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Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 1


Dr. M. A. Srivastava
2 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 3
Foreword 5
Muhammad (Pbuh) And Indian Religious Scriptures 7
Muhammad (Pbuh) And The Vedas 9
Similarity Between Ethical Values of Narashansa 10
With the Virtues of Muhammad (Pbuh)
1. Soft Spoken 11
2. Possessor of Knowledge of the Unseen 11
3. Embodiment of Elegance 11
4. The Purifier of Sins 12
5. Similarity regarding Wives 12
6. Similarity of Place 13
7. Other Similarities 13
Testimonies Of The Puranas 16
Bhavishya Purana and Muhammad (Pbuh) 16
Prior Information of Sangram Purana 17
Kalki Avatar And Muhammad (Pbuh) 19
Meaning of Avatar 19
Signs of Arrival of the Last Avatar 20
Kalki s Place of Advent 21
Date of Birth 22
Characteristics Of The Last Avatar 23
1. The Horse Rider and Possessor of Swords 23
2. Eradication of Tyrants 24
3. Protector of the Universe 24
4 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
4. Adorned with co-operation of Four Brethren 25
5. The Last Messenger 25
6. Precept and Departure towards North 26
7. Endowed with Eight Gains and Attributes 26
8. Flow of Fragrance from the Body 28
9. Unique Splendour of the Holy Face 29
10. Preacher of the Divine Revelation 29
Description of Muhammad (Pbuh) in Upnishads too 31
Teaching of Prannathi (Pranami) Sect 33
Muhammad (Pbuh) and Budhist Scriptures 34
The Last Buddha Maitreya and Muhammad (Pbuh) 34
Resemblance of Maitreya with Muhammad (Pbuh) 34
Jainism And Muhammad (Pbuh) 39
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 5
Allah is the most Gracious and Merciful. He alone is the Creator
of all creatures. He has granted the status of nobility and honour to the
human being among His creatures. It is quite difficult to count the
blessings and graces bestowed by Him upon the human beings. He
bestowed upon the human beings His grace and provided guidance
for them through His messengers, prophets and Avatars reaching out
to every human population and nation. The Holy Quran mentions:
There never was a population, without a Warner. (35:24)
Avatar never means that God Himself appears physically on
the earth; but in fact He sends His Messengers and Avatars. He sent
His Messengers and Avatars for salvation, success and guidance of
the human beings. The prophethood finally came to an end on
Muhammad (PBUH). The saintly personalities like Swami Vivekananda
and Guru Nanak had also recognised the belief in prophethood.
Among the venerable Scholars, Pandit Sunder Lal, Shri Balram
Singh Parihar, Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay, Dr. P.H. Chaubey,
Dr. Ramesh Prasad Garg and Pandit Durga Shankar Satyarthi etc.
have defined Avatar as a messenger sent by God for the welfare of
human beings. Renowned scholar of the Pran Nathi sect, Shri Kashmiri
Lal Bhagat has also openly accepted this fact.
We find prediction of the advent of Muhammad (PBUH) in the
Bible, the Torah and other religious books; even the Indian religious
scriptures have predicted the advent of Muhammad (PBUH). Religious
books of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism also contain such kind of
predictions. An effort has been made to present all these facts together
in this book.
Prophets and Avatars are sent for a specific purpose. When people
deviated from basic religious teachings, involved themselves in anti
faith activities and distorted their real faith then Messengers and Avatars
were sent, who reformed and presented the real faith in its original
6 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
form and invited the people towards oneness of God. Muhammad
(PBUH) was sent in this world after a period of more than five centuries
of the prophethood of Jesus (PBUH). Teachings of the prophets had
either been forgotten or distorted; the real religion was overpowered
by fake believes; the sign of piety and fear of God had vanished; the
man had forgotten his Creator; and invented many fake gods. He
stooped so low asinvolved himself in worshipping the trees, the
mountains, fire, water, air, moon, earth, sun etc.
Muhammad (PBUH) came to this world when it was suffering
from very intense and unusual crises. As a messenger of God he
brought about a great and unique righteous revolution. He did not
introduce any new religion, rather presented the ancient religion (Islam)
of the human origin in its real form after discarding its deficiencies and
adulteration. He taught the real place of human beings and negated
their ill faiths and ideologies. He taught that there was only one God
free from incarnation. The human being must accept His servitude and
pray to Him only. If he negates this faith and virtuous deeds, he places
himself in the wrong direction leading towards strayed path. How can
he be expected to lead a successful journey of life in this situation?
To lead a simple, successful, purposeful and fruitful journey of
this life, it is imminent to adhere to the teachings of the last messenger
of God and follow the way shown by him, eventually the life after
death will also be successful. It is no secret that what the Indian religious
scriptures predicted as the upcoming Avatar (messenger) is none, other
than Muhammad (PBUH). An earnest effort has been made to bring
out the truth through this book. If there remains any flaw ar mistake in
bringing forth the facts, kindly do inform us.
May Allah accept our efforts. Ameen!
Place : New Delhi Dr. M. A. Srivastava
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 7
The truth always prevails, it does not require any proof. It is a
different matter that we might not understand or some people may try
purposefully to keep us away from it.
Now it has been clearly manifested that Vedas, Upnishads and
Puranas have all predicted of the advent of Muhammad (PBUH) as
the last messenger of this world. The protagonists of humanity, scholars
and illuminaries have established such un-refutable proofs that the truth
has prevailed very clearly. It is none other than Muhammad (PBUH),
regarding whom the Vedas have predicted that a camel rider would
appear. According to the Vedas the camel riders name will be
Narashansa. Arabic translation of Narashansa is Muhammad
. All
the above details regarding Narashansa amazingly identify with the
characteristic qualities and deeds of Muhammad (PBUH). The Puranas
and the Upnishads have description of Kalki Avatar whose details
also coincide with Muhammad (PBUH). The personality and
characteristic of Kalki Avatar depict the complete picture of the last
messenger. Not only this, in upnishad, Muhammads (PBUH) holy
name is clearly described as the messenger of God. It is also mentioned
in these scriptures that there is only one God, He is alone and has no
partner. The said scriptures have mentioned the word ALLAH several
times. The Buddhist and Jain scriptures too have predicted the advent
of Muhammad (PBUH).
In the light of these facts sincere and fruitful efforts can be made
to bring about unity of human beings. This is,in fact, the need of the
hour. In this turbulent age of hatred and communalism, these facts
may prove a milestone in fostering love and brotherhood and
establishing a society based on moral values and righteousness without
least sign of hatred, tyranny, oppression and exploitation. Keeping
these aims in view, these facts and findings are presented before you.
8 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
It is upto you to judge to what extent we have succeeded in our efforts.
It is hoped, these facts will touch the human souls deeply and help to
activate us towards the welfare of the humanity. Besides the research
works of Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay Narashansa Aur Antim Rishi
and Kalki Avatar Aur Muhammad Sahab and materials and findings
from other sources have also been compiled in this book.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 9
Prediction in Vedas regarding the advent of Narashansa or
Muhammad (PBUH) is not a matter of surprise, rather the
religious scriptures have always predicted of the advent of the
messengers. It is of course amazing that no other messengers
advent has been so clearly predicted as of Muhammad (PBUH)
in the religious scriptures.
The holy scriptures of the Christians, the Jews and the
Buddhists have too predicted regarding the advent of
Muhammad (PBUH) as the last messenger of God.
