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COSTIN (SBN 70501)

200 Fourth Street, Ste. 400
3 Post Office Box 878
Santa Rosa, California 95402-0878
4 Telephone: (707) 547-2000
Facsimile: (707) 526-2746
Attorneys for Defendants CAROLYN COSTIN,
JOHN DOE, an individual,
CAROLYN COSTIN, an individual;
INC., a California corporation;
California Limited Liability Company; and
16 DOES 1-10, inclusive,
CASE NO. SC 109466
(Unruh Civil Rights Act)
[C.C.P. 2034.210, et seq.]
April 9, 2012
Hon. John H. Reid
(Complaint Filed: September 2, 2010)
20 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Defendants Carolyn Costin, Monte Nido Residential Center, Inc.
21 and Monte Nido Lake Vista, LLC (collectively, "Defendants") hereby disclose those expert witnesses
22 who may be called by Defendants to testify at the time of trial.
25 The following expert witnesses are (1) a party defendant, (ii) employees of a party defendant, or
26 (iii) witnesses specifically retained by the defendants to testify at trial:
o_c -G:\7268\Discovery\Expert Disclosure.doc---
Carolyn Costin (Party)
27162 Sea Vista Drive
Malibu, CA 90265
(310) 457-9958
Keesha Broome (Employee Expert)
27162 Sea Vista Drive
Malibu, CA 90265
(310) 457-9958
Jeffrey N. Mar, MD
Post Office Box 11998
San Bernadino, CA 92423
(714) 272-6282
Marianne J. Legato, MD, FACP, PC
903 Park A venue, Suite 2A
New York, NY 10075
Michael E. Berrett, Ph.D.
738 North 120 East
Lindon, UT 84042
(801) 224-8255
Timothy D. Brewerton, MD, LLC
216 Scott Street
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
(843) 509-0694
Susan Margaret Ice
625 West Cliveden Street
Philadelphia, PA 19119
(212) 254-1636
Dr. Michael Strober
760 Westwood Plaza, Mail Code 175919
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(31 0) 825-5730
23 Any expert disclosed by any other party in accordance with the provisions of Code of Civil
24 Procedure. 2034.260 and thereafter deposed.
25 Plaintiff reserves the right to call additional, undesignated expert witnesses, as allowed by law.
" ~ - ~ c G:\'7-268\Discovery\Expert Disclosure;doc
1 Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement the above list should another party disclose experts in
2 areas other than those covered by the above individuals.
4 Dated: February 21,2012 BEYERS I COSTIN

Christopher G. Costin
Attorney for Defendants

11 I, Christopher G. Costin, declare as follows:
1. I am an attorney admitted to the State Bar of California and am a partner with the law
13 firm of Beyers Costin, counsel for Defendants Carolyn Costin, Monte Nido Residential Center, Inc., and
14 Monte Nido Lake Vista, LLC.
2. I make this Declaration regarding Defendants' expert witnesses pursuant to Code of Civil
16 Procedure 2034.260(c).
1. Carolyn Costin: As to this expert, I am informed and believe the following is true:
A. Expertise: A copy of Ms. Costin's CV is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Ms.
19 Costin is a California Marriage and Family Therapist and the Clinical Director of Monte Nido
20 Residential Center, Inc. and Monte Nido Lake Vista, LLC, and is an expert in eating disorders.
Ms. Costin is expected to give testimony regarding the following:
The clinical and patient privacy reasons for the limitation of her residential
treatment centers to women patients. The reasons that plaintiff would not be
admitted to her facility even if the facility admitted men.
Ms. Costin has agreed to testify.
Ms. Costin will be sufficiently familiar with the pending action to submit to a
27 meaningful oral deposition concerning the specific testimony, including any opinion and its basis, that
28 she is expected to give at trial.
.... -- --
E. Ms. Costin is a party and is not charging an hourly fee for expert deposition or
2 trail testimony.
F. Ms. Costin has no reports at this time.
Keesha Broome: As to this expert, I am informed and believed the following is true:
A. Expertise: A copy of Ms. Broome's CV is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Ms.
7 Broome is a California Marriage and Family Therapist and the assistant Clinical Director of the Monte
8 Nido Residential Center, Inc.
B. Ms. Broome is expected to give testimony regarding the following:
Whether it is appropriate for clinical and patient privacy reasons that the Monte
Nido Residential Treatment facilities be limited to women. The reasons that the
plaintiff would not be a suitable candidate for admission even if the facilities
accepted males.
Ms. Broome has agreed to testify.
Ms. Broome will be sufficiently familiar with the pending action to submit to a
16 meaningful oral deposition concerning the specific testimony, including any opinion and its basis, that
17 he is expected to give at trial.
E. Ms. Broome is an employee of a party and is not charging an hourly fee for
19 testimony at deposition or at trial.
F. Ms. Broome has no reports at this time.
Jeffrey N. Mar, MD: As to this expert, I am informed and believe the following is true:
A. Expertise: A copy of Dr. Mar's CV is attached hereto as Exhibit C. Dr. Mar is a
24 medical doctor and psychiatrist, and is an expert in eating disorders.
B. Dr. Mar is expected to give testimony regarding the following:
The clinical reasons for single gender residential treatment facilities for eating
Dr. Mar has agreed to testify.
-e; :\ 7268\DiscovefY\ExperfDiscrosure.aoc .o
D. Dr. Mar will be sufficiently familiar with the pending action to submit to a
2 meaningful oral deposition concerning the specific testimony, including any opinion and its basis, that
3 he is expected to give at trial.
E. Dr. Mar's hourly fee for consulting is $450/hour for review of records,
5 construction of reports, and preparation of medical testimony, $400/hour for pre-trial conferences,
6 including telephone conversations, and $475/hour for expert deposition and trial testimony.
F. Dr. Mar has no reports at this time.
Marianne J. Legato, MD, F ACP, PC: As to this expert, I am informed and believe the
10 following is true:
A. Expertise: A copy of Dr. Legato's CV is attached hereto as Exhibit D. Dr.
12 Legato is an MD, F ACP, PC, and is an expert in gender specific medicine.
Dr. Legato is expected to give testimony regarding the following:
Gender specific differences in the treatment of medical conditions, including
eating disorders.
Dr. Legato has agreed to testify.
Dr. Legato will be sufficiently familiar with the pending action to submit to a
18 meaningful oral deposition concerning the specific testimony, including any opinion and its basis, that
19 she is expected to give at trial.
E. Dr. Legato's hourly fee for consulting is $500/hour and giving expert deposition
21 and trial testimony is $500/hour.
F. Dr. Legato's Preliminary Report is attached to Exhibit D.
Michael E. Berrett, Ph.D.: As to this expert, I am informed and believe the following is
25 true:
A. Expertise: A copy of Dr. Legato's CV is attached hereto as Exhibit E. Dr. Berrett
27 has a Ph.D. in psychology, and is an expert in gender specific medicine.
B. Dr. Berrett is expected to give testimony regarding the following:
The clinical reasons supporting the limitation of residential treatment centers for
eating disorders to women patients, and the probable consequences of admitting
male patients.
Dr. Berrett has agreed to testify.
Dr. Berrett will be sufficiently familiar with the pending action to submit to a
6 meaningful oral deposition concerning the specific testimony, including any opinion and its basis, that
7 he is expected to give at trial.
E. Dr. Berrett's hourly fee for consulting is $200/hour and giving expert deposition
9 and trial testimony is $300/hour.
F. Dr. Berrett has no reports at this time.
Timothy D. Brewerton, M.D.: As to this expert, I am informed and believe the following
13 is true:
A. Expertise: A copy of Dr. Brewerton's CV is attached hereto as Exhibit F. Dr.
15 Brewerton is a medical doctor and psychiatrist, and is an expert in eating disorders.
B. Dr. Brewerton is expected to give testimony regarding the following:
The differences in symptoms and treatment of male and female patients with
eating disorders. The reasons that a therapist may specialize in the treatment of
The clinical reasons for single gender treatment for eating disorders.
C. Dr. Brewerton has agreed to testify.
D. Dr. Brewerton will be sufficiently familiar with the pending action to submit to a
23 meaningful oral deposition concerning the specific testimony, including any opinion and its basis, that
24 he is expected to give at trial.
E. Dr. Brewerton's hourly fee for consulting is $350/hour for review of records,
26 construction of reports, and preparation of medical testimony, pre-trial conferences, including telephone
27 conversations, and $400/hour for expert deposition and minimum $3,500/day for trial testimony.
F. Dr. Brewerton has no reports at this time.
~ ~ .. ~ G:\72118\Discovery\ExperfDrscrosure.aoc
7. Susan Margaret Ice: As to this expert, I am informed and believe the following is true:
A. Expertise: A copy of Dr. Ice's CV is attached hereto as Exhibit G. Dr. Ice is a
3 medical doctor and psychiatrist, and is an expert in eating disorders.
B. Dr. Ice is expected to give testimony regarding the following:
The clinical reasons that support limitation of residential treatment center for
eating disorders to women patients.
Dr. Ice has agreed to testify.
Dr. Ice will be sufficiently familiar with the pending action to submit to a
9 meaningful oral deposition concerning the specific testimony, including any opinion and its basis, that
10 she is expected to give at trial.
E. Dr. Ice's hourly fee for consulting is $400/hour for review of records,
12 construction of reports, and preparation of medical testimony, and $5,000/day for expert deposition and
13 trial testimony in California, including travel time, plus expenses.
F. Dr. Ice has no reports at this time.
17 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
18 true and correct and that this Declaration was executed on February 21, 2012, in Sonoma County,
19 California.
~ . .. ~ ~ G:\7268IDiscovery\Expe.rt Dfsclosure.ooc
I, Stephanie L. Buckner, declare that I am employed in the County of Sonoma and am over the
2 age of 18 years and not a party to this action. I am employed by the law firm of BeyersJCostin and my
business address is 200 Fourth Street, Suite 400, Santa Rosa, California 95401.
On February 21, 2012, I served true copies of the following:
5 2034.210, et seq.]
6 on interested parties in said action by the following means:
7 (1) In the United States mail at Santa Rosa, California.
8 XX (2) Enclosed in a sealed envelope, with postage fully pre-paid, in a box designated for
collection of mail, following ordinary business practices, at my business address. I am
9 familiar with this business practice for collecting and processing of correspondence for
mailing with the United States Postal Service. This correspondence will be deposited
10 with the United States Postal Service on the above date, in the ordinary course of
___ (3) By facsimile to the facsimile number indicated next to the appropriate party listed below.
(4) By personal service on the party listed below:
(5) By Electronic Transmission (E-Mail):
(6) By Federal Express:
Said envelopes are addressed as follows:
John Doe Plaintiff
17 8721 Santa Monica Boulevard, No. 503
Los Angeles, CA 90069-4507
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct and that this declaration was executed on February 21, 2012, at Santa Rosa, California.
.. __ _ __ Q_:\]268\PLEADINGS\POS.DOC
~ ~
Carolyn Costin is a highly respected and experienced clinician, a dedicated educator and a
recognized agent for change in the field of eating disorders education and
.. . .
treatment. She recovered herself from anorexia and has speCialized m the treatment of eating
disorders and exercise addiction for more than 3 0 years. Costin is the founder and director of
The Eating Disorder Center of California, Monte Nido and RainRock Residential Treatment
Centers, which attract clients from all over the world. She is an international speaker
acclaimed for her expertise, energy and enthusiasm. Costin's books, 8 Keys to Recovery From
an Eating Disorder, 100 Questions and Answers About Eating Disorders, The Eating
Disorder Sourcebook, and Your Dieting Daughter have helped sufferers and their families,
treatment professionals and the public understand, prevent and treat eating disorders. Carolyn
Costin is a leader in the eating disorder field. After recovering from anorexia nervosa, she
began treating clients in 1977. Now with over 30 years of experience, four treatment
programs and three popular books on the market, she is sought after for her expertise as a
therapist, clinicaldirector and educator.
Carolyn is a Marriage and Family Therapist with two masters degrees, one in Counseling and
one in Education. She opened her own private practice in 1979, Community Counseling.
This business continues today and serves clients in various locations in Los Angeles, Ventura,
and Santa Barbara counties. After several years of treating numerous eating disorder clients
and serving as clinical director or consultant for 5 inpatient eating disorder programs, Carolyn
knew she wanted to offer something different and decided to open her own facility.
In 1996 Carolyn developed and opened a unique, exclusive program in a beautiful setting in
the foothills of Malibu, California called Monte Nido, which means Mountain Nest. Monte
Nido takes only 6 clients at a time and, in a home-like environment, treats individuals with
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or compulsive exercise, who need more structure and care
than an outpatient setting can provide.
Carolyn went on to develop two additional programs to help with aftercare and to provide
treatment in a less structured setting. One of them is a transitional living house, which offers
Monte Nido graduates a structured living situation as a transitional step, in order to be more
successful when leaving full LA-hour care. The second program developed was The Eating
Disorder Center of California, Carolyn's day treatment program located in Brentwood,
California. This allowed services to be extended to people who need more than outpatient care
but do not need a 24-hour setting. Furthermore, a day treatment program offers another option
for step down from Monte Nido, and provides even more treatment and structure than the
transition house.
Monte Nido's success became well known and the waiting list continued to grow over the
years making it difficult for clients to gain admission to Monte Nido. This was troubling, yet
Carolyn did not want to increase the size of her unique program. Finally a solution presented
itself when a former staff member of Monte Nido moved to Eugene, Oregon and discovered
there was little in the area of eating disorder treatment in the Pacific Northwest. In keeping
with the Monte Nido tradition, a new treatment center, RainRock, was created in a beautiful
natural setting. Monte Nido's successful, established program, schedule and policies were put
into place in this new home-like setting along the McKenzie River. RainRock opened its
doors in October 2006 and takes 11 clients. The newest 11 bed facility, Monte Nido Vista
opened its doors early in 2008. Monte Nido Vista is surrounded by lush gardens and located
in the beautiful Santa Monica mountains, about 6 miles from the original Monte Nido. All of
Carolyn's programs are known for the belief that those with eating disorders can become fully
In addition to psychotherapy, Carolyn's programs promote mindfulness, spirituality, fitness
and healthy lifestyle changes. All treatment programs and staff members incorporate the
latest research and techniques in psychotherapy, biochemistry, nutrition, behavior
modification and exercise physiology. Many of the staff members have recovered from
eating disorders themselves. Carolyn's philosophy is that people can become fully recovered
from eating disorders, where food, eating and weight are no longer issues the person uses in
self-destructive ways. Brochures are available providing details on the various programs.
Throughout the years Carolyn has served in many eating disorder organizations and has
traveled extensively, speaking about the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. She
has trained numerous professionals and has treated countless individuals to full recovery.
Her first two books written in 1996 and 1997, The Eating Disorder Sourcebook and Your
Dieting Daughter are widely read and very popular, hence she was asked to rewrite a 10
year anniversary updated edition of the sourcebook as well as a new book, 100 Questions
and Answers About Eating Disorders, both published in 2007. Her most recent book,
published in October 2011, her only selfhelp, 8 Keys to Recovery From and Eating
Disorder written with forme1 client, Gwen Grabb. Caroly also has a SIHJrt booklet titled
Anorexia and Bulimia: A Nutritional Approach to the Deadly Eating Disorders co-written
with Alexander Schauss. This manuscript offers information for unique nutritional
treatments, which many other authors have substantiated today.
Over the years, Carolyn has continued to give her time and energy to the community to bring
about awareness, treatment and prevention of eating disorders. She is a keynote speaker at
national and international conferences. Since 1988, she has held a free study group once a
month for professionals in the community. Carolyn has been speaking at secondary schools,
colleges and universities for the past 25 years. Additionally, Carolyn has presented lectures at
various organizations such as The Rotary Club, American Association of University Women,
Kiwanis Club, Girl Scouts, etc. Carolyn has appeared in numerous television, radio and print
interviews as an expert in eating disorders. In 2007, NEDA (National Eating Disorders
Association) presented Carolyn with the prestigious Westin Family Award for Activism and
Advocacy. In 2008, Carolyn was accepted as a Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders
Summary of services available from Carolyn and her staff:
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Family Therapy
Nutrition Counseling
Day treatment
Residential Treatment
Transitional Living
Workshops for Professionals
Community Education and Seminars
Internships and Training
Carolyn Costin, MA, MEd, MFT
Contact Information:
To contact Carolyn or get information about any of her programs, please contact the main
administrative office in Malibu or go any of the following websites:
Monte Nido
Carolyn Costin
Administrative Office Address: 27162 Sea Vista Drive
Malibu, CA 90265
Telephone: (31 0) 457-9958
Fax: (310) 457-8442
Licenses, Credentials & Degrees:
Fellow of the Academy ofEating Disorders 2008
Level Two Certification in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) 2004
Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS) IAEDP
California Marriage Family Therapist #MFT 13192
Pupil Personnel Credential
Community College Counseling Credential
Community College Teaching Credential
Secondary/Elementary School Teaching Credential
Masters in Counseling, Cal State University Northridge
Masters in Education, University of Pacific
Bachelor of Arts, University of Pacific
(Major: soc. Sci./Psych and minor: art/English.)
Professional Experience:
2008-present Developed and serves as Executive Director of Monte Nido Vista, A Monte
Nido Affiliate, Agoura Hills, CA
2006-present Developed and serves as Executive Director of RainRock. A Monte
Nido Affiliate, Springfield, OR
2001-present Developed and serves as Executive Director of The Eating Disorder
Center of California, Brentwood, CA
1996-present Developed and serves as Clinical Director of The Monte Nido
Residential Treatment Center, Malibu, CA
1988-present Teaches a free Study Group monthly for professionals, offering training on
the assessment and treatment of eating disorders. These groups are held in the
Brentwood, CA location.
1983-1993 Support Group leader for ANAD (AnorexiaNervosa & Associated
Disorders) in various Southern California locations.
1979-present Executive Director, Community Counseling for Individuals and Families,
Outpatient eating disorder services with offices in Agoura Hills, Santa
Barbara, West Los Angeles and Brentwood, with a staff of licensed
professionals and interns.
Developed, implemented, and served as director for four eating disorder
hospital programs.
Developed, implemented, and served as director for two residential
treatment programs for eating disorders.
Serves as an eating disorder specialist for television, video and radio programs
on eating disorders.
Lectures nationally and internationally on eating disorders.
Trains professionals in intensive workshops, weeklong trainings and
internships on the treatment of eating disorders.
Professional Associations/ Organizations:

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), former State Coordinator and Board
Eating Disorders, The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, Editorial Board
Eating Disorders Today, Editorial Board
International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP), Board Member
International Associatzon of Eating Disorder Professionals (, Los Angeles
Chapter, former President
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD),
Academy of Eating Disorders (AED), AED Fellow and Professional Member
America Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), Member
EMDRIA (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing lnt'l Association)
Member, Level Two Certification in EMDR
Rotary Club International (past member)
California Teachers Association (past member)
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Books/Articles and other publications:
Academic Paper:
1-10 Year Outcome Study of the treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in a
residential setting compiled and published by Carolyn and Dr. Timothy D. Brewerton.
Survey results indicate that Monte Nido has successfully bridged the gap between supervised
treatment in a facility and the continuation of post-discharge positive outcomes and recovery.
This paper was presented for the first time by Carolyn Costin and Dr. Brewerton at the May
2008 AED International Conference on Eating Disorders in Seattle, Washington.
8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder: Effective Strategies from Therapeutic Practice
and Personal Experience, (2011) New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
100 Questions and Answers About Eating Disorders, (2007) Sudbury, MA: Jones and
The Eating Disorder Sourcebook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Causes, Treatments
and Prevention of Eating Disorders,_ Third Edition (2007) New York, NY, McGraw Hill.
Your Dieting Daughter: Is She Dyingfor Attention? (1997) New York, NY: Brunner
Co-Author of Anorexia and Bulimia: A Nutritional Approach to the Deadly Eating
Disorders (1997) New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing.
Book Chapters:
"The Embodied Therapist: Perspectives on treatment, personal growth, and supervision
related to body irizage ". Chapter. Effective Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Eating
Disorders- The Heart of the Matter (2009), edited by Margo Maine, William N. Davis, Jane
Shure, Routledge, New York, NY pp. 179-192
"Interventions and Strategies for Families and Friends of the Self Harming Patient with an
Eating Disorder. " Self Harm Behavior and Eating Disorders (2004), edited by John Levitt,
Randy Sansone and Leigh Cohn. Brunner Routledge, NY, NY
"Body Image Disturbance in Eating Disorders and Sexual Abuse." Chapter. Sexual Abuse
and Eating Disorders (1996) New York, NY Brunner/Mazel, pp. 109-127
Sample of Articles:
"How I Practice: Successful Strategies with an Eating Disorder Patient with
Borderline Features." Eating Disorders, The Journal of Treatment and Prevention,
Brunner/Routledge, 2005
''Treatment Techniques for Adolescents With Eating Disorders. " Editorial. Renfrew
Perspective, Winter 2002, Pp. 1-2.
"An Update on Binge Eating Disorder". Healthy Weight Journal, March/April2002,
VoL 16, No.2
"Soul Lessons: Finding the Meaning of Life. " Eating Disorders Today Summer 2002,
Vol.l, No.2.
"Been There, Done That: The Use of Clinicians with Personal Recovery in the
Treatment of Eating Disorders." Eating Disorders, The Journal of Treatment and
Prevention. Winter 2002, VoL 10, issue 4.
"An Update on Binge Eating Disorder." Healthy Weight Journal March/April2002,
VoL 16, No.2, p. 20.
"Treatment Options for Individuals With Eating Disorders". Teen Magazine. 2000
"The Use ofStep Downs, Including Transitional Living in the Treatment of Eating
Disorders. " EditoriaL Renfrew Perspective, Summer 1998, VoL 4, Issue 1.
"How I Practice: Tending the Soul in Therapy." Eating Disorders, The Journal of
Treatment and Prevention. Brunner/Mazel 1998
"Body Image Disturbance in Eating Disorders and Sexual Abuse. " Chapter. Sexual Abuse
and Eating Disorders (1996) New York, NY Brunner/Mazel, pp 109-127.
Carolyn is available to speak on a variety of topics. Sample titles:
"100 Questions & Answers About Eating Disorders"
"Advanced Techniques in the Treatment of Eating Disorders"
"Assessments and Interventions"
"Attachment, Intimacy and Eating Disorders"
"Behind Closed Doors"
"Contacting and Transforming the Eating Disorder Self'
"Deconstructing Eating Disorder Therapy Through Video Sessions and Role Play"
"Disorder vs. Disease"
"Eating Disorders and Chemical Dependency"
"Eating Disorders and Self Injury"
"Eating Disorders and Sexual Trauma"
"Empowering the Eating Disorder Patient"
"Family Therapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders"
"Feast or Famine"
"Feminist Perspectives on Eating Disorders"
"Food, Facts and Fallacies"
"From Disordered to Recovered"
"Genes or Jeans": A Look at the Causes of Eating Disorders
"Group Therapy on Body & Soul"
"Healing Our Patients, Healing Ourselves"
"Incorporating Soul Work in Psychotherapy"
"In Session: Deconstructing Therapy"
"Intimacy, Sexuality and Food"
"It Takes a Village"
"Integrating the Eating Disorder Self into the Healthy Self: An Attachment Perspective"
"Lessons From a Seasoned Therapist"
"Males with Eating Disorders"
"Mothers, Daughters and Food"
"Recovered vs. Recovering"
"Tending the Soul"
"Ten Things You Should Know About Eating Disorders"
"Transference and Counter Transference in the Treatment of Eating Disorders"
"What To Do When"
"The Mindful Therapist"
"8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder"
Carolyn Costin References
National References:
Timothy Brewerton, M.D.
Past President, Eating Disorder Research Society
220 - 5 Middle Street. # 1 04
Sullivan's Island, SC 294-51
843 509-0694
Doug Bunnell, Ph.D.
Clinical Director, The Renfrew Center of Connecticut
Editor, The Renfrew Perspective
Treasurer, National Eating Disorders Association
436 Danbury Rd.
Wilton, CT 06897
203 834-1635
Johnson, Craig M.D.
Chief Clinical Officer, Eating Disorder Recovery Center
1830 Franklin Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80218
303 825-8584
Anita Johnston, Ph.D.
Director of The Anorexia and Bulimia Center of Hawaii
P.O. Box 393
Kailua. HI 96734
808 262-1922
Walter H. Kaye, M.D.
Program Director, Eating Disorders Program
University of California San Diego
8950 Villa La Jolla Drive, Ste. C207
La Jolla, CA 92037
858 228-7023
Michael Levine, Ph.D.
Past President, National Eating Disorders Assoc.
Professor, Kenyon College, Dept. of Psychology
Samuel Mather Hall
Gambier, OH 13022-9623
740 427-5371
Margo Maine, Ph.D.
Past President EDAP (Now NEDA)
Clinical Director, Institute for Living
400 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 06106
860 545-7203
Ken Weiner, M.D.
Director of the Eating Disorder Recovery Center
1830 Franklin Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80218
303 825-8584
Local References:
Judy Baer, MFT
352 Sycamore Road
Santa Monica, CA 90402
310 502-1945
Mario De Salvo, MFT
5535 Balboa Blvd., Suite 206
Encino, CA 91316
818 754-4733
Rachel Levi, LMFT, CEDS
Clinical Director
Shoreline Center for Individual
and Family Healing
191 Argonne Avenue, #3
Long Beach, CA 90803
562 434-6007
Charles Portney, MD
2336 Santa Monica Blvd. #100
Santa Monica, CA 90404
310 828-7870
Kathy Sica, MFT
1554 S. Sepulveda, Suite 212
Los Angeles, CA 90025
310 850-7422
Michael Strober, MD
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute
760 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024-8353
310 825 5730
Francie White, R.D.
P. 0. Box 835
Santa Ynez, CA 93460
800 263 4217
Numerous other references available on request
5l4 Live Oak circle Dr., , tA 91,302 ;22 ,_:3534 c.. keesh;i@montenido. com
Pepperdine University, Graduate School o:f Education and Psychology - Los Angeles,
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Emphasis on Marriage & Family Therapy -
December 2007
Honors Graduate
License#: 49075
Texas A&M University - College St:at:ion, TX
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism - May 2000
Cum laude
Monte Nido Treatment: Cent:er; Malibu, CA
Assistant Clinical Director
Lead Therapist
Primary Therapist
April 2009 -
November 2008 - April 2009
Sept. 2006 -Nov.
Oversee the treatment of each client and manage the clinical and administrative
Manage the initial insurance authorizations and oversee the utilization reviews
for each client
Provide individual and group therapy to adolescent & adult women struggling with
eating disorders
Collaborate with treatment team including doctors and dietitian to provide a
comprehensive treatment
plan for each client
Coordinate ongoing treatment for client upon discharge and communicate with
outpatient providers
Representative of Monte Nido at speaking engagements in Southern California in
order to provide education
and promote prevention
Maintain appropriate paperwork such as treatment plans and progress notes per DHS
Conduct detailed phone assessments for potential clients
Community Counseling; Agoura, CA
January 2008 -
Provide therapeutic services to adolescents and adults in a private practice
Supervised by Carolyn Costin
Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorder (ANAD}; Los Angeles, CA Sept. 2005 -
Dec. 2006
Group Leader/Mentor
Facilitated a support group for adult women struggling with eating disorders
Provided psychoeducation regarding eating disorder treatment and recovery
BIRD Design; Hollywood, CA
September 2006
Account Manager; Copy Writer
Managed and pursued client relationships
Brainstormed concepts and assisted in writing
as well as
June 2004 -
taglines, headlines and ad body copy
promotional writing
Coordinated external and internal projects including the creation of timelines &
budgets, drafting of
proposals, vendor relations
* Member of CAMFT, International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals,
Golden Key National Honor
Society, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Kappa Tau Alpha Honor Society
* Guest speaker for the National Youth Leadership Forum Healthcare Seminar (2009,
2010, 2011}
* Committee Chair for Southern California iaedp fundraising event (2011}
* Co-author of Spirituality & Recovery blog on the Gurze website
* Contributing author for self-help book written by Justine Hoepfner (to be
published in 2011}
*Attendee of the Ben Franklin Summit on Eating Disorders (2007, 2008, 2009}
* Attendee of the National Eating Disorder Association Conference (2010}
PO BOX 11998 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92423 PHONE 714-272-6282
Oct. 2005
Medical Board Certifications
American Board of Psychiatry, Board Certification
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Board of Psychiatry, Board Certification
Adult Psychiatry
American Board of Pediatrics, Board Certification
General Pediatrics
01/2007 -present Valenta, Inc.
11/2006 -present
07/2004 - 2006
07/2004 - 2006
01/2000 - 2004
Medical Director, Eating Disorder Program
Jeffrey N. Mar, M.D., Inc.
Private Psychiatric Practice
Lorna Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center
Medical Director, Eating Disorder Program
Lorna Linda University School of Medicine
Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry
Pediatric Consult Liaison
University Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of Utah
Senior Associate Physician
2010 Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS),
International Association of Eating Disorder Specialists (IAEDP)
1999-2004 University ofUtah, (ChiefResident, 2004)
Triple Board Program, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry
1995-1999 Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH
Doctor ofMedicine
1989-1993 Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Bachelor of Arts, Human Biology, Policy and Ethics in Health Care
June 2010 (4) Poster presentations/display: IAED International Conference, Salzburg,
Austria. Trauma and the eating disorder; Dissociation and alexithymia;
Effect of BMIIIBW and treatment outcomes; Presence of alexithymia and
treatment outcomes.
March 2010 Mentalization Based Therapy, Attachment, and the Eating Disorder.
Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting. Inti Association of ED Professionals
Orlando, FL.
2009-2010 Eating Disorders and the role ofthe Treatment Team. Invited Speaker.
Various locations Inland Empire medical providers
April 2008 Eating Disorders at a Glance. Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting.
San Bernardino County School Nurses.
PO BOX 11998 SA.N BERNARDINO, CA 92423 PHONE 714-272-6282 info@valentaontne.eom
March 2008 Eating Disorders. Invited Speaker, Pediatric Nursing Seminar.
Lorna Linda University Department ofNursing.
Nov. 2007 Anorexia Nervosa Re-feeding ProtocoL Invited Speaker, Super Tuesday.
Lorna Linda University Department of Pediatrics.
March 2006 Eating Disorders, Treatment Points. Grand Rounds
Lorna Linda University Department of Psychiatry
Feb. 2006 Eating Disorders: Roots, Recognition & Response.Family Practice Seminar.
Lorna Linda University Department of Family Practice.
March 2005 Medication Management of Eating Disorders. Invited Speaker
CA Chapter, International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
March 2005 Television, Behavior, and Obesity. Invited Speaker
Lorna Linda University School of Medicine, Annual Postgraduate Conv
May 2004 Anorexia Nervosa: From Protocol to Practice. Grand Rounds Speaker
University ofUtah, Department of Psychiatry
April 2004 Depression and Anxiety in Children. Invited Speaker 1st Congreso
Pediatrico Utah-Guatemala

Research Presentations and Research in Progress
Truitt, K., Wertz, J., & Mar, J. An Examination of Trauma Symptom Presentation in
Eating Disorder Etiology. Accepted Poster Presentation at the AED 2009 International
Conference on Eating Disorders.
Wertz, J., Truitt, K., & Mar, J. An Investigation of Alexithymia and Treatment
Outcomes in Eating Disorders. Accepted Poster Presentation at the AED 2009
International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Truitt, K., Haerich, P. & Mar, J. Information Processing Differences in Eating
Disorders: An Event-Related Potential Investigation. Poster Presentation at the
Association for Psychological Science 20th Annual Convention.
Truitt, K. & Mar, J. (In Progress). An Investigation of the Effective Identification of
Body Dysmorphic Disorder in an Eating Disorder Treatment Center.
Truitt, K. & Mar, J. (In Progress). The Implications ofBorderline Personality Disorder
in Eating Disorders: Does Treatment Change the Symptom Trajectory?
Truitt, K., Vermeersch, D., & Mar, J. (In progress). The Successful Treatment of
Eating Disorders: Does Outcome Data Support Our Methodologies?
Chesley, G., Truitt, K., Ellingson, K., Vermeersch, D., & Mar, J. (In progress). Impact
of feedback to therapist on patient psychological well-being and chronic stress.
Truitt, K., Kang, C., Bennett, D., Gupta, S., & Mar, J. (In progress). Effectively
Assessing for Body Dysmorphic Disorder in a Plastic Surgery Setting: The Creation of
the BDDQ-Plastics.
Truitt, K., Wertz, J., & Mar, J. (In progress). Case Study: Does Successful Treatment
of an Eating Disorder Result in Significant Changes in Personality Constellations?
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Fellow
Academy of Eating Disorders
American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry
International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
Marianne J. Legato, MD
NAME: Marianne J. Legato, J\ID, F ACP, PC
ADDRESS: 903 Park Avenue, Suite 2A
New York, New York 10075
A.B., Manhattanville College, 1956
M.D., New York University College of Medicine, 1962
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
Fellow, American College of Physicians
Intern: Bellevue Hospital First (Columbia) Medical Division; 1962-1963
November 2010
Junior Assistant Resident Bellevue Hospital First (Columbia) Division: 1963-1964
Senior Assistant Resident The Presbyterian Hospital of the City of New York, Columbia
Presbyterian Medical Center: 1964-1965
Visiting Fellow, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons: 1965-1968 (In
Cardiology; Doctor Glenn A. Langer, preceptor; associate preceptors: Doctors David Spiro,
Arnold M. Katz, Wilfried H. Momrnaerts and A. Gregory Jameson).
Previous Employment
ACADEMIC APPOINTMEN'fS: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Instructor in Medicine, 1968-1969
Associate in Medicine, 1969-1970
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, 7/1/70- 12/31/71
Assistant Professor of Medicine, 1/1/72- 6/30/77
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, 7/1/77- 6/30/98
Professor of Clinical Medicine, 7/1/98-
St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center
Assistant Attending Physician, Medicine, 1969-1970
Attending Physician, Medicine, 1970-1980
Senior Attending Physician, Medicine, 1980-
Marianne J. Legato, MD
The Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York
Assistant Physician, Medicine, 1973-1977
Associate Physician, Medicine, 1977-1980
Associate Attending Physician, Medicine, 1980-1998
Attending Physician, 1998-Present
Lenox Hill Hospital: attending physician 2004
St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center:
Preceptor, Introduction to the Patient, 1967-
Course Director, Third Year Clerkship in Medicine, 1972-
Course Director, Fourth Year Electives (Subinternships) in Medicine, 1985-199 3
Director, Continuing Medical Education, Department of Medicine, 1981-1993
Director, Postgraduate Medical Education, Department of Medicine, 1985-1993
Chairwoman, Quality Assurance Committee of the Medical Board, St. Luke>s/Roosevelt
Hospital Center, 1989-1993
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center:
Director, Marketing and Fund Raising, Center For Women's Health at Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center 1993-1996.
Director, Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia University. 1996-
Member, Executive Committee, Department of Medicine, 1998
Ad Hoc Committee on Appointments and Promotions, Department of Medicine, 1999-
Honorary President, The Austrian Society of Gender Medicine, September 2008
Honorary President, Third International Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine,
Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008
Women,s HealJ;b in Orthopedics, member of the Editorial Board, July/ August 2008
CVS Caremark Heroes in Women's Health Award, May 2008
Honorary President, Second International Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine, Vienna,
Austt:ia.. June 2-3 2007
President, First International Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine. Berlin, Germany.
February 2006
President's Award, Women in Health Management. 2006 Leadership Event
Establishment of Marianne J. Legato, M.D. Gender-Specific Medicine Award by Meredith
Publishing Company. August 2, 2006.
Shirley Sacks Women's Health Award for Distinguished Service in Gender-Specific
Medicine awarded by the National Council on Women's Health, Inc.,
April27, 2005.
The 2005 Lila A. Wallis Distinguished Visiting Professor in Women's Health at Weill
Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY. Department of Medicine
Ground Rounds Gender-Based Research: Challenges and Opportunities in the
Present Environment on April21, 2005.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
Achievement in Research Excellence for: Scientific Advancement in Gender-Specific
Medicine ARC. International Medicine for: Anti-Aging. 2005.
Gender-Specific Scientific Interest Group of the Intramural Program for: Research on Womens
Health of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Delivered the keynote address at
the inaugural kickoff event on October: 21, 2002.
Changing the Face of Medicine at the National library of Medicine Exhibit, honoring the
lives and accomplishments of women and how they enhanced the practice of medicine, 2003
(Dr. Marianne Legato is featured)
Outstanding Woman in Science Award American Medical Women's Association, awarded
February 1, 2002 at the 86th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Woman in Science Award- Women's Medical Association in New York City, 2002.
listed ''Best Doctors in New York", New York Magazine, June 16, 2008;June 17, 2007;
June 19, 2006;June 14, 2005;June 14, 2004;June 16, 2003;June 10, 2002;June 4, 2001;June
5, 2000;June 7, 1999 and May 20, 1996.
listed in America's Top Doctors 1999-2010
listed in New York Magazine's Top Doctors 1999-2010
listed in Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare annually
listed in Dictionary of International Biography 33rd Edition 2006
listed in Who's Who and in Who's Who in America annually
listed in Marquis Who's Who annually
Member, Task Force on Prevention, Treatment and the Women's Initiative. American Heart
Association Women's Initiative, 1998.
Scientific Co-chair, Task Force sponsored by the Office of Research on Women's Health,
National Institutes of Health: ''Beyond Hunt Valley: Research on Women's Health for the
21st Century" and Co-author, co/editor, Final Report 1998.
Chairwoman, Sixth Annual Congress on Women's Health, Washington, D.C., June 1998.
Co-Chair of four national symposia, "Setting the Research Agenda for Women's Health for: the
21st Century," sponsored by the Office of Research on Women's Health, National Institutes
of Health in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Santa Fe and Washington, D.C., 1997-1998.
Named as "The Woman that Makes a Difference" by the American Women's Medical
Association, October 21, 1997.
Named as one ofTen Heroes in Women's Health by American Health for Women,
October 24, 1997.
Charter Member, Advisory Committee of the Office of Research on Women's Health, National
Institutes of Health, 199 5-1998.
Winner, best in category of women's health for: "Shattering the Myths: The Truth About Women
and Coronary Artery Disease", International Medical Film Festival, 1995; film also won the
Silver: Award: The Charleston International Film Festival: Film and Video Awards, 1995.
Category: Women's Issues.
Leadership in Action Award, Women's Action Alliance. May, 1994, New York, NY.
listed in "1, 000 Women For the Nineties." Mirabella Fifth Anniversary Issue, June, 1994.
"Women With Heart" award, Long Island Heart Council, 1993.
Blakeslee Award, American Heart Association, 1992, for The Female Heart: The Truth
About Women and Coronary Artery Disease.
Member, Parent committee for review of applications for Ischemic Heart Disease Specialized
Centers of Research (IHD-SCOR), National Institutes of Health. 1983
Research Career Development Award, National Institutes of Health, HL70406 CVA, 1972-1977
Marianne J. Legato, MD
Member, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Study Section, National Institutes of Health, 1973-1977
Senior Investigator, New York Heart Association, 1968-1972
J- M ur.ray Steele Award, New York Heart Association, 1971
Martha Lyon Slater Fellowship of the New York Heart Association, 1965- 1968
Honorary President of the Austrian Society for Gender-Specific Medicine, 2007
American Association for Advancement of Science
American College of Physicians
American College of Women's Health Physicians, Founding Member
American Federation for Clinical Research
American Heart Association, New York Affiliate
Committee on Digoxin, 1971-1973
M e m b ~ r , Criteria Committee responsible for the Eighth and Ninth (1979, 1980)
Editions of Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels
Contributor to the Seventh edition (1973).
Committee on Nomenclature and Criteria, 1976-1979.
Member, Board of Directors, 1978-1982.
Fund Raising Committee, 1979-1982.
Co-Chair, Heart of New York Ball, 1980-1984.
Task Force on Women's Health, 1992-
Member, Task Force on Prevention, Treatment and the Women's Initiative, Heritage
Affiliate Board of Directors, 1998-
American Medical Association
International Society for Heart Research
New York Academy of Medicine
Committee on Medical Education, 1979-1986. Vice Chairman, 1982.
Committee on Admissions, 1981-1982.
Committee on Resources and Development: 1985-1987
Trustee: 1984--1987
Nominating Committee: 1991-1993
New York Academy of Sciences
New Y urk County Society of Medicine
New York Society of Internal Medicine
New York Women's Medical Association, 1997-
New York Heart Association: 1969-1971,1971-1973, 1973-1975, 1976-1978.
American Heart Association: Cellular Mechanisms of Cardiac Enlargement in the Rabbit. PI,
Marianne J Legato, M.D. 1980-1983.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health:
Program Project HL 12738: Physiologic Pharmacology and Its Clinical Applications. 1978-
1983. P.I., Brian F. Hoffman, M.D. CoreE: Ultrastructure. Marianne J- Legato, M.D.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
Program Project HL 33 727: Lethal Arrhythmias: Mechanisms and Prevention. 1985-1988.
