of a characters race. Additionally, remember that since there are no longer classes, there are no feats gained through character advancement at all. Any feat that would normally be gained by taking a level in a class is now purchased only if the character actually wants the feat. Furthermore, the feat can be purchased whenever the player desires it so long as they have the experience to spend and their character meets the feats prerequisites. In a similar manner, feats are no longer gained automatically as a characters XP Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 100 160 680 1,200 1,720 2,240 2,760 3,280 3,800 4,320 4,840 5,360 5,880 6,400 6,920 7,440 7,960 8,480 9,000 9,520

Total Number of Feats Purchased

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level increases to 1st, 3rd, or every three levels after 3rd. Feats are selected only when a player wants to buy them and outside of a Game Masters beneficence the only free feat ever gained is through race at character generation. Lets take Jared as an example again. Suppose Jareds player has rethought the decision earlier to buy two points of Base Attack Bonus and now is thinking about the feats that could instead be purchased with the experience. If the player instead wanted to buy Jareds first feat it would cost 100 XP. A second feat would cost Jareds player an additional 160 XP. While possible for a starting character whose player to make other sacrifices, Jared could even buy a third feat for 680 XP. Of course, Jared would need to meet all the prerequisites for the feats selected before being able to purchase any of the feats. Some classes have class abilities that actually give a character the option of gaining a feat. These abilities should be discarded from the choices that a player can take in this system. The rationale is that if a character wants to gain a feat, they should do it by buying a feat, not buying a class ability that earns them the feat. A classic example of this is the Rogue special ability. While most of the options for this ability are still valid, the option to buy the Rogue special ability and actual gain a feat should be disallowed. If the player wants to buy a feat, they would need to actually buy the feat according to the prices listed here. Finally, some feats have class level requirements. For example, Greater Weapon Focus requires a character to be a Fighter of 8th level. Since this system no longer uses classes, there is no longer a Fighter class. Thus, prerequisites such as these must be rethought. The simplest answer is implemented in this work. Chapter Three will discuss levelvariable class abilities, but for right now know that access to Fighter feats is a level-variable class ability. If a player wants their character to be eligible to take a feat with Fighter levels in the prerequisites they must buy access to that class ability to the appropriate ability level. That process will be explained in subsequent chapters. Step Six: Skills Skills are usually to Rogue and Bard type characters what feats are to Fighter type characters. That isnt to say that combat characters cant enjoy skills and skill-type characters cant enjoy feats. But skills are certainly fundamental to a Rogues or Bards development. As with the prior tables, each rank of a skill must be purchased individually. However, a player may buy multiple ranks of a skill at the same time so long as they have the appropriate experience to spend. In a standard game, a higher intelligence score earns free ranks of a skill with each class level. In this system, intelligence is still important to a character; but nothing earns a character any free ranks in a skill (except an appropriate feat or item). As the table to the left indicates, the characters intelligence score determines a skill rating which will be used to determine the base price per skill rank. To find the actual cost of the skill rank, multiply the skill rating indicated from the table above by the level of the rank minus four. For determining the cost of the first four ranks of any skill, multiply the number from the table above by one-half and round the result up if necessary. For example, suppose Senna the Rogue has Skill Rating
Non-Human 68-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22 + 80 48 34 27 22 18 16 14 13 Human 48 34 27 22 18 16 14 13 12


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an Intelligence of 16. That gives Senna a skill rating of 18 with regard to purchasing skill ranks. If her player wants to purchase the first four ranks in the Balance skill, her player could do that if she had the 36 XP to spend. Each of the first four ranks would cost 9 XP. A few adventures later, Sennas player wants to add a few more ranks to the Balance skill. If Sennas player wants to buy a 5th rank in the Balance skill she would have to spend an additional 18 XP for that rank. If the player wanted to purchase a 6th rank, the cost would be 36 XP. Should Sennas player advance Sennas Intelligence to 18 (this will be covered later) before purchasing a 7th rank, the rank would cost 48 XP when purchased. Remember, the cost of the 5th skill rank and higher is always the skill rating times four less than the rank number being purchased. Another question that needs answered is with races that are given a free skill point at each level. In these cases, it is much easier to convert the free skill ranks into a reduced cost for each skill rank purchased. Instead of races receiving bonus skill ranks, this system reduces the skill rating found in the table above for races which grant bonus skill ranks. These characters should use the in the column indicated for Humans. For example, Aswaan the NexusTC begins play with an Intelligence of 14. This gives Aswaan a skill rating of 22. However, Aswaan is Human so this value decreases to 18 as shown in the table. Thus, if Aswaans player wanted to pick up the 1st rank in Hide at any point in the game the player could do so by paying 9 XP. If Aswaan already had 9 ranks in the Heal skill and his player wanted to pick up the 10th rank, it would cost 108 XP. There are other considerations in regard to buying skills. Some Game Masters may not want to hassle with skill ranks that are Intelligence dependant. In this case, the Game Master is certainly within their right to set a static skill rating. A good suggestion for this number is anything between 18 and 27 for nonhumans and a corresponding rating of between 16 and 22 for human characters. Most games have characters with an average Intelligence of 12 or 14, so a static skill rating with this in mind helps promote an average game. However, it should be noted that players who play characters with higher Intelligence scores will not be pleased with this decision while players with characters of sub-average Intelligence will be greatly excited. Additionally, some Game Masters are bothered by the ability for a player to buy more ranks in a skill than would normally be allowed in a standard game. While this rules system does not place a limit on how many ranks of
XP Cost Proficiency with any single simple weapon Proficiency with all simple weapons Proficiency with any single martial weapon Proficiency with all martial weapons Proficiency with any single exotic weapon Proficiency with any one light armor Proficiency with all light armors Proficiency with one medium armor Proficiency with all medium armors Proficiency with one heavy armor Proficiency with all heavy armors Proficiency with light shields Proficiency with heavy shields Proficiency with tower shields 5 XP 25 XP 10 XP 50 XP 50+[25*(number of exotic weapon proficiencies)2] 5 XP 25 XP 10 XP 50 XP 15 XP 75 XP 10 XP 15 XP 25 XP



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get proficiency with one whole category and then some of another category. It might seem confusing, but the rules can make it quite simple. A Game Master wanting to use the designations of Simple, Martial, and Exotic weapons can use the following table for characters determining their proficiencies at 1st level: As a rule, in order for a character to be proficient in Step Seven: Weapon and Armor any single martial weapon they Proficiencies must be proficient with at least This is one of the most overlooked changes to three simple weapons one of a game in which class has no inherent meaning. which must be related in form or What weapons can a character be familiar function to the martial weapon. with if they have no class to define the In order for a character to be choices? How many weapons can proficient in all martial weapons a character be familiar with over they must also be proficient with the course of their adventuring all simple weapons. In order career? for a character to be proficient Some Game Masters enjoy in even one exotic weapon having characters with a broad they must be proficient in range of weapon choices; other all simple and all martial Game Masters prefer that weapons. players stick to the traditional The same is true for mace, club, long sword, armor and shields. In bow, and great sword. order for a character Depending on the to be proficient in any medium style of the game, two armor, they must be choices are going to proficient in all light be presented here armors. In order for in this work. The a character to be first choice will proficient with any use the standard heavy armor, they concept of must be proficient Simple, Martial, with all medium and Exotic armors. In order weapons. The second option Now your raging holy warrior can combine heavy armor for a character to with rages, unfettered by the design of a class. use heavy shields will speak in the must be proficient with light shields. In terms of Weapon Groups. order for a character to be proficient with tower In the standard game, there are classes shields they must be proficient with heavy that receive access to whole categories of shields. weapons while other classes receive access It should be noted that purchasing to only specific weapons. A few classes even a skill a character can have at any one time, it would certainly be reasonable and easy to place a maximum limit equal to three plus the current character level. This would automatically ensure that balance related to maximum skill rank would be maintained according to the benchmarks of a standard game, especially for Game Masters who make consistent use of published adventures and adventure paths.


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proficiencies in this manner does automatically eliminate a few choices for feats in the standard game at first level. Some Game Masters might feel that this price is too insignificant for exotic weapon proficiencies. However, the first few feats of a characters development cost 100 XP and 160 XP respectively. Asking a character to buy all simple and medium weapon proficiencies in addition to an exotic weapon proficiency would cost them 150 XP. A second exotic weapon proficiency would cost them an additional 150 XP. A third exotic weapon proficiency would cost 275 XP. These costs are reasonable in comparison to the first few feat costs that a character would incur. Additionally, these prices are for characters at the character generation stage only. Adding weapon, armor, or shield proficiencies after character generation must be done through purchasing feats and using the feat table to indicate the cost. However, not all Game Masters want to use weapons broken into these categories. Some Game Masters enjoy using the concept of weapon groups. There are many good sources for finding weapon groups in publication, and the purpose of this work is to explain the formulas for using them rather than list out a series of weapon groups. In that light, the table below indicates that it using weapons groups is very straightforward. XP Cost Weapon Groups
Each groups made up of simple or martial weapons only Each group with at least one exotic weapon within their list 25 XP

Additionally, these prices are for characters at the character generation stage only. Characters who have already begun to adventure must use feats to add weapon groups to their proficiencies. Step Eight: Attribute Increases The final area of character development that doesnt involve spell casting, psionics, or class abilities is the idea of attribute increases. In a standard game, a character may increase their ability score by one point every four character levels. Many players will like the ability to purchase their own ability improvements whenever they want. In fact, many players also like the freedom of being able to have more than five ability advancements over the course of their characters life. This is certainly possible, realizing of course that if they spend more experience than expected on ability increases then they will have less experience to spend on other aspects of their character. In any case, the rules are simple. This may need an example to clarify the rules of purchasing ability increases. Returning to the example of Senna the Rogue from above, there was mention of Sennas Intelligence score increasing from 16 to 18. Sennas player could have accomplished this by spending 360 XP to move the score from 16 to 17. The player could then have spent 1,320 XP to move the score from 17 to 18. If the player wanted to continue advancing Intelligence, the next increase would cost 2,280 XP and the fourth advancement would cost 3,240 XP. However, if the player at any time wanted to advance a statistic besides Intelligence they would only pay 360 XP for the first advancement to the XP Cost
1 360 1,320 2,280 3,240 4,200 5,160

50+[25*(total number of groups having at least one exotic weapon) 2]

These numbers in this table will generally balance with the numbers listed in the table above for Simple, Martial, and Exotic weapons. Some characters will benefit from one system over the other, but these differences are usually minor in the beginning of a game and insignificant as the game runs its course.

Ability Increase 12

2 3 4 5 6

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new statistic and 1,320 XP for the second advance. A few other notes should be made about this rule. First, note that the cost to increase an ability score is independent of the actual ability score. Also, note that ability advancement happens independently of advancement to other ability scores. The cost increases for each advance to an ability score, but advancing a second or third ability score always begins back at 360 XP for that particular ability score. Summary of the Basics At this point, a Game Master and their gaming group could begin to throw together some mock-fighters and begin having oneoff combats at various levels of builds so long as their builds do not need class abilities, psionics, or magic. This is a significant point to consider, because it demonstrates that while this system is numbers heavy in terms of keeping track of experience gained and experience spent, it is also very basic and easy to implement. Character conversion in the areas that have already been discussed should take a very limited amount of time. What will take more time is realizing the many ways that a player can now tweak their character to get exactly what they want. Suddenly character design is now as much fun between levels as it is at each new character level. And that is the point of this system.


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Constant Abilities
The name can mean many things, but the one thing that constant abilities are not is boring. These abilities are any ability that either does not change or does not change in a measurable way. For example, in a standard game a class ability that adds a static bonus to a specific skill check is a constant ability. Once the ability is gained it is present in a constant way and in a constant amount, hence the name. On the other hand, abilities that gain additional uses or change based on the level of the character are not constant abilities because they contain at least one variable element. Those abilities will be handled in the next chapter. Constant abilities are the easiest to see, define, and they are by far the easiest to keep track of as a player. These abilities are purchased with a certain amount of experience every single game and once they are purchased the bookkeeping is minimal. The table for buying a constant ability is predominantly a guideline. Every Game Master and every player knows that not all abilities gained at a certain level are equal in power. The temptation to raise and lower ability costs should be cautioned, however, because the power of constant abilities is often largely tied to the build of the character. For example, an ability to leave no trace while moving through woodland areas is vastly helpful to a single character or a group of characters in which each member has access to the ability. In a party who does urban adventuring or a party full of heavy track laying associates, the abilitys power is somewhat diminished. The point of this argument is that while the table is a guideline and a Game Master ultimately has the ability to raise or lower the cost of any ability, care should be taken when straying too far from the suggested cost of such abilities. XP COST
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 270 540 810 1,080 1,350 1,620 1,890 2,160 2,430 2,700 2,970 3,240 3,510 3,780 4,050 4,320 4,590 4,860 5,130 5,400

As the table shows, the price of constant abilities is easy to figure out. The only piece of information needed is the absolute lowest level that an ability can be gained. As an example, the Barbarian and the Rogue both gain Improved Uncanny Dodge. This is a constant ability because its effects remain the same for the entire life of the character. However, the rogue gains this ability at 8th level, while the Barbarian gains the ability at 5th level. When determining the price of a constant ability, the ability should always be priced at the absolute lowest level that the ability can be gained in a standard game. In the case of Improved Uncanny Dodge, the level would be 5. A player would need to pay 1,350 XP to purchase that ability for their character regardless of when it is purchased. The price for constant abilities is easy to figure out with respect to base classes.


Level of the Constant Ability

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However, some work is required when figuring 4th character level since it can be acquired at 5th out the price of constant abilities found within level in a regular game. As a Game Masters Prestige Classes. The work that must be done experience with these rules increases, the is to determine what the earliest character level character level requirement of many abilities that a Prestige Class may be entered under can be dropped. the standard rules and use that as the point The reason for reducing the level by one in of comparison for this system. Once that the above suggestion is simple. In a standard minimum level is determined then the cost game, characters have all their 2nd level abilities of the class abilities falls into place relatively the moment the characters have enough painlessly. experience to be 2nd level. In this system, if a For example, many ten level Prestige Classes character has to be 2nd level before purchasing are built assuming that a typical character who 2nd level constant abilities then they are actually makes prudent decisions can enter them on going to be constantly underpowered at the the 6th character level. In this case, constant beginning of each level compared to a character st in a standard game. Note that this reduction in abilities for the 1 level of the Prestige acquisition level does not reduce the purchase Class would actually be priced price. That reduction has already been taken as 6th level constant abilities into account as will be explained in the and therefore cost 1,620 XP. chapter regarding the designers 2nd level constant abilities for notes. The price of the Prestige Class would be th a constant ability is priced as 7 level constant always dependent abilities and would therefore upon the lowest level cost 1,890 XP. that the ability is gained in a As another example, a five level standard game. Prestige Class that at its earliest can th Finally, it is appropriate for Game be entered at 13 level by a standard Masters to establish prerequisites for character will have its constant most class abilities. Most Prestige abilities priced accordingly. The Classes have prerequisites, and constant abilities of this Prestige st these prerequisites are a good Class 1 level would each cost place to start when determining 3,510 XP. The constant abilities appropriate prerequisites gained on its 5th (last) level would th for abilities that come out of technically be 17 level and cost Prestige Classes. Since the 4,590 XP. Prestige Class prerequisites are The Game Master can decide to make all abilities open during Want a monks ability to avoid made irrelevant by the nature the whole game or to limit when damage, even while playing a of class being irrelevant, the prerequisites can easily shift to abilities can be acquired. In psion? Not a problem! the class abilities themselves in most cases when getting used to order to maintain game balance. Additionally, the system, it is wise to restrict the purchase Game Masters may desire to add to or increase of constant abilities to when the characters the prerequisites for abilities gained after the level is one less than when a character would 1st level of a Prestige Class or base class. gain access to them in a standard game. For example, Improved Uncanny Dodge could only For example, the AmalgamistUP Prestige be bought by a character that is at least at the Class has a 1st level ability called Crystallic


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Limb. Since the Almagamist Prestige Class can be attained on the 6th level in a standard game, its prerequisites should also be set accordingly to being able to gain the abilities at the 5th character level. As such, it is certainly reasonable to set the following prerequisites for the ability: Heal 4 ranks, Knowledge (Psionics) 8 ranks, Craft Crystallic feat, Able to manifest body adjustment and either metaphysical claws or metaphysical weapon, and having successfully grafted at least one crystallic on yourself. Additionally, the AmalgamistUP Prestige Class also has an 8th level class ability called Efficient Crafting technically a 13th level constant ability able to be gained under this system at the 12th character level. A reasonable list of requirements for this ability might be: Crystallic Limb constant ability, Knowledge (Psionics) 15 ranks. Following these rules, the experience cost for any class ability that does not vary as character development occurs can now be determined. Any sourcebook that illustrates its new character classes in either a base class form or a Prestige Class form can now have its constant abilities converted into this classless system. While the rules for constant abilities are easy to implement, the more exciting aspect of the progression of the rules is that there are only a few topics yet to be covered before a game can be fully converted into a truly classless wonder!


Variable Abilities

Mentalis Design

Variable abilities are not named because their cost varies from game to game but because their effectiveness can vary from level to level. In other words, variable abilities have elements within them that vary to some extent as the character improves. Some variable abilities vary based on an effective user level. Other variable abilities vary based on the number of uses granted per day. Still more variable abilities vary in how many Hit Dice of damage they can do. While these are certainly the most popular means for abilities to vary, they are not the only ways for abilities to vary. Additionally, some abilities vary in combinations of these methods, too! Variable abilities are not difficult in determining the amount of experience necessary to purchase. Where these abilities are more difficult to use is in the upkeep and bookkeeping on the players end as well as remembering what the next variable increase should cost. Even that task is not difficult; it just requires some attention to detail. As with constant abilities, the formulas for generating variable ability costs are only guidelines. No two variable abilities have exactly the same effectiveness. Even the same ability can be vastly different in effectiveness between characters. For example, the ability to do extra damage when an opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class is much more valuable to a character with high Dexterity, high initiative, and several means of denying their opponents their Dexterity bonus than to a character who lacks these things. Caution must be used when adjusting the cost of abilities above or below the guidelines that the formulas suggest. As with constant abilities, variable abilities are always purchased according to the lowest

character level in which the ability could be attained through any combination of classes in a standard game. This will initially take some work for a Game Master to define, but it is not difficult to accomplish. At worst, it is time consuming. Level-Variable Abilities One of the most interesting aspects of variable abilities is that since class is irrelevant in this system, any ability that is based on a class level must now be based on an ability level. For example, the Worldthought MedicUP has a class ability that steals hit points from its enemies and allows the medic to heal his allies with the stolen damage. As written, the ability allows a character to damage an opponent an amount equal to their Wisdom modifier plus their class XP COST
Initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 45 75 135 225 345 495 675 885 1,125 1,395 1,695 2,025 2,385 2,775 3,195 3,645 4,125 4,635 5,175 5,745 Next increase 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570


Level of the Variable Ability

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level. Since there is no longer a class level, always reaches 5,745 XP by the 20th ability the term ability level must be introduced and level. In other words, an ability that begins defined. on the 5th level must assume the costs for the Ability levels may be purchased for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels in its initial cost. character whenever the player has enough Respectively, those costs would be the initial free experience to spend regardless of the 45 XP for 1st level, the initial increase of 30 XP characters character level. As such, it is for 2nd level, 60 XP for 3rd entirely possible for a character to have level, 90 XP for 4th level, any number of level-variable abilities and 120 XP for 5th level. each with their own ability level as Adding these numbers preferred by the characters player. together gives a result of Since ability levels can be purchased 345 XP, which is listed in to increase the individual power of the column for the initial cost level-variable abilities, the cost of of a 5th level-variable ability. The each increase is much smaller than increase for 6th level is 150 XP, which that for a constant ability. However, is listed in the second column titled over the course of a characters life next increase. This column is included the variable abilities outpace the so that the player can easily know price of constant abilities of the where to begin the increase cost when same level. purchasing a level-variable ability. Level-variable ability increases Following the pattern, the 7th level must be purchased whenever the would then cost 180 XP and the 8th player wants the ability level to level would cost 210 XP, etc. increase, and this increase is always For example, the aforementioned based on the cost of the previous Steal Health ability of the increase. The initial cost for an Worldthought MedicUP is normally ability of this type at any given level gained at 3rd level. This means that is shown in the table. The cost to the ability costs 135 XP to purchase increase the abilitys level the first initially, and the character can use time is always 30 XP times the the ability at as soon as it is gained original level of the ability. at an ability level of 3. If Jenna, Each increase to the ability a Worldthought MedicUP, had a level afterwards is always Wisdom modifier of +2 and the 30 XP more than the prior Steal Health ability, Jenna could st increase. Thus, if a 1 leveldo 5 points of damage as soon as the ability is purchased. If Jennas variable ability costs 45 XP, then increasing the ability to 2nd Anyara began opening the player wants to increase the level would cost an additional ability level to 4th level so that portal to the Fae Lands to 30 XP. Increasing the ability to make the pact and gain new Jenna can do more damage, it 3rd level would cost 60 XP. If would cost 90 XP. Jenna would powers now have Steal Health at the 4th this were to continue until the ability level reached 20, the player would have ability level and she would be capable of doing spent a cumulative 5,745 XP on that ability. 6 points of damage through that ability. If The table is created in such a manner that the player wanted to increase the ability level the cumulative cost of a level-variable ability again, they could do so as soon as they had


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the additional 120 XP to spend. At this point, Jenna would have Steal Health at the 5th ability level, regardless of her character level. Jenna would be able to do 7 points damage as defined by the class ability description. As the example demonstrates, level-variable abilities found in base classes always begin functioning at the minimum level according to the purchasing cost. A 7th level-variable ability always costs 675 XP and automatically begins as a 7th ability level. A 15th level-variable ability always costs 3,195 XP and automatically begins as a 15th ability level. Regardless of the base price of a variable ability, increases to the ability level always cost 30 XP more than the cost for the prior increase in level. Using the chart, the first increase to the above mentioned 7th level ability costs 210 XP. The second increase to this ability would cost 240 XP, and it would result in the ability now being 9th level. The first increase to the above mentioned 15th level ability costs 450 XP. The second increase to this ability would cost 480 XP, resulting in a net ability level of 17. Some level-variable abilities are phrased in terms of effectiveness based on a percentage of the overall class level. For example, the MarksmanUP class has a level-variable ability called Cover Fire, which has a class level variable effect within the Difficulty Class of the effect. The DC of the effect is calculated by adding 10 + one-half the characters MarksmanUP class level + the Dexterity modifier. Suppose the Xerrem, a MarksmanUP with a Dexterity modifier of +3, would benefit from the Cover Fire class ability, which is a 4th level-variable ability. Xerrems player can buy the ability for 225 XP. The ability would be 4th level by the purchase, but the ability description indicates that the DC of Xerrems Cover Fire ability is 10+4(.5)+3, or 15. If Xerrems player pays another 120 XP the ability level rises to 5, but the DC would not increase due to the rules about rounding decimals down. If Xerrems player pays another 150 XP the ability level rises to 6 and the DC of the Cover Fire effect becomes 10+6(.5)+3, or 16. As another example, the Ranger class casts spells at a caster level equal to half the overall Ranger class level. Although the Ranger cannot cast spells until 4th level, other classes have the ability to cast 1st level divine spells at 1st level, so increasing caster level is a 1st level-variable ability. Regardless of when the player purchases the ability to cast spells, it would cost 45 XP for a caster ability level of 1. However, the character still cannot cast spells because the Rangers caster level is defined as half the ability level. For the Ranger to actually cast spells, the player would need to pay an additional 30 XP so the ability level would be 2 and the effective caster level would be 1. For the Ranger to have a caster level of 2, the player would need to spend an additional 150 XP to raise the ability level first to 3 and then to 4. In total, the player would spend a cumulative 5,745 XP if the ability was eventually raised to the 20th level. In this case, though, the caster level would still only be 10 because of the caster level for a Rangers spell casting specifies that caster level is half the ability level. Furthermore, it should be stated that this experience spent is only to increase manifester/ caster levels. The actual explanation of how to buy power points, spell slots, incantations, and power/spell levels will be handled in the next chapter. The one exception to this rule is a class ability that is defined by a completely different class. To stick with the Ranger, it has the Animal Companion class ability which is defined by the Druid class ability. No player would consider taking the Ranger version where each level only counts as a half level when the Druid ability is also available. Since the Druid ability functions identically (in fact more efficiently) than the Ranger ability, the Ranger ability is simply disregarded. If a player wanted their character to have an animal companion with the relative strength of a Ranger, they would