The Vedic word Narashansa has been formed of two
words. Nar means man and Ashansa means Praised,
Sayan (an exegetist of the 14
century Vedas) defines
Narashansa as praised by human beings
. This is a compound
word formed on the basis of the object. If it is separated, its
meaning will be =.=|=| |.| = i.e. the praised man. Dr. Ved
Prakas Upadhyay explains, Hence, this word should not signify
as any Devta. The word Narashansa itself clarifies that the
word Praised is an adjective which has been used for a man.
If any body reognizes the word man (=) as Devta, then it must
be refuted clearly that the word Nar (=) is neither a synonym
of Devta nor any specific caste belonging to the races of the
Meaning of the word Nar (=) is man, because Nar is
one of the synonym used for man. Exactly like Narashansa,
. =|.| = =| = + .|==- + (Sayan Bhashya, Rigveda Sanhita, 5/5/2) the original
Mantra is like this : =|.| = = | :-|= =n=:|-=+ =i+ir =| r==+ Swami Dyananda
Srasawti has also defined the meaning of the word Narashansa as Praised
by human beings (Rigveda Hindi, pg. 25, Published by Sarvadeshik Arya
Pratinidhi Sabha)
2. Narashansa Aur Antim Rishi, pg. 5, by Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay.
10 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
meaning of the word Muhammad is also Praised one.
Muhammad is derived from the root word HAMD
means to praise. In the Rigveda a name KIRI (=|i) has been
mentioned which means admirer of God. The word Ahmad
has the same meaning. Ahmad is also one of the names of
Muhammad (PBUH).
The oldest of the Vedas is Rigveda. It contains eight
Mantras beginning with the word Narashansa. Rigveda
describes Narashansa in the following order: First Mandal,
thirteenth Sookta, third Mantra and eighteenth Sookta, nineth
Mantra and one hundred and sixth Sookta, fourth Mantra.
Rigveda further describes Narashansa in the Second Mandal,
third Sookta, second Mantra, fifth Mandal, fifth Sookta, second
Mantra, Seventh Mandal, second Sookta, second Mantra, tenth
Mandal, sixty fourth Sookta, third Mantra and one hundred
and forty second Sookta, second Mantra. Narashansa has also
been described in the Samveda Sanhita in the following order:
Mantra and in the Vajasneyi Sanhita, 28
Chapter, 27
Mantra. Besides Taitriya Aranyak and Shatpatha Brahmana
Granthas, Narashansa has also been described in Yajurveda,
Samveda and Atharvaveda.
Similarity between Ethical Values of Narashansa with the
Virtues of Muhammad (PBUH)
The Vedas mention the description of Narashansas praises.
During the period of Rigveda or Krit Yuga, Narashansa was
called on the eve of Yagyas (rituals). For this purpose the word
beloved (i+ =) was used. Comparison of the described
characteristic of Narashansa with the virtues of Muhammad
(PBUH) are as follows:
3. Pandit Ravindra Nath Tripathis article in the Kanti weekly, 28
Oct 4
Nov. 1990. Main Shloka is : =| | ==|=| i:-| = = .|== =| = r =|| =||=|=== =| ++
(Rigveda, 2/12/6.)
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 11
1. Soft Spoken
Rigveda describes Narashansa as =|i=r +| i.e. he will be
soft spoken
; soft speaking will be the distiction of his
personality. It is known to all that Muhammads (PBUH)
utterance was very soft and gentle.
2. Possessor of Knowledge of the Unseen
Narashansa has been described as the possessor of knowledge
of the unseen. Holder of this knowledge is also called Kavi(=i+) .
Narashansa has been described as Kavi in the Rigveda Sanhita.
On some occasions Muhammad (PBUH) was informed of the matters
likely to happen in future by the Almighty God. Accordingly Muhammad
(PBUH) had predicted regarding the battle between Romans and
Persians in which Romans would be defeated but within a year they
would be victorious. Romans were victorious in the battle of Nainwa
in 657 A.D. Surah Ar-Room of the Holy Quran described this event
in which Romans re-victory after their defeat has been mentioned.
Simultaneously it has been predicted that in the near future the non-
believers will be overpowered by the Muslims.
Muhammad (PBUH) was the most beloved of God and achiever
of the divine wisdom. He was a Nabi. The word Nabi is derived
from the root word of Nabi which means provider of the information.
Indeed he was the prophet of God. In the words of Acharya Rajnish:
Muhammad (PBUH) is the flute to discover God wherein someone
else makes the puff.
3. Embodiment of Elegance
Narashansa has been described as possessor of shining elegance.
Rigveda mentions this quality in a word =+i=
which is defined as
(.|| -|=| i= = == =) very much shining or luminous. This word means
such a handsome person whose face radiates the light. Rigveda further
says that he will enlighten every house with his magnificence.
It is very clear that Muhammad (PBUH) enlightened every house
4. Rigveda Sanhita, 1/13/3.
5. Rigveda Sanhita, 5/5/2.
12 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
with knowledge, eradicated ignorance and showed the new light to
the wanderers of darkness. It is mentioned in Rigveda and Samveda
(ri=i,..........:+|=i=++) viz. Ahmed (Muhammad) achieved the way
of life adorned with wisdom from his Lord. I am shining like the sun.
Muhammad (PBUH) was so gorgeous that peoples from all around
were involvntarily attracted towards him. In this regard Rev. Bosworth
Smith in his book Muhammad (PBUH) and Muhamadanism writes
Even the enemies of Muhammad (PBUH) were so impressed by his
magnetism and magnificence that they were bound to respect him.
Despite all hurdles and opposition, Muhammad (PBUH) continued
his mission of spreading the light of knowledge in every house.
4. The Purifier of Sins
Rigveda describes Narashansa as the rescuer of people from
It is quite clear that all the teachings and guidance of Muhammad
(PBUH) and the revelation of the Holy Quran on him clean up all sins
from the life of a person. This is a mirror of the right faith which rids
the human being of all sins, and turning his present life as well as life
after death into success and prosperity. Islam forbids people from
gambling, consuming of wine and other intoxicated materials as well
as forbids the use of wealth earned through unfair means, taking of
interest and to usurp others, rights. It sets up a society free from
oppression, transgression and exploitation.
5. Similarity regarding Wives
Narashansa will have twelve wives. It is also verified by
the same verse of Atharvaveda which says that he will use camel
as a mode of conveyance. The verse is:
== | === + +|r|| +| =--| i;: .|+
+=| |== i= i=r|- i:+ : |=||| =+=+ .|+
(Atharvaveda, Kuntap Sokta: 20/127/2)
6. =|.| = + i- ||=|-=|= i-= | i:+ + i- =r =| =+i= ++ (Rigveda Sanhita, 2/3/2)
7. As above.
8. Rigveda, 8/6/10, Samveda, 2/6/8.
9. Rigveda, 1/106/4.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 13
i.e. who will possess two cute she camels for his conveyance or who
will travel by camels along with his twelve wives; whose swift ascension
of honour and dignity will descend down after touching the peak of
the sky.
According to this verse Muhammad (PBUH) had twelve wives, their
names are in following order:
1. Hazrat Khadeeja (R.A)
2. Hazrat Saudah (R.A)
3. Hazrat Ayesha (R.A)
4. Hazrat Hafsa (R.A)
5. Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (R.A)
6. Hazrat Umm-e-Habiba (R.A)
7. Hazrat Zainab Bint-e-Hajash (R.A)
8. Hazrat Zainab Bint-e-Khuzaima (R.A)
9. Hazrat Juwairiya (R.A)
10. Hazrat Safiya (R.A)
11. Hazrat Raihana (R.A)
12. Hazrat Maimoona (R.A)
It is notable that no religious personality ever had twelve wives.