P.L's, Michael R. Rosen, M.D. and Robert Foreman, Ph.D. CoreD: Ultrastructure. Marianne
]-Legato, M.D.
Program Project HL 28001: Subcellular Adaptations in Myocardial Hypertrophy. 1983-1985.
P.I., Norman R. Alpert, Ph.D. Core 4: Ultrastructure. Marianne J Legato, M.D.
Program Project HL 28958: Developmental Approach to Cardiac Rhythm and Arrhythmias.
PJ., Michael R. Rosen, M.D. Core C: Ultrastructure. Marianne J. Legato, M.D. 1983-1988;
renewed 1988-1993.
Editorial Board, Women's Health in Orthopedics, 2008-
Editor in Chief and Founder, Gender Medicine 2004-
Editotial Board,JMHG & International Society for Men's Health and Gender Collaboration,
Editor-in-Chief/Founder, The Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine, 1997-2004.
Editor-in-Chief/Founder Gender Medicine, 2004-
Editotial Board, Medicine and Behavior, 1998-
Health Advisor, More Magazine, 1998 -
Editorial Advisory Board, Prevention Magazine, 1997-
Medical Advisor, Ladies' Home Journal, 1997-
Scientific Advisor, MSP International, Inc., 2003 -
Editorial Board, Women's Health Review, 1997-
Editorial Advisory Board, Women's W ellness WallBoard, 1997-
Editorial Advisory Board, National Health Sciences Consortium
Women's Health Traveling Exhibit, 1997-
Editotial Advisory Board, American Health for Women, 1997-1999
Editorial Board, Journal of Women's Health, 1997-2000
Advisory Board, PraCon, 1996
Scientific Advisory Board, Weight Watchers' Magazine, 1996-1998
Editor-in-Chief, The Female Patient, 1993-1996
Editorial Board, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, 1993-
Associate Editor, The Female Patient, 1992-1993
Health Columnist, Woman's Day, 1992-1994
Consultant, Women's health issues, Procter & Gamble, 1994-1996
Consultant and member, Executive Advisory Committee, Tufts University School of Medicine;
to design pilot program for continuing education regional conferences designed for the
Primary Care Team, June, 1995.
Consultant to and Member of Advisory Board for Excerpta Medical Education Division
Chairwoman, Medical Advisory Board, Women's Heart Research Foundation, 1992-
Long Island Heart Council, Honorary Board Member, 1993-
Member, Community Advisory Council of the New York Junior League, 1994-
Member, Board of Directors, Weight Watchers International, 1994-1998
Charter Member, Advisory Board of Office of Research on Women's Health, National Institutes
ofHealth, 1995-1998
Member, Board of Directors, World Foundation for Medical Studies in Female Health, 1994-
Member, Board of Advisors, Heart Health Alternatives, 1996-
Marianne J. Legato, MD
Member, Board of Advisors, Karen Yontz Cardiac Center, Milwaukee, WI, 1996-
Member, Health Advismy Council; Hadassah Health Education Department, 1996-
Founding Member of the American College of Women's Health Physicians, 1997-
Consultant:, Women's Health Project, The Changing Face of Women's Health, 1997-
Lifetime Member, Hadassah, 1997 -
Member, Health Advisory Council, Hadassah, 1997 -
Member, Women's Cardiovascular Health Network (WCVHN), sponsored by the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC), 1997 -
Member, Advisory Board, Mothers & Daughters Race Against Teen Smoking, National Council
on Women's Health, Inc., 1998-
Member, Medical Advisory Board, Empower Health Corporation, 1998 -
Member, Advisory Board, Women Heart, the National Coalition for Women with Heart
Disease, 1999 -
Member, Advisory Board, State of the Art, Inc., "Phase 2 Project Women in Transition: The
Crucial Years Before Menopause", 1999
Chairwoman, Medical Advisory Board,, 2000 - 2001
Member, Advisory Council, Sister to Sister and Everyone Has A Heart Foundation 2003
Academic Advisor, Center for Healthcare and Public Concern, Tokyo, Japan, 2003
Advisor, Gender-Specific Medicine Research Society, Tokyo, Japan, 2003 -
Advisory Board PREVENTION Magazine 1997 -
Advisory Board BOTTOM LINE Health 2007 -
Medical Advisor LADIES' HOME JOURNAL 2000 - 2008
"P.rima.ry Care of Women I": Marianne J. Legato, Co-chair. World Foundation for Medical
Studies in Female Health. October 25-30, 1995. LaCosta, CA.
"Primary Care of Women II": Marianne J. Legato, Co-chair. World Foundation for Medical
Studies in Female Health. October 24-27, 1996. San Antonio, TX.
"P.rima.ry Care of Women III": Marianne J. Legato, Co-chair. World Foundation for Medical
Studies in Female Health. October 23-26, 1997. Miami, FL.
"Beyond Hunt Valley: Forging a New Agenda for Research in Women's Health." Series of fou.r
national conferences co-sponsored by the Office of Research on Women's Health, National
Institutes of Health. Marianne J. Legato, Co-chair. Philadelphia, P A, October 17-19, 1996.
"Beyond Hunt Valley: Forging a New Agenda for Research in Women's Health." Series of fou.r
national conferences co-sponsored by the Office of Research on Women's Health, National
Institutes of Health. Marianne J. Legato, Co-chair. New Orleans, LA, June 11-13, 1997.
"Beyond Hunt Valley: Forging a New Agenda for Research in Women's Health." Series of fou.r
national conferences co-sponsored by the Office of Research on Women's Health, National
Institutes of Health. Marianne J. Legato, Co-chair. Albuquerque, NM, July 21-23, 1997.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
"Beyond Hunt Valley: Forging a New Agenda for Research 1n Women's Health." Series of four
national conferences co-sponsored by the Office of Research on Women's Health, National
Institutes of Health. Marianne J Legato, Co-chair. Bethesda, MD, November 17-18, 1997.
"Gender and Depression" sponsored by Partnership for Women's Health at Columbia
University. Marianne J- Legato, Co-chair. New York, NY, April30- May 1, 1998.
Sixth Annual Congress on Women's Health sponsored by the Journal ofWomen's Health and
the Society for the Advancement of Women's Health Research. Marianne J Legato, Chair.
Washington, DC, June 21-24, 1998.
"Girls Self-Esteem, Helpmg Girls Become Strong Women" sponsored by Partnership for
Women's Health at Columbia University and Nike. Marianne J Legato, Chair. San Jose,
CA, November 13,1998.
"Emotions and Cardiovascular Disease" sponsored by the Partnership for Women's Health at
Columbia University. Marianne J Legato, Co-chair. San Francisco, CA, November 14,
"Gender & Human Sexuality" sponsored by the Office of Research on Women's Health and the
Partnership for Women's Health at Columbia University. Marianne J- Legato, Co-chair.
National Press Club, Washington, DC, April30, 1999.
"The Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation," Marianne J Legato, Co-Chair. Le Mas Du Langoustier,
lie de Porquerolles, France. September 2-7, 1999.
Annual Conference on Gender-Specific Medicme sponsored by the Partnership for Women's
Health at Columbia University. Marianne J- Legato, Chair. Sea World Conference Center,
Orlando, FL. September 13, 1999. Due to Hurricane Floyd, Second Day was December 6,
1999, Roosevelt Hotel, New York, NY
Fifth Annual Conference on Women's Health sponsored by the World Foundation for Studies
on Female Health. Marianne J Legato, Chair. San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, CA,
October 14-16, 1999.
Sixth Annual Conference on Women's Health sponsored by the World Foundation for Studies
on Female Health. Marianne J- Legato, Scientific Chair. Hotel Intercontinental, New
Orleans, LA, October 12-14, 2000.
Second Annual Conference on Gender-Specific Medicine sponsored by the Partnership for
Women's Health at Columbia University. Marianne J- Legato, Chair. The Roosevelt Hotel,
New York, NY, October 26-27,2000.
The 110th Anniversary Celebration Center for Health Care and Public Concern. Marianne J-
Legato, Keynote Speaker and Symposium Organizer. Tokyo, Japan, December 2-3,2001.
2001 Annual Clinical Conference sponsored by the World Foundation for Medical Studies 1n
Female Health. Marianne J- Legato, Scientific Chair. New York Hilton Hotel and Towers,
New York, NY, December 17-19,2001.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
Third Annual Conference on Gender-Specific Medicine sponsored by the Partnership for
Women's Health at Columbia University and the National Institutes of Health. Marianne J.
Legato, Chait. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC, April22-23, 2002.
2002 Annual Clinical Conference sponsored by the World Foundation for Medical Studies in
Female Health. Marianne J. Legato, Scientific Chait. The Omni Shoreham Hotel,
Washington, DC, November 22-24,2002.
Fourth Annual Conference on Gender-Specific Medicine sponsored by the Partnership for
Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia University and the National Institutes of Health.
Marianne J. Legato, Chait. Embassy Suites. New York, NY. September 20-21, 2003.
Fifth Annual Conference on Gender-Specific Medicine sponsored by the Partnership for
Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia University. Marianne J. Legato, Chait. New York
Helmsley Hotel, New York, NY. September 27-28, 2004.
President, First Annual International Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine, February 23-27
2006 in Berlin, Germany.
Honorary President, Second International Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine, Vienna,
Austria. June, 2007
Honorary President, Third International Congress on Gender-specific Medicine, Stockholm,
Sweden, 2008.
Honorary President, First International Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine, Israel, 2009.
Honorary President, International Congress on Gender-specific Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
Vienna, 2011.
Honorary President, Fifth International Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine. Israel. 2010.
Original Scientific Articles
1. Legato, MJ, Spiro D, Langer GA: illttastructural alterations produced in mammalian
myocardium by variations in perfusate ionic composition. J Cell Bioi 3 7: 1-12. 1968.
2. Legato MJ, Langer GA: The subcellular localization of calcium ion in mammalian
myocardium. J Cell Biol41: 401-423. 1969.
3. Legato, MJ: The correlation of ultrastructure and function in the mammalian myocardial cell
Prog Cardiovas Dis 11: 391-409. 1969.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
4. Bordiuck JM, Legato MJ, Lovelace RE, Blumenthal S: Pompe's disease: electromyographic,
electron microscopic and cardiovascular aspects. Arch Neurol23: 113-119. 1970.
5. Legato MJ: Sarcomerogenesis in human myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol1: 425-437. 1970.
6. Legato MJ: Ultrastructural characteristics of the rat ventricular cell grown in tissue culture,
with special reference to sarcomerogenesis. J Mol Cell Cardiol4: 731-735. 1972.
7. Legato MJ: The role of Z substance in sarcomerogenesis. J Mol Cell Cardiol5: 205-206. 1973.
8. Legato MJ: Ultrastructure of the atrial, ventricular and Purkinje cell, with special reference to
the genesis of arrhythmias. Circulation 47: 178-189. 1973.
9. Legato MJ, Bull MB, Ferrer MI: Atrial ultrastructure in patients with fixed intra-atrial block.
Chest 65: 252-261. 1974.
10. Legato MJ, Ferrer MI: Intermittent intra-atrial block: its diagnosis, incidence and implications.
Chest. 65: 243-251. 1974.
11. Legato :MJ: Nuclear pores in the hutrum myofiber. J Mol Cell Cardiol6: 283-284. 1974.
12. New York Heart Association Task Force on Digitalis Preparations: What should the practicing
physician ktiow about digoxin bioavailability and how will FDA action affect him? Circulation
49: 399-400. 1974.
13. Legato MJ: Cellular mechanisms of normal growth in the mammalian heart. L Qualitative and
quantitative features of general ventricular architecture in the dog from birth to five months of
age. Circ Res 44: 250-261. 1979.
14. Legato MJ: Cellular mechanisms of normal growth in the heart. II. Quantitative
and qualitative comparison between the right and left ventricular myocytes in the dog from
birth to five months. Circ Res 44: 263-279. 1979.
15. Rosen MR, Legato MJ, Weiss RM: Developmental changes in impulse conduction in the
canine heart. Am J Physiol240: H546-H554. 1981.
16. Hewett K, Legato MJ, Danilo P Jr, Robinson RB: Isolated myocytes from adult canine left
ventricle: Ca2 + tolerance, electrophysiology and ultrastructure. Am J Physiol 245: H830-
H839. 1983.
17. Robinson RB, Legato MJ: Maintained differentiation in rat cardiac monolayer cultures:
tetrodotoxin sensitivity and ultrastructure. Am J Physiol245: 830-839. 1983.
18. Danilo P Jr, Reder RF, Binah 0, Legato :MJ: Fetal canine cardiac Purkinje fibers:
electrophysiology and ultrastructure. Am J Physiol246: H250-H260. 1984.
19. Rosen MR, Legato MJ: Repolarization: Physiological and structural determinants and
pathophysiological changes. Eur Heart J 6: 3. 1985.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
20. Viamonte VM, Steinberg SF, Chow YK, Legato MJ, Robinson RB, Rosen MR: Phospholipase
C Modulates Automaticity of Canine Purkinje Fibers. J Pharmacal Exp Ther 252 (2): 886-93.
21. Legato MJ, Weintraub M, McCord G: The Ultrastructure of the Developing Purkinje Fiber in
the Dog Myocardium from Birth to Three Months of Age. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 62: 1991.
22. Rosen MR, SunLand Legato MJ: Sympathetic Innervation Modulates Impulse Propagation
and Repolarization in the Immature Rat Heart. Cardiovascular Research 27: 459-463. 1993.
23. Legato MJ: The Anatomic Matrix as a Factor in Determining Susceptibility to Lethal
Arrhythmia in a Canine Model of Sudden Cardiac Death. J Mol Cell Cardiol25: 501-508.
24. Charpentier F, Legato MJ, Steinberg SF, Cohen IS and Rosen MR: Beta adrenergic modulation
of Na/K pump activity in young and adult canine cardiac Purkinje fibers. Amer J Physiol
(Heart Circulatory Physiol40): H706-H712. 1996.
25. Legato MJ, Padus E and Slaughter E: Women's Perceptions of their General Health, With
Special Reference to Their Risk of Coronary Artery Disease: Results of a National Telephone
Survey. Journal ofWomen's Health 6(2): 189-198. 1997.
26. Kim HE, Dalal SS, YoungE, Legato MJ, Weisfeldt ML and D'Armiento J: Disruption of the
myocardial extracellular matrix leads to cardiac dysfunction. J ouroal of Clinical Investigation
106(7): 857-866. 2000.
27. Lewis BH, Legato M, Fisch H: Medical Implications of the Male Biological Clock. JAMA 296
(19) 23692371. 2006.
Invited Chapters and Reviews
1. Legato MJ: New explorations of the ultrastructure and function of the myocardium. In
Changing Concepts in Cardiovascular Disease. Russek HI, ed Baltimore, Williams and
Wilkins Co. 1972. pp. 47-73.
2. Legato MJ: New concepts of cardiac cellular structure and functions. In Pathobiology Annuals.
Ioachim HI, ed. New York. Appleton-Century Crofts. 1972. pp. 47-75.
3. Legato MJ: Ultrastructural changes during normal growth in the dog and rat ventricular
myofiber. In Developmental and Physiological Correlates of Cardiac Muscle. Lieberman M
and Sano T, eds. New York. Raven Press. 1975. pp. 1-27.
4. Legato MJ: The cardiac cell: myocardial cell structure and its relevance to clinical cardiology. In
Current Cardiology. Ferrer MI, ed. 1978. pp. 207-233.
5. Legato MJ, Mulieri LA, AJpert NR: Parallels between normal growth and compensatory
hypertrophy in the rabbit. In Perspectives in Cardiovascular Research. Vol. 7. Myocardial
Hypertrophy and Failure. Alpert NR, ed New York. Raven Press. 1983. pp. 111-126.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
6. Legato MJ: Women and Coronary Axtery Heart Disease: Myths and Facts. Coronary Heart
Disease Seminar Series; Antonio M. Gotto, Jr., M.D., Phil.D., Program Chairman. Health.Scan,
Inc. NJ 1993.
7. Legato MJ: Managing Coronary Heart Disease Risk in Postmenopausal Women. The Female
Patient 18:33-44. 1993.
8. Amsterdam EA and Legato MJ: What's Unique About CHD in Women? Patient Care 27:(18)
21-61. 1993.
9. Legato MJ, ed. Women and Coronary Artery Disease. Cardiovascular Risk Factors 4(1) pp. 59.
January, 1994.
10. Legato MJ: Cardiovascular Disease in Women: What's Different? What's New? What's
Unresolved? In: Forging a Women's Health Research Agenda. Sechzer,JA, Griffin A and
Pfafflin S, eds. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences. 736: 147-157. 1995.
11. Legato MJ: Health Care in the United States. A New Focus on Women. Psychologic Heute.
August, 1995. pp. 44-50.
12. Legato MJ: Coronary Artery Disease in Women. Int J F erti141: 94-100. 1996.
13. Legato MJ: Treatment ofDyslipidemias in Women: Normal Developmental Changes in Serum
Lipids. In: Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Risk Factors and Future Directions. Gotto
AM, Jr, Paoletti R, Smith LC, Catapan AL and Jackson AS, eds. Proceedings of XII
International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Giovanni Lorenzini Medical
Foundation. Medical Science Symposia Series. Volume 10. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Dordrecht/Boston/London. 1996.
14. Legato MJ: Hormonal replacement therapy: What's science and what's speculation. What more
do we need to know? Baylor University Medica1Joumal9: 9-13. 1996.
15. Legato MJ: Gender Specific Physiology: How Real is It? How Important Is It? Int J Fertil
42(1): 19-29. 1997.
16. Legato MJ: Clinical Considerations in the Dyslipidemic Patient. Indications and Strategies for
Treatment. Cardiology in Review 5: 2-5. 1997.
17. Legato MJ: Gender Specific Aspects of Obesity. International} Fertil and Women's Medicine
42(3): 184-197. 1997.
18. Legato MJ. Cardiovascular disease in women: Gender-specific aspects of hypertension and the
consequences oftreatment.Joumal ofWomen's Health. 7:(2): 199-209.1998.
19. Legato MJ. Research on the Biology of Women Will Improve Health Care for Men, Too. The
Chronicle of Higher Education. May 15, 1998. B4, 5.
20. Legato MJ. Women's Health: Not for Women Only. International] Fertil43(2):65-72, 1998.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
21. Legato MJ. The Action of Ovarian Steroid Hormones on Tissues and O r g a n s ~ Presented at the
Giovanni Lorenzini Foundaton's Third International Symposium: Women's Health and
Menopause. Risk Reduction Strategies. Improved Quality of Health. Florence, Italy. June 13-
16, 1998. In: Women's Health and Menopause. Risk Reduction Strategies. Improved Quality
of Health. Paoletti R, Crosignani PG, Kenemans P, Wenger NK and Jackson AS, eds. Kluwer
Academic Publishers. Dordrecht/Boston/London. 1999, pp. 39-45.
22. Legato MJ. Is There a Role for Gender-Specific Medicine in Today's Health Care Systems? J
Gend Specif Med. April3(3):12-21, 2000.
23. Legato MJ: Gender and the Heart: Sex-Specific Differences in Normal Anatomy and
Physiology. J Gend SpecifMed. October 3(7):15-18, 2000.
24. Legato MJ: Dyslipidemia, Gender, and the Role of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol:
Implications for Therapy. American Journal of Cardiology 86:(suppl):15L-18L, 2000.
25. Allessie MA, Boyden PA, Carnm AJ, Kleber AG, Lab MJ, Legato MJ, Rosen MR, Schwartz PJ,
Spooner PM, Van Wagoner DR and Waldo AL: Pathophysiology and Prevention of Atrial
Fibrillation. Circulation 103:7 69-777, 2001.
26. Legato MJ: The Changing Position of Women in the Medical Marketplace: Women's Health
Morphs Into Gender-Specific Medicine. International Journal of Fertility & Women's
Medicine. March/ April, 2002.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
27. Pinn VW, Legato MJ, MansonJE and GoertzC: Women's Health and Menopause in
Research and Clinical Practice: Session Sum.rna1.y. Presented at the Giovanni Lorenzini
Foundation's Fou.rth International Symposium on Women's Health in Menopause.
Washington, DC, May, 2001. In: Women's Health and Menopause: New Strategies -
Improved Quality of Life. Lobo RA, Crosignani PG, Paoletti. Rand B.ruschi F, eds. Medical
Science Symposia Series, Volume 17. Dord.recht/Boston/London. Kluwer Academic
Publishers. 2002, pp. 373-375.
28. Legato MJ: What is a Good Doctor? In: Inside The Minds: The Art & Science of Being A
Doctor. Hughes A, ed. Aspatore Books, Inc. 2002. pp. 121-132.
29. Legato MJ: Beyond Women's Health: The new discipline of gender-specific medicine.
Editor, F. E. Kaiser, Med Clin N Am 87:2003, W. B. Saunders Co, pp.917-937.
30. Legato MJ: Impact of Gender on the Experience of Coronary Artery Disease.
Editors: Z. BenRafael, G. Creatsas and Z. Shoham. Controversies in Obstetrics
Gynecology and Infertility. Oren Publisher Ltd. International Proceedings Division.
31. Legato MJ: Hormone Therapy in 2005 for Men and Women: Where We? Omz
Publisher Ltd. International Proceedings Division, pp. 443-502. 2005
32. Legato MJ: How Sex Impacts Normal Human Function and the Experience of Disease.
Oren Publisher Ltd. International Proceedings Division, pp. 486-490. 2005
33. Legato MJ: Highlights from the 2005 54th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of
Cardiology - Abstracts and Commentary. Clinical Cornerstone, pp.S-6. 2005
34. Legato MJ: Rethinking Gender-Specific Medicine. Women's Health. 2(5) 699-703. September
2006. Medicine Ltd. London, England.
35. Legato MJ: Sex-Specific Biology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Optimizing Women's Health
through Nutrition. Lilian U. Thompson and Wendy E. Ward, Editors, CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Florida, pp.13-18, 2008.
36. Legato MJ: The Skewed Sex Distribution in Affective disorders---a diagnostic, social or
biological problem? Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 186, Chapter 10. 2010.
1. Legato MJ: The Myocardial Cell for the Clinical Cardiologist. Armonk, NY: Futu.ra.
1973. pp. 179.
2. Legato :MJ, ed: The Developing Heart: Clinical Implications of its Molecular
Biology and Physiology. Hingham, MA: Ma.rti.nus Nijhoff. 1985. pp. 256.
3. Legato :MJ, ed: The Stressed Heart. Hingham, MA: Ma.rti.nus Nijhoff. 1987. pp. 339.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
4. Legato MJ and Colman C: The Female Heart: The Truth About Women and
Coronary Artery Disease. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster. 1992. pp. 276.
Winner, Blakeslee Award of the American Heart Association.
5. Legato MJ: Gender-Specific Aspects of Human Biology for the Practicing
Physician. Armonk, NY: Futura. 1997. pp. 141.
6. Legato MJ and Colman C: What Women Need to Know: From Headaches to Heart
Disease and Everything in Between. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster. 1997. pp.
7. Legato MJ: Eve's Rib: The New Science of Gender-Specific Medicine and How
It Can Save Your Life. Harmony Books, NY. 2002. pp. 258.
8. Legato MJ, ed: Pravastatin Sodium. -- Over ten years of experience. A worldwide
review of clinical articles from the scientific literature. Preface by John LaRosa, MD.
PharmaLibri Publishers, Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada. CME credit provided by the
University of Cincinnati, Illinois. 2002. pp. 317.
9. Legato MJ: Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine. Academic Press, NY. 2004.
Volume I, pp. 1-625 & Volume II, pp. 627-1245.
10. Legato MJ: Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget Rodale Press,
NY Fall, 2005.
11. Legato MJ: Why Men Die First. Palgrave-MacMillan, NY. 2008
Other Original Articles
1. Legato MJ: The Academic Physician: An Endangered Species. JAMWA 34:234-236. 1979.
2. Legato MJ: Medicine's Threatened Op-Ed Page, The New York Times, Sept. 30, 1980. A27,
3. Legato MJ: The Disappearing Doctors. The Sciences 21: 15-19,32. 1981.
4. Legato MJ: For Whom Alfred Nobel Created a Pedestal. The New York Times, Oct 24, 1982.
A26, CoL 5-6.
5. Legato MJ: The Physician Scientist An Endangered Species. USA Today 112: 52-54. July
6. Legato MJ, ed: Proceedings, Eighth Symposium of the Committee on Medical Education,
New York Academy of Medicine. The Academic Physician: An Endangered Species. Bull NY
Acad Med 57: 411-502. 1980.
7. Legato MJ, ed: Proceedings, Tenth Symposium of the Committee on Medical Education, New
York Academy of Medicine. The Training ofTomorrow's Physicians: How Well Are We
Meeting Society's Expectations? Bull NY Acad Med 60(3): 219-309. 1982.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
8. Legato MJ, ed: Proceedings, Twelfth Symposium of the Committee on Medical Education,
New York Academy of Medicine. Govemment and Corporate Influences on
Patient/Physician Relations. Bull NY Acad Med 62(10). 1986.
9. Legato MJ: The Doctor, The Patient and the Third-Party Payer: Three Begins to be a Crowd.
Bull NY Acad Med 62: 956-963. 1986.
10. Legato MJ: Reaching Across the Gender Gap. The Female Patient 18(5): 11,15. 1993.
1 L Legato MJ: Between Physician and Patient Transcending the Love-Hate Trap. The Female
Patient 18(6): 11,14. 1993.
12. Legato MJ: Longevity: Whence the Female Advantage? The Female Patient 18(7): 15-16.
13. Legato MJ: Powerful New Advocates for the Female Patient. The Female Patient 18(8): 11-12.
14. Legato MJ: The Vanishing Patient. The Female Patient 18(9): 11-12. 1993.
15. Legato MJ: Brave Beginnings: The Women's Health Initiative. The Female Patient 18(10).
16. Legato MJ: The Ultimate Cost of Health Care Reform. The Female Patient 18(11). 1993.
17. Amsterdam EA and Legato MJ: What's Unique About CHD in Women? Patient Care 27(18):
21-61. 1993.
18. Legato MJ: Pharmaceutical Companies: Allies, not Enemies. The Female Patient 19(1). 1994.
19. Legato MJ: The Bobbitt Trial: What's So Funny? The Female Patient. 19(2). 1994.
20. Legato MJ: The WHI and the IOM: What's All the Fuss About? The Female Patient 19(4).
21. Legato MJ: Beyond Our Borders: A Report on the Welfare of Women. The Female Patient
19(6). 1994
22. Legato MJ: Counseling the Adolescent Patient How Well Equipped Are You? The Female
Patient 19(7). 1994
23. Legato MJ: Women's Health: What Do We Really Know? The Female Patient 19(8). 1994.
24. Legato MJ: Depression and Women: Society or Biology? The Female Patient 19(9). 1994.
25. Legato MJ: When Nobody Knows the Answers. The Female Patient. 19(10). 1994.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
26. Legato MJ: The Doctor and Domestic Violence: What's Our Responsibility? The Female
Patient. 19(11). 1994.
27. Legato MJ: Stress and Coronary Artery Disease: Is Work Killing Women? The Female
Patient. 19(12). 1994.
28. Legato MJ: Research on the Human Embryo: Morally Indefensible or a Boon to Mankind?
The Female Patient 20(1). 1995.
29. Legato MJ: Gender differences in physiology: Do differences mean inequality? The Female
Patient 20(2): 9-10. 1995.
30. Legato MJ: Estrogen Replacement Therapy: Considering its Effect on Cognitive Function.
The Female Patient 20(3). 1995.
31. Legato, MJ: Women and Stress: "Where You Wuz, Mommy?" The Female Patient 20(4).
32. Legato, MJ: Medical Mistakes: Malpractice or Criminal Behavior? The Female Patient 20(5).
33. Legato MJ: Being Overweight A Hopeless Dilemma? The Female Patient 20(6). 1995.
34. Legato MJ: Domestic Violence: Does It Extend to Military Training Programs? The Female
Patient 20(7). 1995.
35. Legato MJ: A Vacation? Who has Time? The Female Patient 20(8): 11-12. 1995.
36. Legato MJ: A New Resource for You andY our Patients. The Female Patient. 20(9): 11-12.
37. Legato MJ: When "Taking a History" Becomes an Impossible Task. The Female Patient.
20(10): 13-14. 1995.
38. Legato MJ: The Institute of Medicine and Women in the Military. The Female Patient 20(11):
13-14. 1995.
39. Legato MJ: Collaborating with Patients: One+ One= A Multitude. The Female Patient
20(12): 11-12. 1995.
40. Legato MJ: Preventive Care for Women: How Well Are We-- and They-- Doing? The
Female Patient 21(1): 10-11. 1996.
41. Legato MJ: Women and Violence: How Gender Determines Experience. The Female Patient
21(2): 13-14. 1996.
42. Legato MJ: Diseases ofWomen: Then and Now. The Female Patient 21(3): 11-12. 1996.
43. Legato MJ: Tomorrow The World. The Female Patient 21(4): 11-12. 1996.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
44. Legato MJ: Physician-Assisted Suicide: Murder or the Patient's Right to Choose? TI1e Female
Patient 21(5): 11-12. 1996.
45. Legato :MJ: Testing for the Cancer Gene: Should the Patient Be On Her Own? The Female
Patient 21(6): 1-2. 1996.
46. Legato MJ: An Offer Too Good to Refuse? The Female Patient 21(7): 11-12. 1996.
47. Legato :MJ: When the Geriatric Patient is a Family Member: Lessons for the Physician. The
Female Patient 21(8): 1-3. 1996.
48. Legato MJ: When the "Social History" Enhances the "Present Illness". The Female Patient
21(9): 1-2. 1996.
49. Legato :MJ: Thoughts on Making Rounds. The Female Patient 21(11): 11-12. 1996.
50. Legato MJ. Women's Health: Not For Women Only. J Gend SpecifMed 1(1):7. 1998.
51. Legato MJ. Report of the Task Force on Research on Women's Health for the 21st Century:
A Personal Overview. J Gend Specif Med 1 (1 ):54-60. 1998.
52. Legato MJ. Belling the Cat: Clinical Investigation in Vulnerable Populations (A Good Idea,
but Who's Going to Volunteer?). J Gend Specif Med 1 (2):12-13. 1998.
53. Legato :MJ: Thoughts on Traveling to Israel: Attending the Bi-National Israel-USA
Conference. Promoting Women's Health Across Generations. J Gend SpecifMed 1(3):12-13.
54. Legato :MJ: Premenopausal or Postmenopausal: What Else Is There? J Gend SpecifMed
2(1):12-15. 1999.
55. Legato :MJ: Gender-Specific Medicine: Should it Change the Way We Are Doing Business? J
Gend SpecifMed 2(2):12-15. 1999.
56. Legato MJ: Women's Health: Where Are All the Men? J Gend SpecifMed 2(3):18-21. 1999.
57. Legato MJ: The Doctor's Dilemma; What Should We Expect in the Consulting Room? J
Gend SpecifMed 2(4):14-17. 1999.
58. Legato :MJ: Drug Trials, Gender, and Dr. Spilker: What Is Fad and What Is Science? J Gend
Specif Med 2(5): 14-17. 1999.
59. Legato :MJ: Thoughts on Genetic Engineering and The Fountain ofYouth. J Gend Specif
Med 2(6):14-17. 1999.
60. Legato :MJ: Peter Singer and Telford Taylor. What Questions Do They Raise For Us All? J
Gend SpecifMed 3(1):14-18. 2000.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
61. Legato l\11}: Medicine Then and Now: How Far Have We Come? How Much Farther Will
\YJe Go? J Gend SpetifMed 3(2):16-20. 2000.
62. Legato MJ: Is There a Role for Gender-Specific Medicine in Today's Health Care System? J
Gend SpecifMed 3(3):12-21. 2000.
63. Legato l\11}: Deciding Right from Wrong: More Complicated Than it Might Appear. J Gend
SpecifMed 3(4):22-26. 2000.
64. Legato MJ: The NIH and Women's Health: Praising and Criticizing the Right Things. J Gend
SpecifMed 3(5):16-20. 2000.
65. Legato MJ: The Real Fourth of July Story. J Gend SpecifMed 3(6):14-17. 2000.
66. Legato MJ: Gender and the Heart: Sex-Specific Differences in Normal Anatomy and
Physiology. J Gend SpecifMed 3(7):15-18. 2000.
67. Legato MJ: HRT, HERS, and the Medical Community: Controversies and Confusion OR,
What is Truth? said Pilate
. J Gend SpecifMed 3(8):12-14. 2000.
68. Legato MJ: Growing Up and Growing Better: The Journal Takes Some Big New Steps. J
Gend SpecifMed 4(1):9-10. 2001.
69. Legato MJ: Advocates For Men's Health: The Newest Voice. J Gend SpecifMed 4(2):7-8.
70. Legato MJ: Emotional Health and Cardiovascular Disease: How Sorrow, Loss, Grief, and
Anger Make Us Sick. Primary Psychiatry 8(7):33. 2001.
71. Legato MJ: Does Sex Matter? The Institute of Medicine Answers Yes. J Gend Specif Med
4(3):4-5. 2001.
72. Legato MJ: Notes from New York City. J Gend SpecifMed 4(4):6-7. 2001.
73. Legato MJ: The Pharmaceutical Company and the Academic Medical Center: Win-Win or
Mutual Exploitation? J Gend SpecifMed 5(1):7-9. 2002.
74. Legato l\11}: Postpartum Depression and Gender-Specific Justice. J Gend SpecifMed 5(2):7-8.
75. Legato l\11]: The Partnership for Gender-Specilic Medicine at Columbia University: What's in
a Name? J Gend SpecifMed 5(3):10-11. 2002.
7 6. Legato l\11}: Rethinking Circumcision: Medical Intervention, Religious Ceremony, or Genital
Mutilation? J Gend SpecifMed 5(4):8-10. 2002.
77. Legato l\11}: Notes from New York City, II: living on Two Levels. J Gend SpecifMed
5(5):8-10. 2002.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
78. Legato MJ: HRT, HERS, NIH, WHI: Alphabet Soup? J Gend SpecifMed 5(6):10-13. 2002.
79. Legato lviJ: Why Do We Need an Association for Gender-Specific Medicine? J Gend Specif
Med 6(1):4-6. 2003.
80. Legato :MJ: Men, Women, and War: A Physician's View. J Gend SpecifMed 6(2):6-8. 2003.
81. Legato MJ: Studying Women: Expensive, Risky and Time-consuming: But an intellectual
imperative. St. Luke's Alumnae Bulletin, Spring 2003.
82. Legato MJ: Are Facts" in Medicine Fads and Fashions? The Changing Landscape of the
Estrogen Story and Its Heroes. J Gend SpecifMed 6(3):4-6, 2003.
83. Legato MJ: When the Doctor Needs a Doctor. J Gend SpecifMed 6(4):11-13, 2003.
84. Legato MJ. Dr. Vivian W. Pinn's Decade at the Office of Research on Women's Health:
Reaping a Rich Harvest. Gender Medicine 1 (1): 2-4, August 2004.
85. Legato MJ. Gender-Specific Medicine: The View from Salzburg. Gender Medicine
1 (2): 61-63, December 2004.
86. Legato MJ. Never Again? Gender Medicine 2 (1): 1-3, March 2005.
87. Legato MJ: Men, Women and Brains: What's Hardwired, What's Learned and What's
Controversial. Gender Medicine 2(2): 59-61, June 2005.
88. Legato MJ: A Year of Accreditation, Collaboration and Setting Standards-Landmarks for the
Partnership and Gender Medicine. Gender Medicine 2(3): 119-120. September 2005.
89. Legato MJ: New Challenges for Statins: What the Public Can, or Should, Be Told. Gender
Medicine 2(4): 185-188. December 2005.
90. Legato MJ: The 1st World Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine: Report from Berlin.
Gender Medicine 3(1): 1. March 2006.
91. LegatoMJ: But What About Men? Gender Medicine 3(1 ). 2-4. March 2006
92. Legato MJ: Balancing the Three-Legged Stool: Which Faculty are Most Important in Our
Academic Medical Centers? Gender Medicine 3(2). Pp 71-72. June 2006
93. Legato MJ: On the Voyage of the Beagle and Other Great Adventures. Gender Medicine
3(3). 159-160.2006
94. Legato MJ: The Secret to Better Communication: Understanding the Differences Between
Male and Female Brains. The Bottom Line. April2006.
95. Legato MJ: The Weaker Sex. OpEd page, New York Times. June 17,2006. A13
96. Legato MJ: The Plot Thickens. Gender Medicine 3(4). 243-245. December 2006
Marianne J. Legato, MD
97. Legato MJ: Janus, Armageddon, and Genomics: Thoughts on Entering the New Year.
Gender Medicine 4(1). 1-2. March 2007
98. Legato MJ: The Tip of the Spear. Gender Medicine 4(2). 87-88. June 2007
99. Legato MJ: Manipulating the Genome, Enhancing Humans, and Creating Robots to Keep Us
Company: Thoughts on What's ccHuman." Gender Medicine 4(3). 185-186. September
100. Legato MJ: The Silent Male: How Much Do We Really Care About Men? Gender Medicine
4(4) 285-287. 2007
101. Legato MJ: Sex and Society: The Journal Takes a Look at their Interaction. Gender Medicine
5(1). 1-2. March 2008
102. Legato MJ: Gender and Sleep- ccMo:rning Came, As It Always Does." Gender Medicine 5(2).
107-109. June 2008
103. Legato MJ: The Food and Drug Administration: An Agency Under Siege. Gender Medicine
5(3). 197-199. September 2008
104. Legato MJ: The Secret to Keeping Men Healthy. Bottom Line Health. November 2008
105. Legato MJ: Doctor Atomic and Doctor Genomic. Gender Medicine 5(4). 351-3 Dec. 2009
106. Legato MJ: Physician Suicide: Unnecessary Losses, Gender Medicine 6(1) 247-248. April
107. Legato MJ: The Genomic E:ra "It's Just The Way I Am" Gives Way To ccLook At What I
Might Become!" Gender Medicine 6(3) 400-1 September 2009
108. Legato MJ: "Making Sense of Scent'' Gender Medicine 6 (4) December 2009
109. Legato MJ: "Father of the Genetic Code: Thoughts on the Life and Death of Marshall
Niremberg" Gender Medicine 7(1) Febtuary 2010.
110: Legato MJ: ccLiving in the cze:ro Years': The Brave New World of 21st Century Science"
Gender Medicine 7(2) April2010.
111: Legato MJ: ccsailing the Sea of Synthetic Biology: Dr. V entor and the Sorcerer II" Gender
Medicine 7 (3) June 2010.
112. Legato MJ: ccOffWith the New and On With the Old: Rediscovering Digoxin" Gender
Medicine 7(4) August 2010.
113: Legato MJ: ccThe Allostatic Load: How Stress Makes Us Sick'' Gender Medicine 7 (5)
October 2010.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
Original Films
1. Legato MJ, Livingston J and Goldberg S: Affirmations. Produced for the Department of
Medicine, The Roosevelt HospitaL New York. 1978.
2. Legato MJ, Livingston] and Goldberg S: Second Chance. Pxoduced for the New Yo:rk Heart
Association. New York. 1979.
3. Legato MJ: Shattering the Myths: Women and Coronary Artery Disease. Produced by
Augusta Associates. 1994. Winner, Best-in-Category in Women's Health, International
Medical Film Festival, 1995.
Personal Appearances: 1991-2008
(Past Engagements, Current and Future Invitations)
November 12, 1991: Keynote Address at the Long Island Heart Council's "Women With HearC
January 11-17, 1992: Book tour to Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles, California; Cleveland, Ohio;
Chicago, Illinois and New York City, New York. The tour involved over forty television
appearances, radio interviews and magazine and newspaper interviews.
January 22, 1992: Keynote Address: ''Why Women? Why Now?" for the symposium, "Meeting the
Health Care Needs of Women: Developing a Funders' Agenda", sponsored by Women and
Foundations/Corporate Philanthropy, New Yo:rk City.
March 11,1992: "Women's Health and The Female Heart": address to Members of the Health Care
Executive Forum, New Yo:rk City.
March 25, 1992: Testimony for the Governor's Interagency Workgroup on Women's Health. New
York City.
March 28, 1992: "National Strategies for Women and Heart Disease". Delivered as part of the
American Heart Association Westchester Putnam Region's Third Annual Symposium on
Women and Heart Disease. Putnam County, New Yo:rk.
April2, 1992: "The Truth About Women and Coronary Artery Disease". Delivered as part of the
1992 Heart Center Symposium of the Providence Heart Center, Seattle, Washington.
April22, 1992: "How To Maintain a Healthy Heart". The New York Times luncheon address.
