Critical Analysis

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Theme: Words can emotionally change the thinking pattern of the people.

The document Customer mean Customer is the critical analysis of a well-liked concept of internal customer. This document criticizes this concept at every level. Everything that is considered to be positive aspect of internal customer concept, been criticized by the author. Author starts document with an incident where two employees working in same rank encounters in a situation where one (the president of manufacturing unit) abashes other (the president of supplier unit), just for the reason that manufacturing president granted few changes (that he thought to be necessary for improvement) in the product. Though this case also can be seen as lack of communication between two heads but author portrays it as the shortfall of the concept. Author thinks that improvement of quality is necessary and can be accomplished in two ways: continues improvement (improving the same procedures) and breakthrough (developing and looking for new procedures). Author thinks that with this internal customer concept, company just can go for continues improvement and cannot opt for breakthroughs. Author describes five drawbacks of internal customer. 1) While this concept compels internal supplier to serve the internal customer thus can bring so many challenges to the internal bodies to management to manage the things and can bring up some harsh behaviors among same level colleagues. 2) Internal customer model can come up as unhealthy dominance in the relationships within an organization. 3) This internal customer model keeps a big part of middle management away from the customer and thus the company may not able to get the ultimate goal (to satisfy the customer) 4) According to him, it just becomes paper concept, and in reality, people dont tend to act like customer-supplier. 5) Customers are not always treated to be the kings or the last word In the end, he provides an alternative solution for the organization. He says rather calling it a customersupplier relationship; one should better call and consider it as client-provider relationship. He replies to the question that what can be happen just to change the words by arguing that words make so much difference. Words can emotionally change the thinking pattern of the people.

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