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review of R organized by R class + excitatory ligand gated Na -channels (short list) classical excitatory ionotropic N1 & N2 = excitatory nAChR

AChR AMPA & kainite = excitatory glutamate r 5-HT3 = excitatory serotonin R NMDA requires glutamate or aspartate & co-binding of glycine requires partial depolarization of membrane commonly on the same membranes as AMPA (required for partial depolarization) 2+ + has a very high Ca flux along w/ the Na inhibitory ligand-gated Cl channels (short list) GABAA = inhibitory GABA R glycine = inhibitory glycine R inhibitory metabotropic triggered outward K channels (short list) GABAB = inhibitory GABA R excitatory (metabotropic) DAG, IP3, & PKC (short list) M1, M2, M3 excitatory mAChR 1 = excitatory adrenergic R (AR) (NE & epi) 5-HT2 = excitatory serotonin R mGluR1,5 = excitatory glutamate R H1 = excitatory histamine R P2x , P2y excitatory ATP R excitatory (metabotropic) cAMP & PKA (short list) D1, D5 excitatory dopa R = excitatory AR (NE & epi) 5-HT4, 6, 7 = excitatory serotonin R H2 = excitatory histamine R inhibitory (metabotropic) cAMP M2, M4 = inhibitory AChR D2, D3, D4 inhibitory dopa R 2 = inhibitory AR (NE & epi) 5-HT1,5 = inhibitory serotonin R mGluR2 & 3 = inhibitory glutamate R R classes (organized by NT) AChR + nAChR = excitatory ligand-gated Na channels N1 found primarily at the NMJ N2 found primarily in the brain m1, m3, m5 (mAChR) = excitatory mAChR DAG + IP3 m2, m4 (mAChR) = inhibitory mAChR cAMP commonly found in the PNS dopa R: D1, D5 = excitatory (metabotropic) cAMP D2, D3, D4 = inhibitory (metabotropic) cAMP AR (NE &epi) 1 = excitatory (metabotropic) DAG & IP3 2 = inhibitory (metabotropic) cAMP 1, 2, 3 = excitatory (metabotropic) cAMP

serotonin R: 5-HT1, 5-HT5 = inhibitory (metabotropic) cAMP 5-HT2 = excitatory (metabotropic) DAG & IP3 + 5-HT3 = excitatory ligand gated Na channels 5-HT4, 6, 7 = excitatory (metabotropic) cAMP glutamate R: + AMPA = excitatory ligand gated Na channel + kainate = excitatory ligand gated Na channel + 2+ NMDA = excitatory ligand gated Na & Ca channels NMDA responds to either glutamate or aspartate requires co-binding of glycine & partial depolarization of membrane commonly on the same membrane as AMPA (required for the partial depolarization) 2+ + has a very high Ca flux along w/ the Na mGluR1,5 = excitatory (metabotropic) DAG & IP3 mGluR2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 = inhibitory (metabotropic ) cAMP grp II = 2,3 grp III = 4,6,7,8 GABA R GABAA = inhibitory ligand gated Cl channels similar to glycineR, but found in the brain + GABAB = inhibitory (metabotropic) triggered outward K channels similar to inhibitory mGluRs GABAC = inhibitory ligand gated Cl channels similar to A, but highly expressed in the retina glycine R inhibitory ligand gated Cl channels similar to GABAA, but found in the spinal cord histamine R: H1=excitatory (metabotropic) DAG & IP3 H2= excitatory (metabotropic) cAMP H3, 4 = inhibitory (metabotropic) cAMP adenosine R: A1,3 = inhibitory (metabotropic) cAMP A2= excitatory (metabotropic) cAMP ATP type of purigenic R: + 2+ P2x = excitatory ligand gated Na & Ca channels P2y (subtype 2 & 11) = excitatory (metabotropic) DAG & IP3 other purigenic R: P2y (other subtypes) = some are excitatory, others are inhibitory this grp is very complex & responds to ADP, UDP, UTP, & others

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