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=== Verbose logging started: 09/10/2011 01:45:16 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 4.00. 6001.00 Calling process: C:\Windows\system32\MSIEXEC.

EXE === MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:16:944]: Resetting cached policy values MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:16:944]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:16:944]: ******* RunEngine: ******* Product: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32. msi ******* Action: ******* CommandLine: ********** MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:16:975]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:16:991]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micr osoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 3: 2 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:053]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package -> 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi' against software re striction policy MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:053]: Note: 1: 2262 2: DigitalSignature 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:053]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Users\kriiz\AppD ata\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi is not digitally signed MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:053]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Users\kriiz\AppD ata\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' a uthorization level. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:147]: Cloaking enabled. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:147]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges bef ore calling Install on Server MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:178]: End dialog not enabled MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:178]: Original package ==> C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Loca l\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:178]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Users\kriiz\Ap pData\Local\Temp\183cd5.msi MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:209]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:209]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in data base. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:225]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in data base. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Transforms are not secure. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation prope rty. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\InstallLog.txt'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Command Line: SETUPEXEDIR=C:\Users\kriiz\AppData \Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP CURRENTDIRECTORY=C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.T MP CLIENTUILEVEL=0 CLIENTPROCESSID=2500 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. It s value is '{07599E3C-EDA2-40AF-9ADE-B5BE9892B1D4}'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize: '' MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Product Code from property table before transfor ms: '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}' MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Product Code from property table after transform s: '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}' MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Product not registered: beginning first-time ins

tall MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. I ts value is '-1'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSo urce. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:241]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu' MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Adding new sources is allowed. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackagecodeChanging prop erty. Its value is '1'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Package name extracted from package path: 'Setup 32.msi' MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Package to be registered: 'Setup32.msi' MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying ALLUSERS property. It s current value is '2'. Its new value: '1'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Product installation will be elevated because us er is admin and product is being installed per-machine. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: Running product '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCA DE12F9}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SETUPEXEDIR property. It s value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY propert y. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '0'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property . Its value is '2500'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: TRANSFORMS property is now: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:256]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property . Its value is '200'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Favorites MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Documents MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Local MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Pictures MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Publ ic\Desktop MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Desktop MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Templates MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Windows\Fo nts MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 20 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: MSI_LUA: Setting AdminUser property to 1 because this is the client or the user has already permitted elevation MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: MSI_LUA: Setting MsiRunningElevated property to 1 because the install is already running elevated. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRunningElevated prope rty. Its value is '1'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micr osoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its v alue is 'kriiz'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micr osoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its v alue is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\183cd5.msi'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase propert y. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourceDir property. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:272]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\'. MSI (c) (C4:FC) [01:45:17:319]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionHandler property. Its value is '4.00'. === Logging started: 09/10/2011 01:45:17 === MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:319]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:319]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:319]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:319]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its va lue is '5'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:334]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its val ue is 'INSTALL'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:334]: Doing action: INSTALL Action 01:45:17: INSTALL. Action start 01:45:17: INSTALL. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:334]: UI Sequence table 'InstallUISequence' is present and populated. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:334]: Running UISequence

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:334]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding EXECUTEACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:334]: Doing action: ISSetupFilesExtract Action 01:45:17: ISSetupFilesExtract. Action start 01:45:17: ISSetupFilesExtract. MSI (c) (C4:D0) [01:45:17:334]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\kri iz\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI3E0E.tmp, Entrypoint: SFStartupEx MSI (c) (C4:7C) [01:45:17:334]: Cloaking enabled. MSI (c) (C4:7C) [01:45:17:334]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges bef ore calling Install on Server MSI (c) (C4:7C) [01:45:17:334]: Connected to service for CA interface. 1: Starting to extract setup files 1: Getting SUPPORTDIR property : 1: Extracting SetupFiles to: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4 E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 1: Getting ISSetupFile table view 1: Executing ISSetupFile table view 1: Extracting Setup File: 1: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}\Carr ierFile.xsl 1: Extracting Setup File: 1: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}\RCCu stomSetup.ini 1: Setting SUPPORTDIR property to: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF8AC5CAE85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} MSI (c) (C4!18) [01:45:17:444]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SUPPORTDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12 F9}'. MSI (c) (C4!18) [01:45:17:444]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISSETUPFILESCOMPLETED pr operty. Its value is 'Completed'. 1: Setting ISSETUPFILESCOMPLETED property Action ended 01:45:17: ISSetupFilesExtract. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:444]: Doing action: AppSearch Action 01:45:17: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications Action start 01:45:17: AppSearch. AppSearch: Property: IEXPLORE, Signature: IEXPLORE_REG.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C 0E4C4466990 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:444]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:444]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IEXPLORE property. Its v alue is 'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE'. Action ended 01:45:17: AppSearch. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:444]: Skipping action: ScheduleReboot (condition is fa lse) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:444]: Doing action: SetupInitialization Action 01:45:17: SetupInitialization. Action start 01:45:17: SetupInitialization. Info 2898.For Tahoma8 textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 charac ter set. Info 2898.For TahomaBold10 textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 c haracter set. Action 01:45:17: SetupInitialization. Dialog created Action ended 01:45:17: SetupInitialization. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:538]: Doing action: LaunchConditions Action 01:45:17: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions Action start 01:45:17: LaunchConditions. Action ended 01:45:17: LaunchConditions. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:538]: Doing action: ISSetAllUsers Action 01:45:17: ISSetAllUsers. Action start 01:45:17: ISSetAllUsers. MSI (c) (C4:E8) [01:45:17:553]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\kri

iz\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI3EDA.tmp, Entrypoint: SetAllUsers InstallShield 01:45:17: Begin SetAllUsers() InstallShield 01:45:17: Getting records from Upgrade table InstallShield 01:45:17: UpgradeCode: {7A77CDBE-3731-41B4-8C65-DC603D92A1BB} MinVersion: MaxVersion: Language: Attributes: 1 InstallShield 01:45:17: No related products for UpgradeCode {7A77CDBE-3731-41B48C65-DC603D92A1BB} found InstallShield 01:45:17: End SetAllUsers() Action ended 01:45:17: ISSetAllUsers. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:569]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts Action 01:45:17: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications Action start 01:45:17: FindRelatedProducts. Action ended 01:45:17: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:569]: Skipping action: CCPSearch (condition is false) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:569]: Skipping action: RMCCPSearch (condition is false ) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:569]: Doing action: ValidateProductID Action 01:45:17: ValidateProductID. Action start 01:45:17: ValidateProductID. Action ended 01:45:17: ValidateProductID. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:569]: Doing action: CostInitialize Action 01:45:17: CostInitialize. Computing space requirements Action start 01:45:17: CostInitialize. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:584]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: Note: 1: 1325 2: NoDirectory MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property . Its value is '0'. Action ended 01:45:17: CostInitialize. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: Doing action: FileCost Action 01:45:17: FileCost. Computing space requirements Action start 01:45:17: FileCost. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib Action ended 01:45:17: FileCost. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:616]: Doing action: ResolveSource Action 01:45:17: ResolveSource. Action start 01:45:17: ResolveSource. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Resolving source. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Resolving source to launched-from source. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Setting launched-from source as last-used. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourcedirProduct propert y. Its value is '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: SOURCEDIR ==> C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\ WZSE0.TMP\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: SOURCEDIR product ==> {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-6 03CCADE12F9} MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Determining source type MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Source type from package 'Setup32.msi': 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Source path resolution complete. Dumping Directo ry table... MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: newfolder12 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: roamin_1_roamingclient , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortS ubPath:

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: newfolder18 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: newfolder17 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1 _ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E 1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E _50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673 E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WindowsVolume , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\WinRoot\ , LongSubPath: WinRoot\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: USERPROFILE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\UserProfile\ , LongSubPath: UserProfi le\ , ShortSubPath: USERPR~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: TemplateFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ShellNew\ , LongSubPath: ShellNew\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: TempFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Temp\ , LongSubPath: Temp\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\ , LongSubPath: System32\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: VC_Configurable_gdiPlus.36432 36F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\System32\ , LongSubPath: System32\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: MS.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: System.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: MS.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B980_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: System.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: MS.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath:

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: System.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: MS.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: System.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: System64Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System64\ , LongSubPath: System64\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: System16Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System\ , LongSubPath: System\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: StartupFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\StartUp\ , LongSubPath: StartUp\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: StartMenuFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Start Menu\ , LongSubPath: S tart Menu\ , ShortSubPath: STARTM~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: SendToFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\SendTo\ , LongSubPath: SendTo\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WindowsFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Windows\ , LongSubPath: Windows\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: SYSWOW , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Windows\SysWoW\ , LongSubPath: Windows\S ysWoW\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: SYSTEM32 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Windows\System32\ , LongSubPath: Windows\S ystem32\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramMenuFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Programs\ , LongSubPath: Programs\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: pctel , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Programs\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , LongSu bPath: Programs\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , ShortSubPath: Programs\2WIREW~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Program Files 64\ , LongSubPath: P rogram Files 64\ , ShortSubPath: Prog64~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: PrimaryVolumePath , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\PrimaryVolumePath\ , LongSu bPath: PrimaryVolumePath\ , ShortSubPath: Primar~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: PersonalFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Personal\ , LongSubPath: Personal\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: NoDirectory , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\NoDirectory\ , LongSubPath: NoDirecto ry\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: MyPicturesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\MyPictures\ , LongSubPath: M yPictures\ , ShortSubPath: MyPict~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: LocalAppDataFolder , Object

: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\LocalAppData\ , LongSubPath: L ocalAppData\ , ShortSubPath: LocalA~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: GlobalAssemblyCache , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\GlobalAssemblyCache\ , LongSu bPath: GlobalAssemblyCache\ , ShortSubPath: Global~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: FontsFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Fonts\ , LongSubPath: Fonts\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: FavoritesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Favorites\ , LongSubPath: F avorites\ , ShortSubPath: FAVORI~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: DesktopFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Desktop\ , LongSubPath: Desktop\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: CommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\ , LongSubPath: Common\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: X64 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\X64\ , LongSubPath: Common\X64\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION1 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\X64\PctelEapPeer Au thentication\ , LongSubPath: Common\X64\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ , ShortS ubPath: Common\X64\PCTELE~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authen tication\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ , ShortS ubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: _WIRE_WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authen tication\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authe ntication\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\2WIREW~1 \ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: X641 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\2WIREW~1\X64\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: NTT_DOCOMO_WIRELESS_LAN , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authen tication\NTT DoCoMo Wireless LAN\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authe ntication\NTT DoCoMo Wireless LAN\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\NTTDOC~1 \ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY5 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication \PctelEapPeer64\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelE apPeer64\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\PCTELE~2\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY4 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication \PctelEapPeer32\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelE apPeer32\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\PCTELE~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ISCommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\InstallShield\ , LongSu bPath: Common\InstallShield\ , ShortSubPath: Common\Instal~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ISUpdateServiceFolder , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\InstallShield\Updat eService\ , LongSubPath: Common\InstallShield\UpdateService\ , ShortS ubPath: Common\Instal~1\UPDATE~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: CommonFiles64Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common64\ , LongSubPath: Common64\ , ShortSubPath:

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: CommonAppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData\ , LongSubPath: C ommonAppData\ , ShortSubPath: Common~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: _WIRE1 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData\2Wire\ , LongSubPath: C ommonAppData\2Wire\ , ShortSubPath: Common~1\2Wire\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData\2Wire\Wireless Manag er\ , LongSubPath: CommonAppData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\ , ShortSubPath: Common~1\2Wire\WIRELE~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: AppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Application Data\ , LongSubPath: A pplication Data\ , ShortSubPath: APPLIC~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: AdminToolsFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\AdminTools\ , LongSubPath: A dminTools\ , ShortSubPath: Admint~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ALLUSERSPROFILE , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\All Users\ , LongSubPath: A ll Users\ , ShortSubPath: ALLUSE~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramFilesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\ , LongSubPath: p rogram files\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: TMOBILE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\TMOBILE\ , LongSubPath: p rogram files\TMOBILE\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\TMOBILE\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ISMyCompanyDir , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\My Company Name\ , LongSubPath: program files\My Company Name\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\MYCOMP~ 1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ISMyProductDir , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\My Company Name\My P roduct Name\ , LongSubPath: program files\My Company Name\My Product Name\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\MYCOMP~1\MYPROD~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: PCTEL , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\ , LongSubPath: p rogram files\PCTEL\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ROAMINGCLIENT , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1 \PCTEL\ROAMIN~2\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ROAMING_CLIENT , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: INSTALLDIR , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1 \PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: SETUPAGENT , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\SetUpAg ent\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\SetUpAgent\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\SETUPA~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: RESOURCES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Resourc es\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Resources\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\RESOUR~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: README , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Readme\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Readme\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\Readme\

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: PLUGINS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\plugins \ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\plugins\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\plugins\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: MANUAL , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Manual\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Manual\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\Manual\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: LOCATIONS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\locatio ns\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\locations\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOCATI~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: LFLANGUAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LFLangu ages\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LFLanguages\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LFLANG~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: LANGUAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Languag es\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Languages\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LANGUA~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: DKU2 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU2\ , LongSu bPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU2\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\R OAMIN~1\DKU2\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY2 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \DKU2\dkuwinme\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU2\dkuwinme\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\DKU2\dkuwinme\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: DKU , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\ , LongSu bPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\R OAMIN~1\DKU\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY3 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \DKU\dkuwinme\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\dkuwinme\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\DKU\dkuwinme\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY1 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \DKU\dkuwinxp\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\dkuwinxp\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\DKU\dkuwinxp\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: _WIRE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: MULTIMODE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\M ultimode\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimod e\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\MULTIM~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI1 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\M ultimode\WiFi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimod e\WiFi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\MULTIM~1\WiFi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WI , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimode \Wi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimode\Wi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\MULTIM~1\Wi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: IMAGETEMPLATES , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \2Wire\ImageTemplates\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ ImageTemplates\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\IMAGET~1\

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI3 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\I mageTemplates\WiFi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ ImageTemplates\WiFi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\IMAGET~1\W iFi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: BLANKIMAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\B lankImages\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\BlankIma ges\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\BLANKI~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI2 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\B lankImages\WiFi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ BlankImages\WiFi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\BLANKI~1\W iFi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: HTML , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\ , LongSu bPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\R OAMIN~1\HTML\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: AUTHENTICATION , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \HTML\authentication\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\a uthentication\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\HTML\AUTHEN~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: STATUS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\au thentication\status\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\a uthentication\status\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\HTML\AUTHEN~1\st atus\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: LOGFORMATTING , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \LogFormatting\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\w ifi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\wifi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\wifi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: STYLES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\styles\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ styles\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\styles\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: IMAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\images\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ images\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\images\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: GPRS , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\g prs\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\gprs\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\gprs\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: EVENTS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\events\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ events\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\events\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ERRORS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\errors\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ errors\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\errors\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Dir (source): Key: ALL , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\A ll\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\All\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\All\ Action ended 01:45:17: ResolveSource. Return value 1.

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Doing action: IsolateComponents Action 01:45:17: IsolateComponents. Action start 01:45:17: IsolateComponents. Action ended 01:45:17: IsolateComponents. Return value 0. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Skipping action: DeviceInsertWarning (condition is false) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:631]: Doing action: RunInitParams Action 01:45:17: RunInitParams. Action start 01:45:17: RunInitParams. MSI (c) (C4:B0) [01:45:17:647]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\kri iz\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI3F48.tmp, Entrypoint: RunInitParams -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.RunInitParams() --- Initializing Function : B egin TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.RunInitParams() --- InitParams Directory = C: \Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\\Temp\initparams.ini -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.RunInitParams() --- Accel = -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.RunInitParams() --- InitParams File Not Found Returning From Function Action ended 01:45:17: RunInitParams. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:694]: Skipping action: CheckForPCSuite (condition is f alse) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:694]: Doing action: setUserProfileNT Action 01:45:17: setUserProfileNT. Action start 01:45:17: setUserProfileNT. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:694]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERPROFILE property. It s value is 'C:\Users\kriiz'. Action ended 01:45:17: setUserProfileNT. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:694]: Skipping action: SetAllUsersProfileNT (condition is false) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:694]: Doing action: setAllUsersProfile2K Action 01:45:17: setAllUsersProfile2K. Action start 01:45:17: setAllUsersProfile2K. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:709]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ALLUSERSPROFILE property . Its value is 'C:\ProgramData'. Action ended 01:45:17: setAllUsersProfile2K. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:709]: Skipping action: CheckAdmin (condition is false) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:709]: Skipping action: Check98ME (condition is false) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:709]: Doing action: SetInstallPath Action 01:45:17: SetInstallPath. Action start 01:45:17: SetInstallPath. MSI (c) (C4:D8) [01:45:17:709]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\kri iz\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI3F88.tmp, Entrypoint: SetInstallPath -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetInstallPath() --- Initializing Function : Begin TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetInstallPath() --- Checking if INSTALLPATH is set -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetInstallPath() --- INSTALLPATH not set usin g Registry to build INSTALLDIR MSI (c) (C4!E0) [01:45:17:741]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding INSTALLDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\\2Wire Wireless Manager'. -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetInstallPath() --- Exiting Function : Succe ss Action ended 01:45:17: SetInstallPath. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:741]: Skipping action: PromptForUpgrade (condition is false) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:741]: Doing action: CheckSystemTime Action 01:45:17: CheckSystemTime. Action start 01:45:17: CheckSystemTime. MSI (c) (C4:38) [01:45:17:756]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\kri

iz\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI3FB7.tmp, Entrypoint: CheckSystemTime -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.CheckSystemTime() --- Initializing Function : Begin TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.CheckSystemTime() --- System Time OK : Instal lation Continued -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.CheckSystemTime() --- Exiting Function : Succ ess Action ended 01:45:17: CheckSystemTime. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:803]: Doing action: CheckOSVersion Action 01:45:17: CheckOSVersion. Action start 01:45:17: CheckOSVersion. MSI (c) (C4:D4) [01:45:17:819]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\kri iz\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI3FF7.tmp, Entrypoint: CheckOSVersion -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.CheckOSVersion() --- Initializing Function : Begin TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -ss RCCustomAction.CheckOSVersion() --- exiting function : Succe

Action ended 01:45:17: CheckOSVersion. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:834]: Doing action: KillProcess Action 01:45:17: KillProcess. Action start 01:45:17: KillProcess. MSI (c) (C4:30) [01:45:17:850]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\kri iz\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI4017.tmp, Entrypoint: KillProcess -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Initializing Function : Beg in TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Attempting RPC method for g raceful shutdown -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Did not detect client runni ng via RPC trying Brute Force shutdown -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Exiting Function : Success Action ended 01:45:17: KillProcess. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: Skipping action: InstallUpgradeTest (condition i s false) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: Doing action: CostFinalize Action 01:45:17: CostFinalize. Computing space requirements Action start 01:45:17: CostFinalize. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace prope rty. Its value is '0'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvaila ble property. Its value is '0'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequir ed property. Its value is '0'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemain ing property. Its value is '0'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemInstallDir.A2C DD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2 CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C 0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8 C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying USERPROFILE property.

