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Interpretation and the Sciences of Man Author(s): Charles Taylor Reviewed work(s): Source: The Review of Metaphysics, Vol.

25, No. 1 (Sep., 1971), pp. 3-51 Published by: Philosophy Education Society Inc. Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/01/2012 16:28
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JLs there

a sense

in which

in the sciences

of man?

"hermeneutical" avoidably to Dilthey. But back in the work of Gadamer,1 in Ric ur's to the fore, for instance, of Habermas.3 of Freud,2 and in the writings interpretation to hermeneutics, in the sense relevant is an Interpretation, sense of an object of to make clear, to make attempt study. This be a text, or a text-analogue, in which must, therefore, object is confused, contradic incomplete, cloudy, seemingly one way or another, unclear. The interpretation aims to tory?in or sense. to light an underlying coherence bring can be called "hermeneu This means that any science which be dealing with sense, must tical," even in an extended interrelated forms of meaning. another of the confusingly try to see a little more clearly what this involves. we

is essential to explanation it is, that there is an un in the sciences of man, goes component the question has come recently again interpretation The view that

some way



Let us

about which 1) We need, first, an object or field of objects, or its absence, of making can speak in terms of coherence sense

a distinction, even if 2) Second, we need to be able to make a relative one, between sense or coherence made, the and its only or signifier s. For in a particular field of carriers embodiment or con the task of making clear what is fragmentary otherwise, be radically fused would No sense could be given to impossible. this idea. We have to be able to make for our interpretations
1 2 3

Cf. Cf. Cf.

e.g., Paul e.g.,

H. Ric



Wahrheit Gadamer, De l'interpr?tation, Erkenntnis und



Methode, 1965.


1960. 1968.

J. Habermas,



4 claims of the order


: the meaning in this text or present confusedly is clearly expressed here. The meaning, in other text-analogue is one which admits of more than one expression, words, and, in this sense, a distinction must be possible between meaning and

The point of the above qualification, that be only relative, is that there are cases where line can be drawn between uous, nonarbitrary It can be plausibly (I expression. argued there isn't

this distinction may no clear, unambig what is said and its

think convincingly to go into it here) that this is the normal space although and fundamental condition of meaningful that exact expression, or equivalence a rare and localized of meaning, is synonymy, or uses of civilization. of specialized achievement But languages do away with the distinc this, if true (and I think it is), doesn't tion between meaning and expression. sense in which ameaning re-expressed Even if there is an important can not be in a new medium this by no means entails that we can give no a meaning of expressing in a new way. It does

declared identical, sense to the project of course raise an interesting and difficult question about what can a clearer way: what it in be meant is the "it" which by expressing is clarified examining Hence if equivalence is denied? in the sciences interpretation must be describ the object of a science of interpretation in terms of sense and nonsense, and its absence; able coherence between meaning and its expres and must admit of a distinction

I hope to return of man.

to this


can is also a third condition it must meet. We or coherence, and of their different embodiments, speak as gestalts, or patterns in connection with such phenomena in or snow crystals, where rock formations, the notion of expression What is lacking here is the notion of a subject has no real warrant. 3) There of sense of criteria are. Without such a subject, the choice these meanings and difference, of sameness the choice among the dif can be identified ferent forms of coherence which in a given pat it can be seen, fields in which tern, among the different conceptual for whom
is arbitrary.

on the other hand, we In a text or text-analogue, make and this means explicit the meaning expressed, or for a subject or subjects. The notion of expression

are trying


expressed by refers us to


that of a subject. The

identification of the subject is by no means as we shall see further on; it may be unproblematical, necessarily an area in which one of the most difficult problems, prevailing prejudice may blind us to the nature of our object epistemological And of study. I think this has been the case, as Iwill show below. of a subject does not assure us of a the identification moreover, as and expression clear and absolute distinction between meaning even a relative one, is we saw above. But any such distinction, without subject. The sense, subject. ii on to see in what way, if any, these condi going are realized in the sciences of man, I think it would be useful it matters to set out more clearly what rides on this question, why or not we think of the sciences of man as hermeneutical, whether Before tions what an epistemological one. But it is cannot but be one, and, hence, to our notions relevant of science and of the proper conduct of We might has issue which say that it is an ontological inquiry. ever since been the seventeenth in terms of century argued considerations which have appeared to some to be epistemological The

any anchor object of

at all,

is totally of




to a

a science from


must thus have: interpretation for or by a which is its expression,

the issue is at stake here. issue here is at root from an ontological inextricable

The case could be put in these terms : what are the criteria of in a hermeneutical science? A successful judgment interpretation clear the meaning is one which makes in a con present originally form. But how does one know that this fused, fragmentary, cloudy sense of is correct? it makes because interpretation Presumably con text: what is strange, mystifying, puzzling, is no longer so, is accounted The interpretation for. tradictory to our understanding of the "language" of throughout appeals which allows us to see that this expres expression, understanding sion is puzzling, to that other, etc., and that it is in contradiction the original that these difficulties
in a new way.

are cleared

up when

the meaning

is expressed

6 But this


seems to be crucially appeal to our understanding if someone does not "see" the adequacy of our What inadequate. does not accept our reading? We try to show him interpretation, non- or partial sense. sense of the original But for how it makes him must hence what the to follow us he must these recognize be looking can we do? same. We as we do, he read the original language as puzzling in a certain way, and expressions to our problem. If he does not, for a solution it would The answer, seem, can only be more of to show him

of other the reading through in the way we pro be read this expression must why expressions that he follow us in these other But success here requires pose. We can forever. and so on, it would seem, potentially readings, of the to a common not escape an ultimate understanding appeal This is one way of trying of the "language" involved. expressions, have we circle." What to express what has been called the "hermeneutical a certain reading of text or expressions, are trying to establish is for this reading can only be and what we appeal to as our grounds The circle can also be put in terms of part-whole other readings. a reading we are trying to establish for the whole relations: text, and of its partial expressions; and for this we appeal to readings are dealing with meaning, with making because we sense, yet sense or not in relation to others, the where expressions only make on those of others, and of partial depend readings expressions of the whole. ultimately convince in forensic terms, as we started to do above, we can only an interlocutor if at some point he shares our under If he does not, there is no concerned. of the language standing we can try to awaken further step to take in rational argument; in him, or we can simply give up; argument will these intuitions can But of course the forensic predicament advance us no further. Put

to if I am this ill-equipped into my own judging: be transferred how a stubborn how can I convince myself? convince interlocutor, or distorted, maybe are wrong can I be sure? Maybe my intuitions into a circle of illusion. to this would the only sane response one, and perhaps is an ineradicable be to say that such uncertainty part of our it as "un That even to characterize predicament. epistemological severe criterion of "certainty," is to adopt an absurdly certainty" of any sensible use. But this has not which the concept deprives Now I am locked


been the

of our philosophical response only or even the main And it is another response which has had an important and far-reaching effect on the sciences of man. The demand has can only be attained by breaking been for a level of certainty which beyond the circle. in which this break-out has been envisag There are two ways tradition. one and could be be called the "rationalist" first might in Hegel. to reach a culmination It does not involve a thought or of our understanding of intuition, of meaning, but negation of such clarity rather aspires to attainment of an understanding ed. The that Hegel's it would in case, it a grasp of its inner necessity, such that carries with "thought" we see how it could not be otherwise. No higher grade of certainty is badly is conceivable. For this aspiration the word "break-out" to an inner the aim is rather to bring understanding chosen; is absolute. clarity which The other way, which we can call "empiricist," is a genuine to go beyond the circle of our own interpretations, to get attempt is to reconstruct The attempt in beyond subjectivity. knowledge such a way that there is no need to make final appeal to readings or judgments which can not be checked further. That is why the on this view is the impression, block of knowledge basic building or sense-datum, a unit of information which is not the deliverance no element of a judgment, which has by definition in it of reading or interpretation, is a brute datum. which ambition The highest would be to build our knowledge from such building blocks by could be anchored in a certainty beyond judgments which subjec This iswhat underlies tive intuition. the attraction of the notion of as a is viewed ideas, or if the same procedure If the original induction. of the units of method, acquisition or interpretation, information is not the fruit of judgment then the the association of constatation that two such elements occur together need not either be the fruit of interpretation, of a reading or intuition which cannot occurrence a single element a brute be checked. For if the of is then so is the co-occurrence of two such elements. The datum, to true knowledge then repose crucially on the correct would path
recording of such co-occurrences.

carry with for instance,

it the certainty of the undeniable. our full understanding of the whole




lies behind

an ideal of verification


is central


to an important in the philosophy of science, whose main tradition are the logical empiricists. Verification contemporary protagonists must be grounded in the acquisition of brute data. ultimately By data whose "brute data," Imean here and throughout validity can not be questioned or reading, another by offering interpretation data whose reasoning.4 credibility If such then cannot be founded of a difference or undermined by further can arise over interpretation so on

given data, as to distinguish the basis of them. The inferences be beyond

to structure the argument be possible the basic, brute data from the inferences made it must

of course, to be valid must themselves, similarly of a rival interpretation. the challenge Here the logical added to the armory of traditional which empiricists empiricism set great store by the method of induction, the whole domain of inference which had been central to the logical and mathematical rationalist position and which at (with Leibniz another offered least, brand not with although of unquestionable



and empirical verification inference course, mathematical in such a way that two theories or more could be combined to verified of the same domain of facts. But this was a consequence to accommodate As which itself. logical empiricism was willing in a theory which could not be rigorously for the surplus meaning to be quite outside with brute data, it was considered co-ordinated Of the logic of verification. As a theory of perception, this epistemology gave rise to all sorts of problems, not least of which was the perpetual threat of and solipsism from a conception of the basic inseparable skepticism as brute data, beyond investigation. data of knowledge As a theory

4 the

The as

notion the

of brute "brute v. 18, pp. may


Facts," Cambridge, contrasted i.e., would

Analysis, 1969, to what which an

some relation is not at all to, but "On Brute Anscombe, by Elizabeth and John 1957-1958, Searle, Acts, pp. 69-72, Speech For 50-53. Anscombe and brute facts are Searle, be called to use Searle's 'institutional facts', term, data here has facts" discussed

the existence of certain institutions. Voting see below as we in part shall institu But, II, some example. as X's having can be verified as brute tional such voted data facts, Liberal, a place in the sense used in the category and thus find of political here, as easily are cannot behavior. What in terms be described data of brute facts presuppose be the institutions themselves. Cf. the discussion below in part II.


