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Make an E-Commerce Website

Warehouse A Web Designer A computer savvy worker 2 Regular Workers

Fixed Costs (One Time Occurrences)

A web Designer ($2500-$5000) Equipment (Desks, Wiring, Conveyor Belt, Chairs, Digital Camera, and other MISC Costs) $3000$5000 Shipping Expenses for Moving Inventory to new location $500 Repairs and Installation and Misc. Up to $2000.

Total Initial Costs $8000-$12,500 Average Initial Costs $10,250

Variable Costs (Recurring Costs)

Website Maintenance ($100-250 Per Month) Employee Payroll ($2500-$4000 Per Employee Per Month) Warehouse Rent (Costs Vary from $200-$1500 per Month) Utilities ($250-$500 Per Month) Other Misc Costs ($250 Per month) Advertising ($1000-$10,000 Per Month)

Total Monthly Cost $4300-$16,500 Average Monthly cost $10,400

All the Costs Estimated Initial Costs $10,250. Estimated Monthly cost $10,400. Cost to run for one year would be $135,050.

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