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simply buy the Druids Animal Companion ability up to level 10. They could buy increases whenever it suited them, but they would only spend 1,395 XP in the process. Additionally, some level-variable abilities are improved by other abilities that are fully dependent on the main ability. Bardic Music and its many subordinate abilities like Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, and Suggestion are great examples of this. Subordinate abilities can be priced at 30 XP times the level at which they are gained once the greater ability has been increased to an appropriate level. For example, Bardic Music is a 1st level ability that initially costs 45 XP and 30 XP to improve. Countersong is a subordinate ability gained at 1st level, so it can be bought for 30 XP once Bardic Music is purchased. Mass Suggestion is a subordinate ability gained at 18th level and therefore it costs 540 XP, assuming that Bardic Music has been purchased and improved to an ability level of 18. There is a small amount of difficulty with level-variable abilities that come out of Prestige Classes. Those abilities that are based on an overall character level or some other designation besides the Prestige class level act as though they were from a base class. Class abilities from Prestige Classes that function off of the characters Prestige Class level are always purchased as a level-variable ability of the appropriate level but the ability level begins at the level where the ability first appears within the Prestige Class. For example, the Knight MeditantUP has a 2nd level-variable ability called Meditative Focus. If this Prestige Class could be entered at the earliest at 6th level, then Meditative Focus is priced as a 7th levelvariable ability and costs 675 XP. However, rather than the ability level beginning at 7, the ability level would begin at 2 since the ability is dependent upon the Prestige Class level. To increase the ability to 3rd level, 210 XP would be required as if it were being increased to 8th level. Abilities from Prestige Classes can only be increased to the maximum level that would be found in a standard game (usually 5 or 10). Increasing level-variable abilities that come from Prestige Classes above this limit is possible only with Game Master approval. To continue with the Knight MeditantUP example from above, the ability level for Meditative Focus can only be increased to 10th level. Additional increases would require Game Master approval. Finally, unlike constant abilities whose effect is static level-variable abilities can often be pushed beyond the limits that a standard game might allow. It is always up to a Game Master to determine how far beyond the limits a character may go. In the system being described here, it is possible for a player to increase an ability level beyond the current individual character level. While this is normally not a problem, some Game Masters may not be comfortable allowing ability levels to increase too far above character level. It is certainly reasonable for a Game Master to place a requirement that an ability level cannot exceed a certain number of levels above the characters current level or above 20, for example. Ultimately, this is a decision that is best left in the Game Masters hands. Use-Variable Abilities Some class abilities do not vary by the characters class level but by how many times the ability may be used during the course of a day. In this case, the table and application of the data are considerably simpler than levelvariable abilities. The experience expenditures for this kind of variable ability are in the following table. This table is made up of two kinds of data. The first column of experience indicates how much experience must be spent to buy access to the ability. The second column indicates how much experience must be spent for one use of the ability per day. This number is


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always generated by taking half of the initial cost for the ability. The third column indicates the cost for a second daily use of the ability. This number is generated by multiplying the cost of the first use by two. In general, uses may be purchased by multiplying the number of use being purchased by the cost for the first use. For example, the fifth use of a 1st level use-variable ability would cost 450 XP. The fourth use of a 3rd level use-variable ability would always cost 1,080 XP. As an example, the Halo KnightHK has a 9th level ability called Avatar Surge that allows the character to use his ability to take on avatars to give the character a bonus to Strength or Dexterity. To gain access to this ability for a character, a player would need to spend 1,620 XP. Additionally, the player would need to spend 810 XP in order to buy the first use of the ability. As the character progresses, it is possible to gain more uses of the ability per day so long as either the amount of uses desired can be legitimately obtained in a non-epic game or the Game Master allows an excess of the rules XP COST
Initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 180 360 540 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 3,420 3,600 First use 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1,080 1,170 1,260 1,350 1,440 1,530 1,620 1,710 1,800 Second use 180 360 540 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 3,420 3,600

governing the amount of uses in a standard game. If Tierna, a Halo KnightHK, already has the Avatar Surge ability with one use then Tiernas player can purchase a second use any time that the player has the 1,620 XP to spend. The player could buy an additional use of this ability should the player have the 2,430 XP to spend. Since a standard non-epic game would not give a player a fourth use of this ability, a fourth use could be bought by Tiernas player for an additional 3,240 XP only if the Game Master allowed. Occasionally, variable abilities contain both daily uses and a variable ability level. When this happens the formula for level-variable abilities is always applied first to determine the initial cost of the ability. Then, the formula for finding the cost of each daily use is applied. In this exception, the first use always costs 30 XP times the level of the ability instead of half the base cost. The second use would still cost twice the cost for the first use. The third daily use would still cost three times the cost for the first use. For example, we can return back to Jenna, the Worldthought MedicWM. Another class ability this class has is the ability to use the Empathy power twice per day with a manifester level equal to the ability level. As written in the original class, this is a 6th level variable ability. Since this variable ability contains both levelvariable and use-variable aspects, the levelvariable formula is applied first. Jennas player could purchase the Empathy ability for 495 XP. The player could also then purchase a single use of the ability for 180 XP and a second use for 360 XP. Additionally, Jennas player can increase both the ability level and the number of uses per day. If Jennas player desires to have Jenna use the Empathy ability as a 7th level manifester, it would cost 180 XP as can be found on the chart for level-variable abilities. If Jennas player desires to have Jenna to be able to use the Empathy ability three times a day it would cost 540 XP.

Level of the Variable Ability


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However, this pricing does present a potential abuse of the mathematical system. Because the uses of an ability that contains both levelvariable and use-variable are so cost efficient, players can often buy more uses than would normally be found in a standard game for a relatively insignificant cost. To avoid this, Game Masters are discouraged from allowing too many additional uses to be purchased beyond what the rules allow for in a standard game. Most Game Masters should feel quite comfortable in placing a limit in this area of what a standard game allows or perhaps an additional use or two if it does not seem unbalancing. Progression-Variable Abilities Most, if not all, of the variable abilities remaining vary by some sort of predetermined progression defined in the effect of the ability. It may be that the ability increases in damage dice as the character progresses. It may be that the ability increases elemental resistance XP COST
Initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 180 360 540 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 3,420 3,600 First Progression 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1,080 1,170 1,260 1,350 1,440 1,530 1,620 1,710 1,800 Second Progression 180 360 540 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 3,420 3,600

by a predetermined amount. Whatever the progression, this case may well be the easiest of all the variable abilities to spot. The following table for determining the cost of this kind of variable ability will look suspiciously familiar to the use-variable table. Progression-variable abilities feel like use-variable abilities for good reason. Both types of variable abilities result from a systematic increase in the effect. For example, a character might be interested in gaining a class ability that provides damage reduction, which can scale depending on the type of damage reduction desired. Using the progression found in the Barbarian class, we can see that a player could buy the initial access to the Damage Reduction ability. This ability is priced as a 7th level ability for 1,260 XP. The player would then have to purchase the first progression of the ability, DR 1/- for 630 XP. If a player wanted to increase their characters damage reduction to the next progression, 2/-, it would cost 1,260 XP. Another increase would cost 1,890 XP. Additionally, in cases where there is both a progression-variable effect as well as a levelvariable effect, the table for finding the initial cost of the level-variable is always consulted first. Once the initial cost is determined from the level-variable formula, the formula for determining each progression in the effect is applied. In such cases the cost for the first progression is 30 XP times the initial level that the ability can be purchased. In this respect the rules for progression-variable abilities continue to be identical to how use-variable abilities interact with level-variable abilities. In the case where a variable ability contains both a progression-variable and a use-variable but not a level-variable, the initial cost can be found using either the use-variable or the progression-variable table since the tables are identical. Then, the formula for buying the daily uses is applied in addition to the formula for buying the desired progression. Both of these costs continue to be based on half the initial

Level of the Variable Ability


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cost for purchasing access to the ability. This case is extremely rare in character building. Summary of Variable Abilities The tables of variable abilities are certainly not difficult to apply. If anything, a Game Master might consider it tedious work in the beginning. However, most players who want complete freedom in their character design are usually quite willing to assist in converting the abilities of Base Classes and Prestige Classes into experience progressions. The key to this aspect of converting a standard game into a classless game is patience. Dont feel obligated to convert each class ability of every class before using the system. A Game Master can easily allow the players to convert their characters while using standard methods for generating antagonists for the game if necessary at least until a large chunk of the conversions can be accomplished. The systems are in reasonable balance with each other, so there shouldnt be a consistent advantage by using either system. Also, as in the case of constant abilities a Game Master should feel comfortable establishing prerequisites for variable class abilities. These prerequisites can easily be taken and adjusted from any appropriate portions of the Prestige Class prerequisite list or the base class abilities already gained. It is recommended that in the beginning all abilities be given a minimum level in which they can be purchased, although as experience with these rules increases this decision is less important. In the end, most Game Masters who want complete control and the ability to customize the allies and antagonists for the players characters soon find themselves caught up in the desire to convert completely. With a bit of patience, this can be accomplished with minimal effort past the initial understanding of the rules. Furthermore, at this point in the work all the rules have been explained with the exception of manifesting powers, casting spells, and performing incantations!


Powers, Spells, and Incantations

CoMplete Control

In the last chapter we discussed variable they know only the spells found in a spell book class abilities. Many people will argue that as a Wizard would, or they innately know a manifesting powers and casting spells is a class small subset of their class spells or powers as ability, and on one level they are absolutely a Sorcerer or Psion would. This is still true; right. That is why the cost for determining when purchasing manifester/caster levels that manifester/caster level is given distinction would be applied to a cost according to a levelwhatever manifester/caster levvariable ability as discussed el is purchased. in one of the examples An example will help here. from the previous chapter. At character creation, a player However, there is still a can spend 40 XP and purchase difference between having a the ability to manifest powers specific level of ability and or cast spells as a first level actually having some power manifester or caster. If the or spell to perform. player designates that they A fair analogy to want their ability to manimake regarding power fest powers to follow the manifestation and spell MarksmanUP progression, casting is the variable then the characters known abilities that depend on powers would follow that use. In those abilities, of a 1st level Marksman. access to the ability did The character would know not actually buy any no powers at their first abiluses. Instead, the ity level, one power at the individual uses for 2nd ability level, two powthe ability had to be ers at the 3rd ability level, purchased in addition and so on until they to access to the ability reached fifteen powitself. The same is true ers known at the for manifesting powers 20th level. Instead, and casting spells. if the player wanted Before we get to the their character to cast actual cost of purchasing spells like a Cleric levels of powers/spells, then the character spell slots, or even power would know all the Want to combine abilities from multiple points something needs to spells on the Cleric classes to get that concept just right? be said about powers/spells spell list as the Cleric Here is how you do it! known. In a standard game, automatically does. If the player wanted classes either know all the their character to cast spells as a Sorcerer, then spells on their class spell list as a Cleric would,


Mentalis Design
the character would know the same amount of spells that a Sorcerer would know at a class level equal to the characters ability level. At first level, the character would know 4 0-level spells and 2 1-level spells from the spell list. What is truly variable in this system is how much power the character can wield. Just as a character with a variable ability must buy additional uses, a manifester or spell caster can buy as many power points or spell slots as they have experience to spend. This aspect of the game becomes fully customizable and admittedly scary to many novice Game Masters. Additionally, it is possible to buy access to multiple manifesting classes or casting classes. In order to do this, the rules are simply applied twice, once for each class. If a character wants to cast spells as a Druid and manifest powers as a Society MindUP, then the player would need to buy access for each ability following the rules for level-variable abilities. First, the player would need to spend 45 XP to be able to manifest Society Mind powers as a 1st level manifester. Second, the player would need to spend 45 XP to be able to cast Druid spells as a 1st level caster. Each of these abilities would progress as slowly or quickly as the player wanted; and the abilities would be increased completely independently of each other. This would only buy them caster and manifester levels, however. If they actually wanted spells to cast and power points to spend, then the player would need to apply the rules below for each manifesting and casting progression. There is one other issue that needs to be covered before the price guidelines are given. Not all classes have an equal power or spell list. There is an iconic list for each ability. For psionic powers, the iconic list is that of the Psion or the Wilder. For divine spells, the list is the Clerics spell list. For arcane spells, the list is that of the Wizard or Sorcerer. Other class progressions may use these full lists or grant access to only a portion of them. Classes whose power or spell lists are reduced more than slightly from these iconic lists should use the costs listed below in the 50% column. This reduction of price only applies to those costs listed below, not to the cost of purchasing manifester/caster levels as a level-variable ability. The manifester/caster ability is always purchased at full cost as a level-variable ability. Psionic Progressions Psionic progressions are the easiest to describe and manage because they do not have spell slots as a part of their structure. A psionic character knows a specific set of powers and buys power points in order to be able to manifest those powers. Power points do not have levels; they can be used by a character that has them for any power regardless of level and augmentation. Since this is the case, figuring out the cost for a psionic characters power is very straightforward. A psionic character simply needs to buy the initial access to manifest powers as a level-variable ability discussed in the prior chapter. Then, the player must buy access to each level of powers as they are desired. Access to a level cannot be bought unless access to all the previous levels has been purchased. Finally, the player must buy power points to fuel the ability. The table shows the cost for buying access to powers of a certain level. In order for a character to manifest powers of a given level, XP COST
Full 1 2 50 240 720 1,200 1,680 2,160 2,640 3,120 3,600 50% 25 120 360 600 840 1,080 1,320 1,560 1,800

Power Level 25

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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they must pay the one-time fee for access to that level in addition to ensuring that their manifester ability level is high enough to allow access to the level. Only when both of these conditions are met can the player have his character begin manifesting powers of the desired level. For example, Chrysmys is a dwarven Devoted PsionUP. The player has expended 135 XP to bring Chrysmys manifester level up to 3following the rules of the level-variable abilities. This means that it is now possible for Chrysmys to buy access to second level powers. Assuming that the player has already spend the 50 XP to gain access to first level powers, the player can now spend 240 XP and gain access to second level powers. Once those purchases are made, Chrysmys player can select as many known 2nd level psionic powers as afforded to him by the Devoted PsionUP base class for a 3rd level manifester. If Chrysmys was a dwarven MorpheanMO instead, his player would have needed to increase Chrysmys manifester level to 4 before being able to buy access to second level powers. This would cost 225 XP in total. Since the MorpheanMO list is reduced in versatility from the Psion/Wilder list, Chrysmys player would use the 50% column in the table to determine the cost for buy power levels. Chrysmys could manifest 2nd level powers with an expenditure of 120 XP, assuming that the 25 XP had already been paid to buy access to first level powers. The only thing left to discuss regarding psionics is the cost for power points. This does not even need a table. Every power point purchased by a psionic character with access to a full power list costs 195 XP regardless of the characters level. Those classes who follow the 50% column in the table also receive a reduction in power point cost of 50%, implying that their cost is 97.5 XP per power point. [A Game Master can easily round this up to 98 XP or allow these players to buy their points in pairs for 195 XP.] If we continue to use Chrysmys as an example, Chrysmys player can add 6 power points to Chrysmys power point total at any time for 1170 XP if Chrysmys were a Devoted PsionUP. If Chrysmys were a MorpheanMO, the player would pay 585 XP for 6 power points. It should be noted that power points gained from having high ability scores are gained as normal without cost. Bonus power points are always found using the proper manifester level purchased as a level-variable ability and the appropriate ability modifier. Characters that have more than one manifester ability receive bonus power points for each manifesting ability by using the appropriate ability level and modifier. However, the lack of a psionic version of spell slots does imply that there needs to be one additional consideration with regard to psionic rules. In this system, psionic power points (and bonus power points for high ability scores) must be kept separate if a character desires to have multiple manifester abilities that use power points. The first reason is because there is the possibility of a player spending 195 XP per power point to fuel one caster ability and 97.5 XP per power point to fuel a second ability. The second reason is simply one of game balance. In this system the cost for power points is one of the major balancing aspects. If a player were to buy a full set of power points for one manifesting ability they could add manifester levels and power levels for much less of a cost for multiple other casting progressions. Arcane and Divine Progressions Fortunately, there is no need to distinguish between the cost of arcane and divine casting progressions. Unfortunately, the fact that both of these systems rely on spell slots instead of power points means than an additional table is necessary. However, this table is not difficult to put into application. Before getting to the table on spell slots, the table for purchasing spell levels is necessary.


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This table is nearly identical to the cost for buying access to levels of psionic powers. The only difference in the numbers is that spell casters often have access to zero level spells while psionic characters never have access to zero level powers. In cases where a casting progression includes the use of zero level spells, access must be purchased for the zero level spells before access can be purchased to first level spells. If the character has enough experience, the player may purchase access to multiple levels at the same time so long as all the prior levels have been purchased. As with the psionic table, this table shows the cost for buying access to spells of a certain level. In order for a character to cast spells of a given level, they must pay the one-time fee for access to that level in addition to ensuring that their caster ability level is high enough to allow access to the level. Only when both of these conditions are met can the player have their character begin buying spell slots of the desired level and actually casting spells. For example, if Kira the Sorcerer is already able to cast 2nd level spells as a 4th level caster and her player wanted to improve the ability to cast 3rd level spells, her player would first have to spend a total of 270 XP to increase her caster ability level to 5 and then to 6. Additionally, the player would have already spent 300 XP to buy access to 0, 1st, and 2nd level spells and would need to spend an additional 720 XP to buy access to the 3rd level spells. In order to XP COST
Full 0 10 50 240 720 1,200 1,680 2,160 2,640 3,120 3,600 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50% 5 25 120 360 600 840 1,080 1,320 1,560 1,800 0 1 Full 170 340 680 1,020 1,360 1,700 2,040 2,380 2,720 3,060

cast 4th level spells, the player would need to spend a total of 390 XP to increase the caster ability level to 7 and then 8. Then the player could spend 1,200 XP and buy access to 4th level spells. Unlike psionics, spell casters use spell slots to determine the effectiveness of their ability. These spell slots must be purchased for the character, and they can be purchased in any quantity that the character desires. Once spell slots are purchased, they cannot be sold. There is no requirement that a spell caster purchase any spell slots for a given spell level, however they still must purchase access to the level in order to purchase spell levels and spell slots of a higher level. If a spell caster does not purchase slots for a given spell level, they simply cannot cast any spells of that level. However, if a player buys higher spell slots the character is able to use the spell slots of a higher level to cast spells of a lower level or even use metamagic spells if desired. Continuing the example from Kira above, suppose Kiras player had already purchased 4 0-level slots for 680 XP, four 1-level slots for 1,360 XP, and three 2-level slots for 2,040 XP. Once Kiras player is able to purchase access to 3rd level spells, the player can buy as many 3-level spell slots for Kira as desired at a cost of 1,020 XP per slot. As with psionics, arcane and divine spell casters with high ability scores receive bonus spell slots at no experience cost. The XP COST
50% 85 170 340 510 680 850 1,020 1,190 1,360 1,530

Spell Level Access

Spell Slot Level 27

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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appropriate caster level purchased as a levelchanneling system converts remarkably well variable ability - is used in conjunction with the into the system proposed here. casting ability modifier to determine any bonus As with magic and psionics, characters using spell slots. Of course, bonus spell slots gained the channeling model need a channeling level. from different casting This is accomplished abilities must be in an identical fashkept separate from ion as manifester each other and and caster levels. bonus spell slots Channeling levels can only be used are purchased as when the character a level-variable is able to cast spells ability. of a given level by Once a playpurchasing access to er has purchased the spell level. channeling levels for The last topic their character, called that needs to be a NexusTC, the only discussed with regard remaining things to purchase are to spell casting is the the individual incantations. Unlike issue of Cleric domains. spells and powers, incantations do The ability to pick the not have levels and therefore no levfirst two domains is a els need to be purchased. Additionfirst level constant ability, ally, incantations are not fueled by meaning that it costs 270 power points or spell XP. Domain spell slots levels and thus are purchased at the price they do not need indicated by 50% column to be purchased. in the spell slot table. The Your channelers can be everything you imagined Once an incantafact that the purchased tion is purchased - take them out for a test drive. domain spell slots are not it can be used acnearly as versatile as a non-domain spell slots cording to the rules governing incantations. Of implies that their cost should be reduced. A course, the rule saying that a channeler must character is able to buy as many domain slots XP COST as their Game Master allows.
1 200 300 400 500 2,500 4,500 6,500 8,500 10,500 12,500 14,500 16,500

Channeling Progressions In the Tome of Channeling a new system of using power is given. The system is called channeling, and it offers the ability for a character to use a certain number of known incantations largely at will. There is a requirement on how many incantations can be used each minute, but there is no limit on how many times each incantation can be used over the course of a day. Fortunately, the

Incantations Known 28

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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be able to channel the incantation according to its DC remains in effect. Since incantations do not have levels, incantations can be purchased whenever the player has the experience to spend. An example will follow. Ayssah is NexusTC who has grown accustomed to channeling air incantations out of the sphere of Elements. If Ayssah is buying his first Incantation it would cost 200 XP. If it were Ayssahs second incantation it would cost 300 XP. IF it were Ayssahs third or fourth incantation it would cost 400 XP or 500 XP respectively. Once it is purchased, it would be immediately available for use. Psionics, Magic, and Channeling Summary Working with characters that use psionics, magic, and channeling is not difficult at all. In fact, psionics, magic, and channeling can be added to almost any build as a minor enhancement or even a major replacement for abilities that dont fit the players personal character design goals. At this point, all the rules for designing characters following those found in the SRD and published by Dreamscarred Press have been explained. Characters should be able to be fully converted and entire games should now be able to become fully classless. True versatility is now at any players or Game Masters fingertips.