it seems largely a thing of the past, in spite of perception, however, in the in the Anglo-Saxon world of a surprising recrudescence But there is no doubt that it goes marching 'thirties and 'forties. as a theory of how the human mind and on, among other places, human

a sense, the

actually of what

period has seen a better, more


is about in the form this epistemology rigorous These try to model theories of intelligence. of computer-influenced on machine-recognizable as consisting of operations intelligence which be matched could themselves which by programs input The machine criterion provides us with could be run on machines. statement or interpretations an appeal to intuition our assurance against cannot be understood which operating by fully explicit procedures on brute data?the input.5 to this The progress of natural science has lent great credibility on this model, can be plausibly reconstructed since it epistemology, course, sciences has been done by the logical empiricists. And, of the to reconstruct has been overwhelming the temptation or rather to launch them in of man on the same model; since they are constantly lines of inquiry that fit this paradigm, an earlier vogue where said to be in their "infancy." Psychology, a boom of computer-based of behaviorism is being replaced by bias?one sciences. might Later say obses I would like as for instance

is far from the only case. models, The form this epistemological for different sion?takes is different

to look at a particular the issue case, the study of politics, where can be followed out. But in general, the empiricist orientation to a conduct of inquiry which must is based on inter be hostile and which encounters pretation, was characterized above. This the hermeneutical cannot meet circle as this of es the requirements it considers which

intersubjective, non-arbitrary And along with sential to science. the ontological and standing belief that explanation


the epistemological must be susceptible reality science so understood. by

stance goes to under From this

5 1967,


dure, be realized

pp. which

in M. Minsky, N. J., Cliffs, Computation, Englewood where that an effective 104-107, argues proce Minsky explicitly or no longer can intuition is one which requires interpretation, discussion by a machine.

10 follows
must be.

a certain set of notions of what the sciences of man

the other hand, many, would like to including myself, that these notions about the sciences of man are sterile, that argue we cannot come to understand of human life important dimensions set by this epistemological within the bounds orientation. This is of course familiar to all in at least some of its ramifica dispute tions.




to claim of

in terms

of the notion

is that the issue can be fruitfully posed as I began it to outline interpretation

the question I think this way of putting is useful because it us at once to bring to the surface the powerful epistemo view of the sciences of the orthodox underlie logical beliefs which man in our academy, and to make the notion of our explicit allows This thesis. epistemological predicament implicit in the opposing to the tradition of and shocking is in fact rather more way-out or realized the oppo than is often admitted scientific thought by It may not strengthen the case of the nents of narrow scientism. opposition
science as

to bring
far as


fully what

is involved
is concerned,

in a hermeneutical
but a gain in


clarity ophy.

is surely worth

a thinning

of the ranks?at


in philos

on to look at the case of political science, it might should we even pose the be worth asking another question: why are hermeneutical? the sciences of man What whether question us the idea in the first place that men and their actions con gives the conditions stitute an object or a series of objects which meet Before going outlined level or that of is that on the phenomenological of this for the purposes (and the two converge speech ordinary a certain notion has an essential of meaning place in argument) in is the sense of human behavior. This the characterization which a prospect a demand, an action, speak of a situation, a certain meaning for a person. having Now it is frequently that "meaning" is used here in thought a sense which is a kind of illegitimate extension from the notion of an extension or Whether it can be considered linguistic meaning. we above? The answer


not But


it certainly differs from linguistic meaning. is another matter; use of it would be very hard to argue that it is an illegitimate

of a given predicament, we speak of the "meaning" are using a concept which has the following articulation, a) it is not the meaning of the situation is for a subject: in Meaning for a subject, a specific subject, a group of vacuo, but its meaning its meaning is for the human subjects, or perhaps what subject as When not humans might be reproached with though particular or realizing is of something; b) Meaning this). admitting a given between that is, we can distinguish element?situation, But this is not to say that its meaning. action, or whatever?and two Rather we are dealing with separable. they are physically in one of which in it is characterized of the element, descriptions terms of its meaning between for the subject. But the relations are not symmetrical. the two descriptions For, on the one hand, in terms of meaning the description cannot be unless descriptions or put differently, as well; there can be no of the other kind apply such (even


a substrate. it may be without But on the other hand, meaning that the same meaning be borne by another may substrate?e.g., a situation with in different the same meaning may be realized role for a potentially conditions. is a necessary There physical or all meanings are of something. And thirdly, c) things only have meaning in a field, that is, in relation to the meanings of other things. This means that there is no such thing as a single, unrelated meaningful and itmeans element; substitutable substrate; that changes in the given tion to others, word depends, trasts, defining which define in the other meanings element. changes be identified except in rela Meanings and in this way resemble words. The meaning of a on those words with which for instance, it con can't define its place dimensions, or "language in the language (e.g., those on those like color, shape), it figures in (describ game" in the field can involve

on those which "determinable" the activity

ing, invoking, establishing between meanings in this a semantic field. Just as our color of contrast concepts

and so on. The relations communion), sense are like those between in concepts

are given their meaning concepts by the field so that the introduction set up together, of new they will alter the boundaries so the various of others,

meanings that a subordinate's demeanor can

have for us, as

deferential, solent,

ironical, respectful, cringing, mocking, mildly rude, are established provoking, downright by a field of on our part, or a more and as with finer discrimination contrast; new possibilities are born, so other terms of culture, sophisticated of our terms "red," And as the meaning this range are altered. "blue,"


of a field of contrast is fixed by the definition "green" so all these alternative term "color," the determinable through are only available in a society which demeanors has, among other hierarchical of power and command. relations And cor types, to the underlying of designating color language game responding ed objects is the archical structures thus Meaning is for a set of social practices which and are fulfilled in them. sense?let us call sustain these hier

in this

of something, subject, it from linguistic meaning which guishes structure. dimensional is for subjects and in meaning Linguistic a field, but it is the meaning and it is about a world of of signifiers and differences, referents. Once we are clear about the likenesses that the term "meaning" be little doubt into extension the product of an illegitimate misnomer, text of experience and behavior. there should is not a this con

it experiential meaning? in a field. This distin has a four and not three

which we There is thus a quite legitimate notion of meaning a situation for an agent. use when we speak of the meaning And of our ordinary conscious that this concept has a place is integral to ness and hence speech about our actions. Our actions are ordinar by desires, sought and explained ily characterized by the purpose our we describe emotions. But the language by which feelings, a definition of the meaning desires is also things feelings, goals, have for us. rifying,"
"fear," sion."

The vocabulary defining meaning?words that describing linked with "attractive"?is

that describing goals?"safety,"

like "ter feeling?



our understanding of these terms moves Moreover, inescapably An emotion in a hermeneutical term like "shame," for circle. us to a certain kind of situation, refers the instance, essentially or "humiliating," and a certain mode of response, that "shameful," of covering up, or else "wiping of hiding out" the blot. oneself, That is, it is essential to this feeling's being identified as shame


that it be related to this


and give rise to this type of situation in in its turn can only be identified But this situation disposition. to is and the disposition it provokes; relation to the feelings which to without reference a goal which can similarly not be understood is one which in question the "hiding" the feelings experienced: from an cover up my it is not the same as hiding will shame; we can only understand what ismeant by "hiding" armed pursuer; here talked if we understand We have what kind about. to be within of feeling and situation the circle. is being

can only be explained by reference in turn cannot be understood to other concepts which ref without erence to shame. these concepts we have to be in To understand An emotion term like "shame"
on a certain experience, we have to understand a certain language,

action and but also a certain language of mutual just of words, which we blame, exhort, admire, esteem each communication, by In the end we are in on this because we grow up in the other. But we can often experience ambit of certain common meanings. the feeling, what it is like to be on the outside when we encounter not action, and experiential meaning language of another civilization. no way of explaining in other, more Here there is no translation, can only catch on by getting somehow We accessible concepts. human Thus if we look at into their way of life, if only in imagination. as action done out of a background of desire, behavior then we are looking at a reality which must be emotion, feeling, But does this mean that it can in terms of meaning. as this was outlined above? science of a hermeneutical


be the object that the three characteristics There are, to remind ourselves, have sense or has: it must of a science of interpretation object from its expression, and this must be distinguishable coherence; this sense must Now insofar as action, hence about behavior the category of sense or coherence must apply in terms of meaning, to it. This is not to say that all behavior must "make sense," ifwe mean by this be rational, confusion avoid contradiction, of purpose, a great deal of our action falls short of this and the like. Plainly irrational action is But in another sense, even contradictory, goal. make sense of," when we understand in. We why it was engaged sense of action when there is a coherence between the actions of his situation for him. We find of the agent and the meaning "made be for a subject. as we are talking

14 his action

not be action full of of this

It may puzzling until we find such a coherence. in no way implies that the bad to repeat that this coherence for an agent may be is rational: of a situation the meaning and contradiction; but the adequate confusion depiction contradiction

sense of it. makes sense in this way through coherence of meaning and Making cannot but move in the meanings of action and situation, action, a hermeneutical that the account makes Our conviction circle. sense is contingent on our reading of action and situation. But or justified except by reference these readings cannot be explained to the whole. to other such readings, and their relation If an or will not does not understand this kind of reading, can go. as valid, else the argument there is nowhere it accept sense of the a good explanation is one which makes Ultimately, one has to a good explanation, but then to appreciate behavior; interlocutor sense is a sense; what makes agree on what makes good good and these in turn are based on the kind function of one's readings;
of sense one understands.

that sense should be characteristic, for a is necessary This its embodiment? distinguishable a claim to make science of interpretation because interpretation lays a confused meaning be some sense in hence there must clearer; but differently. which is expressed, the "same" meaning In talking of experiential raises a difficulty. This immediately But how about the second from meaning a I mentioned that we can distinguish between above, and substrate. between meaning and its meaning, given element in This carried the claim that a given meaning may be realized can always But does this mean that we another substrate.