May 8, 1992: "Women at Risk: The Silent Epidemic of Coronary Artery Disease". Luncheon address
delivered as part of the symposium, "What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Disease"
sponsored by the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation and Abbott Northwestern Hospital,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
May 20, 1992: "Cardiovascular Risk in African American and llispanic Women". Delivered as part
of the American Heart Association, New York State Affiliate symposium., "Issues of
Cardiovascular Risk in Minorities", Tarrytown, New York
June 12, 1992: Major appearance on 20/20 (ABC-TV) on a segm.ent dealing with
women and heart disease focusing on Doctor Legato's new book, The Female
June 25, 1992: Keynote speaker, Board Meeting of the National Health Council, Washington, D.C.
August 29-30: Luncheon speaker on women and heart disease for "Facets of You" sponsored by
Hadassah, Dayton Ohio Chapter. Dayton, Ohio.
October 8, 1992: "The Female Heart"; fu:st session of the Women on Women lecture series at North
Shore University Hospital-Cornell University Medical College, Long Island, New York.
October 14, 1992: Opening presentation, "Partners in Heart Health Promotion", sponsored by the
New York State Department of Health Healthy Heart Program, Old Forge, New York.
October 15, 1992: "The Female Heart: The Truth About Women and Coronary Artery Disease":
Luncheon seminar sponsored by St. Vincent's Medical Center, New York, New York.
October 20, 1992: Keynote Address, "Communicating With the Female Patient How Successful
Are We?" Conference, "50 years of Pap Screening: Milestones and Missions: Sponsored by
SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories and the American College of Gynecology and
October 22, 1992: "The Female Heart and the Male Heart From a Medical Point ofView". Lecture
sponsored by the Friends of St. Luke's \Roosevelt., New York City, New York.
October 24, 1992: Three hour lecture for laypeople on "The Normal Female Heart and How It
Works". Sponsored by American Heart Association, New York State Affiliate, Inc., Mid-Hudson
October 28, 1992: Guest speaker, Long Island Heart Council's Annual Membership Dinner.
llicksville, New Y otk.
October 29, 1992: Keynote address for "Women Can Have It All. Including Heart Disease: Women
and Heart Disease Conference, Sponsored by the American Heart Association. Dutchess
Region. Poughkeepsie, New York.
November 10, 1992: "Negotiating the Medical System." Lecture sponsored by the Women's
Organization for Wellness of the Long Island Heart Council, Inc. Jericho, New York.
November 10, 1992: "Women and Coronary Heart Disease." Electronic Seminar sponsored by the
Association of State and Territorial Chronic Disease Program Directors, Albany, New York
Marianne J. Legato, MD
November 14, 1992: "Cardiovascular Risk in African American & Hispanic Women." Part of a
symposium, "Issues of Cardiovascular Risk in Minorities" sponsored by the American Heart
Association, New York State Affiliate, Inc., Tarrytown, New York.
November 15, 1992. "Women and Heart Disease: Shattering the Myths". Symposium, Dyslipidemia
in Special Patient Populations. Sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine. New Orleans,
November 17, 1992: "Women's Health Issues in the 90's." 50th Anniversary Symposium of Fairleigh
Dickinson University: "Critical Issues in Health Care". Rutherford, New Jersey.
December 5, 1992: Participant in cholesterol consultants' conference of Parke Davis. New York,
New York.
December 8, 1992:
Women and Coronary Artery Disease." Lecture to Women's National
Rt;publican Club. New York, New York.
December 14, 1992: Participant in symposium, "Pharmaceutical Research and Special Populations",
sponsored by the Institute for Alternative Futures. Washington, D.C.
February 3, 1993: "Women at Risk: The Silent Epidemic of Coronary Artery Disease," evening
address to laypeople and luncheon seminar for employees of Honeywell. Visit and conferences
sponsored by the Minneapolis Heart Institute. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
February 7, 1993: "Women and Heart Disease" for a professional audience and presentation later in
the day to a lay audience. Sponsored by Bellin Hospital, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 12 and 14, 1993: "Women and Heart Disease"; presentation as part of symposium,
"Advances in Cardiology" and luncheon address to laywomen about women and heart disease
on February 14. Sponsored by Porter Memorial Hospital. Denver, Colorado.
February 17, 1993: Lecture on women and coronary artery disease. Sponsored by the Heart Institute,
St. Francis Medical Center. Trenton, New Jersey.
February 22, 1993: Luncheon and dinner presentations to lay audiences sponsored by Jackson
Madison County Hospital, Jackson, Tennessee.
February 24, 1993:
Gender Bias in the Treatment of Women for CAD." Program sponsored by St.
Joseph's Medical Center. South Bend, Indiana.
February 25-27,1993: Two presentations: "Women and Heart Disease
to a professional audience
and a second to a professional audience at the Eighth Annual Symposium, "Current Issues in
Women's Health" jointly sponsored by the Stutter Center for Women's Health of Stutter
Memorial Hospital and the American Medical Women's Association, Mother Lode Chapter,
Sacramento, California.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
March 2, 1993: Featured TV appearance, 15 minute segment interview by Doctor
Timothy Johnson, on Good Morning A m e r i c ~ -
March 20, 1993: Keynote address: "Stress: How Do Women Experience It and What Is It Doing to
Their Hearts?" Part of fow:th annual symposium for women and men, "Heart Sense Not
Nonsense," sponsored by the American Heart Association. Westchester/Putnam, Pw:chase,
New York
March 27, 1993: "Cardiovascular Disease in Women: A New Focus". Part of a symposium, "Issues
in Lipid Education in the 1990's: Therapeutic Considerations." Sponsored by Bristol-Myers
Squibb U.S. Pharmaceutical Division.
March 31, 1993: "Women and Heart Disease: part of symposium, "The Women's Health Challenge:
Take the Initiative". Sponsored by the University of Houston. Houston, Texas
April15, 1993: Lectw:e on women and coronary artery disease to laywomen sponsored by the Joan
H. Michelson Women's Resource Center, Akron, Ohio.
April16, 1993: Moderator, Workshop on women's health. Sponsored by the 13th National
Conference for Women in Business. New York, New York.
April21, 1993: Participant in a panel discussion, "Women's Health Issues After 40" sponsored by
the New York Junior League. New York, New York.
April22, 1993: 'The Truth About Women and Coronary Heart Disease." Scarsdale Women's Club.
Scarsdale, New York.
April22-25, 1993: Shooting in New York City of Video. "A Woman's Heart": a one
hour PBS Special produced by Terra Nova Television and VAS Communications
in association with the Arizona Heart Institute. Screening date: Fall, 1993.
April26, 1993: Panelist in "The Missing Half: Improved Health Care for Women," 44th Annual
Conference of the Council on Foundations. Dallas, Texas.
May 6, 1993: "Heart Disease and The Older Adult." Part of conference, "Ounce of Prevention"
sponsored by the State of New Hampshire Department of Health. Concord, New Hampshire.
May 8, 1993: "Trends in Health Care: What Women Need" as part of conference, "To Yow: Health!
A Conference for Women of All Ages" sponsored by the North Shore University HospitaL
Long Island, New York.
May 12, 1993: Keynote address: "Shattering the Myth". Part of symposium, "A Woman's Heart:
How We're Different, Why It Matters, What We Can Do About It. First Annual St. Paul
Women's Health Seminar. HealthEast and American Heart Association, joint sponsors. St. Paul,
May 13, 1993: Guest appearance on television show, "The Exchange", Cablevision of Connecticut.
Norwalk, Conn.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
May 21, 1993: "The Female Heart". Presentation at 45th Ann112.l Meeting and Scientific Session,
Mru.:yland Academy of Family Physicians. Ocean City, Maryland.
May 24, 1993: Presentation to Women's Bar Association about health issues for women. Sponsored
by Women's Bar Association, New York, New York.
June 1, 1993: Presentation at National Health Forum: "Health For Women in the 21st Century,"
sponsored by the National Health Council and Warner Lambert
June 2, 1993: Panelist and presenter in Plenary Session Iv, Aging in a New Millennium. Symposi?ffi,
"Health for Women in the 21st Century", sponsored by the National Health CounciL
Washington, D.C.
June 13, 1993: Keynote address, ''Why Women? Why Now? A Physician's Perspective." 1993
Ann112.l Kickoff, American Heart Association, New York State Affiliate, North Syracuse, New
June 23, 1993: "Women and Heart Disease". Allard K Lowenstein Public Library. Long Beach, New
August 10, 1993: Panelist, American Women's Economic Development Association. Hotel
Macklow. 145 West 44th Street, New York, NY
August 14, 1993: "Stress and Heart Disease." Lecture sponsored by St. Clara's Church, Kingston,
New York and the American Heart Association, New York State Affiliate, Mid-Hudson Region.
September 9-10, 1993: Presentation on women and heart disease to lay audience and two
presentations to professional audiences: "Coronary Artery Disease in Women: An Overview"
and "Dyslipidemias in Women." Omaha, Nebraska.
September 13, 1993: Long Island Business Women's Association, Long Island.
September 30, 1993: Two scheduled presentations to professional audiences: "Women and Heart
Disease: Shattering the Myths" and "The Woman at Risk." Cardiac Rehabilitation Symposium
sponsored by the Eastern Maine Medical Center. Bangor, Maine.
October 2, 1993: Chairman, retreat of Task Force/Professional Advisory Council, Women's Heart
Research Foundation. Rye, New York
October 6, 1993: Invited lecture on women and heart disease as part of 22nd Ann112.l Cardiac
Symposium sponsored by Borgess Medical Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
October 8, 1993: Women and Heart Disease: Annual Conference of the American Heart
Association local chapter; cosponsored by the Catholic Medical Center; physicians. Waterville
Valley Convention Center, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
October 15, 1993: Meeting of study group, Women's Health Decision Making. Center for Women
Policy Studies. Washington, D.C.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
October 24-26, 1993: Afternoon session, "The Female Heart" for laywomen; speaker, Grand
Rounds for physicians; featw:ed speaker for American Heai:t Association dinner for health care
professionals. Sponsored by Porter Memorial Hospital. Denver, Colorado.
October 28: St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital: "Women and Heart Disease".
November 2,1993: Keynote address, Women's Health Conference, Albany Marriott Hotel. "Total
Woman: Body, Mind and Spirit". Keynote address after luncheon; breakout session.
November 7, 1993: Invited lectw:er, symposium being prepared in connection with 66th annual
scientific session of the American Heart Association and Baylor College of Medicine. Atlanta,
November, 1993: Visiting Professor and lectw:er on heart disease in women: part of the "Women's
Health Course in the Graduate School of Health Sciences: Issues in Women's Health:
Epidemiology Gender and Prevention." New York College of Medicine.
November 12, 1993: Appearance on Good Morning America: Discussing Women
and Stress.
December 20,1993: Boston University Medical Center. Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine,
January 29, 1994. Pima Heart Associates. Tucson, Arizona. Keynote speaker, "Cardiovascular
Disease and Women" Seminar.
January 31-February 1, 1994: Houston North West Medical Center: Houston, Texas. Three sessions,
one for physicians, another for nurses and a third for the community.
March 2, 1994: American Heart Association, New York Affiliate. Keynote Address: "The Troth
About Women and Coronary Artery Disease," New York Business Group on Health, Inc.
March 14, 1994: New York State Division for Women, the Women's Legislative Caucus, New York
State Attorney General's Office sponsoring the 1994 Women's Legislative Conference, Albany,
N.Y. Invited Participant.
March 19, 1994: Norman Regional Hospital. "Healthy Living for Women: Why Women are
Different". Day long program, in which Dr. Legato was the sole speaker and discussion leader.
Talks included an overview and historical perspective of women and women as patients, an
exploration of the doctor patient relationship and a discussion of women, cardiovascular disease
and estrogen replacement therapy after menopause.
March 24, 1994: Women and Heart Disease. Part of a program sponsored by the Long Island
Rehabilitation Association: ''Equity Equality and Equanimity: The Current State of Women's
Marianne J. Legato, MD
April12, 1994: Appearance on panel on the Impact of Health Care Reform on Women. Junior
League of New York, sponsoring organization.
April18, 1994: Invited panelist at forum, "Clinical Crossfire: Challenges in Hypertension,_
Sponsored by Parke Davis; N.Y.C.
Apri129, 1994: Keynote luncheon address on women and health: Northeast Area Conference of the
American Society of Women Accountants. Loews Hotel, New York City.
Special feature, "A Woman's Heart": appearance in an hour long television documentary on
women and heart disease. Terra Nova. Spring, 1994.
May 19, 1994: Seniors Celebrate Wellness Conference. Sponsored by the New Hampshire Division
of Public Health. Presentations: "The Doctor Patient Relationship" and "Shattering the Myths:
The Truth About Women and Cardiovascular Disease."
July 14, 1994: Program Director and Co-chair, "Woman's Health Issues in the Mid-Life and Mature
Years." Sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb Company. Speeches: "Women and Cardiovascular
Disease: Focus on Heart Disease.;" Closing overview of women's health issues in the last part of
the 20th century: what will be the contributions of The Women's Health Initiative and the
Office of Research on Women's Health?"
August 4, 1994: Repeat and expansion of previous Bristol Myers Squibb conference on women's
health in the midyears and beyond; Chairman.
September 11, 1994: Appearance on "Weekend Today in New York" (NBC): "Stress, The Hidden
Health Hazards".
September 13, 1994: "Healthy Living For Women: Why Women Are Different." Exeter Hospital,
Exeter, NH.
September 21, 1994: "Women and Heart Disease." Presentation at medical grand rounds. Akron
General Medical Center.
October 12, 1994: invited (by Matilda R. Cuomo, First Lady, State of New York) appearance at the
New York State International Year of the Family Governor's Conference: "Heart Disease and
Tobacco: Getting to the heart of the matter."
October 13, 1994: Invited appearance to deliver lecture, "Healthy Living for Women: Why Women
are Different." Jefferson Regional Medical Center, Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
October 22, 1994: "The Female Heart." Good Samaritan Hospital, Oak Brook, Ohio.
October 22, 1994: 30 minute appearance (only guest) with Dick Wolfie on "The Talk Show"
discussing gender prejudice in health care.
October 26, 1994: Appearance as an invited expert guest on The Oprah Winfrey
Show discussing gender prejudice in health care.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
October 27, 1994: Speaker, The Current Approaches to Women's Health and Wellness." Junior
League Membership Meeting.
[November 1, 1994: "Coronary Artery Disease: The Leading Killer of Women." Part of course:
Women's Health: Taking Charge, sponsored at the New School by the Commonwealth Fund's
Commission Women's Health. (Conflict; could not accept the invitation).]
November 1, 1994: Three lectures on Stress and the Heart to professional and lay audiences. The
Heart Care Center, Waukesha Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
November 4, 1994: "11th Annual Cardiovascular Symposium: Women & Heart Disease." St.
Francis Regional Medical Center. Wichita, KA.
January 9, 1995: Present Status of Health Care in the United States: Advisor to committee on
Community Advisory Council of The Junior League of New York.
February 5-7, 1995: Featured presentation to executives and scientific research teams of Procter and
Gamble: "Why Women's Health?"; one of principal organizers of a conference on women's
health; Cincinnati, Ohio.
February 23, 1995: "Women and Cardiovascular Disease." Part of symposium, "Women's Primary
Health Care Issues: Accepting the Challenge." Bristol-Myers Squibb Lipid Education Faculty
Program. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
April13, 1995: ''Women and heart disease." Morristown Hospital, Morristown, N.J.
June 23-25, 1995: One of the invited organizers and faculty leaders of the "Primary Care Conference
and Annual Clinical Update" sponsored by Tufts University School of Medicine, Office of
Continuing Education. Invited to make three presentations:
1. Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease in Women and Estrogen Replacement Therapy
2. Meet the Professor: Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease in Women
3. Future Issues in Women's Health: Closing address to plenary session
June 27-28, 1995: Invited speaker, Third Annual Congress on Women's Health. Washington, D.C.:
"Coronary Artery Disease in Women." Plenary Session IV.
September 11, 1995: "Hormone Replacement Therapy: Risks and Benefits." Women's Health
Seminar Committee of the Office of Research on Women's Health: NIH, Washington, D.C.
September 19, 1995: Healthy Living for Women: Why Women are Different." St. Vincent Medical
Center. Toledo, Ohio.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
September 20, 1 9 9 ~ : Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles. Invited speaker, Dedication of Chait in _
Women's Health. "Women and Heart Disease" and breakout session on stress.
October 8, 1995: Oncology Update 1995: Tulane University Medical Center, Tulane Cancer Center.
"The Science ofHRT: What We Know and Do Not Know."
October 16-18, 1995: NIH (Washington, D.C.) Study Section: study section member, reviewing
grants for merit and funding priority on medical issues beating on women's service in combat
during wartime.
October 25, 1995: American Heart Association, Poughkeepsie; Holiday Inn, Fishkill, New York.
"Women and Coronary Artery Disease."
October 25-30, 1995: World Foundation for Medical Studies in Women's Health. Co-chair of
Primary Care Confer:ence. LaCosta, California. "Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease
across the Lifespan."
November 3, 1995: American Heart Association, West Palm Beach, Florida. Women and Heart
Disease Seminar. Keynote speaker.
November 8, 1995: XII International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Sponsored
by Baylor College of Medicine and The Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Foundation. "What Are the
Criteria For Treatment ofDyslipidemia in Women?"
November 17, 1995: Women's Health Issues For the :Mlddle Years and Beyond. Seminar at Baylor
College of Medicine. "Heart Disease in Women."
December 1, 1995: Invited participant, Healthy Girls/Health Women Collaborative supported by
Ms. Foundation for Women.
December 7, 1995: Women's Primary Healthcare Issues: Accepting the Challenge. Sponsored by
American Medical Women's Association: "Coronary Artery Disease: What's Different About the
Female Patient?" Worcester, Massachusetts.
January 21-23, 1996: Invited reviewer for Defense Women's Health Extramural Proposals,
sponsored by the United States Army Medicine Research and Materiel Command. Participated
in reviewing grants on two study sections: Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics and
Respiratory and Applied Physiology.
February 14, 1996: Opening of Karen Yontz Women's Cardiac Center, :Mllwaukee, WL "Women
and Coronary Artery Disease."
July 11, 1996: Invited reviewer for Office of Research on Women's Health of the NIH: ORWH
REAP Nominations for funding by NIH study sections.
May 7-8, 1996: 14th Annual Cardiology Seminar on Women and Heart Disease IL Bellin Hospital,
Marianne J. Legato, MD
September 16, 1996: American Menopause Foundation's New York Annual Menopause
Symposium; "Your Heart at Menopause."
September 17,1996: Grand Opening, Karen Yontz Women's Cardiac Awareness Center.
September 26-28, 1996: Co-chair of symposium, "Women's Health Research in the 21st Century: the
Next Dimension." Co-sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Medical College of Pennsylvania and the Office of Research on Women's Health, National
Institutes of Health.
October 5, 1996: Panelist, "Rediscovering the Fountain ofYouth"; International Women's Forum.
1996 Global Conference and Gala. Boston, MA.
October 24--27, 1996: Co-chair: Second Annual Conference of the World Foundation for Medical
Studies in Female Health. San Antonio, Texas.
February 22, 1997: "Hormonal Replacement Therapy and Coronary Artery Disease in the Female
Patient." Symposium, "Evolving Concepts in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease." Rush
Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center. Rush University. Albuquerque, NM.
February 27, 1997: "Gender Differences in the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis of Heart
Disease." The Seventh Annual Women and Family Heart Health Conference. American Heart
Association. Austin, Texas.
March 1, 1997: "Women and Heart Disease." Symposium, "Evolving Concepts on the Prevention of
Cardiovascular Disease." Columbus, Ohio. Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center.
March 4, 1997: Keynote speaker, women and health. Women's Health Forum. The Women's
National Republican Club. New York City.
March 7-8, 1997: "Gender Specific Needs for Women In Medicine." First International Congress for
Women in the Health Care System. Vienna, Austria.
April4-7, 1997: Co-chair, Setting the Research Agenda for Women's Health. Office of Research for
Women's Health.
April23-25, 1997: Co-chair of session ofWomen and Heart Disease. Fourth International
Symposium on Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease. Washington, D.C. Conference
organized by Doctor Claude Lenfant and Professor R. Paoletti (Milan) of the Giovanni
Lorenzini Medical Foundation.
May 8, 1997: Women and Heart Health Conference. American Heart Association. Arlington
Memorial Hospital. Arlington, Texas.
May 12-13, 1997: Co-chair, Women and Heart Disease seminar. International Society of Heart
Failure. Washington, D.C.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
May 20, 1997: Keynote speaker, Cincinnati YWCA Academy of Career Women of Achievement.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
June 11-13, 1997: Co-chair, Regional meeting, Setting d1e Agenda for Women's Health Research.
New Orleans, LA; Office of Research for Women's Health.
June 23, 1997: Chair, Women's Health Satellite Symposium, Fifth Annual Congress on Women=s
Health. Washington, DC.
July 14-15, 1997. Keynote speaker, National Conference ofHadassah.
July 21-23, 1997: Co-chair, Regional meeting, Setting the Agenda for Women's Health Research.
Albuquerque, NM. Office of Research for Women's Health, National Institutes for Health.
September 18-19, 1997: Keynote Speaker, Maintaining & Improving Women's Health/ Healthcare
in the U.S. Northeast Medical Center, Concord, NH.
October 8, 1997: Keynote Speaker at Cardiology Day at White Plains Hospital, White Plains, NY.
October 22, 1997: Keynote Speaker, Fourth Annual Cardiology Workshop, Columbia University.
October 23-26, 1997: Co-chair, Symposium on primary care of the female patient. Miama, Fla.
World Federation for Female Health.
November 1, 1997: Speaker in Panel Discussion on Channel13-WNET as part of
their "Women's Health Day'" New York, NY.
November 4, 1997: Speaker, Procter & Gamble Year-End Meeting Spouse Prog1:am, Cincinnati,
November 17-18, 1997: Co-chair, Regional meeting, Setting the Agenda for Women's Health
Research. Bethesda, MD. Office of Research for Women's Health, National Institutes for
November 20, 1997: Keynote Speaker, "The Relevance of Gender to Better Health for Everyone,"
sponsored by McCarter & English and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. Short Hills, NJ.
December 4, 1997: Speaker, ''The Basket of Opportunities in Women's Health" Introductory
Session in Conference, "Emerging Investment and Market Opportunities in Women's Health,"
sponsored by Global Business Research. Philadelphia, P A.
January 29, 1998: Speaker. Medical Grand Rounds, "Women's Unique Experience of Coronary
Artery Disease." SUNY Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn, NY.
February 19, 1998: Keynote Luncheon Speaker. "The Commercial Value ofWomen's Health"
Union Bank of Switzerland's Women's Health Conference. New York, NY.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
February 20-22, 1998: Speaker. "Future Escape \Veekend," sponsored by Procter & Gamble,
Norwich Inn and Spa, Norwich, CT
February 27, 1998: Keynote Speaker. Task Force on the NIH Women's Health Research Agenda
for the 21st Century, Final Report, Beyond Hunt Valley. Office of Research on Women's
Health, NIH, Bethesda, :MD.
March 7, 1998: Speaker. American Heart Association, The Gender Gap" Symposium, Bethlehem,
March 13-15, 1998: Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health program and luncheon sponsored by
the Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati and Procter & Gamble. Cincinnati, OH.
March 16, 1998: Speaker. Thought Leaders Meeting on Testosterone Patches for Women,
"Women's Health Perspectives." Sponsored by Procter & Gamble and Theratech. Cincinnati,
March 21, 1998: Keynote Speaker. CME program on A Women and Heart Disease at St. Vincent's
Charity Hospital. Independence, OH.
March 24, 1998: Luncheon Speaker. Ladies' Home Journal Health Luncheon, Rainbow Room.
New York, NY
April4, 1998: Speaker. Heart Disease in Women: A Primary Care Perspective Symposium,
"Hormone Replacement Therapy and Heart Disease." The Academy of Medicine of New
Jersey, Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia, P A
April 8, 1998: Grand Rounds. Good Samaritan Hospital, Gender Specific Medicine for the
Practicing Physician." Luncheon Speaker, Mercy Hospital Women's Health Center, Cincinnati,
April 30-May 1, 1998: Co-Chair. International Symposium on Gender and Depression, sponsored
by the Partnership for Women's Health at Columbia. New York, NY.
May 2, 1998: Speaker. Simmons College Graduate School of Management Alumnae Development
Conference, "Women & Leadership- Changing the World." Boston, MA.
May 7-8, 1998: Advisory Committee on Research on Women's Health, Office of Research on
Women's Health, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
May 15, 1998: Keynote Speaker. New York Women's Agenda for Women's Health Program, New
York Hilton Hotel, NY, NY.
May 28, 1998: Speaker. Second Women & Heart Health Conference on Coronary Artery Disease
and Estrogen: What's Real, What's Myth and What About Me? Arlington Memorial Hospital,
Arlington, TX.
June 13-16, 1998: Speaker. Third International Symposium on 'Women's Health and Menopause:
Risk Reduction Strategies- Improved Quality of Health," sponsored by Italian National
Marianne J. Legato, MD
Campaign on Women,s Health and Menopause and organized by Giovanni Lorenzini Medical
Science Foundation. Florence, Italy.
June 18-20, 1998: Keynote Speaker. International Women,s Media Foundation, "Whafs Killing
Women Throughout the World" sponsored by Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, Manila,
June 21-24, 1998: Chair. Sixth Annual Congress on Women,s Health, sponsored by the Journal of
Women,s Health and the Society for the Advancement in Women's Health Research.
Washington, D.C.
June 24, 1998: Speaker. ''Women's Health Care Symposium- Major Advancements in Women's
Health Care," The Plaza Hotel, New York, NY.
June 29, 1998: Personal appearance "Good Day New York" Channel 5 with Donna
Hanover. Discussion of Women in Health Care. Why are women receiving
second rate health care? How can they empower themselves to receive the
proper care?
July 12-15, 1998: Speaker, Hadassah's 84th National Convention ''Women at Risk." Workshop,
July 13th, "Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." New York Hilton, New York, NY.
July 28, 1998: Speaker, ''Women At Risk" Editors' Roundtable Luncheon, sponsored by Bristol-
Myers Squibb Company. Overview on ''Women and Heart Disease and Stroke." Millennium
Broadway Hotel, New York, NY.
September 15-16, 1998: National Arrhythmia Board Meeting, Az.imilide Supraventricular
Arrhythmia (SVA) clinical trials, sponsored by Procter & Gamble, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Amelia
Island, Florida.
September 18, 1998: Speaker. Third Annual ''Women and the Environment" conference entitled
"Joining Our Different Voices: Media and Medicine Explore the Effects of Media Images on
Girls and Women's Health" Heinz Foundation. Hynes Auditorium, Boston, MA.
September 25, 1998: Keynote Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health seminar. Endorsed by The
Women's Fund of Indianapolis, sponsored by Procter & Gamble. Indianapolis Convention
Center, Indianapolis, IN.
September 26, 1998: Keynote Speaker. Women and Heart Conference. Summit Medical Center,
joint program with the American Heart Association, Oakland, CA.
October 2, 1998: Keynote Speaker. Dialogue's in Women's Health Conference, Sharonville
Convention Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.
October 2-3, 1998: Panelist. Alliance for Better Bone Health, The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New
York, NY.
October 8, 1998: Roundtable. National Women's Health Resource Center, Disease Prevention for
Women in the New Millennium, The Rainbow Room, New York, NY.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
October 10, 1998: Keynote Speaker. Speaking ofWomen's Health Foundation, sponsored by
Procter & Gamble. Kansas City, Missouri.
October 18-21, 1998: Keynote Speaker. "The Female Heart" American Academy of Insurance
Medicine, Grand Hyatt on Union Square, San Francisco, CA.
October 22, 1998: Speaker. Omaha Town Hall, Healthy Living for Women: Why Women Are
Different, Omaha, NE.
October 23-25, 1998: Member. Alliance Osteoporosis Board, Actonel Data presented Vail
Cascade Hotel and Club, Vail, CO.
October 30, 1998: Speaker. Third Annual New Women: New Leadership Symposium. Panelist on
the "Women's Health Panel." The Plaza Hotel, New York, NY.
November 2,1998: Keynote Speaker. Society for the Advancement ofWomen's Health Research,
Annual Update on Women's Health: Discoveries and Implications, Sheraton City Center,
Washington, DC.
November 2-3, 1998: Keynote Speaker. First Annual Conference on Rural Women's Health,
sponsored by The Pennsylvania State University Colleges of Medicine, Health & Human
Development and Agricultural Sciences. Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College,
November 7-8, 1998: Keynote Speaker. First Annual National Symposium on Women's Health,
American Osteopathic Association, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL.
November 12, 1998: Panel Discussion. Women's Health: Progress and Future:. A Symposium,
Commission on Women's Health, Commonwealth Health Fund, Cosmos Club, Washington,
November 13, 1998: Co-chair. Helping Girls Become Strong Woman Symposium, sponsored by
Procter & Gamble, Secret and Nike Brands. San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA.
November 14, 1998: Co-chair. Roundtable, Emotions and Cariovascular Disease, sponsored by
Procter & Gamble and Downy Brand. The Clift Hotel, San Francisco, CA.
November 16, 1998: Member, Advisory Committee, Office of Research on Women's Health,
National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC.
December 1-3,1998: Speaker. Workshop, Health of Senior Women. Promoting Women's Health
Across Generations, Bi-National Israel-U.S.A. Conference. Jerusalem Hilton Hotel, Jerusalem,
December 17-20, 1998: Chairman. World Foundation for Medical Studies in Female Health.
Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, NY.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
January 15, 1999: Speaker. Women's Wellness Expo, sponsored by Target Stores and Procter &
Gamble, :Minneapolis, MN. (mclement weather, unable to attend)
January 23, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Spealcing of Women's Health. Sponsored by Procter &
Gamble and KTEH Public Television. San Jose, CA.
February 8, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Strategic Research Institute, Positioning and Segmenting
Strategies for Women. Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, NY.
February 18-19, 1999: Grand Rounds. Society of Medical Educators, University of Chicago,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chicago, IL.
February 24, 1999: Speaker. Kroger Stores, sponsored by Procter & Gamble, Anthem, Blue
Cross /Blue Shield. Cincinnati, 0 H.
March 1, 1999: Speaker. International Women's Health Conference: Crossing Borders into the
21st Century. University oflowa, Iowa City, IA.
March 11, 1999: Speaker. Women at Risk Lecture Series Gender Specific Medicine: Mars and
Venus Revisited," Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Comprehensive Breast Service. New
York, NY.
March 17, 1999: Appearance, Good Day New York: Discussing Gender Research.
March 18-19, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health. Sponsored by Procter &
Gamble and Kroger Stores. Cincinnati, OH.
March 20, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Morton Plant Women's Resource Center, Mo:t:ton Plant
Hospital. Clearwater, FL.
March 23, 1999: Speaker. Stuyvesant Advanced Science Seminars Spring 1999, Stuyvesant High
School, Department of Chemistry /Physics. New York, NY.
March 28-April 1, 1999: Speaker. Eighth International Congress on Cardiovascular
Pharmacotherapy "Hypertension in Women- Do They Benefit From Treatment." Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
April 7, 1999: Speaker. Marketing Healthcare to Women. Sponsored by Wyeth Ayerst and
Healthcare Resources Group, Inc. Klemptner Advertising Agency, New York, NY.
April15-16, 1999: Panel Speaker. San Francisco Mayor's Summit for Women, Moscone Center.
San Francisco, CA.
April 1 7, 1999: Regional Osteoporosis Board Meeting, Risedronate fracture and Corticosteroid-
Induced Osteoporosis data presented. Stanhope Hotel, New York, NY.
April 19-20, 1999: National Arrhythmia Board Meeting, Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Palm Beach, FL.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
April25, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Baltimore Chapter of Hadassah
'Women with Heart." Pikesv-ille, MD.
April26-27, 1999: Luncheon Speaker. United HealthCare Annual Medical/Clinical/Quality
Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.
April28, 1999: Speaker. Albertson's Stores, sponsored by Procter & Gamble. Dallas, TX.
Apri130, 1999: Co-Chair. Gender and Human Sexuality Conference, sponsored by Procter &
Gamble and the National Institutes of Health. National Press Club, Washington, DC.
May 1, 1999: Panel Speaker. National Council for Families and Television Summit on
Entertainment and Girls in the 21st Century, Who Cares About Girls? The Beverly Hills Hotel,
May 4-8, 1999: Speaker. Tenth World Congress on Human Reproduction, the International
Academy of Human Reproduction, "Effects of Sexual Steroids on Valcular Wall." Sponsored
by Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals. Bahia Convention Center, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
Speaker. Brazilian Climacteric Society Symposium, ccovarian Steroids and Their Effect on
Tissue: Clinical Aspects of HRT." Bahia Convention Center, Salvador, Bahia, BraziL
May 8, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health Foundation. Sponsored by Procter &
Gamble. St. Louis, MO.
May 15, 1999: Keynote Speaker, 'What's Killing Women Around the World," New York State
Division Annual Meeting "Take Off to 2000" International Association of Administrative
Professionals (IAAP). Wyndham Garden Hotel, East Elmhurst, NY.
May 17, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Marketing Women's Healthcare: Capturing Mind-share for
Marketshare, sponsored by Working Woman. Marriott Marquis, New York, NY.
May 21, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Women in Government- Addressing Women's Health for the
Next Millennium, "Health Issues Facing Women In the 21st Century." The Ritz Carlton Hotel,
Amelia Island, FL.
May 25,1999: Speaker. Importance of Gender ill the Future ofPatient Care."
Astra Pharmaceuticals, Wayne, P A.
June 12, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health, sponsored by Procter & Gamble
and Detroit Public Television. Detroit, ML
June 24, 1999: Speaker. Women's Health Seminar Series ccHRT: Don't Oversimplify." Mazur
Auditorium, Office of Research on Women's Health, Bethesda, MD.
July 25, 1999: Keynote Speaker. The 85th Hadassah National Hadassah Convention, Healthy
Women, Healthy Lives. Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC.
July 26, 1999: Keynote Speaker. National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) Women's
Network Meeting. Eli Lilly and Company Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
September 2-7, 1999: Co-Chair, The Prevention of Au-ial Fibrillation, Le Mas Du Langoustier, Tle
de Porquerolles, France.
September 11, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Speaking ofWomen's Health, sponsored by Procter &
Gamble and KLRN public television. San Antonio, TX.
September 13-14, 1999: Chair. 1999 Annual Update on Gender Specific-Medicine. Sea World
Convention Center, Orlando, FL.
September 26, 1999: Panel Speaker. National Conference ofWomen's Legislator's Lobby. Hotel
Washington, Washington, DC
September 29, 1999: Speaker. Women's Health Matters Tracking the Benefits of a Women's
Health Program throughout the Group Practice." Sponsored by Cline, Davis & Mann, Inc.
Windsor Court Hotel, New Orleans, LA.
October 1, 1999: Speaker. First Annual Southern Regional Conference, Women in Government
"Under-Recognized Diseases In Women." Ritz Carlton Naples, Naples, FL.
October 3, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health. Sponsored by Procter &
Gamble and the Health Alliance of greater Cincinnati. The Houstonian, Houston, TX.
October 6-7, 1999: Speaker. Cardiology Planning Review and Continuing Medical Education "The
Implications of Gender-Based Medicine for the Practicing Physician." Sponsored by Goodroe &
Company. Northside Hospital. Atlanta, GA.
October 8-9, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) 1999
Educational Conference, Managed Care Pharmacy 2000: Pursuing the Opportunities of
Tomorrow. "Gender-Specific Medicine: Understanding the Clinical Differences Between Men
and Women for Effective Pharmaceutical Care Delivery." Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta,
October 14-16, 1999: Chair. Fifth Annual Conference on Women's Health. Sponsored by the
World Foundation for Medical Studies in Female Health, "Gender Specific Issues and
Cardiovascular Health" and Gender and Obesity." San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, CA.
October 21-22, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Second Yale Conference Annual Women's Health and
Fitness, 'Women's Health: Where Are All The Men?" Omni Hotel, New Haven, CT.
October 22-24, 1999: Speaker. CVS Quality Natural Medicine Advisory CounciL Sponsored by
Snyder Healthcare Communications Worldwide. Le Pavilion, New Orleans, LA.
October 26, 1999: Keynote Speaker. The New View of Medicine: Managed Care and Gender-
Specific Medicine. Sponsored by Procter & Gamble and Anthem. "Management of
Menopause." Doubletree Hotel, Louisville, KY.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
November 2-3, 1999: Keynote Speaker. 1999 Women's Health Conference, Women's Health:
Trends vs. Trendy. "Importance of Gender-SpeCific Medicine." Springfield Renaissance Hotel,
Springfield, IL
November 19, 1999: Secret to Self-Esteem Symposium. Sponsored by Secret Brand, Procter &
Gamble and Partnership for Women's Health at Columbia. Lubbock, TX.
December 9-10, 1999: Keynote Speaker. Marketing Healthcare to Women Conference. Sponsored
by Working Mother Magazine. San Francisco, CA.
December 10-11, 1999: Speaker. SNELL Medical Communication Summit Meeting. The New
York Palace Hotel, New York, NY.
January 7-9, 2000: Speaker. Building Osteoporosis National Education Summit (BONES). Boca
Raton Resort and Club, Boca Raton, Florida.
January 21,2000: Speaker. National Women's Health 2000 Conference. Sponsored by the Health
Communication Research Institute, 'Women and Heart Disease." Radisson Hotel, Sacramento,
January 25,2000: Speaker. The Future Healthcare Consumer, New York, NY.
January 27,2000: Keynote Sepaker. MultiCare Center for Healthy Living. Sheraton Tacoma,
Tacoma, WA.
February 5, 2000: Speaker. Plavix Primary Care Advisory Board. Sponsored by Bristol-Myers
Squibb and Sano:fi. Pharmaceuticals. Phoenix, AZ.
February 12, 2000: Keynote Speaker. Annual Cardiac Care Lecture. Sponsored by Legacy Health
Systems. "Shattering the Myths: The Truth About Women & Heart Disease." Portland, OR.
February 20,2000: Keynote Speaker. Women and Heart Disease Symposium, Hinsdale Hospital.
Oak Brook Marriott Hotel, Oak Brook, IL.
February 23,2000: Keynote Speaker and Chair. Women's Heart Foundation Conference. New
Jersey Hospital Association, Princeton, NJ.
February 27-March 3, 2000: Guest Presenter and Lead Participant. Fourth Annual Women's
Health Dialogue. Sponsored by Hadassah-Israel and the Israel Association for the
Advancement ofWomen's Health. Jerusalem, Israel.
March 11, 2000: Roundtable Discussion. Menstruation & Health. Sponsored by Procter &
Gamble. Cincinnati, OH.
J. Legato, MD
March 18, 2000: Appearance, Today Show, Weekend Edition: Discussing
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women with Established Coronary Artery
Disease (ERA Trial).
March 23-26, 2000: Speaker. HDL-Cholesterol "Reaching Concurrence" Regional Meeting.
SNELL Medical Communications, Inc. Chateau Whisder Resort, Whisder, British Columbia.
March 27, 2000: Keynote Speaker. Institute of Medicine. Committee on Understanding the
Biology of Sex and Gender Differences. Washington, DC.
April2-3, 2000: Speaker. Women Heart Advisory Board Meeting. Washington, DC.
April12, 2000: Keynote Speaker. Connecticut State Department of Health, Cromwell, CT.
April6-9, 2000: Speaker. HDL-Cholesterol "Reaching Concurrence" Regional Meeting. SNELL
Medical Communications, Inc. The Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island, Amelia Island, FL
April14, 2000: Keynote Speaker. Women's Health 2000 and Beyond. Sponsored by the Michigan
State Medical Society. Novi Hilton, Novi, MI.
April24-28, 2000: Speaker. Kaiser Permanente National Primary Care Conference. Kauai Marriott
in Lihue, Kauai, HL
April29, 2000: Keynote Speaker. Speaking ofWomen's Health. Sponsored by Procter & Gamble.
Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York, NY
May 18, 2000: Keynote Speaker. Heart Institute Foundation. Benson Center at
Bethel College, Minneapolis, MN.
May 19, 2000: Keynote Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health. Sponsored by Procter & Gamble.
Columbus, OH.
May 24,2000: Keynote Speaker. Women's Health Summit 2000. Moving Women's Health Issues
To the Forefront. AW@ Hotel, New York, NY.
June 7, 2000: Panel Discussion. Beijing Plus Five Women's Health Day, "Focus on Women's
Health Around The World" Hunter College, New York, NY.
June 22, 2000: Healthology Webcast taping "Gender-Specific Health Issues" at
HBO Studios, 23rd Street, New York.
August 4-6, 2000: Speaker. Bayer Corporation Advisory Board Meeting, "Dyslipidemia Gender and
the Role of Lipids," Greenbrier Resort, White Sulphur Spring, WV.
August 22, 2000.: Speaker. Women In Government "The Seventh Annual Midwestern Legislators
Conference" Symposium. The American Club, Kohler, WI.