Play Considerations

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as high as +15, for example. A Game Master Upper Boundaries might decide that allowing players to buy more The rules put forth in this system are fairly than 20 Hit Dice is perfectly acceptable. A straightforward. Games should be able to be Game Master might be fine with allowing an converted fairly quickly. However, the one arcane caster to purchase more spell slots than thing that has been largely and intentionally would normally be possible. left out of the discussion up until now is These are decisions best left to Game Masters construction of upper limits. There is a very after they are familiar with how the rules good reason that this discussion has been left out work. In spite of the ability for Game Masters until now. Every purchase, every class ability, to house rule their own games, the standard every increase to psionic or magic ability are beginning policy should be only to allow that not equal. Some aspects of character design which can happen in a standard 20 level game can be pushed beyond the limits of a standard until the implications are understood. At the game without breaking it. Others should be very least, that ruling maintains the original 20 carefully considered before allowing the limits to be increased. The safest rule to consider is one which says that nothing which does not have precedence in a standard game can be brought into a game under this system. So, a character would not be allowed to purchase more than 20 Hit Dice and a character would not be allowed to increase the progression of Sneak Attack beyond +10d6 damage. The arcane, divine, and psionic characters would have their spell slots and powerpoints limited absolutely by how many power points and spell slots could ultimately be purchased as a character in a standard game. This is the safest position to take because it limits characters strengths. If they have extra experience to spend they need to spend it in areas other than their strengths. This rule encourages wellrounded characters rather than gamebreaking characters. However, not every aspect of the game is absolutely broken if the progressions are allowed. A Game Master might decide that it is acceptable It might be a good idea to plan out your next purchases, to allow save progression to continue to so you know what you can soon do .


Mentalis Design
level game balance designed into the standard game while the Game Master and the players are familiarizing themselves with the rules. Game Breaking Possibilities Of course, this system opens wide the door for game breaking combinations. When players are allowed to design exactly the character that they want, they have the ability to put together particularly lethal combinations. While this should be monitored, it is also true that characters who are built with those intentions also typically paint themselves into fairly small niches. Game Masters should almost always be aware of the main design goals that become apparent as characters gain experience, but they should also become familiar with apparent design flaws as well. Game Masters who are aware of their players characters flaws are much more likely to have players with wellrounded characters. Even still, there are certain combinations that make powerful characters and certain combinations that make weak characters. In general, a character that takes on too many character abilities that are based on the levelvariable model will find themselves falling short of their design goals as the character progresses. Characters that rely too heavily of constant abilities also tend to find themselves falling short of necessary experience, especially in the latter character levels. Characters that intentionally buy three good save progressions and look to buy better than average aspects of more than one other category also find it hard to keep up with the experience demands. However, there are some ways to use the system to its fullest and Game Masters should be aware of these design strategies. Characters that are able to limit themselves to a three or fewer level-variable class abilities and then mix in a few progression-variable or use-variable abilities often find that they have spent their experience well. Characters that are willing to utilize a restricted power, spell, or channeling list can often add that aspect to their design for a very reasonable cost. Characters that are willing to buy higher cost Hit Dice in the beginning and then lower Hit Dice at the end will have more experience to spend than characters who try to skimp in the beginning and have to make up the difference as the total number of Hit Dice increase. In the end, this system is about flexibility instead of limitation. It is about bringing fun back into character design. Every table and every game is going to be different; but so long as the Game Master and players are of the same mind in building characters this system should be good for any table. Power gamers who have a power gaming Game Master will find themselves challenged like never before in this system. Role-playing players who find themselves under a Game Master that likewise emphasizes role-playing will find their depth of games increased as well. Creating Characters Above 1 st Level Creating characters above 1st level can lead to some imbalances if some guidelines are not considered. This is especially true when discussing powers and abilities whose power does not increase once purchased. For example, the need to purchase 1st level spell slots is not very high if a character is generating a 10th level character. Instead, the temptation would be to buy access to the lower spell levels but spend all the experience for spell slots at the higher levels. Had this character been generated from 1st level and played through 10th level, the character would certainly have purchased the lower level spell slots. If Game Masters allow characters to be generated above 1st level there is a need to ensure that the character is designed with balance in mind as well as the characters history. Another likely area of abuse is in the purchase of abilities. Characters built from 1st level are likely to purchase abilities when they are needed. Characters generated at higher levels


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will not automatically purchase the lower level abilities that a character gaining levels by adventuring would. This problem is best solved through establishing prerequisites for higher level abilities. Prerequisites can take the form of certain skill ranks, feat purchases, or the purchase of prior abilities. In any case, it is imperative that the prerequisites make sense for the ability in question. What To Do With Characters That Have A Level Adjustment This consideration is a bit more simply solved than it originally seems. Level Adjustments happen because a playable race receives more in their racial package than seems normally appropriate. Once Level Adjustments are seen in this light breaking them down can be quite easy. In fact, there is both a simple and a more complex solution to the problem. The simplest solution to the problem is to figure out the Effective Character Level of a players design and simply set that value as the point at which the player collects experience. For example, if a player wants to play a character with 3 racial Hit Die and a Level Adjustment of +2 then they would effectively already be a 5th level character. Thus, they would gain all aspects of the Level Adjusted race for the lowest experience total of a level 5 character. They are then able to purchase other aspects to their character at an appropriate price as they have experience to spend. Furthermore, when they go to buy their next Hit Die they would pay 180 XP for a d4, 270 for a d6, 360 for a d8, 450 for a d10, or 540 for a d12. These prices are for a character that has already bought their first three Hit Dice. However, that does not need to be the only solution to the question of Level Adjustment. Fantasy world genetics is a funny thing where races can often freely intermingle. In this kind of a world, it is reasonable to think that not all members of a race would have every aspect of ones heritage to the same degree. It is possible to break down a Level Adjusted race into purchasable subcomponents, and that is what the following paragraphs will hope to explain. In this system to follow, a player can build as much or as little of the racial adjustment into their character. In breaking down a Level Adjusted race, the Hit Dice are the easiest to remove. This system already has a means for buying Hit Die from the very beginning, so the racial Hit Die can simply be ignored. Additionally, the means for buying ability score improvements are also integrated into the system already, so each Level Adjusted race can be broken down into a fair 1st level racial ability score adjustment that is equivalent to the rest of the LA +0 races. Any additional increases to ability scores can be bought following the normal rules. At this point, the only thing that remains is dealing with the racial abilities gained by each race. Some of the abilities can be kept as part of an unadjusted 1st level racial package equivalent to that which an LA +0 race would receive. The remaining abilities can be converted into constant or variable abilities at an appropriate level based on the Level Adjustment. In this manner a player desiring to play a character with a Level Adjusted race can buy their racial abilities as though they were constant or variable abilities. The best benefit of this system is that the concept of Level Adjustment goes away completely. As with every other character in the game, a character built under this system has a character level equal to what his experience dictates it should be. Essentially, this system proposes treating Level Adjusted races as vastly reduced base classes which can be broken down using the rules provided. It should be noted that Game Masters who follow this method might consider placing racial prerequisites upon the abilities taken from Level Adjusted races. At the very least, it opens up the door to character history becoming much more significant at character generation!


Mentalis Design

Designers Notes
Part of the beauty of a system like this is that the logic behind the design is able to be explained for those who are interested. However, the system can be used easily enough without explanation. Because not all the people who want to use the system also want to know how and why the system works, these notes have been pulled out and separated from the rules. For those who want to know why the system works, continue reading. For those who dont particularly care why it works so long as it does, skipping this section of explanation will not hinder your game play. The underlying principle of this system is found in the systematic method that a character gains experience; and that can be found on any experience chart. As was stated earlier in this work, remember that in a standard game a character has access to all abilities of a certain level the moment the Game Master allows the character to increase their level. Usually this occurs as soon as the characters have enough experience to increase their level. In order for this understanding of game power to be maintained, it should be understood that the abilities gained at any level should technically be able to be purchased using the experience gained before they were able to level. The understanding that a levels gained abilities are actually gleaned from the prior levels experience is one of the most fundament aspects of this project but Ill confess that it was one of the most difficult to remember and apply. So, knowing this fact makes the explanation easier. Also, for the time being realize that the first level of a character actually breaks most of the progressions. The first level of a character usually includes at least one save where the character not only gets an increase of one, but of two! Some characters gain spell casting progression for spell levels of zero and one. Characters who channel incantations like the NexusTC gain two at their first level. The character in a typical game receives four times the normal skill points at first level. Outside of Hit Dice progression and class abilities, virtually all other aspects of character design are broken by the very first level of gaming! So, in all aspects of character design where the first level of a character does not follow the rules for the remaining 19 levels the first level is ignored. The progression is chosen for the last 19 levels and a random yet appropriate value is used for the levels that do not fit the progression. This is why many of the tables included in this work have a beautiful mathematical progression if the first (and sometimes second) value is ignored. It is unfortunate that it worked out this way, but it is an unavoidable consequence of having a game where the rules of character progression dont always apply to the very first level. With those two disclaimers out of the way, Id like to spend the rest of this space talking about how the numbers and progressions were chosen within this project. The hardest part of the project was determining the typical baseline for a completely average character in a completely average class. If you will, assume that I am speaking about the result coming out of all the classes being blended together into Percentage
Hit Die 12% 12% 12% < 1% 6% 12% 12%

Controllable Aspects

Base Attack Bonus Saves Proficiencies Ability Increases Skills Feats


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one class that represents the average of them all. The strengths of one class are balanced by the weaknesses of another until a truly generic character remains. This was difficult to determine, but for the sake of this work Ill establish the basic guidelines for those aspects that are controllable. Looking at the table of controllable aspects, youll notice the obvious absence of psionics, magic, and class abilities. The anomaly that is iroficiencies will be discussed later, but for now believe that from the perspective of the proposed 190,000 XP needed to make a maximum level character their cost is insignificant. Ability increases are about half as consuming as the other aspects listed. All of the other aspects on the table were determined to be of relatively equal importance to a generic character although admittedly individual classes rely on each of those aspects differently. What this does is set a benchmark of 66% of a characters experience being spent in these aspects. Considering that psionics, magic, and class abilities are intentionally left off the table at this point, this proposal sounded fair. What that table implies, then, is that at each level 12% of a completely generic characters experience should be spent towards each aspect. While this sounds bland on the very surface, the fact that not all of these aspects increase with each level makes them all unique. To explain what is meant by this, Ill take each one in order of complexity. Also remember the first principle as it is applied to the results of the table above because it gives us the guiding principle behind most of this work. The goal for the per level expenditure for an average progression of each of the aspects in the table is: XP = (12%)(experience gained during the previous level). This always equals 120 times the previous character level. Hit Dice This is by far and away the easiest of the components to nail down. Hit Dice come in five forms: d4, d6, d8, d10, and d12. The average of these is the d8. Using the formula given above for determining the per level expenditure gives the results shown earlier in the d8 column of the table detailing the XP cost for each Hit Die purchased. The second d8 Hit Die is equal to (120)(2-1) or 120 XP. The third die is (120) (3-1) or 240 XP. The last die is (120)(20-1) or 2,280 XP. Dividing each of these values by the amount of experience needed to get to the new level always gives a result of 12%. That was easy. And before you ask, the rest of the attributes of character design were certainly not that easy! But were not quite finished with Hit Die. We only have all the values for the 2nd d8 through the 20th d8. To convert these prices fairly among the remaining dice, simply realize that 120 XP divided by 8 is 15. Essentially, the base cost for the second Hit Die is equal to 15 times the number of sides on the die. Extrapolating that information onto the other dice gives the base cost of 60 for the d4, 90 for the d6, 150 for the d10, and 180 for the d12. From there, simply multiply the base cost times the previous number of Hit Die already purchased and you almost completely fill out the rest of the Hit Dice table. The neat aspect of this analysis is that technically a Game Master could allow characters to use nonstandard Hit Die. A character wanting a d9 would simply pay 135 XP for their second die. 135 equals 9 times 15. A character wanting a d7 could pay 105 XP for their second die using the same logic. To determine actual Hit Points, the Game Master could use a random number generator or apply a formula that gives standard Hit Points for each non-standard die. Of course, an astute observer of this discussion should have already realized that the formula breaks down for the first Hit Die. Regardless of the size of the Hit Die, 1 minus 1 is always zero and the equation always turns out a result of zero. As explained earlier, all the values that were chosen for the first level acquisitions


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were chosen largely at random so as to make as much sense as possible. In each case, the first Hit Die always costs half of the second Hit Die. It does not follow the exact progression of the rest of the table, but it does make logical sense. Even better, it fits well among the other costs of building a 1st level character. for Base Attack Bonus, then 110 XP seemed a reasonable choice for the cost of a Base Attack Bonus of +1. Once the value was chosen, filling out the table is just as easy as it was for Hit Die. The third increase is 430, or 215(3-1). The fourth increase is 645, or (215)(4-1). In this manner, a character with a Base Attack Bonus progression will have a total XP expenditure of slightly less than 12% because we rounded 217 down to 215. In fact, the total XP that an iconic Cleric would spend for their Base Attack Bonus is 22,685. Considering that the number is only 115 XP off of the 12% mark that was established, I considered this a success. It should also be noted that a character with a full Base Attack progression that was given 1,500 XP as a free pool would spend 40,960, or 21.4% or their 191,500 XP. A character with a Base Attack Bonus progression would spend 9,675 XP, or 5.1%.

Base Attack Bonus One might think that Base Attack Bonus is as simple as Hit Die. After all, Base Attack Bonus can progress in an integral pattern at each level. However, this becomes more difficult once the determination of the average Base Attack Bonus is made. For the sake of this work and for obvious reasons, I chose the progression found in the Cleric class to be the average. The problem that this choice grants is that now the progression doesnt happen along a linear path. The progression begins at the 2nd level, occurs for 3 levels, and then takes one level off before repeating. What this means is that the average character purchases an increase to their Base Attack Bonus 15 times over Skills 20 levels. If the ideal total XP of a Its hard to believe that skills finished generic character is 190,000 would be the next least complicated XP, then 12% of that total is 22,800 progression to figure out, but it actually XP. What this implies is that is. At the beginning, I had to make a the 22,800 XP needs to be difficult choice for this system. That divided linearly over only choice was what to do with the fact 15 increases. Finding the that a character receives four times cumulative sum of the the amount of skill points at 1st level in numbers 1 through 15 is easy; and the result is 105. a standard game. Once again, the first Dividing 22,800 by 105 gives level completely messes up any hope of 217 (rounded down to the a true mathematical progression nearest whole number). To from level 1 to 20. Mergil focused on his sword make tabulation easier, 215 Where this really comes into training, making him a better XP was chosen as the initial play is in keeping the progression fighter than any of his allies, value for a Base Attack Bonus at a constant 12% through each or even most of his enemies. of +2. Remember, the formula of the levels. Additionally, the breaks down for level 1 because 1 minus 1 fact that players can choose any rank in a always equals zero. If 215 is the base value skill at any level also wreaks havoc on the


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mathematical progression meant to balance the skill rank number with the level at which it is normally gained in a standard game. To alleviate this dilemma completely, I chose a system that would work around both of these problems. In this system, the first four ranks normally all gained at the 1st level would cost the same. Skill rank prices would then begin with the fifth rank because it cannot ever be purchased until 2nd level or beyond. What this allows is for a progression to be developed using the 12% formula listed at the beginning of this chapter. The average number of skills purchased at 2nd level should total 120 XP, the average number of skills purchased at 3rd level should equal 240 XP, and so forth. The only thing that is left is to determine the average number of skill ranks gained by a purely generic character. The temptation is to use 5 as this number because 8 is the maximum class value for skill ranks and 2 is the lowest. Finding the average of 2 and 8 gives 5 as a result. However, while this would be numerically correct, it does not represent a true average among the classes. Few classes give 8 skill ranks per level. In fact, my experience tells me that there are far more classes that give 2 skill points as any other amount. Ive found that the best overall approximation for the average skill ranks is 3.5 ranks per level. It was stated earlier that the 2nd level skill ranks gained should equal 120 XP. Dividing 120 XP by 3.5 gives a result of 34 XP per rank as an average remembering that these are actually the 5th skill ranks. While I was tempted to round this number up to 35 to make the numbers clean, even an increase of 1 XP per skill rank would cause effects in the final tally. Additionally, the method used to integrate Intelligence score as well as racial bonus skill ranks mandated that round numbers would simply not be possible where skills were concerned. Thus, the skill rating for each skill rank for a non-human character with average Intelligence of 10 remained 34 XP each. To determine the XP for characters of differing Intelligence, a bit of calculation is required. In a standard game, increasing the intelligence of a character by two points increases the number of skill ranks gained by one. If a character with an intelligence of 10 can buy 3.5 ranks for 120 XP, then a character with an intelligence of 12 should be able to buy 4.5 ranks for 120 XP. Dividing 120 by 4.5 gives a result of 26.67. That result rounds up nicely to 27 XP per rank. Following that logic, a character with Intelligence 14 should be able to buy 5.5 ranks by paying 21.8, or 22 XP, per rank. Simply continuing with this logic fills out the rest of the chart for non-humans. The column for racial bonus skill rating follows the same logic and gives the same result. If a non-human with Intelligence of 10 can buy 3.5 skill ranks for 120 XP, then a human with Intelligence of 10 should be able to buy 4.5 ranks for 120 XP. The calculation is the same as above and it results in 26.67, or 27 XP. A human with Intelligence 12 should be able to buy 5.5 ranks for 120 XP. The result is 21.8, rounded up to 22 XP. Continuing with this pattern fills out the rest of the human column of the chart as well. Of course, there are limits to how cheaply or how expensive skill ranks can get before the game runs the risk of being broken or too expensive. Those limits are arbitrary, and I established the limit at Intelligence 6 for the lower bound and Intelligence 22 for the upper bound. Characters can have an Intelligence score above and below these levels, but the cost does not increase or decrease outside the range. Obviously, should a Game Master desire to set different upper or lower boundaries they can easily use the patterns and logic expressed here to find those values and use them if desired. Feats For here on to the end, the formulas involve another level of logic simply because the remaining character attributes do not necessarily


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increase level by level. Instead, they increase sporadically or at best every other level. The sporadic nature of feat acquisition seems to make them difficult to price. Sure, feats are gained at first level and then every level that is a multiple of three. But many classes incorporate feat acquisition in their class progression and they seldom do it in a predictable pattern. This fact nearly makes feat purchasing impossible to calculate. However, there is something nice that happens when the average number of feats per class is calculated. On average, classes gain just over 10 feats in total. 7 of those feats are gained through the character levels which all classes get. The other three are gained through the average class progression. What makes that nice is that the average number of feats divides nicely into the total number of character levels. On average, a character gains a feat every other level through various means. What this means for the math behind the tables is that a general progression can be easily fit into a nice and neat full level package. If the totals for level pairs are examined, a nice pattern comes forward. The experience to get from the bottom value of one pair of levels to the bottom of another pair of levels is always 4,000 XP greater than the prior increase. {Start by adding the 19th and 20th levels together and comparing them to the 17th and 18th levels. Then compare it to the sum of the 15th and 16th levels and work your way down the list. Youll soon see the pattern of 4,000 XP difference emerging.} 12% of 4,000 XP is 480 XP, and this would become the beginning of the process. As has been said before, the complexity of 1st level character generation tragically plays with this progression. Several classes gain a feat at first level in addition to the character feat gained at first level. That means that many classes would be expected to expend a minimum of around 500 XP of their initial experience pool and that assumes that the price for the first feat would be just 10 XP! Those classes like the Ranger that end up with a total of three feats at their first level would be spending 1,470 XP out of their initial experience just on feats. This demonstrates that while math can do a great job of handling the progression from 2nd level through 20th level, creating the table for feats would need to be more of an art than a science for the first two costs. If the progression could start at the second feat chosen, the initial cost would be on the second feat and would thus lower the total. In order to compensate for starting the progression one feat later and the subsequent lowering of all the feats costs, the step in cost between the feats needed to be increased to a value more than 480 XP. Given the need to play with the numbers for the sake of keeping 1st level characters at a functional build, the easiest means was to find a progression that gives the desired total. Having a base starting value of 160 XP for the 2nd feat and having an average increase of 520 XP results in a progression that approximates the desired goal of 12% expenditure. Furthermore, the results on the table are reasonably neat numbers to use. The only thing left was to pick a random number for the initial feat cost, and 100 XP is a good round number that produces good results when used in an average 1st level character build. As a demonstration of the numbers, remember that the average number of feats that a character gains over a 20 level career is between 10 and 11. A character with 10 feats would spend 20,260 XP on those feats, which is 10.6% of the proposed 190,000 XP. A character with 11 feats would spend 25,100 XP on those feats, which is 13.1% of the proposed 190,000 XP. These numbers surround the desired 12%, which was the preferred goal stated at the beginning of this section. Saves The process of figuring out the save progression cost within a character seems like


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a difficult job. This is particularly true because while all classes receive one good save, some classes receive two or even three good saves. Interestingly enough, on average there are only a few more classes that have only one good save than have two good saves. This implies that the true average lies within a character that has about one and a half good saves. The nice thing about this system is that there is no distinction between the cost of a +1 on a good save and a +1 on a poor save. The cost is the same, it is just that the poor save is earned later in the characters life so the cost is much less significant at the level it is earned. Thus, figuring out the progression for the good save becomes the most important. Filling out the cost for the poor save would simply mean applying the cost for the good save and checking the percentages. Also, the fact that a good save results in a +12 at the end of 20 levels seems to indicate that the assumptions used by the feats would be less likely to apply in this case. However, it is important to note that in a good save progression a class earns a +2 at first level. If we ignore that first level as has become the custom, a character with a good save really receives a +10 over 19 levels. That begins to look more and more like the feat progression after all. Another problem is that since a character receives three saves, each save must be less than 12% so that the sum of the save expenditures for an average character approaches 12%. There are several approaches to finding that value, but it should be realized that in this system it isnt as easy as simply saying a good save will be twice as much as a poor save. The cost for each increase to a save costs more than the one before it, so the poor save is really only the six cheapest costs of the total cost for a good save progression. As with feats, a mathematical approach could only work so well. The formation of the table is just as much an art as a science. Considering that a good save would make up the lions share of a characters save expenditure, 7% was the initial mark. Interestingly enough, this mark implied that a poor save would account for 1.1% of a characters experience. That would mean that a character with one good save and two poor saves would spend around 9.2% of their experience on saves, a character with two good saves would spend about 15.1% of their experience on saves, and a character with all good saves would spend 21% of their total experience on saves. Perhaps even more importantly, a character with one good save, one poor save, and one save exactly halfway in between would spend just under 12% of their experience. Those totals appeared mathematically fair. Using an initial baseline of 7% and using the argument from the feat section above that a characters available experience grows by 4,000 XP every two levels it is easy to see that the step increase for the progression should be 280 XP. As with feats, the first two points of the good save occur within the first level and thus imply that the progression cannot begin with the first point of bonus and still be functional. In order to make a good mathematical progression that also allows first level character to be built reasonably well, those first two bonuses would have to be ignored for the purposes of developing a good progression. In the end analysis, 280 XP turned out to be a near ideal amount of increase for each step in the progression. A base value needed to be chosen as well, and through a bit of experimentation the value of 70 was chosen to best represent the overall data in the progression. Once the experience totals for the progression were established for the third point of save and higher, the initial two values needed to be chosen. Making the first value so small as to be insignificant was not an option, but with the third value being 70 XP it only gave so much room. In the end, 45 XP and 60 XP were chosen because they were round numbers,


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mathematically could become (X) + (2X) + (3X) = 150. That equation nicely works out to 6X = 150, or X = 25. That sounded like the perfect round number. With light armor and simple weapons being 25 XP each, it seemed reasonable to price Proficiencies individual elements of each of those categories Choosing the vales at 5 XP, or one-fifth the cost. Extrapolating that for proficiencies was progression to martial weapons and medium not difficult. The armor the individual prices become 10 XP. proficiencies needed Individual heavy armors become 15 XP to be priced so that apiece. Exotic weapons are purchased while not individually individually already, so the first one expensive the cumulative would cost 75 XP if the progression total would be significant to from simple to martial weapons a character being developed at first is to be followed. It didnt seem level. Additionally, the cost of the right to allow players to buy exotic first two feats that a character incurs weapons at will, so an increase was used as a guideline. That that grew according to a quadratic value totaled 260 XP, so it seemed function was employed. The cost reasonable to aim for 300 XP as stays low for the first few exotic a high target for proficiencies. weapons, but after that it becomes That value was used as a too high for most players to spend baseline to determine the without a good reason. cost of the individual The prices for weapons groups proficiencies. were simply ported over from In terms of weapons and the explanation above. Most armor, there were three characters are not going to be categories within each type. too content with a single weapon Weapons are divided into group unless they really arent simple, martial, and exotic. martial characters at all. If they Armor is divided into light, arent martial characters, they medium, and heavy. Knowing that arent going to be expending no class is granted exotic weapons much XP on proficiencies as an innate ability, it seemed fair to anyway. In the system say that of the 300 XP proposed above, a character Having trained as both an assassin above that half could go to each buying access to both and as a marksman, Devon could hit a of armor and weapons. What that martial and simple human heart at 200 yards. initial says is that: (simple cost) + weapons spends 75 XP. (martial cost) + (first exotic cost) should be 150 That total seems appropriate for three weapons XP. Also: (light armor cost) + (medium armor groups, which should be plenty of options for cost) + (heavy armor cost) should also be 150 any character. As with simple and martial XP. Realizing that in each equation the first weapons, the equation for finding the cost for number should be least and it should progress exotic weapons is simply ported into weapons higher in total until the end, the equations groups. offered a hint at a mathematical rationale behind them, and while both numbers will not break a high level character the experience spent on each save is not insignificant to a first level character.