in another situation? the same meaning there Perhaps embody are some situations, for instance, which before death, standing otherwise. can't be embodied have ameaning which But purposes. text and behavior science implicit in the notion of man with modifications. The text is important only applies is clearer. replaced in the interpretation by another text, one which not replaced by another such text of behavior is The text-analogue When this happens we have revolutionary theatre, or analogue. terroristic acts designed to make propaganda of the deed, in this difficult question fortunately For here we have a case in which is irrelevant for our between the analogy of a hermeneutical


which the hidden relations in a dramatic confrontation. ing, even though or claim to be. But in science count. Which it may


of a society are supposedly shown up But this is not scientific understand perhaps be based on such understanding,

the text-analogue is replaced by a text, an ac the question, how we can even begin prompt might to talk of interpretation of expressing the same meaning more here, terms of com different clearly, when we have two such utterly a text and a tract of behavior? Is the whole parison, thing not just a bad pun? This question leads us to open up another aspect of experiential which we abstracted from earlier. meaning Experiential meanings are defined as words are in semantic fields. in fields of contrast, But what definition was not mentioned above is that these two kinds of The range independent is bound up with and hence meanings desires, emotions, feelings, the level and type of culture, which from in turn is inseparable the distinctions and categories the language marked people by a given situation can find The field of meanings in which speak. its place is bound up with the semantic field of the terms charac terizing
aments .


of each other.

of human

these meanings


the related




But the relationship involved here is not a simple one. There are two simple types of models of relation which could be offered could think of the feeling We here, but both are inadequate. as simply describing as marking feelings, pre-existing vocabulary would be there without But this is not them. we often experience or others how in ourselves adequate a more of the emotions say, achieving, vocabulary sophisticated our emotional makes life more and not just our de sophisticated because scriptions picture But we a good, powerful of it. Reading novel may give me the I had not previously of an emotion which been aware of. an increased ability to iden can't draw a neat line between which this enables. distinctions which

of the relationship is to from the above to the conclusion that thinking makes it so. jump not just any new definition But this clearly won't do either, since can be forced on us, nor can we force it on ourselves; and some which we do gladly take up can be judged inauthentic, or in bad

tify and an altered ability to feel emotions The other simple inadequate model

16 faith,


or just wrong-headed These judgments may be by others. an illicit. Rather we make but they are not in principle wrong, effort to be lucid about ourselves and our feelings, and admire a man who achieves this. the simple correspondence view is correct, nor Thus, neither so. But both have prima facie war the view that thinking makes it rant. which There is such a thing as self-lucidity, points us to a of such lucidity means view; but the achievement correspondence At the same the object known. moral that is, it changes change, just an absence of correspondence; bad faith, self-delusion, inauthenticity, or something of the kind; it is of one's human feelings, repression as what a matter is is felt just as much of the quality of what is. known about this, just as self-knowledge is not If this is so, then we have to think of man as a self-interpreting He is necessarily animal. so, for there is no such thing as the of his interpretation structure of meanings for him independently of them; for one is woven into the other. But then the text of our from what is interpreted; is not that heterogeneous interpretation a self-interpreta for what is interpreted is itself an interpretation; It is an interpreta tion which in a stream of action. is embedded to the constitution tion of experiential meaning contributes which that of which we of this meaning. Or to put it in another way: are trying to find the coherence is itself partly constituted by self interpretation. Our aim time, error about oneself it is also in some form


this confused, incomplete, partly erro a correct one. And in doing this we self-interpretation by but to the stream of behavior look not only to the self-interpretation a historical it is set; just as in interpreting in which document we is to replace

have to place it in the stream of events which it relates to. But of we are interpreting course the analogy is not exact, for here the it is set to in which and the stream of behavior interpretation and not just one or the other. gether, There is thus no utter heterogeneity of interpretation to what rather there is a slide in the notion of interpretation. it is about; one's situation in terms Already to be a living agent is to experience a sense can be thought of as a sort and this in of certain meanings; of proto-"interpretation." in which by the language This is in turn lives the agent and interpreted these meanings. shaped This


whole is then at a third level


we interpreted by the explanation proffer of his actions. In this way the second condition of a hermeneutical science ismet. But this account poses in a new light the question mention ed at the beginning can ever express whether the interpretation as the interpreted. the same meaning And in this case, there is clearly a way

in which the two will not be congruent. For if the is really clearer than the lived interpretation then it explanation will be such that it would alter in some way the behavior if it came to be internalized In this by the agent as his self-interpretation. a hermeneutical science which achieves its goal, that is, attains way than the immediate or of agent greater clarity understanding must offer us an interpretation which is in this way observer, the explicandum. crucially out of phase with seen as action of agents who desire and Thus, human behavior are moved, who have goals and aspirations, offers a necessarily for descriptions in terms of meaning?what I have called purchase The norm of explanation which it posits "experiential meaning." is one which "makes sense" of the behavior, which shows a coher ence of meaning. sense of" is the prof erring of an "making seen that what is interpreted meets have interpretation; of a science of interpretation: the conditions first, that we can and second, that this sense can be speak of its sense or coherence; in another form, so that we can speak of the interpreta expressed This and we tion as giving clearer The

to what is only implicit in the expression third condition, that this sense be for a subject, explicandum. is obviously met in this case, although who this subject is is by no an unproblematical as we shall see later on. means question to show that there is a good be enough prima facie case to the effect that men and their actions are amenable to of a hermeneutical some There kind. is, therefore, explanation reason to raise the issue and challenge the epistemological orienta This should out of the sciences of man. A interpretation to bring out what be said in the is involved great on to this, it hermeneutical sciences of man. But before getting a couple of drawn might help to clarify the issue with examples from a specific field, that of politics. would rule deal more must tion which



In politics, centration straction

science has led to the con too, the goal of a verifiable on features which can supposedly in ab be identified or not understanding from our understanding experiential

us call them brute data identifications?are These?let meaning. what enable us to break out from the hermeneutical supposedly circle and found our science four square on a verification procedure of the empiricist tradition. But for such brute data has not gone to it has in psychology, the lengths which where the object of science as behavior has been thought of by many qua "colorless move or as machine-recognizable The tendency in ment," properties. has been to stop with less basic, but?so it is something politics the requirements in politics the search cannot be challenged identification of which thought?the by the or reading of the data concerned of another offering interpretation This is what is referred to as "behavior" in the (pp. 7-9 above). rhetoric of political but it has not the rock bottom quality scientists, of its psvchological homonym. Political behavior includes what we would call ac ordinarily but ones that are supposedly brute data identifiable. How tions, can this be so? Well, actions are usually described by the purpose
or end-state realized. But the purposes of some actions can be



be thought to be brute data terms; some specified might for instance, have physical like getting the car actions, end-states, or climbing in the garage the mountain. Others have end-states which are closely tied by institutional rules to some unmistakable I raise my hand in the meeting at thus, when physical movement; the appropriate The only ques time, I am voting for the motion. tions we can raise about the corresponding such actions, given or the realization movements are whether of such end-states, the was aware of what was as against he was agent doing, acting simply emitting of his movement, reflex behavior, knew the institutional significance on this score etc. Any worries turn out generally are concern in the contexts political scientists artificial e.g., they do arise they can be checked by relatively to vote for asking the subject: did you mean

in what

to be pretty and where ed with; simple devices, the motion?



can be it would Hence, appear that there are actions which fear of interpretative and this is what identified beyond dispute; for the category of "political the foundation behavior." gives can relevance which there are some acts of obvious political Thus, as killing, be specified thus in physical terms, such sending tanks them to cells; and confining and streets, seizing people can be specified from is an immense ran.?-e of others which such as voting acts by institutional for instance. rules, physical can hope to These can be the object of a science of politics which into the there meet of verification. the stringent The latter class requirements for study in recent decades?most has provided matter particularly in the case of voting studies. notably But of course be much a science For too narrow. of politics on another confined to such acts would actions also have level these

for the agents which is not exhausted in the brute data meaning and which is often crucial to understanding why they descriptions, were done. I am also saving the for the motion in voting Thus, honor of my party, or defending the value of free speech, or vin or saving civilization from breakdown. dicating public morality, much terms that the agents talk about the motivation of a science of their political action, and it is difficult to conceive of politics which it. doesn't come to grips with Behavioral science comes to grips with it by taking political the meanings involved in action as facts about the agent, his beliefs, his affective reactions, his "values," as the term is frequently used. For it can be thought in the brute data sense that men verifiable It is in such agree to subscribe or not to a certain form of words (expres or to reaction sing a belief, say) ; or express a positive negative certain events, or symbols; or agree or not with the proposition that some act is right or wrong. as just We can thus get at meanings form of brute data by the techniques another of the opinion survey and content analysis. An immediate


If we are trying to objection springs to mind. deal with the meanings which inform political action, then surely acumen is unavoidable. Let us say we are trying to interpretive the goals and values of a certain group, understand or grasp their vision of the polity; we might to probe this by a questionnaire try asking them whether they assent or not to a number of propositions, are meant to express different which beliefs. evaluations, goals,

20 But how did we

How did we pick these design the questionnaire? Here we relied on our understanding of the goals, can be chal involved. But then this understanding our results hence the significance of questioned.

propositions? values, vision and lenged,

the finding of our study, the compiling of proportions of Perhaps assent and dissent to these propositions is irrelevant, is without for understanding the agents or the polity concerned. significance This kind political To this the proponents move ard of logical empiricism: of attack is frequently science, or for that matter by critics of mainstream science in general. of this mainstream reply with a stand social made

the process of distinguishing from the logic of verification. Of course, it is our under discovery of these meanings which enables us to draw up the standing which will test people's in respect to them. attitudes questionnaire interpretive dispute there are no brute a rival science. say, about data at this these meanings is poten level, every affirma But this has interpretation. What is firmly verified is the to certain for instance, propositions that people who in a certain set of

And, of course,

tially endless; tion can be challenged by to do with verifiable nothing set of correlations and certain are active between, We behavior.

the assent


(defined by participation politically are more to certain sets of proposi institutions) likely to consent the values underlying the system.6 tions supposedly expressing no matter what one is a firmly verified correlation This finding thinks

or simple hunches, of the reasoning, that went into design science as a body of the research which it. Political established ing it does not give a truth ismade up of such correlations; knowledge or hunch. A good interpretive value to the background reasoning on the right correlations nose may be useful to test, but in hitting science is never called on to arbitrate the disputes between inter pretations. Thus,

can be defined in addition to those overt acts which or institutionally, the category of political can behavior physically or the occurrence include assent or dissent to verbal formulae, or or expressions not of verbal formulae in speech, or of approval

6 American


H. McClosky, Political Science

"Consensus Review, v.

and 58,

Ideology 1964, pp.

in American 361-382.