September 9-11,2000: Speaker. Office of Research on Women's Health 10th Anniversary "A
Decade in Progress." National Institutes of Health. Mazur Auditorium, Bethesda, MD.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
September 12-13, 2000: Speaker. Women's First Today, Center for Women's Health at The Toledo
HospitaL Toledo, OH.
September 21, 2000: CIGNA HealthCare Regional Medical Leadership Meeting. Hyatt Regency
Chicago, Chicago, IL
October 1, 2000: "Strong Women" Series on lifetime TV. Discussing Aging and
Body Image.
October 4, 2000: Speaker. Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Women's Health Symposium. Behnont
Inn, Baltimore, MD.
October 12-14, 2000: Scientific Chair. World Foundation for Medical Studies in Female Health.
Hotel Intercontinental, New Orleans, LA.
October 20-22, 2000: New Dimensions in Cholesterol Control: A Curriculum Development
Meeting. Sponsored by MediVia and Sankyo Pharma. Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia,
October 24,2000: CIGNA HealthCare Medical Executive's Conference. The Westin Westminster
Hotel, Westminster, CO.
October 26-27,2000: Chair. Second Annual Update on Gender-Specific Medicine, ''The Impact of
Gender on Patient Care in the New Millennium." Roosevelt Hotel, New York, NY.
November 15, 2000: WCBS FM Radio with Susan Evans, Morning Anchor "Dialog
101: Discussing Partnership Symposium Almpact of Patient Care in the
November 22, 2000: ABC News and Lifetime TV "Perception vs. Reality."
Discussing what is the number one killer of women.
January 15-17,2001: Speaker. CVS/pharmacy Health Care Marketing. CVS/pharmacy
Headquarters, Woonsocket, RL
January 31, 2001: Avon Global Women's Health and Well Being Advisory Board Meeting. Avon
Global Headquarters, New York, NY.
February 9-11, 2001: CVS/pharm.acy. Quality Natural Medicine Advisory Board Meeting. Westin
Hotel, Providence, RL
February 16,2001: Keynote Speaker. Holy Name Hospital's Third Women's Conference, The
Female Heart, sponsored by Gender Sciences, Inc. Marriott Hotel, Teaneck, NJ.
February 22,2001: Women's Health Symposium. Sponsored by the Health Science Center for
Continuing Medical Education. Videotaped at WML office in New York.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
February 23-25,2001: Advisor on Cholesterol: Helping IndustryExplore Venues for Education
(ACHIEVE) Advisory Board Meeting. Sponsored by Bayer and Smith.Kline Beecham
Pharmaceuticals. Wyndham El Conquistador Resort, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico.
February 28,2001: NIH Roundtable Discussion on Gender Analysis. Lawton Chiles International
House, Bethesda, MD.
March 23-24,2001: Spring 2001Regional Osteoporosis Board Conference. Alliance for Better Bone
Health. The W Hotel, New York, NY.
Apri16-7, 2001: The X andY: Current Topics in Gender-Specific Medicine. H ~ a r d Medical
School, Department of Continuing Education. Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA.
April9, 2001: Real Age Scientific Advisory Board Meeting. Center on Aging and Health, Baltimore,
April29, 2001: Keynote Speaker. Women with Heart Symposium, sponsored by Hadassah.
Pikesville Senior High School, Pikesville, MD.
May 19,2001: Keynote Speaker. Women's Health Meeting, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. Ritz
Carlton Hotel, Pentagon City (Arlington), VA.
May 19-23,2001: Keynote Speaker. Fourth International Symposium Women's Health and
Menopause New Strategies, Improved Quality of Life. Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Foundation.
Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington, DC.
June 11-12, 2001: External Reviewer. Centre for Research in Women's Health (CRWH), five year
review. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
June 15-17,2001: Moderator. Advisors on Cholesterol: Helping to Initiate and Explore Venues for
Education (ACHIEVE) Regional Consultants Meeting. TheW aldorf Astoria, New York, NY.
June 22-23, 2001: Speaker. Exploring New Options in Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Consensus Meeting sponsored by Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Atlantis Hotel, Paradise
Island, Bahamas.
July 11, 2001: Speaker. Health Fair. Sponsored by Procter & Gamble. La Collina, Philadelphia,
October 10,2001: Keynote Speaker. Mills-Peninsula Women's Health Council "kick-off" event.
Sponsored by Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation. Peninsula Golf and Country Club, San
Mateo, CA.
October 30,2001: Speaker. Mini Medical School Course on Women's Health. Sponsored by the
Smithsonian and the National Institutes of Health. Washington, DC.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
November 2-3,2001: Keynote Speaker. First Senior Women's Health Symposium. California.
Medical Association Foundation. Sponsored by Procter & Gamble Healthcare Consumer
Institute. San Mateo Marriott, San Mateo, CA.
November 12, 2001: Keynote Speaker. McM.ilhn Lecture. Centre for Research in Women's Health.
Toronto, Canada. (by video conference because NY airports closed)
December 2-3,2001: Keynote Speaker and Symposium Organizer. The 110th Anniversary
Celebration- Center for Health Care and Public Concern. Tokyo, Japan.
December 17-19, 2001: Chait. 2001 Annual Clinical Conference. Sponsored by the World
Foundation for Studies in Female Health. New York Hilton Hotel and Towers, New York, NY.
January 9, 2002: CBS TV Iyanla Show. Discussing "Women's Health" issues.
January 25,2002: Speaker. Conference on Women's Health. Sponsored by the National Council
for Families & Television. The Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
February 1, 2002: Awardee "Woman of the Year in Science." American Medical Women's
Association 86th Annual Meeting. Adams Mark Hotel, San Antonio, TX.
February 19-20, 2002: Keynote Speaker. Eighth Annual Cardiac Symposium. Sponsored by the
NorthEast Medical Center Cardiology Services. Concord, NC.
March 15, 2002: Keynote Speaker. "Why Women & Why Now?" Goldman Sachs & Company,
New York, NY.
March 20,2002: Panelist. Summit on Women's Health. Sponsored by National Council for
Families and Television, Johnson & Johnson and Lluminari Museum ofT elevision & Radio,
New York, NY.
April6, 2002: Keynote Speaker. 2002 Women's Wellness Conference. The Miriam Hospital,
Providence, Rl.
April 16, 2002: Keynote Speaker. Committee on Understanding the Biology of Sex and Gender
Differences. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
April 22-23, 2002: Chait. Third Annual Update on Gender-Specific Medicine. U.S. Chamber of
Commerce Building, Washington, DC.
May 10, 2002: WABC-TV Eyewitness News. Mother's Day Special. Discussing
"Heart Disease" with patient Jean Horgan.
May 14, 2002: Panelist. The State of Health in the Workplace. Sponsored by Lluminari, Inc. Irvine
Auditorium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, P A.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
May 28,2002: Speaker. CVS/phannacy Diversity Event. Women's Health Issues, Gender-Specific
Medicine. CVS/pharmacy Headqllai:ters, Woonsocket, RI.
May 29,2002: Panelist. New York Junior League Community Advisory Council. Women's Health.
Sponsored by Hunter College, New York, NY.
June 18, 2002: WABD, "Eyewitness News Up-Close" LIVE "Eve's Rib" and Gender-
Specific Medicine.
June 18, 2002: WBAI Radio, "Natural Living" LIVE "Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific
June 20, 2002: NBC B Today Show, promoting new book "Eve's Rib" and Gender-
Specific Medicine.
June 20, 2002: Interview with Frank Field, "Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific
June 24,2002: Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. Cardiology Advisory Board Meeting. Four
Seasons Hotel, Atlanta, GA.
June 25, 2002: WNYC/New York & Company, "The Leonard Lopate Show" LIVE
"Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
July 16, 2002: WOR, "The Joan Hamburg Show" -"Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific
July 30. 2002: WNYE, 91.5 FM, NPR "Talk of the Nation" LIVE "Women's Health
Series, Part I: Lingering Misconceptions and Emerging Medical Research"
discussed "Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine. Drs. Marianne Legato and
Vivian Pinn.
August 6, 2002: Luncheon Speaker. 2002 Project Health Care Lecture. Bellevue Hospital, ER
Resident's Library/Conference Room, New York, NY.
August 12, 2002: KBOO 90.7 FM Radio "Health Watch" LIVE (Portland, OR) "Eve's
Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
August 21, 2002: Wisconsin Public Radio LIVE "Conversations with Kathleen" on
"Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
August 22, 2002: WBRI-AM Radio on Health Care (Indianapolis, IN) on "Eve's Rib"
and Gender-Specific Medicine.
August 29, 2002: KOOP, 91.7 FM "The Liberated Space" LIVE (Austin, TX) on "Eve's
Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
September 4, 2002: W ABC-'fV, interview Dr. Legato and patient, Jean Horgan,
about the Yale Study
September 10, 2002: Keynote Speaker, Luncheon. Overview of the Partnership and Gender-
Specific Medicine. Johnson & Johnson Company. Mr. Bill Nielsen, Public Relations meeting
and McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals. Johnson & Johnson Boardroom, New
Brunswick, NJ-
September 15, 2002: WING Radio, "Jacques and Jan Live" on "Eve's Rib" and
Gender-Specific Medicine.
September 19, 2002: WKGNU Radio, "Live at Penny Lane" (Louisville, CO) on
"Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
October 1, 2002: Speaker. FORTUNE Most Powerful Women in Business Summit. New York
Stock Exchange, New York, NY.
October 4-6, 2002: Albany Associates in Cardiology, St. Peters Hospital Physicians Teaching Day.
Sagamore Hotel, Lake George, NY.
October 9-10,2002: Keynote Speaker. Fifth Annual CEO Summit, The Corporate State. Four
Seasons Hotel, New York, NY.
October 9, 2002: WFSS-FM Radio, "Women's Voices, Women's Lives" on LIVE local
NPR (North Carolina) "Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific-Medicine.
October 18, 2002: CUNY TV Studio Taping. Host - Dr. Frances Horowitz,
President of CUNY Graduate Center. "Eve's Rt"b" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
October 19,2002: Speaker. Temple University CME Symposium "Improving Clinical Outcomes
for Women: Update on Cardiovascular Disease Management in Women." Adams Mark Hotel,
Philadelphia, P A.
October 21,2002: Speaker. Women's Health Scientific Interest Group (WHSIG), Office of
Research on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
October 22,2002: Speaker. Luncheon at Hadassah, Hewlett Chapter. "Eve's Rib" at the
Woodmere Club, Woodmere, Long Island, NY.
November 4, 2002: Consultant for 'Women's Center" at Jewish Hospital Medical Center East,
Louisville, KY.
November 8, 2002: Speaker. The Business Leadership Council "Composing your life: Embracing
Personal Choice." Wellesley College Collins Cinema, Wellesley, MA.
November 11, 2002: Donohue MSNBC "Medical Issues that Affect Women" with
Dr. Sidney Wolf liVE (New York, NY) on "Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific
Marianne J. Legato, MD
November 19, 2002: Bob Considine Show "HRT and the HERS Study" and "Eve's
Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
November 20, 2002: Speaker. Women's Health Dialogue. Sponsored by the Federal Drug
Administration and the Office of Women's Health. National Institutes of Health, Humphrey
Building, Bethesda, MD.
November 25, 2002: KPFA-FM Radio, "About Health" LIVE (San Francisco Bay, CA)
on "Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
December 3, 2002: Debra Ray Show, Healthy Talk Radio LIVE (Clearwater, Fl.) on
"Eve's Rib" and Gender-Specific Medicine.
January 6-7, 2003: Speaker. Science Meets Reality: Recruitment and Retention of Women in
Clinical Studies, and the Critical Role of Relevance. Office of Research on Women's Health,
National Institutes of Health. Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC.
February 11, 2003: Keynote Speaker. ''Women First" Program, Northside Hospital. Camerron
City Club, Roswell, GA.
February 13, 2003: Keynote Speaker. American Heart Association. Fairmont Hotel, New Orleans,
February 19,2003: Lluminari Expert Network Meeting, Sky Club, Metlife Building, New York, NY.
February 24, 2003: Keynote Speaker. American Legacy Foundation Luncheon, Four Seasons
Hotel, Los Angeles, CA.
March 1, 2003: Speaker. World Health Organization, Kobe Centre, Women and Health
Programme. Kobe, Japan.
March 5, 2003: Panelist. Women's Athenaeum, Sociosomatic Medicine. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New
York, NY.
March 17,2003: Keynote Speaker. Wellness Series Luncheon, Women's Health and Heart Disease.
AstraZeneca, Wilmington, DE.
March 19, 2003: Panel Moderator. Women's Health Initiative: Team Rounds. New York
Presbyterian Hospital, Clark Conference Center, New York, NY.
March 31, 2003: WOR Radio, "The Joan Hamburg Show" with Judith Shapiro,
President of Barnard College to discuss upcoming Barnard Summit.
April4, 2003: Keynote Speaker. Parent Teacher Council of Scarsdale, Heathcote School, Scarsdale,
Marianne J. Legato, MD
AprilS, 2003: Speaker. The Barnard Surrlmit, Women & Health. LeFrak Gymnasium, Barnard
College, NY, NY
April5, 2003: WFAS Radio- Dr. Harris Stratyner "Here's to Your Good Health" in
Westchester, NY, discuss upcoming 92nd StreetY "Women's Health"
Apri113, 2003: Keynote Speaker. Fourth Annual Women's Health Symposium 'Women, Men and
Medicine: Sex Matters" at the 92nd Street Young Men's & Young Women's Hebrew
Association, New York, NY
June 14, 2003: Keynote Speaker. Southeast Alabama Medical Center, Dothan, AL.
August 1, 2003: Speaker. Women's Heart Health Symposium. Sponsored by the Foundation for
the Advancement of Cardiac Therapies. Ross School, East Hampton, NY.
August 18, 2003: Speaker. Aspen Center for Integrative Health's Third Annual Prevention
Symposium. "Gender-Specific Medicine: The Truth About Men and Women's Heart Disease."
Sponsored by Lluminari, Inc., Aspen, CO.
September 9, 2003: Speaker. Helen Goldberg Memorial Lecture. University of Missouri, Columbia,
September 19, 2003: Speaker. New York Business Group. Sponsored by Lluminari, Inc., New
York Marriott Financial Center, New York, NY.
September 20-21,2003: Chair. Fourth Annual Conference on Gender-Specific Medicine. Embassy
Suites, New York, NY.
September 22, 2003: Ninth Annual Menopause Symposium. Intercontinental/Barkley Hotel, New
York, NY.
October 1, 2003: Keynote Speaker. Gender-Based Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease. Bristol
Myers Squibb, Lawrenceville, NJ.
October 10,2003: Speaker. Susan B.Anthony Conversations, University of Rochester, Rochester,
October 29, 2003: Keynote Speaker. Symposium on Women and Heart Disease. Somerset Medical
Center, Somerville, NJ.
October 30- November 1, 2003: Speaker. Louisville Lung Cancer Symposium, Jewish Hospital
Heart and Lung Institute, Louisville, KY.
November 18,2003: Speaker. Johnson &Johnson meeting. Sponsored by Llumjnari, Inc. New
Brunswick, NJ.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
December 3, 2003: Speaker. Founcktion for Women's Wellness. Home oflv.U:. & Mrs. Walentas,
Brooklyn, NY
January 12,2004: Speaker. Healthcare Executive Fo1U1Il, New York Medical College, Griffis
Faculty Club, New York, NY.
January 14,2004: Panelist. Women in Medicine. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia
University, Faculty Club, New York, NY.
January 26,2004: Keynote Speaker. Woman's Media Group, at the 21" Club Restaurant, New
York, NY.
February 3, 2004: Keynote Speaker. "Women and Heart Disease" Bronson Methodist Hospital.
Radisson Hotel, Kalamazoo, MI.
Febmary 12, 2004: Taping with Host Suzanne Roberts "Seeking Solutions with
Suzanne" national TV series (Philadelphia, PA for CNN and regional airing).
Topic: Gender-Specific Medicine.
February 24,2004: Keynote Speaker. Women's Forum on Women's Health. Pfizer Conference
Center, NY, NY.
February 26, 2004: Keynote Speaker. Summa Health Systems. Akron City Hospital Professional
Center South, Akron, OH.
March 12-14, 2004: Speaker. Inauguration Symposium, Gender-Specific Medicine Research
Society. Tokyo, Japan. March 15,2004. Meet with doctors at Pfizer in Japan.
April17, 2004: 2004 Oprah Tour Hi, Gorgeous" sponsored by Llurninari, Inc. in San Diego, CA.
April22, 2004: Science Advisory Council. Sulzberger Hall, Barnard College, New York, NY.
April23, 2004: Keynote Speaker. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Research
Symposium Influence of Sex Specificity and Gender on Musculoskeletal Health." Hunt Valley
Marriott, Hunt Valley, Maryland
April24, 2004: 2004 Oprah Tour Hi, Gorgeous" sponsored by Llurninari, Inc. in Atlanta, GA.
May 4, 2004: Keynote Speaker. American Heart Association 'Women with Heart" Luncheon.
Tournament Players Club at Jasna Polana, Princeton, NJ.
May 5, 2004: Keynote Speaker. Women's Heart Advantage Conference ''Matters of the Heart"
Breakfast. Cole Auditorium, Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, CT.
May 8, 2004: 2004 Oprah Tour "Hi, Gorgeous" sponsored by lluminari, Inc. in
Kansas City, MO.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
May 15,2004: Keynote Speaker. New York State Division Annual Meeting Bridges to
Success" International Association of Administrative Professionals
. Ctowne Plaza LaGuardia
Hotel, East Ehnhurst, NY.
May 19, 2004: Speaker. Human Resources of New York, "A Day of Seminars." New York
Helmsley Hotel, New York, NY.
May 22, 2004: 2004 Oprah Tour "Hi, Gorgeous" sponsored by lluminari, Inc. in
Jersey City, NJ.
June 15, 2004: Healthy Women Symposium, sponsored by Rekindling Reform and the Robert F.
Wagner School of Public Health, New York University, New York, NY.
June 21, 2004: CIGNA Advocacy Luncheon and Meeting. Washington, DC.
June 22,2004: Pfizer Women's Health Advisory Board. Inter-Continental The Barkley Hotel, New
York, NY.
June 24, 2004: American Legacy Foundation "Circle of Friends" Advisory Council, New York, NY.
September 27-28, 2004: Chair. Fifth Annual Conference on Gender-Specific Medicine. New York
Helmsley Hotel, New York, NY.
October 24-27, 2004: Keynote Speaker. ccA National Conversation on Women's Health" sponsored
by the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership at Drexel University College of Medicine.
Dallas, TX.
October 26-November 1, 2004: Speaker. ccGender and Diversity in Medicine" congress. Paracelsus
University. Salzburg, Austria.
November 8, 2004: Speaker. Jewish Hospital Annual Research Conference. Louisville, KY.
December 9-10,2004: Speaker. 9th Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) International
Symposium on Health Disparities at Marriott Waterfront Hotel Baltimore, MD.
January 20, 2005: Pfizer Roundtable Discussion for <The Pfizer Journal" entitled (The Anatomy of
Stress, "Mansion on Turtle Creek Hotel, Dallas, TX.
February 2-4, 2005: Speaker. Center for Gender-Specific Medicine at Jewish Hospital Medical
Center East, presented <Women, Wine and Wisdom': Women's Fight Against Heart Disease.
Louisville, KY.
February 9-10, 2005: Speaker. SU:M":MA Health System's and the Women's Heart Pilot Program.
Akron, OH.
February 25, 2005: Speaker. 12th Annual Columbia Women in Business Conference at Columbia
Business School Theme: Embrace the Female Advantage: Winning in the Workplace & the World
Bryond. New York, NY.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
March 10, 2005: Speaker. The Glazer Group-Morgan Stanley. Lecture followed by a reception at
the Cosmopolitan Club. New York, NY.
March 14-15,2005: Speaker. Providence Hospital and Medical Centers/Alpha Kappa Alpha
Symposium. Southfield, ML
April6, 2005: Keynote Speaker. B & A Wellness Cocktail Lecture Heart PR at the Colony Club,
New York, NY.
April14-17, 2005: Speaker. Athens Congress: 7th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics
Gynecology and Infertility at Hilton Athens Hotel, Athens, Greece.
May 3, 2005: Keynote Speaker. American Heart Association. "Go Red For Women" luncheon at
the :Tournament Players Club at Jasna Polana, North Brunswick, NJ.
May 5, 2005: Keynote Speaker. <'Messages from the Heart," Women's Heart Conference at
Greenwich Library, Cole Auditorium, Greenwich, CT.
May 7, 2005: "Oprah Live Your Best Life Tour" at the Washington Convention
Center, Washington, DC.
May 19, 2005: Guest Speaker. Credit Suisse First Boston speaking engagement with the women of
CSFB. New York, NY.
June 8, 2005: 8th Annual Athena Awards sponsored by the Partnership for Gender-Specific
Medicine. Rainbow Room, New York, NY.
August 23-25, 2005: Keynote Speaker. Plenary Address. Women's Health & Asian Traditional
Medicine (WHAT Medicine). Theme: "Promoting Complete Healthcare for Women" at the
Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Lumpar, Malaysia.
September 1, 2005: Speaker: Gender-specific Aspects of Incontinence. Pfizer-sponsored
symposium at the International Continence Society's annual meeting. Montreal, Canada.
September 9, 2005: Plenary Lecture on "Gender-Specific Medicine." College of Medicine, EWHA
Women University presents their 60th anniversary symposium of the opening of their medical
school. Seoul, Korea.
October 19,2005: Keynote Speaker. Rippel Foundation Meeting at Basking Ridge: Consultation
with trustees concerning gender-specific medicine; resulted in three 100,000 a year fellowships
for three years for young investigators in Gender-specific Medicine. Basking Ridge, NJ.
October 21-23, 2005: Keynote Speaker. Annual medical conference on Integrative Medicine for
Anti-Aging at the Palm Beach Convention Center, West Palm Beach, FL. Theme: "Gender-
Specific Medicine: Clinical Applications for Anti-aging & Age Management."
Marianne J. Legato, MD
October 27-29,2005: Keynote Speaker. Speaking of Women's Health. Theme: Why Can't a
Woman Be More Like a Man? At the Overland Park Convention Center. Kansas City, Kansas.
October 28-30, 2005: Keynote Speaker. ACOG NY 2005 Annual District II Scientific Program.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Albany, NY.
October 30, 2005: Keynote Speaker. ACOG District II/ NY Annual Meeting at the Grand Hyatt,
Manhattan, NY. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Theme: Why Can't
a Woman Be More Like a Man? New York, NY.
November 4-6, 2005: Keynote Speaker. Stonyfield Farm Strong Women Lead Summit (Lluminari).
Rye, New York.
November 15,2005: Keynote Speaker. Junior League of Westchester on the Sound. Theme: What
Happens Now? Changes in Women's Health and Relationships. Westchester, NY.
December 4, 2005: Keynote Speaker. Should the Japanese import American biotech and if so, who
should pay for it? The patient or the national health insurance plan? AdvaMED Symposium in
January 3, 2006: Keynote Speaker. Luncheon at the Cosmopolitan Club. Theme: Ifi Knew Then
What I Know Now I'd Still Be Married. New York, NY.
January 21,2006: Keynote Speaker. Canada Women's Health Matters Forum and Expo. Metro
Toronto Convention Center. Toronto, Canada.
January 30, 2006: WCBS-TV News, "The Early Show," Interview with Dr. Legato on Women's
Health Issues. New York, NY.
January 31, 2006: Invited lecture to employees of CSFB: "Why Men Never Remember and
Women Never Forget."
February 10, 2006: Invited lecture: Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
February 11-14, 2006: London, England. Book tour.
February 15, 2006: The Village Temple Sisterhood. Women's Heart Health. Keynote speaker.
February 16, 2006: Keynote Speaker. Holiday Inn - Clinton, NJ.
February 23-26, 2006: President and organizer: The First World Congress on Gender-Specific
Medicine AMen, Women and Medicine: A New View of the Biology of Sex/Gender
Differences and Aging. Hotel InterContinental, Berlin, Germany.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
February 28,2006: Keynote Speaker. NGO Health Committee. Gender-Specific Medicine. United
Nations, New York, NY. _
March 12, 2006: Keynote Address. Women Physician's Summit. Theme: The Important Transition
from Women's Health to Gender-Specific Medicine. Washington, D.C.
March 15,2006: Keynote Speaker. Bronfman Philanthropies, The Tidal Circle. Theme: Taking
Care of the Female Patient: ''"Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" New York, NY.
Ap:til1, 2006: Keynote Speaker. First Annual Interdisciplinary Women's Health Research
Conference at the University at Arizona. ''Perspectives on Women's Health: The Gender-
Specific Prospective." Tucson, AZ.
April27, 2006: Keynote Speaker. The New York Academy of Medicine Seminar. ''The Health
Care Maze: How Do I Enter and Find My Way?" New York City, NY.
May 4-5, 2006: Keynote Speaker. First Annual NDCP AC (The New Democrat Coalition Political
Action Committee Spring Retreat. Gender Differences in Diagnostics and Treatment." Hyatt
Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort, Cambridge, MD_
May 12,2006: Keynote Speaker. 'Women in Science" Luncheon. The New York Columbia-
Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, NY.
May 18, 2006: Keynote Speaker. Women in Government Legislative Training Session.
"Cardiovascular Disease in Women." The Peabody Hotel, Little Rock, AK.
May 19-20, 2006: Keynote Speaker. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
"Ethics of Genetics in Research: Perils and Promises." New York City, NY.
May 26-30, 2006: Keynote Speaker. First International Gender Symposium of the Medical
University of Vienna. "Gender-Specific Medical Care: Why, How, When and With What
Outcome?" Vienna, Austria.
June 8, 2006.: Live Interview: "The Leonard Lopate Show." Topic: Gender-Specific Medicine-
Past and Present." New York City, NY.
June 25,2006: Live Interview: Radio Live New Zealand." Topic: "Gender-Specific Medicine."
New York City, NY.
June 26, 2006: Live Interview: ''Bronx Talk Primetime." Topic: "Wry Men Never Remember and
Women Never Forget' and the New York Times Op-Ed Article The Weaker Sex." Lehman
College, Bronx, NY.
July 5, 2006: Live Interview: Korean Broadcasting System. Topic: ccSecrets ofWomen's Life." New
York City, NY.
July 24,2006: "The Oz Garcia Show"- Lime TV Network. Topic: Healthy Living With a Twist
and the Differences Between Men and Women." New York City, NY.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
July 31, 2006: Live Interview: Relationships For Lje Radio Show. Topic: "Gender-Specific Medicine
and W0' Mm Never Remember and Women Never Forget.'' New York City, NY
August 24, 2006: Recorded Interview: Your Health Now- Merck Podcast Interview. Topic:
"Cardiovascular Disease." New Y mk City, NY.
September 5, 2006: Live Interview: Stony Brook Radio Show 'Man Alive!" on WUSB 90.1 FM.
Host: Michael Pisacane and Co-host Joan Moossy. Topic: "W0' Men Never Remember and Women
Never Forget." New City, NY.
September 7, 2006: Live Interview: 'The Dennis Prager Show. " Topic: "W0' Men Never Remember and
Women Never Forget." New York City, NY.
September 30,2006: Keynote Speaker. LLuminari: StrongWomen Summit. Topic: "Heart Disease."
Montgomery County Community College, Bluebell, P A. .
October 18, 2006: Keynote Speaker. 30th Annual White Plains Hospital Cardiology Day. Topic:
'Women and Heart Disease: What's New, What's Different, What's Important." White Plains,
October 26, 2006: Keynote Speaker. Women in Health Management Annual Leadership Event.
"Gender-Specific Medicine: The Coming Revolution in Healthcare." New York, NY.
October 28, 2006: Guest Speaker. 'The Larry King Show- CNN." Topic: Panel discussion on heart
disease. Los Angeles, CA.
November 3, 2006: Keynote Speaker. LLuminari Strong Women Summit (PepsiCo Employee
Conference). Topic: Gender Differences and W0' Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget."
Dallas, TX.
November 20,2006: Keynote Speaker. Morgan Stanley's Women's Employee Networking Group
Speaker Series. "W0' Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget"- A Discussion of the
Differences in Men and Women's Brains and Why They Explain Problems in Communication."
New York, NY.
January 6, 2007: Keynote Speaker. Women in Government 13th Annual State Directors'
Conference and Biennial First Term Legislators Conference/Roche's Diabetes Management
Conference. Topic: "Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Gender-Specific Medicine." The
Marco Island Marriott Resort, Golf Club & Spa, Marco Island, FL.
February 1, 2007: Guest Speaker. Women's Forum "First Thursdaf' Breakfast "A Conversation
About Women, Heart Disease and Living Life." New York, NY.
February 3, 2007: Keynote Speaker. Go Red for Women and Heart Disease Program: "You Have
the POWER to Shape Your Heart" Event. Keynote Speaker. Topic: '"What Every Women
Needs to Know About Heart Disease." Raleigh, NC.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
February 13, 2007: Keynote Speaker. Mai.t-nonides Medical Center's: "Kick Off for Heart Month"
Event. "Heart Disease: Wno Has it Worse- Men or Women?" New York, NY.
Febn1ary 14,2007: Greenstone Media Radio Interview: 'Women Aloud"- Hosts: Mo Gaffney and
Shana Wride. Topic: "The Differences Between Men and Women and What Attracts Us To One
Another." New York, NY.
February 28, 2007: Interview: "Scientific Facts of Gender Differences. "Barbara Annis &Associates, Inc.
New York, NY.
April21, 2007: Radio Interview: "The Valder Beebe Show: What Attracts Us to One Another and How Do
We Fall in Love?" New York, NY.
April26, 2007: Interview: TV GLOBO- Brazilian TV Network Topic: 'W0' Women Tmd to Live
Longer Than Men." New York, NY.
April28, 2007: Radio Interview: 'The Valder Beebe Show: "Commitment and Marriage." New York, NY.
April29-30, 2007: Keynote Speaker. 6th Annual Mills-Peninsula Women's Health Council. Topic:
"W0' Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget" and Gender-Specific Medicine. Burlingame,. CA.
May 25, 2007: Live Radio Interview- Guest Speaker. Dr. Mehmet O z ~ Radio Show on Oprah and
Friends XM: Satellite Radio Channel 156. New York, NY.
June 2-7, 2007: Keynote Speaker. 2nd International Congress of Gender Medicine 2007. Topics:
"Gender-Specific Medicine in the 21st Century: What Are the Implications?" and "Gender and the Brain: Gender-
S peci.ftc Aspects of Depression and Its Links to Cardiovascular Disease. "Vienna, Austria.
June 25, 2007: TV Interview. Washington International Business Ventures: Interview with the
Japanese Broadcasting Corporation- NHK TV Special: "Men and Women." New York, NY.
August 24-26,2007: Keynote Speaker. Columbia Pri-Med Course Development Committee (CME
Course). Topic: "Curnnt Clinical Issues in Primary Care." Jacob Javits Convention Center- New York,
September 11, 2007: Keynote Speaker. StrongWomen Leadership Summit for PepsiCO. Chicago, IL.
October 4, 2007: Keynote Speaker and Recipient of the "Humanitarian Award 2007." The
Defining Moment Foundation Luncheon at the Rockleigh Country Club, NJ.
October 11, 2007: Keynote Speaker. Harvard University's Women Leadership Board of the
Kennedy School of Government. Topic: "Gender Differences in the Brain." Cambridge, MA.
October 21-22, 2007: Keynote Speaker. Women in Government Event. Topic: ':Aging Women and
Heart Disease." St.1\chaels, MD.
October 23, 2007: Columbia University Medical Center. "Complete History Lecture." New York,
Marianne J. Legato, MD
November 27-30,2007: Keynote Speaker. The National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Healthcare Committee Chairs Conference. Toipc: "Diabetes Health Disparities." Phoenix, AZ.
January 27, 2008: Keynote Speaker. GenSpring Women's Retreat. "Gender-Specific Medicine." Sea
Island, GA.
February 5, 2008: Keynote Speaker. 2008 Members Luncheon Speakers Series. ' W ~ Men Never
Remember and Women Never For;get. "The Cosmopolitan Club- New York, NY.
February 7-12,2008: Keynote Speaker. 1st Annual Meeting of the Association for Gender-Specific
Medicine. ':5' ex, Gender and Medicine: An Overoiew. "Tokyo, Japan.
February 14, 2008- April24, 2008: Presenter. Physical Diagnosis Course. Columbia University
Medical Center.
February 20,2008: Keynote Speaker. The Black Legislative Caucus Luncheon and the Women's
Legislative Caucus Dinner. 'Healthcare Disparity Issues: Diabetes and Women. " Sacramento, California.
February 27, 2008: Keynote Speaker. EpsteinBeckerGreen's Women's Initiative presents: "New
Year, New You." Topic: 'Taking Biological Gender Differences to Heart to Maximize Our Full Potential"
New York, NY.
March 13, 2008: Focus Group. OgilvyOne Worldwide New York. (Interview). New York, NY.
May 5, 2008: Guest Speaker. "Gender Differences in Weight & Obesity'' New York, NY.
May 15,2008: Keynote Speaker. LLurninari: Speaking Engagement at Credit Suisse: 'Gender-Specific
Communication S ryles" and ' W ~ Men Never Remember and Women Never For;get." New York, NY.
May 30, 2008: Interview Guest Appearance. "The Mehrnet Oz Show." Topic: ' W ~ Men Die First."
New York, NY.
July 10,2008: Interview Guest Appearance. NBC's ccThe Today Show." Topic: ' W ~ M e n Die
First. " New York, NY
September 12-14,2008: Keynote Speaker. 3rd International Congress of Gender-Specific Medicine.
Topic: "State of the Art Lecture: fV'0' Gender Medicine Important?" Stockholm, Sweden.
September 17, 2008: Keynote Speaker. The Ad-Hoc Men's Committee of Physicians of the
Westchester Medical Society & Psychiatric Society of Westchester. ' W ~ Men Die First" and 'The
Decline of Males. " White Plains, NY.
September 23,2008: Keynote Speaker. Young President's Organization Men's Health Forum. ' W ~
Men Die First" and ' W ~ Men Never Remember and Women Never For;get." New York, NY.
Marianne J. Legato, MD
October 3, 2008: Keynote Speaker. GenSpring Family Offices- 2008 Men's Health & Wealth
Forum. ''Bryond Hunter Gatherer: What Happens when Krynes'predictiom come tme?" New York, NY.
October 8, 2008: Guest Speaker. University at Ottawa Grand Rounds. Title: The Impact of Gender on
Human Functi01z and the Experience of Illness" Ottawa, Canada.
October 14, 2008: Keynote Speaker. 'Media Clan!J or Coifusion?" New York, NY
October 16, 2008: Keynote Speaker. The Harvard Club of New York City. 'W0' Mm Die First."
New York, NY.
October 22, 2008: Cholesterol: Media Clarity or Confusion. Chatting with eleven media
representatives about cholesterol. Sponsored by Abbott. Library Hotel, New York.
October 28, 2008: Keynote Speaker. 92nd StreetY Speaking Engagement. 'W0' Men Die First." New
York, NY.
February 5-6,2009: Keynote Speaker. First Italian National Congress on Gender Medicine. "Needs
in Gender Medicine." Padua, Italy.
February 23-27,2009: Keynote Speaker. Foundation Meeting of The Israel Society for Gender Based
Medicine. "Gmder Based Medicine Todqy." Tel Aviv University, Rabin Medical Center, Tel Aviv,
Match 3, 2009: Panel Participant. Symposium entitled Women and the Brain presented by Project
A.L.S. "Taking Care ojYou Brain: Sex, Stress, Mood, Memory, and More." The Hatvatd Club, New York,
April22-24, 2009: Keynote Speaker. 2009 Men's Retreat GenSpring. Keynote speech on Men's
Health. Ritz-Carlton Lodge in Greensboro, GA.
May 5, 2009: Mother's Day symposium; Clearwater Florida.
May 20-23, 2009: Speaker and Presenter. The S e ~ a t 2009 (annual forum of top communications
and public affairs executives from corporate, PR agency and non-profit worlds.) "Does Gender Matter
in the Doctor's Office" and "Understanding Gender Differences in Medicine. "Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel in
Dana Point, CA.
June 4, 2009: Speaker and Presenter. The Vascular Biology Working Group Regional Forum--Macro-
and Microvascular Effects of Hyperglycemia: Addressing Issues and Controversies. "Cardiovascular
Risk Factors and Diabetic Neuropatry in I}pe 2 Diabetes. "New Orleans, Louisiana.
August 25, 2009: Keynote Speaker. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Presentation on Medical Histories for the Foundations of Clinical Medicine Course. New York,
Marianne J. Legato, MD
October 1-2, 2009: Keynote Speaker. Symposium on Genes, Drugs and Gender, Universita Degli
Studi di Sassari. "Epigenetic and cardiovascular disease in a gender approach." Sardinia, Italy
October 6, 2009: Panelist. "Relationships and Baby Boomers." The Harvard Club, New York, NY.
Oct, 16, 2009: Keynote Speaker. Women and Lung Disease: How Gender Differences Impact Care.
"Gender-Specific Medicine: Is the Sex of the Patient Important to Prevention and Treatment of
Disease?" St. Luke's and Roosevelt Hospitals, New York, NY.
Oct. 23, 2009: Keynote Speaker. Women's Enrichment for Longevity and Life. JCC on the Palisades,
Tenafly, New Jersey.
March 2, 2010: Keynote Speaker. The Vienna NGO Committee on the Status of Women, 54th
Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. "Gender Sensitive Medicine-better
healthcare for women and men." The United Nations, New York, NY.
March 7, 2010: Panelist. 92nd StreetY, "Man to Man: An Afternoon Seminar." New York, NY.
March 9, 2010: Keynote Speaker and Panel Moderator. UJA Federation "HeartA1atterf' Annual
Luncheon and Pre-Event. New York, NY.
March 22,2010: Keynote Speaker. Bloomberg Corp Event ''Men's Health 101: The Hardwired
Male." New York, NY.
March 23, 2010: Guest Speaker. Dutch Treat Club, Discussion on Relationships Among Adults. New
York, NY.
May 6-7. 2010: Keynote Speaker. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Musculoskeletal
Healthcare Disparities Research Symposium. "Overview ojHealthcare Disparitie.f' Alexandria, Virginia.
June 11, 2010: Keynote Speaker. Stanford University, Beyond X andY: The Basic and Translational
Science of Sex Differences: "From Gender to Genomics: Achievements and Challenges in Sex Specific Science''
Stanford, California.
June 22-23,2010: Keynote Speaker. University ofLas Palmas de Gran Canaria,Joumeys of Gender
and Health. "The New Science of Gender-Specific Medicine" Canary Islands, Spain.
September 14,2010: Keynote Speaker. Women's Health Science Day at the Food and Drug
Administration. "Gender and the Genome: A Complicated and Still-Unfolding Tale"Silver Spring,
November 1, 2010: Keynote Speaker. Festival della Scienza. Genoa, Italy.
November 30-December 8, 2010: Keynote Speaker and Honorary President. The Fifth Congress of
Gender-Specific Medicine. "Gender-Specific Medicine: Achievements and Challenges" Tel Aviv, Israel.
, Marianne J. Legato, MD
February 2011: Expert Reviewer. The Second International Review of the Canadian Institute of
Health Research. Ottawa, Canada.
2011: Keynote Speaker. University of California San Francisco, Frontiers in Women's Health: The
Role of Hormones in Aging and Disease-What We Know (and Don't Know) Eight Years
After the Women's Health Initiative. San Francisco, California.
March 3, 2011: Keynote Speaker. Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy
Association. New York, New York.
April8-9, 2011: Keynote Speaker and Honorary President. The Second Annual Symposium and
Fourth National Congress of the Austrian Society. "Gender-Specific Medicine: Better Healthcare for
Men and Women. "Vienna, Austria.
Opinion re
Suit to Admit Male Eating Disorder Patients
To Carolyn Costin's Treatment Centers
Marianne J. Legato, M.D., F.A.C.P.
The purpose of this opinion is not to explore all the facets of eating
disorder definitions, causes, and co-morbid conditions , but to stress
the unique features of these illnesses as a function of biological sex.
It is the extent and scope of those gender-specific features that make
the optimal treatment of male and female patients quite different and
in my opinion, justifies single sex populations in treatment centers.
Eating disorders, which include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge
eating and a more recently described entity, night- eating syndrome, are
syndromes characterized by
Disturbances in food consumption
Preoccupation with weight
Distorted body image
Excessive exercise regimens
They frequently have significant associated medical and psychiatric
comorbidities. The purpose of this report is not to deliver a detailed
description or of the DSM IV-TR criteria for the diagnoses of each of these
entities, but to summarize what is known about the gender-specific
aspects of their epidemiology, clinical characteristics and
It is worth noting that a 2007 review of the literature on anorexia and
bulimia in non-Caucasians (Davis and Yager) yielded only 35 studies, of
which 22 were case reports. There were very few or no quantitiative studies
on Hispanic, Middle Eastern Aftrican or Asian countries (with the exception
of Japan). Thus, most data in the literature is almost exclusively
devoted to observations made in Caucasians.
