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RURAL AND URBAN POPULATION FROM 1940-1970 (IN THOUSANDS) Rural Urban 1940 57,246 74,425 1950 54,230

96,468 1960 54,054 125,269 1970 53,887 149,325 1. The chart above would be LEAST likely to imply that between 1940 and 1970, a. the percentage of people living in the city increased b. the actual numbers of people in rural areas decreased c. more people lived in rural areas in 1940 than in 1970 d. urban populations have increased only because of a mass migration from rural areas e. more people lived in the United States in 1950 than in 1940 The political significance of the Tet Offensive by the Viet Cong in 1968 was that a. despite political pronouncements to the contrary, no clear end to the Vietnam conflict was in sight and the American public turned against the war b. the U.S. demonstrated vast military superiority c. it was the first major victory for the Viet Cong d. it highlighted the cruelties practiced by the Viet Cong and brought on a groundswell of American support for the war e. it caused the Chinese to join the war in support of the Viet Cong


d. Medicare e. Economic Opportunity Act Which of the following BEST reflected President Nixon's policy of "Vietnamization"? a. massive bombing of North Vietnam by American air power b. full-scale invasion of Cambodia to end the Communist threat c. gradual withdrawal of American armed forces from Vietnam d. turning the war in South Vietnam over to United Nations forces e. stopping all American military and economic aid to South Vietnam All the following were part of Reaganomics EXCEPT a. increase of benefits to Medicare and Social Security to seniors b. a dramatic reduction in personal income taxes c. deregulation of business and industry d. tough stand against federal labor unions, such as AFLCIO e. the theory of supply-side economics In an effort to counter OPEC, the United States took the lead in forming a. a boycott of Arab Oil b. an international oil stockpile for non-OPEC nations c. the World Bank to lend money to nations purchasing oil d. the North American Oil Consortium (NOAC) e. the International Energy Agency The Watergate scandal grew out of the efforts of Nixon's confidants to a. control all new appointments for the Supreme Court. b. tighten the security against leaks to reporters on the Washington Post c. arrest the growing influence and power of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. d. assure the re-election of Nixon in 1972. e. control inflation in the United States during the early 1970s.




3. The book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson was significant

because it a. help educated the public on the dangers of DDT, a harmful pesticide b. was the first critically acclaimed novel by- an American women c. created a foundation for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment d. helped educate the public on the difficulties of deaf people in modem society e. opened new avenues for government activism 4. The scandal that led to Richard M. Nixon's resignation concerned a. the continuation of hostilities against Vietnam b. the involvement of the President in the cover-up of a criminal act c. his involvement in extramarital affairs d. illegal activities by a number of aides who attempted financial gain by taking kickbacks from engineering firms e. his opposition to policies proposed by the predominantly Democratic Congress All of the following were social programs established in the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson EXCEPT a. Anti-Poverty Act b. Civil Rights Act c. Social Security Act 9.

10. All of the following occurred during the presidency of Richard Nixon EXCEPT a. the Watergate break-in and consequent Congressional hearings. b. the resignation of the vice-president. c. diplomatic overtures to the People's Republic of China, including a presidential visit. d. an attempt to end the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Near East through "Shuttle Diplomacy." e. the fall of Saigon to the North Vietnamese. 11. Which of the following is generally regarded as the major accomplishment of the Nixon administration a. economic reforms. b. new social programs. c. environment regulations. d. Supreme Court appointments.



dtente with the Soviet Union and China.

12. Which of the following best describes the Nixon administration's response to the election of Salvador Allende as president Chile in 1970? a. the administration grudgingly recognized Allende's election once it was evident that the election was valid. b. the administration acted through the CIA to disrupt the Chilean economy and encourage Allende's overthrow. c. the administration extended supported to Allende in order to woo him away from Soviet influence. d. the administration pressured other Latin American nations to join in a total boycott of Chilean goods. e. the administration openly endorsed the destruction of three Chilean villages and the killing of over 100 "suspected" socialists 13. The Watergate scandal led to Richard Nixon's downfall primarily because a. of his role in planning and coordinating the Watergate break-in and other illegal campaign activity. b. the press, the Democrats, and some liberal Republicans united to rid themselves of Nixon and his conservative philosophy c. he was already so unpopular because of his Vietnam War policies that virtually anything he did wrong would have been used as an excuse to remove him from office d. of his role in directing the cover-up of the Watergate Affair. e. of his involvement with organized crime in carrying out political "dirty tricks" against his Democratic opponent, George McGovern.

16. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that
we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty. This statement by John F. Kennedy best supports a foreign policy of a. Colonialism b. Neutrality c. non-involvement d. containment e. non-alignment. 17. All of the following events took place during the Kennedy administration EXCEPT a. the Bay of Pigs invasion. b. the building of the Berlin Wall. c. a limited test ban treaty signed by the US, the USSR, and Great Britain. d. the Cuban Missile Crisis. e. the U-2 Incident. 18. The Alliance for Progress, proposed by President Kennedy in 1961, can be most accurately called an added dimension of a. the Truman Doctrine. b. the League of Nations. c. the Point Four Program. d. the Lend-Lease Act. e. the Good Neighbor policy. 19. President Kennedy's main goal in the United States' 1962 decision to blockade Cuba was to a. use the CIA to overthrow the Castro government forcibly b. encourage Castro to reopen diplomatic relations with the United States c. encourage the Soviet Union to stop sending soldiers and aid to Castro d. force the Soviet Union to remove its missiles from Cuba e. force the resignation of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev 20. Which of the following statements about Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech in Washington in 1963 is correct? a. it spurred the United States Congress to swiftly approve President Kennedy's civil rights bill b. it was a failure because the turnout at the rally was poor and it came at the end of a long and hot day of lengthy speeches c. it was dramatically interrupted when a white racist shot King as he spoke on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. d. it turned a political rally into a historic event and recalled the nation to the ideals of justice and equality. e. he was assassinated and it spurred major civil unrest

14. The Pentagon Papers, published in 1971

a. b. revealed President Nixon's role in the Watergate scandal. exposed the deception that had led the United States into the Vietnam War. was the first the American public knew of the Nixon Doctrine exposed President Nixon's secret bombing war of Cambodia. help to defend, by military means if necessary, the territorial integrity of any nation threatened by communism.

c. d.

15. The decision of the Supreme Court in the New York Times
Company v. United States (1971), the Pentagon Papers case, is important because a. it involved important officials in the U. S. government b. the Court ruled that the First Amendment prevented prior restraint of publication, even against a charge that such publication would jeopardize national security. c. it was widely reported in newspapers throughout the country. d. the government's attorneys lost the case in a 6 to 3 decision. e. it sustained many of the reforms of the 1960s and advanced government's role in some other areas.

d. e. 21. "Reaganomics" was based upon which of the following theories a. cutting taxes would stimulate investment which would in turn increase employment and tax revenue. b. government must "prime" the economic pump by large expenditures in order to produce prosperity c. the United States was an under taxed country where taxes must be increased substantially and the money spent on public needs d. the government must institute wage and price controls in order to control inflation e. the government must turn to tight controls on the money supply in order to cut inflation. 22. The "supply-side" economic theory that President Reagan sought to implement early in his administration called for a. increasing government spending to stimulate consumption. b. cutting taxes to encourage new investment. c. maintaining high interest rates to control inflation. d. a defensive missile system in space to shield the U. S. from any foreign missile attack e. the expansion of the welfare state. 23. The Reagan doctrine of American activism in the Third World was most particularly exercised in a. Grenada and Nicaragua. b. Iran and Saudi Arabia c. El Salvador and Chile. d. the Philippines and South Africa e. Venezuela and the Dominican Republic. 24. The conservative movement by 1980 was supported by all of the following EXCEPT a. Moral Majority b. Advocates of gun control c. Opponents of affirmative action d. Critics of secular humanism e. Citizens against increased taxes 25. All of the following were part of Reaganomics EXCEPT a. Cuts of benefits from Medicare and Social Security to seniors b. A dramatic reduction in personal income taxes c. Deregulation of business and industry d. Tough stand against federal labor unions, such as PATCO e. The theory of supply-side economics 26. Ronald Reagans greatest strength or achievement as president was a. The reduction of federal deficits b. His hands-on administration of the federal government c. Initiating the improvement of relations with the Soviet Union