rejection of certain behavior events (for or measures instance, as observed in institution out for a demonstra turning which


ally-defined tion) . Now there this notion ways

are a number

of political

of objections one might behavior;

how interpretation-free it from another angle. One of the basic question of this kind of social science is that it reconstructs certain These allow

can be made to in all sorts of question it is in fact. But I would like to characteristics reality in line for an inter


categorial principles. social reality which is made up of brute data, identifiable certain It actions. structures, institutions, procedures, as the psycho allows for beliefs, affective evaluations reactions, And it allows for correlations of individuals. logical properties between these two orders or reality: e.g., that certain beliefs go subjective acts and etc. along with certain acts, certain values with certain institutions, To put it another way, what is objectively (intersubjectively) This is what real is brute data identifiable. social reality is. Social reality described could

disputes by brute data out of blind anger, because to redress humiliation, rioting they recover a sense of dignity in insurrection?), this is given subjective affective reactions, evalua reality, that is, there are certain beliefs, tions which individuals beliefs reality. and the fact that reality. beliefs, pretive But These make or have about or in relation to social or reactions can have an effect on this reality; social such a belief is held is a fact of objective

for the actors, such that in terms of its meaning arise about interpretation be settled which couldn't or are they are people rioting to get a hearing, (e.g.,

the social reality which can only be made reactions of reality in terms is only allowed question


is the object of these attitudes, Thus any up of brute data. of meanings is open to inter which

if it is into this scientific discourse as their to individuals as it were, in quotes and attributed placed, That this opinion, belief, etc. is held is belief, attitude. opinion, of as a brute datum, since it is redefined as the respondent's thought giving a certain answer to the questionnaire. concerns This aspect of social reality which its meanings for of ways, but recently the agents has been taken up in a number it has been spoken of in terms of political culture. Now the way this is defined and studied illustrates the categorial clearly principles For instance, political culture is referred to by Almond above. and

22 Powell tem" 7 as


the "psychological dimension of the political sys on they state: "Political culture is the Further (23). pattern of individual attitudes and orientations towards politics among the members of a political It is the subjective realm which system. and gives meaning to political underlies actions" The (50). authors then go on to distinguish three different kinds of orienta and beliefs), tions, cognitive (knowledge evaluative and opinions). (judgments From the point of view of empiricist affective (feelings), and

this set of epistemology, out. Both reality and the mean leaves nothing categorial principles But what it in fact cannot ings it has for actors are coped with. allow for are inter subjective meanings, that is, it cannot allow for the validity of descriptions of social reality in terms of mean are not in quotation marks and ings, hence not as brute data, which as opinion, attributed etc. to individual(s). it is Now attitude, that Iwould this exclusion like to challenge in the name of another set of categorial principles, a quite other epistemology. inspired by ii We of acts by spoke earlier about the brute data identification means a cross beside some of institutional rules. Thus, putting one's name on a slip of paper and putting in this in a box counts as voting the right context for that person; the room, leaving a certain form of words, counts as breaking off saying or writing the negotiations; one's name on a piece of paper counts as writing at is what the petition, etc. is worth But what signing looking are the underlies this set of identifications. These identifications of a language of social life, a language which marks application distinctions tures. Let social among different possible But what underlies this language? us take acts, relations, struc

of breaking the example off negotiations above. our society recognizes The language of states or actions like the into negotiation, off negotiations, following: entering breaking offering to negotiate, making negotiations,

in good negotiating a new offer, etc.

(bad) faith, concluding In other more jargon

Gabriel a Developmental text here and

Almond and G. Bingham Powell, and Toronto, Boston 1966. Approach, are to this work. below



Politics: Comparative references in my




the semantic language, "space" of this range of social a certain way, by a certain set of distinctions activity is carved up in our vocabulary marks; and the shape and nature of these which in this area. of our language distinctions is the nature These are applied in our society with more or less formalism contexts. Our whole But of course this is not true of every society. the distinct notion of negotiation is bound up for instance with distinctions in different of the parties, with the willed nature of and autonomy identity their relations; notion. But other societies it is a very contractual It is reported about the traditional have no such conception. of its social life was a powerful Japanese village that the foundation a high premium on unanimous deci form of consensus, which put 8 if two would be considered shattered sion. Such a consensus to separate out, pursuing parties were opposed clearly articulated or push it aims and attempting either to vote down the opposition on the most terms for them into a settlement favorable possible of there must be, and some kind of adjustment our idea of bargaining, of with the assumption distinct autonomous inwilled relationship, has no place there; parties nor does a series of distinctions, into and leaving like entering or bargaining the genuine in good faith with (sc. negotiation, selves. Discussion differences. But intention Now of seeking agreement). the difference between our society and one of the kind if we said we have a

could not be well expressed just described to describe negotiation which say, vocabulary they lack. We might to describe the heavens for instance, that we have a vocabulary that for here we assume mechanics; they lack, viz., that of Newtonian as we do, that they live under the same heavens it only understand But it is not true that they have the same kind of differently. as we do. or whatever The word, word of their bargaining must have an entirely dif language we translate as "bargaining," is marked their vocabulary ferent gloss, which by the distinctions ours. to those marked in contrast But this different allows by

The Agrarian C. Smith, Cf. Thomas ch. 5. This ford, 1959, type of consensus for instance, the desa Cf. societies. system

Origins is also of the

Stan of Modern Japan. in other found traditional Indonesian village.

24 gloss is not just a difference of vocabulary, but

also one of social

as a way of putting be misleading the differ that there is a social reality which can imply be discovered in each society and which might exist quite independ of that society, or indeed of any ently of the vocabulary vocabulary, as the heavens would exist whether men theorized about them or not. And this is not the case; the realities here are practices; and be identified in abstraction from the language we use or invoke them, or carry them out. That the them, of negotiation allows us to distinguish in good practice bargaining or bad faith, or into or breaking off negotiations, entering presup for us, poses that our acts and situation have a certain description that we are distinct into willed relations. e.g., parties entering to describe But how have these descriptions for us unless this is some in our vocabulary of this practice; if not in our expressed we may as yet be unconscious of the practices of (for descriptions some of the important in the appropriate distinctions) language for carrying them on. a distinction (Thus, the language marking public and private acts or contexts may exist even where are not part of this language; terms or their equivalents for the distinction will be marked is by the different language which in one context and the other, be it perhaps a difference appropriate these or dialect, even though the distinction is not designated they cannot these cannot

reality. But this still may ence. For it might


by specific descriptive expressions.) The situation we have here is one in which the vocabulary of a given social dimension is grounded in the shape of social practice in this dimension; that is, the vocabulary wouldn't make sense, couldn't be applied sensibly, where this range of practices didn't And yet this range of practices couldn't exist without the prevail. of this or some related vocabulary. There is no simple here. We can speak of mutual if one-way dependence dependence we this points up is the artificiality of the like, but really what distinction between social reality and the language of description of that social reality. The language is constitutive of the reality, is essential to its being the kind of reality it is. To separate the two and distinguish them as we quite rightly distinguish the heav ens from our theories about them is forever to miss the point. prevalence This type of relation has been recently explored, e.g., by John

of style,




with As Searle points his concept of a constitutive rule. we are normally to induced to think of rules as applying out,9 or not the rule to us whether behavior which could be available existed. Some rules are like this, they are regulative like command ments: But there are other rules, don't take the goods of another. are not so in chess, which the Queen's move e.g., that governing or imagines a state in which then the whole introduced, range of not be. in question, in this case, chess playing, would behavior a wood of course, be the activity of pushing There would still, on a board made of squares 8 by 8; but this is not piece around Rules of this kind are constitutive rules. chess any longer. By separable. they have not If one suspends yet been these rules, contrast

again, there are other rules of chess, "j'adoube" when one touches a piece without
are clearly regulative.10

such as that one intending to play

say it,

that this notion of the constitutive be extend I am suggesting That is why I ed beyond the domain of rule-governed behavior. Even in an area where the vaguer word there suggest 'practice'. are no clearly defined rules, there are distinctions between different sorts of behavior the appropriate such that one sort is considered the other for another action or con form for one action or context, or saying certain things amounts to breaking off e.g., doing a or saying other things amounts to making negotiations, doing new offer. rules i.e., rules such But just as there are constitutive could not exist without that the behavior them, and they govern so I am from that behavior, which are in this sense inseparable text; constitutive that there are constitutive distinctions, suggesting in that certain are similarly inseparable, ranges of language which are not without them. practices can reverse this relationship and say that all the institu We we live are constituted which tions and practices by by certain is thus essential to and hence a certain language which distinctions can take voting, a practice which them. We is central to large of institutions in a democratic numbers is essential society. What

J. Cf.


Cambridge, 10 New


an Essay Acts: in the Philosophy Speech 33-42. 1969, pp. in Stanley the discussion Must We Mean Cavell, 1969, pp. 21-31.

of What

Language, We Say?



to the practice of voting is that some decision or verdict be deliver some criterion a measure of (a man elected, through passed), or what two-thirds majority, (simple majority, preponderance (the votes of the citizens, MPs, ever) out of a set of micro-choices ed delegates). behavior, some such significance to our attached of paper, and counting of marking pieces out into lobbies amounts to voting. From raising hands, walking of voting must be such that cer this it follows that the institution someone that between have application: tain distinctions e.g., or or a measure and their failing of election, passed, being elected, a valid vote and an invalid one which in turn that between passage; a real choice and one which is forced between requires a distinction If there is not no amount or counterfeited. the very in full autonomy, seauian notion sense the enfranchised institution of the vote requires that in some like ours, in a sense recognizably For there to be voting choose. between in men's there must be a distinction self-interpretations and counting is to say that an activity of marking papers swhich a certain range to bear intentional fall within description of two before we can agree to call it voting, just as the intercourse men or teams has to bear descriptions of a certain range before we is Or in other words, that some practice will call it negotiation. has or negotiation voting in a society established ing it. Hence and his has to do in part with as appropriate for engaging the vocabulary in it or describ autonomy This and forced choice. For no matter how that each man decide far we move from the Rous

is a certain vision of the agent implicit in these practices to others and to society. saw in connection relation We a picture in our society that it requires with negotiation of the as in some sense autonomous, and as entering into willed parties it certain implicit norms, relations. And this picture carries with such as that of good faith mentioned above, or a norm of rational to one's goals correspond ity, that agreement or the norm of continued freedom of action These as far as attainable, as far as attainable. and relations be seen in

practices require that one's actions the light of this picture and the accompanying norms, good faith, and rationality. in this But men do not see themselves autonomy, nor do they understand norms these in all societies, in all way as we know it, the sense of of autonomy The experience societies.


rational them.


are unavailable to action and the satisfactions thereof, The meaning of these terms is opaque to them because they structure of experiential have a different open to them. meaning We can think of the difference between our society and the sim in this, plified version of the traditional Japanese village as consisting to the members of the two societies that the range of meaning open is very different. But what we are dealing with here is not sub can fit into the categorial grid of behavioral which jective meaning science, but rather inter subjective political that the people in our society all or mostly in their heads and subscribe to a given set are and norms implicit in these practices the actors but are out there cannot be conceived which are essentially modes of social relation, actors may all sorts It is not just meanings. have a given set of ideas of goals. not The meanings in the minds of practices but which

just in the practices themselves, as a set of individual actions, of mutual action.