The incidence of eating disorders is estimated to be about 4/o of the
population of adolescents and young adults; the ratio of female to male
patients is said to be 10:1. However, denial of symptoms is characteristic of
these patients. Hsu commented in a 2005 review in the Psychiatric Clinics
of North American that a precise description of the epidemiology of eating
disorders is complicated because of the differences in how eating disorders
are defined by various observers, their low incidence and the tendency of
these patients to hide or minimize their symptoms. Males in particular
may well have a higher frequency than reported of eating disorders
because of a reluctance to admit to a "female" issue, i.e. "having a
girl's disease''.
Arthur Anderson, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Iowa College
of Medicine, is an accomplished researcher on gender and eating
disorders; he points out that
while both genders are dissatisfied with their bodies, girls concentrate
on the waist down parts of their physique, while boys emphasize the
upper body.
Young women see themselves as normal only when their weight is
13-15o/o below average; boys see themselves as fat when they are
1 0-20o/o above average.
Dieting in women is culturally accepted and pervasive; there is not a
similar acceptance or expectation of males. Boys diet to avoid being
teased for being fat, to improve sports performance, to avoid the
disabilities and diseases they see in their obese family members and
to enhance a gay relationship. For girls, thinness is an end in itself.
For boys, change in body weight and shape is the goal, usually to
achieve a different level of functioning. Treatment goals, therefore,
will be quite different for males and females.
While the incidence of eating disorders in the general population,
according to Anderson is approximately 2 females to1 male for
anorexia and 3:1 for bulimia, the ration of females to males seeking
treatment is 1 0-20 females to 1 male.
Anderson points out that "very few major treatment centers
accept males into their programs:.
The patterns of eating disorder symptoms were investigated by Lewinsohn
at the Oregon Research Institute surveyed over a thousand teenaged
students. The following significant differences were noted:
The frequency of binge eating was higher in men (28%> of men
reported an overeating episode within the three months preceding the
survey compared with 14%> of women).
l!t Women's response to overeating- was more complex than that of
men: they associated it with loss of control, were depressed by the
episodes and they were more likely to consider their eating habits
16/o of women compared with only 2% of men to want treatment.
5/oof women reported having been treated for the problem in the past
compared with 1 o/o of men. -
Women were more likely to be dissatisfied with their body
configuration and BMI than men.
Carlat et al studied 135 males with eating disorders who had been treated
over a 14 year period at the Massachusetts General Hospital and found
Homosexuality/bisexuality was a specific risk factor for males,
particularly those who developed bulimia nervosa. These authors
comment that the structure of the female and homosexual male brain
have features in common, and that homosexual men may react to
societal and environmental stressors in a "biologically feminine way".
These authors stressed the fact that eating disorders were not, in
fact, rare in males, but that studies on males remain sporadic, involve
only small numbers and that males accounted for 10-15% of all _
patients with bulimia. Moreover, it was by far the most common
variety of eating disorder in this group of males, accounting for 46/o
of patients.
Also of interest was the finding that 32/o of patients in this series met
the criteria for an eating disorder not otherwise specified, compared
with the 10% reported in women; atypical eating disorders may be
a particular problem in males.
Anorexic males entered treatment sooner than women for treatment
of anorexia.; anorexic men were more likely to be referred by a
primary care physician or parent; extreme weight loss attracted the
concern of observers compared with patients suffering from bulimia;
bulimic men had the highest rate of parental obesity and were more
overweight before their illness than the typical female bulimic patient.
Males exhibited a higher incidence of substance abuse than has
been reported in females with eating disorders; this may require a
particular concentration on the treatment of addiction in male
The occupational roles of men and women are important determinants of
susceptibilitiy to eating disorders: gymnasts, jockeys, dancers, runners,
body builders are all encouraged to maintain low body weights. Male
athletes are more likely than females to over-exercise as a means of
controlling body size. Freeman suggests that males in particular, in
constrast to females, control weight through excessive exercising. In
detecting the disorder, particular attention should be paid to individuals in
occupations or pursuits that encourage minimizing body size.
Investigators studying the possibility of a a significant link between
childhood sexual abuse (GSA) and eating disorders, at least in females,
is widespread, have not reported a consistent association .. Nevertheless,
Sanci et al, who conducted the Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study)
reported that in their series of 1936 patients observed over an 11 year
period sampling 44 Australian schools in Victoria found that the incidence
of bulimia and anorexia in females was 5X that of the population that did
not report CSA. These investigators cite methodological limitations as the
reason some studies did not find such an association. For example, Rind et
al who did a meta-analysis of the literature on CSA in college samples of
eating disorders did not find a significant association. These authors did
touch briefly on the difference between male and female patients, and
commented on studies that girls reacted more negatively to CSA than boys.
Outcomes for boys were more likely to be neutral or positive than for
Stice's metanalysis of prospective studies on eating disordered patients did
not feel that CSA was a significant predictor of binge eating, at least.
Of interest is the finding that males with anorexia display more anxiety with
regard to relationships and sexual activity than girls; Fichter and Daser,
who reported this finding, pointed out that 80% of male patients grew up in
families in which sex was a forbidden subject. Herzog showed that males
with eating disorders were less likely to have had sexual relationships
before or during their illness than girls.
Haase et al studied 21 young adults and found, using fMRI scans, that four
different tastes of differing qualities showed a greater change in fMRI
activation from hunger to satiety in males than in females in certain portions
of the brain. They comment that gender differences in brain activity in
response to taste may facilitate a better understanding of how to tailor
treatment based on sex.
Similarly, Shirao et al reported gender differences in the processing of
unpleasant words concerning body image which might be relevant to
susceptibility to eating disorders. The amygdala, which is associated with
fear conditioning, is not activated in men with the perception of unpleasant
words associated with body image. On the other hand, specific areas of the
prefrontal cortex were only activated in men when exposed to unpleasant
word perception.
- fMRI imaging studies of patients with eating disorders; particularly those
comparing the sexes, are rare and not surprisingly, performed on very
small groups of patients. Nevertheless, the data suggested that the sex-
specific brain processes environmental signals and experiences quite
differently in the two sexes.
Given the observed differences between males and females in the
prevalence of specific eating disorders, in the sex-specific preferred
modalities of controlling body weight, and differences in sexual orientation
and reaction to CSA, it is obvious that treatment of these disorders would
be more effective if it were confined to one sex rather than applying the
same emphases and treatment modalities to both males and females. In a
single setting. Giving weight to this opinion, which until recently has been
based largely on epidemiologic data, fMRI studies show unexpected and
striking differences in the response of normal male and female brains to
taste stimuli and to the perception of unpleasant words about body image.
In this field, as in the whole of medicine, gender differences have received
attention only relatively recently. In fact, once we look for them, the
unexpected number and implications of these differences are astounding.
As we explore the sex-specific differences in the whole spectrum of eating
disorders, including coping mechanisms of controlling body weight and the
impact of societal pressures on males and females particularly in
occupations that demand an emphasis on body size and contour, it is
almost certain that treatment modalities will become more focused and
effective. Admitting both sexes to the same treatment unit will demand
particular knowledge of the differences between male and female patients,
with an effort as they are better delineated to structure gender-specific
treatment modalities.
February 16, 2012
Home Address:
Work Address:
A vocational Interests:
738 North 120 East
Lindon, Utah 84042
Center for Change
1790 North State Street
Orem, Utah 84057
801-372-1850 (Cell)
801.224.8255 (Work)
Wilderness back packing, music, water sports, writing, humanitarian
work, travel
Ph.D. Degree in Counseling Psychology, Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah, April1986.
Doctoral Minor (equivalent to Masters Degree) Marriage and Family Therapy, Brigham Young
University; Provo, Utah, March 1984.
M.S. Degree in Psychology, Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah, August 1980.
B.S. Degree in Psychology, Minor in Art & Design, Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah,
August 1978.
28 years experience treating clients suffering with eating disorders and related emotional illness
Corporate Employee, Universal Health Services, King of Prussia, PA, 2005 -present
Co-founder, Center for Change Inc, specialized inpatient & RTC treatment programs for eating
CEO, Managing Director, Center for Change specialized treatment program for women with eating
disorders, 2005-Present.
President, Center for Change, Inc. 1999-2005.
Clinical Director, Center for Change, Inc. 1994-2005.
Co-founder and Partner, Center for Change Outpatient Clinic, Outpatient Psychotherapy Private
Practice, 1988-1996.
Member, Professional and Technical Advisory Committee (PTA C), Joint Commission. January
2008 to 2009.
Member Board of Directors, National Association ofTherapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP)
Clinical Director, Aspen Achievement Academy, adolescent wilderness residential treatment
program; Loa, Utah, January 1994 to October 1994.
President, Michael E. Berrett, Ph. D., P.C., Registered Corporation, private practice in Psychology
State ofUtah, 1988 - 2006.
Chief of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Utah Valley Regional Medical
Center; Provo, Utah, 1989-1991.
Consultant, Murdock, Madaus, Schwabe, manager and employee training on human relations and
team building, Telemarketing Department; Springville, Utah, 1994 to 1995.
Consulting Psychologist, Aspen Wilderness Academy, 1989 to 1997.
Member, Active Medical Staff, Admitting Privileges, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology,
Utah Valley Regional Medical Center; Provo, Utah, July 1988 to 2006.
Member, Active Medical Staff, Charter Canyon Hospital; Provo, Utah, June 1993 to June 1995.
Consultant, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, Department of Behavioral Medicine, 1989 to
Consultant, Adolescent Psychology, Nebo School District; Utah County, Utah, 1989 to 1992.
High School Counselor, Nebo School District, Springville, Utah, Specialty: Adolescent counseling,
group counseling, wilderness programs, September 1987 to September 1988.
Wilderness Survival Instructor, Nebo School District and Wilderness Trek, Inc., August 1981 to
May 1988.
Clinical/Counseling Psychology Internship and Residency, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center,
September 1984 to March 1987 in Inpatient adult and adolescent programs.
School Psychologist, Nebo School District, Specialty: Child and Adolescent psycho- diagnostics,
and adolescent counseling, September 1980 to September 1987.
Treatment Program Coordinator, Inpatient Eating Disorders Program, Utah Valley Regional
Medical Center; Provo, Utah, February 1985 to May 1986.
Therapist, weekend rotation in General Psychiatry, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center; Provo,
Utah, January 1985 to June 1986.
Marriage and Family practice, BYU Comprehensive Clinic, under MFT faculty supervision, July
1982 to March 1984.
Supervision of Interns in school psychology, school counseling and social work, from Brigham
Young University, at job site internships, Nebo School District, September 1982 to September
Adjunct Faculty, Doctoral Clerkship Practicum Supervisor, Clinical Psychology Department,
Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah, February 1997 to 2006.
Adjunct Faculty, Educational Psychology Department, Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah,
June 1993 to 1997.
Instructor, Group Counseling Theory and Practice (EP 648), Educational Psychology Department,
Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah, Winter 1994.
Instructor, Masters Level Internship in Counseling and Guidance (EP 680R), Educational
Psychology Department, Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah, Fa111992.
Instructor, Masters Level Counseling Practicum and Supervision (EP 679R), Educational
Psychology Department, Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah, Spring 1992.
Instructor, Psychodiagnostics and Testing (EP 647), Educational Psychology Department, Brigham
Young University; Provo, Utah, Winter 1992.
Licensed Psychologist, State ofUtah, #87-114153-2501, May 1987 to present.
Member, Active Medical Staff, Admitting Privileges, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, July
1988 to 2008.
Member, The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals, March 2008- Present
Member, American Psychological Association, 1997 to 2000.
Member, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, August 1984 to 1999.
Certificated School Psychologist, Utah State Board of Education, September 1980 to 1988 and 2006
to 2010.
Certificated School Counselor, Utah State Board of Education, September 1983 to 1988 and 2006 to
Member, Utah Society of Clinical Hypnosis, March 1983 to May 1991.
"Creating Success in Recovery: Wise Navigation in the Continuum of Care," Center for Change
National Eating Disorders Conference for Professionals, January 27-28, 2012, Orem, Utah, 12.5
CEU training hours.
"Putting the Pieces Together: An Integrated Approach to the treatment of eating Disorders," Center
for Change National Eating Disorders Conference for Professionals, January 28-29, 2011, Orem,
Utah, 2011, 13.0 CEU training hours.
"Eating Disorders Association of Canada Conference," November 18 & 19,2010, Park Hyatt
Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada, 12 CEU hours
Eating Disorders, Families and the 21st Century: 13th Annual Eating Disorder Symposium, August
1999; Litchfield, Arizona, 20 CME hours.
"Reframing Body Image Identity in the Treatment of Eating Disorders," Adrienne Ressler, LCSW,
CEDS, Center for Change lnservice, Orem, Utah, August 2008.
Free Will Therapy and Training: Dealing with the Frustrating Client, February 1999; Salt Lake City,
Utah, 6 CME hours.
Working with Difficult Couples, NeilS. Jacobsen, Ph.D.; Salt Lake City, Utah, November 1994, 12
CEU hours.
Child Abuse Trauma: Theory and Treatment of the Lasting Effects, John Briere, Ph.D.; Salt Lake
City, Utah, October 1993,6 CEU hours.
Personality and Personality Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment, Noel C. Gardner, M.D.; Salt Lake
City, Utah, September 1992, 6 CME hours.
Gestalt Therapy with Marital Couples, Miriam and Webster Polster; Salt Lake City, Utah, August
1992, 6 CEU hours.
Comprehensive Treatment of Sexual Trauma and Sexual Compulsion, William Masters, M.D.; Salt
Lake City, Utah, May 1992, 12 CME hours.
Taking Care of Ourselves: Advances in Treatment and Therapy, Third Annual National Conference
on Co-Dependency; Scottsdale, Arizona, September 1991,20 CEU hours.
The Sixth Annual Conference on Hypnotic and Strategic Interventions, Michael Yapko, Ph.D.; San
Diego, California, March 1990, 29 CME hours
Berrett, M. E., Hardman, R. K., & Richards, P. S. (20 1 0) The role of spirituality in eating disorder
treatment and recovery. In Maine, M., Bunnell, D., McGilley, B. (Eds.). Special Issues in the
Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Gaps. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier. (Book
Richards, P. S., Smith, M. H., Berrett, M. E., O'Grady, K. A., & Bartz, J.D. (2009). A theistic
spiritual treatment approach for women with eating disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In
Session, 65, 172-184.
Gillett, K. S., Harper, J. M., Larson, J. H., Berrett, M. E., & Hardman, R. K. (2009). Implicit
family process rules in eating-disordered and non-eating disordered families. Journal of Marital
andFamilyTherapy, 35,159-174.
Hardman, R. K., Richards, P. S., &Berrett, M. E., (2008) "The Role of Faith and Spirituality in
Recovering From an Eating Disorder" in M. Williams "Matters of the Mind," Salt Lake City, Utah,
Deseret Book. (Book chapter)
Richards, P. S., Hardman, R. K., & Berrett, M. E. (2007) "Spiritual Approaches in the Treatment of
Women with Eating Disorders" Washington, DC, American Psychological Association. (Book)
Berrett, M. E., Hardman, R. K., O'Grady, K. A., & Richards, P. S. (2007). The role of spirituality
in the treatment of trauma and eating disorders: Recommendations for clinical practice. Eating
Disorders: Journal ofTreatment and Prevention, 15, 373-389.
Richards, P. S., Berrett, M. E., Hardman, R. K., & Eggett, D. L. (2006). Comparative efficacy of
spirituality, cognitive, and emotional support groups for treating eating disorder inpatients. Eating
Disorders: Journal a/Treatment and Prevention, 14,401-415.
Richards, P. S., Smith, T. B., Schowalter, M., Richard, M., Berrett, M. E., & Hardman, R. K.
(2005). Development and validation of the Theistic Spiritual Outcome Survey. Psychotherapy
Research, 15 (4), 457-469.
Hardman, R. K., Berrett, M. E., & Richards, P. S. (2004). A theistic inpatient treatment approach
for eating-disorder patients: A case report. In P. S. Richards & A. E. Bergin (Eds.). Casebook for a
spiritual strategy in counseling and psychotherapy (pp. 55-73). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association. (Book chapter)
Hardman, R. K., Berrett, M. E., & Richards, P. S. (2003). Spirituality and ten false pursuits of
eating disorders. Counseling and Values, 48,67-78.
Richards, P. S., Baldwin, B., Frost, H., Hardman, R., Berrett, M., & Clark-Sly, J. (2002). What
works for treating eating disorders: A synthesis of28 outcome reviews. Eating Disorders: Journal
ofTreatment and Prevention, 8, 189-206.
Richards, P. S., Hardman, R. K., & Berrett, M.E. (2001) "Spiritual Renewal: A Journey of Faith
and Healing" Orem, Utah Center for Change. (Unpublished book)
Richards, P. S., Hardman, R., Frost, H., Clark-Sly, J., Berrett, M., & Anderson, D. (1998). Spiritual
issues and interventions in the treatment of patients with eating disorders. AMCAP Journal, 23,
Richards, P. S., Hardman, R. K., Frost, H. A, Berrett, M. E., Clark-Sly, J. B., & Anderson, D. K.
(1997). Spiritual Issues and Interventions in the Treatment ofPatients with Eating Disorders.
Eating Disorders: Journal ofTreatment and Prevention, 5, 261-279.
Eating Disorder Recovery: A Spiritual Perspective, with Randy K. Hardman, Ph.D., Copyright
Center for Change, Inc., 1999. (Published Article)
Reciprocal Social Support of Adolescents: An Assessment Model and Measure, Doctoral
Dissertation, Brigham Young University, December 1985.
Defining and Measuring Social Support Systems, Master Thesis, Brigham Young University,
August 1980.
"Creating Social Support: The Cradle in Which Eating Disorder Recovery Takes Place," at Center
for Change National Eating Disorders Conference for Professionals, January 28, 2012, Orem, Utah
"Find a Reason, Find Recovery: How Finding Reasons Helps Eating Disordered Clients Reclaim
Their Lives," at Miami-Dade NEDA W Steering Committee Professional Conference, February 3,
2012, Barry University, Miami, Florida
"Taking Care of Yourself While Helping a Loved Who is in an Addictive Process," at Miami Dade
NEDAW Steering Committee Community Event, February 2, 2012, Ransom Everglades School,
Coconut Grove, Florida
"Inpatient and Residential Care of the Eating Disordered Adolescent," at Armed Services
Adolescent Medicine Training Event, January 18,2012, Brooke Army Medical Center, San
Antonio, Texas
"Increasing Structure in Outpatient Treatment of Eating Disorders: Themes, Principles, and
Interventions," at MentorConnect Professional Training Event, February 3, 2011, Rice University,
Houston, Texas
" Clinical Application of Six Spiritual Pathways to Recovery From an Eating Disorder," at Center
for Change National Eating Disorders Conference for Professionals, Orem, January 29, 2011, Orem,
"Find a Reason, Find Recovery: How Finding Reasons Helps Eating Disordered Clients Reclaim
Their Lives," Post session Presentation at Eating Disorder Association of Canada Conference,
November 19,2010, Toronto, Canada
"Increasing Structure and Support in the treatment of Eating Disorders," at Eating Disorder
Clinicians Workshop, October 18,2010, Richmond Hospital, Richmond, Vancouver, Canada
"The Hearts Journey to Serenity and Peace," at Shelleys Angels All Size Fashion Show, October 16,
2010, Executive Inn Burnaby, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
"Eating Disorders from A to Z," with Melissa Taylor, LMFT, The Association of Boarding Schools
Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, to be present in December 2009.
"Beyond Recovery: How Clinicians Can Teach Clients the Art of Living After an Eating Disorder,"
with Jenni Schaefer, Renfrew Center Foundation Conference for Professionals, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, November 2009.
"Six spiritual pathways to recovery," Center for Change, Orem, Utah, Utah Valley Community
Event, August 2009.
"Experiential Treatment of Eating Disorders: The Art of Doing versus Talking," Ben Franklin
Institute Summit Conference on Eating Disorders," Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2009.
"Ten reasons and ten strategies for getting better from the beginning states of an eating disorder,"
Brigham Young University-Idaho Student Eating Disorder Awareness Event, Rexburg, Idaho, June,
"Spiritual perspectives on the road to recovery from any addiction," Brigham Young University-
Idaho Student Eating Disorder Awareness Event, Rexburg, Idaho, June, 2009.
"How Social Support and Other Structures Can Strengthen Outpatient Treatment of Eating
Disorders," Co-Occurring Disorders Institute, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2009.
"Creating Aftercare Structures for Maintenance of Treatment Gains in Eating Disorder
Adolescents," Co-Occurring Disorders Institute and Bring Kids Home, Wasilla, Alaska, May 2009.
"Find a Reason, Find Recovery: How Finding Reasons Helps Eating Disorder Clients to Reclaim
Their Lives," with Jenni Schaefer, International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
Symposium, Long Beach, CA, March 2009.
"The Importance of Connecting Experiential and Spiritual Interventions in the Treatment of
Adolescents with Eating Disorders," International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
Symposium, Long Beach, California, March 2009.
"Spiritual Perspectives on Recovery from Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Eating," Brigham
Young University-Idaho Student Eating Disorder Awareness Event, Rexburg, Idaho, November
"Feeling better about ourselves: The antithesis of an eating disorder," Brigham Young University-
Idaho Student Eating Disorder Awareness Event, Rexburg, Idaho, November 2008.
"Increasing Structure in Outpatient Treatment of Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Eating," Ben
Franklin Institute Summit Conference for Clinicians, Tempe, Arizona, October 2008.
"Increasing Structure in Outpatient Treatment of Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Eating" at
BFI Summit for Clinical Excellence conference "Mastering Through Navigation" Park City, Utah
August 2008.
Richards, P. S., O'Grady, K. A., Berrett, M. E., Hardman, R. K., & Bartz, J.D., Johnson, J., Olson,
M. (2008). Exploring the role of spirituality in treatment and recovery from eating disorders: A
qualitative survey study. Paper presented at the Academy of Eating Disorders International
Conference on Eating Disorders, "Bridging science and practice: Prospects and challenges," May
16, 2008, Seattle, Washington.
"The Role of Spirituality in the Treatment of Trauma and Eating Disorders: Recommendations for
Clinical Practice," Eating Disorder Coalition of Tennessee (EDCT) Conference, Nashville,
Tennessee, April 2008.
"Experiential Interventions for Eating Disordered Adolescents," Ben Franklin Institute Summit
Conference on Eating Disorders, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2007.
"Spiritual Approaches in the Treatment of Women with Eating Disorders," International
Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Symposium, San Diego, California, March 2007.
"Spirituality in Treatment of Troubled Teens," National Association of Therapeutic Schools and
Programs (NATSAP) Annual Conference, Clearwater, Florida, January 2004.
"A Therapist Approach to the Treatment of Severe Anorexia and Bulimia," a training workshop for
professionals, Idaho State University; Idaho Falls, Idaho, April 2000.
"Moving from Fear to Hope: Women with Eating Disorders," with Randy K. Hardman, Ph.D.,
AMCAP Conference; Salt Lake City, Utah, October 1999.
"Etiology and Treatment of Eating Disorders," Central Utah Mental Health Workshop with Harold
A. Frost, Ph.D., Utah Valley Regional Medical Center; Provo, Utah, May 1999.
"Eating Disorders: Theory and Treatment for Adolescents," Utah Counseling Association
Conference, Utah Valley State College; Orem, Utah, February 1998.
"Adolescents and the Treatment of Eating Disorders," Utah School Counselor Association
Conference, Brigham Young University Conference Center; Provo, Utah, November 1997.
"Getting Past the Past: Dealing with Trauma," Lecture, Community Lecture Series, Utah Valley
Regional Medical Center; Provo, Utah, September 1989.
"Dysfunctional Families: The Stage for Addiction," Lecture and Panel, Sunstone Symposium XI,
University of Utah; Salt Lake City, Utah, August 1989.
Understanding Eating Disorders," Lecture, Reach for a Natural High, Life Skills Conference, Salt
Palace; Salt Lake City, Utah, April1989.
"Eating Disorders," Lecture, Annual Family Life Conference, Harmon Conference Center, Brigham
Young University; Provo, Utah, February 1989.
"Violence Towards Self: Patterns of Self Destruction," Lecture, The Fourth Annual Family
Violence Conference, BYU Conference Center; Provo, Utah, February 1988.
*NOTE: This list of presentations is a small fraction of professional presentations given by Dr.
Berrett over the past 25 years. Dr. Berrett has also had multiple professional appearances on Radio
and TV including the Dr. Phil Show
REFERENCES Letters of Recommendation are available upon request, but feel free to personally contact the
following professionals for additional information about my experience and qualifications.
Dr. Randy K. Hardman, Professor, Counseling Psychology Program, Brigham Young University,
Provo, Utah, 84602.
Dr. Michael Lambert, Clinical Psychology Program, Comprehensive Clinic, Brigham Young
University; Provo, Utah 84602.
Dr. Nicole Hawkins, Director of all Clinical Services, Center for Change, Orem, Utah, 84057
Dr. P. Scott Richards, Counseling Psychology and Special Education Department, Brigham Young
University; Provo, Utah 84602
Timothy David Brewerton, MD, DFAPA, FAED, DFAACAP
Personal Data:
Home Address:
Home Telephone:
Office Address:
Office Telephone:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
306 Carolina Boulevard
Isle of Palms, South Carolina 29451-2111
(843) 886-4480
216 Scott Street
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina 29464
(843) 509-0694
(843) 886-4480
March 26, 1953
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
United States
Married to Therese Kathleen Killeen, PhD, RN
Education and Professional Training:
June 1971-May 1974:
August 197 4-June 1978:
July 1978-June 1979:
July 1978-June 1982:
July 1984-July 1987:
July 1994-June 1996:
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Major: Zoology. Minor: Psychology.
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tulane University School of Medicine
New Orleans, Louisiana
Internship: Medical and Psychiatric
University of California Hospitals and Clinics (UCSF)
San Francisco, California
Residency Training
Department of Psychiatry
University of California School of Medicine (UCSF)
San Francisco, California
Research Fellowship
National Institute of Mental Health
Laboratory of Clinical Science
Section on Biomedical Psychiatry
Bethesda, Maryland
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Professional Certification and Licenses:
July 1978:
June 1982:
California Medical License #A34018 (inactive)
Hawaii Medical License #04444 (inactive)
Diplomate in Psychiatry
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN), Certificate #25812
Virginia Medical License #37943 (inactive)
August 1987:
October 1996:
July 2006:
June 1999:
September 2009:
March 2009:
South Carolina Medical License #13420 (active)
Diplomate in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
ABPN, Certificate #4162
Recertified in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, ABPN
Diplomate in Forensic Psychiatry
ABPN, Certificate #881
Recertified in Forensic Psychiatry, ABPN
Georgia Medical License #062477 (active)
Hospital Appointments and Other Employment
July 1980-January 1981:
February 1981-June 1982:
August 1982-July 1984:
July 1983-July 1984:
July 1984-1987:
August 1985-July 1987:
August 1987 -Dec 1989:
April 1988-December 2001:
Staff Psychiatrist {per diem)
Live Oak Center
Sacramento, California
Staff Psychiatrist (per diem)
Highland General Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Services
Oakland, California
U.S. Public Health Service
National Health Service Corps
Staff Psychiatrist, Hawaii State Hospital
Acute Adult Inpatient Service
Kaneohe, Hawaii
Senior Staff Psychiatrist
Hawaii State Hospital
Medical Staff Fellow
Eating Disorders Inpatient Program
Coordinator, Eating Disorders Outpatient Clinic
National Institute of Mental Health
Laboratory of Clinical Science
Section on Biomedical Psychiatry
Bethesda, Maryland
Private Practice (Part-time)
Arlington, Virginia
Director, Eating Disorders Program
Attending Psychiatrist, Consultation-Liaison Service
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
Charleston, South Carolina
Director, Eating Disorders Program
Attending Psychiatrist, Institute of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, MUSC
Charleston, South Carolina
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
July 1996- December 2001:
August 2001-Present
Faculty Appointments:
January 1983-July 1983:
July 1982-June 1984:
July 1987-June 1995:
August 1987-June 1990:
July 1990-June 1997:
July 1997-February 2002
May 2002-Present
Medical Consultant
National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, MUSC
Charleston, South Carolina
Private Practice
Timothy D. Brewerton, M.D., LLC
Clinical Instructor, Professional School for Humanistic Studies
San Diego, California
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
Guest Researcher, National Institute of Mental Health
Laboratory of Clinical Science, Section on Biomedical Psychiatry
Bethesda, Maryland
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina
Other Professional Experience and Training:
Family Therapy Program
Veteran's Administration Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, UCSF
San Francisco, California
Family Therapy Program
Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, Department of Psychiatry,
San Francisco, California
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist
Cancer Research Institute, Moffit Hospital, UCSF
San Francisco, California
Consultation Psychiatrist
Medical Neurology Unit, National Institute of Neurological and
Communicative Disorders and Stroke
Bethesda, Maryland
Statistics Courses
Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences, NIH
Bethesda, Maryland
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Professional Societies:
Computer Courses
Division of Computer Research and Technology, NIH
Bethesda, Maryland
Grof Transpersonal Training
Certified Holotropic Breathwork Practitioner
Academy of Eating Disorders (1995-present)
Board of Directors (2000-2002)
Nominating Committee (1996-1999)
Third Party Managed Care Committee (1997-2000)
Children and Eating Disorders Task Force Co-Chair (1999-2001)
Founding Fellow (2001-present)
Finance Committee (2005-2009)
Finance Committee, Chairman (2006-2009)
Co-chair, Trauma and Eating Disorders Special Interest Group (SIG) (2006-present)
Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine ( 1987 -1998)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1996-present)
Assembly (2003-present)
American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists ( 1989-present)
Board of Directors ( 1993-1997)
Membership Committee Chairman ( 1994-1997)
Office of Secretary (1996-1997)
Ways and Means Committee Chairman (1996-1997)
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (2004-present)
American Association for the Advancement of Science ( 1984-1998)
American Association for the Study of Headache ( 1988-1994)
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (1995-2001)
American Psychiatric Association (1982-present)
Council on Children, Adolescents, and Their Families ( 1998-2003)
Association for Holotropic Breathwork International (2006-present)
Board of Directors (2008-present)
Research Committee, Chairman (2011-present)
American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (1993-2000)
Eating Disorders Research Society (1995-present)
Board of Directors (1995-1996)
Membership Committee (1995-present)
President-elect (2000-2001)
President (2001-2002)
Immediate Past-President (2002-2003)
Past-President (2003-2004)
International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals ( 1988-1994)
International Brain Research Organization (1990-present)
International Society for the Study of Dissociation (1993-2006)
International Society for the Study of Dissociation and Trauma (2006-present)
My Sister's House, Inc.
Board of Directors (2006-201 0)
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (1990-2000)
National Anorexic Aid Society (1989-1994)
National Eating Disorders Association ( 1994-present)
New York Academy of Sciences (1986-2006)
Society of Biological Psychiatry (1986-present)
Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (1987-2000)
Society for Neuroscience ( 1988-1998)
Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (1988-1998)
Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (1988-1998)
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
South Carolina Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (1995-2001)
Board of Directors ( 1998-2001)
Vice-President (1998-2000)
South Carolina Psychiatric Society (1987 -present)
Vice-President (201 0-2011)
Journals Refereed and Editorial Positions:
Academic Psychiatry
American Journal of Psychiatry
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry
Editorial Board, 1992-2003
Archives of General Psychiatry
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Biological Psychiatry
British Journal of Medical Psychology
Chronobiology International
CNS Spectrums
Comprehensive Psychiatry
Current Nutrition and Food Science
Editorial Board, 2004-present
Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
Editorial Board, 1996-present
Eastern Journal of Medicine
Expert Opinion in Investigational Drugs
Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Harvard Review of Psychiatry
Human Psychopharmacology
International Journal of Eating Disorders
Editorial Board, 1998-present
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Health Psychology
Journal of Pediatrics
Journal of Psychiatric Practice
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the American College of Nutrition
Journal of Traumatic Stress
Journal of Women's Health
Molecular Psychiatry
Neuropsychiatric Genetics
New England Journal of Medicine
Obesity Research
Psychiatric Services
Psychiatry Research
Psychological Medicine
Psychosomatic Medicine
Drugs and Aging
Time-Life Medical
Editorial Review Panel, 1996
Women's Health
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Honors and Awards:
20 11-present:
Valedictorian, Catholic High School
Best in Science Award, Bell Telephone Company
Academic Scholarship, Louisiana State University
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Public Health Service Scholarship, Tulane University School of Medicine
Award for Creative Achievement, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, UCSF
Clinical Research Award, (Runner-Up), American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists
Best Poster, American Association for the Study of Headache, 3oth Annual Meeting
Who's Who in the South & Southwest (22nd, 23rd, 24th, & 25th Eds.)
Benjamin C. Riggs Award for Best Resident Paper (coauthor,. mentor)
Who's Who in Science & Engineering
Who's Who Among Human Services Professionals
Who's Who Among Emerging Leaders in America
Who's Who Among Young American Professionals
MUSC Psychiatry Residents "Top Five" Teachers
MUSC Child Psychiatry Research Award for Best Paper (coauthor, mentor)
MUSC Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Faculty Recognition Award
Board of Directors, American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists
Who's Who in the World
Board of Directors, Eating Disorders Research Society
Best Doctors in America, South and Southwest Region
Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare
Who's Who in America
Best Doctors in America
Professor with Tenure, MUSC (presently retired)
American Psychiatric Association Council on Children, Adolescents, and Their Families
Golden Apple Award for Outstanding Teaching in Child/Adolescent Residency Program
Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century
Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
Board of Directors, Academy of Eating Disorders
Strathmore's Who's Who in the World
President-Elect, Eating Disorders Research Society
President, Eating Disorders Research Society
Immediate Past-President, Eating Disorders Research Society
President-Elect, South Carolina Council on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
America's Top Psychiatrists, Consumers Research Council
Past-President, Eating Disorders Research Society
Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
President, South Carolina Council on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Golden Apple Award for Outstanding Teaching in Child/Adolescent Residency Program
Patients' Choice Award for 2008
Patients' Choice Award for 2009
Vice-President, South Carolina Psychiatric Association
President-Elect, South Carolina Psychiatric Association
Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
President, South Carolina Psychiatric Association
MUSC IRB-Approved Research Protocols (PI or Co-PI):
1) A double-blind controlled trial of fenfluramine in bulimia (1989-1994).
2) The prevalence of eating disorders in migraine patients (1989-1991) ($2000 MUSC resident grant
with Mark George, MD).
3) Refeeding effects on psychometrics in eating disorder patients (1989-1993).
4) A survey of eating disorders in middle-school students (1990-1992) ($2000 MUSC resident grant
with Ann Childress, MD).
5) Long-term effects of fluoxetine in the treatment of eating disorder patients ( 19911995).
6) The prevalence of eating disorders in culinary arts students (19911992).
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
7) Are dissociative symptoms related to eating disorders in traumatized children? (1995-2001).
8) Is failure to thrive related to the eating disorders? (1996-1998).
9) Response to stimulant medication in traumatized versus nontraumatized children with Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (1998-2001).
Federal Grants Submitted:
1) NIMH R0-1 (PI): Measures of 5-HT Function in Humans Across the Seasons, February 1993 (not
2) NIMH R0-1 (Co-PI): Eating Disorders, Victimization, and PTSD, June 1993 (not funded).
3) NIMH R0-1 (Consultant): Serotonin: A Trait Related Disturbance in Anorexia Nervosa?,
November 1993, July 1994 (funded).
4) NIMH R0-1 (Co-l): Concurrent Treatment of Alcohol and Eating Disorders, February 1, 1998 (not
5) NIMH K08 Award (Mentor): Concurrent Treatment of Cocaine Abuse and Bulimia Nervosa, July
1, 1998 (funded).
6) Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Co-l): National Violence Against Women Prevention
Research Center, October 1, 1998 ($489,595, funded).
7) NIMH R0-100-99-006 (Co-l): An fMRI Study of Healthy Mothers Hearing Infant Cries, September
1, 2000 ($325,000, funded).
Pharmaceutical Grants:
1) Co-l: "An International Multi-Center Trial of Two Dose Ranges of Nefazodone and Placebo in the
Treatment of Outpatients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder." Bristol-Myers Squibb
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ($104,570).
2) Co-l: "Fiuoxetine versus Placebo in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder." Eli Lilly and Company
Eating Disorders Program Executive Committee
Eating Disorders Program Administrative Committee
Outpatient Department Review Committee
lOP Committee on Development of the 3rd Floor Inpatient Unit
lOP Affective Disorders Fellowship Committee
lOP Adult Inpatient (1 North) Administrative Committee
Institute of Psychiatry (lOP) Dietary Committee
lOP Policy on Seclusion & Restraint Committee
Grant Review Subcommittee, University Research Grant Committee
lOP Geriatric Program Committee
lOP Research Committee
International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals, 1992 Symposium Program
Planning Committee
International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals, 1993 Symposium Program
Planning Committee
lOP Committee on the Development of MUSC's Computer Information System (CIS)
DSM-IV Task Force Eating Disorders Work Group Advisor
International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals, 1994 Symposium Program
lOP Referrer Improvement Committee
lOP Clinical Practice Change Committee
lOP Committee on Outpatient Services
lOP Clinical Services Committee
lOP Adult Services Committee
Eating Disorders Research Society Membership Committee
Academy of Eating Disorders Nominating Committee
lOP Outpatient Steering Committee
Research Advisory Board, Lowcountry Children's Center, Inc.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
lOP Psychotherapy Reorganization Committee
Academy of Eating Disorders Third Party Managed Care Committee
Advisory Board, Charleston Navy Brig Sexual Offenders Treatment Program
Member of the Council on Children, Adolescents, and Their Families, American
Psychiatric Association
Ad Hoc Member, APA Committee on Family Violence and Sex Abuse
DSM-IV Text Revision Work Group Advisor, Eating Disorders Section
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting Program Reviewer
FDA Psychopharmacology Advisory Panel, Guest Expert: PTSD Indication for Sertraline
Co-Chairman, Task Force on Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Academy of
Eating Disorders
Finance Committee, Academy of Eating Disorders
Chairman, Finance Committee, Academy of Eating Disorders
Research Committee, Association for Holotropic Breathwork International
Chairman, Research Committee, Association for Holotropic Breathwork International
Teaching Activities and Responsibilities:
I. Lectures on eating disorders and various topics in the following courses/classes/seminars (1987-
2001 ):
Medical Student-1 Behavioral Sciences Course; Parallel Curriculum Seminar
Medical Student-1 Patient Interviewing Skills
Medical Student-2 Lecture Series on Psychopathology
Medical Student-3 Psychiatry Clerkship Lectures
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Lectures and Case Conferences
PGY -1 Lecture Series on Psychiatric Disorders
PGY-2 Lecture Series on Psychopathology (Eating Disorders & Dissociative Disorders)
PGY-2 Lecture Series on Psychopharmacology
PGY-2 Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Seminars (Serotonin)
PGY -3 Outpatient Case Conferences
PGY-3 Lecture Series on Psychotherapy (Family Therapy)
PGY-3 Youth Division Lecture Series on Family Therapy
PGY-4 Advanced Topics in Psychiatry Seminar Series
Psychology Intern Lecture Series (Eating Disorders & Dissociative Disorders)
Child Psychiatry Fellowship Lecture Series
Affective Disorders Fellowship Program Seminar Series
Charleston Area Mental Health Center Lecture Series
Institute of Psychiatry Case Conferences
Charleston Memorial Hospital Case Conferences
Dental Student-1 Behavioral Sciences Course
College of Health Related Professions Medical Lectures
Institute of Psychiatry Nursing Staff In-service Seminars
South Carolina Dietetic Association Guest speaker
College of Charleston Counseling Center Guest Speaker
College of Charleston Health Psychology Course Guest Speaker
College of Charleston Altered States of Consciousness Course Guest Speaker (Dissociative
Citadel Department of Psychology Guest Speaker
Lowcountry Children's Center Guest Speaker
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
II. Supervision/teaching of MUSC trainees involved in a variety of inpatient and outpatient activities:
Eating Disorders Program Fellows Child Psychiatry Fellows
PGY-3 Pediatric Residents
PGY-1, PGY-2, PGY-3, PGY-4 Psychiatry Residents
Psychology Interns and Postdoctoral Fellows
Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy Students
Physician Assistant Students
Medical Students (3rd and 4th years)
Nursing Students
Part II Adult Psychiatry Board Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology,
New York, NY, May 4-6, 1997
Lecturer, 22nd Annual Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review Course, American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, "Eating Disorders" and "Dissociative
Disorders," Chicago, IL, June 25-27, 1997.
Part II Child-Adolescent Psychiatry Board Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and
Neurology, San Antonio, TX, November 15-17, 2002
Part II Child-Adolescent Psychiatry Board Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Kansas City, KS, November 16-18, 2007.
Part II Child-Adolescent Psychiatry Board Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Baltimore, MD, November 13-15, 2009.