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Ability Score Increases Increasing Ability Scores is actually one of the easier increases to figure out of those that do not increase every level. In a standard game, Ability Score increases come at a very regular and predetermined rate. The only difficult part is that they increase every four levels rather than every one or two levels like the others. However, the same logic that applied to feats and save progression can apply here. Using the same logic that gave us the 4,000 XP increase in the discussion about feats, we can arrive at the differential between ability score increases. {Start by examining the total experience needed to reach 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th levels and compare them with the experience needed to reach the lower quadruplets of levels and you will see a pattern begin to emerge} Examining the pattern reveals that each increase from one quadruplet to the next is 16,000 XP. Since the premise put forth in the opening paragraphs of this chapter was to have the experience spent on ability scores set to 6% of the total, then 6% of each increase should give the number that is used to determine the cost increase from one level to the next. 6% of 16,000 XP is 960 XP. Thus each increase should differ from the prior increase by 960 XP. Setting the base value for the first increase should also be easy. Multiplying 6% and the total amount of experience that a character has when they receive their first ability increase in a standard game results in 360 XP. Using 360 XP as the base figure and 960 XP as the increase amount makes it easy to fill out the chart for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and even 6th ability score increases. Class Abilities The math for class abilities is nearly impossible to determine. At some point, a leap of faith had to be exerted and the math had to be tested from there. In other words, it is far simpler to simply guess at a base value and then use mathematical progressions to determine the rest of the pattern and whether the pattern gives a proper result. Of course, with each subsequent refinement each class had to be recalculated using the new data set. However, there is a little math that can be helpful in making proper estimated guesses. Once the aspects of character design that have already been discussed are tabulated, the completely generic character has 66% of their experience spent. This means that an ideal mathematical progression for class abilities would increase with each level and give a total between 16% and 18% of the total experience spent. This means that an average class ability expenditure of between 30,400 XP and 34,200 XP is the target. In this system, the average expenditure per class on class abilities is 31,539 XP or 16.5%. The process began with the class abilities that are level dependant. If all the level-variable abilities were to cost the same, an ideal goal had to be determined. It seemed reasonable to assume that if 16% - 18% was to be the average total goal that 3% would make a good per ability goal. This goal translates into an XP amount of 5,700XP. If the cost of a level-variable ability is related to the experience gained over the previous level, then the equation representing this is easy to figure out. If Z equal the initial cost and X equals the upgrade cost then the formula is simply: Z + X + 2X+ 3X+ 4X+ 5X+ 6X+ 7X+ 8X+ 9X+ 10X+ 11X+ 12X+ 13X+ 14X+ 15X+ 16X+ 17X+ 18X + 19X. This reduces to Z + 190X. If the goal is to make this total approximate 5,700 XP as closely as possible, we can see that Z + 190X = 5,700 should give us a good answer. Since we are only going for an approximation and hopefully one that gives fairly round values an interesting thing happens when we drop Z from the equation. If 190X = 5,700 XP, then X = 30. This is a number that produces satisfactory results. At this point, it is only a matter of picking an


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initial value that makes logical sense. Since it should cost a bit more to buy access to an ability than to increase its power, it seemed reasonable to have the initial cost equal 1.5 times the increase cost. Thus, the value of 45 was determined. In the end, this gives a total accumulation of 5,745 XP for a level-variable ability taken the whole way to level 20. As to the remaining class abilities, the work above set up the work to follow. If the levelvariable abilities each cost 5,745 XP over the course of twenty levels, then it is reasonable to set a maximum value for constant abilities around that range as well. Of course, constant abilities often do increase in power the higher they are gained, so it is almost always fair to say that the higher a constant ability becomes available the more it should cost. In this case, those constant abilities that are gained at the twentieth level should cost the most. It follows that a number that is divisible by 20 would make a great beginning value for determining the base price of a constant ability. 5,745 XP is not evenly divisible by 20, but it results in 287.25. This is not a good, round number that would make a system friendly to use. Either 290 or 280 would work well, but the fact that 270 and 300 are both nicely divisible by 3 as well they become even more ideal. The reason for considering divisibility by 3 will be discussed shortly. Either number works, but 270 was chosen because in the end this progression gave the best results. The only remaining abilities to be determined were progression-variable abilities and usevariable abilities. Since these abilities are related in terms of progression, it was desirable to keep the math behind their progression identical if possible. Furthermore, there is no difference in the game mechanics between a constant ability and a use-variable or progression-variable ability with only one progression. Thus, they should be priced equivalently. Using that logic and the progression that constant abilities are simply 270 XP times the lowest level that they can be gained, these last kinds of abilities are actually easy to figure out. It was desirable to have the base cost equal to twice the use or progression cost. This means that the increase cost should be one-third the cost of a constant ability of the same level and the base cost should be the remaining twothirds. This is why it was desirably to choose a number for constant abilities that could be nicely divided by 3. For example, a first level constant ability costs 270 XP. A progressionvariable or use-variable ability should cost 180 XP to grant access and an additional 90 XP to buy its first use. This pattern continues throughout the whole level by level progression. There are two desirable outcomes that happen with this application of logic. The first is that low level abilities can grow substantially without becoming too expensive. The Rogues sneak attack ability, for example, is a 1st level ability that needs to increase a total of 10 times. Following the math given above through the whole cost of the ability, the Rogue spends a total of 5,130 XP for its ability. This is significant, because the Rogues sneak attack is a signature to the class and it should be priced accordingly. The fact that it costs only a little less than a level-variable ability progressed through 20 levels is ideal. The second desirable outcome of this process is that even higher level abilities can gain multiple uses without costing incomprehensible prices. Even a powerful ability gained at 12th level can be improved twice (for a total of 3 uses per day or at its third progression) for 8,640 XP total. As was hinted at in the beginning, the numbers worked out well once a bit of mathematical reasoning and testing was done at the beginning with level-variable abilities. Psionics and Magic There was no simple way to determine the cost for psionics and magic together. Instead, one of the progressions had to be determined first and the other progression would be made


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to conform to the progression of the other. Because spell casting with spell levels and slots within those levels is much more complicated than psionics, it was easiest to start with magic and then conform the easier psionics to the magic progression. Using the assertion set in the opening paragraphs of this chapter, an absolutely generic character is going to spend roughly 66% of the gained experience on everything besides magic and class abilities. If class abilities were designed to accommodate about 17%, this would leave 17% for magic and psionics. However, this isnt overly helpful information because not all classes use magic and abilities to the same level if at all! So, the easiest method of determining the cost for magical progression was to build a generic Wizard according to the 3.5 SRD and find out exactly how much experience a generic Wizard consumes in everything except their spell abilities. Doing that gives an astonishing result. A wizard only spends 93,780 XP building their character with their spell casting abilities removed. That leaves almost 100,000 XP to be used in generating the costs for spell casting. Of course, it should be asserted that once again spell casting messes with the mathematical perfection across the 20 levels. The fact that a wizard gains both 0-level spells and 1-level spells at their 1st level indicates that a true progression from start to finish will not give a desired result. So, the progression would need to be determined from 2nd through 9th level spells and then the data from that would help guide the pricing of the 0 and 1 level information. Fortunately, spell casting progression is very systematic in the wizard. Spells levels are gained every two levels. Spell slots are also gained with a very precise progression. That would make the cost easier to figure out. Unfortunately, because the magic system was chosen to have 9 levels instead of 10 and thus spell level acquisition stops being gained at level 17 instead of level 19, the math would not be as clean as was found in the section on saves or even ability score progression. That is an unfortunate circumstance of the way that the game had been designed, but it is a circumstance that can be worked around. In this system, there are three aspects to being able to cast spells. First, the caster level has to be bought and increased. That cost is best handled as a level-variable ability, so its experience cost will be not be explained again within this argument. Second, spell levels must be purchased. Third, spell slots must be purchased. It is this third purchase that truly gives the wizard its power, so this third one should also carry the greatest burden of cost. Using that logic, a value of 12% was selected as the desired outcome for determining the total cost of each spell level. The 12% was a random number, but it seemed logical considering that spell level acquisition really does not give a spell caster any power. Additionally, spell level acquisition does not occur after 9th level spells are gained so it made sense to pick a slightly larger number than would be expected because of the offset from not having to spend any later experience on this acquisition. Finally, it was a number that had worked well in determining the feat progression earlier. Using 12% as a guide, knowing that the progression stops after 9th level rather than continuing through the whole class, and knowing that the nature of 1st level purchasing throws off the 0-level and 1-level costs, the cumulative result would be about 8% of an iconic Wizards total XP spent on spell level acquisition. This seemed like a fair number considering that wizards in general spend over half of the total experience on their spell casting ability. To obtain the cost for each spell level, remember from the section on feats that each increase should be 480 XP on a 12% model applied to a progression that gains an increase every other level. With the increase already


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determined, the only thing left to explain is the 4.5(9X). This reduces to 3X + 5.5X + 11 X + beginning value. Since 8% became the overall 16.5X + 22X + 27.5X + 27X + 31.5X + 36X + goal for the total experience spent, it seemed 40.5X. This reduces even further to 220.5X. reasonable to use 8% of the experience total At the end of its progression, the Sorcerer by level 3, which is the first spell level gained ends up with 6 spells of every level. If X again after the spell levels gained by the notoriously equals the cost of increase and the base cost, difficult 1st character level. 8% of the total then the Sorcerer equation becomes: 6(.5X) experience gained by that level is 240 XP, + 6(X) + 6(2X) + 6(3X) + 6(4X) + which mathematically is pleasing considering 6(5X) + 6(6X) + 6(7X) + 6(8X) + the static increase is 480 XP. Using 240 6(9X). This reduced nicely to nd XP as the base price for acquiring 2 3X + 6X + 12X + 18X + 24X level spells and increasing each value by + 30X +36X + 42X + 48X + 480 XP to obtain the next level almost 54X. This reduces even further completely fills out the table. The costs to 273X. for 0-level and 1-level acquisition were At the end of its progression, st determined by building a 1 level generic the Wizard ends up with 4 spells wizard and finding a reasonable cost. of every level. If X again equals The only thing left to be determined the cost of increase and the base regarding spell casting is spell slot cost, then the Wizard equation acquisition. With the Cleric, the becomes: 4(.5)X + 4(X) + 4(2X) Wizard, and the Sorcerer models + 4(3X) + 4(4X) + 4(5X) + spell slots are predetermined. 4(6X) + 4(7X) + 4(8X) + 4(9X). This reduced nicely to 2X + If a generic progression can be assumed so that each slot costs 4X + 8X + 12X + 16X +20X + 24X + 28X + 32X + 36X. a certain amount of experience more than a slot from the previous This reduces even further to level, then the numbers become 182X. easier to assume. If the amount of Using the Cleric as the increase is set equal to the cost of middle guide and also realizing 1-level slots and the cost of 0-level that the Cleric spell casting is st spells is set to equal half that of 1 often seen as one of the more level spells, then the math becomes powerful lists in a game, the Cleric seems like a reasonable even easier as can be seen in the choice to use in determining paragraphs to follow. The Cleric ends up with 6 spell slot cost. Calculating 0-level spells slots, 5+1 spell all of the costs for building slots for levels 1-5, and 4+1 Arcane, divine and psionic powers a 20th level cleric except spell slots for levels 6-9. The - all were available to Ghundra and for spell slot cost gives assumption was made that she revelled in controlling them all. 135,596 XP. That leaves the Clerics spell slot cost is 54,404 XP to spend on half for domain spells. If X equals the cost spell slot costs. Dividing 54,404 XP by 220.5 of increase and the base cost for each spell gives a result of 246.73, or 245 if rounded to slot, then the Cleric equation becomes:6(.5X) a much nicer number. This gives the Cleric + 5.5(X) + 5.5(2X) + 5.5(3X) + 5.5(4X) + an experience total that sits very close to 5.5(5X) + 4.5(6X) + 4.5(7X) + 4.5(8X) + 190,000 XP. However, this value proves to


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be considerably short when applied to the 20th level Sorcerer and Wizard builds. This is good, because in terms of power the Cleric is powerful enough to justify an overall experience expenditure over the proposed 190,000 XP. In the end, if the cleric is pushed to an overall expenditure of around 209,000 XP near the upper limit for 20th level characters the cost per spell slot rises to 300 XP. This is a good number, and it lifts both the Wizard and Sorcerer into the accepted range of experience. The numbers are also favorable when analyzing the iconic class builds and the level-by-level experience costs for other classes as well. Now that the magic progression has been determined, the psionic progression falls easily into place. The cost for accessing psionic power levels is identical to the spell levels; there is no need to alter what is functionally the same for both classes. This only leaves the determination for the cost of psionic power points, and this is easily enough accomplished. The Psion and the Wizard are nearly identical builds, simply swapping out the spell slots for power points and removing the Wizards familiar. If these classes are roughly equivalent, then simply finding a numeric cost for each power point that approximates the cost for the Wizards spell slot and summon familiar ability should do the trick. The Wizard spends 67,625 XP on spell slots and familiar. Dividing 67,625 XP by 343 (the Psions power point total) gives a result of 197.16 XP per power point. This number can be rounded to 195 to make it easier to use as well as give a nice result within each iconic class. There is no need to scale the cost, because the rising number of power points needed to manifest higher level powers implies the need to buy more with each level. This increase in quantity needed removes the necessity to have the cost rise as well. One final note should be added with regard to classes who have limited spell casting ability. Those classes who have access to a power or spell list that has restricted options shouldnt be required to pay the same amount of experience as a Psion, Wilder, Cleric, Wizard, or Sorcerer would. These restricted classes have less versatility at their disposal. Thus, their cost is reduced. This cost reduction determination was done by building each class with reduced manifester/caster abilities as though it had full access to a spell list and then finding a percentage that worked well across the board. The value that seemed to work the best as well as give reasonable numbers was 50%. That is why that value was included within the table. Channeling At first glance, the table for channeling looks highly disjointed. The first three incantations certainly do not follow the pattern of the fourth incantation and those that follow. However, once again the progression is bitten by the fact that the first level disrupts the pattern. This is not a bad thing, merely a design element that must be overcome. If a Nexus is built with everything except its invocations in place, the character would need 112,117 XP. That leaves 77,883 XP to be split among the incantations. Considering that the fourth incantation begins a pattern and the first three come in the first two levels where costs need to be minimized, it made sense to find a mathematical progression that puts the lions share of the experience upon the last nine incantations. If X is the base cost and Y is the increase between incantations, then a formula for the last nine incantations is fairly easy to find. X + (X+Y) + (X+2Y) + (X+3Y) + (X+4Y) + (X+5Y) + (X+6Y) + (X+7Y) + (X+8Y) < 77,833 XP. This implies that 9X + 36Y < 77,883 XP. In the interest of discovering figures that are easy to use, it should be noted that 36 times 2,000 XP is 72,000 XP. That would leave 5,883 XP, and 9 times 500 XP would make up 4,500 XP of the remaining difference. This implies a difference of 1,383 XP to be divided among the


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first three incantations which do not fit into the progression of incantations gained at the later levels. Since the fourth incantation would cost 500 XP, it made sense to make the first three incantations 200 XP, 300 XP, and 400 XP. This totals 900 XP, makes a nice pattern, and is only 483 XP short of the goal. Over the course of a characters life, 483 XP is rather insignificant. The final remaining piece that remained was to check the numbers and make sure that the progression fits within the expectations set for each level. When placed within an iconic Nexus build, eighteen of the twenty levels came in under the expectation. The two levels where the total experience spent exceeded the expectation were by 435 XP and 72 XP respectively. Considering the overall build is 189,517 XP the result was satisfying. Conclusion on the Designers Notes The fun thing about mathematics is that while the numbers dont lie, there are often multiple equations to accomplish the same task. There will no doubt be readers who disagree with a few assumptions stated in this chapter. There are no doubt readers who might suggest a different pattern or progression. There is certainly more than one way to break down a character into the sum of the acquisition of all its parts. This work is not the final word in this process. However, it is a work that succeeds in accomplishing the task at hand generally well across the board. It works fairly well at identifying classes that are underdeveloped as well as those that may be a little too robust. It works well in accomplishing a reasonable approach to designing non-standard characters. However, there are aspects to this system of which Game Masters need to be aware. Any system that sets out to use math to break down the individual aspects of each character can (and will) be exploited. Power gamers can use this system as well if not better than a standard game. With freedom to build the character that is truly desired comes absolute power over character creation. And we all know what they say about absolute power. In the end, the Game Master needs to understand the system and set reasonable limits on how far each aspect of this system can be pushed. Is a Game Master comfortable allowing progressions to be taken further than would normally be allowed in a standard 20 level game? Is a Game Master comfortable allowing skill ranks or abilities to be purchased whenever the funds are available without setting limits on when and how much can be bought at a given character level? These are the kinds of questions whose answers depend largely on the type of players sitting around the table. Each table may find different comfort levels in applying the rules of this system. The goal of this system isnt to replace a system that has limitations with another system that has different limitations. The goal of this system is to allow players to build characters that they want to build and have fun. The Game Masters and the players at each table can determine their individual comfort with how much leniency to allow when applying these rules to character generation. In the end, this system works. It is a system that allows a player to build exactly the character they want so long as their expectations of power are reasonable. But like all good games, there are areas to be exploited by those who understand the system best. I hope the system has been an inspirational read, and if nothing else I hope that this system has kindled a fire within you to try out a few builds that you always wanted to do but never thought were possible. Go, and have fun gaming!


CoMplete Control

List of Class Abilities

Before going through the following list of these prices are simply guidelines based on the class abilities, reresources present to the author at the time of member that class writing. If a Game Master has access to a class abilities are priced that gains a particular ability at a level lower according to the lowthan that listed here, they are certainly welest level that they come to alter the price downward for can be obtained in their game. On the other hand, if a a game. This has Game Master decides that the price two implications. listed here is too low the price can First, the prices listcertainly be adjusted upward. ed in this document This leads to the are priced accordsecond implicaing to official available tion. Generatclasses and Prestige Classes at ing new homethe time of the writing of this brew classes document. These classes were that offer these taken only from the works of abilities at lowWizards of the Coast (as holders er levels is potenof the OGL license) and tially unbalancing and Dreamscarred Press should be done with care (as publishers of under this system. This this work). system is based on the With regard to premise that classes pricing, there are a are designed with abilifew considerations to ties that are balanced for discuss. First, occasionally the level on which they are abilities may have the exact gained. While that is true same effect in spite of having to varying degrees, it is an different names. In these casassumption that is neceses, these abilities are considsary. ered to be the same ability for Additionally, as menthe sake of pricing and thus tioned above the specific priced the same in all cases class abilities listed here regardless of the name. are from the 3.5 SRD as Additionally, as more well as from products from classes and Prestige ClassDreamscarred Press. Infores are produced and dePiqa was a trained berzerker who mation on the abilities as pending on which ones are had unlocked her psionic potential, wield- well as the classes from at each gaming table the which they are drawn ing both the power of her mind, and of prices can vary. Therefore, can be found in the 3.5 her heart, in battle.


Mentalis Design
SRD or in the appropriate Dreamscarred Press products. Prerequisites have been listed according to the classes out of which they have been drawn. Prerequisites that contain a number inside parenthesis indicate the level of progression needed by the prerequisite. For example, the Alter Mind Armor has a prerequisite of: Mind Armor Bonus (+1) ability. That means that the Mind Armor Bonus ability must be purchased through its first progression in order to take the Alter Mind Armor ability. A prerequisite listing Damage Reduction (3/-) means that the player must already have purchased the Damage Reduction ability and increased it to 3/-. Ability names are listed in bold. Some abilities like Bardic Music: Countersong are subordinate abilities to a greater ability and are listed with the greater ability. The subordinate abilities are listed in bold as well. As one would expect, the greater ability is an automatic prerequisite for the subordinate ability.