The have of beliefs and attitudes which may be rightly thought of as their individual beliefs and attitudes, even if others share them; to certain policy subscribe they may or certain forms of theory about the polity, or feel resentment goals at certain things, and so on. They bring these with them into their and strive to satisfy them. But what negotiations, they do not is the set of ideas and norms con into the negotiations bring stitutive of negotiation common themselves. These must be the of the society before there can be any question of anyone property or not. are not subjective into negotiation Hence entering they the property of one or some individuals, but rather meanings, are constitutive which of the social intersubjective meanings, matrix in which individuals find themselves and act. The social the "consensus." on heading or of attitude. certain basic matters, But the two are not the same. or not, the condition Whether there is consensus of there being either one or the other is a certain set of common terms of refer ence. A society in which this was lacking would not be a society sense of the term, but several. in the normal some multi Perhaps or multi-tribal states approach racial this limit. Some multi national states are bedevilled cross-purposes, e.g., my by consistent own country. as a convergence But consensus of beliefs or values intersubjective are often action are the background which meanings treated by political scientists under this is meant of beliefs convergence By to

28 is not


the opposite of this kind of fundamental Rather diversity. is a high degree of inter subjective mean of diversity this can go along with Indeed, cleavage. profound are a condition of a certain kind of very intersubjective meanings or the such as was visible in the Reformation, cleavage, profound the opposite And ings. American or splits in left wing Civil War, the parties, where is at fever pitch just because both sides can fully understand dispute the other. of belief or attitude or its absence In other words, convergence a common can be these beliefs can be opposed. formulations is rooted in its in any society in which

language and in which these formulated, of this common Much language institutions


it is constitutive and of these institutions and practices; To put the It is part of the intersubjective meanings. practices. of how much people's apart from the question point another way, a common of how much beliefs converge is the question they have these beliefs are in which of social and political language reality cannot be reduced to the first; This second question expressed. beliefs or of converging inter subjective meaning is not a matter values. When we speak of consensus we speak of beliefs and values which could be the property in ter subjective person because We or all; but of a single person, or many, of a single not be the property meanings they are rooted in social practice. can perhaps see this if we envisage the situation in which could This

a practice are the property of single underlying from is what happens when single individuals one society the notions and values of another, interiorize e.g., in missionary Here we have a totally different children schools. are really talking now about subjective beliefs and We situation. the ideas and norms individuals. Whereas social "ideals." The ideas are abstract, they are mere in the original these ideas and norms are rooted society, in their social relations, and are that on the basis of which they can and ideals. formulate opinions We can see this in connection with the example we have been The vision of a society based using all along, that of negotiations. attitudes.

on negotiation in for heavy attack by a growing is coming segment as are the attendant norms of rationality of modern and the youth, This is a dramatic of autonomy. definition failure of "consensus." But this cleavage takes place in the ambit of this inter-subjective


meaning, the social


as it is lived in our of negotiation practice have the bitter quality wouldn't it has if rejection society. were not understood in common, what because it is is rejected part of a social practice which we find it hard to avoid, so pervasive out for At the same time there is a reaching is it in our society. The other forms which have still the "abstract" that are subjective is what makes

in this sense, the rebellion

quality of ideals which which is, not rooted in practice; look so "unreal" to outsiders, and so

of experiencing Inter subjective action in ways meanings, are expressed con and descriptions which in the language society stitutive of institutions and practices, do not fit into the categorial This allows only for an inter of mainstream science. grid political But social prac is brute data identifiable. subjective reality which are partly constituted tices and institutions which by certain ways We have to under of talking about them are not so identifiable. stand



the underlying




or prac We can allow, once we accept a certain set of institutions tices as our starting point and not as objects of further questioning, that we can easily take as brute data that certain acts are judged to take place or certain states judged to hold within the semantic field For instance, that someone has voted Liberal, of these practices. then go on to correlate certain etc.?with this behavior or attitudes, subjective meanings?beliefs, its lack. But this means that we give up trying to define further just what and institutions are these practices the meanings are, what which and hence sustain. For these meanings do not they require are not subjective beliefs or values, but are fit into the grid; they the petition. We In order to get at them we have to reality. that social reality is made up of brute data drop premiss For any characterization alone. of the meanings these underlying someone an alternative is open to question practices by offering The negation of this is what was meant as brute interpretation. data. We have to admit that intersubjective social reality has to be as subjective that meanings partly defined in terms of meanings; are not just in causal interaction with a social reality made up of constitutive of social the basic or signed can

30 brute

data, but that as inter subjective talking they are constitutive of this

here of intersubjective And meanings. of inter subjective meaning the question contrasting as convergence with that of consensus of opinions. But there is another kind of nonsubjective which is also often inad meaning earlier I was discussed the head of "consensus." under In a society equately with a strong web of intersubjective there can be amore meanings, or less powerful set of common meanings. By these Imean notions are not just shared in the sense that of what is significant which everyone







are also common

world. Thus,

in the sense
almost everyone

of being



to a certain kind of feminine share a susceptibility society may It may be known beauty, but this may not be a common meaning. to no one, except perhaps market who play on it in their researchers, But the survival of a national advertisements. identity as franco is a common meaning of Qu?b?cois; for it is not just shar phones ed, and not aspiration and all public life in the society. communication, etc. when We can speak of a shared belief, aspiration, there is between the subjective of many convergence beliefs, aspirations, of a common individuals. But it is part of the meaning aspiration, etc. that it be not just shared but part of the belief, celebration, common reference world. Or to put it another way, its being shar ed sustained, as it were, is communally which act, it is a consciousness we do each on his own, whereas is something sharing even if each of us is influenced by the others. are the basis of Common Intersub meanings community. a a common to talk about gives jective meaning people language of certain norms, but understanding does this common reference world celebrations, everybody and shares. feelings. This is is a collective to be shared, but just known is one of the common reference a common its being of all debate, points

reality and a common common meanings only with common contain significant social These

are objects
makes community.

actions, in the world that

this phenomenon again, we cannot really understand as convergence of consensus of opinion through the usual definition For what is meant here is something more and value. than con Once vergence. Convergence is what happens when our values are


shared. But what


for common meanings is required is that this that this sharing be be part of the common world, are quite But we could also say that common meanings shared. a high degree of for they can subsist with other than consensus, a common meaning comes this is what happens when cleavage; shared value to be lived society. reference tion. understood in a and understood groups by different differently a common because there is the It remains meaning, is the common purpose, which celebra aspiration, point the American is for example But this common in the USA. Way, or freedom as


is differently meaning This is the basis of the bitterest different articulated groups. by in a society, and this we are also seeing in the U.S. fights today. is very often the one might say that a common meaning Perhaps not be cause of the most It thus must bitter lack of consensus. confused Of of opinion, convergence value, attitude. common meanings and inter subjective meanings course, are closely net of inter be a powerful There must interwoven. and the for there to be common meanings; subjective meanings with result of a is the development as people live in com

common meanings of powerful of intersubjective web meanings greater


common meanings which On the other hand, when wither, can do through the kind of deep dissensus we described earlier, they of tend to grow apart and develop different the groups languages to share less intersubjective social reality, hence meanings. to take our above example there has been a Hence, again, common meaning in our civilization around a certain powerful vision of the free society in which has a central place. bargaining This has helped to entrench the social practice of negotiation which in this in ter subjective meaning. makes us participate But there is to this common meaning challenge today, as we have seen. Should those who object to it really succeed in building up a gap between an alternative there would those society, develop a severe who

the new

in the present

type of society

and those who

had found

as well as intersubjective fall ones, meanings, can find no social science. the net of mainstream through They For they are not simply a converging set of place in its categories. but part of the common world. What the reactions, subjective Common



social science lacks is the notion of meaning of mainstream ontology of a subject who can be a as not simply for an individual subject; of the of this possibility, "we" as well as an "I." The exclusion comes once again from the baleful of the influence communal, has to be recon all knowledge tradition for which epistemological on the individual structed from the impressions subject. imprinted this from the hold of these prejudices, But if we free ourselves of human view about the development implausible a "we" before we are aware of the world consciousness; through an "I." Hence we need the distinction between we are through in the sense that each of us has it in our is just shared what is in the common world. But and that which individual worlds, in con is in the common world the very idea of something which seems tradistinction to what is in all the individual worlds it finds in must no now Hence to empiricist opaque epistemology. this results social science. What mainstream is, totally in place be seen. a wildly

Ill i
a social science which wishes Thus, to sum up the last pages: tradition naturally of the empiricist tries to fulfill the requirements as consisting of brute data alone. to reconstruct social reality as identified These data are the acts of people sup (behavior) or by either by physical descriptions interpretation posedly beyond and and practices; defined by institutions clearly descriptions secondly, attitudes,
words, or

reality of individuals' they include the subjective to certain as attested by their responses values,
in some cases their overt non-verbal behavior.

beliefs, forms of as reality ex It in in

What characterized cludes, which


by for instance,

excludes is a consideration and common inter subjective an attempt to understand such a central part plays




meanings. our civilization, in fact and both

theory, by probing justificatory it embodies. Such and social relatedness which for agents of their own and others' action, deal with the meaning in which and of the social relations they stand, do not in any sense record brute argument; data, in the sense that this term is being used in this that is, they are in no sense beyond challenge by those

the self-definitions

of agent, other definitions which


who would


our interpretations of these meanings. quarrel with in the I tried to adumbrate above the vision Thus, implicit to certain notions of autonomy reference of negotiation practice by and rationality. by those who human But have be challenged this reading will undoubtedly of man, fundamental different conceptions or even by those who the human condition;

motivation, to have greater other features of our present predicament judge and have a science If we wish to avoid these disputes, importance. as this is understood in verification by the logical empir grounded and hope then we have to avoid this level of study altogether icists, a correlation to make of behavior which is brute data with do identifiable. A similar point and shared goes for the distinction between common can hope to iden We if we take these in the

subjective meanings. meanings of individuals tify the subjective meanings sense in which criteria for them in people's there are adequate or assent to verbal formulae or their brute data ^identifiable dissent such sub between But once we allow the distinction behavior. common are widely shared and genuine which jective meanings then we can no longer make do with brute data indenti meanings, can be chal our definitions are in a domain where We fication.