Some great persons had hundred wives, but not twelve according to
Hindu religious scriptures.
6. Similarity of Place
Whereas the above mentioned verse of Atharvaveda in which
use of camels as means of conveyance by Narashansa is mentioned, it
also clarifies the identity as well as the place of his advent. Camel
riding means there will be plenty of camels where Narashansa will be
born. Camels are available abvndantly in the desert lands. Muhammad
(PBUH) was born in the desert land of Arabia.
7. Other Similarities
Some facts have also been mentioned regarding Narashansa in
14 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
the Atharvaveda. Kuntap Sokta refers :
:: ==| =+ - =|.| = =-i+=- +
Pandit Chhem Karan Das Trivedi defines its meaning as : O
people! Listen to this gracefully that a praise worthy will be exalted
among the humans
An other spell says :
)| :||= =|=r .|- i==|= :.| = =+
||i| .|-|-=+ -| =r=|| :.| =| =|= ++
(Atharvaveda, 20/127/3)
i.e. God will give Mamhay Rishi one hundred gold coins, ten thousand
cows, three hundred Arab steeds and ten necklaces. Here Mamhay
Rishi alluded to Muhammad (PBUH). The gift of one hundred gold
coins presented by God signifies one hundred such reverend persons
who will be as important as gold. One hundred persons did preserve
the teachings rendered by Muhammad (PBUH), they were called As-
hab-e-Suffah and their duty was to preach and preserve the teachings.
Likewise bestowal of ten thousand cows refers to ten thousand
righteous persons. The cow is a symbolic word commonly used for
gentlemen. Number of followers of Muhammads (PBUH) teachings
was ten thousand at the last stage of his blessed life. At the time of
victory march from Madinah to Makkah the number of his helpers
was ten thousand. When ten thousand followers of Muhammad
(PBUH) reached Makkah, there was no fight or any kind of destruction,
so they are metaphorically referred to as cows.
Bestowal of three hundred horses to Narashansa refers to
presence of such brave soldiers who would be as swift as horses. The
horse is also a symbolic word like the cow. According to Allama Ibnul
Jawzi number of Muhammads (PBUH) companions in the battle of
Badr was three hundred.
Gift of ten necklaces to Narashansa means ten such persons who
10. Allama Ibn-e-Jareers book contains this very order.
11. Atharvaveda Hindi Bhashya, pg. 1401, Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha,
New Delhi.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 15
would be like necklace and very dear to Narashansa. There were ten
such persons with Munammad (PBUH) who were always ready to
lay down their lives for him; they always surrounded the Prophet
(PBUH) like a necklace. These ten persons are called Ashra-e-
Mubashsharah. These were the companions of Muhammad (PBUH)
who were given the glad tidings of the heaven in their lifetime itself.
Their names are as follows :
1. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
2. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
3. Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
5. Hazrat Talha (R.A)
6. Hazrat Sad Bin Waqqas (R.A)
7. Hazrat Saeed Bin Zaid (R.A)
8. Hazrat Abdur Rahman Bin Auf (R.A)
9. Hazrat Abu Ubaida Bin Al- Jarrah (R.A)
10. Hazrat Zubair (R.A)
In a Verse of Atharvaveda it is described that O people! Listen
to this (glad tidings) attentively ; Narashansa will be praised. We take
him in our protection from sixty thousand and ninety enemies to the
migrant and promoter of peace. There is a verse in Rigveda too
which describes ten thousand companions (Sahabah) of Mamhay Rishi.
The verse is as follows :
==+--| =+i-=| =r = =|+| = i-| =| =||=+
| + || = :.|i-| =r= + .+|= ==|i.=+ -++
(Rigveda 5/27/1)
i.e. The righteous, the wisest, strong and generous Mamhay Rishi
honoured me with his words. The Almighty, master of all virtues, the
mercy for whole universe became famous with ten thousand helpers
(Sahabah). Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay has also acknowledged
Mamhay Rishi as Muhammad (PBUH).
16 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
Bhavishya Purana and Muhammad (PBUH)
Not only the Vedas but the Puranas too describe that
Muhammads (PBUH) area of activities would be the desert land.
Bhavishya Purana clearly mentions that an Acharya will come to
another country along with his friends, his name will be Mahamad. He
will come in the desert land
)-i==-=-- -n = |=|= | ==i-+-++
=r|=: :i- r=|- i.|=.||r|| ==i-+-++
(Bhavishya Purana, 3/3/3/5)
Shlokas 6,7,8 of this chapter are also related to Muhammad
(PBUH). Besides the birth place of the prophet of Islam, other details
have also similarity with Kalki Avatar mentioned in the Kalki Purana,
which will be discussed later.
It would be in order to mention here that lives of several
messengers of God have been mentioned in the Bhavishya Purana. A
detailed chapter on Islam is also there. This Purana clearly and
effectively describes about Muhammad (PBUH). While the word
Muhammad has very close identity to the name Mahamad Acharya,
the identity related to the Prophet of Islam described therein exactly
tallies with the facts, it does not require any explanation. According to
Bhavishya Purana, a king from Shall Vahan ( Seven Vehicles) dynasty
of Raja Bhoj will reach (Arabia) crossing over the ocean after
conquering all around the world. During the same period (elite class)
Acharya will see renowned Acharya Mahamad (Muhammad (PBUH))
in the circle of disciples.
Bhavishya Purana says :
in == :| i.|r||r|= .=||| = : |=+
==|n|+| =+ -|-|| -|i+=i- ==| ==+ z++
i+=| =| n = +.|+=- || -|-=| =-| ==+
12. Pratisarga Parve 3, Chapter 3, Part 3, Kalyugitihas Samuchchaya.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 17
==n = + = ==| +.| i+ -|i+=i-+ zc++
-==|-==n+--| ir =|-=| |= : |=|+
:i- + .||=|= .= -|i+=i- ==| + -+ z:++
Meaning of the above Shlokas is as follows :
Our people will be circumcized, they will not keep pigtail on
their heads, they will keep beard, they will speak loudly (i.e. call for
prayer). They will take both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods; but
will not eat any animal without purifying with the verses of God (they
will eat only Halal meat). Thus, according to our faith, our disciples
will have the Muslim character and culture. From those very people
the religion of faithfuls will flourish and ill founded leligion will be
destroyed by my order.
All these predictions of Bhavishya Purana are so clear and correct
that they perfectly identify with Muhammad (PBUH). Therefore, the
identity of Muhammad (PBUH) as the last messenger is clearly
manifested. It is beyond from doubt that these Puranas were compiled
after arrival of Islam. Vedas and other kind of Puranas existed prior to
Prior information of Sangram Purana
Sangram Purana is considered as one of the Puranas. This
Purana also predicts advent of the last messenger of God, Muhammad
(PBUH). Pandit Dharam Veer Upadhyay writes in his renowned book
Antim Ishwardoot
: Both Kaag Bhusundi and Garuda served Rama
for a long period. They not only learnt his teachings, but preached
them among the masses too. Tulsi Dasji has mentioned these teachings
in his translation of Sangram Purana in which Shankarji predicted to
his son, Shanmukh (having six mouths) regarding the impending
religion and Avatar (prophet). Its metrical translation is given as under :
=r| = +-|+|- == |r|r +
+ :) +||, = - =- -||r|r ++
= +- i+== :| = =|+
13. This book was flrst published in 1927 by National Printing Press,
Daryagang, New Delhi.
