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ABSTRACT The drawbacks of already existing cells, is cancer over treatment come At use to in diagnosing and killing cancer through present external control nanotechnology. nanoengineers computer

The typical medical nanodevice will probably assembled These and parts be a micron-scale nanoscale range

robot parts. size to


could be


from 1-100 nm (1 nm = 10 might fitted



make a working machine measuring perhaps 0.5-3 microns (1 micron = 10-6 meter) in diameter. Three microns is about the maximum size for blood borne medical nanorobots, due to the capillary passage requirement.

nanorobots. They also in need of human interface. This paper deals body The to with control utilizing inside a nanocomputer magnetic human size



1.1.B.Shape surfaces
It is known of in


nanomechanical molecular

properties are utilized in fuzzy logic to controlled nanorobots to detect and kill the cancer cells. logic cells The are above used mentioned cancer without nanodevices along with fuzzy treat effectively

systems fundamentally differ from systems machinery components biological move biological their that are architecture nanomechanical supported often to and can one be


constrained by stiff housings, while components with freely respect

affecting other ordinary cells. 1. INTRODUCTION

1.1 Basic designing of medical nanorobots 1.1. A.Size

another. The likelihood that most nanoscale components will connected in rigid arrays does not

imply shape,

that nor

the does that to have can it

nanomachines rule some out may the be

centimeters (cm). The size of the cancer helps to determine its stage. The nanorobots use intensified magnetic property shown by these cancer cells.

themselves must be entirely rigid in possibility nanomachine designed Nanodevices surface major periodic

components allow and a

reconfiguration which

repositioning. metamorphic keep relative

3.1.Application of nanosensor on diagnosing cancer cells

Cancer cells are diagnosed based on their magnetic property and locate their exact position in human body. From the force of attraction these sensors differentiate between cancer and ordinary cell (even the ordinary cells have some magnetic property but not as intense as cancer cells).

alteration in shape with or without altering the membership of elements in the surface, altering the enclosed volume of of nanomachine, the surface. maintaining structural integrity and non-permeability





N a n o s e n s o r s Pico Newton

construct nanorobots
Carbon being strong and chemically inert is the principal Hydrogen, in nanoscale element oxygen, gears and comprising the bulk of a medical nanorobot. purposes silicon, etc. will be used for special other components.

forces may be applied and must be detected by medical nanodevices. Pendulum- and cantileverbased sensors may be used to probe nanoscale forces, to monitor the ambient gravitational field, to measure molecular-scale masses to singleproton accuracy, and to discriminate among molecules having different isotopic composition.

Magnetic sensors The magnetic

sensors silicon These which exhibit attracted. As per the law of magneticforce the nearby ordinary cell can attract the nanorobot more than a distant cancer cell and may result in fault diagnosing. As a solution, by are mostly on made which sensors, times to molecule magnetic are their some powered

2. Differentiation of a cancer cell from ordinary cell

The cancer cells differ to ordinary cell in the growth, replication rates, magnetic therapy these Institute identified expressed Doctors to cells. of five only property and thermal and at that very kill the have are early in radiation. This is used in radiation differentiate Scientists Child in genes the

fullerene element is pasted.



property by which they are


embryo, but also in cancer cells. measure cancers

comparing is found.




cells. Inside the bubble are ferromagnetic that exhibit to inclination in nanoparticles a align strong in the at

cell to that of cancer cell difference

ThermalNanosensors The ability

of medical nanodevices both and is changes crucial in to in for vivo measure temperature temperature monitoring physiological thermoregulatory mechanisms and intracellular sensing within is energy Precision also nanoscale transactions. thermal important absolute

direction of a magnetic field animals aimed the demonstrating selective

uptake of nanomedicines by tumor cells. To exhibit the intense cancer magnetic cell to fields it the we nanorobot must be near the move require motion sensors. The magnetic property exhibited by cancer cells can be used to steer nanorobots towards it by allowing change of poles if it is or repelled continuing by cancer its when cell pole with

devices to provide corrective input for pressure, chemical, and displacement sensors, and to improve the stability of onboard clocks.





Motion 5.

minimum of magnetic field is applied.