Its current value is 'C:\Users\kriiz'. Its new value: 'C:\Users\kriiz\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VC_Configurable_gdiPlus. 3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32 \'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B9 5D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D 2_B980_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B9 80_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D 2_B980_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.3207D1B9_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B9 5D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.3207D1B9_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.3207D1B0_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:866]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B9 5D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.3207D1B0_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System64Folder property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SYSWOW property. Its val ue is 'C:\Windows\SysWoW\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SYSTEM32 property. Its v alue is 'C:\Windows\System32\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding pctel property. Its valu e is 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\2Wire Wireless Manage r\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProgramFiles64Folder pro perty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumePath proper ty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NoDirectory property. It s value is 'C:\NoDirectory\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding GlobalAssemblyCache prop erty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding X64 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\X64\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICAT ION1 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\X64\PctelEapPeer Auth entication\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICAT ION property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentic ation\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding _WIRE_WIRELESS_MANAGER p roperty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication \2Wire Wireless Manager\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding X641 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\X64\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NTT_DOCOMO_WIRELESS_LAN

property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authenticatio n\NTT DoCoMo Wireless LAN\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY5 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY4 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISCommonFilesFolder prop erty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISUpdateServiceFolder pr operty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\ '. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CommonFiles64Folder prop erty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding _WIRE1 property. Its val ue is 'C:\ProgramData\2Wire\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIRELESS_MANAGER propert y. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying ALLUSERSPROFILE prope rty. Its current value is 'C:\ProgramData'. Its new value: 'C:\ProgramData\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TMOBILE property. Its va lue is 'C:\Program Files\TMOBILE\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISMyCompanyDir property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\My Company Name\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISMyProductDir property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PCTEL property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\PCTEL\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROAMINGCLIENT property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROAMING_CLIENT property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying INSTALLDIR property. Its current value is 'C:\Program Files\\2Wire Wireless Manager'. Its new value: 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SETUPAGENT property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding RESOURCES property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Resources\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding README property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Readme\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PLUGINS property. Its va lue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\plugins\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MANUAL property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Manual\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LOCATIONS property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\locations\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LFLANGUAGES property. It s value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LFLanguages\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LANGUAGES property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Languages\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DKU2 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY2 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DKU property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY3 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY1 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\'.

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding _WIRE property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MULTIMODE property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI1 property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WI property. Its value i s 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\Wi\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IMAGETEMPLATES property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI3 property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding BLANKIMAGES property. It s value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI2 property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\WiFi\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding HTML property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding AUTHENTICATION property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding STATUS property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\status\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LOGFORMATTING property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\wifi\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding STYLES property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\styles\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IMAGES property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\images\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding GPRS property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\gprs\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding EVENTS property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\events\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ERRORS property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\errors\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ALL property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\All\'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directo ry table... MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: newfolder12 , Object: NULL MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: roamin_1_roamingclient , Object: NULL MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: newfolder18 , Object: NULL MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: newfolder17 , Object: NULL MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1 _ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E 1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E _50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673 E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsVolume , Object : C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: USERPROFILE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: TemplateFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: TempFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\Win dows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: VC_Configurable_gdiPlus.36432 36F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: MS.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: System.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: MS.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B980_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: System.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: MS.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: System.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: MS.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: System.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: System64Folder , Object : C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: System16Folder , Object : C:\Windows\system\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: StartupFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: StartMenuFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: SendToFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder , Object : C:\Windows\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: SYSWOW , Object: C:\Win dows\SysWoW\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: SYSTEM32 , Object: C:\Win dows\System32\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramMenuFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: pctel , Object: C:\Pro gramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\2Wire Wireless Manager\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder , Object : C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: PrimaryVolumePath , Object : C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: PersonalFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\Documents\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: NoDirectory , Object: C:\NoD irectory\

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: MyPicturesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\Pictures\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: LocalAppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: GlobalAssemblyCache , Object : C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: FontsFolder , Object: C:\Win dows\Fonts\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: FavoritesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\Favorites\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: DesktopFolder , Object : C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: CommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: X64 , Object: C:\Program Fil es\Common Files\X64\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION1 , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\X64\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: _WIRE_WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wirele ss Manager\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: X641 , Object: C:\Program Fil es\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: NTT_DOCOMO_WIRELESS_LAN , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\NTT DoCoMo W ireless LAN\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY5 , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY4 , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ISCommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ISUpdateServiceFolder , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: CommonFiles64Folder , Object : C:\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: CommonAppDataFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: _WIRE1 , Object: C:\Pro gramData\2Wire\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object : C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: AppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Roaming\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: AdminToolsFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ALLUSERSPROFILE , Object : C:\ProgramData\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFilesFolder , Object : C:\Program Files\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: TMOBILE , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\TMOBILE\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ISMyCompanyDir , Object : C:\Program Files\My Company Name\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ISMyProductDir , Object : C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: PCTEL , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\PCTEL\

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ROAMINGCLIENT : C:\Program Files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ROAMING_CLIENT : C:\Program Files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: INSTALLDIR , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: SETUPAGENT , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: RESOURCES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Resources\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: README , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Readme\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: PLUGINS , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\plugins\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: MANUAL , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Manual\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: LOCATIONS , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\locations\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: LFLANGUAGES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LFLanguages\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: LANGUAGES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Languages\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: DKU2 , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY2 : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: DKU , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY3 : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY1 : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: _WIRE , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: MULTIMODE , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI1 , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WI , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\Wi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: IMAGETEMPLATES : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI3 , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: BLANKIMAGES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI2 , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\WiFi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: HTML , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: AUTHENTICATION : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: STATUS , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\status\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: LOGFORMATTING : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\wifi\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: STYLES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\styles\

, Object , Object Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro C:\Program Fil , Object C:\Program Fil , Object , Object Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro C:\Program Fil , Object Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro C:\Program Fil , Object Object: C:\Pro , Object C:\Program Fil Object: C:\Pro

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: IMAGES , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\images\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: GPRS , Object: C:\Program Fil es\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\gprs\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: EVENTS , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\events\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ERRORS , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\errors\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Dir (target): Key: ALL , Object: C:\Program Fil es\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\All\ MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:881]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT `Msi Assembly`.`Attributes`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Ma nifest`, `Component`.`KeyPath` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component` WHERE `MsiAssem bly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = ? Action ended 01:45:17: CostFinalize. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:897]: Doing action: MigrateFeatureStates Action 01:45:17: MigrateFeatureStates. Migrating feature states from related app lications Action start 01:45:17: MigrateFeatureStates. Action ended 01:45:17: MigrateFeatureStates. Return value 0. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:897]: Skipping action: PatchWelcome (condition is fals e) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:17:897]: Doing action: InstallWelcome Action 01:45:17: InstallWelcome. Action start 01:45:17: InstallWelcome. Action 01:45:17: InstallWelcome. Dialog created MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2756 2: roamin_1_roamingclient MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder12 MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder12 MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2756 2: roamin_1_roamingclient MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder18 MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder17 MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:959]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: _RemoveFilePath MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:975]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete prope rty. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'. MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:975]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:975]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:975]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:975]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font MSI (c) (C4:88) [01:45:17:975]: Note: 1: 2727 2: Info 2898.For MSSansBold8 textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 ch aracter set. Info 2898.For MSSWhiteSerif8 textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 character set. Action 01:45:18: LicenseAgreement. Dialog created MSI (c) (C4:FC) [01:45:20:163]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying AgreeToLicense proper ty. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: 'Yes'. Action 01:45:21: DestinationFolder. Dialog created Info 2826.Control DlgLine on dialog ReadyToInstall extends beyond the boundaries of the dialog to the right by 80 pixels. Action 01:45:21: ReadyToInstall. Dialog created MSI (c) (C4:FC) [01:45:22:319]: Note: 1: 2727 2: Action ended 01:45:22: InstallWelcome. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:538]: Skipping action: SetupResume (condition is false ) MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:538]: Skipping action: MaintenanceWelcome (condition i s false)

MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:538]: Doing action: SetupProgress Action 01:45:22: SetupProgress. Action start 01:45:22: SetupProgress. Action 01:45:22: SetupProgress. Dialog created Action ended 01:45:22: SetupProgress. Return value 1. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:772]: Doing action: ExecuteAction Action 01:45:22: ExecuteAction. Action start 01:45:22: ExecuteAction. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SECONDSEQUENCE property. Its value is '1'. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:788]: Grabbed execution mutex. MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:788]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counte r after increment: 0 MSI (c) (C4:9C) [01:45:22:788]: Switching to server: ROOTDRIVE="C:\" SECONDSEQUE NCE="1" ISSETUPFILESCOMPLETED="Completed" SUPPORTDIR="C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Loc al\Temp\{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}" EXECUTEACTION="INSTALL" ACTION=" INSTALL" SOURCEDIR="C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\" LOGFORMATTING= "C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\" ALL="C:\Program Files\2 Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\All\" TARGETDIR="C:\" ALLUSERSPROFILE="C:\Pr ogramData\" HTML="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\" AUTHENTICATION= "C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\" _WIRE="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\" BLANKIMAGES="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wirele ss Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\" DKU="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ " INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\" DKU2="C:\Program Files\2 Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\" ERRORS="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Log Formatting\errors\" EVENTS="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormattin g\events\" GPRS="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Lo MSI (s) (E0:54) [01:45:22:819]: Grabbed execution mutex. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:22:819]: Resetting cached policy values MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:22:819]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:22:819]: ******* RunEngine: ******* Product: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32. msi ******* Action: INSTALL ******* CommandLine: ********** MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:22:819]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:22:866]: Machine policy value 'LimitSystemRestoreCheckpoi nting' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:22:866]: Note: 1: 1715 2: 2Wire Wireless Manager MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:22:866]: Calling SRSetRestorePoint API. dwRestorePtType: 0, dwEventType: 102, llSequenceNumber: 0, szDescription: "Installed 2Wire Wirele ss Manager.". MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:491]: The call to SRSetRestorePoint API succeeded. Ret urned status: 0, llSequenceNumber: 9. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:522]: File will have security applied from OpCode. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:584]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package -> 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi' against software re striction policy MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:584]: Note: 1: 2262 2: DigitalSignature 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:584]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Users\kriiz\AppD ata\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi is not digitally signed MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:584]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Users\kriiz\AppD ata\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' a uthorization level. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:584]: End dialog not enabled MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:584]: Original package ==> C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Loca l\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:584]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Windows\Instal ler\18a822.msi MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry

with ProductCode '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in data base. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in data base. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:600]: Transforms are not secure. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation prope rty. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\InstallLog.txt'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Command Line: ROOTDRIVE=C:\ SECONDSEQUENCE=1 ISS ETUPFILESCOMPLETED=Completed SUPPORTDIR=C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF8AC 5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} EXECUTEACTION=INSTALL ACTION=INSTALL SOURCEDIR= C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ LOGFORMATTING=C:\Program Files\2Wir e Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\ ALL=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Lo gFormatting\All\ TARGETDIR=C:\ ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData\ HTML=C:\Program F iles\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\ AUTHENTICATION=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\ _WIRE=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wir e\ BLANKIMAGES=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\ DKU=C: \Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ INSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wir eless Manager\ DKU2=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\ ERRORS=C:\Prog ram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\errors\ EVENTS=C:\Program Files\2 Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\events\ GPRS=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\gprs\ IMAGES=C:\Program Files\2Wire MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. It s value is '{07599E3C-EDA2-40AF-9ADE-B5BE9892B1D4}'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize: '' MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Product Code from property table before transfor ms: '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}' MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Product Code from property table after transform s: '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}' MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Product not registered: beginning first-time ins tall MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Product {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} i s not managed. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: MSI_LUA: Credential prompt not required, user is an admin MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. I ts value is '-1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSo urce. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu' MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Adding new sources is allowed. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackagecodeChanging prop erty. Its value is '1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Package name extracted from package path: 'Setup 32.msi' MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Package to be registered: 'Setup32.msi' MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying ALLUSERS property. It s current value is '2'. Its new value: '1'.

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Product installation will be elevated because us er is admin and product is being installed per-machine. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Running product '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCA DE12F9}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SECONDSEQUENCE property. Its value is '1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISSETUPFILESCOMPLETED pr operty. Its value is 'Completed'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SUPPORTDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12 F9}'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding EXECUTEACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its val ue is 'INSTALL'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LOGFORMATTING property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ALL property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\All\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ALLUSERSPROFILE property . Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding HTML property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding AUTHENTICATION property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding _WIRE property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding BLANKIMAGES property. It s value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DKU property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding INSTALLDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DKU2 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ERRORS property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\errors\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding EVENTS property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\events\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding GPRS property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\gprs\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IMAGES property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\images\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IMAGETEMPLATES property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROAMING_CLIENT property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LANGUAGES property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Languages\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LFLANGUAGES property. It

s value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LFLanguages\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LOCATIONS property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\locations\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MANUAL property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Manual\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MULTIMODE property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY1 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY2 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY3 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICAT ION property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentic ation\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY4 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NEW_DIRECTORY5 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NTT_DOCOMO_WIRELESS_LAN property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authenticatio n\NTT DoCoMo Wireless LAN\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PCTEL property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\PCTEL\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding X64 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\X64\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICAT ION1 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\X64\PctelEapPeer Auth entication\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PLUGINS property. Its va lue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\plugins\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding README property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Readme\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding RESOURCES property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Resources\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROAMINGCLIENT property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SETUPAGENT property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding STATUS property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\status\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding STYLES property. Its val ue is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\styles\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SYSTEM32 property. Its v alue is 'C:\Windows\System32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SYSWOW property. Its val ue is 'C:\Windows\SysWoW\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TMOBILE property. Its va lue is 'C:\Program Files\TMOBILE\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERPROFILE property. It s value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WI property. Its value i s 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\Wi\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\wifi\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI1 property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI2 property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\WiFi\'.

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIFI3 property. Its valu e is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding _WIRE1 property. Its val ue is 'C:\ProgramData\2Wire\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WIRELESS_MANAGER propert y. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding _WIRE_WIRELESS_MANAGER p roperty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication \2Wire Wireless Manager\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding X641 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\X64\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B9 5D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B9 5D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B9 80_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IEXPLORE property. Its v alue is 'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MS.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B9 5D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its v alue is 'kriiz'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property . Its value is '2500'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '0'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY propert y. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SETUPEXEDIR property. It s value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ADDLOCAL property. Its v alue is 'WIFI,TwoWire,TWCustom,Core,SystemFiles,SetUpAgent,VistaEap'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:616]: Machine policy value 'DisableAutomaticApplicatio nShutdown' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRestartManagerSession Key property. Its value is '939366f4df42e24782f174227c286d7c'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: RESTART MANAGER: Session opened. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: Engine has iefSecondSequence set to true. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: TRANSFORMS property is now: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting SOURCEDIR property. It s current value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property . Its value is '200'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:725]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Favorites MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Documents MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii

z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:741]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Pictures MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:756]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:756]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:756]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:756]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:756]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Publ ic\Desktop MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:772]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:772]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:772]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:772]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:772]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\krii z\Desktop MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:772]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Templates MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:772]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Windows\Fo nts MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 16 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: MSI_LUA: Setting MsiRunningElevated property to 1 because the install is already running elevated. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRunningElevated prope rty. Its value is '1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Micr osoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its v alue is 'C:\Windows\Installer\18a822.msi'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase propert y. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Setup32.msi'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its va lue is '5'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Preselected property. It s value is '1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Doing action: INSTALL Action 01:45:44: INSTALL. Action start 01:45:44: INSTALL. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Running ExecuteSequence MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Doing action: ISSetupFilesExtract Action 01:45:44: ISSetupFilesExtract. Action start 01:45:44: ISSetupFilesExtract. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Skipping action due to msidbCustomActionTypeFirs

tSequence option. Action ended 01:45:44: ISSetupFilesExtract. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:788]: Doing action: AppSearch Action 01:45:44: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications Action start 01:45:44: AppSearch. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:803]: Skipping AppSearch action: already done on clien t side Action ended 01:45:44: AppSearch. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:803]: Doing action: ISSetAllUsers Action 01:45:44: ISSetAllUsers. Action start 01:45:44: ISSetAllUsers. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:803]: Skipping action due to msidbCustomActionTypeFirs tSequence option. Action ended 01:45:44: ISSetAllUsers. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:803]: Doing action: LaunchConditions Action 01:45:44: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions Action start 01:45:44: LaunchConditions. Action ended 01:45:44: LaunchConditions. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:819]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts Action 01:45:44: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications Action start 01:45:44: FindRelatedProducts. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:819]: Skipping FindRelatedProducts action: already don e on client side Action ended 01:45:44: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:819]: Skipping action: CCPSearch (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:819]: Skipping action: RMCCPSearch (condition is false ) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:819]: Doing action: ValidateProductID Action 01:45:44: ValidateProductID. Action start 01:45:44: ValidateProductID. Action ended 01:45:44: ValidateProductID. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:819]: Skipping action: CheckAdmin (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:44:819]: Doing action: RecordRegistryProductCode Action 01:45:44: RecordRegistryProductCode. Action start 01:45:44: RecordRegistryProductCode. MSI (s) (E0:58) [01:45:44:850]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\I nstaller\MSIA97A.tmp, Entrypoint: GetProductCodeFromUpgradeCode MSI (s) (E0:04) [01:45:44:850]: Generating random cookie. MSI (s) (E0:04) [01:45:44:866]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 2252 (0x8C C). MSI (s) (E0:10) [01:45:45:006]: Running as a service. MSI (s) (E0:10) [01:45:45:006]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Impersonated custom action server. -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.GetProductCodeFromUpgradeCode() --- Initializ ing Function : Begin TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.GetProductCodeFromUpgradeCode() --- Convertin g to compressed GUID -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.GetProductCodeFromUpgradeCode() --- Creating Subkey -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.GetProductCodeFromUpgradeCode() --- Upgrade C ode Not Found : Exiting Function Action ended 01:45:45: RecordRegistryProductCode. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:147]: Doing action: SetInstallPath Action 01:45:45: SetInstallPath. Action start 01:45:45: SetInstallPath. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:209]: Skipping action due to msidbCustomActionTypeFirs tSequence option. Action ended 01:45:45: SetInstallPath. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:209]: Doing action: KillProcess Action 01:45:45: KillProcess.