18 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
=r| =| = == =- + -| ++
=|==|i- -|+ + |i- i:r||+ +
|+= =- ===| ===|+ ++
= = =- = : =-=| | +
i==| + .| -|=| i- -|||++
-= -= = -: =i: :=| =|+
i==| =r|=: +| = r| =|++
-== =|=r =-- i-|r|||+
==| =|= )ir + -|||++
r = -: i==| | = r| : +
- n=| +== == == r| : ++
(==|= +||, ==-:-z, =|-c, +=|=+|:, =|=+|=| -n=|:|=)
Pandit Dharmaveer Upadhyay has explained these lines as under :
(Tulsi Dasji says) Here, I have discussed the thoughts of Sants,
Vedas and Puranas without any partiality. He will come into being in
the seventh century Bikrami with the light of all four suns. Whatever
might be the circumstances in his rule, he would propagate his religion
to all, either with love or by force. He will be accompanied by four
Devtas (main associates), with their help the number of his followers
will grow large. As long as the exalted teachings (the Holy Quran)
will remain on the earth, none would achieve the salvation without this
(the Quran) and Mahamad (Muhammad) (PBUH)). Humans,
beggars, insects and animals will become obedient to Allah as soon as
they would call the name of that fasting person. None will ever be
born like him again, (i.e. No prophet will come after him) (PBUH).
Tulsi Dasji says that his words would prove to be true
14. The words given in the brackets are only for explanation. Here another
point needs to be clarified, though the Sangram Purana might be counted
among the modern version of the Purans, but it is abridged from the ancient
Hindu scriptures, as the advent of Muhammad (PBUH) has been clearly
described according to other Puranas, Granthas and religious thoughts in the
light of earlier proofs.
Hence there cannot be any flaw in defining the related facts, because of
ancient or modern texts of the Puranas.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 19
A great scholar of Sanskrit, Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay in
one of his research articles declares Muhammad (PBUH) as Kalki
Avatar. After having comparative study of characteristics of Kalki and
Muhammad (PBUH) he has proved that Kalki Avatar has already
been descended and he is none, but Muhammad (PBUH). In the
foreword of his research article he writes:
The extent of expected destruction by nuclear explosions can be
compensated by religious unity. It is not wise to have enmity with the
crocodile while living in the water. For this very purpose I have done
this research work which is the base of religious unity. The supporters
of national integration will have no objection on this research work;
the objection will arise from narrow minded people and those like
frogs living in the well, if they come out of the well and see the world,
then their misconception regarding the world will be removed. I am
very sure that after studying this research book, not only the Indian
society but the entire world will witness a revolution of unity and the
quarrels in the name of religion will come to an end.
The important points of this research work and the matters from
other sources on this topic are presented here.
Meaning of Avatar
Literal meaning of Avatar is descending to the earth. The word
Gods Avatar means birth of a pious soul on the earth to convey the
message of God to all. Kalki Avatar has been defined as the last
messenger of God. In the context of Gods Avatar the word, s is in
possessive case. So it is clear that the person to be descended is
related to God. Who is related to God? His (Gods) true devotee
might only be the nearest person. Rigveda describes such person as
20 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
KIRI. In Hindi, word KIRI means one who praises God and in
Arabic it is AHMAD. But isnt that there could be only one person
as KIRI or AHMAD to praise God? For every region and period
different Avatars were sent, because it was not possible for a single
Avatar to benefit the whole world. The Holy Quran says that in every
region messengers were sent. The last Kalki Avatar has an exclusive
quality. He was not sent for a particular region, but for the entire world.
When people follow ill founded religion instead of true religion or
distort it according to their desires, then God sends His Avatars or
Messengers to guide them in the right direction.
Signs of Arrival of the Last Avatar
The arrival of Kalki has been anticipated in the situation
and time when barbarism will prevail all around. People will
indulge in violence, anarchy and lawlessness. Barren trees or
trees bearing less fruits, killing and looting others and burying
of female offspring just after their birth, worshipping of several
gods and goddesses in place of one God, tendency of admiring
the trees and stones as god, evil practice under the cover of
good deeds and inequality etc. were the common practices
when Muhammad (PBUH) was sent.
In the beginning of the seventh century the Roman and
Persian empires were passing through the worst situation. After
the decay of Byzantine empire the whole system of governance
was in a state of mess. Due to misdeeds and tyranny of the
clergymen, the Christianity was on decline. There prevailed
the situation of chaos due to internal conflicts and enmity. At
that time, Muhammad (PBUH) was sent. The religion of Islam
was far from the conflicts of the Roman empire. This religion
(Islam) was destined to overpower the whole world and dispel
so many dynasties, rulers and customs etc. like the storm which
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 21
clears up the dust from the earth.
George Sale writes in the preface of the English translation of the
Holy Quran: Priests of the Churches had divided the religion into
fragments and peaces, love and virtues had almost vanished. They
had forgotten the real religion, instead constant enmity prevailed on
account of concepts of the religion, many superstitions had been
recognized as religion in the Roman Churches, even idol worshipping
was practised very shamelessly.
As a result there came into existent three gods instead of one, and
Mary was believed to be the mother of god. Amidst this ignorance
God sent His last Messenger.
The second point of consideration was that the last messenger
would come at a time when swords and horses would be used in the
battles. Bhagwat Purana described Master of the world having all
the eight attributes and powers, riding on the swift horse bestowed by
Devatas will destroy evil forces with the sword.
Now the era of swords and horses is over. About fourteen hundred
years ago swords and horses were used. A century later gun powder
had come into form with the mixture of soda and coal. In the present
age, tanks and missiles have replaced the horses and swords.
Kalkis Place of Advent
Kalki Purana and Bhagwat Purana have mentioned the place of
advent of Kalki Avatar to a village Shambhal. At this point it is
important to consider whether Shambhal is the name of a village or an
attribute of a village. According to Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay,
Shambhal can not be the name of a village, because if Shambhal
was specified for a particular village, the exact location of the village
would also have been indicated. If any village named as Shambhal
15. Apology for Mohammad, Geofrey Higgins, pg.2.
16. Translation of the Quran by George Sale, preface, pgg. 25-26.
17. .+=|.| ==|=r = : +:-| ==+i-+
i==|.=||:==== .+= =||i-+-++
(Bhagwat Purana, 12/2/19.)
22 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
was found in India after discovery, there was no sign of a person born
there about fourteen centuries ago as the saviour of the people. It was
no fun to conceive birth of an Avatar without noticing any change in
the society. Hence it is prudent to consider the word Shambhal as an
adjective as to its origin.
1. The word Shambhal is derived from root of Sham (.|= ), i.e. to
keep peace which literally means a place of peace and tranquility.
2. The word Shambhal came in into formation with the prefix of
Sam (and suffix of Up (+) viz. Samvar (=+). On the principle of
using a word in place of the other, the word Shambhal (=--|n) was
originated which means one who attracts people towards oneself or
by whom some one is chosen.
3. The word Shamwar (.|-+) referred to Nighantu (i=||= )
(1/12/88) is used for the words meant for water. So, the word
Shambhal means the place near water.
Thus, that very place will be Shambhal which is surrounded by
water and full of attraction and a source of peace and tranquility. The
land of Avatar is always sacred. Literal meaning of Shambhal is place
of peace. In Arabic Makkah is called Darul-Aman which means
the house of peace. Makkah has been Muahammads (PBUH) area
of activities.