Class abilities
The class abilities presented below are listed in alphabetical order, with an abilitys upgrade listed directly below its root ability. Abundant Step Prerequisites: Unarmored Speed Bonus ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 8 Base XP Cost: 885 XP First Increase XP: 240 XP Alter Mind ArmorSK Prerequisites: Mind Armor Bonus (+1) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 1,350 XP Anima FlareHK Prerequisites: Primary Avatar Ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 540 XP First Progression XP: 270 XP Flare Mastery: 510 XP Animal Companion Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Aura of (Alignment) Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Aura of Courage Prerequisites: Aura of (Alignment) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 810 XP Avatar SurgeHK Prerequisites: Primary Avatar ability, Anima Flare (30 ft) ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 9 Base XP Cost: 1,620 XP First Progression XP: 810 XP Bardic Knowledge Prerequisites: Bardic Music (1) ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Bardic Music Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP First Use XP Cost: 30 XP Countersong: 30 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (1) ability Fascinate: 30 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (1) ability Inspire Competence: 90 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (3) ability Inspire Courage Base: 30 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (1) ability First Progression XP: 30 XP Inspire Greatness: 270 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (9) ability Inspire Heroics: 450 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music


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(15) ability Mass Suggestion: 540 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (18) ability Song of Freedom: 360 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (12) ability Suggestion: 180 XP Prerequisites: Bardic Music (6) ability Bladewind Prerequisites: Mind Blade Bonus (+2) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 9 Base XP Cost: 2,430 XP Camouflage Prerequisites: Hide or Survival 11 ranks Type: Constant Level Gained: 8 Base XP Cost: 2,160 XP Caster Level Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP CatfallEM Prerequisites: Monks WIS Bonus to AC Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 225 XP First Increase XP: 120 XP Channeler Level Prerequisites: Magic Sensitivity ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 40 XP

First Increase XP: 25 XP Cooperative HealingWM Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Cover FireUP Prerequisites: Wind Reader ability, BAB +4 Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 225 XP First Increase XP: 120 XP Damage Reduction Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 7 Base XP Cost: 1,260 XP First Progression XP: 630 XP Deflect BlowsSK Prerequisites: Wild Talent feat Type: Use-Variable Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 540 XP First Use XP: 270 XP Detect (Alignment) Prerequisites: Aura of (relevant Alignment) ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Diamond Body Prerequisites: Purity of Body ability or Knowledge (religion) 18 ranks Type: Constant Level Gained: 11 Base XP Cost: 2,970 XP

Diamond Soul Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 13 Base XP Cost: 2,385 XP First Increase XP: 390 XP Dimensional SwapSK Prerequisites: Alter Mind Armor ability Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained: 7 Base XP Cost: 675 XP First Increase XP: 210 XP First Use XP: 210 XP Discipline ApotheosisUP Prerequisites: Discipline Expertise (+2) DC ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 20 Base XP Cost: 5,400 XP Discipline Expertise +1/-1 MLUP Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Discipline Expertise +1 DCUP Prerequisites: Discipline Expertise +1/-1 ML Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 10 Base XP Cost: 1,800 XP First Progression XP: 900 XP Divert ConcentrationUP Prerequisites: Mystic Echo ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 17 Base XP Cost: 4,590 XP Divine Grace Prerequisites: Follower of


Mentalis Design
a deity, Aura of (alignment) ability, Detect (alignment) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Divine Health Prerequisites: FORT +3 Type: Constant Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 810 XP Domain Powers Prerequisites: Divine Caster Level (1) Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 2700 XP Efficient NetworkUP Prerequisites: Mystic Echo ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 20 Base XP Cost: 5,400 XP Elude Touch Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP EmpathyUP Prerequisites: Request Aid ability Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained: 6 Base XP Cost: 495 XP First Increase XP: 180 XP First Use XP: 180 XP Empty Body Prerequisites: Abundant Step ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 19 Base XP Cost: 5,175 XP First Increase XP: 570 XP Evade ArrowsUP Prerequisites: Wind Reader ability, BAB +2 Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Evasion Prerequisites: REFL +3 Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Fast Movement Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Favored Enemy Prerequisites: BAB +1 Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Fearsome InsightMO Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 75 XP First Increase XP: 90 XP Fear Incarnate: 360 XP Fighter Feat Access Prerequisites: BAB +1 Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Flurry of Blows Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Use XP: 90 XP Greater Flurry: 330 XP Free Draw Prerequisites: Mind Blade ability, BAB +3 Type: Constant Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 1,350 XP Greater Rage Prerequisites: Rage 3/day Type: Constant Level Gained: 11 Base XP Cost: 2,970 XP Healing AffinityWM Prerequisites: Health Sense (stabilize) ability, Worldthought Network (long) ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 11 Base XP Cost: 1,980 XP First Progression XP: 990 XP Health SenseWM Prerequisites: Medic Powers ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 360 XP Firs Progression XP: 180 XP Hide in Plain Sight Prerequisites: Move Silently 8 ranks, Hide 10 ranks Type: Constant Level Gained: 8 Base XP Cost: 2,160 XP Idealized WeaponHK Prerequisites: BAB +2


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Type: Level/ProgressionVariable Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 75 XP First Increase XP: 60 XP First Progression XP: 60 XP Improved Evasion Prerequisites: Evasion ability, REFL +6 Type: Constant Level Gained: 9 Base XP Cost: 2,430 XP Improved Mind ArmorSK Prerequisites: Mind Armor (+1) ability, Type: Constant Level Gained: 11 Base XP Cost: 2,970 XP Improved Shield/SpikesSK Prerequisites: Mind Shield/ Spikes ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 8 Base XP Cost: 1,440 XP First Progression XP: 720 XP Improved Uncanny Dodge Prerequisites: Ucanny Dodge ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 1,350 XP Indomitable Will Prerequisites: Rage (4/day) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 14 Base XP Cost: 3,780 XP Inner LanguageUP Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 11 Base XP Cost: 2,970 XP Keep on StandingSK Prerequisites: Trade Blows (2) abilty Type: Constant Level Gained: 20 Base XP Cost: 5,400 XP Ki PsionicsEM Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Ki Strike Prerequisites: Unarmed Damage Bonus, BAB +3 Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 720 XP First Progression XP: 360 XP Ki StyleEM Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Knife to the Soul Prerequisites: Mindblade (+3) Bonus ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 17 Base XP Cost: 4,590 XP Lay on Hands Prerequisites: Aura of (nonevil alignment) ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 75 XP First Increase XP: 60 XP Lore Prerequisites: Caster/Manifester level (1) ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Magic SensitivityTC Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 0 XP Magic TouchTC Prerequisites: Magic Sensitivity Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 225 XP First Increase XP: 120 XP Manifester Level Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Medic PowersWM Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability, Cooperative Healing ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Mind ArmorSK Prerequisites: Wild Talent feat Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Mind Armor BonusSK Prerequisites: Mind Armor


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ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 720 XP First Progression XP: 360 XP Mind Armor EnhancementSK Prerequisites: Mind Armor (+1) Bonus ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 6 Base XP Cost: 1,080 XP First Progression XP: 540 XP Mind Blade Prerequisites: Wild Talent feat Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Mind Blade Bonus Prerequisites: Mind Blade ability, BAB +3 Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 720 XP First Progression XP: 360 XP Mind Blade Enhancement Prerequisites: Mind Blade (+1) Bonus ability, BAB +4 Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 6 Base XP Cost: 1,080 XP Arundel learned how to focus his First Progression XP: 540 XP mind into a weapon of psionic energy. SK Mind Shield/Mind Spikes Prerequisites: Mind Armor Type: Level/ProgressionVariable ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 4 Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 225 XP Base XP Cost: 540 XP First Progression XP: 270 XP MindlockMO Prerequisites: Touch of Fear ability First Increase XP: 120 XP First Progression XP: 120 XP Focused Mindlink: 420 XP Monks AC Prerequisites: Monks WIS Bonus to AC ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Monks WIS Bonus to AC Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Multiple Throw Prerequisites: Throw Mind Blade ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 13 Base XP Cost: 3,510 XP Mystic EchoUP Prerequisites: Cooperative Healing ability and Network Telepathy ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 8 Base XP Cost: 2,160 XP Nature Sense Prerequisites: Knowledge (Nature) 3 ranks Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Network SenseUP Prerequisites: Social Insight ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 5


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Base XP Cost: 900 XP First Progression XP: 450 XP Nightmare FormMO Prerequisites: Fearsome Insight ability Type: Use-Variable Level Gained: 8 Base XP Cost: 1,440 XP First Use XP: 720 XP Persistant Nightmare: 570 XP Perfect Self Prerequisites: Monks AC ability and Diamond Soul ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 20 Base XP Cost: 5,400 XP Primary AvatarHK Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Psychic Enervation Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 0 XP Purity of Body (Divine Health) Prerequisites: FORT +3 Type: Constant Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 810 XP Qaelic AscendancyMO Prerequisites: Persistant Nightmare ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 20 Base XP Cost: 5,400 XP Quivering Palm Prerequisites: Greater Flurry ability, BAB +11 Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 15 Base XP Cost: 3,195 XP First Increase XP: 450 XP Rage Type: Use-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Use XP: 90 XP Remove Disease Prerequisites: Lay on Hands ability Type: Use-Variable Level Gained: 6 Base XP Cost: 1,080 XP First Use XP: 540 XP Request AidWM Prerequisites: Network Telepathy abilty, Health Sense ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 1,350 XP Resist Natures Lure Prerequisites: Knowledge (Nature) 7 ranks, Nature Sense ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 1,080 XP Rogue Special Ability Prerequisites: Sneak Attack +5d6 Type: Constant Level Gained: 10 Base XP Cost: 2,700 XP Secondary AvatarHK Prerequisites: Primary Avatar Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 7 Base XP Cost: 1,260 XP First Progression XP: 630 XP Shape Mind Blade Prerequisites: Mind Blade ability, BAB +3 Type: Constant Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 1,350 XP Share AvatarHK Prerequisites: Primary Avatar (3) ability and Anima Flare (30 ft) ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 11 Base XP Cost: 1,980 XP First Progression XP: 990 XP Shroud of Fears Prerequisites: Nightmare Form ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 10 Base XP Cost: 1,800 XP First Progression XP: 900 XP Signature StyleUP Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 7 Base XP Cost: 1,260 XP First Progression XP: 630 XP Slow Fall Prerequisites: Monks WIS Bonus to AC Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 720 XP First Progression XP: 360 XP


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Smite (Alignment) Prerequisites: Aura of (relevant Alignment) ability Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP First Use XP: 30 XP Sneak Attack Prerequisites: Hide 4 ranks Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Social InsightUP Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Soul OpeningTC Prerequisites: Channeler Level (3) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 810 XP Soul Rift Prerequisites: Soul Opening ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 20 Base XP Cost: 5,400 XP Soulbinding Gaze Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability Type: Level/ProgressionVariable Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 135 XP First Increase XP: 90 XP

Progression(11th level): 330 XP Progression(14th level): 420 XP Subconscious Gaze: 420 XP Special Mount Prerequisites: Divine Grace ability, Lay on Hands ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 345 XP First Increase XP: 150 XP Sphere DefenseTC Prerequisites: Sphere Resistance ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 10 Base XP Cost: 2,700 XP Sphere Resistance Prerequisites: Channeler Level (1) ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 540 XP First Progression XP: 270 XP Spirit of the Many Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Spontaneous Conversion: Cure Prerequisites: Divine Caster level (1) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP

Spontaneous Conversion: SNA Prerequisites: Divine Caster level (1) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Steal HealthWM Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability, Cooperative Healing ability Type: Level/ProgressionVariable Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 135 XP First Increase XP: 90 XP Range Increase (7th level): 210 XP Steal LifeWM Prerequisites: Steal Health ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 14 Base XP Cost: 2,775 XP First Increase XP: 420 XP Still Mind Prerequisites: Any 2 Saves +3 Type: Constant Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 810 XP Summon Familiar Prerequisites: Arcane Caster Level (1) ability Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Suppress DisplayHK Prerequisites: Anima Flare (20 ft) ability


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Type: Constant Level Gained: 8 Base XP Cost: 2,160 XP Surging Euphoria Prerequisites: Wild Surge ability, BAB +3 Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 4 Base XP Cost: 720 XP First Progression XP: 360 XP Swift Tracker Prerequisites: Track feat Type: Constant Level Gained: 6 Base XP Cost: 1,620 XP Telepathy (Network)UP Prerequisites: Worldthought Network ability and Spirit of the Many ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 810 XP TerrorsMO Prerequisites: Touch of Fear (1) ability Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase: 30 XP First Use XP: 30 XP Channel Terror: 180 XP Terror Mastery: 510 XP Tertiary Avatar Prerequisites: Secondary Avatar Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 17 Base XP Cost: 4,125 XP First Increase XP: 510 XP

Thousand Faces Prerequisites: Druid Caster Level (9) ability and Able to cast 5th level Druid Spells Type: Constant Level Gained: 13 Base XP Cost: 3,510 XP Throw Mind Blade Prerequisites: Mind Blade Ability, BAB +1 Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Timeless Body Prerequisites: Knowledge (Nature) 18 ranks Type: Constant Level Gained: 15 Base XP Cost: 4,050 XP Tireless Rage Prerequisites: Greater Rage ability and Rage (5/day) ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 17 Base XP Cost: 4,590 XP Tongue of Sun and Moon Type: Constant Level Gained: 9 Base XP Cost: 2,430 XP Touch of FearMO Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Trackless Step Prerequisites: Woodland Stride ability Type: Constant

Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 810 XP Trade BlowsSK Prerequisites: Mind Armor (+1) ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 900 XP First Progression XP: 450 XP Trap Sense Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 3 Base XP Cost: 540 XP First Progression XP: 270 XP Trapfinding Prerequisites: Search 4 ranks Type: Constant Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 270 XP Turn Undead Prerequisites: Cleric Caster Level (1) and able to cast 1st level Divine spells Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP First Use XP: 30 XP Unarmed Damage Prerequisites: Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Unarmored Speed Bonus Prerequisites: Monks WIS Bonus to AC ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1


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Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Uncanny Dodge Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Venom Immunity Prerequisites: Knowledge (Nature) 12 ranks Type: Constant Level Gained: 9 Base XP Cost: 2,430 XP Volatile Mind Prerequisites: Wild Surge ability and BAB +3 Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 900 XP First Progression XP: 450 XP Wholeness of Body Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 7 Base XP Cost: 675 XP First Increase XP: 210 XP Wild Empathy Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP Increase XP: 30 XP Wild Shape (Elemental) Prerequisites: Knowledge (Nature) 19 ranks Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained: 16 Base XP Cost: 3645 XP First Increase XP: 480 XP First Use XP: 480 XP Wild Shape (Natural) Prerequisites: Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks Type: Level/Use-Variable Level Gained: 5 Base XP Cost: 345 XP First Increase XP: 150 XP First Use XP: 150 XP Wild Surge Prerequisites: Psychic Enervation ability Type: Progression-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 180 XP First Progression XP: 90 XP Wind ReaderUP Type: Level-Variable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP First Increase XP: 30 XP Woodland Stride Prerequisites: Nature Sense ability Type: Constant Level Gained: 2 Base XP Cost: 540 XP Worldthought NetworkUP Type: Level/ProgressionVariable Level Gained: 1 Base XP Cost: 45 XP Increase XP: 30 XP Range Progression XP: 30 XP

Gailbraith uses her emotions to manifest her powers, not unlike a Wilder, but her deep emotional connection also allows her to form a worldthought network.


Example Builds

CoMplete Control

In order to demonstrate few of the rules and how they are put into practice, it might make sense to put out a few sample builds. In one respect, this is merely an examination of the rules for the purpose of having examples. In a second respect, these might serve for alternate base classes for a standard game. As a third benefit, this shows an alternate use of this system: this is a quick and dirty means for generating new base classes and Prestige Classes. With respect to base classes, this work is not going to attempt to put what follows in a typical base class or Prestige Class format. This work has been about breaking free of classes, and the culmination of the work wont bring the reader back into that mind frame. Instead, what follows is going to be a breakdown of playable characters in this system. The breakdowns are split roughly into level equivalents, however in this system the purchases would actually be made as the experience becomes available. The examples that follow are going to be made up of parts of already existing base classes from the SRD and Dreamscarred Press. Additionally, things like feats, powers, spells, incantations, and race is largely ignored in the following examples. Baruk and Marcus are designated as a Human simply to show examples of reduction in skill points and a free feat. The other examples could be of any race. Feat selection, spells, powers, and incantations are ignored because the exact selections do not increase the cost. Instead, these are noted generically where they would be purchased. Finally, these builds may seem overpowered when compared to the multi-classed build necessary to approximate each character in a standard game. In many respects they are more powerful; and this is intentional. The ability

to pick and choose a characters elements automatically makes a character design more efficient and powerful. Perhaps more importantly the increase in power comes because a player can tap into two full level-variable aspects of completely different classes and not worry about sacrificing ability level progression. A character can have full access to 20th level fighter feats and full access to Bardic Music if they want. A character can have access to Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Avatars in addition to having a 20th level Worldthought Network. Granted, some things will have to be sacrificed from the traditional Fighter, Bard, Halo KnightHK, and Society MindSM build from the examples above. But these combinations are possible and at first glance they may seem unbalancing. The key to remember is that the common denominator of all characters is actions. Each character only receives so man actions per round. The best builds will be characters that have combinations which dont overlap more than necessary. A good build will contain both combat and out-of-combat options and these builds are not only the best kind of builds but also the most fun to play and the easiest for a Game Master to balance. When evaluating the examples of possible builds, take into account not only what has been combined but also what has been sacrificed in order to add new options in a non-traditional build. Baruk, a Dark Wanderer There are a few people who enjoy walking through this world and preying upon the fears of others. In Baruks case, he is just as well equipped to take it as dish it out. Baruk has the ability to tap into the fears of anyone who challenges him, and hes pretty good at avoiding


Mentalis Design
being hit hard as well. In addition to tapping into fears, hes also quite skilled at setting and disarming traps to enhance the psychological effect of his power. All in all, Baruk tends to be a mean spirited Human who simply enjoys watching other people succumb to their fears at his hands. Purchase Highlights: 20d10: 28,575 XP BAB +15: 22,685 XP 1 Good Save: 13,405 XP - Reflex 2 Average Saves: 12,950 XP - Fortitude & Will 6 Attribute Inc: 6,000 XP - STR 8, DEX 14(13), CON 12(10), INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 18(15) Proficiencies: 25 XP - All Simple Weapons 205 Skill Ranks: 26,352 XP Bluff 23, Concentration 11, Disable Device 23, Gather Information 11, Hide 23, Intimidate 11, Move Silently 23, Open Lock 23, Search 23, Spot 23, Tumble 11 8 Feats (1 Free): 8,860 XP 16 Abilities: 58,980 XP - Touch of Fear, Mind Blade, Trapfinding, Fearsome Insight, Terrors, Evasion, Trap Sense, Monks WIS bonus to AC, Monks AC Bonus, Unarmored Speed, Mind Blade Bonus, Uncanny Dodge, Mind Blade Enhancement, Abundant Step, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Improved Evasion Manifesting: 12,383 XP - 127 power points (For use with MorpheanMO Terror ability only, no manifesting) TOTAL: 190,215 XP (188,715 XP not counting Initial 1,500 XP) Breakdown: 1 [1,132 / 1,132] d10 (75), FORT +1 (45), REFL +1 (45), REFL +2 (60), WILL +1 (45), Proficiencies (25), Bluff 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (36), Disable Device 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (36), Hide 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (36), Move Silently 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (36), Open Locks 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (36), Search 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (36), Spot 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (36), 1 Free Feat (0), Touch of Fear 1st level (45), Mind Blade (270), Trapfinding (270) 2 [951 / 2,083] d10 (150), BAB +1 (110), FORT +2 (60), REFL +3 (70), WILL +2 (60), Bluff 5th rank (18), Concentration 1st, 2nd ranks (18), Disable Device 5th rank (18), Gather Information 1st, 2nd ranks (18), Hide 5th rank (18), Intimidate 1st, 2nd ranks (18), Move Silently 5th rank (18), Open Locks 5th rank (18), Search 5th rank (18), Spot 5th rank (18), Tumble 1st, 2nd ranks (18), 1st Feat (100), 1 power point (98), Touch of Fear 2nd level (30), Fearsome Insight 2nd level (75) 3 [1,973 / 4,056] d10 (300), BAB +2 (215), Bluff 6th rank (36), Concentration 3rd rank (9), Disable Device 6th rank (36), Gather Information 3rd rank (9), Hide 6th rank (36), Intimidate 3rd rank (9), Move Silently 6th rank (36), Open Locks 6th rank (36), Search 6th rank (36), Spot 6th rank (36), Tumble 3rd rank (9), 2 power points (195), Evasion (540), Touch of Fear 3rd level (60), Fearsome Insight 3rd level (60), Terrors 3rd level 3/day (135+180) 4 [3,143 / 7,199] d10 (450), BAB +3 (430), FORT +3 (70), REFL +4 (350), WILL +3 (70), Bluff 7th rank (54), Disable Device 7th rank (54), Hide 7th rank (54), Move Silently 7th rank (54), Open Locks 7th rank (54), Search 7th rank (54), Spot 7th rank (54), 2 power points (195), Tap Sense +1 (810), Touch of Fear 4th level (90), Fearsome Insight 4th level (90), Terrors 4th level 4/day (90+120) 5 [4,255 / 11,454] d10 (600), CHA +1 (360), Bluff 8th rank (72), Concentration 4th rank (9), Disable Device 8th rank (72), Gather Information 4th rank (9), Hide 8th rank (72), Intimidate 4th rank (9), Move Silently 8th rank (72), Open Locks 8th rank (72), Search 8th rank (72), Spot 8th rank (72), Tumble 4th rank (9), 2nd Feat (160), 2 power points (195), Monks WIS to AC bonus (270), Monks AC Bonus +0 (180+90), Unarmored Speed Bonus +0 (180+90), Mind Blade Bonus +1 (720+360), Touch of Fear 5th


