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Prayer of the faithful Priest: Knowing that our Heavenly Father in his wisdom provides for all our

needs, with confidence we approach him in prayer. Let us bring our petitions to him as we say Lord, hear our prayer. For the Holy Catholic church, as it continues to speak out against all that would destroy human dignity, human rights and human life. Let us pray to the Lord. For this great country, where our voices do make a difference, where we have to live our lives in accordance with our beliefs and where we have the opportunity to raise our families in comfort and abundance. Let us pray to the Lord. For our president and all leaders of government that they may be effective in achieving peace and eliminating poverty, Let us pray to the lord. For those who live in areas of the world where war and conflict bring misery and injustice and we ask His blessings on those who have dedicated their lives to the relief of this suffering. Let us pray to the Lord. For the departed, who remain with us in our prayers and our memories, and for the promises of the joyful reunion. Let us pray to the Lord. For the administration, faculty and support staff of NOVAGEN COLLEGE OF QUEZON CITY- may they constantly upgrade the standard of education not only academically but spiritually. Let us pray to the Lord. For our dear professors and clinical instructors, that they may endlessly teach the students with determination and continuous motivation, guidance, love and patience. Let us pray to the Lord. For all my fellow graduates, as we begin a new stage in our lives, may the gifts we received from the Holy spirit at our confirmation remain alive in us and guide us in the choices and decisions that we will make in the years ahead. Let us pray to the Lord. For our dear parents and families, who love us, care for our needs, listen to us in our desperation, comfort us in our sorrow, advise us with caring concern and by their selflessness, bring us closer to God and may the good Lord continue to bless them with health and happiness. Let us pray to the Lord. For all of us gathered here together, that an awareness of the grace of forgiveness may move us to concrete gestures of reconciliation and peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

Priest: Heavenly Father, source of all that is good in life, help us to use your gifts wisely and to rejoice in the treasures of your love. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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