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Liverpool Network Theatre Group presents:

Light Shining in Buckinghamshire by Caryl Churchill, is a powerful examination of the collapse of societys rules in a time of revolution; it explores what happens when long established beliefs are challenged in desperately hard times. The revolution concerned is the glorious English revolution of the 1640s and the play shows the impact of these momentous events on ordinary people; the soldier radicalised by his exposure to the democratic movement, the woman driven from her home struggling to survive in an intolerant and authoritarian society and the ranters, heretical individuals who preached their gospel of liberation in defiance of church and state. Many of the views expressed by the ranters and the language they used, was considered blasphemous and offensive at the time and some may still find it offensive today. Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, created in 1976 as a response to the prevailing political and economic crisis which rocked the foundations of British society, is as topical today as ever, as institutions considered sacred are called into question. This production,

Light Shining in Buckinghamshire

By Caryl Churchill

Thursday 10 May 2012:

(greatly abridged from the original to one act) full of great passion and fervour, with a dark and satirical humour running through it, should not be missed

West Everton Community Centre Bute Street, L5 3LA at 8pm

Friday 11 May 2012:

The Casa 29 Hope Street, L1 9BQ at 8pm

Tickets: 6 / 3 (concs) *Special Offer* - 4 tickets for price of 3
Tickets can be bought on the door, or in advance from News from Nowhere, 96 Bold St 0151 708 7270

Liverpool Network Theatre Group has a long tradition of thoughtful performance, and is committed to staging high quality productions, accessible to ordinary people. We also run open weekly workshops on Tuesdays at 7pm, at Hope St Ltd (13a: entrance in Arrad St, L1 9BQ). Come along and give it a try! For more information, email : or see

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