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level (120), Fearsome Insight 5th level (120), Terrors 5th level 5/day (120+150) 6 [4,935 / 16,389] d10 (750), BAB +4 (645), REFL +5 (630), Bluff 9th rank (90), Disable Device 9th rank (90), Hide 9th rank (90), Move Silently 9th rank (90), Open Locks 9th rank (90), Search 9th rank (90), Spot 9th rank (90), 4 power points (390), Uncanny Dodge (540), Unarmored Speed Bonus increase to +10 (180), Trap Sense increase to +2 (540), Touch of Fear 6th level (150), Fearsome Insight 6th level (150), Terrors 6th level 6/day (150+180) 7 [6,058 / 22,447] d10 (900), BAB +5 (860), FORT +4 (350), Bluff 10th rank (108), Concentration 5th rank (18), Disable Device 10th rank (108), Gather Information 5th rank (18), Hide 10th rank (108), Intimidate 5th rank (18), Move Silently 10th rank (108), Open Locks 10th rank (108), Search 10th rank (108), Spot 10th rank (108), Tumble 5th rank (18), 4 power points (390), Monks AC bonus increase to +1 (180), Mind Blade Enhancement +1 (1080+540), Channel Terror (180), Touch of Fear 7th level (180), Fearsome Insight 7th level (180), Terrors 7th level 7/day (180+210) 8 [7,032 / 29,479] d10 (1,050), BAB +6 (1,075), REFL +6 (910), WILL +4 (350), Bluff 11th rank (126), Disable Device 11th rank (126), Hide 11th rank (126), Move Silently 11th rank (126), Open Locks 11th rank (126), Search 11th rank (126), Spot 11th rank (126), 3rd Feat (680), 4 power points (390), Touch of Fear 8th level (210), Fearsome Insight 8th level (210), Terrors 8th level 8/day (210+240), Abundant Step 8th level (825) 9 [7,962 / 37,441] d10 (1,200), FORT +5 (630), WILL +5 (630), Bluff 12th rank (144), Concentration 6th rank (36), Disable Device 12th rank (144), Gather Information 6th rank (36), Hide 12th rank (144), Intimidate 6th rank (36), Move Silently 12th rank (144), Open Locks 12th rank (144), Search 12th rank (144), Spot 12th rank (144), Tumble 6th rank (36), 4th Feat (1,200), 4 power points (390), Trap Sense increase to +3 (810), Mind Blade Bonus increase to +2 (720), Touch of Fear 9th level (240), Fearsome Insight 9th level (240), Terrors 9th level 9/ day (240+270), Abundant Step 9th level (240) 10 [8,714 / 46,155] d10 (1,350), BAB +7 (1,290), REFL +7 (1,190), DEX +1 (360), Bluff 13th rank (162), Disable Device 13th rank (162), Hide 13th rank (162), Move Silently 13th rank (162), Open Locks 13th rank (162), Search 13th rank (162), Spot 13th rank (162), 4 power points (390), Unarmored Speed increase to +20 (270), Mind Blade Enhancement increase to +2 (1,080), Monks AC Bonus increase to +2 (270), Touch of Fear 10th level (270), Fearsome Insight 10th level (270), Terrors 10th level 10/day (270+300), Abundant Step 10th level (270) 11 [10,221 / 56,376] d10 (1,500), BAB +8 (1,505), Bluff 14th rank (180), Concentration 7th rank (54), Disable Device 14th rank (180), Gather Information 7th rank (54), Hide 14th rank (180), Intimidate 7th rank (54), Move Silently 14th rank (180), Open Locks 14th rank (180), Search 14th rank (180), Spot 14th rank (180), Tumble 7th rank (54), 5th Feat (1,720), 8 power points (780), Improved Uncanny Dodge (1,350), Unarmored Speed increase to +30 (360), Touch of Fear 11th level (300), Fearsome Insight 11th level (300), Terrors 11th level 11/ day (300+330), Abundant Step 11th level (300) 12 [10,866 / 67,242] d10 (1,650), BAB +9 (1,720), FORT +6 (910), REFL +8 (1,470), WILL +6 (910), Bluff 15th rank (198), Disable Device 15th rank (198), Hide 15th rank (198), Move Silently 15th rank (198), Open Locks 15th rank (198), Search 15th rank (198), Spot 15th rank (198), 8 power points (780), Fear Incarnate (360), Touch of Fear 12th level (330), Fearsome Insight 12th level (330), Terrors 12th level 12/day (330+360), Abundant Step 12th level (330) 13 [11,250 / 78,492] d10 (1,800), Bluff 16th rank (216), Concentration 8th rank (72), Disable Device 16th rank (216), Gather Information 8th rank (72), Hide 16th rank (216), Intimidate 8th rank (72), Move Silently 16th rank


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(216), Open Locks 16th rank (216), Search 16th rank (216), Spot 16th rank (216), Tumble 8th rank (72), 8 power points (780), Trap Sense increase to +4 (1,080), Mind Blade Bonus increase to +3 (1,080), Improved Evasion (2,430), Unarmored Speed Bonus increase to +40 (450), Touch of Fear 13th level (360), Fearsome Insight 13th level (360), Terrors 13th level 13/day (360+390), Abundant Step 13th level (360) 14 [12,773 / 91,265] d10 (1,950), BAB +10 (1,935), FORT +7 (1,190), REFL +9 (1,750), WILL +7 (1,190), CON +1 (360), Bluff 17th rank (234), Disable Device 17th rank (234), Hide 17th rank (234), Move Silently 17th rank (234), Open Locks 17th rank (234), Search 17th rank (234), Spot 17th rank (234), 8 power points (780), Touch of Fear 14th level (390), Fearsome Insight 14th level (390), Terrors 14th level 14/day (390+420), Abundant Step 14th level (390) 15 [14,824 / 106,089] d10 (2,100), BAB +11 (2,150), CHA +2 (1,320), Bluff 18th rank (252), Concentration 9th rank (90), Disable Device 18th rank (252), Gather Information 9th rank (90), Hide 18th rank (252), Intimidate 9th rank (90), Move Silently 18th rank (252), Open Locks 18th rank (252), Search 18th rank (252), Spot 18th rank (252), Tumble 9th rank (90), 6th Feat (2,240), 8 power points (780), Mind Blade Enhancement increase to +3 (1,620), Monks AC Bonus increase to +3 (360), Touch of Fear 15th level (420), Fearsome Insight 15th level (420), Terrors 15th level 15/day (420+450), Abundant Step 15th level (420) 16 [15,315 / 121,404] d10 (2,250), BAB +12 (2,365), REFL +10 (2,030), Bluff 19th rank (270), Disable Device 19th rank (270), Hide 19th rank (270), Move Silently 19th rank (270), Open Locks 19th rank (270), Search 19th rank (270), Spot 19th rank (270), 12 power points (1,170), Trap Sense increase to +5 (1,350), Unarmored Speed increase to +50 (540), Mind Blade Bonus increase to +4 (1,440), Touch of Fear 16th level (450), Fearsome Insight 16th level (450), Terrors 16th level 16/day (450+480), Abundant Step 16th level (450) 17 [15,978 / 137,382] d10 (2,400), FORT +8 (1,470), WILL +8 (1,470), CON +2 (1,320), Bluff 20th rank (288), Concentration 10th rank (108), Disable Device 20th rank (288), Gather Information 10th rank (108), Hide 20th rank (288), Intimidate 10th rank (108), Move Silently 20th rank (288), Open Locks 20th rank (288), Search 20th rank (288), Spot 20th rank (288), Tumble 10th rank (108), 7th Feat (2,760), 12 power points (1,170), Terror Mastery (510), Touch of Fear 17th level (480), Fearsome Insight 17th level (480), Terrors 17th level 17/day (480+510), Abundant Step 17th level (480) 18 [17,112 / 154,494] d10 (2,550), BAB +13 (2,580), REFL +11 (2,310), Bluff 21st rank (306), Disable Device 21st rank (306), Hide 21st rank (306), Move Silently 21st rank (306), Open Locks 21st rank (306), Search 21st rank (306), Spot 21st rank (306), 12 power points (1,170), Trap Sense increase to +6 (1,620), mind Blade Enhancement increase to +4 (2,160), Touch of Fear 18th level (510), Fearsome Insight 18th level (510), Terrors 18th level 18/day (510+540), Abundant Step 18th level (510) 19 [17,947 / 172,441] d10 (2,700), BAB +14 (2,795), FORT +9 (1,750), WILL +9 (1,750), CHA +3 (2,280), Bluff 22nd rank (324), Concentration 11th rank (126), Disable Device 22nd rank (324), Gather Information 11th rank (126), Hide 22nd rank (324), Intimidate 11th rank (126), Move Silently 22nd rank (324), Open Locks 22nd rank (324), Search 22nd rank (324), Spot 22nd rank (324), Tumble 11th rank (126), 12 power points (1,170), Touch of Fear 19th level (540), Fearsome Insight 19th level (540), Terrors 19th level 19/day (540+570), Abundant Step 19th level (540) 20 [17,774 / 190,215] d10 (2,850), BAB +15 (3,010), REFL +12 (2,590), Bluff 23rd rank (342), Disable Device 23rd rank (342), Hide 23rd rank (342), Move Silently 23rd rank (342), Open Locks 23rd rank (342), Search 23rd rank (342), Spot 23rd rank (342), 12 power points


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(1,170), Unarmored Speed Bonus increase to +60 (630), Mind Blade Bonus increase to +5 (1,800), Monks AC Bonus increase to +4 (450), Touch of Fear 20th level (570), Fearsome Insight 20th level (570), Terrors 20th level 20/day (570+600), Abundant Step 20th level (570) Deneva, a Connected Mind Deneva is not what many would call a knight, although she is highly interested in protection and bringing people together under her banner. Denevas mind has long since been trained to tap into the mental thoughts of others even so much as allowing telepathic communication between specific individuals. Furthermore, Denevas mind has also learned to tap into the energies of the world around her to enhance her abilities and even those around her. She is quite flamboyant, and her mastery over the auras that surround her only enhances that conception of her. Purchase Highlights: 20d6: 17,145 XP BAB +10: 9,785 XP 1 Good Save: 13,405 XP - Fortitude 1 Average Save: 6,475 XP - Reflex 1 Poor Save: 2,065 XP - Will 7 Attribute Inc: 9,240 XP - STR 8, DEX 14, CON 14(12), INT 10, WIS 19(15), CHA 14(13) Proficiencies: 25 XP - All Simple Weapons 46 Skill Ranks: 13,056 XP - Concentration 23, Sense Motive 23 12 Feats:- 30,460 XP 11 Abilities: 36,000 XP - Manifester (Society MindUP), Worldthought Network, Primary Avatar, Cooperative Healing, Spirit of the Many, Network Telepathy, Secondary Avatar, Mystic Echo, Inner Language, Share Avatar, Efficient Network Manifesting: 53,531 XP - 9 levels, 11 powers known, 343 Society Mind power points, 127 Halo Knight power points (For use with Avatars only, not manifesting) TOTAL: 191,187 XP (189,687 XP not counting Initial 1,500 XP) Breakdown: 1 [1,336 / 1,336] d6 (45), FORT +1 (45), FORT +2 (60), REFL +1 (45), Proficiencies (25), Concentration 1st, 1nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (68), Sense Motive 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (68), 1st Feat (100), Access to 1st level Society Mind powers (25), 2 Society Mind power points (195), Society Mind Manifester 1st level (45), Worldthought Network 1st level touch (45+30), Cooperative Healing (270), Primary Avatar 1 (180+90) 2 [1,106 / 2,442] d6 (90), BAB +1 (110), FORT +2 (70), REFL +2 (60), Concentration 5th rank (34), Sense Motive 5th rank (34), 2nd Feat (160), 4 Society Mind power points (390), 1 Halo Knight power points (98), Society Mind Manifester 2nd level (30), Worldthought Network 2nd level (30) 3 [1,824 / 4,266] d6 (180), WILL +1 (45), Concentration 6th rank (68), Sense Motive 6th rank (68), Access to 2nd level Society Mind powers (120), 5 Society Mind power points (488), 2 Halo Knight power points (195), Spirit of the Many (540), Society Mind Manifester 3rd level (60), Worldthought Network 3rd level (60) 4 [2,939 / 7,205] d6 (270), BAB +2 (215), FORT +4 (350), REFL +3 (70), Concentration 7th rank (102), Sense Motive 6th rank (102), 6 Society Mind power points (585), 2 Halo Knight power points (195), Network Telepathy (810), Society Mind Manifester 4th level (90), Worldthought Network 4th level close (90+60) 5 [4,147 / 11,352] d6 (360), WIS +1 (360), CON +1 (360), CHA +1 (360), Concentration 8th rank (136), Sense Motive 8th rank (136), 3rd Feat (680), Access to 3rd level Society Mind powers (360), 8 Society Mind power points (780), 2 Halo Knight power points (195), Primary Avatar 2 (180), Society Mind Manifester 5th level (120), Worldthought Network 5th level


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(120) (270+120) 6 [4,775 / 16,127] d6 (450), BAB +3 11 [11,735 / 56,114] d6 (900), Concen(430), FORT +5 (630), WILL +2 (60), Contration 14th rank (340), Sense Motive 14th rank th th centration 9 rank (170), Sense Motive 9 rank (340), Access to 6th level Society Mind powers (170), 4th Feat (1,200), 10 Society Mind pow(1,080), 18 Society Mind power points (1,755), er points (975), 4 Halo Knight power points 8 Halo Knight power points (780), Inner Lan(390), Society Mind Manifester 6th level (150), guae (2,970), Share Avatar (1,980+990), th Worldthought Network 6 level (150) Society Mind Manifester 11th level (300), 7 [5,701 / 21,827] d6 (540), REFL +4 Worldthought Network 11th level (300) (350), Concentration 10th rank (204), Sense 12 [11,173 / 67,287] d6 (990), BAB +6 th th Motive 10 rank (204), Access to 4 level Soci(1,075), FORT +8 (1,470), REFL +6 (910), ety Mind powers (600), 11 Society Mind powWILL +4 (350), Concentration 15th rank (374), er points (1,073), 4 Halo Knight power points Sense Motive 15th rank (374), 6th Feat (2,240), (390), Secondary Avatar 1 (1,260+630), Society 20 Society Mind power points (1,950), 8 Halo th Mind Manifester 7 level (180), Worldthought Knight power points (780), Society Mind Manth ifester 12th level (330), Worldthought Network 7 level Medium (180+90) 8 [6,801 / 28,628] d6 (630), BAB +4 Network 12th level (330) (645), FORT +6 (910), Concentration 11th 13 [10,454 / 77,741] d6 (1,080), rank (238), Sense Motive 11th rank (238), WIS +3 (2,280), Concentration 16th 12 Society Mind power points (1,170), 4 rank (408), Sense Motive 16th rank (408), Access to 7th level Halo Knight power points (390), Mystic powers (1,320), 21 Society Echo (2,160), Society Mind Manifester th Mind power points (2,048), 8 level (210), Worldthought Network 8th level (210) 8 Halo Knight power points 9 [7,679 / 36,307] d6 (720), (780), Secondary Avatar 2 (1,260), Society Mind REFL +5 (630), WILL +3 (70), WIS Manifester 13th level +2 (1,320), CON +2 (1,320), Con(360), Worldthought centration 12th rank (272), Sense Motive 12th rank (272), Access to Network 13th level 5th level Society Mind powers Miles (360+150) (840), 14 Society Mind pow14 [16,087 er points (1,365), 4 Halo / 93,827] d6 Knight power points (390), (1,170), BAB Society Mind Manifester 9th +7 (1,290), level (240), Worldthought FORT +9 (1,750), th Network 9 level (240) REFL +7 (1,190), WIS +4 (3,240), Con10 [8,072 / 44,379] d6 Denevas connections vibrate outwards centration 17th rank (810), BAB +5 (860), FORT from her, connecting her on a level +7 (1,190), Concentration 13th (442), Sense Motive unachievable by others. th rank (306), Sense Motive 13 17th rank (442), 7th rank (306), 5th Feat (1,720), Feat (2,760), 23 So16 Society Mind power points (1,560), 4 Halo ciety Mind power points (2,243), 8 Halo Knight Knight power points (390), Primary Avatar power points (780), Society Mind Manifester 3 (270), Society Mind Manifester 10th level 14th level (390), Worldthought Network 14th (270), Worldthought Network 10th level Long level (390)


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15 [12,100 / 105,927] d6 (1,260), WILL +5 (630), Concentration 18th rank (476), Sense Motive 18th rank (476), 8th Feat (3,280), Access to 8th level Society Mind powers (1,560), 25 Society Mind power points (2,438), 8 Halo Knight power points (780), Primary Avatar 4 (360), Society Mind Manifester 15th level (420), Worldthought Network 15th level (420) 16 [14,490 / 120,417] d6 (1,350), BAB +8 (1,505), FORT +10 (2,030), Concentration 19th rank (510), Sense Motive 19th rank (510), 9th Feat (3,800), 26 Society Mind power points (2,535), 12 Halo Knight power points (1,170), Society Mind Manifester 16th level (450), Worldthought Network 16th level Planar (450+180) 17 [17,056 / 137,472] d6 (1,440), REFL +8 (1,470), Concentration 20th rank (544), Sense Motive 20th rank (544), 10th Feat (4,320), Access to 9th level powers (1,800), 29 Society Mind power points (2,828), 12 Halo Knight power points (1,170), Share Avatar 2 (1,980), Society Mind Manifester 17th level (480), Worldthought Network 17th level (480) 18 [12,741 / 150,213] d6 (1,530), BAB +9 (1,720), FORT +11 (2,310), WILL +6 (910), Concentration 21st rank (578), Sense Motive 21st rank (578), 30 Society Mind power points (2,925), 12 Halo Knight power points (1,170), Society Mind Manifester 18th level (510), Worldthought Network 18th level (510) 19 [22,207 / 172,420] d6 (1,620), REFL +9 (1,750), Concentration 22nd rank (612), Sense Motive 22nd rank (612), 11th Feat (4,840), 31 Society Mind power points (3,023), 12 Halo Knight power points (1,170), Secondary Avatar 3 (1,890), Efficient Network (5,400), Society Mind Manifester 19th level (540), Worldthought Network 19th level any range (540+210) 20 [18,767 / 191,187] d6 (1,710), BAB +10 (1,935), FORT +12 (2,590), Concentration 23rd rank (646), Sense Motive 23rd rank (646), 12th Feat (5,360), 32 Society Mind power points (3,120), 12 Halo Knight power points (1,170), Primary Avatar 5 (450), Society Mind Manifester 20th level (570), Worldthought Network 20th level (570) Juran, a Magus For some, ultimate power comes not in strength or quickness of the body. They believe in true power arcane and divine forces working together through a single conduit. Juran is one such person. The cost of being a conduit for arcane and divine power has come at an extreme cost, however. His body is frail and he has few talents beyond his magic. But when his magic is needed, there are few in the world who can accomplish what he can. Few in the world can even dream of wielding the power that he has been given. Purchase Highlights:
20d4: 11,430 XP BAB +10: 9,785 XP 2 Average Saves: 12,950 XP - Fortitude & Reflex 1 Poor Save: 2,065 XP - Will 9 Attribute Inc: 14,760 XP - STR 8, DEX 14(13), CON 12, INT 10, WIS 19(15), CHA 18(14) Proficiencies: 25 XP - All Simple Weapons 46 Skill Ranks: 13,056 XP - Concentration 23, Intimidate 23 7 Feats: 8,860 XP 3 Abilities: 11,760 XP - Caster (Cleric), Caster (Sorcerer), Spontaneous Cure Spell Conversion Spell Casting: 105,780 XP - 9 Cleric Spell Levels, Cleric Spell List Known, Cleric Slots: 3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3, 8 Sorcerer Spell levels, Known Sorcerer spells: 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3, Sorcerer Slots: 3/3/3/3/3/3/3/2/2 TOTAL: 190,471 XP (188,971 XP not counting Initial 1,500 XP)

Breakdown: 1 [1,271 / 1,271] d4 (30), FORT +1 (45), REFL +1 (45), Proficiencies (25), Concentration 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (68), Intimidate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (68), 1st Feat (100), Access to 0-level Sorcerer Spells (10) , Access to 1-level Sorcerer Spells (50) , Access to 0-level Cleric Spells (10) , Access to 1-level Cleric Spells (50), 2 0-level Sorcerer slots (340), 2 0-level Cleric slots (340), Cleric caster 1st level (45), Sorcerer caster 1st level (45)


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2 [1,038 / 2,308] d4 (60), BAB +1 (110), (170), Intimidate 9th rank (170), Access to 3rd th FORT +2 (60), Concentration 5 rank (34), level Sorcerer Spells (720), 1 3-level Sorcerth Intimidate 6 rank (34), 1 1-level Sorcerer er Slot (1,020), 2 3-level Cleric slot (2,040), slot (340), 1 1-level Cleric slot Cleric caster 6th level (150), Sorcerer (340), Cleric caster 2nd level caster 6th level (150) (30), Sorcerer caster 2nd level 7 [6,608 / 22,349] d4 (30) (360), FORT +4 (350), 3 [2,191 / 4,500] REFL +4 (350), Concend4 (120), REFL tration 10th rank (204), In+2(60), WILL timidate 10th rank (204), +1 (45), DEX +1 4th Feat (1,200), Ac(360), Concentracess to 4th level Clertion 6th rank (68), ic Spells (1,200), 1 3-level Sorcerer Slot Intimidate 6th nd (1,020), 1 4-level rank (68), 2 Feat nd Cleric slot (1,360), (160), Access to 2 Cleric caster 7th level Cleric Spells (240), 1 1-level Sorlevel (180), Sorcerer Slot (340), 1 cerer caster 7th level 1-level Cleric slot (180) (340), Cleric caster 8 [5,881 / 3rd level (60), Sorcerer 28,230] d4 (420), caster 3rd level (60), BAB +4 (645), Spontaneous Cure Concentration 11th Conversion (270) rank (238), Intimi4 [2,519 / 7,019] date 11th rank (238), d4 (180), BAB +2 Access to 4th level (215), FORT +3 (70), Sorcerer Spells REFL +3 (70), Con(1,200), 1 4-levcentration 7th rank (102), el Sorcerer Slot th Intimidate 7 rank (102), (1,360), 1 4-level Access to 2nd level SorCleric slot (1,360), cerer Spells (240), 1 2-level Cleric caster 8th levSorcerer Slot (680), 1 2-level el (210), Sorcerer Only the most devoted can master the caster 8th level (210) Cleric slot (680), Cleric caster 4th level (90), Sorcerer caster 4th heights of both the arcane arts and the 9 [7,574 / 35,804] divine miracles. d4 (480), FORT +5 level (90) 5 [3,512 / 10,531] d4 (240), Concentra(630), REFL +5 (630), WILL +3 (70), Contion 8th rank (136), Intimidate 8th rank (136), centration 12th rank (272), Intimidate 12th rank 3rd Feat (680), Access to 3rd level Cleric Spells (272), Access to 5th level Cleric Spells (1,680), (720), 1 2-level Sorcerer Slot (680), 1 2-level 1 4-level Sorcerer Slot (1,360), 1 5-level Cleric Cleric slot (680), Cleric caster 5th level (120), slot (1,700), Cleric caster 9th level (240), SorSorcerer caster 5th level (120) cerer caster 9th level (240) 6 [5,210 / 15,741] d4 (300), BAB +3 10 [9,712 / 45,516] d4 (540), BAB +5 th (430), WILL +2 (60), Concentration 9 rank (860), CHA +1 (360), Concentration 13th rank