Date of Birth
Kalki Purana also mentions last Avatars birth. Shloka No. 15,
Chapter second of this Purana describes :
;|:.=| .| +n +-|==, =||+ =|i= =||+= +
=|- :: .|- + | i+-| r==|==| ++
The woeful humanity will be at peace after his birth, he will be
born on 12
day of the lunar calendar in the harvest season of the
spring. An other Shloka mentions that Kalki will be born at Shambhal
18. Kalki Avatar Aur Muhammad Sahab, pg. 30, Author: Dr. Ved Prakash
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 23
in the house of Vishnuyash, a Purohit
Muhammad (PBUH) was born on 12
Rabi-al-Awwal. Rabi-al-
Awwal means: Spring season of joy. Muhammad (PBUH) was born
at Makkah. Kalkis fathers name was Vishnuyash; whereas
Muhammads fathers name was Abdullah. Vishnuyash and Abdullah
are synonyms.
Vishnu i.e. God and Yash i.e. servant=Servant of God = Abdullah.
Likewise Kalkis mothers name was Sumti (Somvati) which means
peace loving and genius. Muhammads (PBUH) mothers name was
Amna which also means peace loving.
Kalkis characteristics resemble with the life of Muhammad
(PBUH). A comparative study of these specialities is presented here:
1. The Horse Rider and Possessor of Swords
It was mentioned earlier that in Bhagwat Purana the last Avatar was
described as a horse rider and possessor of swords. He will ride on
such a horse which will be swift and bestowed by Devatas. He will
destroy the wickeds with his sword. Riding on the horse he will suppress
the wickeds with the sword. Muhammad (PBUH) was also bestowed
on a horse by the angels named as Burraq. The last messenger
(PBUH) ascended to the Miraj (holy journey to the heavens) riding
on the same horse at night. The last messenger (PBUH) had the honour
of talking to God and was also taken to Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem)
for sacred visit in the same night.
Muhammad (PBUH) loved horses very much, he possessed seven
horses. Hazrat Anas (R.A.) narrated that he saw Muhammad (PBUH)
riding on the horse and a sword was hanging with his neck.
He had
received nine from among his ancestral property. Zulfiqar and Qaliah
19. .|--|n=|==r=== =|r=|== =r|==+
-|+= i+| =.|= =i-= + |: -| i+=i-++
(-||=+- + ||, ;|:.| ==-|, =|= z, s+| .n| =)
20 . Bukhari Sharif.
24 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
were the famous ameng all swords.
2. Eradication of Tyrants
One of the outstanding characteristics of Kalki was that he will
destroy the power of tyrants.
For the sake of religious diffusion and
defeating the wickeds, even the Devtas will descend from the heavens
to help him.
Muhammad (PBUH) defeated the wickeds. He reformed
the bandits, looters and other anti social elements, taught them the
lesson of humanity and showed them the right path. Muhammad
(PBUH) Civilized the peoples of wicked nature and taught them correct
way of life, he bestowed lawful rights to women. He strongly
condemned all sorts of polytheism and emphasized that Islam was not
a new religion; but the ancient one. He was granted the help of angels
in defeating the wickeds. God says in the holy Quran: God had
already given you the victory at Badr, when you were weak. So, fear
God in order that you may be thankful. And when you did say to the
believers: It is not sufficient for you that your Lord should support you
with three thousand angels sent down (for your help)? Nay, but if you
preserve and are pious, and (the enemy) attacks you suddenly, your
Lord will help you with five thousand angels sweeping on.. (3:123-125)
In Surah Ahzab too Gods aid to Muhammad (PBUH) is
described: O you who believe! Remember Gods favour to you when
there came against you hosts, and We sent against them a great wind
and hosts you could not see, and God is ever Seer of what you
do. (33:9)
This way God sent His angels and cavalry in support of Muhammad
(PBUH) to destroy the tyrants.
3. Protector of the Universe
The main word in Bhagwat Purana described for the last Kalki Avatar
as a Jagat Pati
which means Protector of the Universe.
21 . Bhagwat Purana, 12-2-19.
22 . =|- = = -| + : +| =+| .||+-| -|+ (Kalki Purana, Chapter 2, Shloka 7)
23. Bhagwat Purana, 12
Askandha, II
Chapter, 19
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 25
Muhammad (PBUH) was Jagatpati,
because he saved the in decline
society and protected and guidedit towards the right path. He (PBUH)
brought the message of God for human beings. The Holy Quran
says: Say (O Muhammad) O people! 1 am sent to you all, as the
messenger of God. (7:158). On an other place the Holy Quran
says: Blessed is He Who sent down the criterion to His servant, that
it may be an admonition to all creatures. (25:1)
4. Adorned with co-operation of Four Brethren
According to Kalki Purana the messenger will overcome the Kalki
Kali i.e. Satan with the co-operation of four brethren.
Muhammad (PBUH) too had destroyed the Satan with the help of
four companions, these four companions were: Hazrat Abu Bakr
(R.A), Hazrat Umar (R.A), Hazrat Uthman (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A).
5. The Last Messenger
Kalki was described as the last messenger of the last era.
(PBUH) had also declared that he was the last messenger.
Word Kalki means eater of pomegranates and destroyer of evils as
described in Vachaspatyam (+|==+==) and Shabdkalpatru.
24. Expert of Sanskirt grammar Mr. Vaman Shivram Aptay describes the meaning
of word Pati (+i-) as the leader too. (see, Sanskirt Hindi Kosh pg. 568, Moti
Lal Banarsi Das Publishers, Edition 1989). Thus the meaning of Jagat Pati
stands Leader of the Universe. The religion of Islam which Muhammad
(PBUH) brought about, although it was existing since the beginning of
humanity; but it was completed and overwhelmed by him (PBUH). Quran
says : This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My
favour to you, and have chosen for you Islam as religion. (5:3)
The Prophet of God (PBUH) gave pre-eminence to the truth in the world,
expanded it and persuaded the people to follow the truth and preach it among
the masses. Virtues and prosperity were flourished by him (PBUH), moral
values and behaviours were perfected. In a Hadith the Prophet (PBUH) said:
God has sent me to carry out the nobility of character. (Sharh-
25. =- i-| -| | - i-|: + =i=|i= =n-|== + (Kalki Purana, Chapter 2, Shloka 5)
26. Kalki is the last and final Avatar among the chain of twenty four Avatars of
the Bhagwat Purana. (Bhagwat Purana, 1 -3-25)
26 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
(.|:=-+-=) Muhammad (PBUH) also used to eat pomegranates and
dates and destroyed polytheism and infidelity practised since long.
6. Precept and Departure towards North
Kalki will go towards the hills after his birth and will gain knowledge
from Parshuram. Later on he will go towards north and come back
again. Muhammad (PBUH) too went towards hills after a while of his
birth and there he gained the knowledge of God through Gabriel.
Afterwards he left for Madinah in the north and again came back to
south and conquered his native land Makkah. Puranas also mention
the same regarding Kalki.
7. Endowed with Eight Gains and Attributes
In Bhagwat Purana, Skandha 12, Chapter 2, Kalki Avatar has
been described as = .+= = ||i-+- (endowed with eight divine attributes).
These eight attributes were mentioned in Mahabharata too which are
as under :
1. He will be a great scholar.
2. He will belong to the topmost lineage.
3. He will be controller of self.
4. He will be scholar of divine knowledge.
5. He will be brave and courageous.
6. He will be man of few words.
7. He will be generous.
8. He will be grateful.
Now we will serially compare these attributes with those of
Muhammad (PBUH) who was holding the high position of knowledge.