S e n s o r s The ability to precisely

measure position and displacement, velocity and acceleration, rotation and orientation are essential requirements for nanoscale locomotion, physical manipulation, and navigation. But a problem may arise in communication of these sensors.

Communication nanorobots


One of the simplest ways to send broadcast-type body, to be messages received by into in the vivo

nanorobots, is acoustic messaging. A device similar to an ultrasound probe would encode between onboard for messages waves 1-10 on at MHz. power micron-scale practical





used to kill cancer

The magnetic nanorobot is a thin silica bubble, the surface of which to can be customized cancer using a peptide carrier group selectively target

acoustic frequencies However, requirements dictate a


acoustic wave generators in water maximum transmission range of at most a few

hundred microns for each individual nanorobot. Therefore network messages physician it that and can is can pass then convenient to establish an internal communications collect which local the

The sensor signals are carefully interpreted and required signals are given. The new central nanocomputer works on the principle of fuzzy logic. The central nanocomputer uses if then process to calculate the position of nanosensor and the robot to identify and kill the cancer cell. These fuzzy controllers use the size, temperature radiation, magnetic field as its key factors to determine the cancer cells. In basic they will be 0.6-1.0. The already collected data of common cancer cells is used to predict the cancer cell.

them along to a central location, monitor, using sensitive ultrasound detectors to receive the messages. Such a network inside can probably in be less deployed a patient

than an hour, may involve up to 100 billion mobile nanorobotic network nodes, and may release at most 60 watts of waste heat is less than the 100-watt human body basal rate .And other very important process is having a central computer from which forwarded the messages from the inter central transmitted and control signals are computer to other robots including the one which destroys the cell.

6.1. B.Developing fuzzy-logic model (i)

Analyze the cancer cells, making sure we understand its property completely (ii) Defining the cancer cell by identifying its membership functions (iii) Converting the language of the problem into a rule (iv) Set up an appropriate procedure for fuzzification and processing the problem (v) Interpreting the model to evaluate our results (vi) Fine-tuning of the results if they are inappropriate or unsuitable.

6.1.Controlling of nanorobots
by central nanocomputer
6.1. A. Fuzzy logic controller

Fig.1. Fuzzy nanorobot




7. Membership function
The rules use the input membership values as weighting factors to determine their influence on the fuzzy output sets of the final output conclusion. Once the functions are inferred, scaled, and combined, they are defuzzified into a crisp output, which drives the system. There are different membership-functions associated with each input, each output response. Fig.3 Membership function graph.

8.1. Formation of rule

If the linguistic variables are

found then we convert them into a fuzzy rule. 1. If (mag >0.6) AND (thermal > 0.6) AND (size > 0.6) then it is cancer cell Fig.2 Ordinary cell v/s Cancer cell function graph. First of all, the different levels of output of the platform are defined by specifying the membership The MAX-MIN method tests the magnitudes of each rule and selects the highest one. The horizontal coordinate of the "fuzzy centroid" of the area under that function is taken as the output. This method does not combine the effects of all applicable rules but does produce a continuous output function and is easy to implement. functions for the fuzzy sets. The graph of the function is shown in Fig.2.Along with magnetic property; size, taken thermal into radiations as etc. shown are in account There are nearly 27 possible outputs from which cancer is determined or differentiated from normal cells.

8.2. Defuzzification

Fig.3 to decide about cell.

9. Conclusion:
This paper completely deals with a nanorobot to diagnose and kill the cancer cells using fuzzy logic. The nanorobots have many more application like artificial platelets supplying

power to phase maker, drug transfer to particular site and more. The cancer, on treatment with heavy magnetic field, has been proved to be destroyed. This concept is enforced and actualized. The silicon bubble is used to make these robots. This could be done without much difficulty. Still researches are going on to find a clear conceptual idea on nano robot control is to be found this paper gives a basic idea on this regard. As far as this paper is concerned, we conclude that this nanotechnology can be used to decide our future in leading a healthy life. [1] "Fuzzy Sets and Applications: Selected Papers by L.A. Zadeh", ed. R.R. Yager et al. (John Wiley, New York, 1987). [2] "Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems" by C.C. Lee (IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1990, pp. 40435). [3] Engines of Creation: the Coming Era of Nanotechnology by K. Eric Drexler.

10. References

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