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(306), Intimidate 13th rank (306), 5th Feat (1,720), Access to 5th level Sorcerer Spells (1,680), 1 5-level Sorcerer Slot (1,700), 1 5-level Cleric slot (1,700), Cleric caster 10th level (270), Sorcerer caster 10th level (270) 11 [8,140 / 53,656] d4 (600), WIS +1 (360), Concentration 14th rank (340), Intimidate 14th rank (340), Access to 6th level Cleric Spells (2,160), 1 5-level Sorcerer Slot (1,700), 1 6-level Cleric slot (2,040), Cleric caster 11th level (300), Sorcerer caster 11th level (300) 12 [12,873 / 66,529] d4 (660), BAB +6 (1,075), FORT +6 (910), REFL +6 (910), WILL +4 (350), CHA +2 (1,320), Concentration 15th rank (374), Intimidate 15th rank (374), Access to 6th level Sorcerer Spells (2,160), 1 6-level Sorcerer Slot (2,040), 1 6-level Cleric slot (2,040), Cleric caster 12th level (330), Sorcerer caster 12th level (330) 13 [12,876 / 79,405] d4 (720), WIS +2 (1,320), Concentration 16th rank (408), Intimidate 16th rank (408), 6th Feat (2,240), Access to 7th level Cleric Spells (2,640), 1 6-level Sorcerer Slot (2,040), 1 7-level Cleric slot (2,380), Cleric caster 13th level (360), Sorcerer caster 13th level (360) 14 [12,634 / 92,039] d4 (780), FORT +7 (1,190), REFL +7 (1,190), CHA +3 (2,280), Concentration 17th rank (442), Intimidate 17th rank (442), Access to 7th level Sorcerer Spells (2,640), 1 0-level Sorcerer Slot (170), 1 1-level Sorcerer Slot (340), 1 7-level Cleric slot (2,380), Cleric caster 14th level (390), Sorcerer caster 14th level (390) 15 [13,762 / 105,801] d4 (840), WILL +5 (630), WIS +3 (2,280), Concentration 18th rank (476), Intimidate 18th rank (476), Access to 8th level Cleric Spells (3,120), 1 7-level Sorcerer Slot (2,380), 1 8-level Cleric slot (2,720), Cleric caster 15th level (420), Sorcerer caster 15th level (420) 16 [13,955 / 119,756] d4 (900), BAB +7 (1,290), BAB +8 (1,505), CHA +4 (3,240), Concentration 19th rank (510), Intimidate 19th rank (510), 1 7-level Sorcerer Slot (2,380), 1 8-level Cleric slot (2,720), Cleric caster 16th level (450), Sorcerer caster 16th level (450) 17 [17,258 / 137,014] d4 (960), BAB +9 (1,720), FORT +8 (1,470), REFL +8 (1,470), WIS +4 (3,240), Concentration 20th rank (544), Intimidate 20th rank (544), Access to 8th level Sorcerer Spells (3,120), 1 8-level Sorcerer Slot (2,720), 1 0-level Cleric slot (170), 1 1-level Cleric slot (340), Cleric caster 17th level (480), Sorcerer caster 17th level (480) 18 [17,226 / 154,240] d4 (1,020), WILL +6 (910), Concentration 21st rank (578), Intimidate 21st rank (578), Access to 9th level Cleric Spells (3,600), 1 8-level Sorcerer Slot (2,720), 1 2-level Cleric slot (680), 1 9-level Cleric slot (6,120), Cleric caster 18th level (510), Sorcerer caster 18th level (510) 19 [17,359 / 171,599] d4 (1,080), BAB +10 (1,935), FORT +9 (1,750), REFL +9 (1,750), Concentration 22nd rank (612), Intimidate 22nd rank (612), 7th Feat (2,760), 1 2-level Sorcerer spell (680), 1 3-level Sorcerer spell (1,020), 1 3-level Cleric spell (1,020), 1 4-level Cleric spell (1,360), 1 5-level Cleric spell (1,700), Cleric caster 19th level (540), Sorcerer caster 19th level (540) 20 [18,872 / 190,471] d4 (1,140), Concentration 23rd rank (646), Intimidate 23rd rank (646), 1 4-level Sorcerer spell (1,360), 1 5-level Sorcerer spell (1,700), 1 6-level Sorcerer spell (2,040), 1 6-level Cleric spell (2,040), 1 7-level Cleric spell (2,380), 1 8-level Cleric spell (2,720), 1 9-level Cleric spell (3,060), Cleric caster 20th level (570), Sorcerer caster 20th level (570) Marcus, a Pugilist Nothing brings a person back to reality like a quick jab to the bottom of their chin. Marcus understands that getting in and getting dirty is the quickest way to victory. Hes centrally focused on fighting with his hands and other specially made weapons. He doesnt particularly enjoy long debates or waiting for people to work their way through a situation. He isnt exactly


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the most sociable character, either. But when a fight breaks out in a side alley and theres only so much time until the town guard shows up to start making arrests, Marcus makes sure that the fight ends quickly. As a human, he tends to not have any favorite race to pick on. Hes an equal opportunity brawler. Purchase Highlights: 20d10: 28,575 XP BAB +20: 40,960 XP 2 Good Saves: 26,810 XP - Fortitude & Will 1 Poor Save: 2,065 XP - Reflex 8 Attribute Inc: 9,600 XP - STR 18(15), DEX 14, CON 16(13), INT 10, WIS 14(12), CHA 8 Proficiencies: 25 XP Monk Weapons 73 Skill Ranks: 10,108 XP - Balance - 15, Climb - 23, Escape Artist - 10, Jump - 15, Swim - 10 13 Feats (1 Free): 30,460 XP 11 Abilities: 41,925 XP - WIS Bonus to AC, Monks AC Bonus, Unarmed Strike (Damage), Flurry of Blows, Ki Strike, Wholeness of Body, Abundant Step, Diamond Soul, Quivering Palm, Empty Body, Perfect Self TOTAL: 190,528 XP (189,028 XP not counting Initial 1,500 XP) Breakdown: (Numbers in parenthesis are XP expenditures; numbers in brackets represent cumulative totals for each breakdown as well as for the whole character) 1 [1,386 / 1,386] d10 (75), BAB +1 (110), FORT +1 (45), FORT +2 (60), WILL +1 (45), WILL +2 (60), Monk Weapons Group (25), Climb 1st,2nd,3rd,4th ranks (56), Human Bonus Feat (0), 1st Feat (100), Flurry of Blws -2/-2 (180+90), Monks WIS bonus to AC (270), Unarmed Damage 1d6 (270) 2 [804 / 2,190] d10 (150), BAB +2 (215), FORT +3 (70), WILL +3 (70), Balance 1st and 2nd ranks (28), Climb 5th rank (27), Escape Artist 1st and 2nd ranks (28), Jump 1st and 2nd ranks (28), Swim 1st and 2nd ranks (28), 2nd Feat (160) 3 [1,155 / 3,345] d10 (300), BAB +3 (430), REFL +1 (45), Balance 3rd and 4th rank (28), Climb 6th rank (54), Jump 3rd and 4th rank (28), Monks Unarmored AC Bonus +0 (270 XP) 4 [3,370 / 6,715] d10 (450), BAB +4 (645), FORT +4 (350), WILL +4 (350), Balance 5th (27), Climb 7th rank (81), Jump 5th rank (27), Flurry increase to -1/-1 (180), Unarmed Damage increase to 1d8 (180), Ki Strike: Magic (720+360) 5 [2,924 / 9,639] d10 (600), BAB +5 (860), STR +1 (360), Balance 6th rank (54), Climb 8th rank (108), Escape Artist 3rd rank (14), Jump 6th rank (54), Swim 3rd rank (14), 3rd Feat (680), Monks AC improvement to +1 (180) 6 [4,868 / 14,507] d10 (750), BAB +6 (1075), FORT +5 (630), REFL +2 (60), WILL +5 (630), DEX +1 (360), Climb 9th rank (135), Escape Artist 4th rank (14), Swim 4th rank (14), 4th Feat (1,200) 7 [6,589 / 21,096] d10 (900), BAB +7 (1,290), WIS +1 (360), STR +2 (1,320), Balance 7th rank (81), Climb 10th rank (162), Jump 7th rank (81), 5th Feat (1,720), Wholeness of Body 7th level (675) 8 [6,469 / 27,565] d10 (1,050), BAB +8 (1,505), FORT +6 (910), WILL +6 (910), Balance 8th rank (108), Climb 11th rank (189), Escape Artist 5th rank (27), Jump 8th rank (108), Swim 5th rank (27), Flurry increase to -0/-0 (270), Unarmed Damage increase to 1d10 (270), Wholeness of Body 8th level (210), Abundant Step 8th level (885) 9 [7,246 / 34,811] d10 (1,200), BAB +9 (1,720), REFL +3 (70), DEX +2 (1,320), Climb 12th rank (216), 6th Feat (2,240), Wholeness of Body 9th level (240), Abundant Step 9th level (240) 10 [9,466 / 44,277] d10 (1,350), BAB +10 (1,935), FORT +7 (1,190), WILL +7 (1,190), WIS +2 (1,320), Balance 9th rank (135), Climb 13th rank (243), Escape Artist 6th rank (54),


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Jump 9th rank (135), Swim 6th rank (54), Great+3 (360), Wholeness of Body (420), Abundant er Flurry (330), Monks AC Bonus to +2 (270), Step (420), Diamond Soul (420), Quivering Ki Strike: Lawful (720), Wholeness of Body Palm (3,195) (270), Abundant Step (270) 16 [14,026 / 120,185] d10 (2,250), BAB 11 [7,604 / 51,881] d10 (1,500), BAB +16 (3,225), FORT + 10 (2,030), WILL +10 th +11 (2,150), Balance 10 rank (162), Climb (2,030), Balance 13th rank (243), Climb 19th th th th 14 rank (270), Jump 14 rank (162), 7 Feat rank (405), Escape Artist 9th rank (135), Jump (2,760), Wholeness of Body (300), Abundant 12th rank (243), Swim 9th rank (135), Unarmed Step (300) Damage increase to 2d8 (450), Ki Strike: Ad12 [12,064 / 63,945] d10 (1,650), BAB amantine (1,080), Wholeness of Body (450), +12 (2,365), FORT Abundant Step (450), Diamond +8 (1,470), REFL Soul (450), Quivering Palm +4 (350), WILL +8 (450) (1,470), Climb 15th 17 [13,572 / 133,757] rank (297), Escape Artist d10 (2,400), BAB +17 th 7 rank (81), Swim (81), (3,440), Balance 14th th 8 Feat (3,280), Unarmed rank (270), Climb Damage increase to 2d6 (360), 20th rank (432), Jump th 14 rank (270), 11th Feat Wholeness of Body (330), Abundant Step (330) (4,840), Wholeness of Body 13 [14,267 / 78,212] (480), Abundant Step (480), Diad10 (1,800), BAB mond Soul (480), Quivering Palm +13 (2,580), STR (480) +3 (2,280), Bal18 [14,558 / 148,315] th ance 11 rank d10 (2,550), BAB +18 th (189), Climb 16 (3,655), FORT +11 rank (324), Jump 11th (2,310), REFL +6 (910), rank (189), 9th Feat WILL +11 (2,310), (3800), Wholeness of Climb 21st rank (459), Body (360), Abundant Escape Artist 10th rank Step (360), Diamond Soul (162), Swim 10th rank (2385) (162), Wholeness of 14 [12,694 / 90,906] Body (510), Abundant Step (510), Diamond d10 (1,950), BAB +14 (2,795), FORT +9 (1,750), Soul (510), Quivering Marcus, the Pugilist, can devastate almost WILL (1,750), DEX +3 Palm (510) any enemy through a combination of pow(2,280), Balance 12th rank 19 [20,345 / erful unarmed attacks and his feat chains. th (216), Climb 17 rank (351), 168,660] d10 (2,700), BAB +19 (3,870), Balance 15th rank Escape Artist 8th rank (108), Jump 12th rank (216), Swim 8th rank (108), Wholeness of (297), Climb 22nd rank (486), Jump 15th rank Body (390), Abundant Step (390), Diamond (297), 12th Feat (5,360), Wholeness of Body Soul (390) (540), Abundant Step (540), Diamond Soul 15 [15,253 / 106,159] d10 (2,100), BAB (540), Quivering Palm (540), Empty Body +15 (3,010), REFL +5 (630), Climb 18th rank (5,175) th (378), 10 Feat (4,320), AC bonus increase to 20 [21,868 / 190,528] d10 (2,850), BAB


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+20 (4,085), FORT +12 (2,590), WILL +12 (2,590), Climb 23rd rank (513), AC Bonus increase to +4 (450), Unarmed Damage increase to 2d10 (540), Wholeness of Body (570), Abundant Step (570), Diamond Soul (570), Quivering Palm (570), Empty Body (570), Perfect Self (5,400) Shanra, a Force of Persona Some are content to allow the world to pass them by without leaving a mark. Others learn how to impose their will upon the people around them. For the remaining people, impacting the world around them is simply a part of who they are. Shanra is one of those people who simply use their will to change her environment. While she is weak in frame, her sheer force of persona has overcome many who dared underestimate her abilities. She is emotional, and once her emotions come to the surface she is quite dangerous. Her assaults can come either from her internal fuel or her passionate connection to the world around her. Either way, she is best left uncrossed. Purchase Highlights: 20d4: 11,430 XP BAB +10: 9,785 XP 1 Good Save: 13,405 XP - Will 2 Poor Saves: 5,320 XP - Fortitude & Reflex 5 Attribute Inc: 7,560 XP - STR 8, DEX 14, CON 14(13), INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 19(15) Proficiencies: 25 XP - All Simple Weapons 69 Skill Ranks: 15,552 XP - Bluff - 23, Concentration - 23, Diplomacy - 23 9 Feats: 15,940 XP 6 Abilities: 14,910 XP - Manifesting (Wilder), Channeling (Nexus), Soul Opening, Wild Surge, Psychic Enervation, Elude Touch Channeling: 14,900 XP - 7 Incantations Manifesting: 82,305 XP - 9 Levels, 11 Powers Known, 343 Power points TOTAL: 191,132 XP (189,632 XP not counting Initial 1,500 XP) Breakdown: 1 [1,347 / 1,347] d4 (30), WILL +1 (45), WILL +2 (60), Proficiencies (25), Bluff 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (54), Concentration 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (54), Diplomacy 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (54), 1st Feat (100), 2nd Feat (160), Access to 1st level powers (60), 2 power points (390), Manifester 1st level (45), Psychic Enervation (0), Wild Surge (180+90) 2 [1,131 / 2,478] d4 (60), BAB +1 (110), WILL +3 (70), Bluff 5th rank (27), Concentration 5th rank (27), Diplomacy 5th rank (27), 4 power points (780), Manifester 2nd level (30) 3 [1,947 / 4,425] d4 (120), FORT +1 (45), REFL +1 (45), Bluff 6th rank (54), Concentration 6th rank (54), Diplomacy 6th rank (54), 5 power points (975), Manifester 3rd level (60), Elude Touch (540) 4 [2,913 / 7,338] d4 (180), BAB +2 (215), WILL +4 (350), Bluff 7th rank (81), Concentration 7th rank (81), Diplomacy 7th rank (81), 1st Invocation (200), Access to 2nd level powers (240), 6 power points (1,170), Channeler 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th levels (45+30+60+90), Manifester 4th level (90) 5 [3,584 / 10,922] d4 (240), CHA +1 (360), Bluff 8th rank (108), Concentration 8th rank (108), Diplomacy 8th rank (108), 3rd Feat (680), 8 power points (1,560), Channeler 5th level (120), Manifester 5th level (120), Wild Surge +2 (180) 6 [4,855 / 15,777] d4 (300), BAB +3 (430), FORT +2 (60), REFL +2 (60), WILL +5 (630), Bluff 9th rank (135), Concentration 9th rank (135), Diplomacy 9th rank (135), Access to 3rd level powers (720), 10 power points (1,950), Channeler 6th level (150), Manifester 6th level (150) 7 [6,291 / 22,068] d4 (360), CON +1 (360), Bluff 10th rank (162), Concentration 10th rank (162), Diplomacy 10th rank (162), 4th Feat (1,200), 2nd Incantation (300), 11 power points (2,145), Channeler 7th level (180), Manifester 7th level (180), Soul Opening (810), Wild Surge +3 (270)


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8 [6,902 / 28,970] d4 (420), BAB +4 (645), WILL +6 (910), Bluff 11th rank (189), Concentration 11th rank (189), Diplomacy 11th rank (189), 3rd Incantation (400), Access to 4th level powers (1,200), 12 power points (2,340), Channeler 8th level (210), Manifester 8th level (210) 9 [8,018 / 36,988] d4 (480), FORT +3 (70), REFL +3 (70), CHA +2 (1,320), Bluff 12th rank (216), Concentration 12th rank (216), Diplomacy 12th rank (216), 5th Feat (1,720), 4th Incantation (500), 14 power points (2,730), Channeler 9th level (240), Manifester 9th level (240) 10 [8,659 / 45,647] d4 (540), BAB +5 (860), WILL +7 (1,190), Bluff 13th rank (243), Concentration 13th rank (243), Diplomacy 13th rank (243), Access to 5th level powers (1,680), 16 power points (3,120), Channeler 10th level (270), Manifester 10th level (270) 11 [10,620 / 56,267] d4 (600), Bluff 14th rank (270), Concentration 14th rank (270), Diplomacy 14th rank (270), 6th Feat (2,240), 5th Incantation (2,500), 18 power points (3,510), Channeler 11th level (300), Manifester 11th level (300), Wild Surge +4 (360) 12 [11,126 / 67,393] d4 (660), BAB +6 (1,075), FORT +4 (350), REFL +4 (350), WILL +8 (1,470), Bluff 15th rank (297), Concentration 15th rank (297), Diplomacy 15th rank (297), Access to 6th level powers (2,160), 18 power points (3,510), Channeler 12th level (330), Manifester 12th level (330) 13 [11,937 / 79,330] d4 (720), CHA +3 (2,280), Bluff 16th rank (324), Concentration 16th rank (324), Diplomacy 16th rank (324), 7th Feat (2,760), 23 power points (4,485), Channeler 13th level (360), Manifester 13th level (360) 14 [12,778 / 92,108] d4 (780), BAB +7 (1,290), WILL +9 (1,750), Bluff 17th rank (351), Concentration 17th rank (351), Diplomacy 17th rank (351), Access to 7th level powers (2,640), 23 power points (4,485), Channeler 14th level (390), Manifester 14th level (390) 15 [13,899 / 106,007] d4 (840), FORT +5 (630), REFL (630), Bluff 18th rank (378), Concentration 18th rank (378), Diplomacy 18th rank (378), 6th Incantation (4,500), 25 power points (4,875), Channeler 15th level (420), Manifester 15th level (420), Wild Surge +5 (450) 16 [14,740 / 120,747] d4 (900), BAB +8 (1,505), WILL +10 (2,030), Bluff 19th rank (405), Concentration 19th rank (405), Diplomacy 19th rank (405), Access to 8th level powers (3,120), 26 power points (5,070), Channeler 16th level (450), Manifester 16th level (450) 17 [15,391 / 136,138] d4(960), CHA +4 (3,240), Bluff 20th rank (432), Concentration 20th rank (432), Diplomacy 20th rank (432), 8th Feat (3,280), 29 Power points (5,655), Channeler 17th level (480), Manifester 17th level (480) 18 [17,807 / 153,945] d4 (1,020), BAB +9 (1,720), FORT +6 (910), WILL +11 (2,310), Bluff 21st rank (459), Concentration 21st rank (459), Diplomacy 21st rank (459), Access to 9th level powers (3,600), 30 power points (5,850), Channeler 18th level (510), Manifester 18th level (510) 19 [18,263 / 172,208] d4 (1,080), FORT +7 (1,190) REFL +6 (910), Bluff 22nd rank (486), Concentration 22nd rank (486), Diplomacy 22nd rank (486), 7th Incantation (6,500), 31 power points (6,045), Channeler 19th level (540), Manifester 19th level (540) 20 [18,924 / 191,132] d4 (1,140), BAB +10 (1,935), WILL +12 (2,590), Bluff 23rd rank (513), Concentration 23rd rank (513), Diplomacy 23rd rank (513), 9th Feat (3,800), 32 power points (6,240), Channeler 20th level (570), Manifester 20th level (570), Wild Surge +6 (540) Sirensia, a Sonic Mind Not all who pick up a lute can use magic. Not all who pick up a harp are poor combatants. Sirensia loves nothing more than entertaining a crowd to gain their trust. Fortunately, she is a highly compassionate person once she has


Mentalis Design
the trust of those listening to her. She listens to their stories and learns where they might need help. Because her mind has learned to utilize psionics instead of magic, she has also learned how to augment her compassion with her powers. Sirensia will stand up and fight for the downtrodden, often using her psionic power to enhance her abilities. What might make Sirensia an even more inventive character would be to expend 8 or 10 of her 14 gained feats on Mind Blade feats outlined in The Mind Unveiled: Mind Blade Feats available from Dreamscarred Press. Purchase Highlights: 20d10: 28,575 XP BAB +15: 22,685 XP 2 Good Saves: 26,810 XP - Fortitude & Will 1 Poor Save: 2,065 XP - Reflex 6 Attribute Inc: 7,920 XP - STR 14, DEX 10, CON 14(13), INT 8, WIS 16(15), CHA 16(12) Proficiencies: 250 XP - All Simple & Martial Weapons, All Armors, All Shields (except Tower) 46 Skill Ranks: 18,432 XP - Intimidate - 23, Perform: Stringed Instruments - 23 14 Feats: 42,740 XP 9 Abilities: 25,065 XP - Manifesting (Psychic Warrior), Access to Fighter Feats, Bardic Music, BM: Fascinate, BM: Inspire Courage, BM: Inspire Competence, BM: Inspire Greatness, BM: Song of Freedom, BM: Inspire Heroics Manifesting: 16,013 XP 6 Levels, 20 Powers Known, 127 Power points TOTAL: 190,555 XP (189,055 XP not counting Initial 1,500 XP) Breakdown: 1 [1,272 / 1,272] d10 (75), FORT +1 (45), FORT +2 (60), WILL +1 (45), WILL +2 (60), Proficiencies (250), Intimidate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (96), Perform: Stringed Instruments 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (96), 1st Feat (100), 2nd Feat (160), Access to 1st level powers (30), Manifester 1st level (45), Access to Fighter Feats 1st level (45), Bardic Music 1st level 1/ day (45+30), BM: Fascinate (30), BM: Inspire Courage +1 (30+30) 2 [744 / 2,016] d10 (150), BAB +1 (110), FORT +3 (70), WILL +3 (70), Intimidate 5th rank (48), Perform: Stringed Instruments 5th rank (48), 1 power point (98), Manifester 2nd level (30), Access to Fighter Feats 2nd level (30), Bardic Music 2nd level 2/day (30+60) 3 [1,987 / 4,003] d10 (300), BAB +2 (215), REFL +1 (45), Intimidate 6th rank (96), Perform: Stringed Instruments 6th rank (96), 3rd Feat (680), 2 power points (195), Manifester 3rd level (60), Access to Fighter Feats 3rd level (60), Bardic Music 3rd level 3/day (60+90), BM: Inspire Competence (90) 4 [2,957 / 6,960] d10 (450), BAB +3 (430), FORT +4 (350), WILL +4 (350), WIS +1 (360), Intimidate 7th rank (144), Perform: Stringed Instruments 7th rank (144), Access to 2nd level powers (144), 2 power points (195), Manifester 4th level (90), Access to Fighter Feats 4th level (90), Bardic Music 4th level 4/ day (90+120) 5 [3,249 / 10,209] d10 (600), CHA +1 (360), Intimidate 8th rank (192), Perform: Stringed Instruments 8th rank (192), 4th Feat (1200), 2 power points (195), Manifester 4th level (120), Access to Fighter Feats 5th level (120), Bardic Music 5th level 5/day (120+150) 6 [4,575 / 14,784] d10 (750), BAB +4 (645), FORT +5 (630), REFL +2 (60), WILL +5 (630), CON +1 (360), Intimidate 9th rank (240), Perform: Stringed Instruments 9th rank (240), 4 power points (390), Manifester 6th level (150), Access to Fighter Feats 6th level (150), Bardic Music 6th level 6/day (150+180) 7 [5,628 / 20,412] d10 (900), BAB +5 (860), Intimidate 10th rank (288), Perform: Stringed Instruments 10th rank (288), 5th Feat (1,720), Access to 3rd level powers (432), 4 power points (390), Manifester 7th level (180), Access to Fighter Feats 7th level (180), Bardic