Action start 01:45:45: KillProcess. MSI (s) (E0:80) [01:45:45:225]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\I nstaller\MSIAB01.tmp, Entrypoint: KillProcess -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Initializing Function : Beg in TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Attempting RPC method for g raceful shutdown -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Did not detect client runni ng via RPC trying Brute Force shutdown -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.KillProcess() --- Exiting Function : Success Action ended 01:45:45: KillProcess. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:413]: Skipping action: RemoveRegistryKeys (condition i s false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:413]: Skipping action: ExportReg (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:413]: Skipping action: UpgradeConfApps (condition is f alse) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:413]: Doing action: DeleteUpgradeISReg Action 01:45:45: DeleteUpgradeISReg. Action start 01:45:45: DeleteUpgradeISReg. MSI (s) (E0:D8) [01:45:45:428]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\I nstaller\MSIABBE.tmp, Entrypoint: DelInstallScriptRegEntry -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.DelInstallScriptRegEntry() --- Initializing F unction : Begin TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.DelInstallScriptRegEntry() --- Attempting to get Product Code out of Temp Location in Registry -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.DelInstallScriptRegEntry() --- Could Not Open Product Code Key Location in Registry : Exiting Function Action ended 01:45:45: DeleteUpgradeISReg. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Doing action: CostInitialize Action 01:45:45: CostInitialize. Computing space requirements Action start 01:45:45: CostInitialize. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Note: 1: 1325 2: NoDirectory MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property . Its value is '0'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: __MsiPatchFileList MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PatchPackage 4: SELECT `Dis kId`, `PatchId`, `LastSequence` FROM `Media`, `PatchPackage` WHERE `Media`.`Disk Id`=`PatchPackage`.`Media_` ORDER BY `DiskId` Action ended 01:45:45: CostInitialize. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:538]: Doing action: InstallationDirectory Action 01:45:45: InstallationDirectory. Action start 01:45:45: InstallationDirectory. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ARPINSTALLOCATION proper ty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\'. Action ended 01:45:45: InstallationDirectory. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: Doing action: SetARPINSTALLLOCATION Action 01:45:45: SetARPINSTALLLOCATION. Action start 01:45:45: SetARPINSTALLLOCATION. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ARPINSTALLLOCATION prope rty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\'. Action ended 01:45:45: SetARPINSTALLLOCATION. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: Doing action: FileCost Action 01:45:45: FileCost. Computing space requirements Action start 01:45:45: FileCost. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib Action ended 01:45:45: FileCost. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:553]: Doing action: IsolateComponents Action 01:45:45: IsolateComponents. Action start 01:45:45: IsolateComponents. Action ended 01:45:45: IsolateComponents. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Doing action: ResolveSource Action 01:45:45: ResolveSource. Action start 01:45:45: ResolveSource. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Resolving source. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Resolving source to launched-from source. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Setting launched-from source as last-used. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourceDir property. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourcedirProduct propert y. Its value is '{DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9}'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: SOURCEDIR ==> C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\ WZSE0.TMP\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: SOURCEDIR product ==> {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-6 03CCADE12F9} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Determining source type MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Source type from package 'Setup32.msi': 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Source path resolution complete. Dumping Directo ry table... MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: newfolder12 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: roamin_1_roamingclient , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: newfolder18 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: newfolder17 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1 _ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E 1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E _50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673 E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WindowsVolume , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\WinRoot\ , LongSubPath: WinRoot\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: USERPROFILE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\UserProfile\ , LongSubPath: UserProfi le\ , ShortSubPath: USERPR~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: TemplateFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\ShellNew\ , LongSubPath: ShellNew\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: TempFolder , Object: C:\Use

rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Temp\ , LongSubPath: Temp\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\ , LongSubPath: System32\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: VC_Configurable_gdiPlus.36432 36F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE 0.TMP\System32\ , LongSubPath: System32\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: MS.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: System.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: MS.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B980_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: System.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: MS.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: System.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: Redist.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: MS.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: System.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\R edist\MS\System\ , LongSubPath: System32\Redist\MS\System\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: System64Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System64\ , LongSubPath: System64\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: System16Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System\ , LongSubPath: System\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: StartupFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\StartUp\ , LongSubPath: StartUp\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: StartMenuFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Start Menu\ , LongSubPath: S tart Menu\ , ShortSubPath: STARTM~1\

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: SendToFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\SendTo\ , LongSubPath: SendTo\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WindowsFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Windows\ , LongSubPath: Windows\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: SYSWOW , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Windows\SysWoW\ , LongSubPath: Windows\S ysWoW\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: SYSTEM32 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Windows\System32\ , LongSubPath: Windows\S ystem32\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramMenuFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Programs\ , LongSubPath: Programs\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: pctel , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Programs\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , LongSu bPath: Programs\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , ShortSubPath: Programs\2WIREW~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Program Files 64\ , LongSubPath: P rogram Files 64\ , ShortSubPath: Prog64~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: PrimaryVolumePath , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\PrimaryVolumePath\ , LongSu bPath: PrimaryVolumePath\ , ShortSubPath: Primar~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: PersonalFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Personal\ , LongSubPath: Personal\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: NoDirectory , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\NoDirectory\ , LongSubPath: NoDirecto ry\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: MyPicturesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\MyPictures\ , LongSubPath: M yPictures\ , ShortSubPath: MyPict~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: LocalAppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\LocalAppData\ , LongSubPath: L ocalAppData\ , ShortSubPath: LocalA~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: GlobalAssemblyCache , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\GlobalAssemblyCache\ , LongSu bPath: GlobalAssemblyCache\ , ShortSubPath: Global~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: FontsFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Fonts\ , LongSubPath: Fonts\ , ShortS ubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: FavoritesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Favorites\ , LongSubPath: F avorites\ , ShortSubPath: FAVORI~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: DesktopFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Desktop\ , LongSubPath: Desktop\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: CommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\ , LongSubPath: Common\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: X64 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\X64\ , LongSubPath: Common\X64\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION1 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\X64\PctelEapPeer Au thentication\ , LongSubPath: Common\X64\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ , ShortS ubPath: Common\X64\PCTELE~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authen

tication\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ , ShortS ubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: _WIRE_WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authen tication\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authe ntication\2Wire Wireless Manager\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\2WIREW~1 \ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: X641 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\2WIREW~1\X64\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: NTT_DOCOMO_WIRELESS_LAN , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authen tication\NTT DoCoMo Wireless LAN\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authe ntication\NTT DoCoMo Wireless LAN\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\NTTDOC~1 \ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY5 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication \PctelEapPeer64\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelE apPeer64\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\PCTELE~2\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY4 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication \PctelEapPeer32\ , LongSubPath: Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelE apPeer32\ , ShortSubPath: Common\PCTELE~1\PCTELE~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ISCommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\InstallShield\ , LongSu bPath: Common\InstallShield\ , ShortSubPath: Common\Instal~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ISUpdateServiceFolder , Object: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\InstallShield\Updat eService\ , LongSubPath: Common\InstallShield\UpdateService\ , ShortS ubPath: Common\Instal~1\UPDATE~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: CommonFiles64Folder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common64\ , LongSubPath: Common64\ , ShortSubPath: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: CommonAppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData\ , LongSubPath: C ommonAppData\ , ShortSubPath: Common~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: _WIRE1 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData\2Wire\ , LongSubPath: C ommonAppData\2Wire\ , ShortSubPath: Common~1\2Wire\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData\2Wire\Wireless Manag er\ , LongSubPath: CommonAppData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\ , ShortSubPath: Common~1\2Wire\WIRELE~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: AppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Application Data\ , LongSubPath: A pplication Data\ , ShortSubPath: APPLIC~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: AdminToolsFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\AdminTools\ , LongSubPath: A dminTools\ , ShortSubPath: Admint~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ALLUSERSPROFILE , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\All Users\ , LongSubPath: A ll Users\ , ShortSubPath: ALLUSE~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramFilesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\ , LongSubPath: p rogram files\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: TMOBILE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\TMOBILE\ , LongSubPath: p rogram files\TMOBILE\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\TMOBILE\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ISMyCompanyDir , Object

: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\My Company Name\ , LongSubPath: program files\My Company Name\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\MYCOMP~ 1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ISMyProductDir , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\My Company Name\My P roduct Name\ , LongSubPath: program files\My Company Name\My Product Name\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\MYCOMP~1\MYPROD~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: PCTEL , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\ , LongSubPath: p rogram files\PCTEL\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ROAMINGCLIENT , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1 \PCTEL\ROAMIN~2\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ROAMING_CLIENT , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: INSTALLDIR , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1 \PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: SETUPAGENT , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\SetUpAg ent\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\SetUpAgent\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\SETUPA~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: RESOURCES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Resourc es\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Resources\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\RESOUR~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: README , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Readme\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Readme\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\Readme\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: PLUGINS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\plugins \ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\plugins\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\plugins\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: MANUAL , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Manual\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Manual\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\Manual\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: LOCATIONS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\locatio ns\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\locations\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOCATI~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: LFLANGUAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LFLangu ages\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LFLanguages\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LFLANG~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: LANGUAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Languag es\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Languages\ , ShortS ubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LANGUA~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: DKU2 , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU2\ , LongSu bPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU2\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\R OAMIN~1\DKU2\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY2 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client

\DKU2\dkuwinme\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU2\dkuwinme\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\DKU2\dkuwinme\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: DKU , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\ , LongSu bPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\R OAMIN~1\DKU\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY3 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \DKU\dkuwinme\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\dkuwinme\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\DKU\dkuwinme\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY1 , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \DKU\dkuwinxp\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\DKU\dkuwinxp\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\DKU\dkuwinxp\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: _WIRE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: MULTIMODE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\M ultimode\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimod e\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\MULTIM~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI1 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\M ultimode\WiFi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimod e\WiFi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\MULTIM~1\WiFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WI , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimode \Wi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Multimode\Wi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\MULTIM~1\Wi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: IMAGETEMPLATES , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \2Wire\ImageTemplates\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ ImageTemplates\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\IMAGET~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI3 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\I mageTemplates\WiFi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ ImageTemplates\WiFi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\IMAGET~1\W iFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: BLANKIMAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\B lankImages\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\BlankIma ges\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\BLANKI~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI2 , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\B lankImages\WiFi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\ BlankImages\WiFi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\BLANKI~1\W iFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: HTML , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\ , LongSu bPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\R OAMIN~1\HTML\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: AUTHENTICATION , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \HTML\authentication\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\a uthentication\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\HTML\AUTHEN~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: STATUS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\au thentication\status\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\HTML\a uthentication\status\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\HTML\AUTHEN~1\st

atus\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: LOGFORMATTING , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \LogFormatting\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: WIFI , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\w ifi\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\wifi\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\wifi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: STYLES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\styles\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ styles\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\styles\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: IMAGES , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\images\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ images\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\images\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: GPRS , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\g prs\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\gprs\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\gprs\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: EVENTS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\events\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ events\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\events\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ERRORS , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogForm atting\errors\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\ errors\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\errors\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Dir (source): Key: ALL , Object: C:\Users\kriiz \AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\A ll\ , LongSubPath: program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\LogFormatting\All\ , ShortSubPath: PROGRA~1\PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\LOGFOR~1\All\ Action ended 01:45:45: ResolveSource. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Skipping action: SaveSubFiles (condition is fals e) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:569]: Doing action: ChangeAddRemoveIcon Action 01:45:45: ChangeAddRemoveIcon. Action start 01:45:45: ChangeAddRemoveIcon. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:584]: Skipping action due to msidbCustomActionTypeFirs tSequence option. Action ended 01:45:45: ChangeAddRemoveIcon. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:584]: Doing action: WdInstallDir.7BA8CEA2_5DBF_4BBA_AE 9B_64330C95B921 Action 01:45:45: WdInstallDir.7BA8CEA2_5DBF_4BBA_AE9B_64330C95B921. Action start 01:45:45: WdInstallDir.7BA8CEA2_5DBF_4BBA_AE9B_64330C95B921. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:584]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WdInstallDir.7BA8CEA2_5D BF_4BBA_AE9B_64330C95B921 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. Action ended 01:45:45: WdInstallDir.7BA8CEA2_5DBF_4BBA_AE9B_64330C95B921. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:584]: Doing action: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E_50E5 _4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 Action 01:45:45: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990. Action start 01:45:45: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 . MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:584]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C 0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. Action ended 01:45:45: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 . Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:584]: Doing action: WdSfpCaCacheDir.41646F16_4E6C_4E96

_BF1B_772105414B9D Action 01:45:45: WdSfpCaCacheDir.41646F16_4E6C_4E96_BF1B_772105414B9D. Action start 01:45:45: WdSfpCaCacheDir.41646F16_4E6C_4E96_BF1B_772105414B9D. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WdSfpCaCacheDir.41646F16 _4E6C_4E96_BF1B_772105414B9D property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Fil es\Microsoft Shared\SFPCA Cache\'. Action ended 01:45:45: WdSfpCaCacheDir.41646F16_4E6C_4E96_BF1B_772105414B9D. Ret urn value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: Doing action: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673E_50E 5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 Action 01:45:45: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990. Action start 01:45:45: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C446699 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8 C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Comm on Files\Microsoft Shared\SFPCA Cache\'. Action ended 01:45:45: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C446699 0. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: Doing action: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB3 _473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 Action 01:45:45: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07. Action start 01:45:45: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 . MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemInstallDir.A2C DD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. Action ended 01:45:45: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 . Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: Doing action: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB 3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 Action 01:45:45: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07. Action start 01:45:45: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C0 7. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2 CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Comm on Files\Microsoft Shared\SFPCA Cache\'. Action ended 01:45:45: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C0 7. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: Doing action: CostFinalize Action 01:45:45: CostFinalize. Computing space requirements Action start 01:45:45: CostFinalize. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace prope rty. Its value is '0'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvaila ble property. Its value is '0'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequir ed property. Its value is '0'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemain ing property. Its value is '0'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:600]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VC_Configurable_gdiPlus. 3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32 \'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D 2_B980_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'.