His ability to communicate traditional values and restore confidence Increasing the standard of living of middle-class Americans

27. All of the following were true of the Iran-contra affair EXCEPT a. Reagan advisers tried to exchange American hostages for a weapons deal b. Antitank and antiaircraft missiles were sold to Iran c. Funds were used to support rebels against Saddam Hussein d. The arms deal violated the law and congressional restrictions e. Democrats hoped that the scandal would help the in the 1988 election.. 28. President Bush received his greatest public approval for a. The appointment of the first African American to the Supreme Court b. His conduct of foreign affairs in the Middle East c. His landmark legislation to improve American education d. Holding the line against tax increases e. The invasion of Grenada 29. The election of Bill Clinton in 1992 was most closely associated wit the slogan or phrase a. The economy, stupid b. Government is not the solution, it is the problem. c. Teflon president d. Read my lips no new taxes e. baby-boomers and yuppies 30. The first woman to receive the vice-presidential nomination of a major political party was a. Elizabeth Dole b. Sandra Day OConnor c. Jeanne Kilpatrick d. Diane Feinstein e. Geraldine Ferraro Question 31 refers to the following headlines President Reagan Send Troops into Grenada President Bush Authorizes the Use of Force in the Middle East President Clinton Dispatches Troops to Haiti and Bosnia 31. Each headline illustrates an action of a President fulfilling his role as a. the main spokesman for the United States b. Commander in Chief c. Exerciser of the checks and balances of the Constitution d. Chief legislator of domestic party e. the chief negotiator of treaties 32. The most convincing evidence of a conservative trend in the U.S. politics in the late 20th century was a. The defeat of George Bush in the election of 1992 b. The Iran-contra affair

c. d. e.

Controversy over the nomination of Clarence Thomas toe the Supreme Court Outbreak of the Persian Gulf War The congressional election of 1994 39. The U.S. policy of dtente with the Soviet Union ended because of a. The development of the MX missile b. The U.S. recognition of the Peoples Republic of China c. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan d. The failure pf Congress to ratify SALT II e. Boycott of the Olympics in Moscow 40. The issue that caused the greatest division in American society during the 1960s and 1970s was the a. Environmental movement b. Sexual revolution c. Womens movement d. New Left e. Vietnam War 41. The Black Power movement and the Black Muslims of the 1960s and 1970s found inspiration for the ideas of self-help, racial pride, and separatism in the words of a. Malcolm X b. Martin Luther King, Jr. c. Booker T. Washington d. W.E.B. Du Bois e. A. Philip Randolph 42. APPROXIMATE DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL PERSONAL MONETARY INCOME AMONG VARIOUS SEGMENTS OF THE POPULATION, 1947-1970 (in percentages) Year 1947 1950 1960 1970 Poorest Fifth 3.5 3.1 3.6 3.6 Second Poorest Fifth 10.6 10.5 10.3 10.3 Middle Fifth 16.7 17.3 17.2 17.2 Second Wealth 23.6 24.1 24.7 24.7 Wealthiest Fifth 45.6 45.0 44.1 44.1

33. The end of the Cold War resulted in all of the following EXCEPT: a. Improved U.S. relations with Russia b. improved U.S. relations with North Korea c. Major agreements on disarmament d. A civil war in Bosnia e. A reunified Germany