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Music 7th level 7/day (180+210) 8 [8,177 / 28,589] d10 (1,050), BAB +6 (1,075), FORT +6 (910), WILL +6 (910), Intimidate 11th rank (336), Perform: Stringed Instruments 11th rank (336), 6th Feat (2,240), 4 power points (390), Manifester 8th level (210), Access to Fighter Feats 8th level (210), Bardic Music 8th level 8/day (210+240), BM: Inspire Courage increase to +2 (60) 9 [7,768 / 36,357] d10 (1,200), REFL +3 (70), CHA +2 (1,320), Intimidate 12th rank (384), Perform: Stringed Instruments 12th rank (384), 7th Feat (2,760), 4 power points (390), Manifester 9th level (240), Access to Fighter Feats 9th level (240), Bardic Music 9th level 9/ day (240+270), BM: Inspire Greatness (270) 10 [8,104 / 44,461] d10 (1,350), BAB +7 (1,290), FORT +7 (1,190), WILL +7 (1,190), Intimidate 13th rank (432), Perform: Stringed Instruments 13th rank (432), Access to 4th level powers (720), 4 power points (390), Manifester 10th level (270), Access to Fighter Feats 10th level (270), Bardic Music 10th level 10/day (270+300) 11 [9,255 / 53,716] d10 (1,500), BAB +8 (1,505), Intimidate 14th rank (480), Perform: Stringed Instruments 14th rank (480), 8th Feat (3,280), 8 power points (780), Manifester 11th level (300), Access to Fighter Feats 11th level (300), Bardic Music 11th level 11/day (300+330) 12 [10,206 / 63,922] d10 (1,650), BAB +9 (1,720), FORT +8 (1,470), REFL +4 (350), WILL +8 (1,470), Intimidate 15th rank (528), Perform: Stringed Instruments 15th rank (528), 8 power points (780), Manifester 12th level (330), Access to Fighter Feats 12th level (330), Bardic Music 12th level 12/day (330+360), BM: Song of Freedom (360) 13 [12,290 / 76,212] d10 (1,800), CHA +3 (2,280), Intimidate 16th rank (576), Perform: Stringed Instruments 16th rank (576), 9th Feat (3,800), Access to 5th level powers (1,008), 8 power points (780), Manifester 13th level (360), Access to Fighter Feats 13th level (360), Bardic Music 13th level 13/day (360+390) 14 [15,413 / 91,625] d10 (1,950), BAB +10 (1,935), FORT +9 (1,750), WILL +9 (1,750), Intimidate 17th rank (624), Perform: Stringed Instruments 17th rank (624), 10th Feat (4,320), 8 power points (780), Manifester 14th level (390), Access to Fighter Feats 14th level (390), Bardic Music 14th level 14/day (390+420), BM: Inspire Courage increase to +3 (90) 15 [14,004 / 105,629] d10 (2,100), BAB +11 (2,150), REFL +5 (630), Intimidate 18th rank (672), Perform: Stringed Instruments 18th rank (672), 11th Feat (4,840), 8 power points (780), Manifester 15th level (420), Access to Fighter Feats 15th level (420), Bardic Music 15th level 15/day (420+450), BM: Inspire Heroics (450) 16 [14,411 / 120,040] d10 (2,250), BAB +12 (2,365), FORT +10 (2,030), WILL +10 (2,030), Intimidate 19th rank (720), Perform: Stringed Instruments 19th rank (720), Access to 6th level powers (1,296), 12 power points (1,170), Manifester 16th level (450), Access to Fighter Feats 16th level (450), Bardic Music 16th level 16/day (450+480) 17 [15,656 / 135,696] d10 (2,400), CHA +4 (3,240), Intimidate 20th rank (768), Perform: Stringed Instruments 20th rank (768), 12th Feat (5,360), 12 power points (1,170), Manifester 17th level (480), Access to Fighter Feats 17th level (480), Bardic Music 17th level 17/day (480+510) 18 [15,532 / 151,228] d10 (2,550), BAB +13 (2,580), FORT +11 (2,310), REFL +6 (910), WILL +11 (2,310), Intimidate 21st rank (816), Perform: Stringed Instruments 21st rank (816), 12 power points (1,170), Manifester 18th level (510), Access to Fighter Feats 18th level (510), Bardic Music 18th level 18/day (510+540) 19 [16,463 / 167,691] d10 (2,700), BAB +14 (2,795), Intimidate 22nd rank (864), Perform: Stringed Instruments 22nd rank (864), 13th Feat (5,880), 12 power points (1,170),


Mentalis Design
Manifester 19th level (540), Access to Fighter Feats 19th level (540), Bardic Music 19th level 19/day (540+570) 20 [22,864 / 190,555] d10 (2,850), BAB +15 (3,010), FORT +12 (2,590), WILL +12 (2,590), Intimidate 23rd rank (912), Perform: Stringed Instruments 23rd rank (912), 14th Feat (6,400), 12 power points (1,170), Manifester 20th level (570), Access to Fighter Feats 20th level (570), Bardic Music 20th level 20/day (570+600), BM: Inspire Courage increase to +4 (120) Tintal, a Woodsman Many call Tintal a druid, but it is not really an appropriate title. Tintal has no official membership into a druidic order, although there are plenty of druids who call Tintal a friend. In truth, Tintal is a benevolent caretaker of the woods. He has been aided by the forests many times, often doing nothing to deserve the assistance of the forest. Tintal has learned compassion, and freely gives it to anyone who is in genuine need of his assistance. Purchase Highlights: 20d8: 22,860 XP BAB +20: 40,960 XP 2 Good Saves: 26,810 XP - Reflex & Will 1 Poor Save: 2,065 XP - Fortitude 10 Attribute Inc: 13,200 XP - STR 8, DEX 18(15), CON 12(10), INT 14, WIS 14(13), CHA 16(12) Proficiencies: 150 XP - All Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armors 159 Skill Ranks: 23,760 XP - Balance 23, Climb 11, Handle Animal 23, Heal 11, Knowledge: Nature 23, Jump 11, Survival 23, Swim 11, Use Rope 23 10 Feats: 20,260 XP 16 Abilities: 40,535 XP - Favored Enemy, Aura of Good, Animal Companion, Lay on Hands, Evasion, Nature Sense, Cover Fire, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Natures Lure, Hide in Plain Sight, Purity of Body, Swift Tracker, Improved Evasion, Remove Disease, Venom Immunity TOTAL: 190,600 XP (189,100 XP not counting Initial 1,500 XP) Breakdown: 1 [1,435 / 1,435] d8 (60), BAB +1 (110), REFL +1 (45), REFL +2 (60), WILL +1 (45), WILL +2 (60), Proficiencies (150), Balance 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (44), Handle Animal 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (44), Knowledge: Nature 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (44), Survival 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (44), Use Rope 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ranks (44), 1st Feat (100), Favored Enemy 1 (180+90), Aura of Good (270), Animal Companion 1st level (45) 2 [938 / 2,373] d8 (120), BAB +2 (215), REFL +3 (70), WILL +3 (70), Balance 5th rank (22), Climb 1st, 2nd ranks (22), Handle Animal 5th rank (22), Heal 1st, 2nd ranks (22), Knowledge: Nature 5th rank (22), Jump 1st, 2nd ranks (22), Survival 5th rank (22), Swim 1st, 2nd ranks (22), Use Rope 5th rank (22), 2nd Feat (160), Animal Companion 2nd level (30), Lay on Hands 2nd level (75) 3 [1,909 / 4,282] d8 (240), BAB +3 (430), FORT +1 (45), Balance 6th rank (44), Climb 3rd rank (11), Handle Animal 6th rank (44), Heal 3rd rank (11), Knowledge: Nature 6th rank (44), Jump 3rd rank (11), Survival 6th rank (44), Swim 3rd ranks (11), Use Rope 6th rank (44), Animal Companion 3rd level (60), Lay on Hands 3rd level (60), Evasion (540), Nature Sense (270) 4 [2,980 / 7,262] d8 (360), BAB +4 (645), REFL +4 (350), WILL +4 (350), Balance 7th rank (66), Handle Animal 7th rank (66), Knowledge: Nature 7th rank (66), Survival 7th rank (66), Use Rope 7th rank (66), Animal Companion 4th level (90), Lay on Hands 4th level (90), Cover Fire 4th level (225), Woodland Stride (540) 5 [4,214 / 11,476] d8 (480), BAB +5 (860), DEX +1 (360), Balance 8th rank (88), Climb 4th rank (11), Handle Animal 8th rank (88), Heal 4th rank (11), Knowledge: Nature 8th


CoMplete Control
rank (88), Jump 4th rank (11), Survival 8th rank (88), Swim 4th rank (11), Use Rope 8th rank (88), 3rd Feat (680), Favored Enemy increase to 2 (180), Trackless Step (810), Animal Companion 5th level (120), Lay on Hands 5th level (120), Cover Fire 5th Level (120) 6 [4,715 / 16,191] d8 (600), BAB +6 (1,075), FORT +2 (60), REFL +5 (630), WILL +5 (630), CON +1 (360), WIS +1 (360), Balance 9th rank (110), Handle Animal 9th rank (110), Knowledge: Nature 9th rank (110), Survival 9th rank (110), Use Rope 9th rank (110), Animal Companion 6th level (150), Lay on Hands 6th level (150), Cover Fire 6th Level (150) 7 [5,578 / 21,769] d8 (720), BAB +7 (1,290), Balance 10th rank (132), Climb 5th rank (22), Handle Animal 10th rank (132), Heal 5th rank (22), Knowledge: Nature 10th rank (132), Jump 5th rank (22), Survival 10th rank (132), Swim 5th rank (22), Use Rope 10th rank (132), 4th Feat (1,200), Resist Natures Lure (1,080), Animal Companion 7th level (180), Lay on Hands 7th level (180), Cover Fire 7th Level (180) 8 [7,725 / 29,494] d8 (840), BAB +8 (1,505), REFL +6 (910), WILL +6 (910), Balance 11th rank (154), Handle Animal 11th rank (154), Knowledge: Nature 11th rank (154), Survival 11th rank (154), Use Rope 11th rank (154), Hide in Plain Sight (2,160), Animal Companion 8th level (210), Lay on Hands 8th level (210), Cover Fire 8th Level (210) 9 [7,416 / 36,910] d8 (960), BAB +9 (1,720), FORT +3 (70), CHA +1 (360), Balance 12th rank (176), Climb 6th rank (44), Handle Animal 12th rank (176), Heal 6th rank (44), Knowledge: Nature 12th rank (176), Jump 6th rank (44), Survival 12th rank (176), Swim 6th rank (44), Use Rope 12th rank (176), 5th Feat (1,720), Purity of Body (810), Animal Companion 9th level (240), Lay on Hands 9th level (240), Cover Fire 9th Level (240) 10 [8,785 / 45,695] d8 (1,080), BAB +10 (1,935), REFL +7 (1,190), WILL +7 (1,190), DEX +2 (1,320), Balance 13th rank (198), Handle Animal 13th rank (198), Knowledge: Nature 13th rank (198), Survival 13th rank (198), Use Rope 13th rank (198), Favored Enemy increase to 3 (270), Animal Companion 10th level (270), Lay on Hands 10th level (270), Cover Fire 10th Level (270) 11 [9,374 / 55,069] d8 (1,200), BAB +11 (2,150), Balance 14th rank (220), Climb 7th rank (66), Handle Animal 14th rank (220), Heal 7th rank (66), Knowledge: Nature 14th rank (220), Jump 7th rank (66), Survival 14th rank (220), Swim 7th rank (66), Use Rope 14th rank (220), 6th Feat (2,240), Swift Tracker (1,520), Animal Companion 11th level (300), Lay on Hands 11th level (300), Cover Fire 11th Level (300) 12 [11,335 / 66,404] d8 (1,320), BAB +12 (2,365), FORT +4 (350), REFL +8 (1,470), WILL +8 (1,470), Balance 15th rank (242), Handle Animal 15th rank (242), Knowledge: Nature 15th rank (242), Survival 15th rank (242), Use Rope 15th rank (242), Improved Evasion (2,160), Animal Companion 12th level (330), Lay on Hands 12th level (330), Cover Fire 12th Level (330) 13 [12,472 / 78,876] d8 (1,440), BAB +13 (2,580), CON +2 (1,320), Balance 16th rank (264), Climb 8th rank (88), Handle Animal 16th rank (264), Heal 8th rank (88), Knowledge: Nature 16th rank (264), Jump 8th rank (88), Survival 16th rank (264), Swim 8th rank (88), Use Rope 16th rank (264), 7th Feat (2,760), Remove Disease 1/day (1,080+540), Animal Companion 13th level (360), Lay on Hands 13th level (360), Cover Fire 13th Level (360) 14 [12,855 / 91,731] d8 (1,560), BAB +14 (2,795), REFL +9 (1,750), WILL +9 (1,750), CHA +2 (1,320), Balance 17th rank (286), Handle Animal 17th rank (286), Knowledge: Nature 17th rank (286), Survival 17th rank (286), Use Rope 17th rank (286), Remove Disease 2/day (1,080), Animal Companion 14th level (390), Lay on Hands 14th level (390), Cover Fire 14th Level (390) 15 [14,480 / 106,211] d8 (1,680), BAB


Mentalis Design
+15 (3,010), FORT +5 (630), DEX +3 (2,280), Balance 18th rank (308), Climb 9th rank (110), Handle Animal 18th rank (308), Heal 9th rank (110), Knowledge: Nature 18th rank (308), Jump 9th rank (110), Survival 18th rank (308), Swim 9th rank (110), Use Rope 18th rank (308), 8th Feat (3,280), Favored Enemy increase to 4 (360), Animal Companion 15th level (420), Lay on Hands 15th level (420), Cover Fire 15th Level (420) 16 [13,705 / 119,916] d8 (1,800), BAB +16 (3,225), REFL +10 (2,030), WILL +10 (2,030), Balance 19th rank (330), Handle Animal 19th rank (330), Knowledge: Nature 19th rank (330), Survival 19th rank (330), Use Rope 19th rank (330), Remove Disease 3/day (1,620), Animal Companion 16th level (450), Lay on Hands 16th level (450), Cover Fire 16th Level (450) 17 [17,328 / 137,244] d8 (1,920), BAB +17 (3,440), CHA +3 (2,280), Balance 20th rank (352), Climb 10th rank (132), Handle Animal 20th rank (352), Heal 10th rank (132), Knowledge: Nature 20th rank (352), Jump 10th rank (132), Survival 20th rank (352), Swim 10th rank (132), Use Rope 20th rank (352), 9th Feat (3,800), Remove Disease 4/day (2,160), Animal Companion 17th level (480), Lay on Hands 17th level (480), Cover Fire 17th Level (480) 18 [14,625 / 151,869] d8 (2,040), BAB +18 (3,655), FORT +6 (910), REFL +11 (2,310), WILL +11 (2,310), Balance 21st rank (374), Handle Animal 21st rank (374), Knowledge: Nature 21st rank (374), Survival 21st rank (374), Use Rope 21st rank (374), Animal Companion 18th level (510), Lay on Hands 18th level (510), Cover Fire 18th Level (510) 19 [20,236 / 172,105] d8 (2,160), BAB +19 (3,870), CHA +4 (3,240), Balance 22nd rank (396), Climb 11th rank (154), Handle Animal 22nd rank (396), Heal 11th rank (154), Knowledge: Nature 22nd rank (396), Jump 11th rank (154), Survival 22nd rank (396), Swim 11th rank (154), Use Rope 22nd rank (396), 10th Feat (4,320), Venom Immunity (2,430), Animal Companion 19th level (540), Lay on Hands 19th level (540), Cover Fire 19th Level (540) 20 [18,495 / 190,600] d8 (2,280), BAB +20 (4,085), REFL +12 (2,590), WILL +12 (2,590), Balance 23rd rank (418), Handle Animal 23rd rank (418), Knowledge: Nature 23rd rank (418), Survival 23rd rank (418), Use Rope 23rd rank (418), Favored Enemy increase to 5 (450), Remove Disease 5/day (2,700), Animal Companion 20th level (570), Lay on Hands 20th level (570), Cover Fire 20th Level (570)


Below are the tables presented in the work for quick reference during character creation. Additionally, the skill table, level-variable ability table, and use/progression-variable table have been expanded for ease of use.
Hit Dice
DIE # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 d4 30 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1,020 1,080 1,140 d6 45 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1,080 1,170 1,260 1,350 1,440 1,530 1,620 1,710 d8 60 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1,080 1,200 1,320 1,440 1,560 1,680 1,800 1,920 2,040 2,160 2,280 d10 75 150 300 450 600 750 900 1,050 1,200 1,350 1,500 1,650 1,800 1,950 2,100 2,250 2,400 2,550 2,700 2,850 d10 90 180 360 540 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 3,420

Quick Reference Pages

CoMplete Control
BAB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 XP 110 215 430 645 860 1,075 1,290 1,505 1,720 1,935 2,150 2,365 2,580 2,795 3,010 3,225 3,440 3,655 3,870 4,085

Saving Throws
Save 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 XP 45 60 70 350 630 910 1,190 1,470 1,750 2,030 2,310 2,590 2,870 3,150 3,430 3,710 3,990 4,270 4,550 4,830

Feat # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 XP Cost 100 160 680 1,200 1,720 2,240 2,760 3,280 3,800 4,320 4,840 5,360 5,880 6,400 6,920 7,440 7,960 8,480 9,000 9,520

Standard Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Proficiency with any single simple weapon Proficiency with all simple weapons Proficiency with any single martial weapon Proficiency with all martial weapons Proficiency with first exotic weapon Proficiency with second exotic weapon Proficiency with third exotic weapon Proficiency with any one light armor Proficiency with all light armors Proficiency with any one medium armor Proficiency with all medium armors Proficiency with aany one heavy armor Proficiency with all heavy armors Proficiency with light shields Proficiency with heavy shields Proficiency with tower shields XP 5 XP 25 XP 10 XP 50 XP 75 XP 150 XP 275 XP 5 XP 25 XP 10 XP 50 XP 15 XP 75 XP 10 XP 15 XP 25 XP

Constant Abilities
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 XP Cost 270 540 810 1,080 1,350 1,620 1,890 2,160 2,430 2,700 2,970 3,240 3,510 3,780 4,050 4,320 4,590 4,860 5,130 5,400

Weapon Group Proficiencies

Proficiency Group with only simple or martial weapons First group with at least one exotic weapon Second group with at least one exotic weapon Thrid group with at least one exotic weapon XP 25 XP 75 XP 150 XP 275 XP


Mentalis Design
SKILLS COST OF RANK BY INTELLIGENCE RATING 34 27 22 18 16 14 17 14 11 9 8 7 17 14 11 9 8 7 17 14 11 9 8 7 17 14 11 9 8 7 34 27 22 18 16 14 68 54 44 36 32 28 102 81 66 54 48 42 136 108 88 72 64 56 170 135 110 90 80 70 204 162 132 108 96 84 238 189 154 126 112 98 272 216 176 144 128 112 306 243 198 162 144 126 340 270 220 180 160 140 374 297 242 198 176 154 408 324 264 216 192 168 442 351 286 234 208 182 476 378 308 252 224 196 510 405 330 270 240 210 544 432 352 288 256 224 578 459 374 306 272 238 612 486 396 324 288 252 646 513 418 342 304 266 6,528 5,186 4,224 3,456 3,072 2,688

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

80 40 40 40 40 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720 800 880 960 1,040 1,120 1,200 1,280 1,360 1,440 1,520 15,360

48 24 24 24 24 48 96 144 192 240 288 336 384 432 480 528 576 624 672 720 768 816 864 912 9,216

13 7 7 7 7 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 2,498

12 6 6 6 6 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 2,304

Total for Maximum Ranks


Attribute Increases
Increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP Cost 360 1,320 2,280 3,240 4,200 5,160 6,120 7,080 8,040 9,000

Power and Spell Levels

Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XP Cost 10 50 240 720 1,200 1,680 2,160 2,640 3,120 3,600 50% 5 25 120 360 600 840 1,080 1,320 1,560 1,800 Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell Slots
XP Cost 170 340 680 1,020 1,360 1,700 2,040 2,380 2,720 3,060 50% 85 170 340 510 680 850 1,020 1,190 1,360 1,530

# Known 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 XP Cost 200 300 400 500 2,500 4,500 6,500 8,500 10,500 12,500 14,500 16,500


CoMplete Control
Level-Variable Abilities COST TO ATTAIN EACH ABILITY LEVEL 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 885 240 270 300 330 360 390 1,125 270 300 330 360 390 1,395 300 330 360 390 1,695 330 360 390 2,025 360 390 2,385 390 2,775

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 45

2 30 75

3 60 60 135


4 90 90 90 225

5 120 120 120 120 345

6 150 150 150 150 150 495

7 180 180 180 180 180 180 675

15 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 3,195

16 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 3,645

17 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 4,125

18 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 4,635

19 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 5,175

20 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 5,745

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 270 540 810 1,080 1,350 1,620 1,890 2,160 2,430 2,700 2,970 3,240 3,510 3,780 4,050 4,320 4,590 4,860 5,130 5,400

2 180 360 540 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 2,520 2,700 2,880 3,060 3,240 3,420 3,600

3 270 540 810 1,080 1,350 1,620 1,890 2,160 2,430 2,700 2,970 3,240 3,510 3,780 4,050 4,320 4,590 4,860 5,130 5,400


Progression- and Use-Variable Abilities COST FOR EACH STEP IN PROGRESSION OR USE (1st column includes cost for both both initial access and firt use/progression) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1,080 1,170 720 900 1,080 1,260 1,440 1,620 1,800 1,980 2,160 2,340 1,080 1,350 1,620 1,890 2,160 2,430 1,440 1,800 2,160 2,520 1,800 2,250 2,700 2,160 2,700 2,520 3,150 2,880 3,600 3,240 3,600 3,960 4,320

14 1,260 2,520

15 1,350

16 1,440

17 1,530


Mentalis Design
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)Contributors means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)Derivative Material means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) Distribute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)Open Game Content means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) Product Identity means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) Use, Used or Using means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) You or Your means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/ or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holders name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 20002003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker. Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroes copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroines copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing Monte Cooks Arcana Unearthed and Monte Cooks Arcana Unearthed: Way of the Staff Copyright 2003 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. High Psionics: Soulknives Copyright 2007 Jeremy Smith The Mind Unveiled: Dreamscapes Copyright 2007 Jeremy Smith, Andreas Rnnqvist. The Mind Unveiled: Halo Knight Copyright 2008 Andreas Rnnqvist, Jeremy Smith. The Mind Unveiled: Mind Blade Feats Copyright 2007 Jeremy Smith, Andreas Rnnqvist. The Mind Unveiled: Morphean Copyright 2007 Jeremy Smith, Andreas Rnnqvist. Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics Copyright 2004 Bruce R Cordell. All rights reserved. If Thoughts Could Kill Copyright 20012004 Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved. Mindscapes Copyright 20032004 Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved. The Mind Divine Copyright 2007 Jeremy Smith Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004 Wizards of the Coast. Mutants & Masterminds Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing. Swords of Our Fathers Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics. Untapped Classes: Worldthought Medic Copyright 2008 Jeremy Smith. Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics Copyright 2006 Brian Dupuis, Greg Jacob, Jeremy Smith, Michel Fiallo-Perez, Will Elyea Tome of Channeling Copyright 2007, Robert van der Meer


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