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Asma Hussain 1432-410181 Total Quality Management Assignment No.

Q. Ans: Summarize the Baldrige Award Criteria Framework? Baldrige Award Criteria Framework:

SYSTEM Management of process Quality 5.0 HRD & Management 4.0 Strategic Quality Planning 3.0 Information and Analysis 2.0 Quality result 6.0 Goal Customer focus 7.0 Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction related to competitor Customer retention Market share gain Measures of progress Product and service quality Productivity improvement Waste reduction Supplier quality

DRIVER Leadershi p 1.0

The Baldrige award was established by the US Congress in 1987 as result of Public Law 100-107 and named former Secretary of Congress, Malcolm Baldrige. It aims to promote quality awareness and is based on weighted score of seven categories of performance criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Leadership (95 points) Information and Analysis (75 points) Strategic Quality Planning (60 points) Human Resource Development and Management (150 points) Management of process Quality ( 140 points) Quality and operational results (180 points) Customer focus and satisfaction (300 points)

The maximum attainable score is 1000. The seven categories of performance model of Baldrige award can be use to assess management systems and identify the major improvement areas. The model fit well in organization in continuous improvement philosophy.

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