He had the wisdom of reaching out to the truth. He described so
many things regarding past and future which perfectly proved to be
27. Kalki Avatar Aur Muhammad Sahab, pg. 41.
zs. =| = || + =| :|+=i-- + n| = =| -= = := - =+
+|==.=|=r -||i|-| = :|= =||.|i+- + -n-| =++ (Mahabharat, 5/35/52)
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 27
true after comparing with the facts thrown out with due research.
It has been mentioned earlier that Muhammad (PBUH) had
predicted the defeat of Romans and their subsequent victory. There
were so many examples of his foresightedness that proved his
unparalleled ability and knowledge.
Muhammad (PBUH) was born in 571 A.D. in the noble family of
Banu Hashim of the Quraish tribe which was honourable among the
Arabs and traditional custodian of the Kabah. (House of God)
Muhammad (PBUH) was also blessed with the divine attribute of
resisting and controlling of the self. He was kind, generous, controller
of self desires and far from being self-praising.
He (PBUH) was Shrutigyani ( i-n|=|) too, i.e. he possessed the
knowledge of revelation. Shruti means that who received Gods
message and heard by Rishies. An angel named Gabriel used to
descend for revelation of Gods message. Lane Pool writes in his
book Introduction; Speeches of Muhammad (PBUH) that the
revelation of Gods words to Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel
is undoubtedly true. Sir William Muir also writes that he (PBUH) was
the Prophet and representative of God.
Courage and bravery was the fifth among the eight attributes.The
Prophet of God (PBUH) was the most courageous. Describing
his (PBUH) outstanding courage Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay has
mentioned an event which is as follows :
Muhammad (PBUH) met a wrestler named Rukana who
belonged to Quraish and was alone in a cave. He (PBUH) asked him
the reason of not believing in and fearing God. In response the wrestler
demanded clear proof of the true faith. Then Muhammad (PBUH)
said, You are very brave, would you embrace Islam if I defeat you in
the wrestling? He replied in affirmation. Then Muhammad (PBUH)
defeated him in wrestling. Allama Qazi Salman Mansoorpuri writes in
29. Modesty and kindliness, patience, self denial had riveted the affections
of all around him. Life of Muhammad, pg. 525 by Sir W. Muir.
30. He was now the Servant, the Prophet, the Vicegerent of God.
28 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
his book Rahmatullil-Alameen on the life of Muhammad (PBUH)
under the chapter Ash-Shifa on page No. 64 that the prophet
(PBUH) defeated him three times but, even so, he did not believe in
Muhammad (PBUH) as the messenger and embraced faith in God.
The quality of taciturn was a special feature out of eight attributes.
The Prophet of God was a man of few words. Mostly he kept quiet,
but whatever he spoke it was so effective that people would never
forget his words.
Offering alms and charity used to be an outstanding quality of
greatmen. Muhammad (PBUH) never kept himself behind in offering
charity and gifts. Because of this there was always crowd of poor
people at his home. No one ever returned disappointed from his door.
Muhammad (PBUH) was grateful by nature, he never forgot any
ones obligation. His words of grace for Ansars are excellent proof of
his gratitude.
Thus it is proved that Muhammad (PBUH) possessed all the eight
divine attributes.
8. Flow of Fragrance from the Body
It was predicted in Bhagwat Purana that a unique fragrance will
flow from the body of Kalki that will purify and rejoice the hearts of
people. Fragrance of his body dissolving in the air will cause peoples
hearts to be cleaned and scented.
According to Shimail-e-Tirmizi the fragrance of Muhammads
(PBUH) body was so famous, whomsoever the prophet shook hands,
his hands remained scented all day.
Once Umm-e-Sulait (R.A) collected the sweat from the Prophets
31. Introduction: The speeches of Muhammad, pg. 24 by Lane Pool.
32. Ahsus-Seer, pg. 343.
ss. | - || -|i+=i-- ==| i= i+.|:|i= + +
+|= : +| =|=i- + ==-||i=n=+ .||= +
(Bhagwat Purana, Askandha 12, Chapter 2, Shloka 21)
s1. Shimail-e-Tirmizi, translated by Maulana Muhammad Zakaria, pg. 208.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 29
holy body. When the Prophet (PBUH) asked the reason for collecting
his sweat, she replied that she would mix it with other perfumes because
it was the best of all.
9. Unique Splendour of the Holy Face
Kalki will acquire unique splendour and beauty.
According to a Hadith of Bukhari Sharif, Muhammad (PBUH) was
the most handsome, ideal and brave among all human beings.
William Muir has also described Muhammad (PBUH) as the most
handsome, brave and generous.
10. Preacher of the Divine Revelation
Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay writes in his book Kalki Avatar Aur
Muhammad Sahab on pages 50 and 51 About Kalki it is well-known
in Bharat (India) that the religion he will establish will be Vedic Dharma
and the teachings rendered by him will be divine. It is very clear that
the Holy Quran presented by Muhammad (PBUH) was the words
of God, even though stubborn people may not accept it. The driving
force of good moral behaviour, etiquettes, love, kindness and obligation
which the Holy Quran contains is also mentioned in the Vedas. The
Holy Quran condemns idol worshipping and renders the teaching of
monotheism, mutual love and brotherhood. The Vedas proclaim Aikam
Satya (The truth is only one) and high spirit of universal brotherhood.
The Vedas enjoin for prayer of one God and according to the teachings
of the Holy Quran the Muslims must perform Namaz (prayer) five
times a day, whereas people in Brahmin community are seldom seen
offering Trikaal Sandhya.
It would be appropriate to clarify the fact that there are so many
similarities of teachings between the Vedas and the Quran. For
ss. i+=-=|.| =| -|| =| r= =|+ i-==i-+
= +in ==:| :== = =| i=.|| i=ri==i-++
(Bhagwat Purana. Askandha 12. Chapter 2, Shloka 20)
sc. Jamaul Fawaid, pg. 178, narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A)
s:. He was says an admiring follower, the handsomest and bravest, the bright
faced and most generous of men, pg. 523, The life of Mohammad.
30 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
example, the Vedas, Geeta and Smrities enjoin for prayer of only one
God and to seek forgiveness and repentence for ones evil deeds
from the God.
The Holy Quran says:
Say (to them, O Muhammad!) I am only a mortal like you. It is
inspired in me that your God is One God, therefore take the straight
path to Him and seek forgiveness of Him. (41:6)
Dr. Upadhyay says that he is extremely amazed at noticing so
many extraordinary similarities between Kalki and Muhammad (PBUH)
for whom the Indian people have been waiting for, has already arrived
and he is no other than Muhammad Sahab.
38. Kalki Avatar Aur Muhammad Sahab, pg. 59.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 31
Description of Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam is also found in
Upnishads at several places. In the second part of Hindi Encyclopaedia
edited by Nagendra Nath Basu, the Shlokas of Upnishads related to
Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam have been quoted, of which some
important Shlokas and their meanings are presented here in order to
keep the readers acquainted with the facts :
==|-n| :-n i=||+=|| i:=|i= |-|+
:-n-n +=|| |=| +=::+
r=|i=|| :-n| :-n-n :-n| +=|| i=|=-===|=++ ++
r| -|i=-: | r| -|i=-: =r|= i-: |+
-n| = += +| =r=|| -n|=++ z++
-n| =n =r|=: ==== -n| -n|=++ s++
(-n|+i=|:, -s)
Ihat is to say, This Devatas name is ALLAH. He is One. Mitra,
Varun etc. are His attributes. In fact Allah is Varan Who is the Lord of
all creatures. Friends! accept Allah as your deity. He is Varun and sets
right the works of all peoples like a friend. He is Inder, the great Inder.
