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Statement from Speaker of the House Kurt Zellers on the Vikings Stadium "Today 133 members of the Minnesota

House debated the Vikings Stadium bill and by a vote of 73-58 approved legislation that provides financing for a new stadium. While I voted against the bill, I gave my word to my colleagues, stadium supporters and Governor Mark Dayton that, despite my concerns, the bill would receive a fair process. The Minnesota Senate is expected to take up the Vikings issue for debate and vote by its members on Tuesday. I will continue to facilitate this process as it moves forward, allowing all parties to resolve differences and more importantly better protect the interests of Minnesota taxpayers. As leaders we rely on our word as currency when we build agreements. It is time to refocus attention on Minnesotas broader agenda a competitive economy that will foster business development and job growth throughout the state. I respectfully ask Governor Dayton to work collaboratively with Republicans and Democrats to see the bipartisan Tax Relief and Job Creation Act and the infrastructure/bonding bill signed into law in this session."

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