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Contact Periods Defined

Contact Periods Defined

Each NCAA DI and DII National Letter of Intent member school uses a Recruiting Calendar when recruiting. There are four different periods that a coach must follow. The four periods are: 1. A Contact Period is when almost everything is allowed. You are able to meet with a coach off campus (during senior year only). That could be during a home visit or other type of meeting. The coaches are also allowed to come and watch you play. The following types of contacts are allowed during a Contact Period:

Official Visits Unofficial Visits Home Visits from a coach or other in-person meetings off campus Letters/Emails Calls Evaluations (at your high school or during club competition)

2. A Dead Period is one of the most confused periods. In a nutshell, coaches are not allowed to meet with you on or off campus during this time. The following types of contacts are allowed during a Dead Period:

Letters/Emails Calls Visits to a college, but you may not meet with a coach

3. An Evaluation Period is when the coaches are spending most of their recruiting hours watching you play, either during high school or club competition. This is not on the college campus. The coach is not allowed to meet with you off campus though. The following types of contacts are allowed during a Evaluation Period:

Official Visits Unofficial Visits Letters/Emails Calls Evaluations (at your high school or during club competition)

4. Quiet Period. The Quiet Period means that coaches are able to have off-campus meetings with you OR evaluate you. The only time you may meet with the coach is on their campus. The following types of contacts are allowed during a Quiet Period:

Official Visits Unofficial Visits Letters/Emails Calls

To view a full calendar with the dates when each period occurs for your sport, you may visit On the left side of the page choose Legislation & Governance, Eligibility and Recruiting, Recruiting, Recruiting Calendars.

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