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Fairy Tale Evaluation Rubric Criteria Below Basic

TOTAL ______ / 100 Basic Proficient Advanced Score

Ideas and scenes seem to The story is a little hard to fol- The story is pretty well orga- The story is very well orgalow. The transitions are nized. One idea or scene may nized. One idea or scene Organization, be randomly arranged. sometimes not clear. seem out of place. Clear tran- follows another in a logical Plot and sitions are used. sequence w/clear transi- _____/25 Requirements Many requirements were not met. Most (about 75%) of the writtions. 25 pts. possible ten requirements were met, Almost all (about 90%) the but several written requirements were All of the written requirewere not. met. ments were met. It is hard to tell who the The main characters are The main characters are The main characters are main characters are. named. The reader knows named and described. Most named and clearly deCharacters very little about the characreaders would have some scribed in the story. Most & The reader has trouble figters. idea of what the characters readers could describe the Setting uring The reader can figure out looked like. characters accurately. _____/15 out when and where the when and where the story Some vivid, descriptive words Many vivid, descriptive 15 pts. possible story took place, but the author did are words are used to tell when took place. not supply much detail. used to tell the audience and where the when and where the story story took place. took place. It is not clear what prob- It is fairly easy to understand It is easy to understand the It is very easy for the reader lem the the problem the main characproblem to understand the problem Problem/Conflict main characters face. ters face, but the main characters face and the main characters face 15 pts. possible _____/15 it is not clear why it is a prob- readers know why this is a and why it is a problem. lem. problem. The final draft has more There are 3-4 spelling, gram- There are 1-2 spelling, gram- There are no spelling, gramEvidence of than 5 spelling, grammatimatical matical matical and/or punctuation Proofreading & cal and/or punctuation er- and/or punctuation errors in and/or punctuation errors in errors in the final draft. rors. the final draft. the final draft. Character and place names Revision that the author invented are _____/20 20 pts. possible spelled consistently throughout. There is little evidence of The story contains a few cre- The story contains a few cre- The story contains many ative ative creative details/descriptions Creativity and creativity in the story. The author does not seem to details/descriptions, but they details/descriptions that conthat contribute to the Fairy Tale Elehave used much imagina- distract from the story. The tribute to readers enjoyment. Use of ments tion. Author does not use author tried to be imagina- the readers enjoyment. The imagination is present. The _____/25 the element of magic. 0-2 tive. Author uses element of author used his imagination. author uses the element of 25 pts. possible elements of fairy tales are magic, but it may not be rele- The author uses element of magic in a way that is present in the tale. vant to the story. 3-4 remagic. 5-6 required meaningful to the story. All quired elements are elements are present in this 7 fairy tale elements are present in this tale. tale. present.


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