lenged by those with another reading. for the social scientists The profound option of mainstream it inevitable and science makes of knowledge conception empiricist science of political that they should accept the verification model in This means that this entails. and the categorial principles in terms of its intersubjective turn that a study of our civilization level of Rather this whole is ruled out. and common meanings study is made invisible. of different the different practices and view, therefore, societies are not seen as related to different clusters of inter subjective or common meanings, rather, we should them by different of "behavior" be able to differentiate clusters institutions and/or requires behavior subjective meaning. on this view that we which will allow us of different societies The between societies comparison a universal of elaborate vocabulary On the mainstream

to present forms and the different in the same conceptual web. practices Now present day political science is contemptuous of the older at comparative via a comparison of institutions. attempt politics

34 influential school to certain practices, to compare proposes which these practices An of our day has therefore or very general classes

shifted of

comparison and practices, to the different ways societies in according are carried on. Such are the "functions" " of the influential But it is episte "developmental approach." crucial that such functions be identified mologically independently are different of those intersubjective which in different meanings or for otherwise, societies; universal; they will not be genuinely sense that the will be universal in the loose and unilluminating only can be given application in every society but with function-name same term being and often widely varying, varying meaning?the sets of practices and inter differently by different not The danger that such universality subjective meanings. might hold is not even suspected by mainstream scientists since political as that that there is such a level of description they are unaware inter subjective meanings which defines and are convinced that structures which and the various them can be functions perform "glossed" very in terms of brute data behavior. the difference in intersubjective the result of ignoring can be disastrous to a science of comparative meanings politics, in the categories of our all other societies viz., that we interpret own. to American this is what seems to have happened Ironically, identified But political focussed criticized the old institution strongly for its ethnocentricity (or Western comparative politics to understand the politics of all society in terms it proposes bias), as "interest articulation" and "in for instance, of such functions, science. Having aggregation" culture bargaining guaranteed is a theory terest is strongly influenced by the whose definition our civilization, is far from being but which of The not surprising elsewhere. result appropriateness the Atlantic-type which of political development places

achievement. polity at the summit of human political can be said in this area of comparative Much (in politics in a recently published explored by Alasdair Maclntyre terestingly paper) .lla But I would like to illustrate the significance of these

11 lla Mclntyre,



and Powell, is a Comparative the Self-Images Against Almond

op. cit. Science of


Politics London,

the Age,

Possible?," 1971.

in Alasdair


two rival approaches in connection with This is the question of politics. 12

problem "legiti

another of what

common is called



fact, with which politics has been concerned that some societies since at least Plato, enjoy an easier, more cohesion which relies less on the use of force than spontaneous It has been an important others. of political question theory to understand what underlies this difference. others, Aris Among de Tocqueville have dealt with totle. Machiavelli, it. Montesquieu, mainstream scientists this approach Contemporary political use of the word here The question with the concept "legitimacy." can be easily understood. are more societies which Those spon can be thought sense of to enjoy a greater cohesive taneously "Legitimacy" of the state or polity, authority ever we conceive it can only be attributed of this legitimacy, to a a number of surrounding conceptions?e.g., polity in the light of from their will, that it provides men that it emanates freedom, that it secures them order, the rule of law, or that it is founded on or commands obedience These by its superior qualities. are all such that they rely on definitions of what is conceptions or in some particular or in general for men significant society tradition, of paradigmatic definitions which cannot circumstances, meaning some of these terms as brute data. Even where identifiable be an "operational in terms of brute definition" be given might can be defined term like "freedom" for instance, in terms data?a of the would whereby absence not ? la Hobbes?this definition legal restriction, the full force of the term, and in particular that carry for men. it could be considered significant of to the empiricist this paradigm, of such a term is labelled "evaluative" heterogeneous from the aspect of and is thought But aspect. "descriptive" latter among legitimacy has been shifted. their members. But the application of the term is a term in which we discuss the its right to our allegiance. How

It is an obvious

According the meaning to be utterly

12 "legitimacy"

Maclntyre's from

article a different,





I think

interesting related, angle.



36 this analysis is far from firmly established; the empiricist paradigm of knowledge itself to this paradigm bound up. A challenge to meneutical is also a challenge science "descriptive" and which "evaluative" and the

no more with so in fact than

which it is closely in the name of a her between of entire

the distinction


it. goes with "Wertfreiheit" In any case, whether it is "evaluative" because with definitions of meaning, applied in connection can be used in the description not a word which to the conceptions according be used as a description only into but consideration or feelings the opinions scientific of mainstream social

or can only be is "legitimate" of social science. reality It can

of subjective meaning. enters What is thus not the legitimacy of a polity of its member individuals concerning

between different societies in their The differences its legitimacy. are to be manner of spontaneous and sense of community cohesion members the beliefs and feelings of their between by correlations towards them on one hand and the prevalence of certain indices of stability in them on the other. brute data identifiable 13 Thus Robert Dahl in Modern Political Analysis (31-2) speaks for their in which of the different ways leaders gain "compliance" The more citizens because of "internal rewards policies. comply understood and deprivations," and deprivations." mate, the But less leaders if citizens will bind need believe "external rewards a government is legiti them to obey it; they will be hence government will have to use

then their conscience

if they disobey; internally punished to use less external resources, force. including in Political of Seymour Less crude is the discussion Lipset 14 But it is founded on the same basic ideas, viz. Man (chap. 3). as subjective meaning is correlated with defined that legitimacy stability.

to of the system the capacity involves "Legitimacy institu the belief that the existing political and maintain engender ones for the tions are the most (64). appropriate society" in a discussion of the determinants is engaged of Lipset He singles out two important ones in in modern stability polities. this chapter, effectiveness and legitimacy. "Effectiveness means

13 Englewood
Series. 14 New York,


1963, Foundation
Page references are

of Modern
to this







satisfies the the extent to which the system performance, as most of the population and such of government functions or the armed forces see within it as big business groups powerful Thus we have one factor which has to do with them" (loc. cit.). basic has actually done; and the the government reality, what objective "While other which has to do with subjective beliefs and "values." is evaluative" is primarily effectiveness instrumental, legitimacy the stage is set by a distinc Hence from the beginning (Zoc. cit.). think and feel about it. social reality and what men tion between sees two types of crisis of legitimacy that modern Lipset more or less well. concerns societies have affronted the status One of major conservative institutions which of modern the development concerns the degree to which political groups, handled industrial may be under democracies. threat The from second

all political groups have access to the some traditional the first head, Thus, process. or clericals, have been such as landed aristocracy roughly in a society like France, and have remained from alienated under

the democratic

the traditional willing formed managed

in England ; whereas system for decades afterwards classes were more gently handled, themselves were and have been slowly integrated to compromise and trans into the new order. Under the second head, some societies

to integrate the working class or bourgeoisie into the at an early stage, whereas in others they have been political process a and consequently, have developed kept out till quite recently, sense of alienation from the system, have tended to adopt deep to instability. contributed and have generally ideologies, on these two of the determinants of a society's performance or not it is forced to affront the different conflicts heads is whether of democratic all at once or one at a time. Another development extremist important This determinant


of legitimacy is effectiveness. sees stability as approach which partly the result of legit and these in turn as resulting partly from the way the imacy beliefs, access to political life of different groups fare, seems status, welfare, at first blush eminently sensible and wull designed to help us under stand the history of the last century or two. But this approach has no place for a and common meanings study of the inter subjective which whether are constitutive of modern civilization. And we may doubt we can understand or the cohesion of modern societies their present crisis if we leave these out of account.



of the working of the allegiance class Let us take the winning and early twen in the nineteenth to the new industrial regimes a matter This is far from being tieth century. simply or even of the speed with which this class was significantly perhaps most of the and the effectiveness the political process of access to the of the granting the consideration regime. as an independent variable may be misleading. political process invited by historians It is not just that we often find ourselves integrated into Rather in particular in terms of cohesion countries as the impact of Methodism in early nineteenth other factors, such 15 or the draw of Germany's (Elie Hal?vy) newly century England to the These factors could be assimilated nationalism. successful as "ideologies" or widely classed social scientist's grid by being to account for class
held "value-systems" or some other such concatenations of sub

in account "ideology" societies has been that ing for the cohesion the vision of society as a large-scale of the society of work, enter are integrat in which widely of production different functions prise a vision of society in which ed into interdependence; economic as it is not only in Marxism are considered as primary, relations but above all with the (and in a sense not really with Marxism) that society in all engaged (to use Arendt's language),16 to life and happiness in far-reach what is indispensable producing labor ing interdependence. This is the "ideology" integration directed polemically England campaigns with was of the working the which class the has frequently presided into industrial democracies, over the tradition of Classical Utilitarianism. between is a fundamental solidarity In line with all members for they are this vision of there

jective meaning. But perhaps

the most

such important of industrial democratic

at first

against anti-Corn

solidarity. the reason for putting But, of course, "ideology" above is that this definition of things, which has been well
15 16

span/who social cohesion

of Joseph then and

in classes, e.g., "unproductive" the Law League, and later with Chamberlain ("when Adam delved and Eve but later as a support for

the gentleman"),

in quotes integrated

Histoire The



au xixe anglais Peuple New Condition, York,

si?cle, 1959.