34. The Paris Peace Accords of 1973 included all of the

following EXCEPT a. The U.S. would withdraw the rest of its troops from South Vietnam b. The U.S. would end all economic and military aid to South Vietnam c. The U.S. would get back all prisoners in enemy hands d. North Vietnam could keep some of its troops in South Vietnam e. A promise of a cease-fire and free elections 35. Under the program of New Federalism. President Nixon sought to a. Shift the responsibility for social programs from the federal to state and local governments b. End the Great Society assistance programs for the working poor c. Attack inflation with a series of voluntary guidelines for business and labor d. Slow down desegregation by turning over busing decisions to the state courts e. Bring social programs all together under more efficient federal bureaucracy 36. President Gerald Ford lost the most support from the American public for a. Allowing the fall of South Vietnam to the Communists b. His ineffective WIN campaign against inflation c. Becoming the first unelected president of the U.S. d. The loss of American lives in the Mayaquez affair e. His pardon of Richard Nixon 37. The main guiding principle of President Carters foreign policy was a. Dtente b. Human rights c. Support of Israel d. Lower gas prices e. Containment of communism 38. The U.S. economy in the late 1970s was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT a. Low interest rates b. Oil shortages and increased prices c. Massive layoffs of workers d. Runaway inflations rates e. Recession

The data in the table support which of the following conclusions? a. Many families came to depend on two incomes by 1970 b. The living standards of most Americans rose between 1947 and 1970 c. There was little redistribution of income among Americans between 1947 and 1970 d. New Deal and Fair Deal reforms shifted the distribution of income in favor of low income Americans e. The nations gross national product was much higher in 1970 than in 1947.

43. The problem with hatred and violence is that they intensify the fears of the White majority, and leave them less ashamed of their prejudices toward Negroes. In the guilt and confusion confronting our society, violence only adds to chaos. It deepens the brutality of the oppressor. Violence is the antithesis of creativity and wholeness. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. During the 1960s all of the following Black leaders would probably have supported this view EXCEPT a. Stokely Carmichael b. Martin Luther King Jr. c. James Farmer d. Roy Wilkens e. Whitney M. Young Jr. 44. The chief purpose of President Lyndons Great Society programs was to a. increase foreign aid b. correct environmental pollution c. help disadvantage in the United States d. unite democratic nations and contain communism e. stop the build up of weapons of mass destruction

48. The Great Society legislation enacted under President Lyndon Johnson is an example of a. the increased power of the states to deal with economic problems b. a reliance on laissez-faire capitalism to combat continuing inflation c. direct Federal involvement in the United States economy to address the problems of poverty d. decreased support for the concerns of minority groups e. cities exercising their constitutional right of local control 49. Several United States Presidents committed military troops to serve in Vietnam in and effort to a. react to violations of United States neutrality b. support the policy of containment c. oppose the Chinese occupation of Indochina d. protect United States economic interests in East Asia e. establish a covert fighting force in Indo-China 50. The Limited Test Ban Treaty a. was rejected by President Kennedy b. outlawed nuclear testing in the atmosphere and outer space c. provided for on-site inspection of Soviet missile sites d. was co-signed by China and France e. enabled the mass development of nuclear weapons 51. The Congress approves and supports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression. --Tonkin Gulf Resolution August 7, 1964 The passage of this resolution led to a. the building of the Berlin Wall b. settlement of the Cuban missile crisis c. increased United States involvement in the Vietnam War d. the seizure of American hostages by Iran e. established an American presence in Laos and Cambodia 52. President John F. Kennedys New Frontier program was most successful in a. establishing social welfare programs to end poverty b. passing civil rights legislation assuring fair housing and equal employment opportunities c. removing restrictions on the number of immigrants entering the United States d. promoting peace within the North American Continent e. expanding the United States space program 53. The main reason the Voting Rights Acts of 1965 removed the literacy test as a voting qualification was that

45. The decisions of the United States Supreme Court in

Miranda v Arizona, Gideon v. Wainwright and Escobedo v. Illinois all advanced the a. voting rights of minorities b. guarantees of free speech and press c. principle of separation of church and state d. idea of a unifying religion e. rights of accused persons 46. President John Kennedys most significant foreign policy failure involved the a. invasion at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba b. development of the Peace Corps c. signing a nuclear test-ban treaty d. sending of troops to Berlin e. bombing of North Vietnam 47. the Great Society is not a safe harbor, a resting place, a final objective, a finished work. It is a challenge constantly renewed, beckoning us towards a destiny where the meaning of our lives matches the marvelous products of our labor --President Lyndon Johnson This statement supports President Johnsons belief that the Federal Government has a responsibility to a. b. c. d. e. protect general security guarantee the right of workers assume the responsibilities of state governments develop multifaceted defense programs improve general welfare