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D 2_B980_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.3207D1B9_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.3207D1B9_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Redist.3207D1B0_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System.3207D1B0_80E5_11D 2_B95D_006097C4DE24 property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding System64Folder property. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding pctel property. Its valu e is 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\2Wire Wireless Manage r\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProgramFiles64Folder pro perty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumePath proper ty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NoDirectory property. It s value is 'C:\NoDirectory\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding GlobalAssemblyCache prop erty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISCommonFilesFolder prop erty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISUpdateServiceFolder pr operty. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\ '. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CommonFiles64Folder prop erty. Its value is 'C:\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISMyCompanyDir property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\My Company Name\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISMyProductDir property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directo ry table... MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: newfolder12 , Object: NULL MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: roamin_1_roamingclient , Object: NULL MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: newfolder18 , Object: NULL MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: newfolder17 , Object: NULL MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.A2CDD4E1 _ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.A2CDD4E 1_ADB3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07 , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsof t Shared\SFPCA Cache\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemInstallDir.C8C0673E _50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: CDirSystemSFPCacheDir.C8C0673 E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsof t Shared\SFPCA Cache\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsVolume , Object : C:\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: USERPROFILE , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: TemplateFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: TempFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\Win dows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: VC_Configurable_gdiPlus.36432 36F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: MS.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: System.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: MS.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B980_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: System.7EBEDD3E_AA66_11D2_B98 0_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: MS.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: System.3207D1B9_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: Redist.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: MS.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95D_00 6097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: System.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95 D_006097C4DE24 , Object: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: System64Folder , Object : C:\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: System16Folder , Object : C:\Windows\system\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: StartupFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: StartMenuFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: SendToFolder , Object: C:\Use rs\kriiz\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder , Object : C:\Windows\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: SYSWOW , Object: C:\Win dows\SysWoW\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: SYSTEM32 , Object: C:\Win dows\System32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramMenuFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: pctel , Object: C:\Pro gramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\2Wire Wireless Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder , Object : C:\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: PrimaryVolumePath , Object : C:\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: PersonalFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\Documents\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: NoDirectory , Object: C:\NoD irectory\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: MyPicturesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\Pictures\

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: LocalAppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: GlobalAssemblyCache , Object : C:\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: FontsFolder , Object: C:\Win dows\Fonts\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: FavoritesFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\Favorites\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: DesktopFolder , Object : C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: CommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: X64 , Object: C:\Program Fil es\Common Files\X64\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION1 , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\X64\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: PCTELEAPPEER_AUTHENTICATION , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: _WIRE_WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wirele ss Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: X641 , Object: C:\Program Fil es\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: NTT_DOCOMO_WIRELESS_LAN , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\NTT DoCoMo W ireless LAN\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY5 , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY4 , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ISCommonFilesFolder , Object : C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ISUpdateServiceFolder , Object: C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: CommonFiles64Folder , Object : C:\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: CommonAppDataFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: _WIRE1 , Object: C:\Pro gramData\2Wire\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WIRELESS_MANAGER , Object : C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: AppDataFolder , Object : C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Roaming\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: AdminToolsFolder , Object : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ALLUSERSPROFILE , Object : C:\ProgramData\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFilesFolder , Object : C:\Program Files\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: TMOBILE , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\TMOBILE\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ISMyCompanyDir , Object : C:\Program Files\My Company Name\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ISMyProductDir , Object : C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: PCTEL , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\PCTEL\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ROAMINGCLIENT , Object : C:\Program Files\PCTEL\RoamingClient\

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ROAMING_CLIENT : C:\Program Files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: INSTALLDIR , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: SETUPAGENT , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: RESOURCES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Resources\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: README , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Readme\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: PLUGINS , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\plugins\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: MANUAL , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Manual\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: LOCATIONS , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\locations\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: LFLANGUAGES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LFLanguages\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: LANGUAGES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Languages\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: DKU2 , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY2 : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU2\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: DKU , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY3 : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: NEW_DIRECTORY1 : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DKU\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: _WIRE , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: MULTIMODE , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI1 , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WI , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\Wi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: IMAGETEMPLATES : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI3 , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: BLANKIMAGES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI2 , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\BlankImages\WiFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: HTML , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: AUTHENTICATION : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: STATUS , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\HTML\authentication\status\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: LOGFORMATTING : C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: WIFI , Object: es\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\wifi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: STYLES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\styles\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: IMAGES , gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\images\

, Object Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro C:\Program Fil , Object C:\Program Fil , Object , Object Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro C:\Program Fil , Object Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro C:\Program Fil , Object Object: C:\Pro , Object C:\Program Fil Object: C:\Pro Object: C:\Pro

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: GPRS , Object: C:\Program Fil es\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\gprs\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: EVENTS , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\events\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ERRORS , Object: C:\Pro gram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\errors\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Dir (target): Key: ALL , Object: C:\Program Fil es\2Wire Wireless Manager\LogFormatting\All\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:616]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT `Msi Assembly`.`Attributes`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Ma nifest`, `Component`.`KeyPath` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component` WHERE `MsiAssem bly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = ? Action ended 01:45:45: CostFinalize. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Doing action: SetODBCFolders Action 01:45:45: SetODBCFolders. Initializing ODBC directories Action start 01:45:45: SetODBCFolders. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Compo nentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attributes` F ROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `C omponentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attribute s` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Com ponent` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2) Action ended 01:45:45: SetODBCFolders. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Doing action: MigrateFeatureStates Action 01:45:45: MigrateFeatureStates. Migrating feature states from related app lications Action start 01:45:45: MigrateFeatureStates. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Skipping MigrateFeatureStates action: already do ne on client side Action ended 01:45:45: MigrateFeatureStates. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Doing action: InstallValidate Action 01:45:45: InstallValidate. Validating install Action start 01:45:45: InstallValidate. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting MsiRestartManagerSessi onKey property. Its current value is '939366f4df42e24782f174227c286d7c'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: WIFI; Installed: Absent; Request: Loc al; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: TwoWire; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: TWCustom; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: Core; Installed: Absent; Request: Loc al; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: SystemFiles; Installed: Absent; Reque st: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: MMS; Installed: Absent; Request: Null ; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: SetUpAgent; Installed: Absent; Reques t: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Feature: VistaEap; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __TWCustom67; Installed: Null; Requ est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __EapTtls.dll65; Installed: Null; R equest: Local; Action: Null

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __EapTTls6465; Installed: Null; Req uest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __TWCustom66; Installed: Null; Requ est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC 8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE2465; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_ 11D2_B95D_006097C4DE2465; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __MSXML3_msxml3.dll.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC 4_817B_C0E4C446699065; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __Global_Vba_VBStockProp.7EBEDD3E_AA6 6_11D2_B980_006097C4DE2465; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __Global_Controls_MSCOMCTLOCX.3207D1B 9_80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE2465; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Nul l MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __Global_Controls_COMCATDLL.3207D1B0_ 80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE2465; Installed: Null; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __AgentRunOnce65; Installed: Null; Request: Local; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __TwoWireexe68; Installed: Null; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __PWGReadme66; Installed: Null; Req uest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __TwoWireexe67; Installed: Null; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __PWGReadme65; Installed: Null; Req uest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __TwoWireexe66; Installed: Null; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __TwoWireexe65; Installed: Null; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: __TWCustom65; Installed: Null; Requ est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: TWCustom; Installed: Absent; Reques t: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: AgentRunOnce; Installed: Absent; Re quest: Local; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Wifi.dll; Installed: Absent; Reques t: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: smartkey.dll; Installed: Absent; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: AuthImpl.dll; Installed: Absent; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: EapTtls.dll; Installed: Absent; Req uest: Local; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: PWGReadme; Installed: Absent; Reque st: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: PWGManual; Installed: Absent; Reque st: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: acceleration.dll; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: AWSNwtGateway.dll; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: alllanguages; Installed: Absent; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: TwoWireexe; Installed: Absent; Requ est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: AWSLoader.dll; Installed: Absent; R equest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: TwoWireAllUsers; Installed: Absent;

Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: t: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: st: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: t: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: : Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: t: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: : Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: uest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: uest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: est: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component:

SMSCodec; Installed: Absent;


BlankSkinImages; Installed: Absent; SkinImages; Installed: Absent; PrcApiCli; Installed: Absent; Requ Reque

CustomDiagDisplay; Installed: Absent; DevWizHelp; Installed: Absent; InstallModem; Installed: Absent; zlib.dll; Installed: Absent; Requ Re


Diagnostic.dll; Installed: Absent; Eap.dll; Installed: Absent; Request Re

Ethernet.dll; Installed: Absent; FileManager.dll; Installed: Absent; MiniBrowser.dll; Installed: Absent; Ndis.dll; Installed: Absent; Pac.dll; Installed: Absent;

Reques Request

PanelFrmwrk.dll; Installed: Absent; PCARmDrv.exe; Installed: Absent; ProcUtil.dll; Installed: Absent; Profile.dll; Installed: Absent; RcEngine.dll; Installed: Absent; SkinManager.dll; Installed: Absent; Update.dll; Installed: Absent; Requ Re Re Req Re

VPNManager.dll; Installed: Absent; ZipArchive.dll; Installed: Absent; RcCommon.dll; Installed: Absent; InstallM.exe; Installed: Absent; ScrtMan.dll; Installed: Absent; ToolBx.dll; Installed: Absent; SetPermExe; Installed: Absent; Firewall.dll; Installed: Absent; Re Re Req Requ Requ Re

quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: CustomSetup.ini; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: eventman.dll; Installed: Absent; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: FeatureMan.dll; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: RulesManager.dll; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: TextTranslator.dll; Installed: Absent ; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: PRCApiSvr; Installed: Absent; Reque st: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: firmwarelauncher.exe; Installed: Abse nt; Request: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: ConApps.dll; Installed: Absent; Req uest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: RpcSrvApi; Installed: Absent; Reque st: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: RCSystemFiles98ME; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: RCSystemFiles; Installed: Absent; R equest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: unicows.dll; Installed: Absent; Req uest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: MFC; Installed: Absent; Request: Lo cal; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: SetupAgentExe; Installed: Absent; R equest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: PctelEapPeer; Installed: Absent; Re quest: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: EapTtls; Installed: Absent; Request : Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: EapTTls64; Installed: Absent; Reque st: Local; Action: Local MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: PCtelEapPeerX64; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Global_Controls_COMCATDLL.3207D1B0_80 E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Global_Controls_MSCOMCTLOCX.3207D1B9_ 80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Global_Vba_VBStockProp.7EBEDD3E_AA66_ 11D2_B980_006097C4DE24; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: MSXML3_msxml3.dll.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_ 817B_C0E4C4466990; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: MSXML3_msxml3r.dll.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4 _817B_C0E4C4466990; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: MSXML3_msxml3a.dll.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4 _817B_C0E4C4466990; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Global_System_OLEPRO32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_ 11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11 D2_B95D_006097C4DE24; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_ 11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: gdiPlus_Customer_Redist_____X86.36432 36F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: N ull MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: 73C_BD47_FE5024412C07; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: MSXML3_INF_msxmlx.inf.A2CDD4E1_ADB3_4 73C_BD47_FE5024412C07; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Component: MDACMSXML3_INF_msxmlx.inf.A2CDD4E1_AD B3_473C_BD47_FE5024412C07; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:631]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2756 2: roamin_1_roamingclient MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder12 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder12 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2756 2: roamin_1_roamingclient MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder18 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2756 2: newfolder17 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:647]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: _RemoveFilePath MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:694]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete prope rty. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:694]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:694]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:694]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:694]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:694]: Note: 1: 2727 2: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:709]: Note: 1: 2727 2: Action ended 01:45:45: InstallValidate. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:709]: Doing action: RemoveExistingProducts Action 01:45:45: RemoveExistingProducts. Removing applications Action start 01:45:45: RemoveExistingProducts. Action ended 01:45:45: RemoveExistingProducts. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:709]: Doing action: InstallInitialize Action 01:45:45: InstallInitialize. Action start 01:45:45: InstallInitialize. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:709]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:709]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:709]: BeginTransaction: Locking Server MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:45:725]: Server not locked: locking for product {DF8AC5CA -E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} Action ended 01:45:46: InstallInitialize. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:694]: Doing action: AllocateRegistrySpace Action 01:45:46: AllocateRegistrySpace. Allocating registry space Action start 01:45:46: AllocateRegistrySpace. Action ended 01:45:46: AllocateRegistrySpace. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:709]: Doing action: ProcessComponents Action 01:45:46: ProcessComponents. Updating component registration Action start 01:45:46: ProcessComponents. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:725]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchCertificate MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:725]: LUA patching is disabled: missing MsiPatchCertif icate table Action 01:45:46: GenerateScript. Generating script operations for action: GenerateScript: Updating component registration Action ended 01:45:46: ProcessComponents. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:772]: Doing action: UnpublishComponents Action 01:45:46: UnpublishComponents. Unpublishing Qualified Components Action start 01:45:46: UnpublishComponents. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:788]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:788]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PublishComponent 4: SELECT `PublishComponent`.`ComponentId`, `PublishComponent`.`Qualifier`, `PublishCompon ent`.`AppData`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`

FROM `PublishComponent`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `PublishComponent`.`Comp onent_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `PublishComponent`.`Feature_` = `Feature`. `Feature` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature `.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR ` Feature`.`Installed` = 2))) Action ended 01:45:46: UnpublishComponents. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:788]: Doing action: MsiUnpublishAssemblies Action 01:45:46: MsiUnpublishAssemblies. Unpublishing assembly information Action start 01:45:46: MsiUnpublishAssemblies. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:819]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:819]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT null, null, `Component`.`Component`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component `.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `MsiAssembly` .`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Feature_` = `Feature` .`Feature` AND `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application` = null AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Ac tion` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2))) Action ended 01:45:46: MsiUnpublishAssemblies. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:819]: Doing action: UnpublishFeatures Action 01:45:46: UnpublishFeatures. Unpublishing product features Action start 01:45:46: UnpublishFeatures. Action ended 01:45:46: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:819]: Doing action: StopServices Action 01:45:46: StopServices. Stopping services Action start 01:45:46: StopServices. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:819]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:819]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `N ame`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHE RE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2) Action ended 01:45:46: StopServices. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Doing action: DeleteServices Action 01:45:46: DeleteServices. Deleting services Action start 01:45:46: DeleteServices. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `N ame`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHE RE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2) Action ended 01:45:46: DeleteServices. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Doing action: UnregisterComPlus Action 01:45:46: UnregisterComPlus. Unregistering COM+ Applications and Componen ts Action start 01:45:46: UnregisterComPlus. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `Componen tId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `C omponent`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Comp onent_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND `Action` = 0 Action ended 01:45:46: UnregisterComPlus. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Doing action: SelfUnregModules Action 01:45:46: SelfUnregModules. Unregistering modules Action start 01:45:46: SelfUnregModules. Action ended 01:45:46: SelfUnregModules. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:834]: Doing action: UnregisterTypeLibraries Action 01:45:46: UnregisterTypeLibraries. Unregistering type libraries Action start 01:45:46: UnregisterTypeLibraries. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: TypeLib 4: SELECT `LibID`,

`TypeLib`.`Version`, `TypeLib`.`Language`, `TypeLib`.`Directory_`, `FileName`, ` Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `BinaryT ype`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `TypeLib`, `Compone nt`, `File` WHERE `TypeLib`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Component`.`Action`=0) Action ended 01:45:46: UnregisterTypeLibraries. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Doing action: RemoveODBC Action 01:45:46: RemoveODBC. Removing ODBC components Action start 01:45:46: RemoveODBC. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `D ataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM ` ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`A ction` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `D ataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM ` ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`A ction` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `T ranslator`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Compon ent`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `T ranslator`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Compon ent`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Drive r`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `O DBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`Action Request` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Drive r`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `O DBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`Action Request` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager 1: Removing ODBC components MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager64 Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveODBC. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Doing action: UnregisterFonts Action 01:45:46: UnregisterFonts. Unregistering fonts Action start 01:45:46: UnregisterFonts. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:850]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`, `FileName`, `Directory_`, `Installed`From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`Fi le_` = `FileAction`.`File` And `FileAction`.`Action` = 0 ORDER BY `FileAction`.` Directory_` Action ended 01:45:46: UnregisterFonts. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:866]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues Action 01:45:46: RemoveRegistryValues. Removing system registry values Action start 01:45:46: RemoveRegistryValues. Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:866]: Doing action: UnregisterClassInfo Action 01:45:46: UnregisterClassInfo. Unregister class servers Action start 01:45:46: UnregisterClassInfo. Action ended 01:45:46: UnregisterClassInfo. Return value 1.

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:866]: Doing action: UnregisterExtensionInfo Action 01:45:46: UnregisterExtensionInfo. Unregistering extension servers Action start 01:45:46: UnregisterExtensionInfo. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:881]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 Action ended 01:45:46: UnregisterExtensionInfo. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:881]: Doing action: UnregisterProgIdInfo Action 01:45:46: UnregisterProgIdInfo. Unregistering program identifiers Action start 01:45:46: UnregisterProgIdInfo. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:881]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 Action ended 01:45:46: UnregisterProgIdInfo. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:881]: Doing action: UnregisterMIMEInfo Action 01:45:46: UnregisterMIMEInfo. Unregistering MIME info Action start 01:45:46: UnregisterMIMEInfo. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:897]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:897]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType` , `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFl ags`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `MIME`, `Extension` , `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature `.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Fea ture`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3 ) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Inst alled` = 2))) Action ended 01:45:46: UnregisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:897]: Skipping action: DeleteAppPath (condition is fal se) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:897]: Doing action: RemoveIniValues Action 01:45:46: RemoveIniValues. Removing INI file entries Action start 01:45:46: RemoveIniValues. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:897]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:897]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName `,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`. `Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND `Compone nt`.`Action`=0 ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section` Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveIniValues. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:913]: Doing action: RemoveShortcuts Action 01:45:46: RemoveShortcuts. Removing shortcuts Action start 01:45:46: RemoveShortcuts. Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveShortcuts. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:913]: Doing action: RemoveEnvironmentStrings Action 01:45:46: RemoveEnvironmentStrings. Updating environment strings Action start 01:45:46: RemoveEnvironmentStrings. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name `,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Co mponent`.`Action` = 0) Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Doing action: RemoveDuplicateFiles Action 01:45:46: RemoveDuplicateFiles. Removing duplicated files Action start 01:45:46: RemoveDuplicateFiles. Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveDuplicateFiles. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Doing action: RemoveFiles Action 01:45:46: RemoveFiles. Removing files Action start 01:45:46: RemoveFiles. Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveFiles. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Doing action: RemoveFolders Action 01:45:46: RemoveFolders. Removing folders Action start 01:45:46: RemoveFolders. Action ended 01:45:46: RemoveFolders. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Doing action: CreateFolders

Action 01:45:46: CreateFolders. Creating folders Action start 01:45:46: CreateFolders. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Using well known SID for System MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:928]: Finished allocating new user SID CreateFolders: Folder: Creating folders Action ended 01:45:46: CreateFolders. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Doing action: MoveFiles Action 01:45:46: MoveFiles. Moving files Action start 01:45:46: MoveFiles. Action ended 01:45:46: MoveFiles. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Skipping action: Wdsfpca_CleanupFiles.C8C0673E_5 0E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Skipping action: InstallSFPCatalogFile (conditio n is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Doing action: InstallFiles Action 01:45:46: InstallFiles. Copying new files Action start 01:45:46: InstallFiles. InstallFiles: File: Copying new files, Directory: , Size: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Patch 4: SELECT `Patch`.`Fi le_`, `Patch`.`Header`, `Patch`.`Attributes`, `Patch`.`Sequence`, `Patch`.`Strea mRef_` FROM `Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`File_` = ? AND `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence` MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiSFCBypass MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiSFCBypass 4: SELECT `Fil e_` FROM `MsiSFCBypass` WHERE `File_` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:944]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders 4: SELECT ` Header` FROM `MsiPatchHeaders` WHERE `StreamRef` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:959]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage Action ended 01:45:46: InstallFiles. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:975]: Skipping action: Wdsfpca_WrInstallWFPFile.C8C067 3E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:975]: Doing action: PatchFiles Action 01:45:46: PatchFiles. Patching files Action start 01:45:46: PatchFiles. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:991]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:991]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Patch 4: SELECT `File`,`Fil eName`,`FileSize`,`Directory_`,`PatchSize`,`File`.`Attributes`,`Patch`.`Attribut es`,`Patch`.`Sequence`,`Component`.`Component`,`Component`.`ComponentId` FROM `F ile`,`Component`,`Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? AND `File`=`File_` AND `C omponent`=`Component_` ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence` Action ended 01:45:46: PatchFiles. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:991]: Doing action: DuplicateFiles Action 01:45:46: DuplicateFiles. Creating duplicate files Action start 01:45:46: DuplicateFiles. Action ended 01:45:46: DuplicateFiles. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:991]: Skipping action: Wdsfpca_WrRegisterTypeLib.C8C06 73E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:991]: Skipping action: Wdsfpca_WrUnRegisterTypeLib.C8C 0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:991]: Doing action: BindImage Action 01:45:46: BindImage. Binding executables Action start 01:45:46: BindImage. Action ended 01:45:46: BindImage. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:46:991]: Doing action: CreateShortcuts Action 01:45:46: CreateShortcuts. Creating shortcuts Action start 01:45:47: CreateShortcuts. CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: Creating shortcuts Action ended 01:45:47: CreateShortcuts. Return value 1.