of social life as based on negotiation, cannot the conception social science, as beliefs in the terms of mainstream be understood For the great and "values" held by a large number of individuals. of labor is not just a set of ideas in people's matrix interdependent heads but is an important aspect of the reality which we live in And at the same time, these ideas are embedded in society. of it; that is, we wouldn't this matrix in that they are constitutive be able to live in this type of society unless we were imbued with could call forth the discipline and these ideas or some others which co-ordination needed voluntary have civilizations All industrial traditional for they sustained, peasant populations an require monotonous this kind of economy. a huge wrench from the required on which they have been imposed; level of disciplined unprecedented to operate


entirely effort, long hours unpunctuated by any In the end such as that of seasons or festivals. rhythm, meaningful a the idea of making this way of life can only be accepted when than that of just avoiding with more significance living is endowed starvation; Now societies, relations subjective countries. that and this this it is in the civilization of work of labor. is only one aspect of modern the society based on negotiation with and willed along and inter and other common (in Anglo-Saxon countries), in different have different which importance meanings to say is that it is certainly not implausible My point civilization some

in explaining the integration of the importance industrial democratic societv. But it can working* class in modern As such it can meaning. only be called a cluster of intersubjective and an not come into the purview of mainstream science; political it has when discussing like Lipset cannot take it into consideration this very problem. fact doesn't such a massive But, of course, escape notice. rather is that it is re-interpreted. What And what has happens author generally happened society structure is that has of been the interdependent productive science, and but negotiating not as one rather recognized by political

as the inescapable it no longer this guise to the middle of universal structures

retreats role and

among others, meaning intersubjective of social action as such. In background need be an object of study. it Rather its general outline takes the distance, where (it is hoped) and this identifiable, which actions for any

within framework, will be brute data



The view is then that the political actions of society at any time. as variants of the processing men in all societies can be understood is an important part of our political life. The of "demands" which to recognize the specificity of our intersubjective meanings inability of North is thus inseparably linked with the belief in the universality or "functions" so much which vitiates Atlantic behavior of types comparative contemporary politics. The notion is that what politics is the is about perennially or the of symbolic and effec of differences, adjustment production on the basis of demand and support "inputs." The tive "outputs" of work is of the civilization rise of the in ter subjective meaning seen as the increase of correct perception of the political process and Powell introduce Thus Almond at the expense of "ideology." to describe "the emergence the concept of 'political secularization' to politics of a pragmatic, orientation" (58) .lr A secular empirical political culture an "ideological" is opposed not only to a traditional one, but also to which is characterized culture, by "an inflexible information" and "fails of political closed to conflicting life, image with full attitudes associated to develop the open, bargaining here is that a The clear understanding secularization" (61). less on illusion, secularized culture is one which depends essentially infected with culture the "false use a term (to


sees things as they are, which is not or ideological of traditional consciousness" is not in the mainstream which vocabulary).

as resulting of work, This way of looking at the civilization from the retreat of illusion before the correct perception of what and really is, is thus closely bound up with the politics perennially of mainstream science and its political epistemological premisses resultant civilization's approach, civilization when we The the rise
17 Op.


to recognize

the historical But

meanings. intersubjective visible in the attempts already and its relation to others, for its present

specificity the weakness



of this

try to account strains in contemporary society, the breakdown into which is translated of deep alienation,

to explain the rise of this even more painful becomes even crisis. malaise, of civility, even more



destructive science.


of our social action, tend to shake the basic categories was quite unpredicted It is not just that such a development saw in the rise of affluence the cause rather by this science, which a reduction of the bargaining of a further entrenching of culture, an increase of tolerance, in short "the end of irrational cleavage, as we shall see below, cannot be a goal For prediction, ideology." of social mainstream science as it is of natural science. It is rather that this to explain this breakdown. science hasn't the categories It is forced to look on extremism either as a bargaining gambit of the the ante in order to force a hearing. raising desperate, deliberately of the rebellion it can recognize the novelty Or, alternatively, are being that heightened demands the hypothesis by accepting or else of "expectations," made on the system owing to a revolution or aspirations which hitherto had no But these new desires or aspira process. that is, they tions must be in the domain of individual psychology, must be such that their arousal and satisfaction is to be understood rather than in terms of the inter in terms of states of individuals in which they live. For these latter have no subjective meanings to the eruption of new place in the bargaining desires which thus cannot in the categories of the mainstream, place a genuine historical accommodate psychology. extreme protests and acts of rebellion But some of the more in as bargaining our society cannot be interpreted in the gambits name of any demands, old or new. These can only be interpreted of our social science as a return to within the accepted framework and hence as irrational. Now in the case of some of the ideology, more bizarre and bloody forms of protest, there will be little will be judged irrational by all but their pro disagreement; they can But within this irrationality the accepted categories tagonists. in terms of individual psychology; it is the be understood only public eruption of private pathology; a malady of society itself, a malaise

it cannot which

be understood its constitutive



18 Thus Lewis Feuer

attempts student turn Yet to account in for the the uprising is rooted himself political in terms in his

in The Conflict of Generations, New York, 1969,

in the Berkeley of social reality" "misperception of a generational in which conflict (pp. 466-470), of adolescence and adulthood. psychology attaining first notes chapter a phenomenon the comparative which dates of self recency from the post






for No one can claim to begin to have an adequate explanation our civilization is undergoing. which these major But in changes contrast to the incapacity remains within the of a science which a hermeneutical science of man which has a categories, accepted can at least begin to meaning place for a study of intersubjective the discipline which was integral to Plainly to fail. is beginning of work and bargaining The structures of this civilization, work, bargaining, interdependent to change mutual of individual ends, are beginning adjustment explore fruitful the civilization avenues. to be felt not as normal their meaning and are beginning for many, And yet we are but as hateful or empty. and best suited to man, all caught in these intersubjective insofar as we live in meanings as it this society, and in a sense more and more ail-pervasively Hence the virulence and tension of the critique of our progresses. is always in some real sense a self-rejection (in a society which never was). that the old socialist opposition way has this set of meanings gone sour? Plainly, we have Why at their face value. to accept that they are not to be understood to be sufficient culture claimed The free, productive, bargaining it did for man. If it was not, then we have to assume that while com for us which it also had other meanings hold our allegiance, this allegiance and which manded have now gone. This is the starting point of a set of hypotheses which attempt in order to make our present and future intel think that the productive, culture bargaining might ligible. there was no offered in the past common meanings (even though and hence a basis for community, place for them in its philosophy), to redefine our past We which were essentially its being in the process of build linked with as breaking with It linked men who could see themselves the ing. in America, for instance. to build a new happiness But in all past to be attained the notion of a horizon that future is built; essentials social (as against production by future greater on the absurd in contemporary America. verges transformation) Suddenly the

Napoleonic shift, which I believe psycho-history, intersubjective adumbrated

era after have

(p. to to

But 33). all underlies take a us

attempt adequate the Berkeley rising the ambit of beyond of A the intrication of Erikson. of this variant


to explain and many individual


historical would to and' been

others, psychology conflict has



meanings. the work

psychological form of study

of Erik


horizon which was which dreams
man as a


essential would

has collapsed, enment-based

only sustain

sense of meaningful purpose that like so many other Enlight the free, productive, society can bargaining to the show
not as a reality.


quali for their children. All the require conditions tatively different ments of a humanly acceptable identity can be met by this predica a relation to the past, it in ment, (one soars above it but preserves to the social world folkloric memory), world (the interdependent to the earth (the raw material of free, productive which men), to the future and ones own death (the everlasting awaits shaping), to the absolute monument in the lives of prosperous children), (the absolute values of freedom, integrity, dignity). at some point the children will be unable to sustain this This effort has placed them in a forward thrust into the future. they are unable to reach and private haven of security, within which recover touch with the great realities: their parents have only a But to the future; have been oriented wholly negated past, lives which rather one can only the social world is distant and without shape; it by taking one's place in the future-oriented But this now seems without any sense; productive juggernaught. as is therefore experienced the relation to the earth as raw material to the but the recovery of a valid relation empty and alienating, insert oneself into thing once lost; and there is no relation to the are caught in the web of meanings which have and absolute dead for us. Hence past, future, earth, world, gone and what must arise is an are in some way or another occluded; crisis of frightening proportions. identity earth is the hardest absolute where we are mainly two hypotheses focussed on the crisis in U.S. and they would civilization, perhaps help account for the fact that the U.S. is in some sense going first through this crisis of all that is, only because it is the most Atlantic nations; not, affluent, it is has been more fully based on the civilization but more because These of work than European countries common meanings. traditional But they might also help us who retained something why of more is

in terms of look at this development sense of building the civilization their future through as having sustain men as long as they see themselves a millenial of injustice and hardship in order to past

Or we


identity. of work broken create

A can with

to understand


44 most affluent severe among groups societies. which have been

but marginal in the greatest strain in some ways their identity was in the U.S., and the community have had

bargaining in living in this civilization while to it. Such are blacks antithetical


of French-speaking groups immigrant selves to surmount

For many each in different ways. Canadians, the strain was also great, but they forced them the obstacles, and the new identity is sealed in the blood of the old, as it were. not or could not succeed But for those who would in thus but always lived a life of strain on the themselves, transforming

the breakdown of the central, powerful is the identity can be thought as a liberation a deep turn-over. to of It trigger but at the same time it is deeply unsettling, because the basic and there are not yet of former life are being changed, parameters defensive, the new identity. has to be made between (rather the first social compact) compact to and no one knows where these groups and those they live with,

to live a new and definitions images fully acceptable a new where In a sense we are in a condition social

some hypotheses I have presented which may and they may indeed turn out to be with appear very speculative; even without out foundation, much interest. But their aim was illustrative. claim is that we can only come mainly My principal In the last pages, to grips with of breakdown this phenomenon by trying to under the common and inter subjective stand more clearly and profoundly of the society in which we have been living. For it is meanings no longer hold us, and to understand this change we these which have an adequate grasp of these as long as we remain within cannot do for it will not recognize social science, and is forced to look at the central ones to have the meanings. the ambit But this we of mainstream

they were Breakdown

background inescapable in political is thus inexplicable terms; be explained of irrationality which must ultimately illness. psychological Mainstream above the science may thus venture but after its own hypotheses,

intersubjective meaning, of our society as though of all political action. it is an outbreak by some form of

into the area explored by the fashion, by forcing facts of identity into the grid of an individual psycho-historical as subjective. in short, by re-interpreting all meanings psychology,


The result might


be a psycholobical theory of emotional malad traced to certain features of family background, justment, perhaps and the to the theories of the authoritarian personality analogous would no longer be a political or social But this California F-scale. to understand the We would be giving up the attempt theory. inter subjective change in social reality at the level of its constitutive