different standards of literacy had been applied to different groups of voters b. a majority of voters were unable to read election ballots c. technology had made voter literacy unnecessary d. the cost of achieving literacy was to high e. 100% of American were now literate It isnt nice to block the doorway, It isnt nice to go to jail, There are nicer ways to do it, But the nice ways always fail, It isnt nice, it isnt nice, You told us once, you told us twice, But if that is freedoms price, we dont mind. Malvina Reynolds, It Isnt Nice 54. This song from the 1960s is most likely referring to the movement to a. liberalize immigration laws b. expand civil rights c. allow women to serve in combat roles in the military d. grant voting rights to 18-year-old citizens e. protest the Vietnam War 55. Protests against United States involvement in Vietnam grew in the late 1960s and early 1970s mainly because many Americans a. believed that the war was unjust b. objected to the drafting of college students c. feared nuclear war with the Soviet Union d. opposed participation in conflicts involving the United Nations e. wanted a direct attack on the Soviet Union 56. Cesar Chavez became a national hero for his efforts to a. establish the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund b. increase federal funding for public schools in barrios c. improve working conditions for migratory farm workers d. fund community action groups in East Los Angeles e. eradicate the quotas on immigration from Latin America 57. Racial discrimination by employers and formal racial segregation of all sorts were outlawed by the a. Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka b. 23rd Amendment c. Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. McCarran Internal Security Act e. Voting Rights Act of 1965 58. The organization working for equal employment opportunities for women which Betty Friedan helped found in 1966 was the a. National Organization for Women b. Womens Equity Action League c. Womens Liberation Association d. Womens Party e. American Womens Liberation Front


59. Group who rule by birthright are fast disappearing, yet there remain one ancient and universal scheme for the domination of one birth group by another-the scheme that prevails in the area of sexSexual dominion obtainsas perhaps the most pervasive ideology of out culture and provides its most fundamental concept of power. This author was an advocate of a. Black Power b. Womens Liberation c. Student Power d. Civil Rights e. Environmental 60. Kennedys belief that relieving poverty rather than military intervention was the most effective way to discourage Communist revolution is BEST illustrated by which if the following activities? a. Creating the Peace Corps b. Supporting the Bay of Pigs invasion c. Sending advisor to South Vietnam d. Encouraging a coalition government in Laos e. His inaugural address in 1961 61. In United States, television was instrumental in a. Promoting and understanding between American and Vietnamese. b. Bringing the brutality of the Vietnam war into peoples living rooms. c. Revealing the contents of classified military documents. d. Developing enthusiasm for the Vietnam War effort. e. Establishing most fads of the 1960s 62. By the 1970s, the MOST important barrier(s) to full female equality was/were a. Legal restrictions b. Customs and traditions c. Affirmative action programs d. President Carters oppositions to the ERA e. Money and lack of women support Questions 63 and 64 refer to the following excerpt from Dennis Banks speech at the American Indian Movement (AIM) second anniversary The government and churches have demoralized, dehumanized, massacred, robbed, raped, promised, made treaty after treaty, and lied to us.We must now destroy this political machine that man has built to prevent us from self-determination. --Dennis Banks 63. Which of the following was one of AIMs goals as expressed by Dennis Banks? a. to join the government b. to make no changes to Native American lifestyles

c. d. e.

to make radical changes in order to gain selfdetermination to enter into a new treaty with the government to establish strict economic restraints on Native Americans Use the graph to answer question 68

64. How did Dennis Banks suggest that AIM achieve its goals? a. through peaceful demonstration b. by destroying the political machine built by the government and churches c. by joining churches d. by ignoring the problem e. through a strong letter writing campaign Use the chart to answer question 65 Year U.S. Deficit (millions of dollars) 1980 $ 73,835 1982 127,989 1984 185,388 1986 221,245 SOURCE: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1995 65. The growing deficit during the 1980s was a result of the a. anti-inflationary policies of President Jimmy Carter b. supply-side economic policies of President Ronald Reagan c. overseas military activities of President George H. W. Bush d. limited popularity of President Bill Clinton e. oil embargo from OPEC 66. Which of the following was a major goal of President Bill Clinton when he was elected in 1992? a. To solve the healthcare problems in the United States b. To limit the spending excesses of Congress c. To limit the power of the Republican majority in Congress d. To end United States military involvement overseas e. To establish American as a leading exporter of auto 67. The baby-boom generation will create a major problem in the future by a. placing an enormous strain on the Social Security system. b. producing an even larger generation of children than itself. c. creating a housing surplus. d. causing immigration restrictions to be imposed upon many deserving people. e. Establishing a precedent of multiple births for future generations

