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Registration 0830-0930 a.m. Lighting of lamp by Chief Guest 0930 a.m. Welcome of guests-Chairman Allahabad Center Brief about Seminar- Convener Inaugural address by Chief Guest Tea Break Talk by Prof U.S. Tiwary, IIIT Jhalwa Allahabad on Shadow analysis of Video Talk by Dr. Tushar Patnaik, CDAC Noida on Document image analysisOCR in Indian languages Lunch Break Talk by Dr. Rajeev Srivastava, IT BHU Varanasi on PDE based image processing: Methodologies, Applications and new research trends Talk by Dr. Mahesh Kolekar, I.I.T. Patna on Video surveillance systems Talk by Prof. V.K. Srivastava, M.N.N.I.T Allahabad on Signal processing techniques in computer vision applications. Certificate distribution to delegates Vote of thanks Tea

Technical Session I

Technical Session II

Valedictory Session

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