LP 2 April 2011 Golf

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Lesson Plan # 2



A. Teachers Names: Fernando Guerrero, Dan Greco & Mayra Carrera B. Teaching Date: 4/18/11 C. School and Grade Taught: St. Josephs High School D. Content/Unit: Golf E. Equipment needed: - 12 chipping wedges - 6 target nets (or hula-hoops if nets not available) - 12 mats for hitting (if indoors) - Foam/ plastic golf balls F. Student Prerequisites: Be able to follow directions. G. Student Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. (Psychomotor) Accurately chip a golf ball at least 5 times into a stationary target placed 10 feet away. 2. (Cognitive) Identify at least 3 proper aspects of the chip shot by recording on the Task Sheet during partner practice. 3. (Affective) Provide positive feedback to his or her partner by providing 2 compliments on the swing during partner practice time. H. National Standards: 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 5. Exhibits responsible, personal, and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. I. ISBE Standards: 19.A.4 Perform skills efficiently in a variety of leisure activities, sports, creative movement and work related activities 21.A.4b Apply identified procedures and safe practices to all group physical activity settings. J. Overall Safety: Students will watch spacing with one another and respect personal boundaries. Use the equipment and facilities properly. K. Health-Related Fitness (HRF) Component & Activities that Support Learning of HRF: Cardiovascular endurance will be addressed in the set induction of the lesson. When explaining

golf in general, we will explain how walking an entire 18-hole golf course will help to improve cardio endurance. L. (6 min) Instant Activity: Warm-Up 1) Description: The students will jog for 3 minutes around the gymnasium as soon as they walk in. They will then be asked to do 15 push-ups and 15 sit-ups in their squads. In addition, various stretching exercises will be performed. 2) Safety: Body parts will be kept to themselves. 3) Diagram of activity: See Attached 4) Transition to next lesson component: The teachers will split up the class evenly and take their students and move to their designated area. M. (1-2 minutes) Set Induction The students will be asked if anyone has ever played golf before. The students will then be asked to tell us what they already know about golf, such as rules, shots, etc. During this time the HRF Component will be addressed. Finally, the students will be introduced to the chip shot as well as the anatomy of the golf club. N. (13-14 minutes) Task 1: Individual Swing Practice without the ball 1) Description: The students will be separated into two lines of approximately 6 students each. Each student will be approximately 5-8 feet away from the student next to him or her. Using the pitching wedge, the students will practice the shot using the proper technique. Each aspect of the swing will be taught in different stages. The students will practice each stage following the instruction and demonstration from the teacher. Since this focuses on the proper grip, stance, and swing, the students will be swinging on air in order to get a feel of how the proper swing should be. Demonstration will be active, as each student will have a club. 2) The students will need to keep a safe space between each other. Also, the students need to use the equipment in its intended manner. 3) Diagram: See attached 4) Extension: Practice swinging using both grips 5) Refinement: Grips: Interlock Grip: 3-knuckle grip, Shake hands, and Interlock pinky Overlap Grip: 3-knuckle grips, Shake hands Pinky, and Overlap pinky Stance: Feet shoulder-width, Knees bent, and Eyes on ball Swing: Eyes on ball, Arms straight, Weight shift, and 5-7 6) Application: Can you complete 2 fluid swings during the practice time?

7) Transition: Yell freeze and instruct them to leave their clubs behind and gather around the teachers. O. (14-15 minutes) Task 2: Partner Swing Practice with ball and target 1) Description: In pairs, the students will practice chipping a golf ball into a target net. The students will be split into two lines, with 3 pairs in each line. The lines will be on opposite sides of the gym, facing away from each other. Each pair of students will have one mat, one club, one target net (or some target), and balls to hit. Each pair will be approximately 10 feet away from the nearest pair. Using the proper technique, one student will practice chipping the ball into the net or target. The partner will evaluate the entirety of the swing using the provided Task Sheet. Once all of the balls in the line have been hit, the students will retrieve the balls on the teachers signal. The students will then switch roles. A pair of students will demonstrate. 2) The students will need to keep a safe space between each other and use the equipment in its intended manner. Also each side needs to wait for their side to finish hitting before retrieving their hit balls. 3) Diagram: See attached 4) Extension: Practice hitting using both grips 5) Refinement: Grips: Interlock Grip: Palms, Interlock, and Thumbs Overlap Grip: Palms, Index under Pinky, Thumbs Stance: Feet shoulder-width, Knees bent, and Eyes on ball Swing: Eyes ball, Arms straight, Weight shift, and 5-7 6) Application: Can you chip 5 balls into the target? 7) Transition: Yell freeze and instruct them to leave their clubs behind and gather around the teachers. P. (1-2min) Closure: The teachers will review the cues for chipping with the students. The students will be asked to place the balls into the bucket and hand the golf club to one of the teachers. Q. Assessment: The teachers will use the Task Sheets that will be handed in by the students at the end of class to assess the performance of the students.

R. References: http://www.isbe.net/ils/pdh/standards.htm

Task Sheet- Partner Evaluation

Interlock Grip: Cues 3-knuckle grip Shake Hands Interlock pinky Overlap Grip: Cues 3-knuckle grip Shake hands Overlap pinky Stance: Cues Feet shoulder-width Knees bent Eyes on ball Swing: Cues Eyes on ball Arms straight Weight Shift 5-7, brush grass Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

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