Part II Child-Adolescent Psychiatry Board Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Austin, TX, November 19-21, 2010.
Part II Child-Adolescent Psychiatry Board Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Milwaukee, WI, November 11-13, 2011.
IV. Conference Director, Southeastern Regional Eating Disorders Conference, Institute of Psychiatry,
Charleston, SC, February 27, 1998.
V. Program Chair, South Carolina Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Fifth Annual
Colloquium on Child Abuse, Charleston, SC, February 18-20, 1999.
VI. Program Chair, South Carolina Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Sixth Annual
Colloquium on Child Abuse, Charleston, SC, February 17-19, 2000.
VII. Course Director, Forensic Psychiatry, MUSC Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship, 1999-
VIII. Conference Director, Eating Disorders Research Society annual meeting, Charleston, SC,
November, 2002.
IX. Conference Organizer and Moderator, South Carolina Council for Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, "What Psychiatrists Need to Know About Child Abuse," Charleston, SC, March 5,
IX. Conference Organizing Committee, Eating Disorders Research Society annual meeting, Ravello,
Italy, October, 2003.
X. Conference Organizing Committee, Eating Disorders Research Society annual meeting,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October, 2004.
XI. Conference Organizing Committee, Eating Disorders Research Society annual meeting, Toronto,
Canada, October, 2005.
XII. Conference Organizer, South Carolina Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC,
February 1-3, 2013.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Primary Areas of Interest:
1. Eating and Feeding Disorders: psychobiological and developmental aspects; epidemiology;
relationship to trauma, dissociative disorders, anxiety disorders, addictions and affective illness.
2. Serotonin: its role in affective, anxiety, and eating disorders, migraine, psychotropic drug action,
and modulation of neuroendocrine and other neurochemical systems.
3. Chronobiology: seasonal variations of psychiatric disorders and related biochemical parameters,
particularly measures of serotonin function.
4. Child Abuse and Victimization: relationship to psychiatric disorders; psychobiological,
developmental, epidemiological, and forensic aspects.
5. Forensic Psychiatry: child-adolescent, women, personal injury, trauma and victimization, civil.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton; M.D.
Published Abstracts at National & International Meetings:
1. BREWERTON TD: Lithium, L-tryptophan, and Serotonin Metabolism: Implications for
Understanding and Treating Affective Disorders. Abstracts: lllrd World Congress of Biological
Psychiatry. Stockholm, Sweden, June 26-July 3, 1981 (poster presentation). Abstract #F063.
2. Joseph MS, BREWERTON TD, Reus VI: The Relationship Between Plasma Amino Acid Ratios
and the Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Depressed Patients. Abstracts: 13th Collegium
lnternationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, June 20-25, 1982
(oral presentation), page 364.
3. BREWERTON TD, Mclaughlin D: Circannual Cyclicity of Affective Illness in Hawaii, Abstracts:
IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry. Philadelphia, PA, September 8-13, 1985 (oral
presentation), Abstract #528.3, page 404.
4. Jimerson DC, BREWERTON TD, George DT, Gwirtsman HE, Kaye WH: Neurotransmitter
Studies in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia, Abstracts: IVth World Congress of Biological
Psychiatry. Philadelphia, PA, September 8-13, 1985 (oral presentation}, Abstract #203.5,
page 119.
5. BREWERTON TD: The Epidemiology of Bulimia, Proceedings of the 113th Annual Meeting of the
American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C., November 19, 1985 (oral presentation},
page 28.
6. BREWERTON TD, Kassett JA, George DT, Jimerson DC: A Monozygotic Twin Pair Concordant
for Bulimia. Abstracts of the Second International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY,
April 20, 1986 (oral presentation), Abstract #138.
7. Kassett JA, Gershon ES, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC: Family Studies of Psychiatric
Disorders in Patients with Eating Disorders: A Critical Review. Abstracts of the Second
International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, April 20, 1986 (oral presentation),
Abstract #243.
8. BREWERTON TD, Berrettini W, Nurnburger J, Linnoila M, Gershon E: Seasonal Fluctuations of
CSF 5-HIAA and HVA in Normal Controls. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting.
Washington, DC, May 8, 1986 (oral presentation), Abstract #2, page 54.
9. BREWERTON TD, George DT, Jimerson DC: Neuroendocrine Response to L-tryptophan in
Bulimia. CME Syllabus and Proceedings Summary: 139th Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. Washington, DC, May 14, 1986 (oral presentation), Abstract #P65,
pages 224-225.
10. BREWERTON TD, Mueller E, George DT, Jimerson DC, Murphy DL: Serotonin, Bulimia, and
Migraine: Results with m-CPP. New Research Program and Abstracts: 139th Annual Meeting of
the American Psychiatric Association. Washington, DC, May 12, 1986 (poster presentation),
NR22, page 30.
11. Jimerson DC, BREWERTON TD, Kaye WH: Serotonin Dysregulation in Anorexia/Bulimia. CME
Syllabus and Proceedings Summary: 139th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association. Washington, DC, May 10-16, 1986 (symposium), page 191.
12. BREWERTON TD, Mueller EA, George DT, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Narang PK, Jimerson DC,
Murphy DL: Blunted Prolactin Response to the Serotonin Agonist m-Chlorophenylpiperazine (m-
CPP) in Bulimia. Book of Abstracts and Poster Presentation Sessions. 15th Collegium
lnternationale Neuro-Psychomarmacologium Congress. San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 14-
17, 1986 (poster presentation}, Abstract#P-186, page 186.
13. Lesem MD, Kaye WH, George DJ, BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Goldstein D, Jimerson DC:
Decrease in Plasma Norepinephrine Following Nutritional Stabilization in Underweight Patients
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
with Anorexia Nervosa. Book of Abstracts and Poster Presentation Sessions. 15th Collegium
lnternationale Neuro-Psvchopharmacologium Congress. San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 14-
17, 1986 (poster presentation), Abstract P-183, page 183.
14. BREWERTON TO, Mueller EA, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Evidence for
Serotonin Dysregulation in Anorexia. New Research Program and Abstracts: 140th Annual
Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Chicago, IL, May 1987 (poster presentation),
Abstract #NR195, page 123.
15. BREWERTON TO, Mueller EA, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Neuroendocrine Effects of 5-HT
Agents in Bulimia. CME Syllabus and Proceedings Summary: 140th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association. Chicago, IL, May 1987 (poster presentation), Abstract #S38E,
page 85.
16. BREWERTON TO, Kramlinger KG, Post RM: Combination Therapy with Lithium and
Carbamazepine. Abstracts of the Second British Lithium Congress. Wolverhampton, England,
September 6-9, 1987 (invited oral presentation).
17. Jimerson DC, BREWERTON TD, Hegg AP, Lesem MD, Murphy DL: Serotonin Function in
Anorexia Nervosa: Longitudinal Perspectives. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. San Juan, PR, December 7-11, 1987 (oral
presentation), page 74.
18. BREWERTON TO, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Hegg AP, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Serotonin
Dysregulation in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the Third International Conference on Eating
Disorders. New York, NY, April 22-24, 1988 (oral presentation), Abstract #229.
19. BREWERTON TO, Mueller EA, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Dysregulation
of 5-HT Function in Bulimia Nervosa. New Research Program and Abstracts: 141 st Annual
Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 7-12, 1988
(oral presentation), Abstract#NR281, page 137.
20. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Kaye WH, BREWERTON TO: Symptom Severity and Neurotransmitter
Studies in Bulimia. XVIth Collegium lnternationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum. Munich,
Germany, August 15-19, 1988 (oral presentation).
21. BREWERTON TD, Mueller EA, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Hegg AP, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC:
Dysregulation of 5-HT Function in Bulimia Nervosa. The Psychobiology of Human Eating
Disorders. New York Academy of Sciences. New York, NY, October 13-15, 1988 (poster
22. Gwirtsman HE, George DT, Kaye WH, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC, Gold PW: The DST and
ACTH Suppression in Eating Disorders. Proceedings of the World Psychiatric Association
Regional Symposium. Washington, DC, October 13-16, 1988 (oral presentation).
23. BREWERTON TO, Mueller EA, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Hegg AP, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC:
Dysregulation of 5-HT Function in Bulimia Nervosa. Syllabus of the 40th Institute on Hospital and
Community Psychiatry. New Orleans, LA, October 22-27, 1988 (poster presentation), page 146.
24. BREWERTON TO, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Hegg AP, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Dysregulation of
5-HT Function in Bulimia Nervosa: Relationship to Anorexia Nervosa and Major Depression.
Program and Abstracts: World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP)
Biological Aspects of Non-Psychotic Disorders Regional Congress. Jerusalem, Israel. April 2-7,
1989 (oral presentation), page 42.
25. BREWERTON TO: Psychosis and Complex Partial Seizure Disorder. Program and Abstracts:
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Biological Aspects of Non-
Psychotic Disorders Regional Congress. Jerusalem, Israel. April2-7, 1989 (oral presentation),
page 109.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
26. BREWERTON TD: Circannual Variation in Serotonin Function in Man. Program and Abstracts:
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Biological Aspects of Non-
Psychotic Disorders Regional Congress. Jerusalem, Israel. April2-7, 1989 (oral presentation},
page 182.
27. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, BREWERTON TD, Hegg AP, Brandt HA: Neurotransmitter Function in
Major Depression and Eating Disorders. Program and Abstracts: World Federation of Societies
of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Biological Aspects of Non-Psychotic Disorders Regional
Congress. Jerusalem, Israel. April2-7, 1989 (oral presentation), page 257.
28. BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: A Comparison of Neuroendocrine Responses to
L-TRP and m-CPP in Bulimics and Controls. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting.
San Francisco, CA, May 4-6, 1989 (poster presentation), Abstract #39, page 19A.
29. BREWERTON TD: Seasonal Variation of Serotonin Function: An Overview. Society of Biological
Psychiatry Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, May 4-6, 1989 (oral presentation), Abstract #167,
page 82A.
30. BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC: Serotonin, Satiety, and Bulimia. Society of Biological
Psychiatry Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, May 406, 1989 (poster presentation), Abstract
#40, page 19A.
31. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Kaye WH, Hegg AP, BREWERTON TD: Serotonin and Symptom
Severity in Eating Disorders. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA,
May 4-6, 1989 (oral presentation), Abstract #285, page 141A.
32. BREWERTON TD: An Overview of Serotonin and Seasonality. CME Syllabus and Proceedings
Summary: 142nd Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. San Francisco, CA, May 4-6,
1989 (oral presentation), Abstract#P108, page 112.
33. George MS, BREWERTON TD: A Study of the Seasonality of Migraine. Proceedings of the 30th
Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Headache. Boston, MA, June 16-18,
1989 (poster presentation).
34. BREWERTON TD: Serotonin and Seasonality in Humans. The Neuropharmacology of
Serotonin, New York Academy of Sciences. New York, NY, July 10-13, 1989 (poster
35. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Hegg AP, BREWERTON TD: Serotonin and Human Eating Disorders.
The Neuropharmacology of Serotonin, New York Academy of Sciences. New York, NY, July 10-
13, 1989 (invited oral presentation).
36. BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: A Comparison of Neuroendocrine Responses to
L-TRP and m-CPP in Bulimics and Controls. The Neuropharmacology of Serotonin, New York
Academy of Sciences. New York, NY, July 10-13, 1989 (poster presentation).
37. BREWERTON TD: Seasonal Variations in Serotonin Function in Humans: Research and Clinical
Implications (Clinical Research Award, Runner-up). Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the
American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists. St. Louis, MO, October 18-21, 1989 (oral
38. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Seibel MM, BREWERTON TD: CSF 5-HIAA and HVA Alterations in
Bulimia: Relationship to Plasma Estradiol Levels. Abstracts of the 28th Annual Meeting of the
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Maui, HI, December 10-16, 1989 (poster
presentation}, Abstract #40.
39. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Laraia MT, Shook J, Ballenger JC: CSF Beta-endorphin and
Dynorphin in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the 28th Annual Meeting of the American College of
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Neuropsychopharmacology. Maui, HI, December 10-16, 1989 (poster presentation), Abstract
40. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Laraia MT, Shook J, Ballenger JC: CSF Beta-endorphin and
Dynorphin in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference on Eating
Disorders. New York, NY, April27-29, 1990 (oral presentation), Abstract #205.
41. BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Eating Disorders, Anxiety
and 5-HT. Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY,
April27-29, 1990 (oral presentation), Abstract #206.
42. Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD, Wilson D, Hodges EL: Alexithymia in Eating Disorders.
Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, April27-29,
1990 (oral presentation), Abstract #227.
43. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Herzog DB, Richards S, O'Neil P, Ballenger JC: Comorbidity of
Psychiatric Disorders in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference on
Eating Disorders. New York, NY, April27-29, 1990 (oral presentation), Abstract #236.
44. BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Eating Disorders, Anxiety
and 5-HT. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. New York, NY, May 9-13, 1990 (oral
presentation). Biological Psychiatry 27, Abstract #30, page 54A.
45. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Laraia MT, Shook J, Ballenger JC: CSF Beta-endorphin and
Dynorphin in Bulimia Nervosa. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. New York, NY,
May 9-13, 1990 (poster presentation). Biological Psychiatry 27, Abstract #241, page 148A.
46. George MS, BREWERTON TD: A Study of the Seasonality of Migraine. Society of Biological
Psychiatry Annual Meeting. New York, NY, May 9-13, 1990 (poster presentation). Biological
Psychiatry 27, Abstract #267, page 159A.
47. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Laraia MT, Shook J, Ballenger JC: CSF Opiate Activity in Bulimia
Nervosa. Proceedings of the 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
New York, NY, May 12-17, 1990 (oral presentation), Abstract #45, page 84.
48. BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Eating Disorders, Anxiety
and 5-HT. Proceedings of the 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
New York, NY, May 12-17, 1990 (symposium), Abstract #61 E, page 214.
49. BREWERTON TD: Comorbidity of Psychiatric and Medical Disorders in the Eating Disorders.
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual International Eating Disorders Symposium. Hilton Head, SC,
August 19-21, 1990 (oral presentation).
50. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Laraia MT, Shook J, Ballenger JC: CSF Beta-endorphin and
Dynorphin in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the XXI Congress of the International Society of
Psychoneuroendocrinology. Buffalo, NY, August 20-24, 1990 (poster presentation), Abstract
#167, page 141.
51. BREWERTON TD: Studies of 5-HT Function in the Eating Disorders. Abstracts of the XXI
Congress of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology. Buffalo, NY, August 20-24,
1990 (oral presentation), Abstract #138, page 115-116.
52. BREWERTON TD: The Phenomenology of Psychosis Associated with Complex Partial Seizure
Disorder. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists.
Boston, MA, October 10-13, 1990 (oral presentation).
53. Childress AC, BREWERTON TD, Hodges EL, Jarrell MP: Eating Disorder Pathology in Middle
School Students. Abstract Book: Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southern Association for
Research in Psychiatry. Tampa, FL, April26-27, 1991 (oral presentation).
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
54. BREWERTON TO, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: An Overview of 5-HT Studies in the Eating
Disorders. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 8-12, 1991
(oral presentation), Biological Psychiatry 29, Abstract #152, page 114A.
55. BREWERTON TD: Fluoxetine-induced Suicidality, Serotonin, and Seasonality. Society of
Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 8-12, 1991 (oral presentation),
Biological Psychiatry 29, Abstract #147, page 112A.
56. BREWERTON TD, George MS: Is Migraine Related to the Eating Disorders? Society of
Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 8-12, 1991 (poster presentation),
Biological Psychiatry 29, Abstract #246, page 155A.
57. Childress AC, BREWERTON TD, Hodges EL, Jarrell MP: Eating Disorder Pathology in Middle
School Pupils. New Research Program and Abstracts: 144th Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. New Orleans, LA, May 12-17, 1991 (poster presentation), Abstract
#NR322, page 125.
58. BREWERTON TO: Brain Chemistry and Eating Disorders. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual
International Eating Disorders Symposium. Cape Cod, MA, August 24-27, 1991 (invited oral
59. BREWERTON TO: Circannual Cyclicity of 5-HT and Suicide. Biological Effects of Light
Symposium. Atlanta, GA, October 13-15, 1991 (poster presentation), Abstract #49.
60. Childress AC, BREWERTON TD, Hodges EL, Jarrell MP: Eating Disorder Pathology in Middle
School Students. Scientific Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry. San Francisco, CA, October 15-20, 1991 (oral presentation), Abstract
#P20, page15.
61. BREWERTON TO: An Overview of 5-HT Dysregulation in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists. New Orleans, LA, October 23-
28, 1991 (oral presentation).
62. BREWERTON TO: Circannual Changes in 5-HT Function: An Hypothesis Regarding Fluoxetine-
induced Suicidality. Program of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. New
Orleans, LA, November 10-15, 1991 (oral presentation), Abstract#293.9.
63. BREWERTON TO, Ballenger JC: A Study of the Seasonality of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Abstracts of the 30th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 8-14, 1991, p. 177 (poster presentation), page 177.
64. Lydiard RB, BREWERTON TO, Ballenger JC, Laraia MT, Stuart GW, Beinfeld MC: CSF
Cholecystokinin in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Meeting of the American
College of Neuropsychopharmacology. San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 8-14, 1991, p. 183
(poster presentation), page 183.
65. Walton BE, Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, BREWERTON TO: Plasma Tryptophan Ratio and CSF
5-HIAA in Bulimic Patients and Controls. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Meeting of the American
College of Neuropsychopharmacology. San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 8-14, 1991, p. 190
(poster presentation), page 190.
66. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Ballenger JC, Laraia MT, Stuart GW, Beinfeld MC: CSF
Cholecystokinin Concentrations in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa and Normal Controls. Abstracts
of the Fifth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY. April24-26, 1992 (oral
presentation), Abstract #184.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
67. BREWERTON TO, Dorn LJ, Bishop ER: The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire in Eating
Disorders. Abstracts of the Fifth International Conference on Eating Disorders. NY, NY. April 24-
26, 1992 (poster presentation), Abstract #315.
68. BREWERTON TO, Krahn D, Hardin TA, Wehr TA, Rosenthal NE. A Study of the Seasonality of
Eating Disorders. Abstracts of the Fifth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York,
NY. April24-26, 1992 (poster presentation), Abstract#316.
69. Head LA, BREWERTON TO, Cochrane CE, Anton R: Fluoxetine and Norfluoxetine Levels in
Eating Disorders. Abstracts of the Fifth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York,
NY. April24-26, 1992 (oral presentation), Abstract#198.
70. BREWERTON TO, Lydiard RB, Ballenger JC, Laraia MT, Stuart GW, Beinfeld MC: CSF CCK-8
in Bulimia Nervosa. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 29-
May 3, 1992 (poster presentation), Biological Psychiatry 31:Abstract#67, page 90A.
71. BREWERTON TO, Ballenger JC: Seasonal Variation of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. Society
of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Aprii29-May 3, 1992 (poster
presentation), Biological Psychiatry 31 :Abstract #258, page 173A.
72. BREWERTON TO, Dorn LJ, Bishop ER: The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire in Eating
Disorders. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 29-May 3,
1992 (poster presentation), Biological Psychiatry 31 :Abstract #68, page 91A.
73. Head LA, BREWERTON TO, Cochrane CE, Anton R: Fluoxetine and Norfluoxetine Levels in
Eating Disorders. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 29-
May 3, 1992 (poster presentation), Biological Psychiatry 31 :Abstract #69, page 91 A
74. BREWERTON TO, Lydiard RB, Ballenger JC, Laraia MT, Stuart GW, Beinfeld MC: CSF
Cholecystokinin in Bulimia Nervosa. CME Syllabus and Proceedings Summary: 145th Annual
Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Washington, DC, May 2-7, 1992 (oral
presentation), Abstract #20P, page 84.
75. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, BREWERTON TO, Walton BE: Symptom Chronicity and
Neurotransmitters in Bulimia. CME Syllabus and Proceedings Summary: 145th Annual Meeting of
the American Psychiatric Association. Washington, DC, May 2-7, 1992 (oral presentation),
Abstract #12S, page 139.
76. BREWERTON TO, Krahn D, Hardin TA, Wehr TA, Rosenthal NE. The Seasonality of Eating
Disorders. New Research Program and Abstracts: 145th Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. Washington, DC, May 2-7, 1992 (poster presentation), Abstract #377,
page 140.
77. BREWERTON TO, Ballenger JC: A Study of the Seasonal Variation of OCD. New Research
Program and Abstracts: 145th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
Washington, DC, May 2-7, 1992 (poster presentation), Abstract #500, page 169.
78. Childress AC, BREWERTON TO, Rock C: Eating disorders in diabetic children. New Research
Program and Abstracts: 145th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
Washington, DC, May 2-7, 1992 (poster presentation), Abstract #189, page 93.
79. Walton BE, Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, BREWERTON TD: Serotonin Function in Bulimia Nervosa:
Influence of Plasma Tryptophan. Abstracts of the XVI lith Congress of the Collegium
lnternationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum. Nice, France, June 1992 (poster presentation).
80. BREWERTON TO: Seasonal Affective Disorder. Course Handbook: Intensive Review of Family
Medicine. Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Family Medicine, Isle of Palms,
SC. June 12, 1992 (invited oral presentation).
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
81. BREWERTON TD, Ballenger JC: Seasonal Variation of OCD and Its Response to Placebo.
Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on Chronopharmacology and Chronotherapeutics.
Amelia Island, FL, July 12-16, 1992 (oral presentation).
82. BREWERTON TD: A Study of Hyper-religiosity in Psychotic Disorders. Program and Abstracts:
Schizophrenia 1992: Poised for Change. An International Conference. Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada. July 19-22, 1992 (poster presentation), Abstract#P091, page 141.
83. BREWERTON TD, Childress AC, Cochrane CE: New Research on Eating Disorders in Children.
Meeting of the National Mental Health Association. Charleston, SC, August 9-11, 1992
84. BREWERTON TD: The Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders. Proceedings of the Sixth
Annual International Eating Disorders Symposium. Long Beach, CA. August 14-18, 1992 (invited
oral presentation).
85. O'Neil PM, Jarrell MP, Hedden CE, Cochrane CE, Sexauer J, BREWERTON TD: Metabolic
Correlates of Binge Eating in Obesity. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the North American
Association for the Study of Obesity. Atlanta, GA. September 4-7, 1992 (poster presentation),
Obesity Research 1 (Supplement 1 ): 14S, 1993.
86. O'Neil PM, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, BREWERTON TD: Methods and Results of Dieting
Practices by United States Women: Preliminary Results from the National Women's Study.
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity.
Atlanta, GA. September 4-7, 1992 (poster presentation) Obesity Research 1 (Supplement 1 ):45S,
87. BREWERTON TD: Studies of Serotonin Function in the Eating Disorders. Proceedings of the
Second International Symposium on Disorders of Eating Behaviour. Pavia, Italy. September 13-
17, 1992 (invited oral presentation), Neuroendocrinology Letters 14:185.
88. BREWERTON TD: CSF Cholecystokinin-a in Bulimia Nervosa. Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on Disorders of Eating Behaviour. Pavia, Italy. September 13-17, 1992
(poster presentation), Neuroendocrinology Letters 14:273.
89. BREWERTON TD: An Overview of the Pathophysiology of Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists. San Francisco, CA. October
1-3, 1992 (oral presentation).
90. BREWERTON TD, Dorn LJ, Bishop ER: The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire in Eating
Disorders. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine.
San Diego, CA. October 30, 1992 (poster presentation), page 2.
91. Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD, Wilson D, Hodges E: Alexithymia and Eating Disorders.
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. San Diego,
CA. October 30, 1992 (oral presentation), page 59.
92. O'Neil PM, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, BREWERTON TD: Dieting by U.S. Women: Prevalence,
Practices and Results by Weight Category. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society of
Behavioral Medicine. San Francisco, CA. March, 1993 (oral presentation), Annals of Behavioral
Medicine 15(supplement), Abstract #S39, 1993.
93. Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, BREWERTON TD, O'Neil PM: The Relationship between Bulimia and
Victimization in a National Representative Sample of Women. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of
the Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Francisco, CA. March, 1993 (poster presentation),
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 15(supplement), Abstract #S67, 1993.
94. Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, BREWERTON TD, Kilpatrick DG: The Nature of the Relationship
between Obesity and Victimization in a National Sample of U.S. Women. Abstracts of the Annual
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Francisco, CA. March, 1993 (poster
presentation), Annals of Behavioral Medicine 15(supplement), Abstract #S68, 1993.
95. Stellefson E, BREWERTON TD, Cochrane CE, Hibbs N: A Comparison of Eating Disorder
Patients with and without Compulsive Exercising. Abstract Book: Annual Meeting of the National
Sports and Cardiovascular Nutritionists. San Diego, CA. April 23-25, 1993 (oral presentation).
96. BREWERTON TD, Krahn D, Hardin TA, Wehr T, Rosenthal N: Seasonal Affective Disorder and
Eating Disorders. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry. San Francisco, CA.
May 1993 (oral presentation), Biological Psychiatry 33;Abstract#73, page 56A.
97. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: The Prevalence of Binge Eating
Disorder in U.S. Women. CME Syllabus and Proceedings Book: 146th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association. San Francisco, CA. May 1993 (oral presentation), Abstract
#P86, page 104.
98. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Rape, PTSD, and Bulimia in a Sample
of United States Women. New Research Program and Abstracts: 146th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association. San Francisco, CA. May 1993 (oral presentation), Abstract
#NR224, page 115.
99. BREWERTON TD, Stellefson E, Hibbs N, Hodges E, Cochrane CE: Compulsive Exercising and
Eating Disorders. New Research Program and Abstracts: 146th Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. San Francisco, CA. May 1993 (poster presentation), Abstract #NR292,
page 157.
1 00. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS: Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Victimization, and Post-
traumatic Stress Disorder. Proceedings of The Seventh Annual International Eating Disorders
Symposium. Orlando, FL. August 14-17, 1993 (oral presentation).
101. BREWERTON TD, Childress AC, Hodges EL: Children, Eating Disorders, and the Family.
Proceedings of The Seventh Annual International Eating Disorders Symposium. Orlando, FL.
August 14-17, 1993 (oral workshop presentation).
102. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Resnick HS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Bulimia Nervosa and
Alcohol Abuse in a National Sample of Women. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the
American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada. August 1993 (poster presentation).
103. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Ballenger JC: Cerebrospinal Fluid Neuropeptides in Bulimia
Nervosa. First International Congress on Hormones. Brain and Neuropsychopharmacology.
Rhodes, Greece, September 13-17, 1993 (oral presentation), Neuropsychopharmacology
9:Abstract #140, page 66S.
104. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS: The National Women's Study: Prevalence of Criminal
Victimization and PTSD in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. Abstract Book: Annual
Meeting of the National Eating Disorders Organization. Columbus, OH. October 1993 (oral
1 05. O'Neil PM, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, BREWERTON TD: Effects of Patient's Degree of
Overweight and Race on Physician Behaviors to Encourage Weight Loss. Abstracts of the
Annual Meeting of the North American Associates for the Study of Obesity. Milwaukee, WI.
October 1993. Obesity Research 1 (Supplement 2):83S, 1993.
106. Cook VL, O'Neil PM, Hedden CE, BREWERTON TD, Cochrane CE: Psychological Correlates of
Binge Eating Disorder in Obese Persons. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the North American
Association for the Study of Obesity. Milwaukee, WI. October 1993 (poster presentation),
Obesity Research 1 (Supplement 2):86S, 1993.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D. 19
107. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Resnick HS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Individual and Family
History Characteristics for Women with Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: Findings
from the National Women's Study. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for the
Advancement of Behavior Therapy. November 1993 (poster presentation), page 137.
108. BREWERTON TO, Zealberg JL, Lydiard RB, Glover V, Sandler M, Ballenger JC: CSF I satin
(Purified Tribulin) in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American College of
Neuropsychopharmacology. Honolulu, HI, December 13-17, 1993 (poster presentation),
page 120.
109. O'Neil PM, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, BREWERTON TO: Prevalence and Correlates of Physician
Behaviors to Encourage Weight Loss. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Society of
Behavioral Medicine. Boston, MA. April1994 (oral presentation). Annals of Behavioral Medicine
16 (Supplement 72): Abstract #PA26E, 1994.
110. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD: The National Women's Study: Relationship between Rape and
PTSD to Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. Abstracts of the Sixth Annual International
Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, Aprii29-May 1, 1994 (workshop).
111. BREWERTON TD, Zealberg JL, Lydiard RB, Glover V, Sandler M, Ballenger JC: CSF I satin
(Purified Tribulin) in Bulimia Nervosa. Abstracts of the Sixth Annual International Conference on
Eating Disorders. New York, NY, Aprii29-May 1, 1994 (oral presentation), Abstract #107.
112. Stellefson E, BREWERTON TD, Hibbs N, Cochrane CE: A Comparison of Eating Disorder
Patients with and without Compulsive Exercising. Abstracts of the Sixth Annual International
Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, Aprii29-May 1, 1994 (oral presentation),
Abstract #189.
113. Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD, Hodges E, Smith S: The Relationship of Measures of
Alexithymia and Dissociation in Eating Disorder Patients. Abstracts of the Sixth Annual
International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, April 29-May 1, 1994 (oral
presentation), Abstract #114.
114. Hodges EL, Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD: Family Characteristics of Binge Eating Disorder
Patients. Abstracts of the Sixth Annual International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York,
NY, Aprii29-May 1, 1994 (poster presentation), Abstract#312.
115. Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD, O'Neil P, Curry H, Fossey M, Ballenger JC: Alexithymia in
Obese Patients with and without Binge Eating Disorder. Abstracts of the Sixth Annual
International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, April 29-May 1, 1994 (poster
presentation), Abstract #313.
116. BREWERTON TD, Zealberg JL, Lydiard RB, Glover V, Sandler M, Ballenger JC: CSF !satin
(Purified Tribulin) in Bulimia Nervosa. New Research Program and Abstracts: 147th Annual
Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Philadelphia, PA, May 1994 (poster
presentation), Abstract #NR626.
117. BREWERTON TD: Women, Victimization, PTSD, and Eating Disorders: Implications of the
National Women's Study. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Eating Disorders
Symposium. Phoenix, AZ. August 20-23, 1994 (invited workshop presentation).
118. BREWERTON TD: The Implications of Eating Disorders Research Using a Biopsychosocial
Model. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Eating Disorders Symposium. August 20-
23, 1994 (invited plenary presentation).
119. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Johnson M, Ballenger JC, Fossey M, Zealberg J, Roberts JE:
CSF Serotonin: Effects of Diagnosis and Season. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological
Psychiatry. Miami, FL. May 17-21, 1995 (oral presentation). Biological Psychiatry 37, Abstract
#220, page 655A.
CURRICULUM VITAE Timothy David Brewerton, M.D. 20
120. BREWERTON TO, Lydiard RB, Johnson M, Ballenger JC, Fossey M, Zealberg J, Roberts JE:
CSF Serotonin: Effects of Diagnosis and Season. New Research Program and Abstracts: 148th
Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Miami, FL. May 20-25, 1995 (oral
presentation). Abstract #NR358, page 151.
121. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS: Victimization, PTSD and Bulimia Nervosa: Results from the
National Women's Study. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists.
San Diego, CA. October 19-21, 1995 (oral presentation).
122. BREWERTON TO, Norden MJ, Lewine RJJ, Risch SC: CSF Monoamine Metabolite
Concentrations and the Weather in Humans. Scientific Abstracts of the 34th Annual Meeting of
the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. San Juan, Puerto Rico. December 6-11,
1995 (poster presentation), page 176.
123. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM: Which Comes First, Dieting or
Singeing? Results from the National Women's Study. Abstracts of the Seventh Annual
International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY. April26-28, 1996 (oral
124. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TO, Resnick HS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Interrelationships between
Alcohol Abuse, Bulimia Nervosa, Depression, and PTSD in United States Women. Abstracts of
the Seventh Annual International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY. April 26-28,
1996 (oral presentation), Abstract#215.
125. Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TO, Stellefson E, Hodges E, SmithS: Racial Differences in Food
Categorization. Abstracts of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Eating Disorders.
New York, NY. April 26-28, 1996 (oral presentation), Abstract #231.
126. Stellefson E, Hodges E, Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TO: Eating Disorder Pathology in Culinary
Arts Students. Abstracts of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Eating Disorders.
New York, NY. April26-28, 1996 (oral presentation), Abstract #149.
127. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM: The Prevalence of Binge Eating
Disorder in United States Women. Syllabus and Proceedings of the 149th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association. New York, NY. May 5-9, 1996 (symposium oral presentation),
page 76.
128. BREWERTON TO, Norden MJ, Lewine RJJ, Risch SC: CSF Monoamine Metabolite Levels and
the Weather in Humans. New Research Program and Abstracts: 149th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association. New York, NY. May 5-9, 1996 (poster presentation), Abstract
#NR448, page 192.
129. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM: Bulimia Nervosa, PTSD, and
"Forgetting": Results from the National Women's Study. Trauma and Memory Conference
Program. University of New Hampshire, Family Research Laboratory. Durham, NH. July 26-28,
1996 (oral presentation), Abstract E-1, page D-16.
130. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM: Bulimia Nervosa, PTSD, and
"Forgetting": Results from the National Women's Study. Program Book of the Thirteenth
International Fall Conference of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation: Healing
the Divided Mind: Advances in the Psychotherapy of Dissociative Disorders. San Francisco, CA.
November 7, 1996 (oral presentation), Abstract #416, pages 174-175.
131. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM: Bulimia Nervosa, PTSD, and
"Forgetting": Results from the National Women's Study. Program and Proceedings of the Twelfth
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies: Trauma and
Controversy. San Francisco, CA. November 9-13, 1996 (poster presentation), Abstract#37,
page 44.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D. 21
132. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Crouch J, Shepherd K: Concurrent Treatment of Crime-Related
PTSD and Eating Disorder. Program and Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies: Trauma and Controversy. San Francisco, CA.
November 9-13, 1996 (oral presentation), page 36.
133. Jimerson DC, Mantzoros C, Lesem MD, BREWERTON TD, Flier JS: CSF and Plasma Leptin
Levels in Anorexia Nervosa: Relationship to Body Weight. Scientific Abstracts of the 35th Annual
Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. San Juan, PR. December 9-13,
1996 (poster presentation}, page 216.
134. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil, PM: Bulimia Nervosa, PTSD and Amnesia:
A National Study. Syllabus and Proceedings of the 150th Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. San Diego, CA. May 18-22, 1997, Paper Session 29, Abstract#87, page
35 (oral presentation}.
135. BREWERTON TD, Lesem MD, Kennedy A, Garvey T: Plasma Leptin Levels in Bulimia Nervosa.
New Research Program and Abstracts: 150th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association. San Diego, CA. May 18-22, 1997, Abstract #NR719, page 263 (poster
136. BREWERTON TO: Serotonin Dysregulation in the Eating Disorders. Institute on Eating
Disorders. Scientific Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry. Toronto, CA. October 14-19, 1997 (for oral presentation}, page 9.
137. BREWERTON TD: Psychiatric Aspects of Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder. Annual
Postgraduate Course of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists. Syllabus and
Proceedings of the 49th Institute on Psychiatry Services. Washington, DC. October 24-25, 1997
(oral presentation), page 3.
138. BREWERTON TD, Lesem MD, Kennedy A, Garvey T: Reduced Plasma Leptin Levels in Bulimia
Nervosa. Scientific Abstracts of the 36th Annual Meeting of the American College of
Neuropsychopharmacology. Waikoloa, Ht. December 7-12, 1997, page 197.
139. BREWERTON TD: Southeastern Regional Eating Disorders Conference (syllabus}.
Charleston, SC, February 27, 1998.
140. BREWERTON TD, Dansky B, Wonderlich S: Eating Disorders and Childhood Sexual Abuse.
8th New York International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, April24-26, 1998
(Workshop C).
141. BREWERTON TD, Lesem MD, Kennedy A, Garvey T: Plasma Leptin Concentrations Are
Reduced in Bulimia Nervosa. 8th New York International Conference on Eating Disorders. New
York, NY, April24-26, 1998 (oral presentation}, Abstract#188.
142. BREWERTON TD, Nihad Z, Malloy M, Risch SC, George MS: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(TMS) in a Woman with Major Depression and Bulimia Nervosa. 8th New York International
Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, April 24-26, 1998 (oral presentation), Abstract
143. BREWERTON TD (symposium chairperson): Are Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse
Disorders Related? Syllabus and Proceedings of the 151st Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. Toronto, Canada, May 30-June 4, 1998 Symposium #16, pages 68-70.
144. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Kilpatrick D: Victimization and Substance Abuse: Risk Factors
for Bulimia Nervosa. Syllabus and Proceedings of the 151 st Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. Toronto, Canada, May 30-June 4, 1998 (Symposium presentation},
pages 69-70.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D. 22
145. Cochrane C, Malcolm R,BREWERTON TD: Weight Control as a Motivation for Cocaine Abuse.
Syllabus and Proceedings of the 151 st Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
Toronto, Canada, May 30-June 4, 1998 (Symposium presentation), page 69.
146. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Kilpatrick D: Bulimia Nervosa, Rape and Forgetting: Complex
Relationships. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.
Washington, DC, November, 1998 (Symposium presentation), page 173.
147. BREWERTON TO, Ralston, ME, Hand LD: Disturbances of Eating in Children with Alleged
Maltreatment. Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society. Cambridge, MA,
November 5-7, 1998 (oral presentation).
148. LaVia MC, Kaye WH, Anderson A, Bowers W, Brandt H, BREWERTON TD, Costin C, Hill,
Lilenfeld L, McGilley B, Powers P, Pyror T, Yager J, Zucker M: Anorexia Nervosa: Criteria Levels
for Care. Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society. Cambridge, MA, November
5-7, 1998 (poster presentation).
149. BREWERTON TO: What Have We Learned from Serotonergic Challenge Studies? Annual
Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry. Washington, DC, May 13-15, 1999 (oral
presentation). Biological Psychiatry 45:46S, abstract #149.
150. BREWERTON TD, Kilpatrick DG, Resnick HS, Saunders BE, Best CL, Acierno R, Dansky BS:
Crime Victimization and Psychiatric Disorders: Epidemiology. Syllabus and Proceedings of the
152nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Washington, DC, May 15-20,
1999 (Symposium presentation o jointly sponsored by the APA Task Force on Violence and the
APA Committee on Family Violence and Sex Abuse, and the U.S. Department of Justice's Office
for Victims of Crime), pages 152-153.
151. Bach S, Felfoldi D, Jackson J, BREWERTON TD, Maliki M: Body Image and Alcohol Use in the
United States and Singapore. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of
Behavior Therapy. Toronto, Canada, November 11-14, 1999, p. 180 (poster presentation).
152. BREWERTON TD, O'Neil PM, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG: Links between Morbid Obesity, Crime
Victimization, PTSD, Major Depression, and Bulimia Nervosa in a National Sample of Women.
Annual Meeting of the North American Society for the Study of Obesity. Charleston, SC,
November 14-18, 1999 (oral presentation).
153. BREWERTON TD, Baker-Dennis A: Comorbidity and Eating Disorders. Ninth International
Conference on Eating Disorders, Teaching Day. New York, NY, May 4, 2000, p. 3 (oral
154. BREWERTON TD, Back S, Jackson J, Osman MM: Links between Eating Disorder Pathology
and Victimization History across Cultures. Ninth International Conference on Eating Disorders.
New York, NY, May 5-7,2000, p. 48 (oral presentation), Abstract#41.
155. BREWERTON TD, Ralston E, Dean M, Hand LD: Post-Traumatic Symptoms and Disordered
Eating Behaviors and Attitudes in Children with Alleged Maltreatment. Ninth International
Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, May 5-7, 2000, p. 48, (oral presentation),
Abstract #42.
156. BREWERTON TD, O'Neil, PM, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG: Morbid Obesity is Associated With
Victimization, PTSD, Bulimia Nervosa, and Major Depression in a National Sample of Women.
Ninth International Conference on Eating Disorders. New York, NY, May 5-7, 2000, p. 55 (oral
presentation), Abstract #69.
157. BREWERTON TD, (Symposium Chair): Trauma and the Development of Disordered Eating.
Syllabus and Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
Chicago, IL, May 13-18, 2000, p. 139 (Symposium #75).
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
158. BREWERTON TD, Ralston E, Dean M, Hand LD: Disordered Eating in Children with Alleged
Maltreatment. Syllabus and Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association. Chicago, IL, May 13-18,2000, p. 140 (oral symposium presentation), Abstract#75B.
159. BREWERTON TO: Eating Disorders, Victimization, and Comorbidity. Syllabus 2001 Annual
Meeting of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 18-19,
2001 (workshop presentation).
160. BREWERTON TO, Paolone TJ, Soefje S: The Relationship Between Impulsivity, Sensation
Seeking and Obsessive-Compulsive Features in a Clinical Sample of Eating Disorder Patients.
Seventh Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society. Bermalillo, New Mexico.
November 28-December 1, 2001 (oral presentation).
161. BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders, Victimization, and Comorbidity. Syllabus 2002 Annual
Meeting of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Boston, MA. April 25-28, 2002 (workshop
162. BREWERTON TO, Paolone TJ, Soefje S: The Relationship Between Impulsivity, Sensation
Seeking and Obsessive-Compulsive Features in a Clinical Sample of Eating Disorder Patients.
Syllabus 2002 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Boston, MA. April 25-28,
2002 (oral paper presentation).
163. Killeen TK, Brady KT, BREWERTON TD: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Mothers
and Their Children. 64
h Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence.
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. June 8-13, 2002 (poster presentation).
164. BREWERTON TO: Time Does Not Heal: Eating Disorders, Victimization, and Comorbidity.
Annual Meeting of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute. San Diego, CA. September
23-28, 2002 (workshop presentation).
165. BREWERTON TO, Ralston E, Dean M, Wolfe M, Acerno K, Hand LD: Disordered Eating
Attitudes And Behaviors In Allegedly Maltreated Children. Scientific Proceedings of the 49th
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. San Francisco,
CA, October 22-27, 2002, p. 81 (oral symposium presentation), Abstract #53A.
166. BREWERTON TD (Symposium Chair): The Role of Victimization in Eating Disorders and
Disordered Eating. Scientific Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. San Francisco, CA, October 22-27, 2002, pp. 81-82
(Symposium #53).
167. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS, O'Neil, PM, Kilpatrick DG: Relationship between "Purging
Disorder" and Crime Victimization in the National Women's Study. Ninth Annual Meeting of the
Eating Disorders Research Society. Ravello, Italy, October 1-4, 2003, (oral presentation).
168. BREWERTON TO: Eating Disorders, Victimization and Comorbidity: Principles of Treatment.
2004 International Conference on Eating Disorders. Orlando, FL: Academy of Eating Disorders,
April 29, 2004 (workshop presentation).
169. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil, PM, Kilpatrick DG: Relationship between "Purging
Disorder" and Crime Victimization in the National Women's Study. 2004 International Conference
on Eating Disorders. Orlando, FL: Academy of Eating Disorders, April29, 2004 (oral
170. BREWERTON TO, Dansky BS, O'Neil, PM, Kilpatrick DG: Sensation Seeking, Eating Disorders
and Victimization: Results from the National Women's Study. Tenth Annual Meeting of the Eating
Disorders Research Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 7-9, 2004, p. 152 (oral
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
171. BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders, Victimization and Dissociation. Annual Meeting of the
International Society for the Study of Dissociation. New Orleans, LA. November 20, 2004
(workshop presentation).
172. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Sensation Seeking, Eating Disorders
and Victimization: Results from the National Women's Study. Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Eating Disorders. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April28-30, 2005 (oral presentation).
173. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Season and Month of Birth in Bulimia
Nervosa: Results from the National Women's Study. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Eating
Disorders Research Society. Toronto, Quebec, Canada. September 29-0ctober 1, 2005 (oral
174. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Season and Month of Birth in Bulimia
Nervosa: Results from the National Women's Study. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating
Disorders. Barcelona, Spain, June 7-10, 2006 (oral presentation).
175. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Season and Month of Birth of Singers
and Purgers: Results from the National Women's Study. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Eating
. Disorders Research Society. Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, August 3D-September 2, 2006
(oral presentation).
176. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Season of Birth in Bulimia Nervosa:
Results from the National Women's Study. International Conference on Obesity 2006, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia, September 3-8, 2006 (poster presentation).
177. BREWERTON TD: Season of Birth Bias in Singers, Purgers, and Bulimics: Results from the
National Women's Study. Eighth International London Conference on Eating Disorders, London,
United Kingdom, March 29-31, 2007 (oral presentation).
178. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Seasonal Pattern of Birth for Singers
and Purgers: Results from the National Women's Study. Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Eating Disorders. Baltimore, Maryland, May 2-5, 2007 (oral presentation).
179. Ackard D, BREWERTON TD: Where Trauma and Eating Disorders Intersect: Research, Clinical
Implications, and Strategies for Treatment of Sequelae Arising from Physical, Sexual, and
Emotional Violence among Adults and Youth, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating
Disorders. Baltimore, Maryland, May 2-5, 2007 (workshop presentation).
180. Norden M, BREWERTON TD, Haynor, DR, Avery DH: Prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa and
Bulimia Nervosa in Relation to Annual Mean Temperature. Annual Meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. San Diego, CA, May 2008, New Research Abstract #NR685, page 294
(poster presentation).
181. Ackard D, Becker C, BREWERTON TD: Trauma, Eating Disturbances and Comorbidity:
Research, Assessment, Treatment and Prevention, Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA, August 16-20, 2007 (course presentation).
182. BREWERTON TD: The Relationship between Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders,
Annual Meeting of the International Society of Addiction Medicine. Cairo, Egypt, October 22-26,
2007 (oral presentation)
183. Norden M, BREWERTON TD, Haynor DR, Avery DH: Prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa and
Bulimia Nervosa in Relation to Annual Mean Temperature. Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Eating Disorders. Seattle, WA, May 2008, Abstract #P101 (oral presentation).
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D. 25
184. Ackard D, BREWERTON TD: Where Trauma and Eating Disorders Intersect: Research, Clinical
Implications, and Strategies for Treatment of Sequelae Arising from Physical, Sexual, and
Emotional Violence among Adults and Youth, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating
Disorders. Seattle, WA, May 2008 (workshop presentation).
185. BREWERTON TD, Costin C: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa One to Ten Years Following
Treatment in a Residential Treatment Program. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating
Disorders. Seattle, WA, May 2008 (oral presentation).
186. BREWERTON TD: Contemporary Perspectives on Trauma and Eating Disorders. Annual Meeting
of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Seattle, WA, May 2008 (oral presentation).
187. BREWERTON TD: An Overview of Research on the Role of PTSD in the Eating Disorders.
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Seattle, WA, May 2008 (oral presentation).
188. BREWERTON TD, Eyerman J, Cappetta P, Mithoefer MC: Long-term Abstinence Following
Holotropic Breathwork as Adjunctive Treatment of Substance Dependence, Annual Meeting of the
International Society of Addiction Medicine. Cape Town, South Africa, November 18, 2008 (oral
189. Becker CB, Ackard DM, BREWERTON TD: Childhood trauma, PTSD, and Eating Disorders: An
Overview. 2008 Child Abuse Conference sponsored by the Childsafe, San Antonio, TX,
December 2008 (workshop presentation).
190. BREWERTON TD: Forensic Aspects When Dealing with Disruptive Behavioral Disorders. 2009
Annual Convention of the Puerto Rican Council for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, "Integrating
Treatment Modalities in Child Psychiatry: Disruptive, Mood and Psychotic Disorders," Humacao,
Puerto Rico, March 6-8, 2009 (oral presentation).
191. BREWERTON TD, Ackard D: Trauma, Eating Disorders and Comorbidity: Research, Assessment
and Treatment, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Cancun, Mexico, April 29,
2009 (accepted for Clinical Teaching Day workshop presentation).
192. BREWERTON TD: Challenges to Therapists in the Long-term Psychotherapy of Traumatized
Eating Disorder Patients, Academy of Eating Disorders Trauma Special Interest Group Panel
Discussion "When There's Significant Pain and No Gain: Treating the Resistant and Refractory
Patient with Comorbid Trauma and Eating Disorder," Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating
Disorders. Cancun, Mexico, May 2, 2009 (accepted for oral presentation).
193. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: The Number of Divergent Purging
Behaviors is Associated with Histories of Trauma, PTSD and Comorbidity in a National Sample of
Women, 15
h Annual Eating Disorders Research Society Meeting, Brooklyn, NY, September 24-
26, 2009 (poster presentation).
194. BREWERTON TD. Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents, 2010 Meeting of
the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, Beijing,
China, June 3-6, 2010 (workshop presentation).
195. BREWERTON TD, Ackard D: Where Trauma and Eating Disorders Intersect: How Research and
Clinical Practice Inform Strategies to Treat Sequelae Arising from Physical, Sexual and Emotional
Violence among Adults and Youth, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Salzburg,
Austria, June 10, 2010 (workshop presentation).
196. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: The Number of Divergent Purging
Behaviors is Associated with Histories of Trauma, PTSD and Comorbidity in a National Sample of
Women, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Salzburg, Austria, June 9-12, 2010
(oral presentation).
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
197. BREWERTON TO: Challenges to Therapists in the Long-term Psychotherapy of Traumatized
Eating Disorder Patients, Academy of Eating Disorders Trauma Special Interest Group Panel
Discussion "When There's Significant Pain and No Gain: Treating the Resistant and Refractory
Patient with Comorbid Trauma and Eating Disorder," Annual Meeting of the Academy of Eating
Disorders. Salzburg, Austria, June 9-12, 2010 (oral presentation).
198. BREWERTON TO: The Trauma Connection: Eating Disorders, PTSD and Co morbidity: Part 1:
Research. West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Palm Springs, CA, June 3-5, 2011
(oral presentation).
199. BREWERTON TD: The Trauma Connection: Eating Disorders, PTSD and Comorbidity: Part 2:
Treatment. West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Palm Springs, CA, June 3-5, 2011
(oral presentation).
200. BREWERTON TD: Trauma, Eating Disorders and Comorbidity: Research, Assessment and
Treatment. 41st Annual Congress of the European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapy (EABCT), Reykjavik, Iceland, August 31-September 3, 2011.
201. BREWERTON TD: A Behavioral Family Therapy Approach Using Concurrent Olanzapine in
Children and Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa, 1 ih Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders
Research Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 22-24, 2011 (poster presentation).
Invited and Other Selected Presentations:
1. Invited Speaker, "Lithium, L-tryptophan, and Serotonin Metabolism: Implications for
Understanding and Treating Affective Disorders," UCSF School of Medicine, Department of
Psychiatry Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA, March 1982.
2. Invited Speaker, "Update on Lithium," University of Hawaii John R. Burns School of Medicine,
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Honolulu, HI, February 1983.
3. Invited Speaker, "Psychoses Associated with Complex Seizure Partial Disorder: Response to
Carbamazepine with or without Lithium," University of Hawaii John R. Burns School of Medicine,
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Honolulu, HI, March 1983.
4. Invited Speaker, "Serotonin Dysregulation in the Eating Disorders," Tulane University School of
Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology Grand Rounds, New Orleans, LA, February
5. Invited Speaker, "Seasonality in Psychiatry," University of Michigan School of Medicine,
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, October 13, 1986.
6. Invited Speaker, "Serotonin Dysregulation in the Eating Disorders," MUSC Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds, March 7, 1987.
7. Invited Speaker, "An Overview of Seasonality in Psychiatry," MUSC Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds, February 23, 1988.
8. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders," MUSC Department of Endocrinology Grand Rounds, March
17, 1989.
9. Invited Speaker, "Serotonin in Neuropsychiatry," MUSC Department of Neurology Grand Rounds,
March 29, 1990.
10. Invited Speaker, "Partial Complex Seizures and Psychosis," meeting of the Coastal Chapter of the
South Carolina Psychiatric Association, Apri124, 1990.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
11. Invited Speaker, "Treatment of the Depressed Patient," Sumter County Medical Society, Sumter,
SC, May 3, 1990.
12. Conference Director, "An Overview of the Eating Disorders: Phenomenology, Psychobiology and
Treatment," Institute of Psychiatry, October 16-17, 1990.
13. Invited Speaker, "When Dieting Becomes Dangerous," Food and You: Healthy Eating
Symposium, College of Charleston Counseling Center, March 20, 1991.
14. Invited Speaker, "An Overview of Eating Disorders," MUSC Department of Family Practice Grand
Rounds, April 4, 1991.
15. Invited Speaker, "Treatment of the Depressed Patient," Horry County Medical Society, Myrtle
Beach, SC, May 7, 1991.
16. Invited Speaker, "Serotonin Specific Blockers and Their Use in Clinical Psychiatry," meeting of the
Coastal Chapter of the South Carolina Psychiatric Association, November 5, 1991.
17. Invited Speaker, "An Overview of Serotonin and Seasonality," Chronobiology Seminar Series,
University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, October 30,
18. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse," Fenwick Hall Hospital, Charleston, SC,
January 7, 1992.
19. Invited Workshop Leader, "Eating Disorders in Clinical Practice," Louisiana State University
School of Social Work Alumni Association, Baton Rouge, LA, November 6, 1992.
20. Invited Speaker, "Psychopharmacologic Management of Eating Disorders" and "Comorbidity of
the Eating Disorders," The Citadel's Summer Institute on Eating Disorders, The Citadel,
Department of Psychology, Charleston, SC, June 1993.
21. Invited Speaker, "Nutrients, Neurons, and Mood," Charleston Trident Dietetic Association, Baker
Hospital, Charleston, SC, November 9, 1993.
22. Invited Speaker at "Hope for the Hungry Heart: A Seminar for Those Seeking Answers,"
presented by Remuda Ranch Center for Anorexia and Bulimia, Bonnie Doone Plantation,
Walterboro, SC, January 22, 1994.
23. Invited Speaker, "Managing Clinical Depression in the Community: Medical/Psychosocial
Partnerships," Mission Possible: Creating Community Support Partnerships. The Second Annual
Community Support Conference for Mental Health Service Providers, South Carolina Department
of Mental Health, Myrtle Beach, SC, March 29, 1994.
24. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders for the Pediatrician," Roper Hospital Department of Pediatrics
Grand Rounds, Charleston, SC, Parts I and II, April? and 21, 1994.
25. Invited Speaker, "Depression and Eating Disorders, "South Carolina Nurses Association Primary
Care Nurse Practitioner Seminar, Medical University of South Carolina, College of Nursing,
Mt. Pleasant, SC, September 1 0, 1994.
26. Invited Speaker, "Depression in the Medically Comorbid Patient," Columbia, SC, November 15,
27. Invited Speaker, "Depression and Medical Illness," Veterans Administration Hospital, Ambulatory
Care Center, Charleston, SC, December 14, 1994.
28. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders," Charleston Alliance for Mental Illness (CAMI), Charleston,
SC, February 14, 1995.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
29. Invited Speaker, "Bulimia Nervosa, Victimization, and PTSD," Eating Disorders Research Society,
Minneapolis, MN, April?, 1995.
30. Invited Speaker, "Diagnosis and Treatment of the Eating Disorders," Medical University of South
Carolina, Department of Family Practice Psychiatry Lecture Series, March 22, 1995.
31. Invited Speaker, "Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children," Medical University of
South Carolina, Department of Pediatrics Lecture Series, May 8, 1995.
32. Invited Speaker, "New Medications for Depression and Bipolar Illness," 1oth Annual Family
Conference, South Carolina Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Columbia, SC, November 10, 1995.
33. Invited Speaker, "Trauma, PTSD and Eating Disorders," Coastal Chapter meeting of the South
Carolina Psychiatric Association, Charleston, SC, November 16, 1995.
34. Invited Speaker, "National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Eating With an Attitude," College
of Charleston, at the College of Charleston Eating Disorder Screening Day, February 5, 1996.
35. Invited Speaker, "Pretty as a Princess," Mind Your Health Series, in conjunction with National
Eating Disorders Awareness Week and Screening Day, Institute of Psychiatry, Medical University
of South Carolina, February 6, 1996.
36. Director, "Eating Disorders Screening Day," Institute of Psychiatry, Medical University of South
Carolina, Charleston, SC, February 8, 1996.
37. Invited Speaker, "Trauma, PTSD and Eating Disorders," College of Charleston Counseling
Center, Charleston, SC, February 15, 1996.
38. Invited Speaker, "An Overview of Eating Disorders," Medical University of South Carolina Medical
Administration class, Charleston, SC, February 16, 1996.
39. Invited Speaker, "New Strategies in the Management of Obesity," Laurens County Medical
Society, Laurens, SC, August 28, 1996.
40. Invited Speaker, "The Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders and Obesity," South Carolina
Society of Health-System Pharmacists Psychopharmacy Seminar, Columbia, SC, September 13,
41. Invited Speaker, "Obesity: Treating a BIG Problem," Council of Advanced Practice Nurses,
Tallahassee, FL, September 23, 1996.
42. Invited Speaker, "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Obesity: New Pharmacologic Approaches,"
Tallahassee Physicians' Assistants Group, Tallahassee, FL, September 24, 1996.
43. Invited Speaker, "New Treatments for Obesity," Columbia Medical Society, Columbia, SC,
October 14, 1996.
44. Invited Speaker, "New Strategies in the Management of Obesity," Beaufort Naval Hospital,
Beaufort, SC, December 4, 1996.
45. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders and Childhood Victimization," MUSC Department of Pediatrics,
Grand Rounds, Charleston, SC, December 13, 1996.
46. Invited Speaker, "Self Esteem for All Sizes," Mind Your Health Series," Institute of Psychiatry,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, February 4, 1997.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
47. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders and Childhood Victimization," Third Annual South Carolina
Professional Colloquium on Child Abuse, Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC, February 20,
48. Invited Speaker, "New Approaches in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Obesity," Psychiatry-
Primary Care Grand Rounds, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Charleston, SC,
February 28, 1997.
49. Invited Speaker, "The Four-Pronged Approach to Obesity Management," MUSC CME
presentation, Embassy Suites Hotel, Columbia, SC, Apri13, 1997.
50. Invited Speaker, "An Overview of the Dissociative Disorders," presented at the workshop, Helping
to Heal: Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder, Medical University of South Carolina Institute
of Psychiatry, Charleston, SC, May 16, 1997.
51. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders" and "Dissociative Disorders, "Annual Board Review Course
of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, IL, June 26, 1997.
52. Invited Speaker, "New Approaches in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Obesity," Annual Meeting of
the South Carolina Pharmacy Association, Hilton Head, SC, June 29, 1997.
53. Invited Speaker, "Psychiatric Aspects of Migraine," Medical University of South Carolina,
Department of Neurology Grand Rounds, Charleston, SC, October 2, 1997.
54. Invited Speaker, "Psychopharmacology Update: Eating Disorders and Obesity, Third Annual
Baylor College of Medicine Psychopharmacology Update, Houston, TX, November 1-2, 1997.
55. Invited Speaker, "Serotonin Specific Blockers and Their Use in Clinical Psychiatry, South Carolina
Academy of Physician Assistants Annual CME Conference, Hilton Head, SC, November 8, 1997.
56. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders and Childhood Victimization," DuPont Hospital for Children,
Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Wilmington, DE, January 7, 1998.
57. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders: What You, Your Family, and Friends Need to Know," Mcleod
Regional Medical Center, Florence, SC, January 13, 1998.
58. Invited Speaker, "Serotonin Dysregulation in the Eating Disorders," Tulane University School of
Medicine, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, New Orleans, LA, January 30, 1998.
59. Invited Speaker, "Understanding Depression and Anxiety," Allendale Tri-County Medical
Association, Allendale, SC, March 10, 1998.
60. Invited Speaker, "Self-Esteem," Springfield Middle School PTA Meeting, Charleston, SC,
February 3, 1998.
61. Invited Speaker, "Disordered Eating, or Eating Disordered?," Mind Your Health Series in
conjunction with National Eating Disorders Awareness Week and Screening Day, Institute of
Psychiatry, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, February 24, 1998.
62. Invited Speaker, "Medical and Psychobiological Aspects of Eating Disorders," Vince Moseley
Center, Division of Developmental Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of
South Carolina, Charleston, SC, February 6, 1998.
63. Invited Speaker, "Psychiatric Aspects of Migraine," South Carolina Association of Psychiatric
Nurses, Charleston, SC, March 31, 1998.
64. Invited Speaker, "Psychiatric Aspects of Migraine," Charleston/Dorchester Mental Health Center,
Charleston, SC, May 14, 1998.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
65. Invited Speaker, "Psychiatric Aspects of Migraine," Coastal Chapter of the South Carolina
Psychiatric Association, Charleston, SC, January 12, 1999.
66. Invited Speaker, "Psychopharmacology of Trauma-Related Conditions in Children, Fifth Annual
SCPSAC Colloquium on Child Abuse," Charleston, SC, February 19, 1999.
67. Invited Speaker, "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Dissociative Disorders," Orangeburg Mental
Health Center, Orangeburg, SC, August 27, 1999.
68. Invited Speaker, "Trauma and Eating Disorders: From Research to Clinical Practice," Pepperdine
University, Sponsored by Monte Nido Treatment Center, Malibu, CA, November 21, 1999.
69. Invited Speaker, "Trauma and Eating Disorders: How Best to Treat," MUSC Institute of Psychiatry
Breakfast Rounds, Charleston, SC, December 3, 1999.
70. Invited Speaker, "Psychiatric Aspects of Victimization," Youth Division Grand Rounds, MUSC
Institute of Psychiatry, Charleston, SC, January 14, 2000.
71. Invited Speaker, "Morbid Obesity, Victimization and Psychiatric Disorders," Grand Rounds, MUSC
Health Services Research Center, Charleston, SC, February 4, 2000.
72. Invited Speaker, "Comorbidity and Eating Disorders," Coastal Chapter of the South Carolina
Psychiatric Association, Charleston, SC, June 13, 2000.
73. Invited Speaker, "Family Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy," Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy Interest Group, MUSC Institute of Psychiatry, Charleston, SC, September 19, 2000.
74. Invited Speaker, ""Eating Disorders: What We've Learned?" A Day of Discovery Symposium,
MUSC Institute of Psychiatry, Charleston, SC, October 12, 2000.
75. Invited Speaker, ""Unbinding the Big-Body Bondage of the Eating Disorders," annual meeting of
the American Academy of Psychotherapy, Charleston, SC, October 19, 2000.
76. Invited Speaker, "Depression and Psychiatric Comorbidity," annual meeting of the South Carolina
Academy of Family Medicine, Hilton Head, SC, November 10, 2000.
77. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders and Child Maltreatment," Lowcountry Children's Center,
Charleston, SC, November16, 2000.
78. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders and Child Maltreatment: Etiology and Treatment, Sixth Annual
South Carolina Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Colloquium on Child Abuse,
Charleston, SC, February 15, 2001.
79. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders, Victimization and Psychiatric Comorbidity." University of South
Carolina, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Columbia, SC, March 9, 2001.
80. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders, Victimization, and Comorbidity," Douglas Hospital Grand
Rounds, McGill University, Department of Psychiatry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. June 26, 2001.
81. Invited Workshop Presenter and Consultant, "An Overview of the Eating Disorders." Three Rivers
Residential Treatment Center, Columbia, SC. October 14, 2003.
82. Invited Workshop Presenter and Consultant, "An Overview of the Eating Disorders." Palmetto
Behavioral Healthcare, Charleston, SC. April 22, 2004.
83. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders, Victimization, and Comorbidity: Principles of Treatment," The
Laureate Psychiatric Hospital and Clinic, Eating Disorders Program, Tulsa, OK, September 13,
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
84. Invited Workshop Presenter, "Eating Disorders and Their Comorbid Conditions: Evaluation and
Treatment," 2004 Annual Fall Conference of the South Carolina Association of Alcoholism and
Drug Abuse Counselors, Mt. Pleasant, SC, October 25, 2004.
85. Invited Speaker, "The Role of Psychopharmacology in the Treatment of Eating Disorders," CME,
Inc. Las Vegas, NV. January 23, 2005.
86. Invited Speaker, "The Role of Psychopharmacology in the Treatment of Eating Disorders," CME,
Inc. Clearwater, FL. February 27, 2005.
87. Invited Plenary Speaker, "Are Eating Disorders Trauma Disorders?" 10th Annual Northwest
Regional Conference on Trauma Disorders, Lake Chelan, WA, April21-23, 2005.
88. Invited Workshop Presenter, "Eating Disorders, Trauma and Comorbidity: Research and
Treatment," 10th Annual Northwest Regional Conference on Trauma Disorders, Lake Chelan, WA,
April 21-23, 2005.
89. Invited Workshop Presenter, "An Overview of the Eating Disorders," Eating Disorders Program,
Menninger Foundation, Houston, TX, September 25, 2005.
90. Invited Workshop Presenter, "The Role of Psychopharmacology in the Treatment of Eating
Disorders," Eating Disorders Program, Menninger Foundation, Houston, TX, September 26, 2005.
91. Invited Workshop Presenter, ''Trauma, Eating Disorders and Comorbidity: Research Foundations
and Integrative Treatment Approaches," Annual Renfrew Conference on Eating Disorders,
Philadelphia, PA, November 10-12, 2005.
92. Invited Workshop Presenter, "Eating Disorders, Victimization and Comorbidity: Research and
Treatment," Eating Disorders Program, Menninger Foundation, Houston, TX, February 10, 2006.
93. Invited Plenary Speaker, "Current Perspectives on the Etiology of Eating Disorders," National
Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) Eating Disorders Conference,
Hoffman Estates, IL, February 24, 2006.
94. Invited Workshop Presenter, "Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Eating
Disorders," National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) Eating
Disorders Conference, Hoffman Estates, IL, February 24, 2006.
95. Invited Plenary Speaker, "What Causes Eating Disorders?: An Integrated Biopsychosocial
Perspective," Annual Conference of the Elisa Project, Dallas, TX, March 3, 2006.
96. Invited Plenary Speaker, "Eating Disorders, Victimization, and Comorbidity: Principles of
Treatment," Annual Conference of the Elisa Project, Dallas, TX, March 3, 2006.
97. Invited Workshop Presenter, "Current Research on Eating Disorders, Comorbidity and
Victimization," Annual Conference of the Elisa Project, Dallas, TX, March 3, 2006.
98. Invited Workshop Presenter, ''Treatment Strategies for Eating Disorders," Region D Training for
School-Based Mental Health Professionals: Working with Children & Adolescents with Eating
Disorders, Charleston Mental Health Center, Charleston, SC, March 22, 2006
99. Invited Grand Rounds Speaker, "Current Perspectives on the Etiology of the Eating Disorders,"
Northshore Medical Center Department of Psychiatry, Long Island, NY, March 31, 2006.
100. Invited Workshop Presenter, "The Relationship Between Eating Disorders and Trauma," My
Sister's House, Inc. Conference on "Working with Abused Children," North Charleston, SC,
September 27, 2006.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
101. Invited Grand Rounds Speaker, "Current Perspectives on the Etiology of the Eating Disorders,"
University of South Carolina, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia, SC, December 1, 2006.
102. Invited Grand Rounds Speaker, "Current Perspectives on the Etiology of Eating Disorders,"
Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Charleston, SC, February 9, 2007.
103. Invited Speaker, "Current Perspectives on the Etiology of Eating Disorders," Menninger Clinic,
Eating Disorders Program, Houston, TX, February 22, 2007.
104. Invited Speaker, "Current Perspectives on the Etiology of Eating Disorders," Developmental
Pediatrics Clinic, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, April21, 2007.
105. Invited Speaker, "Integrating Interpersonal and Neurobiological Processes in the Treatment of
Eating Disorders," Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Special Interest Group, Annual Meeting of the
Academy of Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD, May 2-4, 2007.
106. Invited Speaker, "Feminism, Evolutionary Psychiatry and Eating Disorder Psychodynamics: An
Integrative Psychobiological Perspective," Grand Rounds, Douglas Hospital, Department of
Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 21, 2007.
107. Invited Speaker, "Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa One to Ten Years Following Treatment
in a Residential Treatment Program," Monte Nido Residential Treatment Center, Malibu, CA,
December 10, 2007.
108. Invited Speaker, "Forensic and Neuropsychiatric Perspectives on Trying and Sentencing Youths
as Adults," Coastal Chapter of the American Psychiatric Association meeting, Mt. Pleasant, SC,
February 12, 2008.
109. Invited Speaker, "Current Perspectives on the Etiology and Treatment of the Eating Disorders,"
Department of Psychiatry special lecture, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June
18, 2008.
110. Invited Speaker, "Presentation on Eating Disorders for Parents", National Eating Disorders
Awareness Week, Wando High School, Mt. Pleasant, SC, February 26, 2009.
111. Invited Speaker, "What Doctors Need to Know about Eating Disorders," Florence County Medical
Society, Florence, SC, May 29, 2009.
112. Invited Grand Rounds Speaker, "The Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents,"
University of South Carolina, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia, SC, October 2, 2009.
113. Invited Plenary Speaker, "Forensic and Neuropsychiatric Perspectives on Trying and Sentencing
Youths as Adults," 25th Annual Medical Malpractice Institute, Amelia Island, FL, November 5-7,
114. Invited Plenary Speaker, "Psychological Disorders in Delinquent and Abused Youth," 25th Annual
Medical Malpractice Institute, Amelia Island, FL, November 5-7, 2009.
115. Invited Plenary Speaker, "What Psychiatrists Need to Know about Eating Disorders? Advances
and Challenges of the 21st Century," Annual Conference of the South Carolina Psychiatric
Association, Charleston, SC, February 1, 2010.
116. Invited Plenary Speaker, "What Doctors and Mental Health Professionals Need to Know
about Eating Disorders: Diagnosis, Phenomenology and Etiology," Annual Conference of the
Nevada Psychiatric Association, Las Vegas, NV, February 11-13, 2010.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
117. Invited Plenary Speaker, "What Doctors and Mental Health Professionals Need to Know
about Eating Disorders: Treatment," Annual Conference of the Nevada Psychiatric Association,
Las Vegas, NV, February 11-13, 201 0.
118. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders, Identification and Prevention," Wando High School, National
Eating Disorders Awareness Week lecture, Mt. Pleasant, SC, February 22, 2010.
119. Invited Speaker and Panelist, "Eating Disorders: A Panel Presentation," Porter Gaud School,
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week presentation, Charleston, SC, February 24, 2010.
120. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders: What Parents Need to Know," Ashley Hall School, Charleston,
SC, March 11, 2010.
121. Invited Speaker, "The Eating Disorders- Trauma Connection: Research Perspectives and
Treatment Approaches," Carolina House Residential Eating Disorders Treatment, Durham, NC,
October 18, 2010.
122. Invited Speaker, "Holotropic Breathwork and the Concepts of Stanislav Grot," Charleston Jung
Society, Charleston, SC, January 8, 2011.
123. Invited Workshop Speaker, "Medical and Psychiatric Aspects of Pediatric Obesity," Mindstream
Academy, Blufton, SC, January 24, 2011.
124. Invited Speaker, "What Mental Health Professionals Need to Know about Eating Disorders,"
College of Charleston Counseling and Substance Abuse Services and Student Health Services,
Charleston, SC, February 3, 2011.
125. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders are Serious Mental and Physical Disorders," Charleston
County Main Library, National Eating Disorders Awareness Week lecture, Charleston, SC,
February 22, 2010.
126. Invited Speaker, "Eating Disorders and the Role of Trauma," Rosewood Treatment Center,
Wickenburg, AZ, March 10, 2011.
127. Invited Speaker, "What Doctors Need to Know about Eating Disorders," Columbia County Medical
Society, Columbia, SC, March 22, 2011.
128. Invited Speaker, "The Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents," Tricounty
Counseling Association's 4th Annual Convention, "Working with Troubled Teens," Charleston, SC,
April 8, 2009.
129. Invited Speaker, "Forensic and Psychiatric Aspects of School Violence," Santa Casada
Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro - Ambulatorio de Psiquiatria (Sacred House of Mercy Hospital of
Rio de Janeiro- Ambulatory Psychiatry), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apri115, 2011.
130. Invited Speaker, "Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD and Related Disorders in First Responders,"
First Annual Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 17,
131. Invited Workshop Presenter, "Current Concepts in the Identification, Understanding and
Treatment of Eating Disorders," Tri-County Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Walterboro,
SC, October 6, 2011.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Media Coverage and Community Service:
1. Newspaper Article, "Eating Disorders Program Planned for New Institute," The MUSC Catalyst,
Charleston, SC, November 19, 1987.
2. Newspaper Article, "Social Factors Contribute to Eating Disorders," The MUSC Catalyst,
Charleston, SC, November 19, 1987.
3. Newspaper Article, "Rainy Days May Bring the Blues," The News and Courier, Charleston, SC,
September 8, 1988.
4. Newspaper Article, "Many Girls Have a Weighty Self-Perception," USA Today, November 21,
5. National Public Radio Interview, "Multiple Personality Disorder," broadcast July 6, 1992.
6. TV Interview on "Food Battles: Society's Obsession," with Linda Austin, "What's on Your Mind?",
WITV, Channel11 (PBS), July 7, 1992.
7. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders in Children," WCSC, Channei5-TV's "Midday," August 3, 1992.
8. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders in Children," WCBD, Channei2-TVAction News, August 10,
9. Newspaper Article, "Study: Diets Begin at Early Age," The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC,
August 11, 1992.
10. National Public Radio Interview, "Eating Disorders in South Carolina Middle School Children,"
broadcast August 11, 1992.
11. Radio Interview, "Eating Disorders in Children Study," WBEZ Radio, Chicago, IL, August 26, 1992.
12. Newspaper Article, "Eating Disorders Turn Up in Kids: Survey Finds Many Try Hazardous Ways
to Lose Weight," ran in the following newspapers: The Chicago Tribune, The State, Beaufort
Gazette, Greenville News, Hilton Head Island Packet, Independent Mail, Index Journai-
Greenwook, Spartanburg Herald-Journal. August 1992.
13. Newspaper Article, "The Littlest Dieters: Worried About Getting Fat in Grade School," The
Medical Tribune, August 1992.
14. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders in Middle School Children," Cable News Network (CNN), January
4, 1993.
15. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders in Children," WCIV, Channel4 News (NBC), Charleston, SC,
January 4, 1993.
16. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders," WCSC, ChannelS News (CBS), Charleston, SC, January 5,
17. TV Interview, "The Twiggy Look: Is Anorexia Nervosa Coming Back?" 6th Annual Update in
Psychiatry, WCSC, Channel 5 News (CBS), Charleston, SC, June 4, 1993.
18. TV Interview, "TV-2's 'Perspective' on 'Eating Disorders and Sexual Abuse,"' WCBD, Channel2
News (ABC), Charleston, SC, July 19, 1993.
19. National Public Radio Interview, "The National Women's Study: The Prevalence of Binge Eating
Disorder in U.S. Women," Charleston, SC, August 22, 1993.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Media Coverage ;wd Communitv Sem'Ge (continued):
20. National Public Radio Interview, "The National Women's Study: The Relationship of Rape and
Other Criminal Victimization to Eating Disorders in U.S. Women," broadcast September 1993.
21. Spokesperson, Flintstones Vitamins, Miles, Inc. New York Media Tour, New York, New York,
November 16017, 1993: Interviews with the following newspapers and magazines on "Childhood
Eating Problems" Medical Tribune News Service, Good Housekeeping, Child, American Baby,
Baby Talk. Publications that requested survey information included Redbook, McCall's, Essence,
Parents, Family Circle, Family, Healthy Kids, Working Mother, First... For Women, Parents' Digest,
Lady's Circle, Woman's Day, Reuters.
22. TV Interview/Consultation, "Mean Streets," a special 1 hour program on eating disorders in
teenagers. WCSC, Channel5 News (CBS), Charleston, SC, March 31, 1994.
23. Spokesperson, Flintstones Vitamins, Miles, Inc. St. Louis Media Tour, St. Louis, Missouri, May
304, 1994: "Parent Power: Managing Childhood Eating Problems," Parents without Partners
meeting. Interviews with the following newspapers and radio/TV stations: West County
Publications (43 chain newspapers}, WGNU-AM radio, KMOX-AM radio, KFUO-FM radio,
KLOU-FM radio, KRJY/KHITS radio, KNLC- TV, KSHE-FM radio, WIL-FMIWRTH-AM radio.
24. TV Interview, "Summer Depression," on Talkback, WCSC, Channel 5 News (CBS), Charleston,
SC, July 12, 1994.
25. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders in Teenagers," WCSC, Channel5 News (CBS), Charleston, SC,
September 24, 1994.
26. Newspaper article, "Winterize Your Workout," The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC, November
18, 1994.
27. Magazine interview, "Eating Disorders in Children," Child magazine, November 1994.
28. Spokesperson, Flintstones Vitamins, Miles, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia Media Tour, December 607,
1994: "Parent Power: Managing Childhood Eating Problems," Ashford Dunwood Y.M.C.A.
Interviews with the following radio/TV stations: WAGA-TV (Fox), WZGC-FM radio, WXIA-TV
(NBC), WSB-AM/FM radio, WVEE-FM radio, WAOK-AM radio.
29. Magazine interview, "Body Image in Children," Child magazine, May 12, 1995.
30. Editorial Review Panelist, videotape production of "Anorexia and Bulimia at Time of Diagnosis,"
Time-Life Medical, New York, NY, July 20, 1995.
31. TV Interview/Consultation, "Nick News," on body image in children, Nickelodeon, Luck Duck
Productions, New York, NY, August, 1995.
32. Clinical Psychiatry News interview, "Bulimia Nervosa Linked to History of Sexual Assault and
Rape," October 20, 1995. Published December, 1995.
33. Radio Interview, "Eating Disorders Awareness Week," WXTC 97-FM, Charleston, SC, broadcast
February 4, 1996.
34. TV Interviews, "Eating Disorders Awareness Week and Screening Day," WCSC ChannelS News
and Talkback (CBS), WCBD Channel 2 News (ABC), WCIV Channel4 News (NBC), Charleston,
SC, February 4-8, 1996.
35. Magazine Interview, "Wasting Away," Hippocrates magazine, March 8, 1996, published in Volume
10, page 62, July/August, 1996.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
M e d 1 ~ 1 Coverage and Commumiy Sendee (continued):
36. Magazine interview, "Managed Care Has Hit Anorexia Nervosa Treatment Hard," Clinical
Psychiatry News, June 19, 1996.
37. Magazine Interview, "Drugs, Light, Imagery Psychotherapy for Bulimia Gets a Boost," Clinical
Psychiatry News, Volume 24, No.7, page 1, July 1996.
38. Magazine Interview, "Mind-Mood News: Sticky Situation," Allure, July 14, 1996, published
September 1996, page 136.
39. Magazine Interview, "How to Break the Dieting Legacy Your Mother Left You," American Health
Magazine, July 15, 1996.
40. Newspaper Interview, "The Brink of Starvation: Eating Disorder Takes Control of Body, Life," The
Post and Courier, July 29, 1996, pages 4-8.
41. Newspaper Interview, "Steaming Mad," The Post and Courier, August 22, 1996, page C-1.
42. Television Interview, "Seasonal Affective Disorder," WCSC, Channel 5 News and Talkback (CBS),
Charleston, SC, November 19, 1996.
43. Television Interview, "Bulimia," WCIV, Channel4 News (ABC), Charleston, SC, November 24,
44. Magazine Interview, "Energy and the Weather," Ladies' Home Journal, November 20, 1996.
45. Television Interview, "Self-Esteem for All Sizes, WCSC, Channel 5 News and Talkback (CBS),
Charleston, SC, January 26, 1997.
46. Television Interview, "Self-Esteem for All Sizes: National Eating Disorders Awareness Week,"
WCSC ChannelS News Midday program, January 30, 1997.
47. Newspaper Interview Consultant, "We're Raising the Standard of Health Care, One Life at a
Time," The Post and Courier, April10, 1997, page 8-B.
48. Magazine Interview, "Eating Disorders in Pre-Teens," Disney On-Line (, May 8,
49. Magazine Interview, "Eating Disorders and Managed Care," Life magazine, May 19, 1997.
50. Newspaper Interview, "Eating Disorders in Teenagers," The Post and Courier, September 2,
1997, pages 1 E-2E.
51. Newspaper Interview, "Eating Disorders: The Food and Weight Obsession," The Parents' Post,
The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC, November 18, 1997, page 1.
52. Newspaper Interview, "Seasonal Affective Disorder," Sun News, Myrtle Beach, SC, December 4,
53. Newspaper Interview, "Eating Disorders in Kids," Daily Herald, Chicago, IL, February 5, 1998.
54. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders Awareness and Screening," WCSC, ChannelS News Midday
(CBS), Charleston, SC, February 17, 1998.
55. News Interview, "Rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in Eating Disorders," ABC
News, New York, NY, April21, 1998.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Media Coverage and CommunitvService (continued):
56. TV Interview, "Eating Disorders," WMMP (UPN) Channel 36 Two O'Clock Sharpe, Charleston,
SC, October 9, 1998.
57. Newspaper Interview, "Eating Disorders in Children," Boston Globe, Boston, MA, November 13,
58. Magazine Interview, "Eating Disorders and Managed Care," Glamour, New York, NY, April16,
59. Newspaper Interview, "Eating Disorders and Children," Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta, GA,
June 30, 1999.
60. TV Interview, "Bulimia Nervosa," WCSC, Channel 5 News and Talkback (CBS), Charleston, SC,
August 8, 1999.
61. TV Interview, "Nothing to Hide: Eating Disorders," WCSC, ChannelS News {CBS), Charleston,
SC, October 19-22, 1999.
62. Magazine Interview, "Eating Disorders and Trauma," Vogue, New York, NY, November 17, 1999.
63. Magazine Interview, "Causes of Disordered Eating in Kids," Child Magazine, February 15, 2000.
64. Magazine Interview, "Children with Eating Disorders," Ladies Home Journal, March 9, 2000.
65. Newspaper Interview, "Attacking Eating Disorders from Inside Out," the MUSC Catalyst,
Charleston, SC, April 4, 2000.