It can be argued then, that mainstream social science is kept are rooted certain limits by its categorial which principles of empiricism; and secondly, in the traditional that epistemology are a severe handicap and prevent us from coming these restrictions

to grips with of our day which should be the important problems of political science. We need to go beyond the bounds of a object to one which would science based on verification study the inter in social reality. and common meanings embedded subjective in the sense that has But this science would be hermeneutical not be founded on brute in this paper. It would developed be readings of meanings, data would and data; its most primitive have the three properties mentioned its object would the above: are for a subject in a field or fields; are moreover meanings they are partially constituted which which meanings by self-definitions, can thus be re are in this sense already interpretations, and which been In our case, the expressed or made explicit by a science of politics. be a society or community; but the intersubjective subject may as we saw, embody a certain self-definition, a vision of meanings, is that of the society or com the agent and his society, which

the proponents of the verifica has no have a science which in a brute data, which relies on readings, then it cannot but move mean A given reading of the intersubjective hermeneutical circle. seem or practices, may institutions ings of a society, or of given or the sense of these practices well it makes because founded, But then the difficulties which tion model foresee will arise. If we that it does of that society. But the conviction development sense of this history itself is founded on futher related read make is I said above on the identity-crisis which Thus, what ings.



sense and holds together generated by our society makes only if one accepts this reading of the intersubjective of our meanings and if one accepts this reading of the rebellion society, against our the reading in terms of identity (sc. society by many young people sense together, so that in a two readings make crisis) . These as a whole the explanation reposes in their turn are strengthened readings sense

on the readings, and the as a by the explanation

or even more, seem implausible, But if these readings if they our interlocutor, are not understood there is no verification by on. We can only continue to procedure which we can fall back we are in an interpretative circle. offer interpretations; But the ideal of a science of verification is to find an appeal beyond differences in discovery, but of interpretation. should not have Insight will always be useful to play any part in establishing ideal can be said to have been met a hermeneutic science cannot but one have the to make

and sensibility to be able and comprehend the necessary In physics readings by which we can explain the reality concerned. we might argue that if someone does not accept a true theory, then either he has not been shown evidence (brute data) enough or he cannot understand not enough is yet available), and (perhaps understanding But in the sciences of man con language. apply some formalized of a true or illuminat ceived as hermeneutical, the nonacceptance come from neither of these, indeed is unlikely to be ing theory may due to either of these, but rather from a failure to grasp the mean ing field in question, of this field. an inability to make and understand readings

the truth of its findings. This our natural sciences. But by on insight. It requires that rely

In other words, in a hermeneutical science, a certain measure of insight is indispensable, and this insight cannot be communicat of brute data, or initiation in modes ed by the gathering of formal or some combination of these. It is unformalizable. reasoning to the authoritative this is a scandalous con But result according is shared even by many ception of science in our tradition, which are highly of those who of mainstream critical of the approach or political or sociology, science. For it means that psychology, this is not a study in which of their anyone can engage, regardless that some claims level of insight; of the form: "if you don't


understand, then your some claims intuitions are at


are blind or fault, be justified; that some inadequate," differences will be nonarbitrable by further evidence, but that each can only make appeal to deeper insight on the part of the other. side over another will thus consist of one position in The superiority of this form will this, one's that own one can understand the more position adequate stand and that of one's opponent, but not the other way can only have It goes without saying that this argument from

around. weight

a gap in intuitions, as it were, of the hermeneutical is the other side, circle. But which the situation is graver than this; for this gap is bound up with our in politics and life. divergent options some cannot understand We of a gap when the kind of speak as underlying which a certain others are proposing self-definition Thus some positivistically-minded society or set of institutions. will find the language of identity-theory thinkers quite opaque; and some thinkers will not recognize does not fit any theory which with the definitions of empiricism. categorial presuppositions are not only important to us as scientists who some, self But are trying As men we

for those in the superior position. science encounters Thus, a hermeneutical

social reality. distant, perhaps and we are partly what we are in virtue of beings, which we have accepted, however we have come the self-definitions we understand What and what ones we self-definitions by them. is closely linked with the self-definitions which don't understand, to constitute what we are. If it is too simple to say that one help an "ideology" one subscribes which to, it is only understands hard to deny that we have great difficulty nevertheless grasping are terms structure the world in ways which whose definitions different from, incompatible with our own. utterly different just divide different fundamental positions, are inextricably in life. The practical and the theoretical options a certain ex It may not just be that to understand here. joined one has to sharpen one's intuitions, it may be that one planation not in adopting another orienta has to change one's orientation?if own in a way which allows for greater tion, at least in living one's Hence the gap theoretical it also tends to divide of others. comprehension as they are hermeneutical in the sciences of man insofar Thus, to "I don't there can be a valid response in intuitions doesn't

to understand are self-defining

48 understand" tions,"

which takes but more radically
to a value-free

the form, "change





"develop your intui This puts an end to

science of man. A



of some of "illusion" when we are dealing with speak than error, error which in a sense builds thing of greater substance a counterfeit of its own. But errors of interpretation of reality illusion. We are also self-definitions which of those who meaning, interpret and inform their lives, are more hence than errors in this sense: they are sustained of which by certain practices they are constitutive. to single out as examples It is not implausible two rampant illusions One is that of the proponents of the can recognize nothing but either bargain bargaining or madness in those who rebel against this society. ing gambits Here the error is sustained of the bargaining the practices by of reality by the refusal to treat any and given a semblance culture, present society. society who protests reality on other of terms; The illusion. it hence acquires the more substantive is provided second example by much in our society which in desperate search to see its situation in that of life purports in our

is inseparable from an examination study the options between which men must choose. that we can speak here not only of error, but This means of the science

of man


"revolutionary" activity for an alternative mode of an Andean guerilla or Chinese peasants. Lived out, this passes error to tragic illusion. One illusion from the stage of laughable the other can cannot recognize the possibility of human variation, Both make not see any limits to man's itself. ability to transform a valid

science of man impossible. In face of all this, we might be so scandalized by the prospect of such a hermeneutical that we will want to go back to the science, can we not take our understanding of model. verification Why as part of the logic of discovery, as the logical empiricists meaning and still found our science suggest for our unformalizable insights, Our insightful understanding of our society will then serve to intersubjective meanings fruitful hypotheses, elaborate but the proof of these puddings will remain in the degree they enable us to predict. The answer is that if the epistemological views underlying the are right, such exact prediction science of interpretation is radically of the on the exactness of our predictions?



order of funda


for three


of ascending

one is the well-known "open system" predicament, cannot human shared by life and meteorology, that we shield a of human the psychological, certain domain events, economic, to delineate from external it is impossible interference; political, The first
a closed system.


is that ifwe are to understand second, more fundamental, a science of interpretation, we cannot achieve the degree by of a science based on brute data. of fine exactitude The data of The science admit of measurement to virtually any degree of cannot be judged in this interpretations nuances of interpretation different may


exactitude. But different At the same time way. in some circumstances, lead to different predictions and these dif create widely futures. ferent outcomes may eventually varying Hence than easy to be wide of the mark. it is more reason for the imposibility But the third and most fundamental of hard is that prediction in his self-definition man

With is a self-defining animal. man is, such that in what go changes changes But the conceptual in different terms. he has to be understood con can and frequently do produce in human history mutations the terms are incommensurable, that is, where webs which ceptual stratum of expressions. to a common in relation can't be defined in our society and in of bargaining The entirely different notions in ones provide an example. some primitive Each will be glossed in each society which have terms of practices, ideas institutions, to them in the other. corresponding nothing in the natural sciences is bound up The success of prediction with the fact that all states of the system, past and future, can be as values, say, of the same in the same range of concepts, described can be all future states of the solar system as past ones are, in the language of Newtonian characterized, of exact This is far from being a sufficient condition mechanics. one in this sense, that only if past but it is a necessary prediction, net can one the same conceptual under and future are brought variables. Hence understand the states of the latter as some function of the states of of man by the reality. the former, and hence predict. This conceptual unity is vitiated fact of conceptual innovation which

in the sciences

in turn alters human



The very terms in which the future will have to be characterized if we are to understand are not all available it properly to us at Hence we have such radically unpredictable events as the present. culture of youth today, the Puritan of the sixteenth rebellion and of Soviet society, etc. the development centuries, And thus, it is much easier to understand after the fact than it is to predict. Human science is largely ex post understanding. Or often one has the sense of impending of some big re change, but is powerless to make clear what it will consist in: organization, one lacks the vocabulary. But there is a clear assymetry here, which to be) in natural there is not science, where (or not supposed events are said to be predicted from the theory with exactly the ease with which one explains past events and by exactly the same process. In human science this will never be the case. Of course, we strive ex post to understand and the changes, to do this we try to develop a language in which we can situate the webs of concepts. incommensurable We see the rise of Puritanism, as a shift in man's stance to the sacred; for instance, and thus, we a language in which we can express both stances?the earlier one and the Puritan mediaeval Catholic rebellion?as "glosses" on in which term. We this fundamental thus have a language to talk have of the transition. of the sacred category came the shift which human religion the detachment think how we acquired it. This general is acquired not only from our experience of in the Reformation, but from the study of in general, and with including religion, primitive came with which would It be con secularization. But same seventeenth

but unthinkable, that amediaeval Catholic could have this a Puritan. for that matter These two protagonists conception?or a language for each other: of condemnation "heretic," only had "idolator." The place for such a concept was pre-empted by a After a big change has happened, certain way of living the sacred. ceivable, to try to under it is possible the trauma has been resorbed, one now has available the new stand it, because the language, But hard prediction before transformed world. meaning just one a laughing makes stock. Really to be able to predict the future and would would so clearly the human condition that one explicited all cultural and trans have pre-empted innovation already This is hardly in the bounds of the possible. formation. be to have Sometimes men show amazing prescience: the myth of Faust,


for instance, which era. There modern


is treated several times at the beginning of the is a kind of prophesy here, a premonition. But these bursts of foresight is that they see through what characterizes a glass darkly, for they see in terms of the old language: Faust sells his soul to the devil. They are in no sense hard predictions. Human There It is inescapably historical. science looks backward. ar are thus good grounds both in epistemological for opting for hermeneut and in their greater fruitfulness of man. But we breaks with cannot hide from ourselves held how certain commonly can not measure We notions

guments ical sciences

tradition. such sciences we cannot of a science of verification: the requirements We have to accept that them by their predictive capacity. judge all do not share, and what is they are founded on intuitions which worse are closely bound up with our funda that these intuitions mental cannot be "wertfrei'; sciences These options. they are against moral understood. century prosecution requires a high a freedom from illusion, in the sense of degree of self-knowledge, error which is rooted and expressed in one's way of life; for our is rooted in our own self-definitions, hence incapacity to understand in what we are. To say this is not to say anything new: Aristotle Finally, their successful ly a similar point in Book I of the Ethics. But it is still radical to the mainstream and unassimilable of modern shocking McGill University sciences in a more radical sense than the eighteenth

this option greatly our scientific about



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