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TEST 8 1.

Fill in Correr r__ Saltar j___ Ganar w__ Golpear h__ Atrapar c_ ___ Lanzar t____ Nadar s___ Competir r_ __ Dar una patada k _ _ _ 2. Match What is Sheila doing? What are Lisa and Emma doing? What is Leo doing? What are Jay and Harry doing? 3. Fill in Today is Sports Day at our . (escuela). What are the students doing? They are playing . (bisbol), . (tenis) and .. (baloncesto). Jai is playing .. (ftbol) and Ben is playing.(correr) a race. If you like (nadar) and the .. (momopatin) then Sports Day is for you! 4. Answer the questions? Can you fly? Can you skateboard? Can you jump? Can you kick a ball? Can you swim? 5. Fill in with other activities as in the example Eg. Play tennis, ., ., ., . He is hitting a ball. They are playing football. She is kicking a ball. They are playing baseball.

6. Fill in AM.IS.ARE Rob kicking the ball. The children .swimming. You winning the race. I .jumping. We ..hitting a ball. She skateboarding. 7. Put the words into the right order Football. Jay . Plays. Every. Day Is. Ben. The. Winning. Race Jenny. Swim . Cannot . She. But. Can. Tennis. Play Tom. Flying. Harry. With. Is Are. They. Faster. Running Win. They. Can ? Is. What. Happening? Likes. He. Tennis. Playing Are. Skateboarding. They. Fast. Very Can. Play. Ben. Football. Tom. And. Tennis. Play. Can

8. Answer the questions Are they jumping? Yes, Is she swimming? No, Are they winning? Yes, Are you kicking a ball? Yes, Is Ben jumping? Yes,

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