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:006]: Doing action: RegisterClassInfo Action 01:45:47: RegisterClassInfo. Registering class servers Action start 01:45:47: RegisterClassInfo. Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterClassInfo. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:006]: Doing action: RegisterExtensionInfo Action 01:45:47: RegisterExtensionInfo. Registering extension servers Action start 01:45:47: RegisterExtensionInfo. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:022]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterExtensionInfo. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:022]: Doing action: RegisterProgIdInfo Action 01:45:47: RegisterProgIdInfo. Registering program identifiers Action start 01:45:47: RegisterProgIdInfo. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:038]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Extension 3: -2147287038 Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterProgIdInfo. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:038]: Doing action: RegisterMIMEInfo Action 01:45:47: RegisterMIMEInfo. Registering MIME info Action start 01:45:47: RegisterMIMEInfo. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:038]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:038]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType` , `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFl ags`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `MIME`, `Extension` , `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND ((`Featur e`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feat ure`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Actio n` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND ((`Feat ure`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) )) Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:038]: Doing action: WriteRegistryValues Action 01:45:47: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values Action start 01:45:47: WriteRegistryValues. WriteRegistryValues: Key: Writing system registry values, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:053]: Finished allocating new user SID Action ended 01:45:47: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Skipping action: Wdsfpca_AddRefcountMsxml.C8C067 3E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Doing action: WriteIniValues Action 01:45:47: WriteIniValues. Writing INI file values Action start 01:45:47: WriteIniValues. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName `,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`. `Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND (`Compon ent`.`Action`=1 OR `Component`.`Action`=2) ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section` Action ended 01:45:47: WriteIniValues. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Doing action: WriteEnvironmentStrings Action 01:45:47: WriteEnvironmentStrings. Updating environment strings Action start 01:45:47: WriteEnvironmentStrings. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name `,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Co mponent`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) Action ended 01:45:47: WriteEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:069]: Doing action: RegisterFonts Action 01:45:47: RegisterFonts. Registering fonts Action start 01:45:47: RegisterFonts. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`,

`FileName`, `Directory_`, `Action` From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`File _` = `FileAction`.`File` And (`FileAction`.`Action` = 1 Or `FileAction`.`Action` = 2) ORDER BY `FileAction`.`Directory_` Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterFonts. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Doing action: InstallODBC Action 01:45:47: InstallODBC. Installing ODBC components Action start 01:45:47: InstallODBC. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager64 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Drive r`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setu p`,`Action` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `O DBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `C omponent`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Drive r`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setu p`,`Action` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `O DBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `C omponent`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `T ranslator`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`F ile_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = ` File` AND `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRe quest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `T ranslator`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`F ile_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = ` File` AND `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRe quest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `D ataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM ` ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.` Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ? MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `D ataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM ` ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.` Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ? Action ended 01:45:47: InstallODBC. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Doing action: RegisterTypeLibraries Action 01:45:47: RegisterTypeLibraries. Registering type libraries Action start 01:45:47: RegisterTypeLibraries. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: TypeLib 4: SELECT `LibID`, `TypeLib`.`Version`, `TypeLib`.`Language`, `TypeLib`.`Directory_`, `FileName`, ` Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `BinaryT ype`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes`, `Component`.`RuntimeFla gs` FROM `TypeLib`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `TypeLib`.`Component_` = `Componen t` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Component`.`Action`=1 OR `Co mponent`.`Action`=2) OR (`Component`.`Action` = null AND (`Component`.`ActionReq uest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2))) Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterTypeLibraries. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Doing action: SelfRegModules Action 01:45:47: SelfRegModules. Registering modules Action start 01:45:47: SelfRegModules.

SelfRegModules: File: Registering modules, Folder: Action ended 01:45:47: SelfRegModules. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:084]: Doing action: RegisterComPlus Action 01:45:47: RegisterComPlus. Registering COM+ Applications and Components Action start 01:45:47: RegisterComPlus. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `Componen tId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `C omponent`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Comp onent_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2) Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterComPlus. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Doing action: InstallServices Action 01:45:47: InstallServices. Installing new services Action start 01:45:47: InstallServices. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Detected older ServiceInstall table schema MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceInstall MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceInstall 4: SELECT `N ame`,`DisplayName`,`ServiceType`,`StartType`,`ErrorControl`,`LoadOrderGroup`,`De pendencies`,`StartName`,`Password`,`ComponentId`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`Argume nts` FROM `ServiceInstall`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `ServiceInstall`.`Componen t_` = `Component`.`Component` AND (`Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File`) AND (` Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2) Action ended 01:45:47: InstallServices. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Doing action: StartServices Action 01:45:47: StartServices. Starting services Action start 01:45:47: StartServices. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `N ame`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHE RE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2) Action ended 01:45:47: StartServices. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Doing action: RegisterUser Action 01:45:47: RegisterUser. Registering user Action start 01:45:47: RegisterUser. RegisterUser: Registering user Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterUser. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:100]: Doing action: RegisterProduct Action 01:45:47: RegisterProduct. Registering product Action start 01:45:47: RegisterProduct. RegisterProduct: Registering product MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductToBeRegistered pr operty. Its value is '1'. Action ended 01:45:47: RegisterProduct. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: Doing action: PublishComponents Action 01:45:47: PublishComponents. Publishing qualified components Action start 01:45:47: PublishComponents. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PublishComponent 4: SELECT `PublishComponent`.`ComponentId`, `PublishComponent`.`Qualifier`, `PublishCompon ent`.`AppData`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `PublishComponent`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `PublishComponent`.`Comp onent_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `PublishComponent`.`Feature_` = `Feature`. `Feature` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature` .`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Fe ature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4 ))) Action ended 01:45:47: PublishComponents. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: Doing action: MsiPublishAssemblies

Action 01:45:47: MsiPublishAssemblies. Publishing assembly information Action start 01:45:47: MsiPublishAssemblies. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT null, null, `Component`.`Component`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component `.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `MsiAssembly` .`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Feature_` = `Feature` .`Feature` AND `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application` = null AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Instal led` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature` .`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4))) Action ended 01:45:47: MsiPublishAssemblies. Return value 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:116]: Doing action: PublishFeatures Action 01:45:47: PublishFeatures. Publishing product features Action start 01:45:47: PublishFeatures. PublishFeatures: Feature: Publishing product features Action ended 01:45:47: PublishFeatures. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:194]: Doing action: PublishProduct Action 01:45:47: PublishProduct. Publishing product information Action start 01:45:47: PublishProduct. 1: Publishing product information Action ended 01:45:47: PublishProduct. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:209]: Skipping action: ScheduleReboot (condition is fa lse) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:209]: Doing action: InstallExecute Action 01:45:47: InstallExecute. Action start 01:45:47: InstallExecute. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:209]: Running Script: C:\Windows\Installer\MSIB0DF.tmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:209]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UpdateStarted property. Its value is '1'. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:209]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:319]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mic rosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:319]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Versio n=400,Timestamp=1061752248,LangId=1033,Platform=0,ScriptType=1,ScriptMajorVersio n=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:319]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={DF8AC5CA-E 85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9},ProductName=2Wire Wireless Manager,PackageName=Setup 32.msi,Language=1033,Version=16842756,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,ProductIcon=ARP PRODUCTICON.exe,,PackageCode={07599E3C-EDA2-40AF-9ADE-B5BE9892B1D4},,,InstanceTy pe=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:329]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:350]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=2Wire W ireless Manager) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:392]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollb ack,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction= RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [ 1]) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:392]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:392]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:392]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ProcessComponents ,Description=Updating component registration,) Action 01:45:47: ProcessComponents. Updating component registration MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:412]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=13,Type=1,Byte Equivalent=24000) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:415]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={3 207D1B1-80E5-11D2-B95D-006097C4DE24},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {3207D1B1-80E5-11D2-B95D-006097C4DE 24} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:420]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\1B1D70235E08

2D119BD50006794CED42 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:420]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\1B1D70235E08 2D119BD50006794CED42 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:420]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={2 2056900-C842-11D1-A0DD-00A0C9054277},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {22056900-C842-11D1-A0DD-00A0C90542 77} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:441]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\00965022248C 1D110ADD000A9C502477 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:441]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\00965022248C 1D110ADD000A9C502477 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:441]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={1 0048711-2C96-11D2-9A97-006097C4E452},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {10048711-2C96-11D2-9A97-006097C4E4 52} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:441]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\1178400169C2 2D11A9790006794C4E25 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:441]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\1178400169C2 2D11A9790006794C4E25 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:441]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={E BB235A2-7954-4DED-808C-64B32E139DA7},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {EBB235A2-7954-4DED-808C-64B32E139D A7} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\2A532BBE4597 DED408C8463BE231D97A 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\2A532BBE4597 DED408C8463BE231D97A 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={5 208D173-F7B3-4472-8EBF-3998A4D950C4},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {5208D173-F7B3-4472-8EBF-3998A4D950 C4} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\371D80253B7F 2744E8FB93894A9D054C 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\371D80253B7F 2744E8FB93894A9D054C 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={C E9BA723-4971-4B56-95B0-BFA95FD36516},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {CE9BA723-4971-4B56-95B0-BFA95FD365 16} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\327AB9EC1794 65B4590BFB9AF53D5661 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\327AB9EC1794 65B4590BFB9AF53D5661 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={1 0048713-2C96-11D2-9A97-006097C4E452},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {10048713-2C96-11D2-9A97-006097C4E4 52} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\3178400169C2 2D11A9790006794C4E25 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\3178400169C2 2D11A9790006794C4E25 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:456]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={4 74F61F1-7342-11D2-A199-00A0C90AB50F},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {474F61F1-7342-11D2-A199-00A0C90AB5 0F} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\1F16F4742437 2D111A99000A9CA05BF0 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\1F16F4742437 2D111A99000A9CA05BF0 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={9

97FA962-E067-11D1-9396-00A0C90F27F9},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {997FA962-E067-11D1-9396-00A0C90F27 F9} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\269AF799760E 1D113969000A9CF0729F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\269AF799760E 1D113969000A9CF0729F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={3 B694B1F-4410-11D5-A54A-0090278A1BB8},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {3B694B1F-4410-11D5-A54A-0090278A1B B8} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\F1B496B30144 5D115AA4000972A8B18B 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\F1B496B30144 5D115AA4000972A8B18B 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={F 4CC0714-3217-44CE-AD72-5CE4781C33FE},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {F4CC0714-3217-44CE-AD72-5CE4781C33 FE} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\4170CC4F7123 EC44DA27C54E87C133EF 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\4170CC4F7123 EC44DA27C54E87C133EF 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={F 6E55CBC-E28D-4D8C-B706-89BF0740FA8F},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {F6E55CBC-E28D-4D8C-B706-89BF0740FA 8F} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\CBC55E6FD82E C8D47B6098FB7004AFF8 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\CBC55E6FD82E C8D47B6098FB7004AFF8 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={9 0ED0BDB-A92B-42C1-82ED-D3FEA8D179B4},,BinaryType=0,PreviouslyPinned=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {90ED0BDB-A92B-42C1-82ED-D3FEA8D179 B4} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\BDB0DE09B29A 1C2428DE3DEF8A1D974B 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\BDB0DE09B29A 1C2428DE3DEF8A1D974B 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=62,Type=1,Byte Equivalent=24000) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={6E6 84E8D-0228-4E6C-B0D3-8B8A32FE4964},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\2Wire.skx,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {6E684E8D-0228-4E6C-B0D3-8B8A32FE49 64} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.skx MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={137 64903-B8A0-4CB6-AC57-4F28B0F13E4E},,State=-7,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryT ype=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {13764903-B8A0-4CB6-AC57-4F28B0F13E 4E} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={8FD 3A999-8732-4CBB-802A-C8CC847E6F70},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Wifi.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {8FD3A999-8732-4CBB-802A-C8CC847E6F 70} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Wifi.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={84D 2964E-6472-4CB1-891F-521887BA800F},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Smartkey.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {84D2964E-6472-4CB1-891F-521887BA80

0F} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Smartkey.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={A19 1E68C-3EF6-4706-B36C-AC31E0015BD7},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\AuthImpl.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {A191E68C-3EF6-4706-B36C-AC31E0015B D7} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\AuthImpl.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:472]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={531 74A6D-23FB-4221-860D-7579858CABAA},,State=-7,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryT ype=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {53174A6D-23FB-4221-860D-7579858CAB AA} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={EAD FB4EC-21B3-498B-A2DC-327B51CB495D},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Readme\readme.html,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {EADFB4EC-21B3-498B-A2DC-327B51CB49 5D} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Readme\readme.html MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={090 1A4C4-3B26-45E9-ABFF-6DFE8EB84BCC},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Manual\rc.chm,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {0901A4C4-3B26-45E9-ABFF-6DFE8EB84B CC} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Manual\rc.chm MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={304 D3F7F-104B-48CB-80D9-1047B01F5D24},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Acceleration.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {304D3F7F-104B-48CB-80D9-1047B01F5D 24} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Acceleration.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={8BA 2B4E9-4C2B-428C-B2DD-52EEFF8F41F6},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\NwtGatewayDLL.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {8BA2B4E9-4C2B-428C-B2DD-52EEFF8F41 F6} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\NwtGatewayDLL.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={7ED 91D29-AE87-451B-AF8B-A5011D6EC348},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Languages\,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {7ED91D29-AE87-451B-AF8B-A5011D6EC3 48} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Languages\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={14C 8E6E2-3605-474B-B8A9-CD9B4C69BB3F},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\2Wire.exe,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {14C8E6E2-3605-474B-B8A9-CD9B4C69BB 3F} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={EE5 0D929-1EB1-41AB-93A4-D3FB1A53107C},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\loader.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {EE50D929-1EB1-41AB-93A4-D3FB1A5310 7C} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\loader.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:488]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={55C 0DC6B-642B-4F05-AA6C-74A4CA122AF1},KeyPath=C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager \,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {55C0DC6B-642B-4F05-AA6C-74A4CA122A F1} 3: C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:503]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={A64 29D97-6F1D-4AEE-B8DC-F85AEA6D4F8E},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\SMSCodec.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {A6429D97-6F1D-4AEE-B8DC-F85AEA6D4F 8E} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SMSCodec.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:503]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={418 3E361-700C-472D-9EF3-E26AE9BB0544},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {4183E361-700C-472D-9EF3-E26AE9BB05

44} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:503]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={0E6 63144-FF2A-44AC-B237-4C83E5543B23},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {0E663144-FF2A-44AC-B237-4C83E5543B 23} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={610 A911D-EFAB-4A07-95A2-3172931DB2F1},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\PRCApiCli.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {610A911D-EFAB-4A07-95A2-3172931DB2 F1} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PRCApiCli.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={FDF 3229E-D4B9-481D-81F4-E223E1D36FC1},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\CustomDiagDisplay.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {FDF3229E-D4B9-481D-81F4-E223E1D36F C1} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\CustomDiagDisplay.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={D46 ADD63-6716-4E3A-8663-9096559F2BD2},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\DevWizHlp.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {D46ADD63-6716-4E3A-8663-9096559F2B D2} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DevWizHlp.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={3EB A5432-9E0B-4F40-9EF1-3A7F39975069},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\InstallModem.exe,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {3EBA5432-9E0B-4F40-9EF1-3A7F399750 69} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\InstallModem.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={AAF 30C73-2797-4515-A0F8-762EEA69D153},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\zlib.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {AAF30C73-2797-4515-A0F8-762EEA69D1 53} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\zlib.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={DD6 B2AC5-4155-48B0-A317-B0B91E88A1A5},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Diagnostic.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {DD6B2AC5-4155-48B0-A317-B0B91E88A1 A5} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Diagnostic.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={C49 C7FFA-0A5A-4DE8-8723-5DAC81E8CD00},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Eap.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {C49C7FFA-0A5A-4DE8-8723-5DAC81E8CD 00} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Eap.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:519]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={B3E 1389A-E851-4646-82D2-1AFEA4B94B64},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Ethernet.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {B3E1389A-E851-4646-82D2-1AFEA4B94B 64} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Ethernet.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:535]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={C21 D8C46-7A76-48B2-9F05-4120B9803CD8},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\FileManager.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {C21D8C46-7A76-48B2-9F05-4120B9803C D8} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\FileManager.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:535]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={85D ADCE5-FB91-49C4-BB38-2F49513ED9AC},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\MiniBrowser.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {85DADCE5-FB91-49C4-BB38-2F49513ED9 AC} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\MiniBrowser.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:535]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={4A8 0BB3B-1BB5-43FA-BDDF-B090AF214171},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\NdisHelper.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {4A80BB3B-1BB5-43FA-BDDF-B090AF2141

71} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\NdisHelper.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:535]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={72E 371E5-AE6C-4E81-A1F2-0C20CB595B3A},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Pac.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {72E371E5-AE6C-4E81-A1F2-0C20CB595B 3A} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Pac.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:535]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={A53 B0BE2-2C90-454E-96B3-AC89DAC0FCA2},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\PanelFrmwrk.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {A53B0BE2-2C90-454E-96B3-AC89DAC0FC A2} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PanelFrmwrk.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:535]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={E71 8B3AD-8B66-4925-8649-181846B12F3D},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\PCARmDrv.exe,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {E718B3AD-8B66-4925-8649-181846B12F 3D} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PCARmDrv.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:535]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={EDC ABC19-4C57-4DC8-8B95-F46D8F61E8EC},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\ProcUtil.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {EDCABC19-4C57-4DC8-8B95-F46D8F61E8 EC} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ProcUtil.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:550]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={4ED 74B98-DAB3-4BE5-889E-B7D86FFA036F},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Profile.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {4ED74B98-DAB3-4BE5-889E-B7D86FFA03 6F} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Profile.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:550]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={6A0 FBD65-08EA-4359-81A1-4CDD54BFA0EA},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\RcEngine.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {6A0FBD65-08EA-4359-81A1-4CDD54BFA0 EA} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RcEngine.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:550]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={966 3BC69-51E7-4347-9865-46CA42C1165F},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\SkinManager.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {9663BC69-51E7-4347-9865-46CA42C116 5F} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SkinManager.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:550]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={F6C 14328-A140-46D6-8F29-7BB3CEED6166},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Update.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {F6C14328-A140-46D6-8F29-7BB3CEED61 66} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Update.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:566]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={F06 27EA2-5A3E-47A0-86EA-BEE54DD3AD4E},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\VPNManager.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {F0627EA2-5A3E-47A0-86EA-BEE54DD3AD 4E} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\VPNManager.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:566]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={917 EA33A-BD15-4C7A-9E89-3E885400A36C},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\ZipArchive.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {917EA33A-BD15-4C7A-9E89-3E885400A3 6C} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ZipArchive.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:566]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={108 2F974-5B38-4698-B916-F77788CA99DE},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\RcCommon.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {1082F974-5B38-4698-B916-F77788CA99 DE} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RcCommon.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:566]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={E9D A2B17-ED6B-4E34-A378-E32BC3A30A28},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Installm.exe,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {E9DA2B17-ED6B-4E34-A378-E32BC3A30A

28} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Installm.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={5F9 7BA48-3CCA-4F44-9B2F-9B28E8E3646A},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\ScrtMan.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {5F97BA48-3CCA-4F44-9B2F-9B28E8E364 6A} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ScrtMan.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={BE5 5040B-0BD8-46D5-ABB9-AC35FB92EB24},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\ToolBx.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {BE55040B-0BD8-46D5-ABB9-AC35FB92EB 24} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ToolBx.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={322 8A7DB-A0D6-4005-B6C5-BD902A5F4ADD},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\FullPermiss.exe,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {3228A7DB-A0D6-4005-B6C5-BD902A5F4A DD} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\FullPermiss.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={D3C 55211-B4D3-42E8-AB7A-AA3CEE171778},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\Firewall.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {D3C55211-B4D3-42E8-AB7A-AA3CEE1717 78} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Firewall.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={28C F447B-CF69-41B9-8879-F7F93C72763F},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {28CF447B-CF69-41B9-8879-F7F93C7276 3F} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={9F3 065D0-BE53-4B19-9B94-C62CFE439F9B},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\EventMan.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {9F3065D0-BE53-4B19-9B94-C62CFE439F 9B} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\EventMan.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={F93 8FEAE-08C8-47AF-81E3-2DADF028FE73},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\FeatureMan.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {F938FEAE-08C8-47AF-81E3-2DADF028FE 73} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\FeatureMan.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={227 8F602-9D06-4FBF-8197-F87BF15A4277},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\RulesMgr.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {2278F602-9D06-4FBF-8197-F87BF15A42 77} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RulesMgr.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={0FA F2AF8-8231-4DAE-928D-C34BE7F25190},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\TextTranslator.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {0FAF2AF8-8231-4DAE-928D-C34BE7F251 90} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\TextTranslator.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={0C3 52E20-9543-490C-ADEB-8EB21A2323A2},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\PRCApiSrv.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {0C352E20-9543-490C-ADEB-8EB21A2323 A2} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PRCApiSrv.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:581]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={DA0 9EC52-E849-4A49-9212-32E4736A5FC3},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {DA09EC52-E849-4A49-9212-32E4736A5F C3} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={FEF 8A608-D13A-408A-AF95-D06FF739A5C8},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\ConApps.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {FEF8A608-D13A-408A-AF95-D06FF739A5

C8} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ConApps.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={BF5 EA55B-BBD9-4420-A90A-EBC3EC0A5A45},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\RpcSrvApi.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {BF5EA55B-BBD9-4420-A90A-EBC3EC0A5A 45} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RpcSrvApi.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={694 72CEC-6021-4223-B46B-19804EB0AF82},,State=-7,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryT ype=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {69472CEC-6021-4223-B46B-19804EB0AF 82} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={A4F 1EA16-31F4-48E8-9121-7C655A8258DF},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\PCTIN50.dll,State =3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {A4F1EA16-31F4-48E8-9121-7C655A8258 DF} 3: C:\Windows\system32\PCTIN50.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={923 7B9E3-FCC6-4064-9C00-A3B10BA6E9BC},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\,State=3,,Disk=1, SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {9237B9E3-FCC6-4064-9C00-A3B10BA6E9 BC} 3: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={50B 6123B-7C59-4660-8A65-7A244280E143},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\,State=3,,Disk=1, SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {50B6123B-7C59-4660-8A65-7A244280E1 43} 3: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={50B 6123B-7C59-4660-8A65-7A244280E143},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\,State=3,ProductK ey={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000},Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType= 0) 1: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 2: {50B6123B-7C59-4660-8A65-7A244280E1 43} 3: C:\Windows\system32\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={1D7 05944-AD1B-4226-BE31-B37E414DCDD8},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\SetUpAgent\2WireAgent.exe,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {1D705944-AD1B-4226-BE31-B37E414DCD D8} 3: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\2WireAgent.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={8CD 035D0-486D-4ED6-8323-2C5589B8BBD1},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEa pPeer Authentication\PctelEapPeer.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,Binary Type=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {8CD035D0-486D-4ED6-8323-2C5589B8BB D1} 3: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelEapPeer.dl l MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={B97 96E9C-52BB-4FA3-9D4F-F7722E0DDD0D},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEa pPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDl lRefCount=0,BinaryType=0) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {B9796E9C-52BB-4FA3-9D4F-F7722E0DDD 0D} 3: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={158 1973A-23E3-43D4-8B96-93EB7224BFFC},KeyPath=C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEa pPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,Shar edDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {1581973A-23E3-43D4-8B96-93EB7224BF FC} 3: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={596 1D6D6-02FD-4A68-8BD1-243DAFDBF26C},,State=-7,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryT

ype=1) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} 2: {5961D6D6-02FD-4A68-8BD1-243DAFDBF2 6C} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=2,Type=1,ByteE quivalent=13200) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SO FTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:597]: Executing op: ProgressTick() MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=C:\Windows\system 32\PCTINDIS5.sys,Value=#+,Attributes=1) 1: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs 2: C:\Windows\system32\ PCTINDIS5.sys 3: #+ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteE quivalent=13200) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SO FTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=C:\Windows\system 32\unicows.dll,Value=#+,Attributes=1) 1: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs 2: C:\Windows\system32\ unicows.dll 3: #+ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=4,Type=1,ByteE quivalent=13200) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SO FTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=C:\Windows\system 32\MFC71u.dll,Value=#+,Attributes=1) 1: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs 2: C:\Windows\system32\ MFC71u.dll 3: #+ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=C:\Windows\system 32\msvcr71.dll,Value=#+,Attributes=1) 1: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs 2: C:\Windows\system32\ msvcr71.dll 3: #+ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=C:\Windows\system 32\msvcp71.dll,Value=#+,Attributes=1) 1: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs 2: C:\Windows\system32\ msvcp71.dll 3: #+ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=C:\Windows\system 32\MFC71.dll,Value=#+,Attributes=1) 1: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs 2: C:\Windows\system32\ MFC71.dll 3: #+ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RemoveODBC,Descri ption=Removing ODBC components,) Action 01:45:47: RemoveODBC. Removing ODBC components MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: ODBCDriverManager(,BinaryType=0) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: ODBCDriverManager(,BinaryType=1) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CreateFolders,Des cription=Creating folders,Template=Folder: [1]) Action 01:45:47: CreateFolders. Creating folders MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: FolderCreate(Folder=C:\Program Fil es\2Wire Wireless Manager\Languages\,Foreign=0,) CreateFolders: Folder: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Languages\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:613]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallFiles,Desc ription=Copying new files,Template=File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6]) Action 01:45:47: InstallFiles. Copying new files MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=15351138,Type= 0,ByteEquivalent=1) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\)

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(MediaVolumeLabel=DISK1 ,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: 1,,BytesPerTick=32768,CopierType=0,,,,,,IsF irstPhysicalMedia=1) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=2Wire.skx,Sour ceCabKey=_wire.skx,DestName=2Wire.skx,Attributes=8192,FileSize=841629,PerTick=32 768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire.skx; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: Source for file '2Wire.skx' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ '. InstallFiles: File: 2Wire.skx, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\, Size: 841629 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:628]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.skx MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Splash.JPG,Sou rceCabKey=splash.jpg1,DestName=Splash.JPG,Attributes=8192,FileSize=21105,PerTick =32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Sp lash.JPG; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: Source for file 'Splash.JPG' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \'. InstallFiles: File: Splash.JPG, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Mana ger\, Size: 21105 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Splash.JPG MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Wifi.dll,Sourc eCabKey=Wifi.dll,DestName=Wifi.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=876544,PerTick=32768 ,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982 400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Wi fi.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: Source for file 'Wifi.dll' is uncompressed, at ' C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\' . InstallFiles: File: Wifi.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manage r\, Size: 876544 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:644]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Wifi.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:660]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Smartkey.dll,S ourceCabKey=Smartkey.dll,DestName=Smartkey.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=49152,Pe rTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Instal lMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:660]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Sm artkey.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:660]: Source for file 'Smartkey.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: Smartkey.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 49152 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:660]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Smartkey.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=AuthImpl.dll,S ourceCabKey=authimpl.dll,DestName=AuthImpl.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=245760,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Insta llMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Au thImpl.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Source for file 'AuthImpl.dll' is uncompressed,

at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: AuthImpl.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 245760 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\AuthImpl.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Readme\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\Readme\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Readme\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=README~1.HTM|r eadme.html,SourceCabKey=readme.html2,DestName=readme.html,Attributes=8192,FileSi ze=4384,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,, ,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Re adme\readme.html; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Source for file 'readme.html' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clien t\Readme\'. InstallFiles: File: readme.html, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Man ager\Readme\, Size: 4384 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Readme\readme.html MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Manual\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\Manual\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Manual\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=rc.chm,SourceC abKey=rc.chm2,DestName=rc.chm,Attributes=8192,FileSize=256942,PerTick=32768,,Ver ifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Ma nual\rc.chm; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:675]: Source for file 'rc.chm' is uncompressed, at 'C: \Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\Man ual\'. InstallFiles: File: rc.chm, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ Manual\, Size: 256942 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Manual\rc.chm MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ACCELE~1.DLL|A cceleration.dll,SourceCabKey=Acceleration.dll,DestName=Acceleration.dll,Attribut es=8192,FileSize=249856,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.2. 187.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Ac celeration.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Source for file 'Acceleration.dll' is uncompress ed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. InstallFiles: File: Acceleration.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireles s Manager\, Size: 249856 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Acceleration.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=NWTGAT~1.DLL|N wtGatewayDLL.dll,SourceCabKey=NwtGatewayDLL.dll,DestName=NwtGatewayDLL.dll,Attri butes=8192,FileSize=241664,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=1 .0.9.8,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Nw tGatewayDLL.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Source for file 'NwtGatewayDLL.dll' is uncompres sed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. InstallFiles: File: NwtGatewayDLL.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wirele ss Manager\, Size: 241664 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:691]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\NwtGatewayDLL.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=2Wire.exe,Sour ceCabKey=_wire.exe,DestName=2Wire.exe,Attributes=8192,FileSize=61440,PerTick=327 68,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982 400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Source for file '2Wire.exe' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\ '. InstallFiles: File: 2Wire.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manag er\, Size: 61440 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=loader.dll,Sou rceCabKey=loader.dll,DestName=loader.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=200704,PerTick =32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode=5 8982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\lo ader.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Source for file 'loader.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \'. InstallFiles: File: loader.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Mana ger\, Size: 200704 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\loader.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\ProgramD ata\2Wire\Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\Common~1\ 2Wire\WIRELE~1\|CommonAppData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=CONFLI~1.RC4|C onflictingApplications.xml.RC4,SourceCabKey=ConflictingApplications.xml.8,DestNa me=ConflictingApplications.xml.RC4,Attributes=8192,FileSize=45440,PerTick=32768, ,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: File: C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\Conf lictingApplications.xml.RC4; To be installed; Won't patch; No exist ing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:722]: Source for file 'ConflictingApplications.xml.RC4 ' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData \2Wire\Wireless Manager\'. InstallFiles: File: ConflictingApplications.xml.RC4, Directory: C:\ProgramData\ 2Wire\Wireless Manager\, Size: 45440 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:738]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless M anager\ConflictingApplications.xml.RC4 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:738]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=FEATUR~1.RC4|F eatureManager.xml.RC4,SourceCabKey=FeatureManager.xml.RC4,DestName=FeatureManage r.xml.RC4,Attributes=8192,FileSize=19720,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckC RC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:738]: File: C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless Manager\Feat ureManager.xml.RC4; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:738]: Source for file 'FeatureManager.xml.RC4' is unco

mpressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\CommonAppData\2Wire\Wi reless Manager\'. InstallFiles: File: FeatureManager.xml.RC4, Directory: C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wir eless Manager\, Size: 19720 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\ProgramData\2Wire\Wireless M anager\FeatureManager.xml.RC4 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=SMSCodec.dll,S ourceCabKey=smscodec.dll,DestName=SMSCodec.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=139349,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Instal lMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SM SCodec.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Source for file 'SMSCodec.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: SMSCodec.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 139349 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SMSCodec.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\IMAGET~1\WiFi\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Ima geTemplates\WiFi\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=NETWOR~1.BMP|n etworks_topleft.bmp,SourceCabKey=networks_topleft.bmp1,DestName=networks_topleft .bmp,Attributes=8192,FileSize=19856,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0, ,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\networks_topleft.bmp; To be installed; Won't pa tch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:753]: Source for file 'networks_topleft.bmp' is uncomp ressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roam ing Client\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\'. InstallFiles: File: networks_topleft.bmp, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wir eless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\, Size: 19856 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:785]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\networks_topleft.bmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:785]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=homepage.bmp,S ourceCabKey=homepage.bmp1,DestName=homepage.bmp,Attributes=8192,FileSize=37854,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:785]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\homepage.bmp; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:785]: Source for file 'homepage.bmp' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\'. InstallFiles: File: homepage.bmp, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\, Size: 37854 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:785]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\homepage.bmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:800]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=titlebar.bmp,S ourceCabKey=titlebar.bmp1,DestName=titlebar.bmp,Attributes=8192,FileSize=19856,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:800]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\titlebar.bmp; To be installed; Won't patch;

No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:800]: Source for file 'titlebar.bmp' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\'. InstallFiles: File: titlebar.bmp, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\, Size: 19856 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:800]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\ImageTemplates\WiFi\titlebar.bmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\2Wire\MULTIM~1\WiFi\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\2Wire\Mul timode\WiFi\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=homepage.bmp,S ourceCabKey=homepage.bmp,DestName=homepage.bmp,Attributes=8192,FileSize=37856,Pe rTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire\Multimode\WiFi\homepage.bmp; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Source for file 'homepage.bmp' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\'. InstallFiles: File: homepage.bmp, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\, Size: 37856 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\homepage.bmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=titlebar.bmp,S ourceCabKey=titlebar.bmp,DestName=titlebar.bmp,Attributes=8192,FileSize=21656,Pe rTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire\Multimode\WiFi\titlebar.bmp; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Source for file 'titlebar.bmp' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\'. InstallFiles: File: titlebar.bmp, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\, Size: 21656 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\titlebar.bmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=NETWOR~1.BMP|n etworks_topleft.bmp,SourceCabKey=networks_topleft.bmp,DestName=networks_topleft. bmp,Attributes=8192,FileSize=19856,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,, ,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2W ire\Multimode\WiFi\networks_topleft.bmp; To be installed; Won't pa tch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Source for file 'networks_topleft.bmp' is uncomp ressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roam ing Client\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\'. InstallFiles: File: networks_topleft.bmp, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wir eless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\, Size: 19856 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:816]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire\Multimode\WiFi\networks_topleft.bmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PRCAPI~1.DLL|P RCApiCli.dll,SourceCabKey=prcapicli.dll1,DestName=PRCApiCli.dll,Attributes=8192, FileSize=94208,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Lan

guage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PR CApiCli.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Source for file 'PRCApiCli.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cli ent\'. InstallFiles: File: PRCApiCli.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless M anager\, Size: 94208 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PRCApiCli.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=CUSTOM~1.DLL|C ustomDiagDisplay.dll,SourceCabKey=customdiagdisplay.dll,DestName=CustomDiagDispl ay.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=90112,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC= 0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Cu stomDiagDisplay.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Source for file 'CustomDiagDisplay.dll' is uncom pressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roa ming Client\'. InstallFiles: File: CustomDiagDisplay.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wi reless Manager\, Size: 90112 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\CustomDiagDisplay.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=DEVWIZ~1.DLL|D evWizHlp.dll,SourceCabKey=devwizhlp.dll,DestName=DevWizHlp.dll,Attributes=8192,F ileSize=307200,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Lan guage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\De vWizHlp.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Source for file 'DevWizHlp.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cli ent\'. InstallFiles: File: DevWizHlp.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless M anager\, Size: 307200 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:831]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\DevWizHlp.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=INSTAL~1.EXE|I nstallModem.exe,SourceCabKey=installmodem.exe,DestName=InstallModem.exe,Attribut es=8192,FileSize=334624,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.2. 187.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\In stallModem.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: Source for file 'InstallModem.exe' is uncompress ed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. InstallFiles: File: InstallModem.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireles s Manager\, Size: 334624 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\InstallModem.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=zlib.dll,Sourc eCabKey=zlib.dll,DestName=zlib.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=37376,PerTick=32768, ,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\zl ib.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: Source for file 'zlib.dll' is uncompressed, at ' C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\' . InstallFiles: File: zlib.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manage r\, Size: 37376 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:847]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless

Manager\zlib.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=DIAGNO~1.DLL|D iagnostic.dll,SourceCabKey=Diagnostic.dll,DestName=Diagnostic.dll,Attributes=819 2,FileSize=102400,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=, Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Di agnostic.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Source for file 'Diagnostic.dll' is uncompressed , at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cl ient\'. InstallFiles: File: Diagnostic.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 102400 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Diagnostic.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Eap.dll,Source CabKey=Eap.dll,DestName=Eap.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=57344,PerTick=32768,,Ve rifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400, ,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Ea p.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Source for file 'Eap.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C :\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. InstallFiles: File: Eap.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager \, Size: 57344 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Eap.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Ethernet.dll,S ourceCabKey=Ethernet.dll,DestName=Ethernet.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=135168,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Insta llMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Et hernet.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Source for file 'Ethernet.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: Ethernet.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 135168 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Ethernet.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=FILEMA~1.DLL|F ileManager.dll,SourceCabKey=FileManager.dll,DestName=FileManager.dll,Attributes= 8192,FileSize=30720,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.2.187. 0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Fi leManager.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:863]: Source for file 'FileManager.dll' is uncompresse d, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming C lient\'. InstallFiles: File: FileManager.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 30720 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\FileManager.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=MINIBR~1.DLL|M iniBrowser.dll,SourceCabKey=MiniBrowser.dll,DestName=MiniBrowser.dll,Attributes= 8192,FileSize=30720,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.2.187. 0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Mi niBrowser.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Source for file 'MiniBrowser.dll' is uncompresse d, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming C

lient\'. InstallFiles: File: MiniBrowser.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 30720 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\MiniBrowser.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=NDISHE~1.DLL|N disHelper.dll,SourceCabKey=NdisHelper.dll,DestName=NdisHelper.dll,Attributes=819 2,FileSize=118784,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=, Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Nd isHelper.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Source for file 'NdisHelper.dll' is uncompressed , at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cl ient\'. InstallFiles: File: NdisHelper.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 118784 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\NdisHelper.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Pac.dll,Source CabKey=Pac.dll,DestName=Pac.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=90112,PerTick=32768,,Ve rifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400, ,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Pa c.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Source for file 'Pac.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C :\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. InstallFiles: File: Pac.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager \, Size: 90112 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Pac.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PANELF~1.DLL|P anelFrmwrk.dll,SourceCabKey=PanelFrmwrk.dll,DestName=PanelFrmwrk.dll,Attributes= 8192,FileSize=344064,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.2.187 .0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Pa nelFrmwrk.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:878]: Source for file 'PanelFrmwrk.dll' is uncompresse d, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming C lient\'. InstallFiles: File: PanelFrmwrk.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 344064 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PanelFrmwrk.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PCARmDrv.exe,S ourceCabKey=PCARmDrv.exe,DestName=PCARmDrv.exe,Attributes=8192,FileSize=45056,Pe rTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallM ode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PC ARmDrv.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Source for file 'PCARmDrv.exe' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: PCARmDrv.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 45056 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PCARmDrv.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ProcUtil.dll,S ourceCabKey=ProcUtil.dll,DestName=ProcUtil.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=61440,Pe rTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Instal lMode=58982400,,,,,,,)

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Pr ocUtil.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Source for file 'ProcUtil.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: ProcUtil.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 61440 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ProcUtil.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Profile.dll,So urceCabKey=Profile.dll,DestName=Profile.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=188416,PerT ick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallM ode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Pr ofile.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:894]: Source for file 'Profile.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clien t\'. InstallFiles: File: Profile.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Man ager\, Size: 188416 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:910]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Profile.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=RcEngine.dll,S ourceCabKey=RcEngine.dll,DestName=RcEngine.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=258048,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Insta llMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Rc Engine.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Source for file 'RcEngine.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: RcEngine.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 258048 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RcEngine.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=SKINMA~1.DLL|S kinManager.dll,SourceCabKey=SkinManager.dll,DestName=SkinManager.dll,Attributes= 8192,FileSize=352256,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.2.187 .0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Sk inManager.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Source for file 'SkinManager.dll' is uncompresse d, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming C lient\'. InstallFiles: File: SkinManager.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 352256 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SkinManager.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Update.dll,Sou rceCabKey=Update.dll,DestName=Update.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=376832,PerTick =32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode =58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Up date.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Source for file 'Update.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \'. InstallFiles: File: Update.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Mana ger\, Size: 376832 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:925]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless

Manager\Update.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=VPNMAN~1.DLL|V PNManager.dll,SourceCabKey=VPNManager.dll,DestName=VPNManager.dll,Attributes=819 2,FileSize=270336,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=, Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\VP NManager.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Source for file 'VPNManager.dll' is uncompressed , at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cl ient\'. InstallFiles: File: VPNManager.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 270336 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\VPNManager.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ZIPARC~1.DLL|Z ipArchive.dll,SourceCabKey=ZipArchive.dll,DestName=ZipArchive.dll,Attributes=819 2,FileSize=114688,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,La nguage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Zi pArchive.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Source for file 'ZipArchive.dll' is uncompressed , at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cl ient\'. InstallFiles: File: ZipArchive.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 114688 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ZipArchive.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=RcCommon.dll,S ourceCabKey=RcCommon.dll,DestName=RcCommon.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=802816,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Insta llMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Rc Common.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:941]: Source for file 'RcCommon.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: RcCommon.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 802816 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RcCommon.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Installm.exe,S ourceCabKey=Installm.exe,DestName=Installm.exe,Attributes=8192,FileSize=101440,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Install Mode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\In stallm.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: Source for file 'Installm.exe' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: Installm.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 101440 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Installm.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ScrtMan.dll,So urceCabKey=ScrtMan.dll,DestName=ScrtMan.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=327680,PerT ick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallM ode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Sc rtMan.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: Source for file 'ScrtMan.dll' is uncompressed, a

t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clien t\'. InstallFiles: File: ScrtMan.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Man ager\, Size: 327680 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:956]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ScrtMan.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ToolBx.dll,Sou rceCabKey=ToolBx.dll,DestName=ToolBx.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=331776,PerTick =32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMode =58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\To olBx.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: Source for file 'ToolBx.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client \'. InstallFiles: File: ToolBx.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Mana ger\, Size: 331776 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ToolBx.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=FULLPE~1.EXE|F ullPermiss.exe,SourceCabKey=FullPermiss.exe,DestName=FullPermiss.exe,Attributes= 8192,FileSize=114688,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version= ,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Fu llPermiss.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: Source for file 'FullPermiss.exe' is uncompresse d, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming C lient\'. InstallFiles: File: FullPermiss.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 114688 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:972]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\FullPermiss.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=Firewall.dll,S ourceCabKey=Firewall.dll,DestName=Firewall.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=12800,Pe rTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Instal lMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Fi rewall.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Source for file 'Firewall.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: Firewall.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 12800 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Firewall.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=RCCUST~1.INI|R CCustomSetup.ini,SourceCabKey=RCCustomSetup.ini,DestName=RCCustomSetup.ini,Attri butes=8192,FileSize=857,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMod e=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RC CustomSetup.ini; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Source for file 'RCCustomSetup.ini' is uncompres sed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\'. InstallFiles: File: RCCustomSetup.ini, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wirele ss Manager\, Size: 857 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RCCustomSetup.ini MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=EventMan.dll,S ourceCabKey=EventMan.dll,DestName=EventMan.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=86016,Pe

rTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Instal lMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Ev entMan.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Source for file 'EventMan.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: EventMan.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 86016 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\EventMan.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=FEATUR~1.DLL|F eatureMan.dll,SourceCabKey=FeatureMan.dll,DestName=FeatureMan.dll,Attributes=819 2,FileSize=36864,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,L anguage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Fe atureMan.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Source for file 'FeatureMan.dll' is uncompressed , at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cl ient\'. InstallFiles: File: FeatureMan.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 36864 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:47:988]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\FeatureMan.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=RulesMgr.dll,S ourceCabKey=RulesMgr.dll,DestName=RulesMgr.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=143360,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,Insta llMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Ru lesMgr.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Source for file 'RulesMgr.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\'. InstallFiles: File: RulesMgr.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\, Size: 143360 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RulesMgr.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=TEXTTR~1.DLL|T extTranslator.dll,SourceCabKey=TextTranslator.dll,DestName=TextTranslator.dll,At tributes=8192,FileSize=94208,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version =,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Te xtTranslator.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Source for file 'TextTranslator.dll' is uncompre ssed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roamin g Client\'. InstallFiles: File: TextTranslator.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wirel ess Manager\, Size: 94208 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\TextTranslator.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PRCAPI~2.DLL|P RCApiSrv.dll,SourceCabKey=prcapisrv.dll,DestName=PRCApiSrv.dll,Attributes=8192,F ileSize=106496,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Lan guage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PR CApiSrv.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Source for file 'PRCApiSrv.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cli ent\'. InstallFiles: File: PRCApiSrv.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless M

anager\, Size: 106496 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:003]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\PRCApiSrv.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=FIRMWA~1.EXE|F irmwareLauncher.exe,SourceCabKey=firmwarelauncher.exe,DestName=FirmwareLauncher. exe,Attributes=8192,FileSize=49152,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,V ersion=,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Fi rmwareLauncher.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Source for file 'FirmwareLauncher.exe' is uncomp ressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roam ing Client\'. InstallFiles: File: FirmwareLauncher.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wir eless Manager\, Size: 49152 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\FirmwareLauncher.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ConApps.dll,So urceCabKey=conapps.dll,DestName=ConApps.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=290816,PerT ick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMo de=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Co nApps.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Source for file 'ConApps.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clien t\'. InstallFiles: File: ConApps.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Man ager\, Size: 290816 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ConApps.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=RPCSRV~1.DLL|R pcSrvApi.dll,SourceCabKey=rpcsrvapi.dll,DestName=RpcSrvApi.dll,Attributes=8192,F ileSize=26112,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Lang uage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Rp cSrvApi.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Source for file 'RpcSrvApi.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cli ent\'. InstallFiles: File: RpcSrvApi.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless M anager\, Size: 26112 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:019]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\RpcSrvApi.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Windows\ system32\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\System32\ ) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PCTIN50.dll,So urceCabKey=PCTIN50.dll1,DestName=PCTIN50.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=133920,Per Tick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMo de=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: File: C:\Windows\system32\PCTIN50.dll; To be in stalled; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Source for file 'PCTIN50.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\'. InstallFiles: File: PCTIN50.dll, Directory: C:\Windows\system32\, Size: 133920 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Windows\system32\PCTIN50.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PCTIND~1.SYS|P CTINDIS5.sys,SourceCabKey=PCTINDIS5.sys,DestName=PCTINDIS5.sys,Attributes=8192,F ileSize=32160,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Langua

ge=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: File: C:\Windows\system32\PCTINDIS5.sys; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Source for file 'PCTINDIS5.sys' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\'. InstallFiles: File: PCTINDIS5.sys, Directory: C:\Windows\system32\, Size: 3216 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Windows\system32\PCTINDIS5.s ys MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=unicows.dll,So urceCabKey=unicows.dll,DestName=unicows.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=245408,PerT ick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=1.0.4018.0,Language=0,InstallMod e=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: File: C:\Windows\system32\unicows.dll; To be in stalled; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Source for file 'unicows.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\'. InstallFiles: File: unicows.dll, Directory: C:\Windows\system32\, Size: 245408 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Windows\system32\unicows.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=MFC71u.dll,Sou rceCabKey=MFC71u.dll,DestName=MFC71u.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=1047552,PerTic k=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=7.10.3077.0,Language=1033,InstallM ode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: File: C:\Windows\system32\MFC71u.dll; To be in stalled; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:035]: Source for file 'MFC71u.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\'. InstallFiles: File: MFC71u.dll, Directory: C:\Windows\system32\, Size: 1047552 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:050]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Windows\system32\MFC71u.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:050]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=msvcr71.dll,So urceCabKey=msvcr71.dll,DestName=msvcr71.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=348160,PerT ick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=7.10.3052.4,Language=1033,Instal lMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:050]: File: C:\Windows\system32\msvcr71.dll; To be in stalled; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:050]: Source for file 'msvcr71.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\'. InstallFiles: File: msvcr71.dll, Directory: C:\Windows\system32\, Size: 348160 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:050]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Windows\system32\msvcr71.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:050]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=msvcp71.dll,So urceCabKey=msvcp71.dll,DestName=msvcp71.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=499712,PerT ick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=7.10.3077.0,Language=1033,Instal lMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:066]: File: C:\Windows\system32\msvcp71.dll; To be in stalled; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:066]: Source for file 'msvcp71.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\'. InstallFiles: File: msvcp71.dll, Directory: C:\Windows\system32\, Size: 499712 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:066]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Windows\system32\msvcp71.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:066]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=MFC71.dll,Sour ceCabKey=MFC71.dll,DestName=MFC71.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=1060864,PerTick=3 2768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=7.10.3077.0,Language=1033,InstallMode =58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:066]: File: C:\Windows\system32\MFC71.dll; To be in stalled; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:066]: Source for file 'MFC71.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\System32\'.

InstallFiles: File: MFC71.dll, Directory: C:\Windows\system32\, Size: 1060864 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:066]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Windows\system32\MFC71.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\PROGRA~1\ PCTEL\ROAMIN~1\SETUPA~1\|program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\SetUpAgent\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=2WIREA~1.EXE|2 WireAgent.exe,SourceCabKey=_wireagent.exe,DestName=2WireAgent.exe,Attributes=819 2,FileSize=77824,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Lan guage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Se tUpAgent\2WireAgent.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No exist ing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Source for file '2WireAgent.exe' is uncompressed , at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cl ient\SetUpAgent\'. InstallFiles: File: 2WireAgent.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\, Size: 77824 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\2WireAgent.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=STARTU~1.XML|S tartupConfig.xml,SourceCabKey=startupconfig.xml,DestName=StartupConfig.xml,Attri butes=8192,FileSize=338,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMod e=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Se tUpAgent\StartupConfig.xml; To be installed; Won't patch; No exist ing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Source for file 'StartupConfig.xml' is uncompres sed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Client\SetUpAgent\'. InstallFiles: File: StartupConfig.xml, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wirele ss Manager\SetUpAgent\, Size: 338 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\StartupConfig.xml MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PRCAPI~1.DLL|P RCApiCli.dll,SourceCabKey=prcapicli.dll,DestName=PRCApiCli.dll,Attributes=8192,F ileSize=90112,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Lang uage=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Se tUpAgent\PRCApiCli.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Source for file 'PRCApiCli.dll' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Cli ent\SetUpAgent\'. InstallFiles: File: PRCApiCli.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless M anager\SetUpAgent\, Size: 90112 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:081]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\PRCApiCli.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:097]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=2WIREC~1.XML|2 WireConfig.xml,SourceCabKey=_wireconfig.xml,DestName=2WireConfig.xml,Attributes= 8192,FileSize=322,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=5898 2400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:097]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Se tUpAgent\2WireConfig.xml; To be installed; Won't patch; No exist ing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:097]: Source for file '2WireConfig.xml' is uncompresse d, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming C lient\SetUpAgent\'. InstallFiles: File: 2WireConfig.xml, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\, Size: 322 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless

Manager\SetUpAgent\2WireConfig.xml MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=2WIRE_~1.BMP|2 Wire_config_back.bmp,SourceCabKey=_wire_config_back.bmp,DestName=2Wire_config_ba ck.bmp,Attributes=8192,FileSize=823456,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC =0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Se tUpAgent\2Wire_config_back.bmp; To be installed; Won't patch; No exist ing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: Source for file '2Wire_config_back.bmp' is uncom pressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roa ming Client\SetUpAgent\'. InstallFiles: File: 2Wire_config_back.bmp, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wi reless Manager\SetUpAgent\, Size: 823456 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\2Wire_config_back.bmp MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=2WireWiz.exe,S ourceCabKey=_wirewiz.exe,DestName=2WireWiz.exe,Attributes=8192,FileSize=114688,P erTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: File: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\Se tUpAgent\2WireWiz.exe; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:113]: Source for file '2WireWiz.exe' is uncompressed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\program files\PCTEL\Roaming Clie nt\SetUpAgent\'. InstallFiles: File: 2WireWiz.exe, Directory: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Ma nager\SetUpAgent\, Size: 114688 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\SetUpAgent\2WireWiz.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\Common\PC TELE~1\PCTELE~1\|Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelEapPeer32\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PCTELE~1.DLL|P ctelEapPeer.dll,SourceCabKey=pcteleappeer.dll,DestName=PctelEapPeer.dll,Attribut es=8192,FileSize=208896,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=4.3. 19.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: File: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelEapPeer.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Source for file 'PctelEapPeer.dll' is uncompress ed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authenti cation\PctelEapPeer32\'. InstallFiles: File: PctelEapPeer.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ PctelEapPeer Authentication\, Size: 208896 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\Common Files\P ctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelEapPeer.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=PCTELE~1.XML|P ctelEapPeer.xml,SourceCabKey=pcteleappeer.xml,DestName=PctelEapPeer.xml,Attribut es=8192,FileSize=4438,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode= 58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: File: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelEapPeer.xml; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Source for file 'PctelEapPeer.xml' is uncompress ed, at 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authenti cation\PctelEapPeer32\'. InstallFiles: File: PctelEapPeer.xml, Directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ PctelEapPeer Authentication\, Size: 4438 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\Common Files\P ctelEapPeer Authentication\PctelEapPeer.xml MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program

Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\Common\PC TELE~1\2WIREW~1\|Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=EapTtls.dll,So urceCabKey=eapttls.dll,DestName=EapTtls.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=516096,PerT ick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallMo de=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: File: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:128]: Source for file 'EapTtls.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authenticatio n\2Wire Wireless Manager\'. InstallFiles: File: EapTtls.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Pctel EapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\, Size: 516096 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:144]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\Common Files\P ctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\Common\PC TELE~1\2WIREW~1\X64\|Common\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X 64\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=EapTtls.dll,So urceCabKey=eapttls.dll1,DestName=EapTtls.dll,Attributes=8192,FileSize=771584,Per Tick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=,Language=1033,InstallM ode=58982400,,,,,,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: File: C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Source for file 'EapTtls.dll' is uncompressed, a t 'C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\Common\PctelEapPeer Authenticatio n\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\'. InstallFiles: File: EapTtls.dll, Directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Pctel EapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\, Size: 771584 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Program Files\Common Files\P ctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Executing op: CacheSizeFlush(,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CreateShortcuts,D escription=Creating shortcuts,Template=Shortcut: [1]) Action 01:45:48: CreateShortcuts. Creating shortcuts MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=23\2Wire Wi reless Manager\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramDat a\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:160]: Executing op: ShortcutCreate(Name=2WIREW~1|2Wire Wireless Manager,,,FileName=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.exe,, ,,,,ShowCmd=1,,,,,) CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: 2WIREW~1|2Wire Wireless Manager MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:191]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=25) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:191]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Publ ic\Desktop MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:191]: Executing op: ShortcutCreate(Name=2WIREW~1|2Wire Wireless Manager,,,FileName=C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.exe,A rguments=-d,,Icon=NewShortcut5_606B50C2D7824A96AEDE24F444A04841.exe,IconIndex=0, ,ShowCmd=1,,,,,) CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: 2WIREW~1|2Wire Wireless Manager MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:191]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=WriteRegistryValu es,Description=Writing system registry values,Template=Key: [1], Name: [2], Valu e: [3]) Action 01:45:48: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=71,Type=1,Byte Equivalent=13200) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483647,Key=So ftware\TwoWire\RoamingClient,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483647,Key=So ftware\TwoWire\RoamingClient\Skins,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SplashScreenEnabl e,Value=#1,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient\Skins, Name: SplashScr eenEnable, Value: #1 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=2Wire Wireless Ma nager,Value="C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.exe" -a,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Name: 2Wire Wireless Manager, Value: "C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.ex e" -a MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\Classes\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899},SecurityDescriptor=BinaryD ata,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\Classes\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD089 9}, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\TwoWire\RoamingClient,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=AppPath,Value=\2W ire\Wireless Manager,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: AppPath, Value: \2Wire\Wireless Manager MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=VendorID,Value=2W IRE,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: VendorID, Value : 2WIRE MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=UpdateCenterURL,, ) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: UpdateCenterURL , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=OldAppPath,Value= \2Wire\Wireless Manager,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: OldAppPath, Val ue: \2Wire\Wireless Manager MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Launch,Value=C:\P rogram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.exe,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: Launch, Value: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InstallType,Value =5,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: InstallType, Va lue: 5 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InstallDir,Value= C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: InstallDir, Val ue: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:206]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=DefaultSkin,Value =C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.skx,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: DefaultSkin, Va

lue: C:\Program Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\2Wire.skx MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=AutoShutdownConfl icts,Value=TRUE,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\RoamingClient, Name: AutoShutdownCon flicts, Value: TRUE MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\TwoWire\Settings,,BinaryType=0,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Support,Value=htt p://,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\Settings, Name: Support, Value: http :// MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\TwoWire\Settings, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899 }\Eap64\25,,BinaryType=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=FriendlyName,Valu e=EAP-PEAP,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: FriendlyName, Value: EAP-PEAP MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=MPPEEncryptionSup ported,Value=#1,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: MPPEEncryptionSupported, Value: # 1 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Path,Value=#%C:\P rogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64 \EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: Path, Value: #%C:\Program Files\C ommon Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokeUsernameDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: InvokeUsernameDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=ConfigUIPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: ConfigUIPath, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTt ls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InteractiveUIPath ,Value=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireles s Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: InteractiveUIPath, Value: #%C:\Pr ogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=IdentityPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: IdentityPath, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTt ls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokePasswordDia

log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\25, Name: InvokePasswordDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899 }\Eap\25,,BinaryType=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:222]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=IdentityPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: IdentityPath, Value: #%C:\Program F iles\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokePasswordDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: InvokePasswordDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InteractiveUIPath ,Value=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireles s Manager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: InteractiveUIPath, Value: #%C:\Prog ram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtl s.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=ConfigUIPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: ConfigUIPath, Value: #%C:\Program F iles\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokeUsernameDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: InvokeUsernameDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Path,Value=#%C:\P rogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\Eap Ttls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: Path, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Com mon Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=MPPEEncryptionSup ported,Value=#1,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: MPPEEncryptionSupported, Value: #1 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=FriendlyName,Valu e=EAP-PEAP,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\25, Name: FriendlyName, Value: EAP-PEAP MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899 }\Eap\43,,BinaryType=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokeUsernameDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: InvokeUsernameDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=ConfigUIPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\EapTtls.dll,)

WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: ConfigUIPath, Value: #%C:\Program F iles\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=IdentityPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: IdentityPath, Value: #%C:\Program F iles\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=FriendlyName,Valu e=EAP-FAST,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: FriendlyName, Value: EAP-FAST MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:238]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=MPPEEncryptionSup ported,Value=#1,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: MPPEEncryptionSupported, Value: #1 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokePasswordDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: InvokePasswordDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Path,Value=#%C:\P rogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\Eap Ttls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: Path, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Com mon Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InteractiveUIPath ,Value=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireles s Manager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\43, Name: InteractiveUIPath, Value: #%C:\Prog ram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtl s.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899 }\Eap\21,,BinaryType=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=IdentityPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: IdentityPath, Value: #%C:\Program F iles\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InteractiveUIPath ,Value=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireles s Manager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: InteractiveUIPath, Value: #%C:\Prog ram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtl s.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Path,Value=#%C:\P rogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\Eap Ttls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: Path, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Com mon Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokePasswordDia

log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: InvokePasswordDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=MPPEEncryptionSup ported,Value=#1,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: MPPEEncryptionSupported, Value: #1 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=FriendlyName,Valu e=EAP-TTLS,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: FriendlyName, Value: EAP-TTLS MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=ConfigUIPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: ConfigUIPath, Value: #%C:\Program F iles\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokeUsernameDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: InvokeUsernameDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap\21, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899 },,BinaryType=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899 }\Eap64\43,,BinaryType=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:253]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokeUsernameDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: InvokeUsernameDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=ConfigUIPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: ConfigUIPath, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTt ls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=IdentityPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: IdentityPath, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTt ls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=FriendlyName,Valu e=EAP-FAST,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: FriendlyName, Value: EAP-FAST MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=MPPEEncryptionSup ported,Value=#1,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: MPPEEncryptionSupported, Value: # 1

MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokePasswordDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: InvokePasswordDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Path,Value=#%C:\P rogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64 \EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: Path, Value: #%C:\Program Files\C ommon Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InteractiveUIPath ,Value=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireles s Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: InteractiveUIPath, Value: #%C:\Pr ogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\43, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=So ftware\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32BB-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899 }\Eap64\21,,BinaryType=1,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=IdentityPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: IdentityPath, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTt ls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InteractiveUIPath ,Value=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireles s Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: InteractiveUIPath, Value: #%C:\Pr ogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\ EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Path,Value=#%C:\P rogram Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64 \EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: Path, Value: #%C:\Program Files\C ommon Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTtls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:269]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokePasswordDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: InvokePasswordDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=MPPEEncryptionSup ported,Value=#1,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: MPPEEncryptionSupported, Value: # 1 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=FriendlyName,Valu e=EAP-TTLS,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: FriendlyName, Value: EAP-TTLS MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=ConfigUIPath,Valu e=#%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Man ager\X64\EapTtls.dll,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B

B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: ConfigUIPath, Value: #%C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\2Wire Wireless Manager\X64\EapTt ls.dll MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InvokeUsernameDia log,Value=#0,) WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: InvokeUsernameDialog, Value: #0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() WriteRegistryValues: Key: \Software\PctelEapPeer Authentication\Vendors\{A38D32B B-D6BD-4f94-8440-4256C5AD0899}\Eap64\21, Name: , Value: MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SelfRegModules,De scription=Registering modules,Template=File: [1], Folder: [2]) Action 01:45:48: SelfRegModules. Registering modules MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteE quivalent=1300000) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Program Files\Common Files\PctelEapPeer Authentication\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:285]: Executing op: RegSelfReg(File=PctelEapPeer.dll,F ileID=pcteleappeer.dll) SelfRegModules: File: PctelEapPeer.dll, Folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Pc telEapPeer Authentication\ MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:394]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RegisterUser,Desc ription=Registering user,Template=[1]) Action 01:45:48: RegisterUser. Registering user MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:410]: Executing op: UserRegister(Owner=kriiz,,ProductI d=none) RegisterUser: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:410]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RegisterProduct,D escription=Registering product,Template=[1]) Action 01:45:48: RegisterProduct. Registering product MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:410]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(MediaVolumeLabel=DISK1 ,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: 1,,BytesPerTick=0,CopierType=0,,,,,,IsFirst PhysicalMedia=1) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:410]: Executing op: DatabaseCopy(DatabasePath=C:\Windo ws\Installer\18a822.msi,ProductCode={DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9},,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:706]: Executing op: ProductRegister(UpgradeCode={7A77C DBE-3731-41B4-8C65-DC603D92A1BB},VersionString=,,,InstallLocation=C:\Prog ram Files\2Wire Wireless Manager\,InstallSource=C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Local\Tem p\WZSE0.TMP\,Publisher=Publisher,,,,NoModify=1,NoRepair=1,,,,,,,EstimatedSize=14 757,) RegisterProduct: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:738]: Executing op: ProductCPDisplayInfoRegister() MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:738]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=PublishFeatures,D escription=Publishing product features,Template=Feature: [1]) Action 01:45:48: PublishFeatures. Publishing product features MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:753]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=WIFI,Parent =Core,Absent=2,Component=z*47V?)9a@i?Knja5].Le2XcRR.2`@7OKn*O9T}'zQvw[U3Bo=}5%{3 9A?6n) PublishFeatures: Feature: WIFI MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:753]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=TwoWire,,Ab sent=2,Component=J(zdBU[Y99UY)&O7+Tq_?~QQt~i-_?UI`ZOA7U}EFr&u%dttO=@dgjz-P.ajekV T3BX^I?*GMp=zSKc.J[csToZ$I9OtgZuEkM0xrgEjPjJz5=`f}T!kCnH?zMnb)Khav=IyG)Z)_*Q8kYT Zu6)~+9+G^xyx6@sO,JcWCb?jIAXMfq]w3ESvFq&M^C]&*@gu98E_UigU-6m'9obQs=^q$FJm6Ar9hMG ^'CK0)=38v4RltQC.B.(4GkoMl?YB`dL!4rbv+8^]zr603?OFHU.enP2gSn!?m)%,0A5]8IXqy]VlRe` 18bR*PAs-ltP^0*qI) PublishFeatures: Feature: TwoWire MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:769]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=TWCustom,Pa rent=TwoWire,Absent=2,Component=+m5QKc}I5AnzwTT]jk7HSyb9)*Pg`@Nx6z0W6Z0A) PublishFeatures: Feature: TWCustom MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:769]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=Core,,Absen

t=2,Component=F`0y_A5=5=g%Gx2LDnxBbSv1pcIjF?Mukbdldq7^YE54hnxB&A-)lI`ag{9!7u,nbD [tY=A7raz2Q{7H+Z$IgjW!G?)40G-xdDRnKEj$SoSAe??)CT?=l%W`?UDy?3j'q9]_lRVVj}IL&3^wLi Xe7A=pYA-4j8i6L*w+^yJE?=S'-9Tdo^H]0WA?s.A@S?!q8h*3)Va7b)6Lu3$x~@V,rDKDt'0u-1qDA9 uMI@1OP`nZqnbKp!Q*Jcer_9vT`-psujJtHYPDXA%}]93{w!jLPfWFL,)Bx~=7j=f07cbW+}uHGr&=vS &i$?=%JprE~K@Al(iiVmHDY@mb&lS3~ovJ$g)B(EJYc=htBWNIU5Vp*`Y1tYFT.ASt}+2mhtr0xEQfFn DPPAbtB'1oHX4JKAa2f!v'j=pFD95r_]r.[)@-46p!Y8H_2TV*&K-p{5E(m,nsR91gCR7i4gZN1Bs,1] CW-9r2nDy3)gI8)rr1[IOa.@Kx6I2P*L$Z^HQ+yE6C&?iY(a`_[l?Mgmh).+N_^AayhpO)S%DN`QP&(( *3{@WikE@6[aHVc`Rw&Vs]P?X=$Ib&uJ,]K-Y)oC8Qs?5G'Er$2GlgzEUyzTz6h8Xk`xKswJQiGi!Sfx -3u92b={gj(]@=) PublishFeatures: Feature: Core MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:769]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=SystemFiles ,Parent=Core,Absent=2,Component=Gh)pIesn9931U2QYJ5!Rkf,$^%ngL?haN]H9QWkp6zR~V7n3 d8pBp*b&Atee~~xxAO]]]=b&Vf.fWLn9) PublishFeatures: Feature: SystemFiles MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:769]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=SetUpAgent, Parent=TwoWire,Absent=2,Component=S18O,Yn2=9JkAfP^.lbn) PublishFeatures: Feature: SetUpAgent MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:785]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=VistaEap,Pa rent=TwoWire,Absent=2,Component=2Or9UX{gDAPHnGCMwbJlg*z[d$p]ZA%HhyLNPgN'7eTv)GG! m9u_cet}Si7z7vnfD+Bdv?8MH`7iEF$K) PublishFeatures: Feature: VistaEap MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:785]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=MMS,,Absent =3,Component=67k)4s6tf(JR`qF-Q9q.dbKx-lbmf(Gn,L[[Q~CN%jY0(z7qf(fVbqFgkW_BIJzht,7 u&AM%n`bYQ$s^sb*GB1'z~9Hx^wXg0.+h^fAJk*_-6@(cEW_'{s4*'jY0(z7qf(fVbqFgkW_BhY,w=mg sf(YJ*L[lj+'(M5KDYSUnf(HA*L[xeX)y3E'+7d?3g(Svy?VXB]2dZVYbw*Wc,=0hXIrDVNdztWwExs* Zw@*3UWfO,B?V4N6YVV_eN9l=]uz}(J!c) PublishFeatures: Feature: MMS MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:785]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=PublishProduct,De scription=Publishing product information,) Action 01:45:48: PublishProduct. Publishing product information MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:785]: Executing op: IconCreate(Icon=ARPPRODUCTICON.exe ,Data=BinaryData) 1: ARPPRODUCTICON.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:800]: Executing op: IconCreate(Icon=NewShortcut5_606B5 0C2D7824A96AEDE24F444A04841.exe,Data=BinaryData) 1: NewShortcut5_606B50C2D7824A96AEDE24F444A04841.exe MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:800]: Executing op: CleanupConfigData() MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:800]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mic rosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\AC5CA8FDE58EF 1E45A2806C3ACED219F\Patches 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:800]: Executing op: RegisterPatchOrder(Continue=0,Sequ enceType=1,Remove=0) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:800]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Products\AC5CA8FDE58EF1 E45A2806C3ACED219F\Patches 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:800]: Executing op: ProductPublish(PackageKey={07599E3 C-EDA2-40AF-9ADE-B5BE9892B1D4}) 1: {DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9} MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C

A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Executing op: UpgradeCodePublish(UpgradeCode={7A 77CDBE-3731-41B4-8C65-DC603D92A1BB}) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Executing op: SourceListPublish(,,DiskPromptTemp late=[1],,NumberOfDisks=1) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\AC5C A8FDE58EF1E45A2806C3ACED219F\SourceList 3: 2 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Executing op: ProductPublishClient(,,) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Executing op: SourceListRegisterLastUsed(SourceP roduct={DF8AC5CA-E85E-4E1F-A582-603CCADE12F9},LastUsedSource=C:\Users\kriiz\AppD ata\Local\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSo urce. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Specifed source is already in a list. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu' MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Machine policy value 'DisableBrowse' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownBrowse' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Adding new sources is allowed. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Set LastUsedSource to: C:\Users\kriiz\AppData\Lo cal\Temp\WZSE0.TMP\. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Set LastUsedType to: n. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:816]: Set LastUsedIndex to: 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:831]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord =0,ProgressTotalLDWord=19480738) Action ended 01:45:48: InstallExecute. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:831]: Doing action: InstallFinalize Action 01:45:48: InstallFinalize. Action start 01:45:48: InstallFinalize. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:831]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:831]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 Action 01:45:48: RollbackCleanup. Removing backup files MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:847]: Calling SRSetRestorePoint API. dwRestorePtType: 0, dwEventType: 103, llSequenceNumber: 9, szDescription: "". MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:847]: The call to SRSetRestorePoint API succeeded. Ret urned status: 0. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:847]: Unlocking Server MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:847]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted property . Its current value is '1'. Action ended 01:45:48: InstallFinalize. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:847]: Skipping action: Wdsfpca_DetectReboot.C8C0673E_5 0E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990 (condition is false) MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:847]: Doing action: SetRegCtrl Action 01:45:48: SetRegCtrl. Action start 01:45:48: SetRegCtrl. MSI (s) (E0:58) [01:45:48:863]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\I nstaller\MSIB93F.tmp, Entrypoint: SetRegCtrl -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetRegCtrl() --- Initializing Function : Begi n TRY Block -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetRegCtrl() --- Attempting to Create VendorI DDetail Key -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetRegCtrl() --- Attempting to write Path of Exe and the Guid Value to Key

-- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.SetRegCtrl() --- Key Creation Success : Exiti ng Function Action ended 01:45:48: SetRegCtrl. Return value 1. MSI (s) (E0:C4) [01:45:48:894]: Doing action: CopyLog Action 01:45:48: CopyLog. Action start 01:45:48: CopyLog. MSI (s) (E0:94) [01:45:48:910]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\I nstaller\MSIB95F.tmp, Entrypoint: CopyLog -- MSI_LOGGING -- RCCustomAction.CopyLog() --- Attempting to Copy Log from Tem p to System directory : Begin TRY Block

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