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Deniz, Sofia & Selasie

Prop list Prop


How to acquire

Usage in piece
To cause an eerie feeling and be lit for a ritual To use throughout the film and burn. This will be used throughout and will contain the time spell. This will be used to light the candles; we chose this over a lighter as we thought that it is more eerie. This will create the photo. Make a sense of realism within the teenagers and use as the camera in the flash and the final scene. Used to stand on in order to seem like Sofia is being lifted.

Photo Book of Shadows

Take it with camera then print Create a notebook.



Camera Phone

To take photos. Borrowed from friend



Deniz, Sofia & Selasie



A wiccan tool used in rituals, makes a sense of realism.

Costume list Outfit

Deniz (Throughout) Black jeans, Trainers, checked shirt & Zodiac necklace. Sofia (Throughout) Pink Cardigan, skirt and shirt. Daniel/Selasie (Throughout) Suit

How to acquire
Own clothes

Usage in piece
Dressed as a usual teenager with a strange necklace. Dressed as a usual teenager ready for first day of work. An undercover demon.

Own clothes

Own clothes,

We planned our props and costumes quite carefully based on our characters. For example in terms of outfit we have an evil character who doesnt conform to what youd expect a demon to wear but is wearing something which allows the character to blend in. We also have a teenager who is dressed casually as a teenager would but with an addition of a Zodiac necklace which was used to make the character look like he is interested in the supernatural. In terms of our props, we also used these based on the theme, storyline and genre of our opening as well as the location and characters. For example the candles were used in a sort of ritual which is part of the storyline, we chose to use matches because we thought that these seemed more eerie and old than a lighter and our location was quite old itself. The matches would be a small source of light to just light up the characters face.

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