68. Which of the following caused the trend shown in the line graph? a. Policies of the New Frontier b. Demands of the Civil Rights movement c. The war in Vietnam d. The publication of Unsafe at Any Speed e. Programs of the Great Society

69. Which of the following is a correct statement about the

Supreme Court decision in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke? a. It extended the scope of the Brown v. Board of Education decision b. It required busing to achieve integration in public schools c. It limited the power of the President to spend money on education d. It allowed for a flexible voting schedule for mid-term elections


It was the first limit on affirmative action programs

70. Which of the following organizations was part of the New Left that worked with African American leaders to fight for civil rights and protested against the Vietnam War? a. Communist Party b. Students for a Democratic Society c. League for Industrial Democracy d. Socialist Party e. American Indian Movement 71. Which of the following had the greatest impact on transportation in the 1850s? a. canal building b. improvements in the steamboat c. the expansion of railroads d. the development of clipper ships e. changes in design of the overland wagon 72. Dorothea Dix is most closely associated with which area of social reform in the first half of the nineteenth century? a. Temperance movement b. Womens rights c. Settlement house movement d. Abolitionist cause e. Prisons and asylums 73. The "Lowell System" refers to which of the following a. employment of young women who were then housed in dormitories b. chattel slavery. c. worker's cooperatives d. an early American labor union. e. a business organization with limited liability for its owners 74. Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is correct? a. It recognized the power of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, but refused on technical grounds to free Scott. b. It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States. c. It upheld the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise. d. It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty. e. It freed Scott, but not other slaves in circumstances similar to Scott's. 75. The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following? a. Admitted Texas to the Union as a slave state b. Admitted California to the Union under the principles of popular sovereignty c. Prohibited slavery in the District of Colombia d. Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law e. Adjusted the Texas-Mexico boundary

76. The ideas of Social Darwinism allowed men of wealth, like Carnegie and Rockefeller, to a. justify the economic inequality that favored them over the nation's poor. b. argue for more government intervention in dealing with social problems. c. create more humanitarian programs for their factory laborers. d. become more humanitarian in their declining years. e. occasionally turbulent, but most grievances were dealt with effectively through collective bargaining. 77. In his interpretations of the Constitution, Chief Justice John Marshall consistently stressed the importance of a. Individual rights b. Balancing state and federal power c. Establishing judicial review d. Strict construction e. A strong central government 78. Reconstruction after the Civil War ended with the a. Presidential election of 1876 b. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson c. Passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th constitutional amendments d. Rise of the Ku Klux Klan e. Passage of the civil rights act of 1866 79. Preachers of the Great Awakening focused on the importance of all of the following except a. The consequences of leading a sinful life b. The sovereignty and power of God c. Repenting of ones sins in order to be saved from eternal damnation d. Looking to the Bible as the final source of authority e. Economic independence 80. The chief purpose of mercantilist policies was to a. Help colonies to be self-sufficient b. Strengthen the economy and power of the parent country c. Defend the colonies from rival powers d. Maintain tight control over the tobacco industry e. Foster stable relations between the Crown and the colonies EXTRA CREDIT E1) What is the value of 3 ounce coin dated 24 B.C.? Nothing a coin would never have B.C. on it E2) How many grooves does a 45 rpm phonograph record have' There is only one groove on a record E3) I'm in a rock, not in a stone I'm in marrow, not in bone I'm in a bolster, not in a bed I'm not living I'm not dead. What am I? The letter R

E4) There is a thing that nothing is, and yet it has a name. It's sometimes tall and sometimes short, joins our talks and joins our sports, and plays at every game? What is it? A shadow

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