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Job Description
Job Statistics:

Edit moving images on film, video, or other media. May edit or synchronize soundtracks with images.
Edit films and videotapes to insert music, dialogue, and sound effects. Arrange films into sequences and correct errors using editing equipment. Organize and string together raw footage into a continuous whole. Select and combine the most effective shots of each scene to form a logical and smoothly running story. Education and Experience: A degree is not necessary for the job. High school and college courses in English, art, and photography are valuable for prospective film editors. Need experience in using film projectors and computer and digital editing systems as well as general knowledge of cameras and digital camera technology. Career Advancement:

Number of Jobs (2010): 58,300 Job Outlook (2010): Employment of film and video editors is projected to grow 4% from 2010 to 2020. Intense competition for jobs Those with more experience at a TV station will likely have he best job prospects. Expected Salary: Average Salary for Video Editor: $39,000-$52,000 Location for Job: Matson Creative, San Antonio, TX.

Bibliography 1. 1. 3. 4. 5.

COMPANY NAME OFFICES LOCATED AT: 1234 Main Street, Anytown, State 54321

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