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fowa's Matthew 20"12 Shepard Scholarship Program

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AwardsProsram(oordinator tVr\ac fllir!-rll le.

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prease ,nu*. towa's Matthew Shepard Schotars;;:. Senior *r,r,T;"r ineach recipient', ;; verify o,.-r,,datthe "roo,. that scholarship conect and are date time provided with conect and above the name contact information event for the coordinat0r the and may presented be by Foundation a Representative isawarded ifstudent aMatthew Scholarship. 5hepard


Ap p licatons must be submitteda n d s u p p le me n t ama t e ria lsmu s t b e p o s t ma rk e d l b y Ma rc h1 5 , 2 0 1 2 .

questions send Refer and supplemental to: materials Eychaner Foundation P0 1797 Box Des Moines, 50105-1797 lowa phone:5-262-0000 51 email: info@eychanerfoundation.org fax 515-276-6396
This scholarship isnamed memoryMafthew in of Shepard, a University ofWyoming student was who brutally murdered in0rtober becuse 1998 gay. gay, hewas lt isawardedopenly to lesbian, bisexual transgender high and lowa school seniors onaptitude, based academic achievement, c0mmunity and service, financial lt isunderwrittenawardedtheRich need. and by [ychaner Charitable Foundation. Applicants bqraduating high must lowa srhool seniors. Eagle Silver re(ipients attend universitytheUnited may any in 5tates. Eagle Gold (The Recipientsattend lowa will an Board Regents of university University of lowa, lowa State University University orThe of Northern lowa). Applkants responsible are to accomplish own their enrollment their with chosen university. isnorestriction There or limitationtheseledion in protedures upon based gender, religion, national orthemarital employmenl ofthe race, creed, origin 0f status applicants relatives. ortheir All Matthew 5hepard 5rholarship are events tobacco free.

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