French 1 Vocab List 1

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French 1 Vocabulary Commands levez-vous asseyez-vous marchez arretez mangez buvez/bois sautez applaudissez touchez stand up sit down

walk stop eat drink jump applaud (clap) touch

Adverbs lentement rapidement slowly quickly

Classroom Expressions Que veut dire . . . ? Comment tu tappelles ? Je mappelle . . . Il/Elle sappelle . . . What does . . . mean ? What is your name ? My name is . . . His/her name is . . .

Questions Est-ce que . . . ? Qu est-ce que . . .? Qui . . .? O ? Quand . . .? Is it that . . . ? (yes/no question) What is it that . . . ? Who? Where? When?

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