66. Internet Media Interview, "Childhood Sexual Abuse is a Risk Factor for Psychiatric Disorders and
Substance Abuse," CBS News Healthwatch (, October 12, 2000.
67. Magazine Interview, "Eating Disorders in Children," Parenting Magazine, April2002.
68. Magazine Interview, "Pro-anorexia Web Sites," American Medical News, July 25, 2002.
69. Radio Interview, "Bulimia and the Case of Terri Schiavo," KNX 1070 News Radio, Los Angeles,
CA, March 24, 2005.
70. TV Interview, "Pro-Ana Websites," WCIV-TV, Channe14, ABC News, February 27, 2006.
71. Magazine Interview, "Eating Disorders in South Carolina, "M.D. News, May 2006.
72. Magazine Interview, "The Weigh Down Diet," Self Magazine, November 10, 2006.
73. Magazine Interview, "Dieting in Women," Self Magazine, December 17, 2007. Article published in
May 2008 issue.
74. TV Interviews/Consultations, 'The Ruby Show," The Style Network, February 2008-April2009.
75. Magazine Interview, "Disordered Eating in Women," Self Magazine, July 27, 2009.
76. TV Interview, "National Eating Disorders Awareness Week in Charleston," Tara Lynn from
WCBD-Channel 2 NBC news, Charleston, SC, February 18, 2010.
77. Newspaper Interview, "Warning Signs," Post & Courier newspaper, February 23, 2010.
78. Newspaper Interview, "Bulimia during the Holidays," Post & Courier newspaper, December 9,
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Media Coverage ,md Community Service (continued):
79. Newspaper Interview, "National Eating Disorders Awareness Week," Warren Peper from
Comcast-2, In the News, Charleston, SC, February 9, 2011.
80. Newspaper Interview, "A Case of Orthorexia Nervosa Leading to Anorexia Nervosa," Post &
Courier newspaper, February 22, 2011.
81. TV, Newspaper, & Radio Interviews, "School Shootings," Globo TV, SBT Brazil, TV Brazil and
others, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. April 15, 2011.
82. Newspaper Interview, "Food Addiction: Questions and Answers," Post & Courier newspaper, May
3, 2011.
83. Magazine Interview, "Juice Cleansing," Women's Health, September29, 2011.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
PublicaJions: Peer-reviewed:
1. BREWERTON TD, Reus VI: Lithium Carbonate and L-tryptophan in the Treatment of Bipolar and
Schizoaffective Disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry 140:757-760, 1983 .
. 2. Joseph MS, BREWERTON TD, Reus VI, Stebbins GT: PlasmaL-tryptophan/Neutral Amino Acid
Ratio and Dexamethasone Suppression in Depression. Psychiatry Research 11:185-192, 1984.
3. BREWERTON TD: Lithium Counteracts Carbamazepine-lnduced Leucopenia While Increasing
Its Therapeutic Effect. Biological Psychiatry 21 :677-685, 1986.
4. George DT, BREWERTON TO, Jimerson DC: Comparison of Lactate-Induced Anxiety in Bulimic
Patients and Healthy Controls. Psychiatry Research 21:213-220, 1987.
5. BREWERTON TD, Gwirtsman HE: Seasonal Dexamethasone Suppression Test Results.
Archives of General Psychiatry 44:920-921, 1987.
6. Kaye WH, Gwirtsman HE, BREWERTON TD, George DT, Jimerson DC, and Wurtman RJ:
Singeing Behavior and Plasma Amino Acids: A Possible Involvement of Brain Serotonin in
Bulimia. Psychiatry Research 23:31-43, 1988.
7. BREWERTON TD, Berrettini W, Nurnburger J, Linnoila M: An Analysis of Seasonal Fluctuations
of CSF Monoamines and Neuropeptides in Normal Controls: Findings with 5-HIAA and HVA.
Psychiatry Research 23:257-265, 1988.
8. BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Mueller EA, and Jimerson DC: The Induction of Migraine-like
Headaches by the Serotonin Agonist m-Chlorophenylpiperazine. Clinical Pharmacology and
Therapeutics 43:605-609, 1988.
9. BREWERTON TD: Seasonal Variation of Serotonin Function in Humans: Research and Clinical
Implications (Runner-Up, American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists' Clinical Research Award).
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 1:153-164, 1989.
10. George MS, BREWERTON TD, Cochrane CE: Trichotillomania, Trichophagy and Bulimia
Nervosa. New England Journal of Medicine 322:470-471, 1990.
11. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Kaye WH, Hegg AP, BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders and
Depression: Is There a Serotonin Connection? Biological Psychiatry 28:443-454, 1990.
12. Demitrack MA, Putnam FW, BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Gold PW: Dissociative Phenomena
in Eating Disorders: Relationship to Clinical Variables. American Journal of Psychiatry 14 7:1184-
1188, 1990.
13. George DT, Kaye WH, Goldstein OS, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC: Altered Norepinephrine
Regulation in Bulimia: Effects of Pharmacological Challenge with Isoproterenol. Psychiatry
Research 33:1-10, 1990.
14. BREWERTON TD, George MS: A Study of the Seasonal Variation of Migraine. Headache
30:511-513, 1990.
15. BREWERTON TD: Fluoxetine-induced Suicidality, Serotonin, and Seasonality. Biological
Psychiatry 30:190-196, 1991.
16. BREWERTON TD: Does Fluoxetine Induce Suicidality? Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 52:479,
17. Hardin TA, Wehr TA, BREWERTON TD, Kasper S, Berrettini W, Rabkin J, Rosenthal NE:
Evaluation of Seasonality in Six Clinical Populations and Two Normal Populations. Journal of
Psychiatric Research 25: 75-87, 1991.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
18. Jimerson DC, Lesem DT, Kaye WH, BREWERTON TO: Low Serotonin and Dopamine
Metabolite Concentrations in CSF from Bulimic Patients with Frequent Binge Episodes. Archives
of General Psychiatry 49:132-138, 1992.
19. Kellner CH, George MS, Burns CM, Bernstein HJ, Rubey RN, Custer J, BREWERTON TO: A
Human Analog of Canine Acral Lick. Lancet 339:553, 1992.
20. BREWERTON TO, Murphy DL, Lesem DT, Brandt HA, Jimerson DC: Headache Responses to
m-Chlorophenylpiperazine and L-tryptophan in Bulimia Nervosa. Headache 32:217-222, 1992.
21. Deas-Nesmith D, BREWERTON TO: A Case of Fluoxetine-Responsive Psychogenic Polydipsia:
A Variant of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 180:338-
339, 1992.
22. BREWERTON TO, Lydiard RB, Laraia MT, Shook J, Ballenger JC: CSF Beta-endorphin and
Dynorphin in Bulimia Nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry 149:1086-1090, 1992.
23. BREWERTON TO: Serotonin Function and Depression: Effects of Seasonality? American
Journal of Psychiatry 149:1277, 1992.
24. BREWERTON TO, Shannon M: Possible Clozapine Exacerbation of Bulimia Nervosa. American
Journal of Psychiatry 149:1408-1409, 1992.
25. BREWERTON TO, Mueller EA, Lesem MD, Brandt HA, Quearry B, George DT, Murphy DL,
Jimerson DC: Neuroendocrine Responses to m-Chlorophenylpiperazine and L-tryptophan in
Bulimia. Archives of General Psychiatry 49:852-861, 1992.
26. BREWERTON TO, Lydiard RB, Ballenger JC, Herzog DB: Eating Disorders and Social Phobia
Archives of General Psychiatry 50:70, 1993.
27. BREWERTON TO, George MS, Harden RN: Migraine and the Eating Disorders. Psychiatry
Research 46:201-202, 1993.
28. BREWERTON TO, Flament M, Rapoport J, Murphy OM: Seasonal Variation of Platelet 5-HT
Content. Archives of General Psychiatry 50:409, 1993.
29. Childress AC, BREWERTON TO, Hodges EL, Jarrell MP: The Kids' Eating Disorders Survey
(KEDS): Results from a Survey of Middle School Students. Journal of the American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 32:843-850, 1993.
30. Lydiard RB, BREWERTON TO, Beinfeld M, Laraia MT, Stuart G, Ballenger JC: CSF
Cholecystokinin Octapeptide in Bulimia Nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry 150:1099-1101,
31. BREWERTON TO, George MS: Is Migraine Related to the Eating Disorders? International
Journal of Eating Disorders 14:75-79, 1993.
32. Murray S, BREWERTON TO: Abuse of Over-the-counter Dextromethorphan by Teenagers.
Southern Medical Journal86:1151-1153, 1993.
33. BREWERTON TO, Hand JD, Bishop EM: The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire in
Patients with Eating Disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders 14:213-218, 1993.
34. Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TO, Hodges EL, Wilson 0: Alexithymia in the Eating Disorders.
International Journal of Eating Disorders 14:219-222, 1993.
CURRICULUM VITAE Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Pubfjcations: Peer-reviewed:
35. Childress AC, Jarrell MP, BREWERTON TD: The Kids' Eating Disorders Survey (KEDS):
Internal Consistency, Test-Retest Validity and Reliability. Eating Disorders: the Journal of
Prevention and Treatment 1:123-133, 1993.
36. George MS, BREWERTON TD, Harden RN: Bulimia Nervosa in Outpatients with Migraine: A
Pilot Study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 181:704-706, 1993.
37. BREWERTON TD, Krahn DD, Hardin TA, Wehr TA, Rosenthal NE: Findings from the Seasonal
Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) in Patients with Eating Disorders and Control
Subjects: Effects of Diagnosis and Location. Psychiatry Research 52:71-84, 1994.
38. BREWERTON TD, Ballenger JC: Biological Correlates of Eating Disorders. Current Opinion in
Psychiatry 7:150-153, 1994.
39. BREWERTON TD: Hyperreligiosity in Psychotic Disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental
Disease 182:302-304, 1994.
40. BREWERTON TD, Jackson CW: Prophylaxis of Carbamazepine Induced Hyponatremia with
Demeclocycline. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 55:249-251, 1994.
41. BREWERTON TO, Lydiard RB: CSF Cholecystokinin Octapeptide in Bulimia. American Journal
of Psychiatry 151:1098, 1994.
42. BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Testmeal Responses Following m-
Chlorophenylpiperazine and L-tryptophan in Bulimics and Controls. Neuropsychopharmacology
11:63-71, 1994.
43. BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Herzog DB, Brotman A, O'Neil P, Ballenger JC: Comorbidity of
Axis I Psychiatric Disorders in Bulimia Nervosa. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 56:77-80, 1995.
44. BREWERTON TD, Zealberg JL, Lydiard RB, Glover V, Sandier M, Ballenger JC: CSF lsatin is
Elevated in Bulimia Nervosa. Biological Psychiatry 37:481-483, 1995.
45. BREWERTON TD, Stellefson E, Hibbs N, Cochrane CE, Hodges E: A Comparison of Eating
Disorder Patients with and without Compulsive Exercising. International Journal of Eating
Disorders 17:413-416, 1995.
46. Jackson C, Markowitz J, BREWERTON TD: Delirium Associated with Clozapine and
Benzodiazepine Combinations. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 7:139-141, 1995.
47. World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Neurosciences
Study Group on Anorexia Nervosa (Solis CL, Abraham G, Araki S, Brambilla F, BREWERTON
TO, Casper R, Halmi K, Herholz K, Kaye W, Kuboki T, Magistretti P, Muller E, N'Diaye P, Pirke K,
Suematsu H, Thomas PK, Wakeling T, Zhou D): Anorexia Nervosa: Basic Mechanisms, Clinical
Approaches and Treatment: Summary and Recommendations. International Journal of Eating
Disorders 17:235-241, 1995.
48. BREWERTON TD: Toward a Unified Theory of Serotonin Dysregulation in Eating and Related
Disorders. Psychoneuroendocrinology 20:561-590, 1995.
49. BREWERTON TO, Markowitz JS, Keller SG, Cochrane CE: Stuttering and sertraline. Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry 57:90, 1996.
50. BREWERTON TD: Victimization, PTSD, and Bulimia Nervosa: Results from the National
Women's Study. Audio-Digest Psychiatry Volume 24, Number 2, January 22, 1996.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Publications: PeeJ'-reviewed:
51. BREWERTON TD (Editorial Review Panelist). Anorexia and Bulimia at Time of Diagnosis.
Brownell KD (Principal Editor), Time-Life Medical video, Patient Education Media, Inc., Volume
213, 1996.
52. Markowitz JS, BREWERTON TD: Zolpidem-lnduced Psychosis. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry
8:89-91, 1996.
53. BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC: Studies of Serotonin Function in Anorexia Nervosa.
Proceedings of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in
Neurosciences Study Group on Anorexia Nervosa. Geneva, Switzerland; September 1 993.
Psychiatry Research 62:31-42, 1996.
54. LaVia MC, BREWERTON TD: Cataplexy and the Switch Process of MPD. Psychiatry Research
63:233-234, 1996.
55. Markowitz JS, Gill HS, LaVia M, BREWERTON TD, DeVane CL: Fluvoxamine-Ciozapine Dose
Dependent Interaction. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 41:670-671, 1996.
56. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: The National Women's Study:
Relationship of Crime Victimization and PTSD to Bulimia Nervosa. International Journal of Eating
Disorders 21:213-228, 1997.
57. BREWERTON TD: The Phenomenology of Psychosis Associated with Complex Partial Seizure
Disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 9:31-51, 1997.
58. BREWERTON TD: Binge Eating Disorder: Recognition and Treatment. Medscape Mental
Health 2(5), 1997.
59. Mantzoros C, Flier JS, Lesem MD, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC: Relationship between
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Leptin Levels in Healthy Volunteers and in Patients with Anorexia
Nervosa. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 82:1845-1851, 1997.
60. Wonderlich SA, BREWERTON TD, Jocic Z, Dansky BS, Abbott DW: The Relationship of
Childhood Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders: A Review. Journal of the American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 36:1107-1115, 1 997.
61. Hodges EL, Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD: Family Characteristics of Binge Eating Disorder
Patients. International Journal of Eating Disorders 23:145-151, 1998.
62. Cochrane CE, Malcolm R, BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders in Cocaine Abusers. Addictive
Disorders 23:1-7, 1998.
63. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil P, Resnick HS, Best CL, Saunders BE: The
Nature and Prevalence of Binge Eating Disorder in a National Sample of Women. In Widiger TA,
Frances AJ, Pincus HA, First MB, Roth R, and David W (Eds.), DSM-IV Sourcebook. Volume 4,
Washington: APA Press, Inc., pp. 515-531, 1998.
64. Jefferson AM, Markowitz JS, BREWERTON TD: Atypical Antipsychotics. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 37:1243-1244, 1998.
65. BREWERTON TD: Binge Eating Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment Options. CNS Drugs
11:351-361, 1999.
66. Hodges EL, Stellefson EJ, Jarrell MP, Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorder
Pathology in a Culinary Arts School. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
7:43-50, 1999.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Publications: Peer-reviewed:
67. Expert Consensus Guidelines for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (panel
member). Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 60(Suppl16):6-76, 1999.
68. Dansky BS, BREWERTON TO, Kilpatrick DG: Comorbidity of Bulimia Nervosa and Alcohol Use
Disorders: Results from the National Women's Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders
27:180-190, 2000.
69. Brady K, Killeen TK, BREWERTON TO, Sylverini S: Comorbidity of Psychiatric Disorders and
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 61 (Suppl 7):22-32, 2000.
70. Mitchell JE, Tareen B, Sheehan W, Agras S, BREWERTON TD, CrowS, Devlin M, Eckert E,
Halmi K, Herzog D, Marcus M, Powers P, Stunkard A, Walsh BT: Establishing Guidelines for
Pharmacotherapy Trials in Bulimia Nervous and Anorexia Nervosa. International Journal of
Eating Disorders 28:1-7, 2000.
71. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM: Which Comes First in the
Pathogenesis of Bulimia Nervosa, Dieting or Singeing? International Journal of Eating Disorders
28:259-264, 2000.
72. BREWERTON TD, Lesem MD, Kennedy A, Garvey T: Reduced Plasma Leptin Levels in Bulimia
Nervosa. Psychoneuroendrinology 25:649-658, 2000.
73. BREWERTON TO: Serotonin, Aggression and Seasonality. American Journal of Psychiatry
158(8):1335-1336, 2001.
7 4. BREWERTON TO: The Use and Scoring of the Kids' Eating Disorders Survey (KEDS). Eating
Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 9(1 ):71-7 4, 2001.
75. BREWERTON TD: Bulimia in Children and Adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics
of North America 11 :237-256, 2002.
76. BREWERTON TO, Nahas Z, Malloy M, Risch SC, George MS: rTMS in a Patient with Bulimia
Nervosa and Major Depression. International Journal of Eating Disorders (submitted).
77. Hsu WC, Jimerson DC, Wolfe BE, Metzger ED, BREWERTON TD, Lesem MD, Mantzoros CS:
Relationship of Soluble Leptin Receptor Levels to Body Weight and to Circulating Leptin Levels in
Patients with Eating Disorders. Molecular Psychiatry (submitted).
78. BREWERTON TD: Drug Therapy for Patients with Eating Disorders. Psychiatric Times XXI (5):
59-68, 2004.
79. BREWERTON TD: Psychological Trauma and Eating Disorders. Review of Eating Disorders. Part
1. 1:137-154, 2005.
80. BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders, Trauma and Comorbidity: Focus on PTSD. Eating
Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 15:285-304, 2007.
81. BREWERTON TD: The Links between PTSD and Eating Disorders: Diagnostic and Treatment
Implications. Psychiatric Times XXV (6): 43-45, 2008.
82. BREWERTON TD, Frampton I, Lask B: The Neurobiology of Anorexia Nervosa. In: U.S.
Psychiatry 2:57-64, 2009.
83. BREWERTON TD: Services for Eating Disorders: How Comprehensive is Comprehensive? World
Psychiatry 8:160-162, 2009.
CURRICULUM VITAE Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Publications: Peer-reviewed:
84. Shuman NK, Krug I, Pinheiro AP, BREWERTON TD, Thornton LM, Berrettini WH, Brandt H,
Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Keel Pamela K, LaVia M,
Mitchell J, Rotondo A, Strober M, Woodside DB, Kaye WH, Sulik CM: Is Season of Birth Related
to Disordered Eating and Personality in Women with Eating Disorders. Eating and Weight
Disorders 15:e186-189, 2010.
85. BREWERTON TD, Costin C: Treatment Results of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa in a
Residential Treatment Program. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
86. BREWERTON TD, Costin C: Long-term Outcome of Residential Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa
and Bulimia Nervosa. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 19:132-144,
87. BREWERTON TD: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Disordered Eating: Food Addiction as Self-
Medication (Editorial). Journal of Women's Health 20(8): 1133-1134,2011.
88. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG: Seasonal Patterns of Birth for Subjects
with Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating and Purging: Results from the National Women's Study.
International Journal of Eating Disorders (in press).
89. BREWERTON TD, Eyerman JE, Cappeta P, Mithoefer MC: Long-term Abstinence following
Holotropic Breathwork as Adjunctive Treatment of Substance Use Disorders and Related
Psychiatric Comorbidity. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (in press).
90. Mitchell K, Mazzeo SE, Schlesinger MR, BREWERTON TO, Smith BR: Comorbidity of Partial and
Subthreshold PTSD among Men and Women with Eating Disorders in the National Comorbidity
Survey-Replication Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders (in press).
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Publications: Non-peer-reviewed:
1. BREWERTON TD: The "DIVINE M.D. TEST': A Mnemonic Method of Memorizing Medical
Mechanisms Manifesting Mentally. Resident and Staff Physician 31(10):146-148, 1985.
2. Jimerson DC, BREWERTON TD, George DT, Gwirtsman HE, Goldstein DS, Kaye WH:
Neurotransmitter Function and Symptom Profiles in Bulimia. In Biological Psychiatry 1985,
Shagass C, Josiassen R, Bridger WH, Weiss KJ, Stoff D, and Simpson GM (Eds), from the
Proceedings of the IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA., September
8-14, 1985.
3. BREWERTON TD, Heffernan MM, Rosenthal NE: Psychiatric Aspects of the Relationship
between Eating and Mood. Nutrition Reviews 44(Suppl):78-88, 1986.
4. Jimerson DC, George DT, BREWERTON TD, Kaye WH: Anxiety in Bulimic Disorder: Behavioral
Responses to Lactate and Isoproterenol Infusions. In Ferrari E and Brambilla F (Eds): Disorders
of Eating Behavior. New York: Pergamon Press, 1986.
5. Jimerson DC, George DT, Kaye WH, BREWERTON TD, Goldstein DS: Norepinephrine
Regulation in Bulimia. In Hudson Jl and Pope HG (Eds): Psychobiology of Bulimia. Washington,
DC: American Psychiatric Press, pp. 145-156, 1987.
6. Kaye WH, Gwirtsman HE, BREWERTON TD, George TD, Jimerson DC, Ebert MH: Serotonin
Regulation in Bulimia. In Hudson Jl and Pope HG (Eds): Psychobiology of Bulimia. Washington,
DC: American Psychiatric Press, pp. 157-174, 1987.
7. Jimerson DC, Brandt HA, BREWERTON TD: Evidence for Altered Serotonin Function in Bulimia
and Anorexia Nervosa: Behavioral Implications. In Pirke KM, Vandereychen W, and Ploog D
(Eds): The Psychobiology of Bulimia Nervosa. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 83-89, 1988.
8. Kaye WH, Gwirtsman HE, George DT, Obarzanek E, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC, Ebert MH:
Altered Feeding Behavior in Bulimia: Is It Related to Mood and Serotonin? In Walsh T (Ed):
Eating Behavior in Eating Disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, pp. 199-216,
9. BREWERTON TD, Kramlinger KG, Post RM: Combination Therapy with Lithium and
Carbamazepine. In Birch NJ (Ed): Lithium: Inorganic Pharmacology and Psychiatric Use.
Oxford: IRL Press, pp. 57-60, 1988.
10. BREWERTON TD, Mueller EA, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Hegg A, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC:
Dysregulation of 5-HT Function in Bulimia Nervosa. In The Psychobiology of Human Eating
Disorders. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 575:500-502, 1989.
11. BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC: Serotonin in Eating
Disorders. In Coccaro EF, Murphy DL (Eds), Serotonin in Major Psychiatric Disorders. Progress
in Psychiatry Monograph Series, Spiegel D (Ed). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press,
pp. 153-184, 1990.
12. Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Hegg AP, BREWERTON TD: Serotonin and Human Eating Disorders.
In The Neuropharmacology of Serotonin. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 600:532-
544, 1990.
13. BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Lesem DT, Brandt HA, Jimerson DC: Serotonin Dysregulation in
Bulimia Nervosa: Neuroendocrine and Headache Responses. In Van Praag H, BrownS (Eds),
The Role of Serotonin in Psychiatric Disorders. Einstein Monograph Series, NY, NY:
Brunner/Mazel, pp 239-259, 1990.
14. BREWERTON TD: Circannual Cyclicity of 5-HT and Suicide. In Holick MF, Kligman AM (Eds)
The Biologic Effects of Light: Proceedings of a Symposium. NY, NY: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 213-
218, 1992.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Publications: Non-peer-re1;iewed:
15. BREWERTON TO: The Secrets of the Brain. Clinical Quorum, pp. 1-7, Spring 1993.
16. BREWERTON TO: Studies of Serotonin Function in the Eating Disorders. In Primary and
Secondary Eating Disorders: A Psychoneuroendocrine and Metabolic Approach. Advances in the
Biosciences, Volume 90. Ferrari E, Brambilla F, Solerte SB (Eds.). New York: Pergamon, pp.
49-58, 1993.
17. BREWERTON TO (editor): Broccoli or Brownies: Building Healthy Eating Behaviors in Children.
Flintstones Vitamins/Miles, Inc., 1994.
18. BREWERTON TO: Sexual and Physical Assault Are Risk Factors for Bulimia Nervosa.
Newsletter of the National Eating Disorders Organization, October, 1994.
19. BREWERTON TD: Questions and Answers. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and
Prevention 2:363, 1994.
20. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS: Victimization, PTSD, and Bulimia Nervosa. Eating Disorders
Review, New York, NY: Raven Press, March/April, 1995.
21. BREWERTON TD: Questions and Answers. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and
Prevention 3:77-78, 1995.
22. BREWERTON TD: Questions and Answers. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and
Prevention 3:268-269, 1995.
23. Costin C, BREWERTON TD: The Psychiatrist's Role and Medication. In: The Eating Disorder
Sourcebook (Costin C), RGA Lowell House, pp. 193-203, 1996.
24. BREWERTON TO: Eating Disorders Program: Clinical. In MUSC Psychiatry News, Volume 1,
Number 8, February 1998, p. 2.
25. BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM: Bulimia Nervosa, PTSD and
"Forgetting": Results from the National Women's Study. In Trauma and Memory. Williams LM,
Banyard VL (Eds). Durham: Sage Publications, 1999, pp. 127-138.
26. BREWERTON TO: Transmitter Systems in the Eating Disorders. In D'aemon (Ed.). Textbook of
Biological Psychiatry, 2002, pp. 1127-1134
27. BREWERTON TO: The Problem of Classification and Comorbidity: Relationship to Trauma and
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (commentary). In Eating Disorders, Maj M, Halmi K., Lopez-lbor
J.J., and Sartorius N. (Eds). Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry series (Volume 6), World Health
Organization, Chichester: Wiley, 2003, pp. 40-43.
h Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society. Expert Opinion
on Investigational Drugs 13(1):73-78, 2004.
29. BREWERTON TD, Steiger H: Neurotransmitter Dysregulation In Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia
Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. In BREWERTON TD (Ed.), Clinical Handbook of Eating
Disorders: An Integrated Approach. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004, pp. 257-281.
30. BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders, Victimization and PTSD: Principles of Treatment. In
BREWERTON TD (Ed.), Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach. New
York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004, pp. 509-545.
31. BREWERTON TD: Academy of Eating Disorders International Conference. Expert Opinion on
Investigational Drugs 13(7):1-3, 2004.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Timothy David Brewerton, M.D.
Publications: Non-peer-reviewed:
32. BREWERTON TO: Comorbid Anxiety and Depression and the Role of Trauma in Children and
Adolescents with Eating Disorders. In Jaffa, T., and McDermott, B. (Eds.) Eating Disorders in
Children and Adolescents. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 158-168.
33. BREWERTON TO: The Role of Traumatic Experiences in Eating Disorders. Eating Disorders
Today, Winter, 2006.
34. BREWERTON TO, Costin C: The Psychiatrist's Role and Medication. In: The Eating Disorder
Sourcebook (Third Edition) (Costin C), RGA Lowell House, 2006.
35. BREWERTON TD: Psychobiological Perspectives on Feminism in Eating Disorders. In: The
Renfrew Perspective, July 2006.
36. BREWERTON TO: Overview of Evidence on the Underpinnings of Bulimia Nervosa. In: Fornari,
V., and Dancyger, I. (Eds.), Evidence Based Treatments for Eating Disorders: Children,
Adolescents and Adults, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 19-22, 2009.
37. Ackard OM, BREWERTON TO: Comorbid Trauma and Eating Disorders: Treatment
Considerations and Recommendations for a Vulnerable Population. In: Maine, M., Bunnell, D.,
McGilley, B. (Eds.), Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research-Practice Gap, New
York: Elsevier, 2010, pp. 251-267.
1. BREWERTON TO (Editor): Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach, New
York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004.
Revised October 2011
Susan Margaret Ice
625 West Cliveden Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119
August 1, 1946
Reading, Pennsylvania
1969 A.B. Johns Hopkins University
1972 M.D. Johns Hopkins University
Intern, Internal Medicine, Tufts New England Medical Center, Boston
Resident, Internal Medicine, Tufts New England Medical Center, Boston
Resident, Psychiatry, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston
Massachusetts License Registration No. 36113
Pennsylvania License Certificate No. MD027649E
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in Psychiatry,
Certificate No. 18311
American Board of Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston
Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston
Clinical Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Temple University School of
Staff Psychiatrist, Lahey Clinic Foundation, Boston
Associate in Medicine, New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston
Associate In Medicine, New England Baptist Hospital, Boston
Associate in Psychiatry, Glenside Hospital, Boston
Consulting Psychiatrist, New England Deaconess Hospital, Renal
Dialysis and Transplantation Service
Assistant Psychiatrist, McLean Hospital, Belmont
Staff Psychiatrist, Belmont Center for Comprehensive Treatment,
Philadelphia (formerly Philadelphia Psychiatric Center)
Alpha Lambda Delta
Phi Beta Kappa
Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
Renal Transplantation Committee and Review Board, New England
Deaconess Hospital, Boston 1979-80
Psychiatric Care Committee, New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Lahey Clinic Foundation,
Outreach Committee, Philadelphia Psychiatric Center, Philadelphia
Curriculum Committee, Department of Psychiatry, Temple University
School ofMedicine, Philadelphia
Board Member, American Anorexia and Bulimia Association of
Medical Executive Committee, Philadelphia Psychiatric Center
Utilization Review Committee, Philadelphia Psychiatric Center
Residency Training Committee, Philadelphia Psychiatric Center/ Albert
Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia
American Medical Women's Association
American Psychiatric Association
Massachusetts Psychiatric Society, Inc.
Joint Commission on the Status of Women,
Harvard Medical Area
American Medical Association
Philadelphia Psychiatric Society
American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
Philadelphia Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
Board Member, American Anorexia and Bulimia
Association of Philadelphia
Charter Member, Philadelphia Association of Family
Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, APA Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, AP A
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
1981-82 Supervision, Fellow in Geriatric Psychiatry,
McLean Hospital, Belmont
Supervision, Residents on Adolescent Inpatient
Unit, Albert Einstein Medical Center and Temple
University Medical School Department of Psychiatry
Supervision, Residents in Psychiatry, Temple University
School of Medicine
Supervision, Residents in Psychiatry, Albert Einstein
Medical Center
Supervision, Residents in Psychiatry Temple University School of
Consultation/Liaison Psychiatrist, Lahey Clinic
Foundation, Boston
Administrative Psychiatrist, New England Deaconess
Hospital, Boston
Consultation/Liaison Psychiatrist, New England
Deaconess Hospital, Boston
Psychiatrist in Charge, Proctor House I, McLean
Hospital, Belmont
Director, Adolescent Inpatient Unit, Philadelphia
Psychiatric Center, Philadelphia
Medical Director, Eating Disorders Program, Belmont
Center for Comprehensive Treatment (formerly Philadelphia
Psychiatric Center)
Medical Director, Women's Treatment Program,
Philadelphia Psychiatric Center
Psychiatric Consultant, Adolescent Day Program,
Philadelphia Psychiatric Center
Medical Director, The Renfrew Center
Vice President and Medical Director, The Renfrew Center
March, 1983 Foster grandparents, Friends of Philadelphia
Psychiatric Center (PPC)
April9, 1983 Workshop on Adolescence. Panel with Adolescent
Unit Staff, PPC
April19 & 27, 1983 Moderator, Workshop on Divorce Mediation, PPC
March, 1983 Workshop on guilt. Students, Akiba Hebrew Academy
March 2, 1984 Affective Disorders in Adolescents. Division
Conference, Department of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein
Medical Center
May 23, 1984 Depression in Childhood and Adolescence. Division
Conference, Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein
Medical Center
May 22, June 5, 1984 Training series in handling difficult teens. Pediatric
Residents, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
October 24, 1984 Treatment of Adolescent Depression. 7th Annual
Guidance Service Conference. Chestnut Hill College,
March 18, 1985 Bipolar Illness in Adolescents. Visiting Lecture Series,
Department of Psychiatry, Bryn Mawr Hospital,
Bryn Mawr
May 17, 1986 Family Therapy Approach to Eating Disorders. Meeting
of the Family Therapy Training Institute, PPC
October 24, 1986 Anorexia Nervosa: Asceticism Gone Wild. Grand
Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein
Medical Center
March 28, 1987 Family Therapy Approach to Eating Disorders, AABA
Of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Child Guidance Center,
November 10, 1987 Treating the Families of Adolescent Inpatients.
Residents in Psychiatry, Albert Einstein Medical Center
1988-92 Lectures on Eating Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. Family
Practice Residents, Delaware County Memorial Hospital Health Institute,
March 4, 1988
March 1, 1989
March 21, 1989
January 23, 1990
February 7, 1990
December 4, 1990
March 17, 1992
September 9, 1992
June 3, 1993
November 1, 1995
February 6, 1996
Apri116, 1996
A Family Approach to Eating Disorders. Panel Discussion, Mind and
Body Series, Healthcare Information Network
Eating Disorders Recognition, Diagnosis and Treatment, Abington
Friends PTA
Eating Disorders Recognition, Diagnosis and
Treatment, Medical Staff, Jeanes Hospital
Eating Disorders Recognition, Diagnosis and
Treatment, Radiology Department, Fox Chase Cancer Center
Suicide: When Should Parents Become Alarmed? Public Forum, PPC
Incest in the Families of Bulimics, Lunch 'N Lecture, PPC
A Cry for Help: Diagnosis and Treatment of Depressed
and Suicidal Children and Adolescents. Panel Discussion.
Mind and Body Series. Hospital Satellite Network.
NAPPH Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona
Eating Disorders Recognition, Diagnosis and Treatment. Medical Staff,
Rolling Hill Hospital
Major Psychoses in Adolescence. Lunch 'N Lecture, PPC
Eating Disorders Diagnosis, Treatment and Referral
Process. Department of Pediatrics, St. Lukes Hospital, Allentown
Dual Diagnosis: Post Discharge Follow-up of Hospitalized Youth.
National Hospital for Kids in Crisis, Orefield
Theory into Practice: Inpatient Management of Sexual
Trauma. Panelist. Belmont Center for Comprehensive Treatment
Eating disorders-what are they and how do we prevent them?
Baldwin Middle School
Grand rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein Medical Center
The treatment of eating disorders: alternatives to hospitalization.
Lunch 'N Lecture Series, Belmont Center for Comprehensive Treatment
Psychobiology of eating disorders. Psychiatric residents, Albert Einstein
Medical Center
Eating disorders. Basic Lecture Series. Psychiatric residents,
Albert Einstein Medical Center
January 17, 1997
June 7, 1997
February 28, 1998
March 12, 1998
April3, 1998
December 8, 1998
November 17, 1999
February 22, 2000
March 8, 2000
April4, 2000
April, 2000
November 9, 2000
November 17, 2000
December 8, 2000
March 21,2001
March 27, 2001
Can eating disordered patients be treated outside the hospital?
Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Belmont Behavioral Health, Albert Einstein
Healthcare Network
The treatment of eating disordered patients. P ASPEN. Valley Forge
Convention Center
The role of the family in recovery from an eating Disorder. AABA of
Philadelphia, CHOP
Eating disorders. Upper school assembly. Springside School,
Chestnut Hill, P A
Psychodynamic treatment of eating disorders. Pennsylvania Psychiatric
Society, Northeastern Division. Wilkes Barre, PA
Body image, eating disorder. Hadassah Women's Health Symposium.
Four Caesars. Philadelphia, PA
Family Practice Residents, Chestnut Hill Hospital,
Eating Disorders (Dr. Kenneth Story)
Pediatric Grand Rounds, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Eating
Disorders (Dr. Robert Wimmer)
ICM Course, Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine, Eating
Disorders. (Dr. Mitchell Cohen)
Biophysical Issues in Patient Care, Physician Assistant Program, MCP
Hahnemann University, Eating Disorders. (Nancy Ennis, PA-C).
Graduate Nurses, Course on Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania,
Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders.
Renfrew Conference, The Renfrew Center Perspective on the treatment
of Eating Disorders. (Dr. Bill Davis)
Eating Disorders, Family Practice Residents, Chestnut Hill Hospital. (Dr.
Kenneth Story)
Renfrew Symposium, Adolescent Program, Adolescence as a Watershed
for the Development ofEating Disorders. (Judi Goldstein, ACSW)
Grand Rounds in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,
Thomas Jefferson Medical College (Dr. Steven Schwartz)
Biophysical Issues in Patient Care, Physician Assistant Program, MCP
Hahnemann University, Eating Disorders. (NANCY ENNIS)
July 24, 2001
November 16,2001
December 11,2001
February 27, 2002
April23, 2002
September 25,2002
November 22, 2002
December 12, 2002
January 16, 2003
April 8, 2003
September 5, 2003
November 26,2003
December 9, 2003
January 28, 2004
January 4, 2005
February 25, 2005
May 27,2005
Congressional Briefing, Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy
and Action, House Office Building, Washington, D.C. (Jeanine Coagan,
Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Virtua West Jersey Health
System. (Dr. Mark Hummel)
Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, The Reading Hospital Medical
Center, Reading, P A (Dr. Larry Rotenberg)
Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM), Thomas Jefferson University
(Dr. Mitchell Cohen)
Eating Disorders, Physician Assistants, Hahneman University
Member of White Paper Panel on Eating Disorders, Annenberg Center
for Public Policy
Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Temple University School of
Medicine (Dr. Ellen Sholevar)
Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Adolescent Eating Disorders,
NASBOG talk. Pfizer sponsored. Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders. Physician Assistants, Hahneman University
Eating Disorders 101. Orientation for new Renfrew Staff
(Dr. Bill Davis)
Psychopharmacology of Eating Disorders. Renfrew Day at the Annual
Renfrew Conference, Philadelphia, P A
Eating Disorders: State of the Art, as part of the Women's Health Series.
Sacred Heart Hospital. Allentown, P A.
Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Abington Hospital
(Dr. Ned Weiss)
Eating Disorders Lecture, Course: Medical Practice for the 21st Century,
First year students, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, P A
Psychotropic Medicine in the Treatment of Eating Disorders. Fist New
York State Conference on Eating Disorders, Feb 24-25th, Syracuse, NY.
Discussant. Case Conference. Anorexia Nervosa, Restricting type.
Temple University Dept of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Natalia Ortiz, MD
presenter. (Dr. Henry Weissman)
January 12, 2006
November 2006-
February, 2007
Eating Disorders Lecture, Course, Medical Practice for the 21st Century,
First Year Students, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA
Work with CFDA on Health Initiatives for Fashion Models in NYC.
Attended Spring Fashion week and presented at Press Conference
April, 2007 CFDA presentation for fashion industry on Eating Disorders
November, 2007 Renfrew Webinar on the Psychopharmacotherapy of Eating Disorders
November 13, 2008 Renfrew Center Conference on Eating Disorders: Physician Workshop
with Jefferson Medical College
August 19, 20,2009 MHN Webinar on Eating Disorders 101
November, 2009 The Renfrew Conference
October, 2010 W ebinar on the Complex Eating Disordered Patient, The Renfrew Center
November 12, 2010 Workshop on the Complex Eating Disordered Patient, 20th Annual
Renfrew Conference
August 17, 18, 2011 MHN Webinar on the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
November 11, 2011 Workshop on The Next Generation of the Mind-Body Interface in the
Eating Disordered Patient, 21st Annual Renfrew Conference
December 1, 1985
March 16, 1986
June 24, 1986
August 9, 1989
June 1992
February 2, 1997
February 11, 1998
November 26,2003
January 2007
February 5, 2007
April, 2008
Treatment ofEating Disorders, Channe16, WPVI-TV
Drug Abuse in Adolescents Talk Show, Channel 10
Radio Show
Eating Disorders. Talk 900 Radio Station KYW
Eating Disorders. Talk Show. Berks County Educational TV
Interview with Jane Robelo on the connection between
alcohol abuse and eating disorders, 11 o'clock News,
Eating Disorders: The Hunger Within. Health Matters. KYW-TV3
Dorie Lenz. Community Concerns.
Eating Disorders. Your Morning on CN8. New Castle, DE
CFDA Guidelines. Matt Lauer on the Today Show
Press Conference during NYC Fashion Week on CFDA Guidelines
Segment on Midlife Eating Disorders. 20/20.
Bilizekian, SB, Laleli Y, Tasn M, Hodkinson BA, Ice S, Mcintyre, PA.
Immunological reactions involving leukocytes: III. Agranulocytosis
induced by antithyroid drugs. The Johns Hopkins Medical Jouma11976.
IceS. Death and Dying. Lahy Clinic Foundation Bulletin, February,
D'Elia J, Piening S, Lakdany A, Malarick C, Unger K, Ice S,
Anderson R, Miller D, Lundin P. Dialysis related psychosocial crisis in
diabetic renal failure. (unpublished)
IceS. Child and Adolescent Emergencies in Handbook of Psychiatric
Emergencies, Dubin and Weiss, editors. Springhouse Corporation,
Springhouse, PA, 1991
Ice, S. A Medical Director's Perspective on Eating Disorders: Enduring
Wisdom, New Frontiers. Perspective, A Professional Journal of the
Renfrew Center Foundation, Winter, 2006.

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