Allah is the greatest, best of all, the most perfect and the holiest.
Muhammad (PBUH) is the greatest messenger of Allah. Allah is the
beginning, the end, the Cherisher of the whole universe. All good deeds
are only for the sake of Allah. In fact God alone has created the sun,
the moon and the stars.
From the above quotation it is undoubtedly clear that Allah alone
is the Master of all powers and Muhammad (PBUH) is His messenger
and prophet.
The other Shlokas of this Upnishad also support the description
32 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
regarding Islam and Muhammad (PBUH). This Upnishad further says:
|:-n| == ====+ -n== i=r||:==++ 1++
n| =n= r- r+| -n| == =-: =+=-|||++ s++
-n| =|||| =+ i:=| :-:|= ++ =|=| +=--i-||++ c++
-n +i|=| --i-n i+.+=+=++ :++
:-n|== :-n|== :-n| :-n-ni- :-n-n|++ s++
|= -n| :-n-n| =|i: =+=+|= |+| .=|=|
rr| ==|= +.|= i=,|= =n+|= := += += ==++ +++
==r|i|| - r| -n| =n =r=:==== -n|
-n|= :-n-ni- :-n-n|++ +++
:i- -n|+i=|:
(-n|+i=|:, 1-+)
Meaning , God sent all the messengers and created the sun, the
moon and the stars. He sent all the messengers and created the sky.
God created the universe. God is great. None is worthy to be
worshipped except Him. O adorer! say that none is worthy of worship
except Him.
Allah exists since very beginning, He is the Cherisher of the whole
universe. He is the dispeller of all evils and calamities. Muhammad
(PBUH) is the messenger of God, Allah is the Cherisher of this universe.
So, proclaim that Allah is One and none is worthy of worship except
39. A very few of Arya Samaj scholars do not consider Allopnishad as
Upnishads and thus they negate it, although they have no congent reasons.
Due to this, most of the Hindu scholars and intellectuals pay no heed to the
opponents. Geeta Press (Gorakhpur) is the foremost publication known as the
authentic centre of the Hindi religious publications. Its publication KALYAN
(Hindi Magazine) is considered to be very authentic. In its special issue
Upnishadank a list of 220 Upnishads has been given in which Allopnishad
is described on No. 15. On 14
No. is Amat Bindupnishad and Avdhot Upnishad
(poetry) has been placed on 16
No. Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay has also
acknowledged Allopnishad as an authentic Upnishad. See, Vedic Sahitya
Ek Vivechan, Pradeep Prakashan, pg. 101, Edition 1989.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 33
Pran Nathi sect of the Vaishnavas among the Hindus is significantly
important. Mahamati Pran Nath was its founder. His birth name was
Mehraj Thakur. He was born in the year 1618 at Jam Nagar town of
Gujarat. He rendered the teaching of monotheism to the people and
stressed upon worshipping and praying to one Nirakaar (formless)
God. He supported the concept of prophethood and acknowledged
it. Pran Nathji says :
+ = =r + =-=, + )= =r= : + r|-=
viz So many messengers have been mentioned as great in the
religious scriptures, but the chain of prophethood was sealed on
Muhammad Sahab. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) became the
last messenger.
In another place Pran Nathji writes :
= n |+ =| -= +, n = | +=|=+
|) = = =|, : r|| == + r=|=++
viz, (God said:) My Prophet will come to you with My command.
He will give you some signs to identify My heavens in all respect, after
coming in the world.
40. Marfat Sagar, pg. 39, Shri Pran Nath Mission, New Delhi.
41. Marfat Sagar, pg. 19, Shri Pran Nath Mission, New Delhi.
34 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
The Last Buddha Maitreya and Muhammad (PBUH)
Prediction regarding the advent of last Buddha Maitreya in Budhist
scriptures proves to be none, but Muhammad (PBUH). Buddha is a
term used in the Budhist religion which means religious leader. At the
time of his death Gautam Buddha told his dear disciple Ananda :
Nanada ! In this world, 1 am neither the first nor the last Buddha.
An other Buddha will come in this world at a certain time to render the
teachings of truth and righteousness. He will have pure heart and soul.
His heart will be pure with full of knowledge and wisdom and he will
be the mentor and leader of the people. As I have taught the world the
perpetual truth, similarly he will also render the teachings of
righteousness to the world. He will show the world such a way of life
which will be right as well as perfect. Nanda! His name will be
Buddha means wise and learned. Buddhas are human
beings, not Devtas etc. Maitreya means kind and merciful.
Resemblance of Maitreya with Muhammad (PBUH)
It is natural that the last Buddha Maitreya would have all the features
of Buddha. Important features of Buddha were as follows :
1. He will be prosperous and rich.
2. He will have progeny.
3. He will lead married life and possess authority.
4. He will complete his natural life.
5. He will do his work himself.
42. Gospel of Buddha, by Carus. pg. 217.
43. Warren, pg. 79.
44. The Dhammapada, SBE, Vol. X, pg. 67.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 35
6. Buddhas are only preachers of the religion.
7. When the Buddha keeps in seclusion, God sends angels and
demons in the form of his companions.
8. There lives only one Buddha in the world at a time.
9. The followers of Buddha are sincere and firm whom no one
can totter from their way.
10. No human being will be his teacher.
11. Every Buddha informs about his preceding Buddha and warns
his followers against Maar.
Maar means vicious and
wrathful, it is called Satan.
12. In contrast to ordinary human beings Buddhas neck bones
were too strong that compelled them to revolve their whole
body like elephant while turning their necks.
The last Buddha Maitrey has more features besides these
characteristics. Maitreya has also been described as very kind and
organizer of gathering under the knowledge tree. Buddha was
enlightened under this tree.
Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay has proved that all these features
were found in the life of Muhammad (PBUH) and the last Buddha
Matreya is none, but Muhammad (PBUH). Finding of Dr. Upadhyay
on this subject is presented here intact :
The Holy Quran mentions regarding treasure and bounty endowed
to Muhammad (PBUH).
Did He not find you destitute and enrich (you)? (Quran, 93:8)
45. The Tathagatas are only preachers. (The Dhammapada, SBE,
Vol. X, pg. 67).
46. Saddharma-Pundrika, SBE, Vol. XXI, pg. 225.
47. The life and teachings of Buddha, Anagarika Dhammapada, pg. 84.
48. Dhammapada, SBE, Vol. X, pg. 67.
49. Romantic History of Buddha by Beal, pg.241.
50. Dhammapada, SBE, Vol. XI, pg. 64.
36 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
Much before the advent of prophethood, Muhammad (PBUH)
had been a wealthy person. He had so many horses. He used a famous
she camel AL-QASWAH, riding on the same he migrated from
Makkah to Madinah. Besides this he (PBUH) had twenty other she
camels which were sufficient to provide milk for his family as well as
guests. She camels milk was the staple food of Muhammad (PBUH)
and his family members. He owned seven she goats too that were
source of milk. Muhammad (PBUH) did not possess buffaloes for
milk, because buffaloes are not found in the Arab region.
He (PBUH) owned seven orchards of dates which he donated
for the cause of religion. Muhammad (PBUH) owned three plots of
land consisting of several Bighas. He also owned several wells. Be it
known that it was considered great asset to own a well in Arab region,
because it is a desert land. Muhammad (PBUH) had twelve wives,
four daughters and three sons. Having wife and progeny is the second
characteristic of the Buddhas features. Prior to Muhammad (PBUH)
this feature was scarcely found in Indian Buddhas, but Muhammad
(PBUH) had this feature twelve times more.
