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King Saud University

Department of Civil Engineering

NCAAA Data Collection and Survey (Post Graduate Student Form)

Dear Graduate Student: This form has been prepared specifically for collecting updated data about your
experiences as well as your feedback about different aspects in the program and the Civil Engineering Department. Such data and feedback are greatly needed as evidences to measure the quality of specific aspects of NCAAA standards. Your provided accurate data and feedback are highly appreciated since it will be used in assessing and evaluating the program according to the NCAAA standards.

Part 1: Graduate Student data collection Semester :

Name: Degree (Master - Ph.D): Specialization: Number of years spent in the post graduate program: Number of research projects you are involved in besides your degree research. Number of published journal papers you have participated in ISI: Others: Number of papers presented in conferences during your degree work. List the paper you have been involved or participated in during your work as graduate student: (include the paper title, all authors, journal name or conference name, issue number and year)

Academic Year : 1432-1433 (2011-2012)

List all research projects you are involved in during your work as graduate student.

Part 2: Post Graduate Student Survey

Please indicate your response to the following statements according to the following
1 : strongly disagree ; 2 disagree; 3: true sometimes 4: agree 5: strongly agree

Standard 10: Research 10.1.3 10.1.3 10.1.4 10.1.5 10.2.1 10.2.1

Not sure

Academic guidance was available in selecting the relevant courses and my research topic. Adequate supervision was available through the supervisors I have given opportunities for participation in joint research projects. My contributions in research projects are appropriately acknowledged including joint authorship when significant contribution is made.
There are adequate laboratory space and equipment, library and information systems resources are available to support my research activities. I am able to access the digital library databases and online journals easily and find what I am looking for.

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