Muhammad (PBUH) was also a ruler. In his life time he defeated
several great emperors and ruled over them. Even after becoming the
greatest ruler of Arabia he preferred simple food like before.
Muhammad (PBUH) lived to his full natural life, neither he died at
early age nor was assassinated by any one.
Muhammad (PBUH) used to do his personal work by himself.
He devoted his complete life in preaching the religion. A great many
historians have also endorsed his preaching position.
Muhammad (PBUH) also corroborated about his preceding
51. Life of Mahomet, Sir William Muir, pgg. 545-554, (Cambridge Edition)
52. Life of Mahomet, Sir William Muir, pgg. 545-554, (Cambridge Edition)
53. The fare of the desert seemed most congenial to him, even when he was
sovereign of Arabia. The speeches and table talk of the Prophet
Mohammad, by Lane Poole.
54. Mohammad and Mohammadanism, by Bosworth Smith, pg. 98.
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 37
messengers, the entire Holy Quran corroborates this fact. For
example, second surah of the Holy Qraan mentions:
Say (O Muslims) : We believe in God and that which revealed to
us and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac,
and Jacob, and the Tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received,
and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no
distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered (as
Muslims). (2:136)
Muhammad (PBUH) repeatedly warned his followers against the
temptations of Satan. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran to save oneself
from the Satan: About the (evil one) it is decreed that whoever turns
to him (Satan) for friendship, he will lead him to the path astray, and
he will guide him to the Penalty of the Fire. (22:4)
The followers of Muhammad (PBUH) never deviated or gone
astray from the path shown by him (PBUH); but adhered firmly and
sincerely to the bond of his friendship. Muhammads (PBUH) followers
never betrayed him till their last breath, no matter whatever difficulties
they had to face. At the time, when Muhammad (PBUH) was the
Buddha, there was no other Buddha in any part of the world. The
time when Muhammad (PBUH) became the Buddha, social and
economic condition of the world was absolutely wretched. No worldly
human being was the teacher of Muhammad (PBUH), he was not
evena literate so he is also called UMMI. The Holy Quran is the
collection of verses revealed by God into the heart of Muhammad
(PBUH). For every Buddha a knowledge tree is a must. For some
Buddha it might be a wild tree, for some it might be a banyan tree, and
for some it might be a tree described as knowledge tree. The
knowledge tree described for Buddha is a tree of hard and heavy
For Muhammad (PBUH) there was a hard and heavy wood-tree
55. According to some of the modern Budhist scholars the Bo-tree of the
Buddha Maitreya is the Iron wood-tree (Mohammad in the Budhist
scriptures, pg. 64.)
38 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
at Hudaibiya considered as the knowledge tree under which
Muhammad (PBUH) had organized a meeting.
Maitreya means full of mercy spirit. A Buddhist has defined the
meaning of Maitreya as Mercy in a column of Leader on page 7,
dated 16 October 1930. Muhammad (PBUH) was full of mercy spirit.
Hence he was called RAHMATULLIL-ALAMEEN,
which means
Merciful towards the whole universe. (Narashansa Aur Antim Rishi,
pgg. 54-58)
The knowledge tree of the heavens is spread over a very large
area. It is said that the Buddha stared at the knowledge tree.
Muhammad (PBUH) had also seen a tree in the heavens which was
situated at the right side of Gods throne. It was spread over a vast
area that a horse rider could not cross its shade even in hundred years.
Muhammad (PBUH) had also stared at the heaven tree.
Regarding Maitreya it has also been described that while turning
to any side he will revolve his whole body. Muhammad (PBUH) also
used to revolve his whole body while looking towards his friends.
Thus, it is proved that the predicted Maitreya in the Budhist scriptures
is none other than Muhammad (PBUH).
56. The Holy Quran 21:107
57. In Paradise there is a tree (such) that a rider can not cross its shade even in
a hundred years. (Muhammad in the Budhist Scriptures, pg. 79)
58. If he turned in conversation towards a friend he turned not only partially
but with his full face and whole body. (The Life if Mahomet, by William
Muir, pgg. 511-512).
Hazrat Muhammad and Bharatiya Dharma Grantha 39
Dr. P. H. Chaubey writes :
I believe Muhammad (PBUH) as Kalki Avatar. In the Puranas
this Avatar (messenger) has been mentioned. It has been described
that Kalki Avatar will come after Buddha Avatar who will be born in a
town known as Shambhal in the family of a priest. He will ride a horse
and use swords as weapon. He will manifest and spread his true religion
widely to the earth. (For details, see Kalki Purana).
The authors of Jain scriptures have also described Kalki Avatar
and accepted his period of advent after one thousand years
ofNIRVANA (demise) of Mahavira Swami. The year of death of
Mahavira Swami was considered about 571 B.C. Thus Kalki Avatar
was born after one thousand years. The year of Muhammads (PBUH)
birth is around the same period as of Kalki Avatars arrival. The other
features and characteristics of Kalki Avatar were very similar to that
of Muhammad (PBUH). A renowned Jain writer in his book
Harivansha Purana writes that Shak Raja was born after 605 years
and 5 months of Mahaviras demise and Kalki Avatar was born after
231 years rule of Gupta Samvat. The following Shloka reflects this as:
= -|=| =.- ;==+
)= i+ .|.= +|| i| =|ni+: i-|=:|r-=++ 1+++
i;+|i .| : +|- =i-=|=== |=-|+
--|.i=-==| |=| ==|i:-:+=i=|-++ 1+z++
(i=== = + -, ri+ .| +|| . c+)
An other Jain writer, Gunbhadra writes in Uttar Purana that Kalki
Raj was born after one thousand years of Mahaviras demise. (Indian
Antiquary, Vol. XV, pg. 143)
The third Jain writer, Nemichandra in his book Trilok Sagar
writes: Kalki Raj was born after 605 years and 5 months of Shak
Rajs demise as well as after 394 years and 7 months after the Shak
40 Hazrat Muhammad And Bharatiya Dharma Grantha
This books reference was as under:
+|==== +== +| =|==: =i== +| i|+: :| +
==|=| =| =i-= =-|+i-= =ir+ ===|= ++
(i|n| ==|=, + . sz)
Thus it appears that Muhammad (PBUH) was the same as to
whom the religious leaders have predicted. In fact the public follows
the rules and regulations set by its ruler; but as soon as his regime
ends, the public is bound to obey the rules of the new ruler. Just like
that, till the period of a leader, prophet or a messenger exists, his
commands and teachings expand and practised ; but as soon as his
teachings are distorted and altered, God sends an other messenger to
rule over the people. From this point of view, today we are in the
regime and authority of the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or the
last Avatar Kalki, and his regime will exist till the day of Resurrection
which has been proved by the Puranas, the Quran and other holy
scriptures. Hence, it is but obvious for us to remain only under the rule
of the last messenger, Muhammad (PBUH) and follow his commands
and teachings from both spiritual and practical point of view through
which we may succeed in this world as well as the world Hereafter.
Therefore, by following the teachings of last messenger, Kalki Avatar
(Muhammad (0PBUH)) we can pay our true respect to him that will
be the real presentation of tribute to him (PBUH). This shall be the
only right way of surrendering before God.
59. The Monthly Kanti New Delhi-25, pgg. 33-34, July 1997
Composed by: Shahid Ilyas

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